The Top Twenty

Childless Cat Lady | The Top Twenty Ep. 192 [09/12/2024]

Broadcast on:
15 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Every week “The Top Twenty” brings you the first 20 minutes – give or take – of “The Hard Rock Lunchbox”.

This week, DJ tries to get his prescription filled at CVS.

Also on today’s show: one hell of a morning, superpower to attract negativity, the lying pharmacist and MORE!

Music from: @JackknifeStiletto

This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox

Be social with DJ and Revel 9!

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I apologize for my tardiness, it has been one hell of a morning, just basically getting my bread back, just incident after incident, after problem, after problem, since the moment I got to my desk, it's just beyond my limit to deal with today, I am trying to pull myself back into at least a few minutes here, and then I can just play some music for the rest of you, we've got some good stuff coming up today, including possibly, I mean I can't promise anything, but potentially a sneak peek at the Craving Strange release for tomorrow, coming out Friday the 13th, talking of course about grains, the very long-awaited new song from Craving Strange, I know I am super excited about that one specifically because it is a new song from one of my favorite local bands, but also it's been a very long time since Craving's release material, I mean I guess not very long, but long enough, also I am one of several people that actually got to sing on it, that's fun, honestly that is the first time I've ever had that honor, never been asked to sing on anything before, so that was kind of nice to get, I do have some stuff to read, that will probably help reel some stuff back in, I do want to talk about basic lighthousekeeping, there's a new top 20 out, I have not done any promo for it at all, I forgot to do, I think the video should be out at least, I think I managed to do that, I did not do the shorts, I did not do any of the AI reels, I may or may not get to it honestly, I'm just so, I'm so spent and so caught up in so many other things, I'm having a really hard time catching up, it's literally a hard time just moving through my day, and it's not even like one of those situations where I've been in situations where I've been on medication or been ill where it just feels like I can't move, this is not that, and that is why I think uniquely frustrating because I can move, I cannot seem to escape the things around me, and I talk a lot, I guess maybe not a lot publicly, but I talk a lot about the, basically like the way that you can receive things in the universe and the way that you experience life, there's a lot to that, and I've noticed over the years that I have a propensity for kind of receiving, I can definitely receive, I can definitely program to receive from the universe, but unfortunately my super power seems to lie in my ability to attract negativity upon negativity, I don't know why that is, I don't want this power anymore, and it just, it becomes, it becomes too much, like I can't even begin to explain the fighting I have been doing for the past couple of hours, needless fighting, absolutely needless fighting, like I will give you, just a small example of just one thing that I've gone on, I was trying to get a prescription filled with CVS, I was trying to get it delivered because I'm not going to have the time to go get it, I have free delivery from my CVS because I'm a CVS extra card member, it's not really that special of a thing, anybody can do it, I feel very much like on despicable me where they put in his application to adopt the girls where it's like he can hold his breath to 30 seconds, that is more impressive than having an extra card, but my point is, is that it should be delivered, I get same date, delivered free, and it's not, it's not a huge deal, honestly if I don't get it, nothing's going to get better, nothing's going to get worse, it doesn't really matter, but I called because at this point I really wanted to know, and unfortunately I am in a mental state of affairs where my obsessive thinking and compulsory rumination on thoughts just drives me just short of insane, so I needed, and I decided I needed an answer, but that's why it couldn't be delivered, like call the pharmacy, I speak to the pharmacist, first of all I leave a message from the pharmacy, because that's how they do it and then they call you back, and they call me back and I answer the phone and they're like how can I help you, I'm like you called me dude, like real hyper aggressive and just, he's like well you left a message, I'm like yeah I'm trying to get this prescription delivered, and they're like oh I can't help you, you have to call or whatever, so I did, I called them, first person I spoke to couldn't speak English to save their life, so that took forever, the second, and then they disconnected me, which was awesome, the second person couldn't speak English to save their life either, but it took me about 20 minutes to explain what my email address was, because they could not understand me, because I'm speaking English in an English speaking country, so why would they? Finally got that settled, got over to somebody that actually spoke English and was going to call the pharmacy directly and help me, and they said that you know your card was declined, I was like that's ridiculous, first of all it's an MX, there's no way to decline it unless it's been stolen and it hasn't, but then it turns out, the pharmacist had to allow it for delivery, pharmacist actually had to check a box and approve it for delivery, that's why I couldn't get it delivered, so when I spoke to the pharmacist and he told me there was nothing he could do about it, he flat out lied to me, and the best part of the entire conversation was me speaking to this woman, I'm like so basically your pharmacist lied right to me, because he said he couldn't do anything about it, and to call this other thing, those other thing I've been doing for like 30 minutes, 40 minutes, whatever, dealing with all these unpleasant and inept people, and the pharmacist could have just fixed this immediately and didn't, she's like well I can't say that he lied, I'm like I'm not asking you to, I'm saying he lied, and I'm telling you that's a problem, in a world where there's a lot of other pharmacies, I do not need CVS, especially since you're so goddamn expensive, the only reason I'm at CVS is because that's just what's on file for me, it's been on file for years, I'd rather go to Walgreens, it's closer, Walmart, believe it or not, is actually one of the best pharmacies there is, as is Costco, so anyway, that's just a prime example of what I've been dealing with, a problem that does not need to be a problem, I didn't do anything wrong here, I didn't do anything wrong, I just simply existed and then there was a problem, because of that, because my existence caused this problem, and that is just one of many things that is already happening this morning, it is barely past dude, I have simply not been awake that long, to have this many things go wrong, and I am losing my goddamn mind, I can't even speak, I can't, I can't even seem to control my breath or get things that I need to survive, I cannot seem to control my breath, I can't even get my words out, and it's just been, it's been a day, so I'm hoping the top 20 is out today, I don't know what's going on with my hair, I should probably invest in a hair brush, I do have to go back and get hair cut, because I just, I look like complete garbage, and I'm so tired of looking so bad, you know like that whole, whole Tom Sligura thing, when he talks about like weight loss, and he's, people are asking him for advice, he's like, do you, when you look in the mirror do you say I hate you? Like yeah man that is the single greatest piece of advice I can give for change because that's every day every goddamn day multiple times a day I mean I've I've been in therapies and stuff where they're like you look in the mirror and tell your reflection that you love yourself I can't even get those words out that's that's that's my existence that's my reality that's that's mental illness and that's that's how it looks you know and somebody that's really just still trying to function and can um so i'm sorry for all that um i'll try and just get through this and keep my nonsense to a minimum because honestly nobody cares nobody needs to hear it and nobody needs to be brought down by some like to like some time store uh or five and five in time barely radio shows but hopefully the top 20 is out you can check it out it's where i'm talking about like trying to find the beauty in everyday spaces which is just complete BS like don't even bother like it's not there like if you can find it great good for you but like i'm gonna stop because it's not there it's not out there anymore and i'm gonna stop looking because it's just making me more and more fresh more and more fresher dude however um i did want to read this i don't know how many people know this story or follow a lot of people like myself like unplug from politics but a very very extreme stories or very like what what what just happened always seem to make their way to me and that's good because i i have i have i have dropped i have friends sorry i have another condition i can't bend over so much like i don't know if it's the hyperstatic hypertension or if it's blood pressure too low again but i have trouble with that so i apologize um you want radio don't worry about it but i have friends that like send me weird stories and stuff like i got some uh funny messages yesterday about uh people eating pets in Springfield, Ohio which was easily wow my hair just got crazy hang on let me fix that um which is one of the funniest things i heard actually recently and uh that was funny but i think the topper um and this isn't really about the debate uh if you watch the debate but the topper could for me occurred either just before it or after or whatever i it's proximal to it had something to do with debate but what i'm talking about had nothing to do with debate so just for some background i don't know who knows who knows who Donald Trump's running me is he's he's senator jd vans from Ohio he is a terrible terrible individual even he is wildly unpopular in Ohio but because he's a republican Ohio and's decided to vote for him anyway so i think it's stupid shared brown by far and away it's much better senator and i cannot believe his seat isn't danger like but i'm not here to talk about the intellect of the average Ohio and Ohio and but let's just say i don't have a lot of respect for it anyway um so he has famously been saying stupid stuff he's a very unpleasant individual but one of the things he was saying he was criticizing people that don't have children children man he was criticizing people that don't have children because he was saying they do not have as much of a stake in this country than other people which is like bananas so i just wanted to just read the background because what i'm going to read next is important and reliant on that um republican vice presidential nominee senator jd vance's criticism of prominent democrats as quote childless cat ladies has unleashed fury among women with many now reclaiming the age old sexist trope as a call to action this election season good in twenty in a 2021 interview with box news host tucker carlson another genius such genius moron whatever then senate candidate vance complained that the u.s was being run by democrats corporate oligarchs and a quote bunch of childish childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the mess the they want to make the rest of the country miserable to end quote he goes on to say quote it's just a basic fact you look at kamala harris p puta judge aoc the entire future of the democrats is controlled by people without children quote vance continued quote and how does it make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct stake in it there's lots of good reasons to not have kids it does not make your stake in this country anymore or any less it changes what you might think is important as the father of a daughter i have a lot of concern for her social issues growing up i'm comfortable that she lives in new york basically the free state of new york probably for the foreseeable future i don't know that she would ever require an abortion but if she needed one she could get one in new york uh donald trump has said just shy of said that he would sign a national abortion amendment or bill or referendum jd vance is said he would support it for sure in fact what trump had said is that he won't have to sign it because it'll never get that bar it'll never pass congress which is a ridiculous statement because rovey wade was never going to get overturned and yet here we are so having children just changes uh what becomes important to you it generally will expand what's important to you like i don't know as a uh straight white male i care inherently for me so much about women's issues l g b t q issues and stuff like that like because of of my makeup what i look like but like because i'm a human being and a good human being i do care about those things in others and it's the same about having children it's also the same about having parents if you start worrying about elder care or if you have siblings with mental disorders like you start caring about that or haven't helped you if you have a family member or a dear friend with physical deformities that just got kicked off of medicaid while that becomes an issue too right anyway the reason i wanted to tell you any of that is because what i'm about to read would not make sense if you didn't know about the childless cat ladies so i'm going to read this the night of the debate our very own taylor swift endures kamala harris for president um taylor has was famously uh involved in the 20 i think 18th senate election in her home state because she was opposed to marcia blackburn who kept calling herself a good christian even though she wasn't and that just incensed the very young very religious uh family oriented taylor swift which i thought was super brave and super uh super impressive and i'm not saying brave in the way that people people call each other brave i mean brave like actually because she could be a target of a threat it could ruin or cripple her enterprise everything she's worked for literally bravery in coming out and i think she's done it again and here's her statement which you can find i think she i think it's an instagram post so tte writes uh like many of you i watch the debate tonight if you haven't already now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most as a voter i make sure to watch and read everything i can about their proposed policies and plans for this country recently i was made of wear that ai of quote me falsely endorsing donald trump's presidential run was posted to his sign it really conjured up my fears around ai and the dangers of spreading misinformation it brought me to the conclusion that i need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter the simplest way to combat misinformation is with the truth that's very true i will be casting my vote for kamala harris and tim waltz in the 2024 presidential election i'm voting for kamala harris because she fights for the rights and causes i believe need a warrior to champion now i think she is a steady-handed gifted leader gifted leader and i believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by kam and not chaos i was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate tim waltz who has been standing up for lgbtq rights ivf and a woman's right to her own body for decades i've done my research and i've made my choice your research is all yours to do and the choice is yours to make i also want to say especially to first-time voters remember that in order to vote you have to be registered i also find it's much easier to vote early and i'll link where to register and find early voting dates and info in my story with love and hope taylor swift childless cat lady that my friends is an incredibly intelligent introspective and informative instagram post and no you might not recognize it considering all the trash and garbage that exists on instagram but there you have it shining beacon of light of truth honesty and integrity all from possibly one of the most famous childless cat ladies on earth i was impressed i hope you're impressed too i am however going to switch gears and get to some music because i am losing my ability to speak and i thought it'd be appropriate to go with a good friend of mine who is not a childless cat lady she is however a childless dog lady and that that account.