Emmanuel Tuscaloosa

The Sabbath That Remains

Broadcast on:
15 Sep 2024
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Michael Crosswhite // Hebrews 4:8-10 // God is calling you to a richer and more meaningful experience of rest in Christ than anything available outside of Christ. 

The following audio is brought to you by Immanuel Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. More information about our church can be found at Hebrews chapter 4. Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it. For good news came to us, just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them because they were not united by faith with those who listened. For we who have believed enter that rest, as he has said, as I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my rest. Although his works were finished from the foundation of the world, for he has somewhere spoken of the seventh day in this way, and God rested on the seventh day from all his works. And again in this passage, he said, "They shall not enter my rest." Since therefore it remains for some to enter it, and those who formerly received the good news failed to enter because of disobedience, again he appoints a certain day, today, saying through David so long afterward in the words already quoted. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken of another day later on. So then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works, as God did from his. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience. For the word of God is living, if you've ever spent time around horses, then you've probably experienced an instance where they get spooked and you realize how feeble you are compared to this massive beast in front of you. And if you haven't experienced that, let me assure you, it is terrifying. I've had two experiences that made me question whether or not I would ever make it out alive. The first time I had a horse by lead rope and I was bringing to it a water bucket to drink. Now little did I know that this particular horse had a funny temperament in that she only liked the buckets that were available up at the main stable. She didn't like change either apparently. She was Baptist. And so I brought her this not liking immersion apparently, even though she was Baptist and not liking anything to change. I brought this bucket to her and she got this crazy looking her eye and she started winning like the devil had her by the tail and she reared up on her hind legs and started kicking at me with her front legs. And I got out of dodge quick. The second time I was on the back of a trail horse and we got separated from the rest of the group. And if you know anything about trail horses, they don't like to be separated from their pack. So we got separated from the rest of the group and we were riding pretty fast and we stopped coming into a clearing. And when we came into this clearing, the horse got sight of the rest of the pack about 200 yards away. She again got spooked. She tensed up and she took off like she had been shot out of a gun. And I'm yelling whoa and pulling on the reins and doing everything that I can possibly think of to get her to stop. And nothing works. She refused to listen to any commands or respond to the reins in any way. The only thing that was left for me to do is to hold on for dear life as she rode what felt like 100 miles an hour on a straightaway. Now in both cases, the horses were overwhelmed by the situation. And if you've ever been around horses, you know that look of panic that they get on their face even. You can see it in their eyes as they look over. Look at you that washes over their body. They get rigid and tense and it's dangerous for both the horse and for anybody that's near it. Now there's a feeling many Christians carry that's similar to that horse. Anxiety, nervousness, stress, being overwhelmed by life itself. And the worry they carry is visible to others. You can look at them and you can see that they're just a ball of fear and anxiety and depression and sadness and lament and concern and this idea of just losing control. But the book of Hebrews has been encouraging us even really from the beginning but most especially in chapter four to find our true rest in God by believing in Jesus Christ. And we've defined God's rest this way. God's true rest is a profound trust in God's sovereign care over your life where worry gives way to peace. It's a state where disobedience is replaced by an obedient trust in his guidance. As you journey toward the eternal rest, he has promised a rest begun by him from creation. Now fully secured and guaranteed by Christ. If there's anything that I want you to see this morning and that I think the author of Hebrews is wanting you to know and wanting you to feel it's this. That God is calling you to a richer and more meaningful experience of rest in Christ than anything that is available in the outside world. That God is calling you to a richer and more meaningful experience of rest in Christ than anything that is available outside of Christ. Now the concept of rest is something that is incredibly familiar to the Jewish people and reading a book called Hebrews even though it is in the New Testament indicates that the primary target at least in the first century when it's written is the Jewish people. People that had come out of Judaism and that concept of rest is something that obviously would resonate with Jews since they were really the only culture of that day that dedicated one day out of every week to resting. Now I want you to think about that concept just for a second. The idea of just taking a day and dedicating it to rest every culture in the surrounding regions at the time would have worked seven days a week and the reason is very simple because if they didn't work they didn't eat. If you're living hand to mouth then every day that you don't put in a day's work whether it's farming your own land or working for somebody else it doesn't matter. If you don't do it one day then your family doesn't eat the next day so it's a really pretty good incentive to work every day. And here's the Jewish people on the other hand in the midst of that kind of world that commit one day a week Saturday also known as the Sabbath to not working and just resting. But rest for the Jew is more than just simply a religious observance one day a week. It's not just merely one day that they observe and they sit one out as it were. And it's important that we understand what what does it mean that they're engaged in Sabbath rest so that we can see what the author of Hebrews really means here in verses 8 to 10 of chapter 4 this morning. You can see he brings this concept of Sabbath rest for the Christian up here starting in verse 8 if you look with me. So if Joshua had given them rest God would not have spoken of another day later on. So then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. So you can see that the main concern for us this morning is right there in the passage in verse 9 it says so then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. And this passage is really a promise to us as he continues in verse 10 whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. Now when you read that passage just straight out like that it you can it's hard to understand exactly what he's saying and hard to follow what it is that he's saying here but by the looks of it the promise for the people of God if we understand this rightly it is a Sabbath rest. He's promising that you too if you are God's people you can enter into the same kind of rest that God himself experienced on the seventh day of creation. But what exactly does that mean? How do we even understand that? Well understand that we have to do a couple of some groundwork as it were lay out a couple of really important points to help us understand what even rest means as we look at Israel's history. So it's going to require some background information first on what rest is as we understand it from the Old Testament. And once we understand that and lay the groundwork for that then understanding this text is really pretty short and simple. So we're going to do that first. The first thing that we're going to have to understand is that true rest meant relief from their enemies and their labor. So if they're understanding what true rest really is if we're to understand that going back into Israel's history true rest for them that relief from their enemies and their labor. Now the journey out of Egypt was obviously really long and difficult. It took over 40 years to get there along the way as they went from Egypt into the promised land they had enemies all over the place that wanted to kill them. They were in the middle of the desert which obviously did make things very easy. They had to depend heavily on the Lord not only for food but also for water and not only for them but also for their kids their livestock so on and so forth. It was a long process over 40 years an entire generation died off there in the wilderness. So it was tough. But the promised land that they were headed to actually offered them something that the wilderness wanderings didn't. They were trying to get out of. It had some very hopeful promises for them and you probably remember some of these promises. First of all it was a land flowing with milk and honey. The land was actually flowing. It was a land of plenty. It was a rich harvest. That's what that means essentially. The land itself was flowing meaning it wouldn't be a struggle for them to get in there and actually plant. In fact the land was already producing food that they were going to benefit from and as they planted and harvested and things like that the earth would yield fruit for them. It was going to be easy whereas the wilderness was difficult. But second God was promising to them that when you get into the land I'm going to drive out the enemies from before you. So here's one promise the land's flowing with milk and honey. Second promise I'm going to drive out all the people that are there and you're going to possess the land. So their enemies had made this journey for them in the wilderness really treacherous but the promised land for God's people was for eventual peace. It was for rest. Now maybe some of that is sounding a little familiar to you as you think about a land that is producing a harvest of plenty. The land isn't a struggle to produce crops and that is where you get to live in peace and harmony. See the result of the curse of the fall was that the earth would not produce a harvest like Adam and Eve had experienced in the Garden of Eden, right? Not only that but when Adam took the fall and fell into sin what resulted from that was all kinds of animosity between people. There were enemies now created. Cain was an enemy to Abel and he put him to death. We get several stories all the way up to eventually the flood where man's thoughts and desires are only evil continually and God floods the earth. We get Sodom and Gomorrah. We get the wilderness wanderings in the various wars that came about as they journeyed for 40 years through the wilderness. So up to this point God's people had experienced the effects of the fall but the promised land is turning back the clocks. That's the promise, right? Is to turn back the clocks so that when they get there it will be a land of peace and a land flowing with milk and honey. It's a Garden of Eden of sorts for them. So when Joshua leads the people into the promised land he leads the Hebrew armies to drive out the enemies that were in the land and we read this in Joshua 21-44 and the Lord gave them rest on every side just as he had sworn to their fathers. Not one of all their enemies had withstood them. The Lord had given all their enemies into their hands. So God brought this people into a land flowing with milk and honey and he had driven out all of their enemies before them. So did that mean that the people in the land were living in the Garden of Eden now? Everything was perfect. Everything was restored, the end. Well obviously we have the rest of the Bible which explains that that wasn't quite the case. This rest that they observed, that they had there in the land was only temporary. First of all there is sin still well within the heart of every man, woman, and child that was brought into that promised land. So they brought all the effects of the fall in with them right into that land which thereby corrupts the land itself. All of the nation of Israel was wrapped in idolatry and all kinds of things throughout the years. Well rehearsed story by this point. But this rest was also temporary because we see that God speaks through David later on in Psalm 95 and he promises that there is a rest still to come. He's promising more rest. You think that that was just a glimpse. There's more rest still to come. Look at what he says in Psalm 95 verse 7 to 11 the passage that we've read before. He says for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hen. Today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as at Meribah as on the day at Massah in the wilderness when your fathers put me to the test and put me to the proof though they had seen my work. For 40 years I load that generation and said they are a people who go astray in their hearts and they have not known my ways. Therefore I swore in my wrath they shall not enter my rest. So the rest of the promised land that Joshua had led the people into was only a picture of the kind of rest that God had for his people. It was a shadow. Joshua's rest was good but it was only temporary. It was an incomplete kind of rest. So even though they were in the land as I said their hearts were still restless they experienced peace for only a time but then obviously that same sin and rebellion comes back in. So that's why God now in Psalm 95 is speaking through the mouth of David several hundred years later and he's talking about another rest. Today if you hear his word do not harden your heart there's still more rest to come. So David's pointing Israel to be the people of God's pasture. The people of his hand the sheep of his pasture he's telling them enter into God's rest. There's still a promise that's hanging out there that has not yet been fulfilled. If you're following along with us through Hebrews we've read that verse in Psalm 95 several times. In fact you'll remember the author of Hebrews quotes it 15 times in the last couple of chapters. Today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts. So the author of Hebrews is saying not only was it true in David's time there's still a rest that's out there for you to enter. God is leading you to enter into that kind of rest. In other words he's saying believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that is the way to enter into the rest. Now the people thought hey the promise land that's going to be my ticket to rest and yet sin followed them there. And then the kingdom of David that's going to be our ticket to rest. He's giving us rest from all our enemies or how about Solomon or how about so on and so forth throughout the Old Testament and still failure after failure because God's sin the sin of man's heart still follows them. So they can never enter into God's rest and the author of Hebrews is saying the rest that we have been longing for is here revealed in the person of Jesus Christ repent and believe in Christ and enter into God's rest finally. So in our passage this morning the author of Hebrews says for if Joshua had given them rest God would not have spoken of another day later on. In other words if the promise land was really more than just a shadow of the kind of rest God's people would experience then David would have been unnecessary to come in 300 years later and say there's still more the apostles the prophets they would have been unnecessary to continue to promise there is a rest still to come. So one way the Old Testament promises rest for God's people is a rest from labor and a rest from their enemies but there's a second concept that we have to understand and that is true rest was a joy filled celebration true rest was a joy filled celebration and when we think about the Sabbath most of the thought we have about the Sabbath is stopping work on the seventh day so from Sunday to sundown on Friday they would work but then from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday they stopped working for an entire day and even the word Sabbath the verb for Sabbath is a Hebrew word that means to cease or to rest so that's clearly an important element you just stop working right there in fact it wasn't a casual order either it wasn't like a break it wasn't just like a casual hey let's just let's just stop what we're doing for a minute if you will no no Exodus 35 2 says this six days work shall be done but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest holy to the Lord whoever does any work on it shall be put to death not a casual law right the death penalty was given for breaking it violation of the labor law of the Sabbath brought the death penalty with Syrians now just to reiterate something that I said earlier is there's this very basic premise at work here you have a poor fisherman who's going to work to feed his family every day and if he's not up and at it at three or four in the morning preparing to catch fish his family is going to starve that day so if you're going to tell him that he can't work one day a week or he'll be put to death if he does then what is he going to have to do well he's going to have to depend heavily on the Lord from Sunday all the way to Friday at sundown that the Lord is going to provide ample fish from that lake or from that sea to be able to provide for his family enough to last not only for the days that he's working but also the day that he stops working so the Sabbath was a call to depend on the Lord heavily for his provision but the Sabbath isn't merely a day where everybody stopped working it's also a celebration of God's providence and his grace in fact in Numbers 23 where God goes through and lists all the celebrations the feast and the festivals that he's calling Israel to observe first on the list is the weekly Sabbath it's a celebration it's a feast it's a festival but then also when God's people actually experience the real rest of the Sabbath that he is bringing them to there is supposed to be a party it's supposed to be a celebration we see this in Deuteronomy 12 9 to 12 for you have not as yet come to the rest and the inheritance that the Lord your God is giving you but when you go over the Jordan and live in the land that your Lord God is giving you to inherit and when he gives you rest from all your enemies so that you live in safety then to the place that the Lord your God will choose to make his name dwell there there you shall bring all that I command you your burnt offerings your sacrifices your ties and the contribution to that you present and all your finest vow offerings that you vow to the Lord and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God you and your sons and your daughters your male servants and your female servants and the Levite that is within your town since he has no portion or inheritance with you we often think of the Sabbath as only a day where you stop working but it's not as though everyone just sat around and looked at each other and that was it that's what you did on the Sabbath day it was a busy day it's just busier with other things in fact what we don't often think about is that the Sabbath is called a day unto the Lord it's a day to the Lord and we see it put this way in several places a couple of examples Exodus 20 verse 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God Deuteronomy 5 14 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God on it you shall not do any work so the Sabbath rest is not a psychological mental health day Sabbath with this this idea that God is really prescribing modern day psychological remedies for all the people of Israel as they go on you know what he knew that if you work seven days a week that's not good for you so he gave a Sabbath that is not why the Sabbath is instituted now I'm not I'm not saying that that you don't need a break and I'm not saying that taking a vacation isn't a good idea I was on vacation last week so I'm not saying it wasn't a it's not a good idea all that's well and good but that's not why God commanded the Sabbath the Sabbath was stopping your labor and instead turning in joy filled worship to God enjoying the fact that you have fellowship with him as his people that's what the Sabbath's purpose is and he's saying that is good for you you need to not only stop working but you need to turn and trust me and celebrate the fact that I provided for you I want you to think about this for just a second God created man on the what day six day on the sixth day of creation God created man now we see in Genesis that the sixth day of creation for Adam and Eve was kind of like orientation day he's bringing them in and saying okay here's the staplers this is the drawer where we keep the sharpies don't eat out of the break room fridge if you eat out of the break room fridge it'll kill you all right it's orientation day it's taking him around letting him see all of the things but I want you to continue the metaphor Adam gets hired on a Friday what's the thing that happens on the first real day of employment when he shows up at work at the offices the offices are closed it's Saturday nothing no one's working here but to complete the picture even more not only does Adam show up in the offices are closed on his first real day of employment he got paid for the whole week even though he hadn't done anything yet he received a check as he looks around at the fruits of the trees in the garden of Eden do they have fruit on them yes he can eat from them the cows the animals are all roaming around eating off the grass they're all benefiting off of the fruit of the world that God had created and Adam hasn't done not one thing yet he didn't plant he didn't water and what was God giving him on the first real day of his existence he was giving him the fruit of God's labor he was providing for him everything that he would possibly need similar to when Joshua leads the men and women of Israel into the land of Canaan they get to eat vineyards that they didn't plant it's a land flowing with milk and honey that they didn't produce they didn't have to do anything to get this you see the Sabbath rest is not only resting from your labor but it's celebrating God who is your provider he's the one who has given you all of this so real Sabbath rest really for the Jew and really even for us is a seventh day kind of creation kind of rest imagine what it would be like to be Adam on that seventh day of creation no such thing as sin imagine enjoying the kind of rest that he enjoyed sitting under a tree in shade you didn't produce you didn't even have to work to provide it you didn't have to water it you didn't have to eating crops and grains and whatever he ate that was from plants that you didn't work to put that they were just given to you as far as the eye could see as many as much as you wanted it was there for you it was all fruits of the Lord's provision imagine the kind of gratitude that you would feel right then as you're looking at things that you didn't produce that are just given to you now with all that groundwork I think what the author of Hebrews is saying is fairly easy to understand look at it again with me in verses 8 to 10 for Joshua had given them rest God would not have spoken of another day later on so then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his remember he's writing to a whole bunch of people who have been Christians for a while who have come out of Judaism and a lot of these people have faced persecution nothing but torment of various kinds and it has led them to a desire to leave Judaism and instead run toward or leave Christianity and run back towards Judaism and so here is the author of Hebrews saying Jesus is better than all that what are you going to run to you're going to run back to the kind of rest Joshua was promising you're going to run back to the Saturdays of no labor or the death penalty what are you going to run back to the rest that you had under Joshua the rest that you have on the Sabbath day is merely a shadow and evidence of the fact that it was a shadow is that it's offered to you several times in the Old Testament saying keep going it gets better you got to keep running there's still rest yet to come but not just even Psalm 95 like we read earlier the last 10 chapters of Isaiah is promising a rest in the future that's going to be glorious the new covenant promise in Jeremiah and Ezekiel and so on so many others he's saying you're returning to a shadow there's nothing there for you so he says we do know though that there is a real Sabbath rest on the horizon now you might think okay well this carrot has been dangled out in front of me to enter God's rest for so long how do I know that it's real I don't know that's ever going to really be here and here comes the author of Hebrews saying we finally know if it is a sure thing that we're going to enter the real Sabbath rest that's still to come like the kind of Sabbath rest that Adam experienced where whoever has entered that rest also rests from his works like God did from his on the seventh day see the difference now between this generation that's reading the epistle to the Hebrews as opposed to that generation that entered the land of rest with Joshua is that they only had the shadow but brothers and sisters in Christ he's saying we experience a portion of real rest now not even the full rest that will have one day but we've actually gotten to sample the carrot it's not just hanging out there in front of us enticing us no it's a real thing that we have actually got to experience it is a true foretaste of the rest still to come you see God the son truly took on flesh and lived among us he lived a perfect and sinless life that we never could he died on the cross and he bore the wrath of God for our sins so that we might become new create new new creatures and he was buried on that Sabbath day his body laid dead in the tomb the body like you and me lay dead in the tomb rotting but on Sunday the first day of the week he rose bodily from the dead and because he rose he inaugurated a new creation now on that Saturday though his seventh the seventh day of creation his body lay in the grave rotting just as our old man enslaved to sin and bound to the shadow of the law was also dead with him but on that Sunday Christ emerged from the grave and with him came that new creation now all who trust in Christ partake in this new creation and begin to experience a true rest that is secured and guaranteed by that resurrection so let me give you an example of what that looks like because of Christ new creation all who trust in him by faith have their sins forgiven by God that is a real kind of rest that Joshua and all of his friends were only nearly seeing a shadow of a glimpse of but didn't experience that anyone in Christ actually gets to experience we really have our sins forgiven by God another example all who trust in him by faith have the assurance of eternal life the final rest that still is to come the Sabbath rest as the author says that yet to enter is a guarantee because of his resurrection we have assurance of eternal life another one all who trust in him by faith now live at peace with God you can now have real fellowship and guarantee your acceptance in the courtroom of God as you draw near to him in his throne room of grace in prayer because the temple curtain has been torn into because of Christ's sacrifice you have fellowship with God you receive acceptance in the family of God on the basis of Christ's real work that's a kind of rest that you actually have as a Christian all who trust in him by faith now have the freedom to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you you Christ actually gave you rest from your enemies you don't have enemies anymore you can love all of them and you can pray for those who persecute you because of what Christ did these are real tangible gifts of rest that he has given me even now that I get to partake in all who trust in him by faith are now appointed to Christ's kingdom work which is easy labor what is the work of the kingdom it's going out into the world and it's sharing the gospel with those who have not yet heard the gospel and Christ tells us that it's easy labor because he says the fields are white with harvest the fielders are so plentiful with seed you didn't even plant that are grown up that of people that are ready to hear the gospel preached that we need more workers to go out into the field and receive this harvest all who trust in him by faith now come together on the first day of every week to commemorate the inauguration of the new creation and what is it it's a joy filled celebration as we get to together as a church body celebrate what Christ has done and enjoy the blessings of new creation life together as a church body as we sing praises to his name see the Christian is blessed in every way because we have more than simply a shadow we actually have a taste of the rest that is still to come however air is a big however for now our joy is always mingled with sorrow anxiety fear depression all of the products of old creation life are still a present reality for you and me even though we have a foretaste of what is to come we still have to deal with grief we still have to deal with all that comes with this life but but it's helpful to have a category to put it in and to understand how different I am as a new creature in Christ that I'm not a slave to that any longer your anxiety comes from the notion that your work is keeping your world in balance and if you stop for a moment it will all come crashing down there's this lie that we tell ourselves that it all depends on me that I'm in control of this thing and if I don't keep it going if I don't keep the plate spinning then everything's gonna come crashing down if I mess up as a parent what will become of my children there's a list of all the things that I've done and I know that I'm just messing up my kids one right after the other if I don't stay constantly connected to emails and to meetings if I don't work 80 hours a week then I fall behind in my career I miss out on opportunities what will become of my family as I let them down and fail to put food on the table what will happen if I don't work myself to the bone rather than sisters the resurrection of Jesus dispelled the notion that you have the world on a string it ruined that entire idea that I'm in control of this Jesus got it from the grave and all of a sudden he said to you this is not about what you think it is this world that you live in is entirely different than you thought it was and what I'm leading you to is entirely different than what you're in you don't have the world on a string his resurrection is an invitation to all who labor and are heavy laden to come to Jesus and find rest for your weary souls see if you put a child on the back of a horse we found this out on vacation when you're if you put a child on the back of a horse the horse will do whatever it wants because it knows that the child is not in charge and if something spooks the horse it will bolt and why does it bolt because very simply the horse doesn't trust its handler now in Jesus's resurrection he took the reins of your life and he said to you I am leading you somewhere I am leading you to a place where you will have still waters and green pastures I am leading you to actual real tangible eternal rest and in the midst of your worry and your fear and your overwhelming sorrow is the message of your resurrected savior you must trust your handler and when you do anxiety fear gives way to peace sorrow and despair gives way to hope and to joy so you resting in Christ is is really coming to a place of humility it's admitting you don't hold the world together he does he cares for your children far more than you do and I know I know because I've talked to you if there are parents that are having a hard time feeling that right it's hard to wrap your mind around the notion that he actually cares for my kids more than I do and his ability to supernaturally grow them and lead them to transcends your abilities as a parent he's better than you are in other words because I look at the situation that I'm in from time to time and I'm thinking there's no way out of this I know how this story ends but the truth is you don't you have no clue who knows the Apostle Paul's parents might have been a Christian before he was what were they thinking about their kid stoning Christians and putting them to death that was the case oh he's a reprobate nothing's ever going to get a hold of them now they didn't see the road to Damascus neither did Paul resting in Christ is coming to that place of humility saying not only does he care for my children more than I do but he also provides for my family through me if he wants to provide another way he could do that so friends it's a call to repent of our desires for control call to repent of our fear and our lack of trust and instead trust where Jesus is leading us trust where he's taking to a place of true rest that is most assuredly coming let's pray heavenly Father we ask for your forgiveness where we have failed to trust we ask for belief where we have denied your presence where we have looked at Christ and said that's not true we ask that you would grant belief Father we pray more than anything for the people that trust in Christ they would see the real rest that you're giving them that you're offering them and at the kind of trust that they would place in Christ would be felt right now that there would be a relief from the burdens of anxiety depression and grief and that there would be a sense of real joy in knowing that not only can I trust in the resurrection but I can believe about it that Christ is leading me somewhere through all of this that he's leading me so would you give us that kind of trust in the midst of tragedy and all kinds of things that this world has to offer would you give us that kind of hope Jesus name it thanks for listening if you live in the Tuscaloosa area and are looking for a church we'd love for you to visit our service times are Sunday mornings at 1030 and Wednesday nights at 615 [BLANK_AUDIO]