Shaped by Dog with Susan Garrett

I Tried That, It Didn't Work #185

Broadcast on:
18 Nov 2022

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As a professional dog trainer, I can assure you there are six words that your dog training coach never wants to hear. You might think those words are "but he does it at home," and that's close, but they are actually "tried that and it didn't work". We're covering what's going on with those words for you, your dog, and your coach and how to turn it around. Considering alternative dialogues promotes critical thinking and keeps communications open.


In the episode you'll hear:


• What to consider when your dog doesn't respond to training methods. • Why anyone can call themselves a professional dog trainer. • What Bob Bailey says about anyone being able to train anything given enough time. • That when you say, "it didn't work," you might be shaping your coach. • A better strategy that you can use to get great feedback. • That none of us know what our dogs are thinking. • Why you want a conversation based on intentionally clear statements and questions. • What tactics help if you are the coach hearing "it doesn't work". • Why dog trainers should consider their role and goal with students. • That we need to be more intentional about the action we are taking.




1. Podcast Episode 142: Giving And Receiving Constructive Feedback About Your Dog Training - 2. Podcast Episode 184: Proofing Vs Generalizing In Dog Training To Grow Skills And Confidence - 3. Podcast Episode 157: Dog Body Language: Understanding Canine Communication Signals And Emotions - 4. Podcast Episode 182: The Game Within The Game: How To Multiply Your Dog’s Reinforcements - 5. Podcast Episode 133: Become Your Own Dog Training Coach With This Video Strategy - 6. Podcast Episode 83: The Dog Training You Do When You’re Not Dog Training - 7. Watch this Episode of Shaped by Dog on YouTube -