Fort Myers Community Church Podcast

Romans 10 "Gospel Partnership Impacts The World"

Broadcast on:
01 Sep 2024
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Pastor Bill Vecchio, Jr.

You are listening to sermon audio from Fort Myers Community Church. For more information about how to get involved in the life of this church family, please visit Man, sometimes I leave here on Sunday mornings and I think that the music can't get any better. And then all of a sudden, jazzy starts rippin' it. I love it. Whoo! Come on. Thank you. Thank you for using your talents for the blessing of the church. I mean, that's why we come together, right, is to use the gifts that God has given us for His glory. I mean, it's for His name, for His glory. I'm so excited. For us to dive in, we're in Romans, chapter 10. There's some people passing out Bibles, some ushers passing out Bibles. So grab your Bibles and be in Romans. I don't know if you've heard of the story of Trudy Ederlin, but there was a movie that came out recently, it's called The Young Woman and the Sea. She was the first woman to swim across the English channel. She swam for 14 and a half hours. That's crazy. I can't swim for 14 and a half minutes. My kids are like, "Hey, can you go in the pool?" And I'm like, "After 10 minutes, I'm done. I'm out." And then a half hours, 35 miles. In the movie, there's this part where she gets lost at night in the shallows. So throughout this journey, there's a boat next to her and she's swimming and then they get to the shallows where the boat can't go any longer. And so she's swimming in the dark at night trying to get to the finish line, get to the shore and she gets lost in the shallows. She loses sight of where the coast is and she can't find her way and she can't see where to go. And here's a clip of this movie. It's dark, she's alone, she's exhausted, and she's ready to give up. There's no going back, this is where it ends. How is she supposed to find her way? I mean, truly she has no hope to find her own way. But here's what's awesome about this movie is that the community comes together and they begin to light these fires on the cliffs of Dover so that they, knowing where salvation lies for her, can be a beacon of hope for her to find her way. And this is true of our story as well when we start talking about the church, when we start talking about who God has made us and what He's called us to do as His church, we see that every human finds themselves in some sort of figurative way in the same situation, lost in darkness, exhausted with no hope, and there's no exceptions to this. This isn't just for people that are really, really bad. The Bible says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, all are without hope, all are drowning, all have no idea how to find their way to salvation. And God has set up the church to be a beacon of light and hope to a lost and dying world. He has called us to light fires on the cliffs so that people may know where salvation lies and where does salvation lie in Jesus and Jesus alone. And so that's what we're seeing as we jump into Romans chapter 10, the author Paul is writing to the church and he's encouraging them to be a beacon of hope for a lost and dying world. So let's jump in and let's read, I'm going to start in Romans chapter 10 verse 13. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on Him whom they have never believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent as it is written? How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news? Let me pray for us and we'll jump in, Father. This is my prayer for this morning that we as the church would hear and see and respond to your command and your call and your invitation to trust in you as our Lord and Savior and then to be a beacon of hope to a lost and dying and drowning world. God our salvation is not in elections coming up, our salvation is not in our country, our salvation is found in you. And so I pray as the King of kings and the Lord of lords that we would lift up our eyes to you and that we would make your name great. Father, I thank you so much for my brother Orlando Cabrera from Summit, Lord, as even this week he reached out just to tell me he was praying for me. God, I pray that his ministry would continue to flourish, that you would continue to give him strength as he pursues bringing your gospel to every man, woman and child. God, I think of my brother Trent, who is right now looking for a home to sink roots in and to shepherd and to pastor that church, I pray that you would bring that soon for him. I pray for my brother Charlie Mitchell, Lord, who is going to be moving down here to Fort Meyers soon. God, I pray that he would settle here and that you would use him in a mighty way to impact this community for your name and for your glory. God, I pray that we would link arms with churches all around our community that are proclaiming that you are the way, the truth and the life and that we would make your name great and be a beacon of hope to the world around us. We love you, we lift this up in your name, amen. So gospel partnership is the series that we've been in, Koinaniya, and what we're going to see today is that gospel partnership impacts the world. Louis did a great job last week talking about how gospel partnership is about us being in community with one another, gospel partnership is a gift, gospel partnership has an enemy. Today we're going to look at how our gospel partnership together impacts the world. So what is a gospel partner? Well, we're not just talking about missionary partners, we're talking about every person that stands firm on the gospel of Jesus Christ that has placed their faith in them, a child of God, it's the family of God. Paul in Philippians 1.5 uses this word Koinaniya and he says it and it's translated in our language as partnership in the gospel. But what he's using, the phrase there, it's talking about a teammate, a family member, someone who links arm with one another for a mission to reach people with the good news of Jesus. And so how do we as God's church impact the world together? Well, we're going to look at these verses through the lens of the 5 W's and the H, right? Who, what, when, where, why and how? Sound good? So that's where we're headed today. We're going to look through these, through these verses and see what God encourages us and how God encourages us to impact the world. So the first thing is the who. As we talk about world impact, who is included in receiving the gospel and being impacted? Well, that's every man, every woman, and every child. So raise your hand if you're included in that. Yes, every person in this room, every person that you know, every person that you lay eyes on, every person in the store, if you're headed to Costco after church, you're crazy. But every person in Costco, that's going to cut you off with their cart and their car and maybe something else. Every man, every woman, every child, I want you to turn to your neighbor and say you are included. Now I want you to turn to your second choice neighbor and tell them they're included too. You know, throughout the entire New Testament, there's a word that's used, all. Not only have all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but God has given a gift to the world, to all, and that's eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord. I mean, we hold up these signs, John 3, 16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." Now, don't miss hear me because I stand firm on Scripture. There are words in Scripture that we don't breeze over, chosen, adopted, elect, predestined. We do believe in the sovereignty of God. But here's the question, who should hear the gospel? Everyone. Who should hear it? Everyone. Who should we go share the gospel with? Everyone. Who is sent to go share the gospel with everyone? Every person that has professed faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I love what Charles Spurgeon writes. He says, "Every Christian is a missionary or an imposter." When I read that, I was like, "Ooh, every Christian is a missionary or an imposter." Everyone is lost and drowning, and we are called to light the way. God's the one who completes the work. God's the one who transforms lives. God's the one who brings people from death to life. We are called to be a beacon of hope, to light the way to Jesus. That's what we're called to do. We're called to do it with every man, woman, and child. I love the theologian and the author, D.L. Moody. Many of you listen to Moody radio. He started the Moody Institute. I love how he quips about this because he was someone who always was wrestling with this idea of eternal election and predestination. He was always going through it. This is what he says, he says, "Do not stumble at the doctrine of election. Preach the gospel to all. And if you convert anyone who has not chosen, God will forgive you." What are we called to do? Share the gospel with who? Every man, woman, and child. If you know Jesus, you are called, commanded to share his good news with the world. Now what? What do we do? What do we say? What will impact the world? The gospel. Not religion. I don't know if I can make this clear enough because I say these things and then we'll be in conversation and someone talks about, "Oh, well, I'm really trying hard to be a good person." Man, that's great. Amen. But we're not talking about being good people. We're talking about people who have fallen in love with Jesus. For some reason, in our world, in our culture, we have this performance-based mentality. We think that we have to earn people's love. We think we have to earn God's love. We cannot do enough to earn his love. He loves us, so therefore we do. We don't do so that he loves us. It's flipped. And so we don't want to get this mixed up because the what is the gospel? Religion does not lead to eternity. Jesus does. He is the way, the truth, and the life. So please do not sell people religion and morality. Do not go out and try to tell people that there are these do's and don'ts. What I often see is that someone is living in sin that does not believe in God. And the first thing Christians go to talk to them about is the sin that they're living in that they should stop doing that. Maybe they should stop, but what they need to do is first fall in love with Jesus. We fall in love with Jesus first. We are talking to a lost and dying world about Jesus because he is the way, the truth, and the life. If someone is an alcoholic and they stop drinking, that's not going to save them for all of eternity. It may save them from short-term consequences right now, and it's great. They need to stop and they need to get out of that lifestyle, but what will save them for all of eternity is the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We can't get this wrong. Paul addresses this in Romans one through six. Look at verse four. It says, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness." What does he mean by that? Jesus says, "There's no law keeping that you can do, no amount of law keeping that you can accomplish that will save you." You're not going to become righteous by keeping the law. So what does he say in verse four? "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes, believes, to everyone who believes in what?" In the gospel. What is the gospel? The who? Jesus. Jesus is who they believe in. No longer do we have to sacrifice animals to God or go to a temple to worship, but we get to profess faith in Jesus because of what he did for us. He took on death. He died for us so that we may have life. And so the what is the gospel. So what will impact the world? It's Jesus. God cleaning up your act, white knuckling it, pulling up your bootstraps, or following the rules. It's falling in love with Jesus. And to do this and to really truly fall in love with Jesus, we need to live in biblical community with one another. This is not an individual sport. It's a team sport. In Scripture, all throughout Scripture, and I can sit down with you for days and talk to you about how often the Bible talks about the family of God, people living life together in community. And I think often, someone in Lewis addressed this last week, someone has hurt you in the church. And so you've written off the whole church. You can't do that. God hasn't written off the whole church, and he's perfect. I guarantee you, you're not perfect. You can't write off the church. You've done something to hurt somebody. You've messed up along the way, too. And so if we want to say that the church is full of hypocrites, in one sense, if we're talking about religion or morality, then yes, because every single person, he'll fall short. Every person here, but we can't be hypocrites if we're trust is in somebody else. His salvation, his life that covers our life. And so we are surrendered to people. That's why God says, Jesus says to his disciples, it's not the healthy that need a doctor. It's the sick. If you're coming in here today, you're admitting you're sick, and that you have a Savior that has overcome all for you. And so the what is the gospel? Now Paul addresses, "Do we keep on sinning so that grace may abound?" And what does he say? No. Like we don't continue to sin and live in habitual sin and addiction, all those things. So how do we go overcome those things, living in biblical community? Me going to my brother Whitney and saying, "Brother, I'm struggling right now. Will you pray for me?" And just walking through that together, me hanging out with John and saying, "Hey man, I need friendship, I need to..." And what is his role? Not to fix me. His role is to point me to Jesus. That's why we're starting Wednesday nights. That's why we have community groups. That's why we have Bible studies on Thursday morning. That's why we're setting up these environments so that we can do life together because otherwise we're all going to miss the mark. And so together we can continue to push each other towards Jesus. That's why we need community. That's why we invite you to give generously. Why? Because the enemy uses money to grip our hearts. And I can speak about my own life. Like I'm a hoarder. I tend to want to keep what is mine. God over and over again tells us to give generously. Not just to a local church, although he does encourage us to do that, but also to others. So when you see somebody in need, you go and you help them in the name of Jesus. Why? Because when we give generously, it stirs affections in our heart for God because God has given us generously. And we don't give just out of our abundance. We sacrifice and give for his name and for his glory. And we serve. Why do we serve so that we can be others focused? This is confession time for me. I'm very self-focused. I'm more concerned about me than anybody else. So what does serving do? It turns our eyes and our hearts and our focus off ourselves to other people. And that's how God wants us to live. That's why he says do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Stop being so self-focused and serve others. These opportunities fuel love for Jesus when the mindset is intentionally focused on Jesus. So the who is every man, woman, and child, the what is the gospel? And then what is the when? When should we go share the gospel with every man, woman, and child? Now, this isn't rocket science, look at verse 14. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him who they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? Do you sense the urgency and the desperation from the apostle Paul to go share the gospel with people? Here's a man who went into a city to share the good news of the gospel and they beat him within an inch of his life, dragged him outside the city and he was unconscious. And what happens when he wakes up, he's like, oh, man, I probably shouldn't go back in there. No, he gets up and goes back in because of the urgency that he understood that they needed to hear the gospel when, now, they needed it now. And this idea of preaching, I think often we read this and we think, oh, yeah, yeah, that's what Bill is doing right now on stage. That's where our pastor does. He preaches. This is the verb form. This means to herald and proclaim. You know who can do that? Anyone with a voice, anyone with vocal cords. And there are some that maybe don't have vocal cords that are working and they can use sign language or they can use other means and other tools. If you believe in Jesus as your Lord and save your guess what, you are called when, now, to share the gospel, the herald and proclaim, listen, nobody is promised tomorrow. No one. And you want to know something hell is far worse than someone being mad at you. And I think often we're so fearful of sharing the gospel with people, especially in the political climate that we're in, because we're afraid they're going to get upset with us or be aggressive with us. But eternal damnation separated from their creator is far worse than them being a little frustrated with you. I remember this season in my life where I was 10 years old, my cousin John was 11. He was sick and I knew he was sick. I kind of grew up with him being sick and we would hang out and he was one of my best friends. And there was a day that I remember clear his day that I was at my friend Joey's house. We were having a home run derby in his backyard and I was crushing it. I was killing it and John was coming over for dinner that night. And I chose to stay at Joey's house and play instead of going back. But I had this urgency and this urge to share the gospel with John because I knew he didn't know the gospel. But in that moment, as a 10-year-old, I stayed and I played and I hung out. By the time I got home, he was just walking out the door. And I asked him if I could talk to him for a second before he left and we were in New York and it was cold, so he was all bundled up and so we got into our den and I didn't really know what to say. And so I asked him if I could pray for him and he left. Two weeks later, John passed away. Now praise God that my dad was at the hospital with him and he shared the gospel with him and had John walk through what it means to believe in Jesus. But however, that moment has stuck with me my entire life. Why? Because I was like, man, I don't want to miss another opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with someone that I love. There are so many people in our lives that you are the one that God has set apart to be that beacon of hope in their life. And often we just don't share it enough. We have to understand that the when is now. It's not one day. It's not sometime in the future. We build relational bridges strong enough to bear the weight of truth and they may not receive it in that moment but you're not sharing religion. You're not going to them and saying hey, you're doing bad things, you need to fall in love with Jesus. No, you're going to them and telling them your story. You're telling them what Jesus has done for you. That's why God has given us a testimony. He has saved us from darkness and brought us into light. So the when is now. What about the where? The where is everywhere. All the way to the ends. Acts 1, 8, Jesus is commanding his disciples and that command goes throughout all generations all the way to this moment right now and he says, "You will be my witnesses, where?" In Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. So what is your Jerusalem and what is the ends for you? It's your city in the world. And I think often we don't understand or wrap our minds around what it looks like to impact the world around us. Maybe it's your workplace. Maybe it's your community that you live in. Maybe it's your gym. Maybe you go to a place on a weekly basis. Maybe you play bridge or you have a community center where you're, what's that game called? Bachi ball or shuffle board or pickle ball. Any pickle ballers? Yeah. Whatever community or tribe you run in is the tribe that God has set you there to be that beacon of hope. That's your Jerusalem, here. I mean, this is our city and we want to see our city change and transformed with the beauty of the gospel. I mean, we've done some research in our surrounding community only between four and six percent of the given community around us in a five mile radius will attend church on a given Sunday. And four and six percent. That means over 95 percent of people right now will not attend church. It's because we as the church are so focused on just our own stuff. And that's not a bad thing that we're trying to grow in our relationship with the Lord and that we're coming and we're engaging. But so it's not about getting them to come here, but it's about you going to them. It's sharing the gospel. Everywhere you live, work and play with every man, woman and child without them having to go or come anywhere, to being a beacon of hope and light in your community, in your world. I think this comes with the vision and the mission of our church. I mean, what church who's nine years old gets handed 10 acres in two buildings, debt-free? I mean, God just gave it to us. And so us, as a leadership team, are spending our time and our efforts and our energies and our minds meeting very, very regularly talking about how we can use this place to impact our community. How this can be a place where people can come to and hear the good news of Jesus, where we are not just focused on a Sunday morning gathering, but all throughout the week that we are not only equipping you to go into your community, but we are also setting up a place here that people can come to that will engage with their hearts and minds and really be a first step of them stepping foot inside the church. So that's why we've set up the Cyprus over there as a place, the downstairs, as a coffee shop. It is our vision and our hope that we could launch a community coffee shop over in that space so that people within the community can come and have maybe an opportunity to engage with not only our staff, not only the people that we have there, but you and me in a safe space that's not a church environment so that we can have opportunities to build a relationship with them and share the good news of Jesus with them. But to launch that, it's going to take sets working on the numbers with anywhere between 150 and $200,000 for us to do that. And so we gospel steward our resources together so that we can launch that so it can be self-sustaining. The numbers that we're running, that actually would be a self-sustaining entity that would actually support the entirety of this campus. And so we are desiring to be a self-sustaining church so that we can launch more gospel-centered ministries within this community. Ministry as business. I mean, we've got ideas of opening up and partnering with Ryan Nature, one of our ministry partners that does action sports as a ministry. And opening up an indoor skate park, there's nothing in South Florida like that, an indoor skate park for people to come to and engage with FSW, which is right behind us, and engage with the local high schools and local community around us. We want to do that, but that costs money. And then we're talking about opening up a thrift shop and having a place where people can come to and get goods for their houses so that it's a cheap way for them to furnish themselves. But then we can provide jobs for the community and impact the community and have open places for people to come and hear the mission and the vision that God has for us. But all of that takes resources. And so as we start to build this out, I mean, we're looking at, what, $5 million to start building out what God's calling us to do. But we're not doing a campaign right now. I'm not campaigning for anything. What I'm saying is, if we biblically steward the resources that God has given us and we tithe and we are generous, then that stuff will just happen. That we can be the type of church that if we cease to exist, the community would miss us. We're not giving to a Sunday morning gathering. We're giving to a mission and a vision so that we could impact the community and give people repeated opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the gospel. And since we opened up that building over there and finished the hurricane renovations, our youth ministry has gone from, like, what, six, seven, eight kids to, like, sometimes they have 30, 40 kids now, over the span of months. We want to create spaces so that our community can be impacted with the gospel. And we do not want to be self-focused either. I want you to just know, like, I mean, the team that serves alongside you guys are not people that are coming here to get rich. Our leadership team, Steve, is a financial advisor, he works outside the church as a financial advisor. Louis owns a title company, I own a real estate business. Seth left Vero Beach as a CEO of a large company to get his salary almost cut in half so that he can come here and serve us and help build all this infrastructure. And he's figuring out ways that he can start a business so that he can continue to support his family in it. We've got guys like David, who's serving as our family ministry director, and every chance he gets, he's taking on jobs like mowing the lawn and fixing stuff around the church to make a little bit of extra money for his family. We've got Sherry who leads the kids ministry part-time. We've got Christian who leads worship part-time. So the team that serves alongside you, I mean, Carolyn, my mom, right, she works here nine to five Monday through Thursday, goes home and works another four hours at a different job. Why do we do this? Because we believe that God has called us to a bigger mission and vision than ourselves. We want to serve our community, because our community is lost and dying and the invitation is to join us in that. Join us to reach every man, woman, and child. Oh, I missed Billy. Sorry, Billy's here part-part-time. He serves as a contractor. I didn't want to miss him. And Logan's serving faithfully, week in and week out, why? So that we can reach every man, woman, and child with the gospel. But the staff can't do it alone. We need you to partner with us so that we can reach our community. So what is our next step? Well, this community is my Jerusalem. That's why our family started FMCC. That's why I got a secular job. That's why our family tithes and gives above, and the team does that continually. And we do this all because of the why, because Jesus is our only hope. That is the why. If you want to know what the end goal is, the end game, if you want to know what the finish line is, is that Jesus is our only hope. We want that 95% that won't set foot inside of this church to know the gospel. And we want you to bring the gospel to them and equip and empower you to do so. That's what we're focusing Wednesday nights on. We're focusing on how to equip and empower men and women and youth and kids to go share the gospel. That's why we do community groups so we can come together and grow and learn together. The why is Jesus? Because without Jesus, the world is floundering in the shallows, in the darkness with no way home. And just like the community that came together on the cliffs of Dover to light those fires, so we too can light the fires so that we can point people to the Savior to Jesus. So I'm going to invite Christian to come on up. I'm going to give us a couple of houses and we're going to take communion together. How can we impact the world? First and foremost, the gospel has to impact us. Listen, you're not going to share something that you don't actually believe in. You're not going to share something that you don't actually know. The good news of Jesus has to impact you and your heart. The people on the cliffs of Dover, they knew where safety was. They were on the shore. You need to fall in love with Jesus. That's where it starts. We're talking about the how. How do we become a beacon of hope? We need to fall in love with Jesus ourselves. It needs to be real to us. And then the second thing is share our story. We share our story with every man, woman, and child. God gave you your story to share. Have you ever heard of the name Edward Kimball? Edward Kimball? Sunday school teacher. knew who Sunday school teacher he was? DL Moody. So if you think serving in the children's ministry is a waste of your time, go talk to Billy Graham and Bill Bright, two of the greatest evangelists of our time who were impacted by Henrietta Mears as a Sunday school teacher, as someone who served in the kids' ministry. You may think, oh, I'm too old, oh, I'm not good enough, oh, the kids won't like me, listen. If I have a plea for this morning is that we're going to two services again in October, we need more people to sign up to serve our children's ministry. Why? Because they need the gospel and the next DL Moody or Billy Graham may be in one of these classrooms. We've got students like Josie and Caleb and Ian that need the gospel and you could be a leader in our youth ministry. You could be discipling those kids and one day they may be the next DL Moody or they may go to their college and start a college ministry or they may go start a business that impacts their community for the glory of God. Whatever it may be that we can all take part of this and it starts with serving in our children's ministry. It starts with serving the Lord as being an usher or going out into the community and serving your neighbors. Maybe someone in your neighborhood is hurting or they broke a leg or something and they can't move their own lawn. Maybe you just walk over there with your lawn mower. You might not even mow your own lawn but you're going to walk over there and mow their lawn. That's how we share the gospel, share our story and then encourage one another with mission stories. Listen, if you're having the opportunity, if God is opening up the door to share the gospel with people, please share that. It encourages my heart and my soul when I'm talking with a brother or a sister. I'm like, oh man, you'll never guess what happened to me. I was at so and so and someone came up to me and I had the opportunity to tell them about Jesus. Oh, so encourages my heart and my mind and my soul. Share when God opens up those opportunities because then encourages other people to do the same. So allow the gospel to transform you. Share your story and encourage others with mission stories. Gospel partnership impacts the world. So let's go and light the way to Jesus. Amen. We're going to take communion. This time I want to use this as an opportunity for us to remember the good news of the gospel and then think about people we need to leave here today and go share the good news of Jesus with. I want to read a prayer of confession over us. It's from a book of Puritan prayers called the Valley of Vision. Communion is something that you want to prepare your heart and your mind in confession. So you're going to go before the Lord and ask for forgiveness. And then when you're taking communion, when you're taking the bread and you're dipping in the cup and you're eating it, you're remembering the good news of the gospel. You're remembering that Jesus said to His disciples, "This is my body broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me. This is my blood poured out for you. Do this in remembrance of me." So remembering the gospel in this moment. And for you today, this may be the first time you've ever really truly fully believed in Jesus. And this could be your first act of putting that belief into action. So we welcome you. But if you do not believe in the gospel, my ask would be is that you sit and you meditate on who God is and what He's done for you. So I want to read this as a prayer of confession over all of us and then I encourage you to sit and confess before the Lord and then come and partake in the beauty of communion. Let's pray. "O God of grace, thou hast imputed my sin to my substitute, and thou hast imputed His righteousness to my soul, clothing me with a bridegroom's robe, decking me with jewels of holiness. But often in my Christian walk, I am still in rags. My best prayers are stained with sin. My tears are so much impurity. My confessions of wrong are so many aggravations of sin. My receiving the spirit is tinctured with selfishness. Often I need to repent of my repentance. I need my tears to be washed. I have no robe to bring to cover my sins, no loom to weave my own righteousness. I am always going into the far country and always returning home as a prodigal, always saying, "Father, forgive me." And thou art, always bringing forth the best robe to put on me. So every morning, let me wear it. Every evening, return in it. Go out to the day's work in it. Be married in it. Be wound and death in it. And before the great white throne in it, enter heaven in it, shining as the sun. Grant me never to lose sight of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, the exceeding righteousness of salvation, the exceeding glory of Christ, the exceeding beauty of holiness and the exceeding wonder of grace. God, may we be a church that impacts the world. And may we live biblically with one another, give generously to your mission and vision and to those that are in need. May we serve you and those around us and this community with angst. May we serve it, understanding that this is urgent and give us the confidence to bring your good news to every man, woman, and child. God thank you for communion, the opportunity we have to pause and remember, pray we would receive this through the beautiful life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We love you. It's in your name we pray. Amen.