Mission Darts Podcast

#1 - What's Next, Olympics and Adrian Lewis

Broadcast on:
01 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Hello everyone, welcome to the Mission YouTube channel, something a little bit different. We're trying out some new technology today and technology that could take this channel even further. I mean, hopefully I won't have this sort of weird blurry look about me the whole time, but Andy, you excited for this? Yeah, absolutely, yeah. You said it with a bit of trepidation there, Matt. We are trying new technology. You and I aren't the best one who comes to technology and hence what we're going to talk about today, mainly really. Yeah, I mean, one thing is the movement and the step forward with what we're trying to do within the channel. I mean, this straight away from us, our minds racing with ideas in which we can do with this software. First of all, video or vod cats are the cold. We can get players on here. We've got a lot of players representing Mission. We could bring them on here for a chat. Also, the potential to go live with our players and almost do live Q&A with our viewers. Yeah, which sounds great, doesn't it? I mean, one thing we're not sure of you and I might as ideas. And I think the first thing we should really address is a lot of people said, where have we been? What have we been doing? Why has there only been one video every couple of weeks? What's going on, guys? And it's not that Matt and I have decided to get off to Las Vegas for a month. It simply is, we've been searching, how do we make this channel better? And we know the answer to that. And that's to get somebody to help us with the videography, with the editing. And that's what we've been up to, isn't it? And we've found that person. We have. We have, which is super, super exciting news for us for the channel going forward. It means we can create more content. We can create better quality content. We can bring all of our ideas to life. And so almost watch this space because that's going to be coming pretty soon now. I think one of the things that was very clear, I'll show you a little bit, except when I came on board for the YouTube channel, I was like, well, you're going to have lots of ideas and you've got lots of ideas. And between is we've got those. Some of them we just couldn't put into place because we didn't know how to edit it to the quality it would need to be. And some of them, I mean, we're looking more down the road of series rather than one off hit videos. We're looking to make engaging content with weekly episodes like Great Mayaki. To the point where, ideally, we'd like to be such a darts channel where there's almost a different show every night of the week. Yeah, and there's something for everybody. That's the point. We know there's people out there that love the practice through series. We know there's people out there that just want to tune in for Great Mayaki. I think it's great. And lots of other series that we've got planned as well. So we want to be able to create something for everybody. And as you know, what we found is we're taking up half of our time trying to figure out if we got the lighting right, other microphones working today, which we've failed many, many times as we know, you know, is the camera set up right? Can one of us hold it while the other one talks and it's a bit chaotic, but we've got this up. Let's say what happened. Let's just open up some of the behind-the-scenes stuff. I mean, we've dropped cameras. We've not turned microphones on. Yeah, we've filmed whole segments where there's no audio. So we've had to completely edit the approach to the video because you can't hear what we're saying. So we've had to change the whole vibe of the video. We've had situations where the lighting was so wrong that either the screen was white or the screen was black. What the thing was, we've been backed well by mission here. And the support of this is everything we need. Like we said, look, the lighting's not good. The sound's not good. The problem is they've got equipment that that is that good. We don't know what to do. And it's like when we go to these venues, like we turn the lights on and we just point them something. Like we don't know, like, it's like there's some light that'll do. That'll be better. So at least we figured out that that was our weakness and we've done something about it. We've got a guy on board. He's starting very, very soon. And that literally can't wait now just to get out there. And we've got a few things up past later, aren't we coming up in the coming months? Well, let's tease it. Let's tease it. We like a tease. So what we're going to be doing very, very soon, we're going to be covering from the itinerary that are very loosely read, of course, because I don't like reading things. From the itinerary that are very loosely read, we're going to be covering about half of the UK in the span of a week. We are. I think we might be doing close to 2000 miles in a week. And there's a reason for that. Several new series, lots and lots of different places all over the country that have been crying out for us to go and visit, that perhaps we've put off because they are so far away as people be aware. I live up north, you live in the Midlands. It's hard enough you and I getting together, let alone going to, you know, Lan Zendogra. So it's, we're going to be traveling the length of breath of the country, doing lots and lots of new series with our new guy. And it's just so exciting. I mean, the itinerary is mental, you know, if we actually managed to do everything that's on there will be a miracle. But I do know that there's going to be some amazing content come out of that. Well, this is more evidence to harsh Andy here, because you just said, and I've got recording here, that you said, if we can fit that all in, you've asked me to come up with 15 ideas for YouTube shorts. Yeah, I can slip in as well, which I know you've got, you know, I've got a list of 102, I counted them. So 15 is going to be easy. And it's just time to do them. But we will find the time. And so that's basically our exciting news today. And we may well do some more of these, like you said at the very beginning, get some of the mission players involved. This technology, this software that we're using right now is great means, you know, we don't have to be in the same place at the same time. I'm starting my house now. So yeah, that's really exciting. But today, I just wanted to touch on a couple of other things really that have been happening. You know, since since we've been talking to our viewers really, the one that sticks out to me was the match play, which was great as always. One of my favorite tournaments. I know it's one of yours. But a lot of negativity around Luke, little, oh, he's got big. We were expecting him to win it. And he's not the player that we all thought. And I'm kind of going, hang on a minute. He played in VJ, a multiple world champion. Nobody's safe playing in VJ. Name the greatest art players of all time. Yeah, exactly. What you want to do? Yeah, go to top five. Top five is always for me always. All right. You put me right in the spot there, mate. As always, very fit doing top five in my top five's going to be Phil Taylor, mvg, Eric Bristow, John Lowe, and I'm going to go Gary Anderson. Oh, okay. See, I always say that the top five is almost set non-negotiable. And it's just what order they go in. But I put Barna Veldin instead of John Lowe. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I mean, again, that's a bit like the golf one and all the other comparisons, different eras. Barna did some of his good stuff on the BDO, some of it on the PDC. We will never know how many world titles he would have won. Had he been on the PDC from the start. So that's a very debatable one. It sounds like another good video, because he's still talking about that. But that's what this theme of these videos will be good for, for these sorts of debates and questions. It is. And my only, the only thing I've sort of said to people, or people just like you, they know you're in darts and they want your opinion. And they wanted my opinion. I've been asked a lot about Luke, Luke Littler. Well, I just hope he doesn't go down the route of what happens to NBT, because I remember NBT winning the something huge at the NIDAR in the Masters and beating Barney. And when he was like 17, and he was going to be the next guy, and then disappeared almost. And I think he was around, it'd be when you were playing, it'd be around 32-ish in the world. And he wasn't even that high. And then all of a sudden, maybe an experience, maybe past the hype, we then saw the true MVG coming back in. So I hope this doesn't happen to Luke. Hope he doesn't disappear. And how he maintains the brilliant darts that we've seen from it, because it's great to go. I don't think it's questionable. It's just one result. And it's not like he played bad. He played well. He just played, for me, the second greatest player of all time, for some people, the greatest player of all time. I think to have expectations on debut at the World Match play is going to go in there. And I mean, I was one that thought Luke literally would do well. And I thought he'd do well. But he's not going to win everything. Can't we? It's the Premier League champion. Yeah. I think to even suggest anything other than it is doing great, and he's way beyond where he should be, I think would be an absolute ludicrous bloke down the pub sort of thing to say. Totally agree, totally agree. While we're on tournaments, a quick mention to a couple of our guys, developments, all mission final. Wessel coming through, I'm right in thinking he won either two or three out of the four dev tours, which is phenomenal. I was looking at his averages. They're a matter of 100 plus averages. I mean, respect to all of our players, but he is standing out right now. So we'll see how we're still gets on, but some brilliant, brilliant results from mission players. And that's great to see. And yeah, again, another debate. I've been watching a bit of the Olympics and I'm getting asked for darts being the Olympics. It's always gets asked, doesn't it? It always gets asked. We've seen more and more sports. I know they're doing an e-sports Olympics or something I heard for gamers. Yeah, I believe there's a game as one coming. I mean, look, where did you draw the line? You know, chute is in the Olympics. Clay pigeons shooting. I think we want to golden that. Archery's in, you know, I don't know, table tennis. There's lots of sports that you kind of go, is that an Olympics sport? You know, you watched the triathletes yesterday. Oh my god, that's an Olympic sport right there. But are the others Olympic sports? Well, they're in the Olympics. I always think the football ones are weird. Well, because I don't even know if we send a team, do we, great men, which is weird. So, football's in the Olympics, but we kind of don't care about it. But should darts be in the Olympics? Look, if darts are in the Olympics, you've got to put snookering. I don't know, you've got chest and monopoly in it. I don't know. So, my answer is probably not. There's enough going on in the darts world. We've got the world cup of darts, which is great, as a great, great tournament. So, for me, you know, we'll keep darts out of the Olympics. Doesn't need to be in there for me. I think people think it's going to be something it's not, a lot of people think, are you going to get blue comforts versus Van Gogh in for the gold? No, you're not. You will get no Tour Cup holders in there. It will be possible. It works against the contract of the PDC. You will not get a single Tour Cup holder be allowed to play in that event. So, what we're looking at is we're left with everybody who we can see on a regular basis, ballot out in the ADC, the WDF, the Moda Super Series. So, those players are already against. So, there's no excitement for me of who wins that because I get to see them compete on the challenge tour, on the dev tour, on all these different various tours that it exists, the platform is there. So, it's not providing a new platform. It's maybe providing a new audience. Now, would it grow darts in any way by being in there? No, I think darts would then become an example sport, like you've just mentioned, the shooting, the this and that. That would be an example sport that the guy who pays dominoes wants to get it in. Well, you put darts in there and I always have darts and dominoes tonight. So, I don't see an argument for it, but I don't see a benefit of it. No, I don't. I think my only comment on this, really, is when people say it in a negative light that you come up darts in the Olympics, there's no energy or strength required for that. Now, that always gets me attention to which I go, "All right, go home and practice for five hours. Let's see how you feel." Because you and I both know that the mental and physical strain from playing darts is a lot more than what people think, but that's my only comment on it. I don't think it should be in the Olympics. It's just that I've liked people out there in a way to realise what players do go through, especially on a gruelling pro at all, where you're there all day and maintaining those energy levels. Well, you've never got to experience that really, did you? You was out the first round, so you were fine. It's so rude. I think we'll get the archives out for that and have a look at some of my achievements, but no, there weren't many. But yeah, no, it is. I can remember those gruelling days, and it is tough. It is tough, but no, not in the Olympics for me. But while we're talking about players and things, and this is a good one, really, for you, I've heard on the grapevine, so to speak, that Mr. Lewis is making a comeback via a media that you know very well. Yeah, looking forward to it. It's going to be playing in the Super Series next year. I reckon it'll be in there very early, because they're going to want him on very early. Big name. But when we look at what Adrian Lewis has done, he's going to be massive. There's going to be a lot of eyes on that. Can he still go? He can still go. He can still go, and he's going to build up. He's going to win a series. I'm pretty sure of that. It is too good to not win things on the Super Series. However, look at what the Super Series is going to be next year. You're going to have Steve Beaton on the Super Series. Steve Beaton is still very active. He's going in. He's dropping out the CDC or is it because he's out of the 64? No, he's dropping out regardless, so he'll be available. Outside the 64, you've got Mervyn King. You've got Mensa Salivich. Just think about what the Super Series could be next year. It's going to be actually actually, and I'm glad you mentioned that. I'll leave these exempt, because I know Fallon's been playing on it. Obviously, he's been female ranked very high, so is it different for ladies? No, it's not a gender-specific tour or event. No, no, no. If you pick these things up at 64, you can't play in Monos, correct? That's right. It gives a tour card holder. It's a tour card holder, so the ladies that are likely serving Fallon and that regularly play, because they're not tour card holders, they're okay to play in Monos. Anyone who's not a tour card holder is eligible to play. Got it. When you look at who's going to be eligible next year, it's exciting, and then Adrian Lewis is going to get a good test, and I can't wait to commentate on some of his games and who knows. I can't wait to see what he looks like, Matt. I mean, nobody's seeing him as he lost weight, as he got bigger, smaller. He's lost weight, yes. He's lost a bit of weight, yeah. He's got the same sponsors he's using, the same darts. All that sort of stuff's really really interesting to me, so looking forward to seeing him for that, and like you say. I wouldn't be surprised if, on that same week, you also see someone like Matt Edgar Hunter. I have a big Adrian Lewis fan. I get unwell with him. I'd love to spend a few days in his company again. He's a great laugh, and also, there'll be a lot of eyes on Adrian Lewis, so I want to be the first one to play him. Okay, well, you never know. You never know. I'm sure that's a possibility, as they say. Well, I may have enough weight to make that happen. I was just thinking that, yeah, I haven't got enough weight to make that happen, so that'd be really, that'd be really exciting. There's certainly not enough money to bring me out of every time, and that's for sure. My darts were well and truly many, many, many. No, everything's got a price. You know everything's got a price. I'll concentrate on this going the channel, I think he's said. Yeah, now going back to the channel, I just can't wait now. Now we've got somebody that's just going to take the pressure off. We've got to think, "Are our mics on Matt? He's yours on. He's mine on." It's the lighting, right? And the camera's on. Oh no, that one's on. Oh no, we've dropped the camera. We've not got to worry about all that anymore. So the main thing is, a lot of the series and the ideas that we've got involve our viewers coming into the studio to be involved in the channel and filming and doing things. And we can't record and film that if we're in front presenting and working with the viewers. And we want to do more with pulling people in and being interactive with our audience even further to the point where we had to do this to make these new series and episodes that we were planning on doing actually happen. And the other thing is, we could film it all, but it looked rubbish because we wouldn't know how to edit multiple camera shots. No, there'd only be sound coming out of the left speaker. It's going to be one of those things that we look back on. We're laughing about it already. But the problem is, we've had some really great ideas and there's been some really good content and like you say, it's only coming out of one speaker. So yeah, definitely going to improve, watch this space. So again, the channel will probably be one or two videos for the foreseeable. And then we'll really come back fighting, won't we, when we've got all this new content. Are we giving any more teasers to what we're doing? Because I'm really excited about going to different kinds of okeys. If you know what I'm talking about, that could be interesting where we don't actually go into a commercial place. Let's just say that we go somewhere else. So that's going to be. But then actually, on top of that, we're going to even further commercial places. We are indeed, yes, who, yeah, who don't usually have places where you can have a fight a beer and play a game. So yeah, with these a little bit there now, phenomenal content on its way. And hopefully, really good videography and it's into so exciting stuff. And good stuff. I think what we can say is just subscribe to the channel now. We're nearly at 10,000 subscribers, which is probably ahead of where we expected to be at this point, which is fantastic. So if people do subscribe, we can guarantee that there is going to be some real good, darting content coming in. And if you're in, you know, you may sound the poor in the team, haven't subscribed yet, get them subscribing because you're not going to want to miss, you know, series two episode one, you're not going to want to miss that. [BLANK_AUDIO]