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HowStuffWorks via myPod: HowStuffWorks via myPod: HowStuffWorks via myPod: HowStuffWorks via myPod: HowStuffWorks via myPod: HowStuffWorks via myPod: HowStuffWorks via myPod: During the Break: The Wednesday 5 (a day late)!

Every Wednesday I will bring you 5 headlines you may have missed OR I think you will find interesting! Politics - Culture - Relationships - Business - Science - you never know what I will find while I am out there in the fields picking headlines just for you!

Headlines: Purdue Student and Free Car - Jordan Chiles and Olympic Medal - School Board and Books - Conspiracies are real - School Threats and Fakes -

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Broadcast on:
12 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) Welcome to the Wednesday five here on During the Break. Every Wednesday, I will bring you five headlines that you may have missed or that I think you may enjoy or that I think are important. So if it's Wednesday, it's time for the Wednesday five right here on During the Break podcast. Enjoy and share and here we go. Okay, first headline for today, A student at Purdue thought he had won a two year lease on a car and he had to kick field goals from 20, 30 and 40 yards. And he did it, yay, right? Poor kid, he's probably got milk crates for furniture, stealing road signs for artwork to put on his walls and his cinder block dorm room, eating ramen noodles all the time, stealing food from the cafeteria for snacks later that night, maybe not. That's my experience, maybe that's not this person. But anyway, he got an email from the dealership saying, "Hey, congratulations, but on further review, "you don't get the two year lease." He had missed it, they said, according to the replay by 5/100 of a second on the timeline. Now, we're reviewing that. Do you know how bad of a PR move that is locally? Do they understand the concept? They got all the benefit of the build up, helping this young kid, and then to come out and deny it off that? Uh-oh, I think that's just a local nightmare and that may not affect them at all. They may change their mind. Ladies and gentlemen, I stand with the student on this one. Give him the car, come on. He needs it, it's ridiculous. We'll take to the streets, they'll be anarchy, they'll be chaos. Probably not, I'm just kidding. Shouldn't do that, but I will say, I think that's total horse shit, he doesn't get the car. All right, let's go to the second one. Here we go. Jordan Childs, the unbelievably talented, talented Olympic medalist with the United States, is in the controversy of having to get over Ron's medal back because there was a technicality, whatever, that's not what this article is about. The reason I wanted to talk about the article is unfortunately, and I read the article, so there may be more proof here and I may end up having to do me a copa, but she says in this article, it's from,, that she feels like she's having to give the medal back and it's about my skin color. The only thing that I mean, I read the article, I understand that she's upset, I understand she's frustrated. I really, as much as I'm trying to understand the rule, I don't understand the rule 'cause Olympic gymnastics to me is one of the most athletic things on the planet. The physical strength, flexibility, the durability of your joint, I don't understand how they do that stuff, it is freaky. But it's also a quote sport that is very subjective, right? There's certain technical things about it that are great, but it's somewhat, not exactly, but somewhat like looking at a bodybuilding competition. To me, the untrained eye, they all look unbelievable, right? They're all like 1% body fat and they look great. So I don't really have an eye for this. The reason I'm talking about it is the other two people on the podium with her were also people of color. And so it's hard for me to hear this going, it's about the color of my skin. When I'm like, I don't think they have a problem giving it to people of color because people of color win all the time in different sports. That's, you know, people who are very, very, very white and some people are kind of off white, some people are tan white, some people are black, some people are light black. And people of all sizes, shapes, heights, and weights have won medals over the years. I'm not sure it's a racial thing. Again, there may be elements that I've not read in this article, but I just thought it made my heart sad for it to end up being another thing about, well, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna default to it's about my skin color when I don't see the evidence of that in this article. Now I might go back and read it again and make sure I didn't miss anything. But again, it's, what an incredible talent. And again, if it's a technical thing that is not that meaningful, then they probably should let her have the medal, but again, I don't understand all the stuff involved in it. I just thought it was a sad headline. It made my heart hurt a little bit for us to have that conversation around those things. Okay, so this is an article I found. I was going down a rabbit hole the other night about a conspiracy theory. And because I do like to put the tin full hat and just read a little bit, but I do find it odd whenever somebody questions, especially the last 10 years, and really the last five or six years, whenever you question, air quote, the science or the leaders or people that wear the white jackets or somebody all of a sudden you get elected to a certain position, and we just should trust everything that you say because you represent the government. I just think it's odd that we forget that there are a lot of conspiracy theories that have been proven true after the fact. And in the moment, if social media had been around, I bet there would have been all kinds of people saying, "Hey, sit down, relax. "What are you a doctor? "What are you a culture expert? "What are you? "Why should we listen to your opinion? "How dare you ask questions?" Just this article went through just a few. How about the Tuskegee syphilis experiment? How about the NK Ultra, which is the CIA Mind Control Project? How about the 1990 testimony of Narah? How about the Operation Snow White, the Church of Scientology versus the US government? How about there's a little column in here, and this is from CIA assassins, you can click on that and it gives you a whole list of proven stuff. The business plot, Fascism in America, go read that one. That one is crazy. Operation Mockingbird, which is also the CIA. How about, let's see, Operation Paperclip, Nazi scientist, find employment in the United States. How about Operation Northwoods? How do we age war on Cuba? How about the Bohemian Grove, the Rich, the Powerful, and the John Stone Owl? Those are 11, and there's this other article that's got another 10. I'm just saying, the only reason I wanted to bring this up is before you get super comfortable telling your friends who are asking questions, excuse me, around anything. Just know that a lot of times, in retrospect, air quote, conspiracies are simply true, and they just were poo-pooed in the moment because in the moment, there was a money grab or a power grab are people that just didn't want to be held accountable. What about that one? All right, so let's go to the next one. Okay, this is one from locally where I live, and it's basically about a student. In Tiner Middle School here locally, we have a school called Tiner, and this kid got in trouble for threatening the school, but it's a bigger thing. The reason I wanted to use that as a jumping off point, there is something going on, there's something in the water this year. I don't know where you live, but where I live, there's been 13 or 14 at this point, either call-ins of threats, people have finding guns, parents that are threatening schools. Now, a lot of these end up being fake, end up being just false alarms, but it's the boy that cried wolf. One of these times it may not be, but it just, I don't know how to fix this. I was having a conversation with someone the other day on what are we supposed to do with these kids that just don't care about the consequences? Why, how are we raising kids? What kind of environment are they coming from home that they just feel there's no consequences for their actions? They don't fear getting expelled. They may not fear going to jail. There's no consequence at the school other than getting kicked out, and for years, it seems like we've just been, you can talk disrespectful to any teacher you want, you have an excuse to act this way because you have this home life, and it's true that two things, it's possible two things can be true at the same time you have a bad home life, but that also does not give you the right to take that out on people at your school, teachers. And this happens at an elementary school level, by the way. I have a lot of friends in those, in that world, they'll tell you, the kids that are nine, eight, 11 are really acting out. I mean, it's getting worse and worse, hitting teachers, assaulting teachers, not doing it all what they're told to do, disrupting class. They don't care about going to sit and time out, going out in the hallway. There's really very little consequences. The parents, a lot of times, either absent, or they actually are more upset at the school of like, "Well, why aren't you teaching them better?" Why? I don't understand, well, I do. Let me back up and slow down. I say this to my friend, Jeff Stiles all the time. Our society doesn't define terms, whether it's around any serious topic, right? But especially on a topic like this, we haven't identified the root problem because nobody wants to talk about the truth. And the truth is, when you start pulling apart traditional families and communities and churches, which you can poo poo all you want, but when you start pulling those things apart and you start inserting cold, stale organizations and institutions like schools and administration and elected officials and government programs, that is supposed to be your babysitter and your parent. Now, that is supposed to instill in you your moral compass. You are going to have this because those things don't care about you. They're dealing with you as a battery inside a system. Say this and do this, march in this order and you will be fine, like a robot. However, it's not addressing the emotional component. It's not addressing the psychological component. And even when it's trying to, it's doing it from a place of affirming whatever you feel in the moment. Well, let's talk about why you're so upset. Okay, that's fine in certain settings. Sometimes we don't need to talk about why you're upset. We need to talk about why you're acting this way because you're upset. That's not an appropriate way to act. So let's give some consequences and then we'll change the behavior. Now that you're acting a certain way and you're acting in a way that's more appropriate, we then can deal with the problem of, well, what's up? Why are you upset? Let's talk about that. Let's put the fire out first, which is your behavior at school. And then we can deal with what's going on outside the school. But anyway, that's just me. Let's see what we got next. Okay, this one comes from, let me go back over here, It's a TV3 website out of Rockingham, I think. Yeah, I can't remember. No, yeah, Rockingham. So here's the headline and I'm using the headline again to talk about a bigger topic. So that's kind of what some of these headlines do. You can go read the headline. It'll be in the show notes. Read the article. Rockingham County School Board permanently removed seven books from classrooms and libraries. And then if you keep reading the article it says that, but it's adding five books back into the library they had previously taken off. The reason I wanted to bring this one up, excuse me again, is because that's kind of how supposed to work, right? We're in this world now where it's just, we're information overload. It's not like it used to be 30, 40 years ago. So everybody knows everything and, you know, kids are mandated to go to school. So if you're going to mandate my kid goes to school then I'm going to have more of a role in what they're learning especially if you're going to just educate them on things more than, you know, science and history and English and those kinds of things. If you're going to start throwing in cultural things, moral things, things that a lot of times my religion is supposed to teach my kids about or my family is supposed to teach my kids about. I don't want it to be mandated from the federal or the state level even. I don't want somebody telling my kid things that I don't think they're ready for or things that if I do tell them about it, I want to make sure they understand it comes with a family moral code or a religious code because that's how I want to raise my kid. Now, with that being said, the whole book controversy and I did a podcast, a solo one on this is, they're not book bands. I can still buy all these books on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. I can get it and keep it on my shelf. I can read it in public. Nobody's going to say anything. But it's not a ban when you just say we're not going to carry the book in school, right? Technically you said we're banning the book from the school library. Well, first of all, school libraries can't carry all the books anyway. They're not the curator of all books. So you do have to be selective. So you start selecting the ones that are going to be more beneficial to the most people, not the friend stuff that just because you think they should have access to it, go give them access to it at your house. That's not what the school library is supposed to be for. The other argument on that is, well, if it's in the library, your kid doesn't have to go pick it out and read it. Yeah, you're right. 'Cause we forget what it's like to be a nine-year-old or 14-year-old when there's a book available and it's taboo. No one wants to go read it. Of course they're going to stay away from it 'cause authority figures say, hey, you shouldn't read that. No, we went and read them, right? If I found a friend when I was 10 or 12, whatever it was, they had a bad dirty magazine, you're not supposed to read that. I knew better. I knew my mom and dad would whip my butt, but I was sneaking pictures, I sneak a look at it. Why? Because it was taboo and I hadn't seen it. So the other part of that when they say, well, kids don't have to go check it out and read it. Well, they don't have to. You're right. Or somebody's book shouldn't be there. The reason I like this headline is it seems to me that's kind of how the system is supposed to work in this really weird world we've created today. Local folks are saying, these are things we approve, these are things we don't approve. The only caveat is I think at this point in time in society, school choice ought to be 100% across the board. If you ought to be able to send your kid to the school you want to send your kid to because I should not be forced to send my kid to a school where they are teaching my kid things that are not based off education, they're based off propaganda or they're based on making sure they see the world the way the government or the school and the institution thinks they should see the world. That's not their job. That's mission drift. That's hijacking an institution to have a cultural petri dish with my kid involved. So if you're going to mandate it, at least give me the option to send us somewhere else or have it like a community where you come together and go, okay, the use we'll take, these we won't. It may change next year, it may change next semester, but more control at a local level is always a good thing, at least in my book. All right, there we go everybody. Hope you have a great week.