Afterlife Pod

Episode 168 Yvette R NDE 'I had never seen anything so extraordinary harmonious'

One night, after weeks of illness, Yvette experienced an extraordinary out-of-body journey. She heard disembodied voices deliberating my fate, saw her lifeless body, and traveled freely. She encountered terrifying shadows in a dark abyss but was then drawn to a radiant constellation, experiencing profound peace and beauty. I met a divine being, Jesus Christ, who filled her with immense love and serenity.

Broadcast on:
15 Sep 2024
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[Music] Thank you for joining me everyone. I have another experience for us all today. This one is courtesy of a lady called Evette. This is Evette's experience. It was August the 15th 1987 and I was getting my dance school ready for new classes. I had a fever of 38 to 39 degrees and because of the aspirin wouldn't help I had to call for my doctor. After hearing of my symptoms he diagnosed flu. We weren't worried and we founded a bit amusing as it wasn't even flu season. We agreed that I would go on antibiotics convinced that all would be back to normal fairly quickly. Quite the contrary. My aches got worse and my fever went up to 40 degrees. I refused to go to the hospital and because I live close to my mother I received medical assistance at my home. I only accepted visits from doctors and from my mother who were taking care of me. I had told everyone that I might be contagious but in reality I just didn't want anybody seeing me like this. Day after day I saw myself decline physically and morally. My body ruthlessly weakened. My joints ate. Getting up from my bed was difficult. I couldn't stand steadily and I worried about falling because my legs wouldn't carry me. It hurt to walk. I lost my appetite and had difficulty swallowing all the delicious vegetable soups my mother had prepared. Reading was uncomfortable and the light bothered me. My mind didn't control my body anymore and I was rebelling. I anxiously waited for medical test results. I felt sorry for myself and when I was alone I cried. Being aware of any noises coming from the door as my mother sometimes came in inappropriate moments. I didn't answer the phone anymore as the ringer started to hurt, startled me and hurt my ears. I listened to the messages on the answering machine when I was lucid enough to do so. I couldn't sleep soundly and all the street noises echoed and pounded in my head. My main concern was trying to hide from my family how my disease was worsening by modesty but mainly by fear of hospitalization. I used my intelligence to fool them but now was having difficulty being vigilant at any instant. One morning I threw the box of sleeping pills into the toilet. I had taken half a pill every night for the past two weeks and I thought they were the cause of my nightmares and delirium. I woke in the middle of the night sweating to the point of taking off my blanket or being cold to the point of not being able to warm up. Some nights I was hunted by nightmares from my teenage years. I felt relentlessly in a void my heart pounding to what seemed an eternity. I woke up horrified panting and clinging to my blanket like a madwoman. One day I had to go to the hospital for some exams and miraculously my temperature held at 39 degrees which meant I could be discharged that same night. One night a few days later I felt like my pain was subsiding and my fever was going down. It felt better, calmer and to my amazement I wasn't hearing sounds from outside anymore. I knew I was going to sleep soundly and I needed it badly. In this healing silence I heard two manly low voices with a soft tone. I had never heard them before and their clarity was bewildering. One was to my left and the other was to my right and they were just there without any physical manifestation. These pleasant sweet voices were comforting to my ears. I was attentively, attentively listening to their conversation but quickly got upset. I realised they were calmly deliberating my fate as if I wasn't there. Despite my best efforts I was unable to make any noise coming out of my mouth. I was mute and could only address them telepathically. I knew they could hear me but they were not too preoccupied about it and acted as if I wasn't there. I felt powerless and it was infuriating to me. I understood something abnormal was happening but it was difficult but it was real and a serious decision was being made unbeknownst unbeknownst to me. I thought of my daughter who still needed me. I argued protested begged but nothing worked. They were still ignoring me. The voice at my left was on my side and it was listing my qualities but the one on the right wasn't in my favour. It was listing my most insignificant imperfections. At the same time scenes I remembered from my life and other scenes I was in but were unknown to me were unfolding at such a fast speed that they were bumping into my head. The whole thing was very confusing and I found the situation I was in to be insulting and ridiculous. Tired from all the useless efforts I had made to try to be heard and moved from some of the pictures and comments I fell asleep. All of a sudden I saw my body below me inert laying down on my bed. It felt so good. I went to see my daughter who was sound asleep at my mother's place. I freely moved into space with the bewildering lightness and speed. No obstacles and barriers were obstructing my movements. I went through walls with childish pleasure. I was having fun and totally taking advantage of it. The Statue of Liberty and the New York skyscrapers did not impress me anymore. I went back to my bedroom to observe my body with such with as much disregard as before. I found myself appalling and I smiled from within. Suddenly I was violently sucked in by an uncontrollable force. It felt like it ripped my heart out and swiftly took me into a dark place. I was in pain and terribly scared. It was some sort of wide open and unstable abyss with glowing walls and it was terrifyingly dark. The unpleasant smell of sulfur was making me nauseous. Hideous shadows appeared from everywhere and fidgeted in every direction. Their moans were dreadful. They were touching me lightly, trying to catch me, to hold me. I was horrified and my fear was at its worst. Then a bright and intense constellation enthralled me. I radiated and was attracted to it. Getting to it seemed to take forever but the closer I got the more I felt free of my torpor by its purifying brightness. I was exhausted. As if by magic I entered it or it absorbed me I could not tell the difference. That's when all my fears lessened to give way to peace, serenity, and a well-being that I did not know existed. Here I was serene in a peaceful world where the light enlightened with all its glory and invigorated intensely where the perfumes exhaled a captivating fragrance. A world nourished by spectacular symphonies backed with the melodious sounds of a sacred choir where everything was pure beauty. Nature was rich, glistening, and luxurious. The green pastures were filled with flowers with fancy petals, subtle shades, and delicious smells. So beautiful that our most prized gardens would have been green with envy. As states of crystals adorned with precious gems shined everywhere, sky-blue lakes had a silvery reflection. Forests offered a myriad of elegant trees. Their leaves were sumptuous and were of many shades of fluorescent green. Beings of an exceptional glory expressed the power of everlasting love in all its pure truth. I had never seen anything so extraordinarily harmonious, never had been through such a comprehensive and intelligent, serenced sensory experience. I never felt so free to express myself, never felt such an intense flood of love. I am captivated and paralyzed by the presence of a group. A very large being of extreme beauty illuminated everything. He exuded divine superiority with his presence. He was barefoot and he stepped away from the group to face me with all his magnificance. He was wearing a long immaculate white robe. His arms hung alongside his body with his palms open. My attention was on his long and stringy fingers and his fine superb hands. He was observing me with a look of infinite goodness and compassion that reached deep inside my being. Jesus Christ appeared to me, wrapped me up with his divine presence. His radiance embraced my soul. I could feel him with every fiber of my body. The power of his love wrapped itself around me within a surreal silence. I did not want to leave him. An untimely noise forced me to open my eyes. Stunned, I found myself in a bed and noticed my mother who was in the doorway. I didn't move. She thought I was asleep and I was sad. A few tears softly rolled down my cheeks. I could hear my mother busying herself in the kitchen. I got up in a hurry to tell her I had died but that death was a wonderful state. It was it is only a liberation of our bodies that so that fills our souls with love. Surprised to see me up, she inquired about my health even before I could tell her about the unbelievable adventure I just experienced. Nothing mattered more than sharing with her the truth that I had just that had just been revealed to me. There was a lightness about me that made me think I was doing better. Then I realized I am healed. My mum listened to my story skeptically and didn't interrupt to suggest that my fever must have created a delirium that brought on an enchanted dream. In the afternoon I asked my mum to drive my daughter, my poodle blondie and myself to the mountain. I had this odd need to be with nature to reconnect with the trees as if they were vital to form my complete remission. My mum found my request to be unusual but happily came along for the pleasant drive. My daughter and I were on a communicative lockout. We hugged each other and laughed for no reason. Sorry that's my mother and I were on a communicative lookout. We hugged each other and laughed for no reason. My mum worried about me getting tired but she was happy for us. Blondie was wild and ran in all directions without going too far. The air was filled with the echo of our laughter and life on earth regained its rights. Three days later at the beginning of this beautiful month of October 1987 I was once again teaching gymnastic and dance lessons with as much pleasure as before but with a renewed energy. All the medical exams came back negative. The disease carefully kept its secret. That's the end of Yvette's experience. So this is one of those ones that actually as I was reading it reminded me of one of the more well-known experience, a guy called How in Storm. He kind of went to a hellish type environment after falling ill overseas and having to go to hospital and he had some much more extremely dark experience than Yvette has and ends up finding the light and and being rescued in a similar sort of way to what's happened in this experience. So yeah I would definitely recommend you finding How in Storm on YouTube or somewhere and having a listen to an interview with him and or even finding his book because yeah it's it's well worth a listen and I think he is a pastor or something now or minister or something but yeah it's amazing how these near-death experiences can transform people and push them in directions that they never thought they would go in and I haven't had one myself but I have had some spiritually transformative experiences that have pushed me onto a path that yeah I really didn't believe a few years ago and now here I am researching as much about God as I as I get time to it's it's interesting how life works out and yeah we we just never know what path we're on it it just goes on you know we're always sort of changing our journeys direction and going down roads that we didn't anticipate because life is always throwing up challenges and curveballs that pushes in in in ways that sometimes we don't want to but sometimes they turn out to be experiences that help us grow and become better people and this is a big reason why I don't you know I think darkness like we see in this experience here is such a bad thing because it pushes us to embrace the life and gives us that perspective between good and bad and shows us how we should you know how how living a life is is is less challenging when when you avoid that darkness that you've been exposed to you just think of the darkness as a bit of a teacher and it can push away from it and so rather than looking at negativity and and experiences in that in this world that are hard to navigate as things to hate and despise maybe we should be you know potentially looking at it at it in another way and looking at it as something that pushes us towards becoming more evolved and better people and sometimes that's difficult to do like especially when you are in a bit of a trough and you are finding life difficult to get through yeah look I get it when you are in that spot it's not easy to want to look at that darkness and say wow you're fantastic I'm grateful for these difficult feelings I'm going through right now but yeah it sometimes takes perspective to see it that way and yeah when I'm reading these podcasts I'm in a pretty good space so I can kind of look at darkness from that perspective but yeah I'm like everyone else when when you are in the middle of one of those parts of life that is absolutely despicable then yeah it's hard to see the the positivity in it but anyway let's go through Yvette's experience again so Yvette this is happening back in 1987 it looks like she is getting ready for a dance class and she's a teacher she has a bit of a fever and the doctor says yeah look after she goes to the doctor he says look you probably got some flu and they think that's a little bit strange because it's not the middle of winter and flu isn't isn't that common in summer so they decide that they should go on antibiotics and for her this is ineffective the fever actually goes up a little bit higher so she doesn't want to go to hospital and she said thinks well I'm living close to my mom so I might just stay at home get my mom to drop in and help me out when I need it get get her to take my daughter and just help me get better and hospital I can I can relate to that hospital is a little bit scary and unappealing now that I work in one I can see no it's definitely why people avoid them at all costs but this is not really working for her she is not getting any better her physical health is getting worse and worse it's gone way past the usual flu period and she is having trouble walking she's got achy joints can't really stand properly no appetite and yeah it's just deteriorating into a situation which is getting more and more serious so she gets some blood tests and she's awaiting those and in the meantime she's stressed out she's anxious there's starting to be a little bit of delirium creep creeping in here she's avoiding the phone it's just her mental state is getting to a point where she is not really cognitive of what is going on in this reality it's it's sort of blurring between coming in and out of consciousness a bit and she's hiding all this from her family like she's not letting them know how serious her condition is she says she's using her intelligence to to trick them into thinking she isn't as bad as she really is and she's doing this to I guess avoid going to hospital and to alleviate any worry they might have so and then and then obviously as we usually read in these experiences it gets to the point where she totally drops out of this physical realm and crosses over to another dimension so in her case she it isn't quite as drastic or dramatic or clear cut as being in one dimension and going to the next and I think most of us have kind of experienced this a bit when when we get a fever or you know something some condition like a serious flu you can get a little bit delirious and it gets to that point where you almost get lost in another world inside your head and this seems to be the first stage of her near death experience so I remember when I first got covered it was it was a little bit like that I was just I wasn't I wasn't fully in this realm anymore like I like I knew I was but at the same time I was just having these crazy dreamlike experiences that were you know quite quite interesting actually though I was actually quite enjoying them I I can't remember what actually happened but I remember just being quite content to be in this delirious state and yeah like I said there was nothing that really stood out to me as as an event that occurred just more like a feeling of of you know enjoying the experience I was having so for her this this delirious stage she says she can hear voices and I've never had a delirium like this before so in her state she's hearing these two people one in her left one in her right and they're actually discussing what quality she has and they're trying to argue almost over what fate she should she should go through like what's going to happen they're almost arguing should she live or should she die one of the voices is on her side and enlisting all the positive qualities and the other voice is um reeling off all these insignificant imperfections and I guess kind of arguing the case that maybe she should just die and and it also looks like there's a bit of a life review going on at this stage as well there's scenes from her life and they're just flashing before her eyes almost and and for her she's she's not feeling well like she's in this other realm and she's not enjoying this experience it's like that's too too many things going on at once there's people arguing over a fate there's this life review happening and she she's not in that full spiritual soul place yet because um she's obviously still feeling unwell and and connected to a physical body and she's just tired of this place where she's at as she can't make any sense of it and and that point she just sort of drops back out and goes back to sleep or back into her body or um passes out or I don't know it disconnects from this delirium somehow but as she does that it's this is when the so-called real um leaving the body happens or the near-death experience begins she's able to detach herself from the body completely and start flying around um she's amazed at how quickly she can move and how there's no such thing as a physical barrier or obstacle she's able to move through walls she's able to fly around the city she goes and sees the new york city skyscrapers and she's yeah she's not she says she's not that impressed by it anymore then she goes back to um have a look at her body and she says she finds herself appalling and smiles from within so there's I don't know there's a bit of a dark side to this experience and um I don't think I've ever actually come across an experience where someone goes and sees their body usually it's like what's that who's that I don't recognize that person until the penny drops and they suddenly realize oh yeah that's me but for Yvette she um is now in spirit or soul state and she's flying around and she goes back to check her body out and she finds herself appalling and then has a little smile about this um this experience within so this is one of these experiences where the body has left the the soul has left the body and they're still in this physical realm at this point there's no connection to this other dimension apart from the state of the being the person themselves is in there's still in this physical world they can still go and you know see things that is happening um on this planet and uh but do it without a physical body and then this is when it changes though because suddenly she feels sucked in by this uncontrollable force it's like it rips her heart out and swiftly takes her into a dark place she uh is in pain she's scared and this um experience has all these um hellish light images that we are so often taught or read about like there's this horrible smell of sulphur uh it's making us sick she can see these hideous shadowy figures everywhere they're making these horrible sounds they're touching her they're trying to catch her it's a real hellish like landscape and and obviously when you're in that sort of situation the fear it becomes intense and almost uncontrollable and this um is you know like when i come across experiences like this i just think why like why are there these places in the universe where you um go into such darkness like i mean like we all know what darkness is like as earthlings but sometimes that gets even taken to a more extreme level in this other dimension and it is even more terrifying and um this is is pretty much um a definition of of what hell sounds like to me especially you know going back to what i learned as a kid and and all the horrific images that um you know i was taught could happen to you as as if you ended up in hell uh you know they're pretty much aligned with what i'm reading here minus the the eternal fire and um fear of being there for eternity but yeah if that is in this dark place and she doesn't really um offer any glimpse into why she thinks she ended up there it's just um an explanation of of what it was like to get out of these hellish light realms i often read in these experiences or you have to do is ask for god ask for the light ask for some guidance and generally that's when help comes but for a vet there's no mention of this it's um it's it's just like she she explains this situation of being in hell and then she says in her words as if by magic um i suddenly felt absorbed and um connected to this light and with that connection um it all the fear gives way to peace serenity and well-being so in her case she doesn't have to ask she doesn't have to um pray or or any of those things that it just comes to rescue her and and then we get this description of what her heaven-like realm looked like so for her this it was this peaceful world where the light um i really liked the way she's she she wrote this um heaven-like realm and and described it so there's perfumes there's intensity and the colors there's this music that is um just absolute bliss sung by sacred choirs and she also gets a natural landscape that's rich and luxurious and glistening with green pastures and flowers and and she says it just makes our gardens on her look you know second rate compared to what she's experiencing here and the skies even had this silvery reflection to them there's forest with all the different types of trees there's um just an exceptional glory to what she is experiencing and she says that she's never seen anything so harmonious and never experience anything like this um scene she is is is living in now she says there's like a bit of a intelligence to what she feels that she's seeing and um and and with that is this intense flood of love now this this part of the experience is is also you know it's got a lot of imagery that we see on planet earth there's trees flowers hills um skies and sometimes people have these sort of images when they they do do experiences other realm uh sometimes there is no earth-like imagery at all it just is born you're in this dimension then born you're in the next and almost like anything to do with earth feelings that the emotions that the experience of being a human on a physical realm is totally left behind but quite often um if you're a regular listener you'll hear experiences where people are experiencing a heaven-like place where there is a lot of earth-like analogies and symbolism and um a continuation almost of of what we experienced on earth just without the the negativity associated with it or the darkness or the challenges it's like you are suddenly free of all that and you are in this realm that you are familiar with you're comfortable with it's it's what you know just um yeah you don't have your body anymore and you are yeah you're just in a in a very blissful state then she comes across this being she says is of extreme beauty and this being just radiates light everywhere it has this divine superiority to to his presence and then she goes into a little bit of detail of what this presence actually look like their foot he's got a white robe he's um she's just totally absorbed by this figure and very much drawn to him and she says that he's looking at her with this look of infinite goodness and compassion that reaches and and touches her deeply and she says she thinks this figure is is Jesus and um Jesus and wraps her up in this divine presence and um his radiance just embraces her soul and she can feel you know every fiber of her body just vibrating higher and in a much higher state and she just feels content happy surreal and just doesn't want to leave this situation so this experience it progresses from you know kind of delirium type state which most of us would be able to relate to and if the experience stopped there i could you know there are a few elements of of of what you see in a normal nde like other beings um and a life review but it's kind of bordering on is this a dream is this is this someone's imagination but then it progresses to this heaven-like state and then for me you know when when you start getting these highly evolved beings like Jesus start to um connect with the person having the experience that's when it sort of becomes a i guess official or more believable nde for me and um yeah so this is um what part of the experience she's up to and this is when the experience ends so she is one minute in the hands of Jesus Christ and then the next she is waking up in her body crying wanting to be back where she was but also feeling a little bit better from the experience she's just had she's quite you know all of what's just happened and wants to share with her mother exactly why she experienced when she died so she says that um her mom is surprised to see her up and um she begins to share what happened to her and as is so often the case especially back in 1987 people were probably even more skeptical than they are now and she tells a mum anyway and her mum is um having trouble believing that this is what has happened and chalks it down to potentially her her um delirium and her mental state the next day she feels much better it's like her illnesses in remission she never really finds out what was wrong with her but she decides she feels very drawn to go into nature and her her dog a kid and mum go for a drive up to the country I mean to into the mountains and then she has a great day there and goes back to work with a more invigorated perspective and a willingness to take life on again so yeah that's the end of events experience so yeah i'll wrap it up there that's all i've got time for thank you for joining me for this episode can you please if you feel so inclined is and you want to reach out and say hi my email is pod i love to hear from you so yeah don't be shy but yeah wishing you a fantastic week and lots of love and peace and satisfaction with your life as a human so yeah talk to you then goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]