The Sword of the Spirit Podcast

Get Wisdom, pt. 7 - Dealing with the Tongue

1h 18m
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13 Sep 2024
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And you know, folks, as always, whenever and well, wherever you find yourself listening to us, it's always my prayer that you'll also find yourself in the grace and in the mercy of our Lord and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to the Sword of the Spirit Podcast. Alright, thank you very much to our not-really-live studio audience, we really appreciate them. Big source of encouragement here on this Thursday evening, and folks, we are, once again, live at the Asylum Studios broadcasting from the pimple on the backside of Texas, the beautiful city of Eagle Pass. And folks, it is another Thursday evening, it's a beautiful night here in Eagle Pass. Temperatures are beautiful, it's a comfortable evening, it's really nice here at the studio, and we are rolling out a new camera here, so apparently, from what I'm seeing here on the monitor, it's a lot clearer than the other one, that's for sure, so you're going to see a lot of flaws and defects, so, but hey, that's what it is, right? That's exactly all it is. But folks, I hope you guys had a great week, you know, we almost didn't do the show tonight, because, I don't know if you remember, but last week we mentioned that we were waiting for a state inspection at the job, and they showed up on Sunday morning, and that's why we were delayed Sunday afternoon show, made it Sunday evening, and then they were at our building here all this week, they left yesterday, was their exiting, and it went well, a lot of good feedback, a couple of little issues, but nothing crazy, but because of the fact that they were there for so long, I really wasn't able to put a lot of work into the show, because it's a long day, we got to get there earlier, we get home a little bit later, and so, you know, I didn't have that much time to really study and prepare, but being that they left yesterday, and I was able to get out of, I got to work a little earlier today, I was able to put some finishing touches on our notes for tonight's show, so I hope you get a blessing out of it, and I don't know if you can believe it or not, but this is the already part seven of this series we were doing on wisdom, from Proverbs, and I just can't believe that seven weeks have gone by as quickly as they have, and it's just like, wow, now I got a struggle because, you know, I hadn't really put much thought into what we were doing next, but don't despair, I'll be sure to have something for us for next Thursday night's Bible study, but like I said, we've been studying wisdom on our Thursday nights for the last six weeks, and the book of Proverbs is a book of wisdom, and that's where we've been pulling most of our information out of, and in Proverbs chapter 21 and verse 23 it says, "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles," now really, you think that's a thought, that's a real sobering thought, well, you know what we're going to do tonight? We're going to talk a little bit more about that. Oftentimes, we hear children say really foolish things, and we just cast them off because we recognize that children, they're immature, so we recognize the immaturity of a child, and so we kind of just shrug it off, oh well, but how often do adults fail to control their tongue? How often do adults fail to control their tongue? And I can't really emphasize it enough, how much we see that on the nightly news, and you have these politicians and they're all out there acting like six-year-olds, and of course, all of that's just in violation of what God says. Now, there are several areas where a tongue can get us into trouble. It can really, really mess with you, but before we get into that, I'm going to ask you to do a couple of quick things, just first of all, head over to our website, That's, and when you get there, head over to our contact section and send us over a message. Let us know whatever's on your heart, whatever's on your mind, any questions, comments, cares, concerns you might have, and also don't forget to send over those prayer requests. And also, if you would, please mention in your prayer request if we're allowed to use it on the show, because we don't want to violate anyone's privacy. So let us know that in your email, this way we know how to go forward with it. Also, if you don't like to use the web form, you can always email it to me directly. One of these days, I will master the English language, I'm sure of it, but you can email it to me directly at Also, if you would, while you're on our homepage, please check out our support button and our support page. And remember that this is a value for value podcast. And all that basically means that if you receive anything of value from what we're doing here, whether it's through the live audio, through the live video, through the podcast of it later, if you've received any value whatsoever, if you received any blessings whatsoever from what we're doing here, why don't you consider donation? Help us to keep this thing going. We don't run paid ads on the show when you hear us do a live read or something like that. We're doing that because they're friends of ours and we're doing that as a courtesy, as a gift to them. So we're not getting paid for it. We did recently monetize on our rumble feed, our rumble stream, but we don't have a big enough following yet in order to really generate anything. As a matter of fact, I looked at what we've earned since we've monetized and we have earned a stellar 25 cents. How about that? What a blessing. And it is. I'm not being sarcastic. It is. It's a blessing. Whatever. Every penny that we are able to generate, any amount that we're able to bring in via donations is a huge help to keep everything going and for what we're doing here. And folks, please just remember that we are completely and totally dependent upon you to help keep everything going here. We have other ministries involved with the show that we're doing and it all comes through your giving. For example, we send out Bibles if someone requests a Bible from us. They can't afford one of their own. We'll get that for them at node cost to them. If anybody wants any other type of materials, a literature, anything that we can help them find. If someone's looking for a church, we do all of that stuff all through your help, through your donations. And another thing that we do that's very, very important is we also send out a monetary gift to missionaries that we support. We help them out. We send them some things because they're out there in the field doing Lord's work and they need that support. So your donations help us to continue to do those things. So if you haven't made a donation yet, or if you're on the fence about it, pray about it. And if the Lord leads you to do it, hit that hit that donation button on our homepage and send us over a donation in any amount. You can do it through our through our PayPal account that's set up on our support page. You can do it through crypto currencies, which are wallets up there as well. You can send it through there. You can send it to us through cash app. You can any number of ways you can do that. And if you're in the position where you're able to do a recurring contribution or recurring donation, man, those are a real blessing for us. We really do appreciate that. So no matter how you go about it, thank you so much for all of your support. And it's something that we really, really do appreciate. All right. And so like I said, Proverbs chapter 30, let's go over to Proverbs and chapter 30. All right. And let's, let's see one of the, those, one of the first of these several areas that I mentioned just a few minutes ago, Proverbs chapter 30. And we're going to head over to verse 11. I love my coffee. Love my coffee. Proverbs chapter 30 verse 11. There is a generation that curses their father and death, not bless their mother. There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. There is a generation. Oh, how lofty are their eyes and other eyelids are lifted up. There is a generation whose teeth are as swords and their jaw teeth as knives to devour the poor from off the earth and the needy from among men. And so there's a generation. There's a generation. Now, this problem is not exclusively confined to young people by any stretch of the imagination. I don't want you to think that, but it does seem like young people fall into the trap a little easier, a little easier. And it's the, it's the trap of cursing according to the Old Testament. Cursing, you know, cursing one's parents was considered a crime worthy of death. I mean, that's how serious God took it. Swearing it was considered to be a source of pollution of the land. If you don't believe me, look at me over in Jeremiah and chapter 23, Jeremiah 23, you know, and I don't know about you, but you probably agree about you probably agree with me on this. I find it extremely irritating when Hollywood produces a movie that has the potential to be a good movie, that they feel compelled to insert the language into it, the cursing, the swearing, you know, and really in reality, it serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever, you know, doesn't accomplish anything, but they feel that they have to stick it in there, you know, for, I guess for whatever reason. Well, God says it just pollutes the land. All right, now in in Jeremiah 23 and verse 10, for the land is full of adulterers, for because of swearing the land mourneth, the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up and their course is evil and their force is not right. All right, there's something wrong with them. They lose strength. The, you know, the whole thing is polluted, you see, and it's polluted because of bad mouths and bad tongues and bad thoughts that accompany those things. You know, I've said it to more than one person over the years. You have to have a very limited vocabulary, you know, because you keep repeating yourself. There was a guy that I worked with when I was up in New York and I was still in uniform service. And, you know, from time to time, we would partner together and we would have some conversations, you know, during the course of a shift and the thing with him, and his name was Pete, and the thing with Pete was is that every third word out of his mouth was a curse. And so, you know, one day I was, we were driving along in our patrol sector and I just said, all right, that's enough. You know, that's enough. So I said to him, and I don't remember exactly, you know, what started the whole conversation, but something to the effect of, you know, I said, you must have gone to some pretty garbage schools, dude. And he was like, hey, well, what are you talking about? Why would you think that? I said, because you're vocabulary. It's so limited. He says, well, what do you mean? What do you mean? And I said, because every third word out of your mouth is a curse. I said, you know, I'm glad you weren't one of those guys writing the Declaration of Independence, you know, and then, you know, I kind of got on him a little bit. I preached him a little, you know, a little sermon about it, you know, about five minutes and, and, you know, believe it or not, he, he, he didn't totally eliminate it. But he curtailed it. He slowed it down. But you also know what I noticed? Over the following weeks, when he would let out a, you know, a barrage of it, like he would just just go off the hook. And all of a sudden he would stop and he would turn around. He would look at me and he would apologize. He knew it was wrong. He knew that there was something wrong. You know, people can identify who you are and, and, and what you are a lot of times by what does or doesn't come out of your mouth. I had a supervisor named Mike, he had the foulest language I've ever heard. I mean, this guy was, this guy was bad. And, you know, the other officers and I, you know, there were, there were times where we hated to work with them. You know, it always seemed like he was in, in a, like extremely foul mood always. And one night he decided that he was going to work, I was going to work with him. He assigned me to be his driver. That was one of the perks of being a patrol supervisor. You, you had a driver, somebody had to drive you around your, your sectors. So he assigned me to be his driver and, and, and about four hours into the night, I noticed he was just staring at me. You know, it's like, you know, I'm driving and I just turn around and, you know, and there he is just staring at like totally like staring. So I asked, I was, what's wrong? He goes, there's something strange about you. So, you know, my sarcastic mouth, you know, well, you know, you're not the first one to say that. What's your point? He goes, you don't curse. I said, okay, well, now, why do you think that is? Because, you know, I'm trying to play a cool, you know, I'm, I'm, I'm trying to, you know, because if you come right out and, and, and, and tell people right up front and, you know, in, in those circumstances, then you start flinging Bible verses at them, you know, sometimes, you know, sometimes you lose the opportunity, you know. So I said, so, so he said, well, I don't know. So that had opened the door. It opened the door and I witnessed that guy for two hours that night. And, and he just sat there and, and, you know, he listened and he asked questions and he took it all in. And, you know, something after that conversation that we had, that guy cleaned up his language around me. He cleaned it up. You know, sometimes what you say, or what you don't say opens doors. Now, what you do say, you know, you know, we, we depend on greatly to open doors, but, but sometimes it's what you don't say. You know, so what is cursing a sign of? What is cursing a sign of? Take your Bibles and go with me to 1 Samuel chapter 17. 1 Samuel and chapter 17. All right. Now, in this chapter, David goes out to meet the Philistine Goliath. And, and of course, you know, I'm sure you know the story. But, but, but here's an interesting part of it in verse 43. 1 Samuel 17, 43. And the Philistine said unto David, am I a dog that thou comest to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. So, so the Philistine is, is, is engaging himself in cursing via language and, and, and he thrust all of these curses, all of his curses at David. All right. Now, the Philistine, you know, of course, is, is a picture of the world, you know, worldly attitudes, worldly thoughts, worldly ideas. And so, it would be identification with the world. That's what that is. All right. But that's not all. Go to the book of Mark and chapter 14. Mark chapter 14. And Mark 14 verse 71. All right. Now, now this is Peter. And, and of course, you remember Peter and, and, and, you know, the Lord's being tried in this chapter and Peter's outside in the courtyard. And, and he's out there. And what's he doing? You know, he's denying the Lord. He's denying the Lord. And it's really when you, it's, it's a, it's a, it's a really sad, very, very sad story. But in, in verse 71, but he began to curse and to swear saying, I know not this man of whom you speak. All right. Now for the Catholics, this is your first pope. All right. You know, your first pope was out there cursing and denying the Lord. That's what he was doing. You know, now Peter repented. Peter got right with the Lord. And, and we all know that. And so we're not going to condemn him because he did get right. But do you know what this is a picture of? This is a picture of a backslidden condition. And that's exactly where Peter was at this particular point in his life. He was just as backslidden as he could be. All right. But that's not all. Go over to Romans in chapter three. Romans chapter three. Romans chapter three. And verse 10. As it is written, there is none righteous. No, not one. There is none that understand it. There is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way. They are together, become unprofitable. There is none that doeth good. No, not one. Their throat is an open sepulchre with their tongues. They use, they have used deceit. The poison of asps is under their lips, whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Now, who's Paul talking about? Who's Paul talking about? Well, he's talking about the unsaved world. He's talking about, he's talking about people who don't know Jesus Christ. All right, that's who he's talking about here. And so, this is a picture of an unsaved person. All right. So, so what do we have so far? We have identification with the world, the backslidden condition and an unsaved person. And then finally, over in James chapter three, James chapter three, I have a crazy itch in my mustache. Try me nuts. James chapter three and verse five. Even so, the tongue is a little member and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter, a little fire kindleth. And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. So is the tongue among our members that a defileth the whole body and seteth on fire, the course of nature. And it is set, it is set on fire of hell for every kind of beasts and birds and of serpents and of things in the sea is tamed and have been tamed of mankind. But the tongue can no man tame. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Well, it's no wonder that the Bible is considered to be hate literature. All right. God doesn't have anything good to say about your tongue. And you remember the evangelist, D.L. Moody, we've talked about him several times, back in the 1800s, you know, and and Moody only had an eighth grade education. That's all he had, just an eighth grade education, but he loved the Lord. And he was a great preacher and God used him. And a lady came up to him one day and she said, Mr. Moody, I counted 57 grammatical errors in your sermon. He said, lady, he pulled on his tongue, he said, you see that thing right here? He said, that thing right here, I'm using it for the glory of God. What are you using? What are you using yours for? And I'm sure that was pretty much the end of the conversation at that point. It's hard to do that by the way. So cursing and swearing, it pollutes the land and it identifies us with the world, the backslidden condition, right? It's it's it's it's the language of the unsaved. It's a lack of self discipline, according to James chapter three. All right. Now, what's the second problem with the tongue? The second problem with the tongue, not only as a curse and swear, but it lies. Go back to Proverbs chapter 12, if you would, Proverbs chapter 12. And in Proverbs chapter 12 and verse 17. He that speaketh truth showeth forth righteousness, but a false witness deceit. There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise is health. The lip of truth shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil, but to the counsels of peace is joy. There shall no evil to happen to the just, but the wicked shall be filled with mischief. Lying lips are abomination to the Lord, but they that deal truly are his delight. Well, you kind of get the impression that God's not really in favor of lying, don't you? You see, God hates the lying tongue. Just go back to Proverbs chapter 6, Proverbs in chapter 6, and verse 16. Proverbs 6 verse 16. These six things that the Lord hate, yay, seven, are an abomination unto him, a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, and heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running the mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Well, so the Lord's really not impressed with a lying tongue, and all the lies that people perpetuate. Now, oftentimes the lie is only covering for another sin. Oftentimes, the lie is only covering for another sin. Go over to Proverbs in chapter 10. Proverbs in chapter 10. Do you remember when you were a kid and you did something that you knew that you were going to get in trouble for? If you got caught, you knew you were going to get in. And so you're trying to manufacturing some kind of a story that wasn't necessarily the truth or cast a blame somewhere else, anywhere else except on yourself. You know what I'm talking about? All right, well, what's that? Lies, oftentimes, are just covering for another sin. All right, Proverbs chapter 10 verse 18. Proverbs 10, 18. "He that hideeth hatred with lying lips, and he that utterth a slander, is a fool." Well, you know something? I can't say it any better than the word of God said it right there. Now, there's a great story about that, actually. And you find it over in Acts chapter 5. And it's a story about a guy by the name of Ananias and his wife, Sephira. I'm sure you remember the story, and I hope you do. So what the saints were doing there in the early church at Jerusalem is they were kind of gravitating toward a type of a socialistic communal living. Now, God never told them to do that, but they were just voluntarily thinking in those terms, all right? So people, they're selling their property, they're selling their goods, and this and that. And they're putting it all in the pool of a church treasury, as it were. And so this couple said, hey, we sold this, we sold that. And here's our gift to the Lord, except they kept back part of it, they kept back part of it. But the impression that they left was that they gave it all to the Lord. And so God said, you know what? You're in trouble. And if you don't know the story, you need to go home and read it over in Acts chapter 5. Look it up, Acts chapter 5. Now, God never told them that they had to give it all. All right, there was never a prerequisite like that, that none. But what was the difficulty? What was the difficulty was that they lied about it. They lied about it. That was the problem. So oftentimes a lie just covers another sin. Well, and you know, liars actually enjoy listening to one another. Proverbs chapter 17, Proverbs chapter 17 and verse 4. A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. You know, Washington DC is, it's just one great big giant liars club. Is what it is, right? It's just, you know, I mean, you want to talk about a pool of pollution? Well, the Bible says that liars will be punished. Liars will be punished. Look in Proverbs 19. Now, I want you to keep in mind that Proverbs is a book of wisdom. Now, of course, you know, during the course of the study, you know, occasionally, you know, we refer to other passages. But but folks, the vast majority of everything is right here in Proverbs. You know, you really don't have to go outside Proverbs to get to get any of this information. All right, you should be reading Proverbs every day. You should read a chapter of Proverbs every day. And you know something, if you do that, if you read a chapter of Proverbs every day in a month, you've read the entire book, and then you just start again, you just start again. Proverbs chapter 19, verse five. A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape. All right, look at verse nine. A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish. So verse nine gets even a little bit more radical than verse five. Verse five says, you know, shall not escape. Verse nine says why? It says shall perish. You see, it's a difference. So God doesn't look too kindly on liars. All right, finally in Proverbs chapter 20, Proverbs chapter 20, and God is a very interesting way of saying this in chapter 20 and verse 17. Bread of deceit is sweet to a man, but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel. All right, now you're probably sitting there scratching head. Well, what does that mean? Now I'm going to let me explain it to you in modern vocabulary. All right, they'll eat their own words. And that's kind of what God's suggesting right here. They'll just eat their own words. And I'm sure you've all heard that phrase before, eat your own words. So cursing and swearing, lying, you know, those are two areas that get people in trouble with their tongue. All right, here's another one. Proverbs chapter 18, Proverbs chapter 18, you know, Proverbs, when you think about it, Proverbs is, it's a rough book. You know, Proverbs, it's constantly hammering our behavior. You know, that's a tough book. That's a tough book, Proverbs 18 verse eight. The words of a tail bear are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. So Moses warned the people about tail bearing, you know, clear back in Leviticus, you know. Go with me actually, you know, keep your finger here in Proverbs and go with me over to Leviticus chapter 19. Proverbs 19 and verse 6. I mean, I'm sorry, excuse me, Leviticus, Leviticus, I'm sorry. Leviticus 19. All right, are you with me? Everybody there? All right. Leviticus 19 and verse 16. Now, remember, this is clear back in the law. All right. I mean, you know, this is pretty fundamental stuff. This is, this is a cornerstone, a cornerstone of Christian behavior. Leviticus 19, 16, thou shalt not go up and down as a tail bearer among thy people. Neither shall thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor. I am the Lord. Wow. Wow. So, so the Lord compares tail bearing to violence and shedding blood. So I would take it. He's not too happy about that. You know, some things ought to be concealed, you know, whether they're true or false, you know, and you know, you've heard people say, you know, you've heard over the years, you know, especially if you're, if you've been going to church for years, you know, you know, good, good Christian prayer chains. You know, well, you know, I really want you to pray about this and well, you know, you know, I don't really want to say anything about it, but you know, it is true. You know what I'm talking about. You've been to those things. You've been through those things. All right. Well, there are some things that need to be concealed, whether they're true or false. All right. Proverbs chapter 11 verse 13, a tail bearer reveal the secrets, but he that is a faithful spirit can seal of the matter. That's pretty plain. All right. Some things you just leave alone. You leave it buried, don't dig it up. And then, and then we go a step further and go back to Proverbs chapter 10. Do you know what real love does? Real love. Verse 12, hatred stireth up stripes, but love coverth all sins. I mean, if you love someone, if you love someone, there are just some things you're not going to rehearse, whether they're true or not. All right. Verse nine of chapter 17, Proverbs 17, he that coverth a transgression, seeketh love, but he that repeateth the matter, separated, very friends. When we love others, you know what we need to be doing? We need to be looking for a way to help them privately. If they need help, help them privately, you know, not through the famous prayer chains, you know, well, did you hear? Oh yeah, yeah, brother, that's bad. We really need to pray for those people, you know, no. First Peter chapter four, first Peter chapter four, you know, one time I decided to have some fun with some folks, you know, that I knew that that loved to gossip, you know, I don't know if you heard about it or not. I don't know if I've ever told the story or not, but the Baptist preacher, the Catholic priest and the Jewish rabbi were all having coffee together, you know, they were kind of fishing buddies, you know, and they had their theological differences, but they enjoyed the friendship. So one day, they got into this really serious conversation and decided that, you know, maybe, you know, maybe they should, you know, predicated on what James said, you know, confess your faults one to another. And so the Baptist preacher said, you know, he said, well, I'll tell you, he said, I hate to say this, but every now and then, I like to take a nip from the bottle. Oh, well, you know, that's not good, you know, that's not good, but we understand that, brother. You know, sometimes the ministry can be very compelling, you know, and so the, the Catholic priest, you know, he said, well, he said, you know, this isn't real good, but you know, every now and then, I just lift a few extra dollars out of that till, you know, to support some old habits. Oh, that's not good. No, that's not good. Then they looked at the rabbi and he said, well, he said, I have to tell you guys, he said, my frailty is gossip and I can't wait to tell some folks so I don't know why I decided to tell a joke. I wasn't going to, but I did. So anyway, so I played this trick on a friend back home and I was visiting with another friend, a mutual friend and I said, you know, you know, brother so and so he just loves gossiping about, you know, some of the brethren and some of the other preachers and whatnot. So I said, would you do me a favor? He said, yeah, what? I said, call them up and in the most, in the most persuasive way you can possibly do it. I want you to tell them this little tidbit of gossip. All right. And I'm not going to tell you what it was. All right. But it was about me and and you know, let's see how long it takes to make this circuit. Oh, he said, yeah, okay, yeah, I'll do that. I want to do that. That's good. We'll do that. And so he did. And, you know, he called him up and he goes, Hey, did you hear about Brother Joe? What? What? Tell me, what, what, what? Well, you know, he went on with this whole story that he and that that and he made it very, very convincing. And boy, I'm telling you, I am telling you, I mean, that thing went around and it wasn't even remotely close to the truth. You know, but and it was evil on my part. You know, well, probably was, but I was having fun at the expense of a brother. But you know, sometimes you sometimes you just get carnal. You know, all right, all right, enough jokes. First Peter chapter one, first Peter chapter one. You know, if you're going to help folks, if you're going to help folks, you got to do it the right way, the right way. All right, first Peter chapter four, everybody there? First Peter chapter four, verse eight. And above and above all things have fervent. Now, now, there's one place, well, one of six places where the word fervent is used. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. You know, good thoughts, good behaviors, good actions toward the brethren cover a lot of things that undoubtedly need to be covered. You know, a lot of folks have been hurt over the years because of tail bearing and it's a shame. It really is. Tail bearing has divided churches and it's split churches. It's split relationships in churches and families. All right. Now, and there's much more of it that I could talk about. But I do have a couple more points I want to work, I want to work through. So we're going to keep moving on here. Go over to Proverbs chapter 12. Proverbs 12. All right. Now Proverbs 12, and verse 13. The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips, but the just shall come out of trouble. All right. Well, what does that mean? Well, let's go over to Proverbs chapter 18 and get a further explanation of that Bible with Bible folks, Proverbs 18 verse six. A fool's lips enter into contention and his mouth calleth for strokes. A fool's mouth is his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul. Are you know what that's talking about? It's talking about talking too much. It's talking about talking too much and I don't know if you've ever noticed it, but some folks just talk too much. You know, a fool talks too much and gets himself in trouble. Go to Proverbs chapter 10. Proverbs chapter 10. Proverbs 10 and verse 19. In the multitude of words, there want not sin, but he that refreneth his lips is wise. All right. Chapter 13. 13, 3. He that keepeth his mouth, keepeth his life, but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction. You know, John Wesley, and then I well, John Wesley refused to have a conversation with the antibody that lasted longer than 20 minutes. All right. His attitude was after 20 minutes, it's all going downhill in the wrong direction. So that was, you know, I'm not I'm not saying he was right. I'm not saying he was wrong, but you know, but John Wesley was a was a was a was a great man of God and I and I think he maybe had a couple of things figured out. You know, even if he was a Methodist, you know, we'll overlook that because God really used them. There's no question about it. And in some ways, I kind of like that, that 20 minute rule. Because if you know anything about me, I mean, yes, I know I sit here in front of a microphone twice a week and talk for an hour and a half and all that stuff. And but if you know anything about me, if there's one thing I hate, it's talking on the phone. Good night. I hate it. I hate it. And people know that. People know that and they still call me. I haven't figured that out yet. I haven't. But another subject, another sermon, another time. All right. So let's see, a man of few words is one of knowledge. Proverbs 17. All right. Proverbs 17 verse 27. He that hath knowledge, spareth his words and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. All right. Now, now this, this is a classic. I mean, I mean, this is a classic, classic verse. All right. Verse 28. 1728, even a fool when he holdeth his peace is counted wise and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed, the man of understanding. So in other words, don't open your mouth and remove all doubt, you know, but I mean, there it is. It's too much talking. You see, don't do it. Don't don't do it. All right. What about talking too soon? It's kind of like it's kind of a twin sister of that. Chapter 18 and verse 13. Chapter 18 verse 13. He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. You know, how many times have you talked to people, you know, and as you as you talk, you get the distinct impression very quickly in the conversation that that that they weren't really listening to you. How many times that happened, right? You know, they were, they were thinking about what they were going to say next. I mean, I think, I think we've all had that experience, right? You know, everybody's had that type of experience. Well, do you know what that is? That's talking too soon. That's talking too soon. You know what God wants you to do? He wants you to search a thing out and part of searching the thing out is listening to what someone else might think about it or say about it. All right. Go to Proverbs 25. Proverbs 25. Don't worry. I still only have another hundred to go. We should be all right. Proverbs kidding. Proverbs 25 and verse two, I just saw all the numbers just drop everybody tuned out. I'm kidding. All right. Proverbs 25 verse two, it is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. Search it out. Search it out. Well, that's not working too good out in Washington, is it? You know, now, now, those are all things. That's five negatives, right? Cursing, swearing, lying, tail bearing, talking too much, talking too soon. Okay. Those are all arenas where the tongue gets us in trouble. All right. Now, when the tongue is used for the right purpose, there are five positives and they're brief. All right. So let me run them out to you. All right. Number one, Proverbs chapter 15. You know, God doesn't just want you to shut up and never say anything. God wants you to use your mouth and your tongue, but he wants you to use it for the right purpose. All right. Proverbs 15 verse one. Here it is. A soft answer, turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. All right. Now, I particularly have a problem with that. A guy just, just about ran me off the road just the other day going home. I did not have any soft words. Okay. You know, sometimes you say it and you repent later, right? But you know what? And you know what a good tongue does? It brings men to peace is what it does. It brings men to peace, a soft answer, turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. So if you're listening and you don't have any trouble with your tongue, please let me touch you. Okay. Please. I mean, I think this gets all of us, don't you? And I think it's all down to where we live, but all right, but that's not all. Chapter 25. Chapter 25, it gives wise reproof to the airing, to the airing, E-R-R-I-N-G. All right, not A-I-R-I-N-G. That's what a right tongue will do. The right mindset. All right. Proverbs 25 verse 12, as an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold. So is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear. If someone is willing to listen and they'll take a little rebuke or reproof, and the words are framed correctly, then hey, you know, what's a good thing? That's a good thing. All right. Chapter 28 verse 23. Chapter 28 verse 23. He that rebuke at the man afterwards shall find more favor than he that flatareth with the tongue. That's good. That's good. Now you do have to be careful with these things. All right. You know, everything needs to be balanced like we studied in our first lesson. All right. A false balance is an abomination of the Lord. All right. Now that's not all. Proverbs 11. Proverbs chapter 11. You think about it. Proverbs has a lot to say about what we say. All right. It's a tough book. It's a tough book. Proverbs 11 verse 9. Proverbs 11 and verse 9. And hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbor, but through knowledge shall the just be delivered. All right. You know what? You know what the right speech, right tongue, right now does? It delivers lost souls. That's what it does. All right. Look in chapter 14. Chapter 14, which of course led Solomon to say he that wineth souls is wise. All right. Chapter 14 and verse 3. In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride, but the lips of the wise shall preserve them. That's very good. Very good. All right. Verse 25 of the same chapter. A true witness, delivereth souls, but a deceitful witness, speaketh lies. So one of the best things you can do with your mouth is deliver souls. Deliver souls. He that wineth souls is wise. All right. And number 4, the right kind of mouth and tongue teaches people the things of the Lord. All right. Go to Proverbs 15 and verse 7. Proverbs chapter 15 and verse 7. Now just, you know, as I dove into this thing, the study, I knew that God had, you know, the book of Proverbs had a lot to say about your speech about, you know, our tongue, our lips, our mouth, you know, but I didn't really know how much. I mean, I knew it had a lot to say, but when I really started to look at the and catalog it and I say, wow, man, God puts a lot of emphasis on what we say or don't say. Proverbs 15, verse 7. The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, but the heart of the foolish doeth not so. So in other words, if you're going to say something, try to make it productive. Try to make it useful, you see, something that will benefit somebody. Chapter 16, verse 21. The wise and heart shall be called prudent and the sweetness of the lips increase it learning. Verse 23, the heart of the wise teacheth his mouth and add if learning to his lips. And then so it so it teaches, it teaches people the things of the Lord. All right. So when when the tongue is used for the right purpose, number one, it brings men to peace. Number two, it gives wise reproof to the airing. Number three, it delivers lost souls. Number four, it teaches people the things of the Lord. And number five, it carries the gospel. It carries the gospel. Chapter 25, Proverbs 25. Proverbs 25, verse 25. As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. You know what the gospel, the word gospel means? It means good news. Good news, that's what the word actually means. And so as cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. So it carries the gospel. That's when an appropriate tongue, speech, and so on does. So folks, let's avoid cursing and swearing, lying and tail-bearing, talking too much, talking too soon. And let's use our mouth for the right reason. Now, you know, you get over to James chapter five, you know, we just read a passage, but if you read more of the context there, you know what James is talking about. And he said, you know, we put bits in the horse's mouth to control them. Isn't that what we do? You know, God's real patient with us. He's really patient with us, isn't he? I mean, just really patient. God, you know, he doesn't want to have to put a bit in your mouth to control you. Just believe me, he's got one that'll fit you and some of them are pretty radical. But you know what he prefers to do? He prefers that little tug, that little tug. You know, God, please take it easy on my mouth, will you? And let me use it for your glory. And you know something, folks? I think what we all need, that's something that we all need to pray for and desire to achieve. Amen. Amen. Heavenly Father, we want to thank you for the preaching and the teaching of your Holy Word tonight. God, thank you for the book of Proverbs and the wonderful wisdom that you've supplied to us through it. God, thank you so much. Lord, please help us to control our mouth, help us to control our tongue. Lord, let us use our gift of speech, our mouth, our tongue, our words for your honor and for your glory and to further spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, we thank you for it and we ask you to bless the remainder of the evening in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, folks, well, that's going to bring us to our break here. And when we come back from the break, we'll get into our prayer list and just a couple of quick announcements. And then we'll wrap this whole thing up. All right, folks, this is the Sword of the Spirit podcast. Please don't forget to like, subscribe and share it with your friends, your family and your followers. That way you'll help us spread the gospel of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And don't forget, this is a live show every Sunday at 3 p.m. Central Time and Thursday at 7 p.m. Central Time. All right, and we'll be back right after this. Stay with us. There is a river of gladness that pours from Emmanuel's face. The sinner was plunged beneath the flood and God said, "Since then I walk in forgiveness." And all of my guilt was erased. The chains of the past are broken at last. I got saved. Oh, I got saved. I'm undone by the mercy of Jesus. I'm undone by the goodness of the Lord. I'm restored and made right. He got a hold of my life. I got Jesus. How could I want more? I received nothing but goodness. I've tested and tasted your grace. I was so lost till I fell at the cross and got saved. Oh, I got saved. I'm undone by the mercy of Jesus. I'm undone by the goodness of the Lord. I'm restored and made right. He got a hold of my life. I got Jesus. How could I want more? The love of God gave me his pardon. The love of God won't let me stay the same. The love of God holds me up higher. His will is stronger. That's why I got saved. I'm undone by the mercy of Jesus. I'm undone by the goodness of the Lord. I'm restored and made right. He got a hold of my life. I got Jesus. How could I want more? I'm restored and made right. He got a hold of my life. I got Jesus. How could I want more? I got Jesus. How could I want more? This is Jared Misha with the Modern Apocrypha podcast and author of the book Bright Star. And you're listening to Sword of the Spirit podcast on and Oh master let me walk with thee in the lowly paths of service free. Tell me thy secret helped me bear the strain of toil the fair. Teach me thy patience still with thee in closer dearer company in work that keeps faith strong in truth that triumphs over all. Oh master let me walk with thee in closer dearer company. Oh master let me walk with thee or let me walk with thee in hope that sins are shine and rain far down the future's broadening way. I end peace that only thou can skip with thee oh master let me live. Oh master let me walk with thee in closer dearer company. Oh master let me walk with thee in closer dearer company. You are listening to the Sword of the Spirit podcast on and I will both lay me down in peace and sleep for thou lord only make us sleep well in safety. The Lord will give strength unto his people. The Lord will bless his people with peace. Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them. Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusted them thee. Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. These things I have spoken unto you that in me he might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world then said Jesus to them again peace beyond to you as my father hath sent me even so sent are you therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law for the kingdom of God is not meeting drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy ghost for he that in these things serve with Christ is acceptable to God and approved of men let us therefore follow after these things which make for peace and things wherewith one may edify another now the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that he may abound in hope through the power of the holy ghost stand therefore having your loins gird about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness in your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus finally brethren what's wherever things are true what's wherever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things those things which he had both learned and received and heard and seen me do and the god of peace shall be with you and let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also you are called in one body and be thankful now the lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means the lord be with you all now the god of peace that brought again from the dead our lord jesus that great shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you perfect in every good work to do his well working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever amen amen amen hey there folks welcome back to the sort of the spirit podcast this is jorruciello and what a blessing it was to be able to go through that little series we did for seven weeks from the from the book of proverbs talking about wisdom and all the different dealing subjects that we went through that was a that was a lot of fun it was a blessing and I hope you got a blessing out of it as much as I did all right so we're going to get into our prayer request here on our prayer list and again folks if you have any prayer requests whatsoever just send them on over to us at info at sort of the spirit that's info at sort of the spirit podcast dot com just open up the web form send them on over or you can always email them to me directly at info at sort of the spirit podcast dot com that's info at sort of the spirit podcast dot com all right let's see as usual we go down our prayer list here so we're praying still for mica candy and eddie for their salvation and uh you know we always pray for the folks that are need of salvation first because salvation is the most important decision that anyone will ever make in their life and the reason for that is because it has eternal consequences eternal consequences if you die without jesus christ you will go to hell it does not matter what your religious denomination is it doesn't matter what good works you do it doesn't matter uh you know what sacraments you took part of or ordinances you took part of if you die without jesus christ you will end up in hell so mohammed not going to help you uh uh buddha not going to help you the the pantheon of the hindu gods not going to help you married not going to help you only jesus christ and jesus christ alone putting your full faith trust and confidence in his shed blood and his perfect work the cross of calvary so if you haven't done it yet please call upon the name of the lord jesus christ please get saved don't go to hell do not go to hell it's within your control you know god gave you a free will you can either accept the gift or you could deny it reject it and again if you reject it you're going to end up in hell plain and simple god gave you the way out it's up to you to decide if you want it or if you don't all right so again we're praying for mica candy and eddy for their salvation going down our sick list we're praying for uh yasanya who's going undergoing chemotherapy treatment maricella who's having uh uh who's recovering still from triple bypass surgery rosa with heart trouble larena uh who's battling cancer a manual also battling cancer uh Ruth for her overall health and well-being uh ashley with heart troubles uh and uh we're still praying for carol recovering from uh a very severe car accident and then on our general prayer list we're praying for uh brother henry uh for direction in his walk with the lord and and uh to put that hedge of protection about him as he serves also praying for uh for angela for direction in her life and also for travel mercies as she's uh traveling away for the next uh few days uh we're also praying for ashley for peace in her life and her soul larissa for employment opportunities clawed for uh some particular family needs as well as employment opportunities uh eddy uh who's battling addiction uh ed for his overall health and well-being and isabel uh who is some unspecified needs all right so uh let's uh let's go to the lord and prayer our heavenly father we want to thank you so much for for all that you do for us god we thank you for the tremendous gift of salvation that you've provided to us through your precious son the lord jesus christ father we just thank you so much that it was uh that that that it was your son that you took upon yourself the penalty for our sins father so many there are just so many ways that i cannot even wrap my head around that concept but god i'm thankful that you did and i'm thankful that we have a book that tells us that you did and how you did it god thank you so much father we lift up today all of those that are listening to the show tonight that might not be saved and father we pray for them we pray that you would bring conviction to them we also pray for those on our prayer list uh candy eddy and mica lord we pray for them we just ask you god please save them save all those that are listening they're not saved father we know that you don't want to see anyone perish and end up in hell so father please through the holy spirit just move in us and move in them that they might be saved father we also pray for those on our sick list god i just lift them up to you each and everyone father i pray that you would just touch each body that you would bring healing that your hand would be upon them father i pray for discernment and wisdom as they uh make the decisions that they have to make about their lives about their treatments and god i pray that you would just bring healing mercy comfort and grace at this time and then father we also pray for those in our general prayer list god we just lift up uh all of those in need of your touch god we pray for Henry we pray for that hedge of protection about him we pray for your wisdom and discernment in his walk with you and and in leading his family we also pray for Angela for direction in her life and we pray that you would just bring protection as she's traveling father we also pray for uh for Ashley for this this peace in her heart and soul that she that she's longing after god we know that you can provide that father we pray for Larissa for employment opportunities to present themselves better opportunities for her so she can support herself and her family father also we pray for uh for Claude lord we lift him up to you and we just pray that you would give him wisdom and discernment as he's make as he makes the decisions that affect himself and his family as well and lord you pray that you would open up that uh that door of opportunity for him and then lord he also pray for Eddie uh who's battling addiction lord we just pray that you would uh give him victory over that lord that that uh that the struggles that he's facing would not overtake him and overcome him god we just pray that you would give him victory today over his addiction and then lord we pray for Ed for his overall health and well-being lord we just pray for him we ask you just to bring healing to his body and to his mind and we'll thank you for that and then god we also pray for for Isabel for her needs for her family and god i just lift them up to you uh you know exactly what those needs are and then lord if there's any listening tonight that uh is not expressed in need uh to us and lord might be might have uh a silent prayer list a prayer request and father i just pray that that you would please god just touch each one or that you would answer those prayers according to your perfect will for them and for their lives and that lord you would receive honor and glory for it father thank you for the podcast thank you for all those that are watching listening and we'll be asking to bless the remainder of the program today in jesus name amen all right folks so if you have any prayer requests whatsoever don't forget to send them on over to us at info at sort of the spirit podcast dot com or head over to the website and uh open up that web form and uh and send them to us through that all right uh let's see how about uh let's see where we are now at this point uh oh yeah how about some announcements all right so folks don't forget every thursday night our thursday night bible study uh right here live on our website sort of the spirit podcast dot com also live streaming on all of your modern podcast 2.0 apps that are out there get yourself one of them so you can listen through those apps they are great you love them uh we have been studying uh the book of wisdom the books of wisdom ecclesiastes proverbs uh and uh what a blessing of a study it was tonight was our last uh our last part of that series part seven and uh next thursday we'll be getting it to uh something new so stay tuned for that that's going to be exciting looking forward to it also don't forget our sermon sunday broadcast every sunday at three p.m. central time and uh looking forward to this coming sunday as well uh so where can you hear it all live on our website sort of the spirit podcast dot com on any of the modern podcast 2.0 apps that's that live stream the show and also exclusively for video on rumble at rumble dot com slash s o t s podcast so you should definitely check us out and uh and hit that like button hit that rumble button you know uh let us know you're out there any comments or that you might have you know help us with the algorithm here let more people find the show so that uh we can get the gospel message out there and we would really really appreciate that all right folks uh again if you're in the eagle pass area and you're looking for a good king james bible believing a bible teaching church why don't you pay us a visit over a first baptist church of eagle pass we meet at 6 6 4 north Monroe our sunday school hour is at 10 a.m our worship service is at 11 our sunday our uh wednesday evening service is at 7 p.m our wednesday bible study and our uh did i say sunday evening at 6 i don't know i lost my place uh but uh our sunday evening service is at 6 p.m as well now for more information just visit the church's facebook page and when you get there just search for uh when you get to facebook just search for first baptist church and then uh when you get to the the church's facebook page make sure you make sure you follow it uh like it subscribe to it uh whatever you need to do so you can get updates from the church and also you'll get information about the podcast and again we're thankful to the folks over at first baptist for allowing us to use the church's facebook page to uh distribute the show it's a blessing thank you very much for it all right um folks if you are interested in prepping i would like to tell you about the contra radio network the contra radio network is a single podcast that houses nearly a dozen talented podcast and vidcast host and artists from around the country who released content daily the contra radio network releases 15 to 20 shows a week depending on current events and there are no issues that are off limits if you want to know if you want to break down the current events we got it you want to know more about preparedness and self-sufficiency got it you want a guy driving around ranting like a lunatic cut that too want to hear about politics sports bible studies firearm camping and so much more head over to the contra radio network at contra radio network dot com also available on all of your favorite podcast apps and be sure to check them out and uh of course you know we are partnered with them we've been partnered with them now for oh well well over a year now and uh it's been a blessing to be to be there with them and we look forward to continuing on with that all right uh war tribe armory located right here in eagle past texas we have our war tribe armory is at three oh three seven us 57 a veteran owned and operated business right here in eagle past check them out at war tribe dot armory on instagram war tribe armory on facebook and be sure to send them an email at war tribe armory one one three three at all right armory one armory one provides texas license to carry certification and leverages over 30 years of military and law enforcement experience instructing students in the safe use of firearms armory one also offers numerous courses on self-defense with a handgun active shooter preparedness home defense and much more make sure you visit their website armory one dot com to get more information especially on upcoming classes and i look forward to seeing you there all right and then uh last announcement please don't forget to sign up for our program and announcements uh our email list uh is uh is growing and uh we're thankful for that so uh all it is it's just an email that lets you know what we're going to be doing with the show any any changes to the schedule any cancellations uh or any guests or anything like that we're not going to sell your information share it or do anything with it all stays right here with us it's absolutely free there's no charge for it so uh it's the best way for us to reach you that's why we're we're uh that's why we're using it more frequently and uh also if you are listening if you are listening and you're on our text group list please let me know your email address so i can add you to it because um sunday will be the last one the last text group that goes out so please be sure to let me know this way you stay in the know all right don't forget socials twitter tiktok getter and instagram also on truth social as well all right folks uh just want to say before we finally sign off here thank you to the lord jesus christ for the gift of salvation what a tremendous gift and something that none of us are worthy of but thank you to the lord for it and thank you for making it so very very simple all it is is putting your full faith trust and confidence in the shed blood of the lord jesus christ thank you lord so much for that it's a tremendous gift it's one that i can never understand also want to say thank you to the lord for the for the opportunity to serve uh in the capacity that i'm in here with the podcast it is a real blessing to be doing this each and every week with you guys and it's something that i look forward to more than you can possibly imagine and uh you know i look forward to continuing on with this uh into the future and and to see how the lord's going to use this it's a real blessing uh especially uh you know the platform that we're on uh being distributed all across this country all across this plane uh we're in 84 countries as of today 84 countries this podcast is heard in and that is tremendous and i am incredibly thankful for that uh and we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the lord and his mercy also want to say thank you to all of you who have been praying for us and supporting us through your prayers thank you so very much and god bless you for your prayer support really really do appreciate that please continue to pray for us the ministry uh uh my family for our producers uh for all of those folks that are on our sick list on our prayer list uh please continue to pray for those that are in need of salvation extremely important to do that today all right and uh and also don't forget to keep praying for me as well also thank you to all of you who have been supporting us uh financially god bless you and thank you so much for your financial support uh and especially those that have been uh signing up for the uh uh recurring uh monthly contribution that is a blessing thank you so very much for it uh it really does help us out when it comes to planning and budgeting out things so thank you so very much for it and again if you uh if you're if you're thinking about it you're on the fence about it uh pray about it and if the lord leads you to do it hit that support button in any donation in any amount will help all right folks i think uh for me tonight that will just about do it so folks one more time thank you again for taking the time to be with us tonight uh head on over to the website sort of the spirit click on that contact section send us over any comments questions prayer requests anything that's on your heart of mind also don't forget look for that support the show tab if it can help us out with the donation in any amount whatsoever we would greatly greatly appreciate that all right folks make bible study great again go podcasting keep a steady stride and win the lost no matter the cost god bless you good night goodbye so so well that's about it really thank you