John 15:5

In The Beginning God

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15 Sep 2024
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Lord, for the chapter of Genesis, it's been on the heart. I don't know how much we'll save and how far we'll go in this witness, but it's been on our hearts for a while, waking up with it on my heart, just rolling it over to us. We've heard this preach from the many a time, and I know I say it all the time, and I guess I'll say it even till I die. This word don't get old, it don't get wore out. We'll hear it preached. If we live a few more years, we'll hear it preached over and over again, by the way. We've got the same power to it, but it's right here in the first part of Genesis here. We will read, starting in the first verse, "Then the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form and void. And darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water. And God said, "Let there be light, and there was light." And God saw the light that it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light day and the darkness, he called night, and the evening and the morning were the first day. And I want to skip over and read, maybe about the 14th, after, well, I'll read the 13th and then I'll be down. And the evening and the morning were the third day, and God said, "Let there be light in the permanent of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." And it was so. And God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also, and I'll stop right there for just a minute. Seemingly, for the past while, it couldn't get past, just every time I'd wake up, all I could get a hold of was in the beginning of God. And Mark had laid out in the middle of the night, "Yeah, I'd wake up in the beginning of God." And I'd get up in the morning, in the beginning of God. It just kept hitting me, it kept hitting me, and I thought, "What are you trying to show me? What do I need to see?" And the more I just kept trying to meditate on it and kept trying to think on it. And I guess a lot of times I'm just as human as anybody, I was trying to see all these great profound things. I was trying to dig around in the whole bunch of stuff, and it's just like the Lord just kept coming to me in the beginning of God. And I got to thinking about that, and the more I did, the more the Lord kind of took me back. And I got to thinking about our lives, and I got to thinking about us as people, as humans, as God's creation. And I thought about, before we ever was, there was God. And you can read it over in the book of Revelation. You can read it from the beginning to the end. He teaches us, "He's Alpha, He's Omega, He's the beginning, and He's the end." And the more I got to think on that, I got to think and have it in this here, it teaches us here, it says, "That is the beginning God created, the heavens and the earth." And it says in the beginning there, it said, "The earth, Western, was without form and void." That just means there was no shape to it, and it's empty. Do you know what that means, Gina? It was nothing. They was just plain old, nothing there, there was no shape, there was nothing in it, so there was nothing, but in the beginning there was God. He was the only thing that kept me in, and always willed me, and I got to thinking about how He thought by at that moment. And He said, He took and created, He said, "There is a very beginning there." He said, "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." I thought on that, on that turn, I know we, we, we know how it was to start a battle and go around reading my view about the church and these things, but, but I want to say the same something about this light. That light, it's a shine that you, boys, was listening in about. That's what the church is today in this world, and I want you to understand something about it. I have, and each one of our lives, if, if you're born again, you've already, you've already crossed one certain point of it, but if you're sitting here lost this morning, I want you to understand it in the beginning that God was before you was. And I want you to understand something, I say to you, before Him you are next. You are without or if you're born, there's no shape to you, there's no, there's no nothing on the inside of you, you just love empty. And that's what the world was, that's how, that's how great my God is. You know, we have to think that they call me, traveling this world over, trying to look at every little corner of this world, trying to go to the depths of the sea, trying to go to the highest mountain tops, trying to look at every flame that God's created, and just talking about the beauty of it, isn't it? And the greatness of it, and I'm going to tell you a lot of times they're worshiping the nation, and they're forgetting about the Creator. God was the one that spoke it though, it was the one that created it, God was. And before that this earth was, what it is we look at today, it was that, and there's a God in His hand, looked down on that, and they spoke to it. They put down on something that didn't have no form, it was just a void, and you won't be to say something that didn't even deserve Him to speak to it. God's within it's voidness, within it, and the formlessness, I have never done nothing to deserve the one that was named again, and they never speak to it. I want us to see ourselves today, just exactly what we are. You eat up over in this little bit more over there, oh, and it begins to talk about how the God took the dust of this earth, and He formed, and what did He do, He gave me a form, He gave us a shape, He gave us something that we could look at. He didn't say something, and He took the dust of this earth, and the power said He formed it, and He took it, He took something without form, and He took something empty, and He gave it form to start out with, and He showed it, and He put it in the image of God. He took it, and He breathed the bread with life, and the man's nostrils, and he became a living soul. If you get to breathe, and I ain't got time mark, I ain't got near this time for the day. I'll just say this right here, right quick. Back years ago, I remember talking about the old name of the young preacher, and the old argument said they'd give him his Bible, and it was a little small Bible, and said, "I were some of the kids around, and they were joking around, and they told them, and they said, 'Boy, you're going to go to that little Bible,' and he said, 'Well, I'll have it preached after years.' And I wrote it to him by the end, two years later, and he said, 'You've got that book stamp,' and he said, 'I ain't got past in the beginning of God yet, and I'm going to tell you all, too. You can look around. God, give us a form. God has put something down on the inside, and you think we've got to figure it out. You think you know what it is? Hey, we better not get past in the beginning of God. Now, once you get to looking in the mirror, don't you get to think in a door or something, and don't you get to looking at that form, not let you have. You've got to rest your lives with, and get your trust in yourself. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God, and you better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. 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You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. You better not get past in the beginning of God. I'd like to happen with you, Sheriff. There was no difference. They made it to me. It loves you. Forgales. Bobby. Matt. Wasn't no difference for none of us. We was with out on the shell with all this. And that same darkness was the pole of the face of our deep. You didn't have that life. That broke life into my life. God preached to me. I'm getting on down into this. It's just by waiting for this to be it. It's it. And the light shineth in the darkness. And the darkness comprehended it not. That you just imagine this old world with wisdom. And God said, "Let me lie." You can see just exactly how void you can see. Just exactly how. I'm not going to lie. I'm not speaking. It was firmly gut divided. This thing's got separated. There's some water. They got separated from zolane. They've heard this thing started growing. And my God got to speak. When he got to speaking, he took back. He was holding it up. It was empty. And he started showing it that there was something dire. Yeah. He started to relate with it. And they said, "Why did you desire it?" But you've never known before that you've never seen it. Then he started setting up some lines. It was the same, our permanent plea. He said, "That son of a little today." He said, "That woman will roll the night." And everybody was established. And we're still here today. I reckon as far as I know it. They better, please. Son, come up this morning, it's your house. Get by him. You hear what it says tonight? They say, "Go ahead." They want to come up. There'll be a lesson on life coming up. Ladies, they come back. We got it. It's so lovely. Man, the city has always been going on the same. They say that they're on the end of this war. Amen. He said, "They're going to lie." Yeah. He's sitting down here to this order. He established something that was going to be forever. And they'll always be counting. Hey! They ain't nobody wants that time this morning. It's that boy, it's a beautiful night. No, we've been outside. We said it's a beautiful day this day. They ain't no one that you're going to get knocked. They'll be expecting. I'm sorry, man. At greater light, I'll sit down with his daughter, at least at his side. Let's get him into this world. Let's move the day. As much as they may try to change it, I talk to Martin Sunday School. They try to say they've all kind of different ways they have. They've all kind of different ways to go. We just call them poor turkeys. They've all kind of different words, man, try to put together. It takes truth. It takes the money. That light, that light broke the light. What did it bring to you? The Word. Which was what? You read on that, and that Word became flesh and well known as. See, when God got to speak in the darkness, and God got to speak in the sun without form, and God got to speak in the sun, and it was void. You want to know what happened? I ain't started showing up firing that empty concession, so I ain't started showing up. Hey, there's nobody could ever see before. Up to that point, could anybody ever change? In the beginning, God, do you hear anybody else mentioned in the beginning? I don't hear in the beginning, but I don't hear in the beginning. Well, I don't hear in the beginning, Joe Biden. I don't hear in the beginning, Trump. I don't hear in the beginning, Steve Ross. I don't hear in the beginning, Mike Freeman. I don't hear in the beginning. Hey, Billy Braille. I don't hear in the beginning, Mike, do you say it? I don't hear in the beginning, I don't tell you what. I don't tell you what. I'm thankful under God. In the beginning, I don't know God. [GASPING] Like I was in one way. And it actually brings me brighter. And it brings me better. And it brings me better. And it brings me better. It brings me better. Oh, my. [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] There was nobody else's name in the beginning. Why, Brady? It's called N-E-S-A-F-A. [GASPING] The N-E-S-A-F-A-F-A-F-A. [GASPING] He's the author and the publisher of our life. And every swin in the end of our life. [GASPING] But when he declares on the floor to the time of snowboard, that's leading him. [GASPING] It ain't the beginning of a tribulation. It's leading him. [GASPING] It ain't the beginning of the kingdom getting built. It's the end. [GASPING] I think it's already real. I think it's already real. [GASPING] In the beginning. God. Nobody else. [GASPING] Hey, God. We might have seen it all by regard. [GASPING] It started showing up things. God. He set the greater light to roll over this day. This is a day of the Lord's night. I will rejoice and be glad he is. You have every joy something that day over there. When there was word went out. [GASPING] He's a little baty way to the mange who rolled out of it with him. [GASPING] You know what happened over there? There's some people who traveled for miles around it. [GASPING] He sent their activity. He sent the stars. [GASPING] There's some people who traveled for miles. You don't see that baty way in that mange. [GASPING] You know what some people do? They want him to see it. [GASPING] I want a hard one to do. He wanted to see it. Oh, yeah. I want to find that little baty too. Oh, I want to see that little baty. Hey. You want a good fight that you come back to when you were in this? [GASPING] I want to see it too. You want to know something? [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] Hey, this next thing going on. I want to tell myself I'm still strong, but I'm still young. Hey, I can still take it, 'cause I can still do it. I want to know something I can't deny. I'm dying now. [GASPING] Everybody I look face to face, and you know what I'll try to do? I'll try to pull the curtains. I'll try to shift the blinds. I'll try to hang the cupboard over it, but you know what the lights are shining in? They're my darkness. What happens when you're out of here? You know what happens when you're out of here? You know what happens when you're out of here? What happens when you're out of sleep, rock, that light shines, whether they like it or not. [GASPING] So what do they try to do, so they don't hurt them? [GASPING] He wanted to kill the light. He wants to put the light out. Yeah. [GASPING] [GASPING] He's with them to kill everyone. Everybody, you know what happens when you're in that place to get rid of the light? [GASPING] They have a little child around, so he's willing to see it die. [GASPING] You know what the devil wants to do? [GASPING] He doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about you. [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] Why don't you try to look at that guy? He just wants to kill the light. [GASPING] He just wants to kill the light, boys. [GASPING] Don't try to get through this morning. He'll tell you what to speak. [GASPING] [GASPING] It's never going to happen. It's salvation. [GASPING] It's being with small. [GASPING] A way for a man to look in there in this. [GASPING] You look after it and tell me to act and explore with all you want to. [GASPING] Thank you. [GASPING] You tell me somebody crawled out of a creek and turned into a monkey all you want to. [GASPING] Who makes the creek? [GASPING] And that ain't true. I'm not going to watch it. [GASPING] [GASPING] It wasn't who happens and it ain't no monkey. It started this thing in the beginning of God. [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] New times tonight, but I won't tell you what man takes for most. It sounded more stupid than he might have ever heard. [GASPING] [GASPING] I'm going to stick with him to begin in God, Kim. [GASPING] Because I love the truth. [GASPING] [GASPING] I'll swim my life and swim out for more than ever forward. If darkness was upon the face of my feet, please focus on me life. Then one day he let me see that there was a greater right to rule the day in my life. And if he sit down here soon, then I might believe I'm going to be able to shout out into my life like here on this earth. [GASPING] Well, I went to see what was around me. And what he did make out of something that didn't have no form, he was not with. [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] [GASPING] I want you to see some methods in this with me. [GASPING] We want me too long. [GASPING] This is big, but it ain't that complicated. I told you. He said, "And the light in us over back over in John, first chapter, and the light shining in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not." Now listen what he goes right into right here. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. All right now, I'm going to float down just again here just a second. [GASPING] [GASPING] Here comes his name name John. [GASPING] Back to the day for our sight here. [GASPING] He pulled the floor outside and came. [GASPING] He's got his name name John. [GASPING] He wasn't the light. He wasn't that greater light. Listen here. [GASPING] He said, "And there was a man sent from God whose name was John. And the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men threw him might believe. He was not that light, but he was to bear witness of that light. That was the true light which lighted every man that come at the end of the world. He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not. He came under his own and his own received him not. But as many as received him to them gave the power to become the sons of God. Even to them that believe on his name, which were born not a flood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man but of God. And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld his glory and the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John bear witness of him. Now we'll start to take the time. I've grown a life of sit down and move the day. John was a witness. He wasn't that light. I will read you that mission. Nor the witness is. That which furnishes evidence or proof. John wasn't that light. You know what he was here to do? Furniture with the end support. That can grow your life. You don't find where the sun is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. You don't find where the moon is created from the best of the earth. When we get our light shining on, I say it before right here in this church. You walk outside when the moon is full and there's nothing for him in it. The direct contact with the sun, you can walk outside and it's almost not as almost as clear as the day. You all think if the church would get more we made the way. We wouldn't let nothing give in between us and God. What gets in between us and God, Judy, that's so flesh, that's what it is. It was already the time. I think, I believe, we start thinking and we start believing in our sex. We look at the beauty of the creation and we forget the Creator. I'm going to tell you what I do. It's just that I help. It's just what God says. Just look at that eye, quick look at his money. Just look at that. It once didn't happen to form or work or work or work or work or play. Just look at it at the end of the beginning of God. One, he said Moses is down there and he told him he said you're telling my "A" all the same. He didn't say that I'm going to say "Oh, we'll find my way." I could say, I may be him. No, he didn't. That's very stressful, but I handle him because in the beginning of God, because I am the alpha, old lady, beginning in the end. He tells us that I'm Judy, but he ain't our name. He shouldn't be the way that this world can confuse us with the world. We should be set up high, not reflecting ourselves, not showing ourselves, but reflecting the sun, reflecting the image of God. The sun's round, moving around directly. Both of them round, but on one of them's got real light. The other one's just a reflection. We're not going, but we should be in a reflection. We should be shining in. How's our people going to get saved, baby? We should be shining our light. How's our people going to get what they need, if we ain't shining our light? Get it off. The next time we get to face it, it's worse out than that. Just remember, it's the same in the beginning, you know. It's the same in the beginning, early. It's the same in the beginning, babe. It's the same in the beginning. What is the beginning? It's the start of something. He is, I am. He's always been. But what had to have a start? They are. What had to have a start of beginning, some words, me and you. We've got to begin. We've got to begin. He's always been early, and he always will be. But in our beginning, it was always gone. In our start, it was always gone. You know what they're doing? It was me, and everything you're confessing. It was me, wow. It was all in place. You want to know why? Cause they ain't no choice in that. You know what I think? I believe. They ain't no boo who said this. They ain't no mama said that. You know that, Cheryl. Uh-uh. Oh. It wasn't the end of the day. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. It wasn't the end of your eyes. And whatever's going on with it, as long as you say it's not. You said, "Well, by Jiggles, that like this, we're not right by all of us looking at you." [laughter] Now, brother, if you said you was an electrician, you could probably dive into that. We could go to other electricians here in the church. They could probably go in and tell them, "Well, this is what's making that like. Go out, everybody." If we go out there and down there, and then they'll go out and park you tonight. Oh, almost every now and then. And you could probably go to die a second and trouble shooting and tell them, "Hey, here's what's going on. That's going on. Make this broke loose. That broke loose. That broke loose. Why are they there? Whatever it might be. It's no problem in the bowl, but it's just like that. And you can go tell me that you won't be taking what God's been doing this morning. You're a little lighter. You're a little lighter at your nose sometimes. And you're a little lighter. I'm a little lighter at your nose. You're a little lighter. I'm a little lighter at your nose. By Jiggles. [laughter] I see some of you shining just as bright as the day, sometimes. Yeah, sometimes I look like you're the darkest tonight. It's not so exact. What cause is that? Well, I'm going to tell you what. I've got a whole book right here that'll probably shoot it. [laughter] I've got a book right here that'll dive in and have a little old problem. You've got to make sure I go out. You've got to tell you how to fix it. You know what? This is mean and hates to do sometimes. I'm bad for it and I hate to read instructions. I'll throw out a pile of pieces and junk and just want to put it together just like I could. You know, when I end up, the piece is left over and something is not very strong. But I've done it myself. I've done it my way. And what we'll do is we'll come down here to church house and we'll repeat and get on our own place before God and follow the instructions and follow what God says. I'll fix it myself. I'll show you, I can do it without any instructions. I can do it without any play. You know what we end up with? So find left over and turn the next room. It won't work. Whole lot easier to just turn it over to the Lord. Whole lot easier to let his light shine in there. I work in the dark for a lot of times. I go to the job one night and I'm back there. I go to the job one night and make it. Everybody else left me. We just ripped a big old wall and whizzed up about full of strength and height. And I hold one left there. I had a dropboard running with a drop line with all I had. And I was scooting along on that scaffold and I was finished in Jordan and I was brushing and I had to get some stuff done moving things around her. And it's late, I was tired, and I was with that one little light and I had to get done what I was doing. I put it around and drop my light. There I was full of strength and height and the pitch black dark. Couldn't see my hand already in his room and face trying to figure out time and day on what I set them on and what I was doing. I couldn't finish David. I couldn't finish doing what I needed to do. There was no way in this world that I could have done what I was doing and done right. Well, I had to just do something I hated that. I had to go get in my vehicle and I had to go find the store and buy a light bulb and go all the way back up there when I was walking in home. I couldn't just walk out the hallway. I could have just left that wall one door and I could have made this look like a big old mess and I could have said that I just, I don't even mess with no more, I'm done. But no, I had to go get a light. I had to come back because it was my job. It was my responsibility. I couldn't do it without the light. You could sit in this church and discuss the lights where they are. You could say, I'm done. I couldn't keep it up. I ain't even kind of no more. I ain't doing no perfect. You know what, if you're born again, you're able to see it on the inside of everything. It's on the outside. I mean, you don't have to do so. I didn't have much of it, so I had to go get in the light. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle. You don't have to do it on the outside of my vehicle.