BooBaes - A Horror Movie Podcast

Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954 G)

A strange prehistoric beast lurks in the depths of the Amazonian jungle. A group of scientists try to capture the animal and bring it back to civilization for study. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
05 Sep 2024
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A strange prehistoric beast lurks in the depths of the Amazonian jungle. A group of scientists try to capture the animal and bring it back to civilization for study.

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[Music] Hello. Hi and welcome to Boo Bays. Yes, hello. Welcome to Boo Bays. We're your hosts, I'm Caitlin. And I'm Joshua. And today we're here to talk to you about the creature from the Black Lagoon. A monster horror flick from 1954. My dad was four years old when this came out. Mine was not alive. It's not existent. That's wild. My mom wasn't born either. Yeah, my mom was not alive either. Yeah, that's crazy. But it's also fascinating to find stuff that's as old as my dad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's cute. And so, yeah, the Black Lagoon, you guys, which I feel like, like my notes, I even just called it. Originally, they were going to call it just Black Lagoon. But then I had a de-creature from the Black Lagoon because of some rights or something, whatever thing. But, y'all, I like Black Lagoon better. The creature from the Black Lagoon is a mouthful. It's a bit, say that five times. Creature from the Black Lagoon. I can't even say it once. But yeah, it is a movie that obviously has inspired a lot of other horror and monster flickerunies. Directed by Jack Arnold. Jack Arnold, Mr. Jack Arnold. We've got Richard Carlson, Julie Adams. She was beautiful. She was gorgeous. Richard Dining played Mark. I kept getting Mark and David Confused because they looked a bit similar. David had darker hair. But at times, for some reason, I could've got them confused when they were swimming in the water. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I was like, I don't know who's who. Same. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, at one point, I could tell when Mark had the harpoon done a little shooty arrow thing. I could make that out. Yeah. No, at time. Well, I think what didn't help for me too was I, from the beginning, at the beginning, I think I got their names mixed up. So I was calling one the other name on accident for at least 20 minutes. And then it got stuck in my head a little bit. But yeah. And it was also shot in 3D, which is interesting. In the 50s? Yeah. It was shot in 3D. That's cool. I didn't know that was the thing. Yeah, yeah. Apparently, at this time, in movie making 3D was like a thing that they were pushing. And it is from a screenplay by Harry Essex and Arthur Ross in a story by Maurice Sim. I can't watch 3D films. Did I give you nausea? Well, because my glasses and diarrhea. Yeah. It peped up his mouth. Oh, because your glasses, that makes sense. Yeah. And it like gives me a headache because it doesn't line up perfectly over my glasses. So everything's like slightly blurred. Yeah. And so then it makes my head hurt. That is interesting. There's a whole like group of people out there with glasses that just, I wonder what they do for do they put it over like you would just put it over my glasses. I just put it over my glasses. Yeah. And it should come up with like ways to like ones that aren't paper ones that can like fit over your face. Like a goggle. Yeah. Yeah. And so we have this story that is basically exposition, expedition by bad of humans trying to find a secret, elusive thing that they didn't even know exists. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they found a fossil of it and then they're trying to discover the rest of the fossil. And then they come across a wholly new entity. Pretty cool. We start out, we've got some old school universal here. Yeah. That was fun. Right from the jump, we get our title card. Yeah, with intense orchestral music. And it's the theme music that plays every time the monster appears. Yeah. This movie, this movie really cues you. But it does really cue you. It tells you when stuff is like the music is lighter and then as soon as the monster appears, it's like. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Very much. And so we have credit throwing while this beautiful jarring orchestral musical music is going neck and top. And yeah, we get this quick in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth and the light and all the jazz, you know, that comes with the creation story, taken to biblical, but they also kind of make some science in there because it turns into then like, this is the earth and then it's in its kind of beginning stages and it will take, you know, millions and thousands of years for creatures to evolve and come out of the ocean, come out of the water. Yeah, basically explaining how earth was formed and how man came to be it from the little oceans. Yeah. Yeah, I guess we did. Yeah. Gorillas. We came from the gorillas came from the water. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The microorganisms were in the water first because all life starts with water and then then we turned into the creature from the black lagoon, then to gorilla. Yeah. Somewhere along the lines, that one turns into humans. Yeah. And that one just stayed. Yeah, maybe, maybe that one didn't die. Yeah. Like maybe really, really old. He figured out immortality. Because it doesn't seem like there's they didn't have any wrinkles or and there doesn't seem like there's like any other ones or like a, you know, yeah, no, he was a lone survivor. We get that. Oh, yeah. Whatever creatures evolved all the way until they ended up in the Amazon and now we're in the Amazon rainforest. 15 million years later. And it zooms in on the discovery of the fossil that you were mentioning earlier. Yes, a claw found in the limestone. And they're all like, what is this? Don't know. And then he got your mark mark mark. Dr. Mark. Yeah. Is explaining. No, Carl. Carl. Someone. I don't know. Some his first name is Carl. His last name was something else that I don't remember is explaining about their discovery, whatever. Blah, blah, blah. That's pretty much all I got in my notes. Yeah. And we see, we see the same claw reach out from the water. Oh, yeah, that's true. And we get the, because so at first they really like kind of edge you, I guess. We're saying that you only see the claw of the monster and like even through the first attack, you only see his claws. You don't see the actual face of the creature. A lot of shots of the victims looking at the creature, not actually seeing the creature. And so they do a good job of like hiding that and building the suspense and stuff to later on in the film. We do, I just, I put, he's just mad because y'all have disturbed in the resting place of his loved ones. It's true. He's like, that's my mom. My Grammy. Someone who cared about and they're just digging them up. They're just ripping off its arm. We would do the same. Avenging our loved ones. Exactly. Yeah. And so, yeah, we really, and he's just in love. This was a love story too. Romance. That's a rom-com. Yeah. Rammedy. Rammedy. Rammedy. Rammedy. Rammedy. Rammedy. Yeah, a rom. I don't know what I created, but a Rammedy. Rammedy. That's what it's giving. Rammedy, Rammedy. At this point, I think, well, we're with Kay and she's with Dr. What's his face? Carl. Carl. Carl. Sheen. Jamie Neutron. That kills people. Two different things. Two different ones. They are meeting David because David's deep in the water. Yes. Yeah. And we've got some cool underwater shots that are happening here. I was like, I don't know why, but I was like, wow, they can do that in the 50s. They could swim. Yeah. They could swim in the 50s. No, but having underwater technology, whenever they bring in the giant block of a camera. Yeah. Oh, later on. Yeah. I was like, how was he even swimming with that thing? I would be like, it looked probably like it would be heavy, doesn't it? Yeah, I think it acted like a lead sinker. It's really crazy how far we've come, but even just then. And just to think like in another 50 years, where we could be, hopefully, space, I'm just putting that out there. Or even more of our own ocean. Deep in the ocean, literally terrifying. So scary. Yeah. Maybe the creature from the Black Lagoon is real hiding in the deep trenches of our oceans, just waiting for us to come down and say, hi. Yeah. So you can eat us or make love. Yeah. Like he wanted to decay. Little human half. That'd be so cute. Little bunny club clubs. They're like half on their left side monster and half on the right side human. Oh, I was imagining like a monster head with little baby body. Oh, that's cute. Like human form? Yeah, human baby form, but monster head. And then maybe they have gills. You need to go watch alien Romulus. That's all I'm going to say. I'll watch it. And so we are talking about little he comes up in. Oh, yeah, we're meeting him. And he comes up, and we have to explain that it takes a while for him to come up from the water because however far he went down, he has to wait because he has to depressurize. Yeah, and adjust to the pressure changes. So he can't just come right up. And I think that's still a common thing and snorkeling scuba diving. Those are two different things scuba diving. But yeah, I think I think that is the case. And he gets up from the water. We have some cute little banter between the two of them. And he's like, I didn't expect you to still look like you did as a student to mine. Like, hitting on him. Yeah. But then they get back in the boat, and they're like, let's head back to shore. And Kay is like, show him why you even came. And he takes out a picture and he says, I found this in a limestone deposit dating back to the Devonian age. Devonian. Devonian. I didn't even know that was real age. I didn't either. Yeah, I never heard of that one. I'm sure I'm going to Google it. Watch it be only for this movie. No, it's got to be real. Okay. But then we flash to we're in like their area with it's like an aquarium, but like where they're looking at the fossil and stuff, because there's all these little sharks swimming around. I know I was like, make a note to ask Josh what kind of shark that was. They were look, they were spotted and they were small. So they could have been like nurse sharks. Okay. They look like nurse sharks to be age, but 390 million years ago, Devonian age was a thing early Devonian age. Yeah. Cool. But we're in this little shark room. They've got sharks swimming around. They're looking at the claw and they're like, we want to uncover the rest of it, but we need more money, basically. Any funding. And then so Mark or yeah, Mark, who is David and Kay's boss is I guess a money man. And he was like, I can do that. I can give you more money. So he does. And they agreed to go all on this expedition together. And they're explaining how, you know, this claw they were like, it looks like it's got what are our little flanges. I almost had femurs. That's the leg. I need to go back to head, shoulders, knees and toes. The phalanges. But they're saying it has phalanges, but the webbing in between them. And they were like, yeah, we've, you know, could be amphibious and it's taken lots of years for it to evolve, like take the monkfish, for example. And they look into the tank and there's this little fish with little spindly legs that can't really walk. But that was like the first example of it. And yeah, it didn't evolve from there. He said failed. But maybe it just didn't need to evolve further. Didn't fail poor little monkfish. Something's are fine the way they are. Yeah. Yeah. It's not broken. Don't fix it. Right. Is that how it said something like that? Yeah. It ain't broke. Don't fix it. There we go. But yeah, so they are looking at the monkfish and then they get back to the, we, oh, we flashback to the claw. The claw. The claw. And then they're talking about it more. And well, oh, we're with the claw coming out of the water and some intense theme music. And we're with, I forgot their names, but the crew that was with Carl. Oh, yeah, yeah. First because it's a cheek. It's Z. Chico. And then those two guys from the beginning, they get killed better. I can't. Yes. The men with the bad haircuts, they gave them all such terrible haircuts. Yeah, that's the 50s. I was like, holy shit, everyone else here looks normal. And then you gave these poor guys like really awful haircuts. But we're there. They're in the tent. And then the creature, we only see its claws coming out. And we see it like looking in the tent and then the guy turning around and he's like, oh, yeah. And we get like that, the shot of just him freaking out. Sorry, just birded. No, that's good. Good bird. Oh, and earlier they, they, we're talking about the hand and how it could be a plasticine man, a plasticine, whatever that means. Yeah, no clue gets killed. And then and all the while you only see its claws attacking through the tent. Yeah. And then after that, that's whenever we get them all like getting ready to head out for their little voyage expedition on the Rita. Yeah, so they're on that boat and Mark's complaining whole time. Yeah, he's just like, I put all this money into this. And this is all we got out of it. Is this barge? And it's like, calm down. And even like the, the captain of the boat is like, hey, we also want to get your guy. Somebody tell him, you know, calm down. Yeah. Yeah, the captain Lucas was his name. He's like, I Lucas can do this. He said, I Lucas a lot. I think he said it twice, but it helped me remember his name. And he's also explaining to you, is it okay that like everything in this jungle is a killer. Everything's killing. Yeah. Everything, everything is dangerous, basically. Yeah, exactly. Because I think she, she explains, she's like, Oh, and I thought the Mississippi was something. Yeah. And then he's like, yeah, this makes the Mississippi look real small kind of thing. And then yeah, they're like everything in this jungle, all killers. And they scare a little crocodile slash alligator. I'm not sure the difference. I know one's bigger than the other. Because it depends on if you see one in a while, or if you see one later. That's right. Yeah. After a while, crocodile. But they scare this little crocodile off the little, it was just sunbathing. And he goes beep, beep, beep, beep, with his little boat. And the crocodiles like, I would jump into the water. And then that's whenever they end up cutting and going through the jungle and all the little river thing. And they go to the camp, they go to the campsite because they're trying to find his men. And he's tooting his horn because he's like, I want them to hear us, you know, all the way in camp. And then they get to the camp and they're like, well, where do they at? And they're like, oh, this is weird because I told them, you know, one man should always be at camp at all times. And then they open up, well, they tell Kay to stay back. And then they go into the tent and then they see that they don't show, but they say that he's dead. And yeah, like what could have done that? You can see like an arm or something with like a giant gash on it. It looked, it looked like that was maybe it was like part of the cot or something, but I thought it was an arm. And they're like, oh, a jaguar could do that or something. They're trying to, you know, awe-speculate what, yeah, they're like a pack of wild animals or something. Meanwhile, Kay is on the beach at the river's edge and is standing there just kind of looking out at the water because they asked her to stay behind just in case. And then we get that tense theme music again as the claw reaches out and almost grabs Kay's foot. But then right as it's about to, they, the boys start heading back and they're like, oh my God, and like don't go in there kind of thing. But yeah, save Kay's life by coming back. Yeah, distracting the monster from getting her a little foot. And then this is where they're trying to unearth the rest of the skeleton. They're like, okay, well, they're dead. Let's get to work. They do. They start hacking away, which I was like, are you not going to destroy it by just Jack hammering into it? That wasn't Jack Hammer's pickaxe. Yeah, but I don't know. I'm a scientist. I just felt like it would. Yeah, I see it could crack everything or something. Yeah, like accidentally hit the skeleton and then break it. I don't think they were trying to make a scientifically, scientifically accurate film depiction. I don't know. But yes, like you said, they're hacking into it all negligently and they don't turn up a thing. And so then Dr. Mark is like, you know what? He's really bummed that they couldn't find a thing, find something. He's like, this is a failure. But then he thinks about it and he's like, you know what? Over these years, since this river goes that way, whatever was here could have fallen into the river and washed down into the lagoon. It's all the way at the bottom of the what he doesn't call it a lagoon. At this point, he's like a Delta. What is it? Yeah, wherever this ends up. I forget the word for it, but it's one of those things where all the like water meets up at the end, not a Delta, but something like that. And then they're like, David said that. Yeah, David, okay. Then they're like, okay, you know what? Let's go ahead and just go there and see if we can find anything. What's it going to hurt, essentially? Yeah. And Mark the whole time. Yeah, because like he said, it's a failure. He's being such a party poop. Yeah. And but then, you know, David was trying to save the situation by offering that theory. Yeah. And Mark was like, I don't care if it's a theory. We're going to go find it. Like I put my money into this. We're not leaving without some evidence kind of thing. Yeah. And so that's when they're going to look into the lagoon. And this is where Lucas comes up. And he's like, the boys call it the black lagoon, but no one ever comes back from it. And he's like laughing. And he's like, it's real nice. But yeah, people don't come back alive. Yeah, that's terrifying. And they're also kind of debating at this, if it is also debating if they should even go because they have a woman with them, but they're like, you know, Kay can take care of herself. And she's like, I'll be fine. Like, I can go on, you know, whatever it'll be fine. Even though I think it's what David's the one who's more concerned about her safety, I guess, because of what happened to the other two guys. Yeah, they don't really know what they're up against. Yeah. So and it could be anything. It's a bit of sexism, but also a bit of kind of caring about her not getting hurt. Yeah. And then at this point, the doctor, Dr. Carl, Dr. Carl, he's like, we need to get rocks, right? We need to test. Yeah, we need to test the rocks to see if they come from the same limestone in the Devonian age, as well, to make sure that we're not even just, you know, looking around for nothing, like, so you need to get some rocks. And this is when Mark pulls out his harpoon gun and shoots that off. And he's like, yeah, I'm going to be getting something. And David's like, you act like a hunter, like some game hunter and not a scientist, like, we're not trying to kill whatever it is down there. It would be much more valuable to us alive. So. Well, you can tell that Mark is a bit more. He's got his own agenda. And he only cares, like, about what he wants to do, essentially. Yeah. It's like an Atlantis. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I don't remember the character name, but Milo is the main nice guy. And then I don't remember the bad guy. Yeah. Yeah. I don't either. But I knew you were talking about immediately. And will they go and him and Mark and David go to dive and get rocks and samples and stuff for what Dr. Carl to run test on. Exactly. And they're swimming along snorkeling or scuba diving. And they're going along. And then this is the first time we see the whole monster. Because David, I believe it was David swam over it because I don't think he had a harpoon gun. I don't even think they brought the harpoon gun into the water this time. No, they're just collecting rocks. So I think it was David swam over it. And then it like comes up. And again, we get the 10th theme music like as we see his whole face for the first time. And then they are just swimming along. They get their rocks and they're going back up whenever David is like, hold up, let me get some of these twigs. They were, I guess they were like little. They're like little leaf. Leaf. Kelpy. Kelpy things. Yeah. Can I get a diet, Dr. Kelp? Yeah. But like, yeah, they were little spindly. I like that word today. Spindly. Spindly. Spindly things. You should name a water bottle. A water bottle. Spindly. If yours would be more spindly. It is kind of spindly. It's longer. It reminds you of Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella. Cinderella, Cinderella night and day. It's Cinderella. And then what happens, Caitlin? Oh, well, he goes back and gets the twigs. And then he comes back up and he hands it to her and she's like, Oh, wow, thanks. So pretty. And then Mark's like, all right, David, you done playing house? Yeah. And David's like, like David's starting to get a little upset at all of this like comments, little comments that Mark has been making. And she's like, it's fine. Just like you weren't here back when he was just my boss kind of thing, but he's always been like this kind of thing, just writing off his behavior. Yeah, excusing him. Yeah. And also saying like, I've already tried and you know, and also like being like, you know, say what you want to bottom, but he does produce like he's got has some great finds or whatever, great, made great discoveries. And then David's like, well, he's taken credit for some great discoveries that weren't necessarily he didn't do the actual digging himself, but he funded it. Yeah. Yeah. So a little tension between the two of them. But then they all head to another part of the boat. And they're like getting like the rocks and they're addressing their yeah stuff. And Kay's like, I'm gonna go swimming. So she just dives right in. And then we quickly see that as she's swimming, the creature is watching her and it then starts to go after her. And then it kind of like mimics her. It's like swimming under her mirroring her. Yeah, mirroring her. And then he, I think he gets spooked by something a little bit and he leaves. But then he like kind of comes back and he's about to get her foot like she like grazes her foot a little bit. Yeah, she goes to treading water standing up rather than like laying on her back and her feet are down below. And so he's like, nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah. Just grabs her like grazes her foot and she's like, what the hell? And so she dives back down and looking in the water and he swims off at that point. Yeah. And then she had no fear. This is when the boys realize or Lucas rather realizes that she's not on the boat and that she's way too far out there. And so he's like, get back in here. You're too far out. And so she starts swimming back. And this scene gave me a little bit of same anxiety because I was like, oh, he's going to get a foot. He's going to get her as she's crawling up the ladder. I expected. Sorry to spit. Something to like pull it back down. Yeah. And but it didn't. Same. It really did a really good job of building that suspense up because I knew honestly that she wasn't going to get gone right here. But I was like, actually thinking like, oh, dang, like, this is making me feel anxious because it must be because we saw that he was going after her again. And so it was like he could if he really wanted to, he could grab her foot. But he doesn't. And then all of a sudden he gets trapped in the net that they had dropped below the boat. And it's it's kind of like in jaws when the shark is like breaking the boat's helm or whatever. And because he's so strong, so strong. Yeah. And they're trying to get the net up, but it's not going up because he's fighting back. And then finally they get the net up. And there's a giant hole in it and a little thingy little claw, like Tallon. Tallon. Yeah. Yeah. Like what comes out of my cats. It was thick too. Yeah, it was. And then he's just kind of holding it. And she's like, hmm. Because she's like, what the fuck touched me in that water. Yeah. Uh-huh. And then that's whenever they and trying to look at the pictures or no, they go down there to investigate. That's right. They're going down there to investigate to see like what the fuck tore through the net. Yeah. This time with the camera and the harpoon. Yeah. And then David and Mark are down there. David is the one with the harpoon. Mark is the one with the camera. No, opposite. Oh, my bad. Mark has the harpoon. Yes. Okay. Gotcha. David has the camera. And are you sure? Yeah. Because Mark, Mark is the blonde one. The party pooper who had my bad. Yes. So Mark had the harpoon. Yes. Yes. Okay. My bad. Okay. Cool. Cool. So then they're down there. They're trying to do the thing. And then the creature comes out, obviously. Yeah. Yeah. He comes out and Mark's trying to shoot at it. Yeah. And does successfully shoot. First ask questions later is very much. Yes, definitely. And they shoot him. And I was like, oh, my God. I felt so defensive. Yeah. For this creature the whole time. I was like, no, don't shoot him. He's just living his life. You're in his home. Yeah, exactly. And but he shoots them. And then so the creature goes lower into the lagoon to hide kind of like beneath this rock surface kind of thing. He climbs, swims underneath it and goes to recover himself. And so that's when they come up and yeah, they're developing the photos because like the whole time David was trying to be like, stop, like stop shooting him. Like just let me get a picture. But obviously he couldn't say all that because he was underwater. But he was kind of gesturing like, what the fuck are you doing? Stop shooting at it. And they get up and he's like, if we have photo evidence of this, that's all we need. Like we don't need to shoot this thing. It's much more valuable to us live. So stop trying to kill it. And so they are developing the photos. And while he's they're doing that, the creature fucking comes on the boat. Yep. He gets on the boat and he takes a guy. Chico. Chico. Z's brother. He said, that create a demon came and take my brother. Yeah, that's my best Z impression. That was good. Meanwhile, they don't also get anything from this picture because he wasn't in the frame. The creature wasn't in the shot. Yep. It was just like little Kelpies. So meanwhile, Kelpies are a Scottish like horse that'll come on to the that'll lure you into the water and kill you. Wow. It's like a Scottish lure. We like Scottish score. The Scots. The Scots. And they're what was next? Oh, yeah. Chico's dead. And then they have to slap Z and be like, what happened? And they get the, you know, whatever happened. And then that's whenever they're like, okay, well, we need to make sure that we try and take this thing alive because we needed a live so we can study it. And they come up with this idea of poisoning the water, essentially, because this other dude, Lucas, that's how you fish it sometimes is he knocks the fish out with this a chemical. Yeah. And then puts them to sleep, essentially, I guess, for like two to four hours or something. And so they're poisoning the water. But nothing is really turning up, except for a bunch of small fish who are not dead, but they're just unconscious and floating at the top of the water. And so they're like, maybe we need to send it down deeper. Like, it's just on the surface level, maybe we need to make it go further down. So they put it on like rocks or something. It's something like that. It almost gave like they somehow made alkas ulcer taps. Yeah, that is what it looked like going down like mentos and a Coke or something. But yeah, I think they put it on rocks and they're sending it down deeper. And then they're then I think they're out sending the poison down deeper. And then I think the monster climbs on to the boat, but K sees them and spooks them. Yeah, he climbs on. But that's whenever, well, because at this point, that's whenever they started adding the poison deeper. And then David and Mark have that like little conversation on the little mini robot because he's like, what, you know, what do you even want? He's like, people need to believe us. They won't believe us unless they see it, whatever, whatever. And it's because it's nighttime. And yes, it climbs up, but it jumps off because it saw the lamp or whatever. Oh, yeah. The lantern. And then that's whenever they end up crapping like somehow because I guess both types of spotlights, I guess I guess that's normal. They have a spotlight and they end up shining the spotlight on the creature in the water. And he's like, and then obviously he's like swatting the light away. He doesn't like light kind of like Frankenstein's monster. Yeah. Eternal, I guess, maybe two or it's just they're not that he's not adapted to the light. So it hurts his retinas, but it ends up like going into the water. So then Mark, right is like, we need to go after it. Yeah. And so in case like, no, don't do that. And he's like, well, we have no choice. Yeah. Yeah. And so and because I think he also gets like sort of drugged in this moment from the drugs and the water. And he like collapses into the water. And so they're like, we're going after him. And he goes into this like cave system of sorts and like little cave-y looking area. Yeah. Yeah. And what are caves? But they're like above water. Well, because there are some caves that when you go underneath, they're like, it's like a system. Yeah. And the thing. But this area was above water. Was it? Yeah. Because they were walking around. I mean, it like has water that comes into it, but they like were walking around it later. Like on the outside? Yeah. But like through like cavernous like tunnels and stuff. So. And then after that, they end up going in there and the guys basically, oh, they think it goes in there, but it wasn't even in there. It ends up coming after K. That's right. Yeah. And I was like, he's just in love with K. Yeah, it goes after K, but then before K can get to it, Z tries to intercept, but Z is not that good at intercepting and gets murdered. Yeah. And there is a like tiny little jump scare with Mark approaching David to at one point while they're in the cave system. And Mark, just like it, the tensions building and the music's kind of building. And then it's Mark's hand that grabbed David's shoulder. And I was like, oh, yeah, like a good little, I mean, it didn't scare me, but it I was like, that's a good try. Efforts efforts matter. And then they end up coming and hearing because they hear Z getting attacked on the screams, they go up to the to the bank of the river and end up knocking out the monster ends up knocking out. And then they end up hitting hit, but then David's like, no, stop, like just kill it. They end up trapping it with a net. And then they end up putting it in this like man made little cage thing and they want it on the boat, right? Yeah, on the boat. Yeah. David wants to go because he's like, okay, we got it. We got what we need. Let's go ahead or no, sorry, Mark, I think wants to go. Yeah, Mark's like, let's leave. We got it. And then David is like, no, we need to study more and study the layer and like, you know, all these other things. And so then they kind of compromise and then they're like, okay. And so then at this point, when they go to go do some more studying, it's what the other dude is talking to Kay. Yeah, the one of the doctors, and he is talking with her. And while they're talking, the creature, we see the creature wake up and start moving its head around and like moving its mouth. And then the creature breaks free. And he up, he's just out. And he's like, he's mad. And he comes for the doctor, scratches his face all up. And then then that's whenever he ends up breaking fruit, like he ends up getting loose from the the boat and everything ends up. Yeah, he goes back into the water. Yeah, he just saves. And at this point, David and Mark are arguing again about leaving. And now Mark doesn't want to leave because they just lost their evidence. And David is like, absolutely not, we're going. And Lucas is like, it's my boat. Yeah, he's like, actually, he's like, I paid the money. Mark is like, I paid the money. I call shots around here kind of thing. And Lucas was like, actually, it's the cap tin who makes the shots. And then I love how he just so casually like pulls up that knife to his throat. And he's like, you want to say something else? And I was like, oh, and so they do decide to leave. They're trying to leave their setting cell, but they realize very soon that they can't leave because the creature from the back of the goon has trapped them in the black lagoon, the little area where they should be able to slip out has been blocked by a bunch of trees. Yeah, because they barely made it in, by the way. But yeah, it's been blocked by all this debris. So they're trying to clear the debris. Mark is trying to get it cleared out or attach a like a pulley levy system to it. Yeah, that I think used for the net or something. And does get on it initially, but they can't get it to go because the creature comes out and like pulls it off. Yeah. And so then he's like, I'm going to have to go in like into the water. Yeah. With a, with the, what did he call it? rebreather? No, aqua long, aqua long, something like that. Yeah. Yeah. And rebreather, or he breather. But there, he's like going down to get his stuff ready. Poor doctor guys like there with his face all bandaged up. And then Mark comes down and he's like, why am I going to go down to? And they were like, David's like, no, you're not. And Mark says, yes, I am. And then Mark punches them. And poor doctor guys just like, and then David wakes up and then punches Mark and knocks him unconscious, I think, for a little bit. And they, David goes down there and he's going to clear the debris. But then not long after Mark shows up with the harpoon gun again, say less. Yep. And he's shooting at creates, having the creature and gets him again. Yeah. So this poor creature has been shot by this harpoon twice now. It looks like he's got some pretty thick skin, though. Yeah. He's regenerative, maybe. Who knows? Like a that's a lot of what I was thinking. And then, yeah, he gets shot a few times. But then Mark finally gets his comeuppings because he gets caught by the creature and then like drug. And I guess he drowns. Yeah, something because he gets all tangled up with them. And like the creatures, like they're fighting and swirling about. And one's trying to escape. At first, I couldn't tell if like Mark, I think he tried to get the monster after he shot him. And then the monster was like, yeah, yeah. And was then getting Mark. And then, yeah, I think maybe Mark drowned or got stabbed and then drowned like subsequently because he was under the water. Yeah. And so then we just see his little body float up. Yeah. And Kay finds him and lets out a nice scream queen moment. Where she screams. And then they David comes up and he's like, well, he kind of got what he had coming. Yeah. And so he's like, let's mix up some of this poison juice as a spray to make him groggy. And kind of like a mosquito. Very much so. And they end up, he ends up going down again using that instead. And he's able to attach that thing while also holding off and warding off the creature with this like chemical now propellant that he has. And they get the thing attached, they move it, they clear the way they are able to get through the passage. But the creature comes on board and it takes Kay away. Yep. It gets Kay and it brings her to his little cave system, his lair. And David, of course, goes after her because that's his lover. And so he goes after her, finds her unconscious esque on a rock and then like brings her to and she's like, Oh, David. Yeah. And then the creature's like, I think, fuck not, that's my bitch. And so it attacks David. But then the other two guys come. Yeah, because they hear the scuffle. And then they shoot him a lot with the guns, shotguns. Bang. That's going to kick it up. He gets shot and it's like, you know, boom, boom, boom, boom. And then he goes into the water. He does a little shimmy. And then he like comes out the other side and it's like on David's like the land or whatever. And then he ends up walking into the lagoon and David is like, what? Yeah, David's like, let him go. Yeah. Stop shooting at him. Just let him be. And because the other two guys were like ready to just keep shooting. And David's like, no, and then the creature slinks back into the depths of the lagoon. And it's the end. The end of the movie. It's really fast. It's just like the end. Yeah, I was like, Oh, it's over. Okay. It was a really quick, our 19 minute movie. But it was good. Yeah, I actually didn't think it was, I wasn't expecting it to like that, like it that much. Yeah, me neither. I didn't have my coffee before it. So I was definitely falling in and out of sleep. I was like, dying. So there were a lot of moments where I had to go through a race, a bunch of yeah, gibberish, gibberish that wasn't making any sense. 100%. But it wasn't because the movie was boring. It's like just legitimately, I didn't have my coffee before. And I had just woken up. And so I was like, yeah, it was. And the music during the nice lulling parts of it was very calming. And so I was like, Hmm, how nice. So comfy. It didn't help that I like, I started sitting up and then I like moved into a pillow. And then I moved to straight up laying down. Yeah, it happened the slow gradual. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, I'm not helping myself here. But then it was like the end. And I was like, Oh, it's such a fast movie. It was fast. And it probably seemed faster because there were bits where my eyes were close. I feel like every movie should be an hour and 20 minutes. Yeah. Yeah. Be a lot nicer. But yeah, how many do you want to hear fun facts before we do it? So that maybe we can appreciate it more. Yes. Forest Jay Ackerman, a horror and science fiction writer for famous monsters, a film land magazine bought the mask and cloths of the creatures costume from a young man who had once used them as a Halloween costume. The costume pieces were discarded by universal after production had finished on the three films creatures from the black lagoon and its two sequels and were later recovered from the studio's dumpster by a janitor who thought the ensemble would make a good Halloween costume for his son. Other costume pieces were recently sold at auction by Bud Westmore, who's the assistant to Millicent Patrick, the original designer of the costume. So yeah, that's wild that Universal didn't realize like, Oh, we just made like cinematic history. Yeah. We might want this later to have it in a museum or something. Yeah. And let's throw it away. Well, just and then the janitor is like, Oh, this will be good. Save some money. That's crazy. It's funny how things work that way. I bet you they got. I hope they sold it for a high price to the costume guy. Had to. I hope they weren't like, yeah, sure, you can have for like 50 bucks or it was a steal or something. Yeah. I'm worried that they didn't know what they had. And they didn't get what they deserve. Yeah. Yeah. Because I hope they got ridged off of it. Rico Browning, a professional diver and swimmer was required to hold his breath for up to four minutes at a time for his underwater role as the Gilman. Oh, so is that what the creature is called? The Gilman Gilman. The director's logic was that the air would have to travel through the monster's gills and thus air bubbles from his mouth or nose must not be seen. Thus, the costume was designed without an air tank. In the subsequent films, the detail was ignored and air can be seen in emanating from the top of the creature's head. Oh, that's a jam. So I took four minutes at a time. I cannot. I cannot hold my breath for long at all. I can do it for like a minute. Minute probably is as far as I can get right now. Yeah. Maybe I could probably 30 seconds. Yeah, I would die. I can't imagine holding your breath for four minutes. Most people don't hold their breath for a long time. So because why would you and why would you want to? Because you're trying to live. So yeah, I feel like that's you're probably not alone in people who can't hold their breath that long. Yeah, that is crazy ridiculous. Long four minutes is so long. That is two different stuntmen were used to portray the creature and therefore two different suits were used in the movie. Interesting. Just cool. Rico Browning. I hope that's how you say his name. It's R-I-C-O-U. Working out. I'm gonna call him Rico. Yeah. Played the creature when it was in the water and wore a lighter suit. Ben Chapman played the creature when it was out of the water with a darker suit. It did look, I just thought it was because of how like it water looks. It makes things bigger. Yeah, because the creature definitely did look lighter in the water, but I thought it was like just the light reflecting off of the suit kind of thing. But yeah, that's kind of a weird frag fact. So I'm not going to read it. I don't under. Yeah, the creature's appearance was based on old 17th century, it reloaded woodcuts of two bizarre creatures called the sea monk and the sea bishop. The creature's final head was based on that of the sea monk, but the original discarded head was based on that of the sea bishop. I wonder what those look like. I'm gonna look them up. But yeah, so those are my fun facts. Fun factor onies. I will start with the boobies and kick us off. I'm gonna give it a 4.5. Oh, what does it look like? Oh, that is, yeah, I can see how that inspired it sort of. That's cute. Why is it giving cute? Yeah, that's scary. This one looks like he's going like to 10. Yeah, it's getting scary. It's giving something from like adventure time, to be honest. Oh, not that one. That one's more weird. That one's very fish-like. Yeah, that's the sea bishop. It kind of looks like a bishop. It does. And then this one looks like a monk. Oh, I see it. Like a friar boy. Yeah. Friar tuck. Interesting. Friar fuck. Cool. I would give it 4.5 boos because I feel like overall I really enjoyed the story. I thought it was really good for 1954. I enjoyed like the black and white aesthetic of it all. I liked the storyline that it was kind of giving with the model, the main lady thing and Kay and all the love story going on and kind of like almost like a love triangle-ish going on. But overall, I thought that even for a movie back in the day, it had some pretty good scares or jumpy trying to do scares. And I thought it's funny that at one moment, it almost seemed like they reused the same scene of the hand coming out at least two or three. Yeah. So they just like spliced. They were like, oh, throw in another one. Make it scary. Yeah. And then but I thought it was pretty good. I thought overall we forgot the hand coming through the window to get the doctor as he was all bandaged out to a little quirky. Yeah. Tiny those little tiny baby circular windows on boats. Yeah. And the poor doctor couldn't even say anything. He's just like, no. And then they're just like whacking it to get it out. But it was pretty good. I don't know. I thought for an old school movie, and maybe I just really also love how short it was. And it was able to tell a really well-told story in that amount of time. Yeah. It was well-developed. There were no like plot holes, really. There were no extra jibbits of things of like information. It just was like, here's the story. And then a little like middle part and then more big action sequence or whatever, and then beautiful swimming, like water under the wander water shots were really cool. Yeah, the underwater shots were really cool. I appreciated them greatly. But yeah, 4.5 for me. What do you think about you? Yeah. I was thinking for 4.5 as well. I'll do a 4.5 just because you can't ignore how classic it is. It doesn't even Scooby-Doo have like a creature from the Black Lagoon looking type of monster in it. I think they do at some point. It can't possible does for sure. Yeah. So like it's had so much influence on pop culture and stuff that you can't just ignore that. And like you said, it told the story super well, very concise with it did have filler scenes in there. Like when they're just like writing on the boat and not much, but like not much is happening. But then even the dialogue that's there like perpetuated the story. And it helped to move things kind of sideways to the next scene. Yeah. So everything had a purpose. And then there was just some beautiful shots like you said like with the swimming, her swimming, and then the creature underneath her, I thought was super cool. I will say the creature did move pretty clumsily for something that was in the like supposed to like live in the water. Yeah. Under water, it didn't swim super well. Like gracefully. Yeah. But I think that's because it legit was a man in a suit holding his breath for four minutes. Yeah. Having to navigate water and stuff. So I imagine that's probably why it wasn't swimming super gracefully. It wasn't giving the dude from like Hellboy. Yeah. Yeah. That vibe. So, but I think, yeah, overall, I'd give it a 4.5. It's just a big matter of history. It was kind of one of the first like creature films kind of, right? Yeah, I believe there's not. I mean, there's like monster films that came out before it, but one of the big like creature monster films. Yeah. And so it kind of was the first of its kind. And it, you know, at some points, it reminded me a lot of like alien and stuff like thinking back to the original alien and or like the predator. Yeah. Like it reminded me. I'm trying to look up the first creature movie was technically in 1915, the Gollum. The Gollum. The Gollum. Early as example of a film to include a creature, not necessarily a creature film, but yes, but the monster like movie universe in the early of that. It's almost like, well, that's interesting. So it says that the monster films are basically from like 1915 to like 1954 when this movie came out. Oh, wow. That's that's crazy. So essentially, this is kind of like, I feel like the cap of like. Monster film. So this is kind of the end of it. Yeah. Yeah. But I feel like it's the one that because this is a lot of the because of the atomic bomb and all that shit during the 40s and whatever in 50s, there was a lot of atomic paranoia, nuclear paranoia. So this is a part of that genre. So yeah, like this, and it came from beneath the sea, tarantula, King Kong, Godzilla, the deadly Mantis, they're all from this same period of time, the 40 50s things. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I forgot all about Godzilla and King Kong. Yeah, they're in there too. But it really, I feel like it had a lot of play and like other films that we watch in modern day. Inspiration like with scenes that it had like different just the way the monster stalked and like only seeing parts of it until revealing its whole face. Like I feel like in alien at least, you know, you don't see the whole what are they called again? Xenomorph. Xenomorphs. You don't see the whole xenomorph at first. You see like parts of it. Yeah, as it like slips behind a wall or something. And yeah, and then eventually you see the whole monster. But like, I feel like a lot of inspiration came from probably this film. It's a good movie. I'd agree. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. Yeah, it's not that bad. And it's super easy to watch. And I feel like it's very, like a just something good to have in your horror repertoire. Like if you haven't seen it, I'll add invite some friends over. I haven't seen it before. I haven't either. Today invite some friends over makes a drink pass it around and like drink every time you see the claw. Yeah, or the music goes. Yeah, when it gets to the big cheese theme. But yeah, it'd be fun. It's cute. Good Halloween, like movie in the background. Yeah. Yeah. If you're drinking game, like while it's going. Yeah, that would be super aesthetic. This and those for raw two in the background, super aesthetic. I would if I went to your Halloween party and you had the playing. Yep. That's all immediately. But where are we? And the lovely road media network studios. And what are we doing here? And what do they do with all of our lovely other road media network show hosts, podcasters, they take great care. They take great power. They take real good care of us. See you later. Okay. Well, take real good care of us. He's just here. He just streamed in the background. They secretly got us all locked in here and we're only allowed to produce podcasts. But they do take really good care of us. And they produce a whole bunch of podcasts and you can find all those podcasts in one central place. And that is at road media That's right. And if you want to listen to us or any of those other great podcasts, you can do so on all major streaming platforms. But the biggest two would be Spotify and also Apple. But wherever you do listen, don't forget to great review, like and subscribe. That's right. Because that's the only way we can get ahead in this world. And if you want to let us know your thoughts on the creature from the Black Lagoon or any of the other monster movies, we've got some really big ones coming up this month, like the thing the thing and the mist and splice. Yes, which is not doesn't have a the in front of it, but it should be splice. The splice. This splice. That sounds like a it sounds like a dune where they're talking about the spice. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We got those lined up for you. Yeah. There's another one maybe thrown in there, but I might be wrong. If you want to let us know your thoughts on any of those films, you can do so all in our one social media platform, which is Instagram. And that is at that is at boo Bay's podcast. And that's at b-o-o-b-a-e-s because we're your boo Bay's, not your boo Bay's. That's right. And until next time, you guys, right? And do you have anything else for them? That's it. Until next time, bye Bay. Bye Bay's. Boo Bay's. Ooh. Hey. Are you a podcaster? Let's talk podcast hosting. Are you tired of your current podcast host? Need real support in a community that gets it? At Rogue Media Network, we offer top tier podcast hosting services to help you thrive from hosting and distribution to dedicated support we've got you covered. Starting as low as $25 a month, join our community of passionate podcasters today. Contact us at hello@roguede media