Knights of the Night

616 - BitD No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Broadcast on:
15 Sep 2024
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Solve it? Yes we can - but wait, Free the trapped and become the trappedĀ 

Thank you for watching and I will see you in the next episode of Game of Thrones. Hello and welcome to the Night to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This blade's in the Dark story machination is written and run by our GM, John. And now please enjoy episode 616. Titled, no good deed goes unpunished. Actual play begins immediately. Hello, I'm your GM, John, host of KOTN's Blades in the Dark campaign machinations. Players with me starting on my left are... I'm Thomas, I'll be playing Hadrian's Briar, or Burning Briar while I'm on the job. I'm a runaway Erovean demon heir who performs the job of a leech, saboteur, and technician. Tinker of all sorts we might actually need on our jobs so I can be a doctor, I can be an optimist, I can make sparkcraft, I can work magic. Baby, just give me a problem and I can solve it unless it's a fight. I currently look like an accuracy man of healthy build and noble stock, fitted with a long coat, some scholarly clothes, a pair of glasses, and an authority Briar, rustling about the corners of my mouth and out of my ears, which burns very slightly with a pale blue ghost flame that gives off the truth of my emotional feelings when I'm jazzed about something. Also very noticeable is a big old magical furnace installed in my belly of the burns of the same flame that keeps me going. I have three stress, an instability, and a level one harm, a lame foot, absolutely crushed during our last adventure, and then replaced by a wooden prosthetic, which means it can't actually shift or move very helpfully, and that's my situation. Hello everyone, I'm Scott. I'm playing teslin veil, otherwise known as the bell of the abyss. Teslin is a seborosi whisper. She does the dirty work for the archive of echoes, exploring the past via ghosts with her mentor, Lord Pendren. Teslin is a petite brunette who is partial to petticoats. She has flowing, auburn locks, olive skin, and green eyes. She has two stress, and she has a level one harm of painful cuts that she used when making a blood oath several stories back. And I'm Tom, and I'm playing Esther Rowland, who is an ex-blue coat captain who goes by the name of ghost because of her pale skin, eyes, and hair. She's a cutter, who is a dangerous and intimidating figure, but she also does her best to keep her crew members safe and protected when we're on a particular project. She was accuracy born and spent her entire life in this city, and she knows how shit it can be. She currently only has two stress, which for her is pretty low. And Michael playing Gordon, a young, then good-natured, scovish lurk. As a lurk, Gordon specializes in infiltration, allowing him to bypass most security measures. Gordon currently has four stress. Okay. We started the session with Teslin finishing our last downtime action, which looks like investigating the Kellis family's procurement of their new estate so that we could find floor plans and maybe where they're keeping their special artifacts she's interested in, and just preparing for when they get raided by the Spirit Wardens, which is coming at the end of the week. The clerk in charge of the offices where the files were located, ratted her out to the bluecoats because she's wanted in the disappearance of Lord Penderon. Who's wanted? Teslin. She has connections to him. She went off in a patty wagon, and burning Briar told the crew through his magic telephone, where he has a spark of flame inside of your fireplace that can communicate with you back at the headquarters at your base. And so, Ghost went out to intercept the patty wagon in the escape Ester tripped up the officer who was chasing after her, and he said, "Well, you're not a great person to interview. We really wanted Teslin, but we don't have her now. We have you. We're taking you in." Gordon knows about this whole situation because he was there when Briar phoned back. You can have met up with Briar's body to reconvene, but right now they're marching down the street towards the headquarters to painfully interrogate Esther as to what she knows about Lord Penderon, the cops, the bluecoats. Right. Is it possible that Gordon could come up with the kind of thing that the bluecoats would have to deal with? I'm not saying it riot, but some distraction. It's possible. But that's the situation you find yourself in. Yeah, I don't want to tell Gordon what he has to do. Sorry. No, I would not do nothing. So, yeah. All right, so we're live with her already taken inside. She's not there yet. She's being escorted down 6th Street, past City Hall. I'm paying it on the map. I'm being dragged there, but well, I'm going along. I'm not fighting. And just above this on the map is the headquarters of the City Watch of Dustfall. Okay. All right. Can I tell you what I'd like to do? Yeah. Just get some of my friends and say I needed distraction close to the whatever police district. Where's this at? Just south of us. Charter Hall? Yeah. She's being marched up 6th Street. There is just a block away, but you can start some kind of distraction at the entrance of the place. Okay. I'm off around the money, just straight up payment. They know you can go in through a group and it will give you an increased effect of this distraction. They are at first very wary of like starting some kind of distraction right outside the headquarters of all cops. Sure. And then money's involved. And they say, well, yeah, let me stash it and then I'll see what I can do. Okay. Quickly. That sounds like a consort or maybe there's a couple of different kinds of like helping out another person. You could spend a stress to add another die for escape for Esther. Another option is. I have a whole one in consort and I'm actually close to saving up. For another? For another. Yeah. One way. Anyway, yeah, I want to do that alone. I think it would be a desperate consort. You could get that XP if you wanted to roll for it. Sure. Is that a separate role? One of the teamwork options we haven't used that is called set up. You get set up another character with your action. If you achieve it, any teammates who follow up get a plus one effect or improved position. The results of the escape will be better, which is to say it will be a plausible reason for her to get lost. Right. They just lost her in the crowd and maybe she even got kidnapped by this group. You don't know. That's what it sounds like to me. It is desperate just right outside of police HQ. It could end pretty bloody. But you're rolling a dice, Devil's bargain. Who are you consorting with exactly? Scoundrels, from what I understood. Yes. Or lurks or just some local scoundrels. Just friends of mine that we used to do petty thieving with. Yeah. Say tell those involved in this. Okay. So this is Devil's bargain you were going to say. I'm trying to think of one that would give you an extra dice because you're pretty low right now. Yeah, it can be assisted though by an ally. I'm there. I mean, I could do a distraction like, oh, holy shit, look over there, you know, type of thing. Three hit a monkey. Wow. Three. Right to three. So I can get a plus one from someone helping and then maybe an additional plus one from a Devil's bargain that I am honestly struggling with though I am open to suggestions. I can trade myself to be taken in because I don't think they really got much on me. I don't know. I don't know what her deal is, but I don't have a problem with as a Devil's bargain that this individual would become right now is that if anyone goes in for questioning, it is going to inflict harm on them. They are not gentle creatures. No, I understand that. But as a Devil's bargain, perhaps crop could become a person who hates me. It becomes the dangerous friend. Yeah, no, that makes sense. Right. It's like, God damn it, you screwed me up twice. That's a good one. Yeah. The hill up here in future scores and whatnot or when I'm in it, I don't mind that. I don't like this guy. So. Nice. We'll make it official. Right. I have five stress. So can I also push it or is that something? It's two that you have to pay when you do it. So. There's that. Yes. I paid one stress to help you. And then I'm okay with Devil's bargain. So I get you two dice. I think that you can push yourself or get help. Let me check the character sheet. Like I think there's a limit of two dice that you can add to any role in it. That makes sense. Yeah, you can get a bonus dice for help and pushing yourself slash Devil's bargain. So it's either a Devil's bargain or pushing yourself. Oh, so he's my max. Yep. Right. Okay. And it's desperate and affect. I think that they're not used to crowds here in Charter Hall. So when there's an event, it's kind of a big deal. You're going to have great effect. Okay. There we go. Or there might be crowds, but it's certainly not hell. Yeah. Okay. Here's all the sixes. We need it. Six. Six, four, three. All right. We need success, no complications. So you want to describe how this happens or do you want some narrative? Yeah, I don't have a good idea of the setup, but I like being up high like on roofs and shit. So I could. Yes. I could say that as she's going down six straight, you set up across just a building or two away from the headquarters have with you a climbing rope. She's just gripped by the wrists right now because the handcuffs that they had were used and in the back of a wagon that's running away without them. They've got her, but not tied up. Your tell the comes down leading a crew of orphans. And as per the plan, there's already a group set up on the corner begging. They get into a scuffle. The knives are drawn. You don't know if it's actual blood being shed, but that they did all sign up for it. So one way or the other doesn't matter too much. If the guards try to hunker down and keep their captive, but are dragged into the fight when officers come out and one of them gets slashed and falls down. Crop glares at Esther and says, if you're not here when we get back and just lets the implication hang in the air as he rushes into the fight with a truncheon. Good idea. I mean, okay. And when they're in the middle of the fight and he glances over to see if I'm still there, I basically hold up my finger and say, fuck you. And I walk away. I wonder which finger. Oh, the middle one. Yeah. Now, just to behind you in an alley is rope letter that has been lowered down by Gordon. And I run up and then pull the ladder up with me. Great job, buddy. Thanks. You're in trouble. I love it. I've never been friends with blue coats anymore. It's okay. We got Tesla out of it and that was the big plan. So I appreciate your help. All right. I'm adding crop to your character sheet, Esther. Yep. I added it to my note as well. Crop, new evil enemy blue coat. All right. He's negative. There you go. Yep. I know that this is completely going to be bad in the future, but I'm smiling and laughing. And when I see Tesla again, I run up and give her a hug and go, I'm glad you're safe. Gordon, make sure to add an experience to resolve and go ahead and level up whatever you want in there. And I shove my thumb towards Gordon. He helped me get loose too. So thanks guys. I really appreciate it. It looked like things were going south and I had to do something to get away and I appreciate your help and making that happen. I'm sorry if you guys got any trouble or it causes any inconvenience that I don't mean to be bringing my shit into our groups. I don't worry. Your head. I love being in trouble. I'm sure you learned some things that were useful. I did. Then it's a win. Yeah. The raid and the Kelle's family will be very interesting at the end of this week. A lot of good things could come from it, but you have a copy of the blueprints with you. Yeah, which I share. Trust me, blue coats are assholes. That's why I left them. So it's not surprising that they did what they did. They were loving some very implicit threats to me in the back of the Patty Wagon. So I was quite nervous as how it was going to turn out. I'm pretty sure that we can find a way to give them something more important to distract and pay attention to. That doesn't include us. Yeah. I have to stay away from official business for a while, from Charter Hall and the various places that make you sign in and show your identification to get in them. My name's just a little too hot right now out there, so I need to be aware of that. Trust me, as an ex-blue coat, it's beneficial to avoid the blue coat in any way you can't. Yes. For sure. Well, thanks again, guys. I really appreciate it. Gordon, have you subtracted a coin or shall I? I will do that now. Okay. I wasn't sure if you had already, so. You remember how? That comes right out of the stash, or that's the actual coin. Stash is like, yeah, actual coin. You can liquidate stash two to one, but it's a two stash that you sell in a hurry kind of thing. Okay. I had two coin now. I have one. Okay. Just remember that if you ever need a summon of pinch, you can liquidate some of your savings. Yeah, as a scoundrel, you expect to get fucked up and have some kind of retirement policy. Right. Gordon? Yes. I appreciate your help, and trust me that I don't spend a ton of coins assisting people. So here, take this, and I offer a coin. So I'm reducing a coin from mine and giving it to you. Look, we're teammates, so I don't expect to get paid for it. You affect more people than I do. You have more contact. You know more people. I just deal with blue coat assholes, and trust me, they don't take money. They take commands that I give them, yes, but I don't have to pay for that. Trust me, just take the coin. It'll be more helpful to all of us. Okay. We'll find a good use for it. Thanks. Sure thing. Okay. That's a downtime action for Busy, but busy in here. So was that ghost taken care of? No. I mean, probably eventually, but not by any of the players because I, well, never mind. I don't really want to roll hard enough to try and take care of it in a way that won't upset everybody that I'm causing a gigantic explosion in the middle of town right next to the police HQ. I'd be pretty unstable of you. It would. I thought about it, but like I think everybody else that have the ghost in it actually ran off down Clark Street, down the bridge, like all the way to six towers. Jesus Christ. Okay. Then I just go after it like fuck it. My body was not busy doing anything, and that's a good snack problem we caused and only to escape. This is not for the greater good. So I'm going to go clean it up. Okay. If you want to roll a tune, it's not attacking you. It is risky though, given that if you fuck up, it's going to take a chunk. If it can is crop trying to handle this problem. Nope. Damn. Crop is occupied. I was hoping for a devil's bargain where I like scar him and piss him off at me as well. Devil's bargain. It's dimmer sister territory. They come to clean it up only to find you licking your lips, but make a good contact with the dimmer sisters. What is their schtick beyond the fact that there's a very traffic or something of this level of violence could be useful to them? Wow. All right, then I'm going to take it in another direction. I'm going to try to chase it in a dimmer sister's territory and get their help in exchange for, let's say a debt that I owe them in a different direction. Like I want a positive problem for helping I give them a gift, but I am obliging them to do work and they take it rather as a debt. Okay. That takes the form of them going up in status with your crew, which I'm fine with. Yeah, me too. I don't think anyone has a problem with them yet. They're relatively in our wheelhouse. Right. Okay. Okay. Then it is not additional dice though. Yeah. That's usually complications. Yeah. It would be making it harder. I was our heat looking because I might just take a heat. I think it's bad right now though. I was going to say I'm pretty sure it went up. All right. I'll just roll. If this goes bad. Let me check. It's we are at four heats out of nine. So not even halfway. Yeah, that's not bad. Hmm. Kind of. Did you add in the heat that I gave us for the devil's bargain at charter hall? I guess I didn't. Oh, so where I was going to say I thought I was. No, I know I did. I did. I did. So now we're at four then. Okay. Then I'll push us to five of nine in order to grab an additional if you're cool. What's that where the cops see me doing magic work and it's pretty obvious. Even if I'm doing the right thing, it still draws me to their attention. No good deed goes unpunished. Is this desperate? This is a dangerous ghost, but I'm cool with it now being obviously. It's not desperate. It's risky because it's feasting on the cop in the back and you'll essentially be saving him. But no good deed goes unpunished. Nevermind, I don't want to kill the cop. I rolled. We're hitting on sixes today. Go ahead. One to five of six and Briar lets loose a stream of pale blue ghost flame just above the head of this prone copper and the flames lick and catch against the ephemeral form of this terrifying spook. I actually remember the description. It was a multi armed ghost of human origin just with a strange manifestation of very hungry, very dangerous. But wrangled by you, fenced in and by the time Rosene shows up, you've got it wrangled into a corner of ghost flame and she's able to hook it into a bottle pretty quickly. She says I didn't expect us to be meeting against us. I think I agreed to wait until I had proof of accomplishing your claim. I figured you'd appreciate this more than me devouring it and depriving you of its uses. There's been a redistribution of spirit warden patrols through here. I think I can verify my contact paid up and I didn't have time to check up on. If this is your work here, we could see to lending you access to some of this turf. If you can keep up this relationship. It doesn't need to be constant work just that when you're in the area and come across something that is advantageous to us, you get us involved. I mean, it sounds like what you're doing now. A couple dozen ghost wranglers on my side and ones who use them so well is a hard boon to put down. She hands off the bottle to a whisper, conveys some directions for how it should be catalogued with them off. Then go ahead and access your crew sheet, Mark off a turf. Yeah, feel free to tell us what location you claim from this area. Yeah, you don't have to be responsible for it 24/7, but if you have operations in here, we'll look the other way. Mm-hmm. Well, I appreciate your forbearance and with a proper bow, he exhumes their territory, having given them a gift, and accidentally pulled the attention of the blue coats to him. Is that the devil's bargain I picked? I can't remember, Jesus. Yeah, you did. I offered like a few. I marked off a heat. The guy recovering in the back of the wagon, crawling to the edge weekly as life force trained, he's going to have to heal up, but he's muttering to himself and doing warding gestures versus the one I concur. No, he doesn't recognize you as such. You've got it pretty well under wraps at the moment. It's true, I do. But the dimmer sisters, he does recognize and tries not to be in their turf, but it was not his choice. No, he was doing good. Anyway, I'm going to put in the notes for Tabularasa that turf right of start is in six towers at the quest of the kweeth, the kweeth, dimmer sisters, the queen of dimmer sisters. Yeah, there we go. I marked one of the turf that's just turf because I don't think any of the other ones really make sense for a relationship with the dimmer sisters. I had put it into the right. Yeah. All right, then I clicked it twice, which explains why I had to click it twice, but that gives you access to new places to expand. A covert operation minus two heat per score and informants plus one dice together information per scores. We're on the road, but it's something you can look into. Okay. Good job, kids. I had a detail to inform you guys about that I need to remember to do so before we quit, but other than that, just conversation now, I think we're all clear and we can pick a job, I guess, if we make it there's some free play scenes. I've got in mind, like a jewel went missing. Yeah, my blood dealer. Well, not my blood dealer, like I need her for that, but my friend who is a blood dealer. I have blood drinker on my character sheet, but we actually reckoned it into I need bodies for the farm and Eckhart, the warp stealer is the guy we chose for that. So despite jewel being a blood dealer and me being a quote unquote blood drinker, we are not that kind of client relationship. She was one of the first people to discover a shade of my flame, I think. Now she sailed to nearby while the thorn cold stole it. I remember now, but you wanted to do something with that? No, just a thread and we're looking at threads in this session since Jim's not here. We can't really, we can plan for the next score, but we're not going to go into it. Definitely. And I wouldn't mind getting his feedback. I don't think it's essential that we pick a score tonight while excluding him from, I think he has some good ideas and I enjoy it. You can maybe squeeze the Strengford demonographer before our conform, but you better be ready for our conform when it hits, right? It's the holiday where they're going to raid the callous estate. Exactly. Calluses are a protector at client of ours. It is Rosalind's family. Rosalind, tell us, is a plant witch. And a fellow member of the archive of that goes, yeah. Her auntus, her aunt, Mildred is. I got them conflated. That's all right. Her clan is ex necromancers. Oh, they're the guys who I was mentioning, your empire is so restrictive. Yep. This is a hell of a thing to leave on the wayside. But I guess you guys have holes anyway, so it's not like you're wasting labor. They're not called holes in this universe, are they? They are. Yeah. Hollows are bodies without souls. Holes are spark craft robots that have ghosts in them, animating them, right, which makes my claim still accurate. I was getting them conflated with the Purdue Street station cyborgs who have a special name, which escapes me as well. Yeah. But apparently I used the right term, so we don't have to worry about that. You guys don't waste your labor. It doesn't count as necromancy if it's spark craft, I guess. We use both dead bodies and also robots with ghosts in them. Apparently. Yeah, yeah. You guys don't waste the fucking bit. I'll take back my complaints. Maybe necromancy has downsides that make it not worth it compared to industrialization of the corpse. But unrelated, you all remember how I did that ritual to commune with a small god? Yes. She informed me that we're crafting our own, building it up over time with our belief in the nature of the greater good. When you say we're crafting, you mean you and her or? Us. Us. Us is a weed. To Bula Rasa. Our dedication to chasing the greater good as a higher ideal and a way of life gives space for the birth of a young god, who we could use to our own benefit given the nature of what the mother of thorns has offered to me. Well, that's interesting. Not sure if it's worth pursuing, but young god have a name? I mean, not yet. The greater good is enough of a name for her to latch on to. For now, if we wanted to give her a better name, I'm sure she'd be more easily shaped. But even if we're not interested, it might happen anyway. All gods are, I'm not going to call them easy to make, but we are faithful. Yes, we are in our own ways. Did you want me to put further research into making it happen faster or preventing it or ignore it? Oh, it could be a long-term project. Right. It'll happen on its own regardless of whether I put work into it, but if I put effort in, we might see it happen faster and more useful or might prevent it for longer and stop our task from being pulled aside by a personality that gets attached to it. Yeah, it could help to guide its growth. This long-term project sounds like branching into cult territory. Like you might get followers that aren't you. Yeah, it could. It might even find a voice that doesn't have anything to do with us if it thinks we're a little pigeonholed in the direction we're headed towards. So, there's that, but faction, I need to make a new faction. It's up to you folks, what you want to pursue next, just that we're done with that scene. There is a raid coming up on the calluses. You have a demon auger to hunt down. Your friend's gone missing. Which friend's gone missing? Jewel, the blood dealer. Oh, right, sorry. She helped me reconnect to this body, which is uncomfortable in its own way. So, we've got a demon hunter that we can take care of. I think Jewel or the demon hunter are the two that are immediate, because we have to wait until the holiday to do the other score, the raid on the calluses. Does anyone have a preference? Finding a lost friend or taking out the demon hunter that we have floor plans for now? Well, I have like cool arcane plans for the demon hunter, and I'm worried about exactly what our solution will be, but I also- It's cool to be death, right? Well, yeah, I guess that could be an easy solution. Oh, that's another thread. We haven't looked at, Degellos's- Oh, fuck yeah, Degellos. is in your basement, medicated heavily on drugs. Oh, yeah. It was the person behind the mask of Degellos before you assumed his identity. My sander, Hamilton. What says the group? I'm a bit worried that we might be rescuing Jewel from cushy witness protection program. Like people turn to the government when the government threatens them. Might not be the most willing rescue we've ever done, but I am interested in doing that, of course. And as for the demon knowled just murder, I would like to put it one step behind just so I can prepare a ritual for that on the off chance that we don't have to kill her. It would be, well, he points at the brambles coming out of his ears. Something a bit like this, it's under back home with one of me and her. Interesting. Infiltrating the demonologist is obviously insanely dangerous, but it might offer me a) the chance to pretend to die in a really clean way, and b) a fuckload of information before they figure out what's going on. And I can of course always keep her death on the down low with my ritual as well if we do have to end up killing her. Well, down low in that people won't immediately know, but the fact that she doesn't come back. Oh, wait, shit. They go missing all the time. That's what we figured out during our last research project, wasn't it? It's a very dangerous profession. Yeah, okay, that's not a bad backup. I forgot about the precautions we can possibly take, so yeah, no, that is a good thing. If we can send her back, it feels like it'd be cleaner, but if we don't have to send her back, it's not as dirty as I thought it would be. I don't know that short of some kind of magical compulsion, setting her back, I don't think is an option. She's very righteous in her devotion and in wanting to come here to burn the demons, specifically Sotara from this existence. So I don't know that we're going to be able to talk her out of just head back home. Your job here is done. I mean, we could feign Sotara's death, but I don't think she'd be fooled by that. I think we're going to have to take her out. I fear that's going to be the answer that's going to come to be the most obvious one. But I could be wrong. There could be things I'm not thinking of, but in any case, I think your friend is missing and perhaps that's the immediate concern is you have someone who you care about or you have dealt with and have a relationship with and if she's being brought to harm, then our motto of making the city a little better of a place seems to apply here. I'd appreciate it. If she doesn't need her rescue, she might need silence. And if fall works out, she'll be back on the streets doing her job and helping people out. Sounds wonderful. Yeah. Any problems with that, Gordon ghost? No, wonderful. No problem for me. Go ahead and gather some information about it, then you may not end up being a score, but it is part of the game where you are able to gather information about potential scores. Okay, I can lead a large scale search based on the area I know they travel through and the friends I know they contact. You can. Holy shit. I suck at study. Study her. Okay. Well, there's that, huh? That's fine. I have to get better at it. I just realized I'm going to need help. Her house is locked up, but Gordon can make easy work of that. It's not like she has a security system and defenses like a bank or anything. Yeah. Okay. There will be some hints there. I might help Gordon instead lead him towards some information gathering. I think his role will be better than mine will be. I'm ready when you are. You roll hunt ad plus one for my study as I let you know about locations that she frequents and people she supplies and contacts to let them know when she's traveling out of town to get a resupply here or there. So you have a few different angles to chase down as you hunt. The skill hunt is not necessarily gathering information about a target. It's usually following them through the streets, that sort of thing, but. Okay. But she's absent. You're not doing that. This is true. I did not read it. I just figured it would be, you know, narrowing down the location based on. It sounds like consort where you would go looking for friends and contacts and trying any information. What the word on the street is, is what it sounds like to me, but I don't know for sure. Yeah, that could be part of it. Studying makes a lot of sense as well. Study survey could be a larger picture, but we'd have to talk about what that looks like. I'm pretty good at study, but I'm not going to be going to charter hall again anytime soon. So if there is a black market archival situation right now, we're talking about breaking into our house and looking through her notes and things to find what might have led to her disappearance. Well, I certainly can use study for that unless someone else has got more than two dots. Nope. I don't have anything got over two dots yet. I'm sure Gordon can help us get into that house. Yes. Absolutely. So maybe you can tinker us in and I can study the clues at the scene. Yeah, I think the tinker will decide how safe it is to stick around and do long-term studying. Right. Or whether it's got to be rushed. Do you want me to roll for that or is Gordon also going to tinker? Tinker. He's a tinker man. Yeah, I got three. There's a lot of lock pick. Holy shit. Go for it then. Yeah, I've got one. Bow to your skill. They're doing your smile, right? Yes. Yes. Very much related to picking locks, cracking saves, that sort of thing. Good lord. I need you to help me out on some smart craft stuff, please. Gordon. No problem. You comfortable with the base three or you want to do you have it? Oh, I already made it stressed to help out because I thought you were going to be searching systematically with Hunt. Nice. But you are rolling to tinker what exactly to break into her. Break into her abode and the success here determines how long you have to look through her stuff before somebody gets somebody broke into a place, time to call the cops. Okay. I think a fun angle on helping out here might be a tune style dismissing some of the supernatural wards or ghosts in the area to be like, hey, I'm a friend, ignore the fact we're breaking in. She's been missing for a while. But I don't know if that's relevant. Is that cool? Yeah. I think that her door has some wards on it to keep the electroplasm she has stored there from leaking its energies and empowering the nearby ghosts and opening it that might complicate breach her safety measures. So you can make sure that does not happen. Yeah. I lead you to a second story window that you can Jimmy open with the same skill that will not break her ward schematics because that's rude and all the ghosts will die. Well, they'll have to run away and get fed somewhere else. Sounds like more that electroplasm would provide them a lot of energy and she is keeping ghosts out of her house. So they will suddenly rush and yes, it will become a nexus and spirit wardens will investigate. Well, but you're preventing that. Yeah, through the window, please. So bonus dice for your tinker. This is going to be, hmm, this is a lower income neighborhood. Lot doesn't come through the docks a lot. I'm going to say it's a controlled situation as she's a row house facing a canal. There's not a lot of traffic this close to the bay. It's mostly inner city stuff coming from the docks going down into the city. Not many people looking your way. So controls. And I think with your tools, it's probably a great effect, doubly so because you have the infiltrator, you are not affected by quality or tear when bypassing security. Oh, dang. I don't think we need your assistance here. Well, if you want the stress back, then you could just roll three dice. However, you want to do it, mine the stress because it'll make it a bit less chance when I actually clear stress for the very first time, like a maniac in that case, I'll take it. All right. That's one controlled. Great. Correct. Yep. Okay. Oh, no, six one, one, four, five, I have to not turn a partial success. All right. Well, you're going to have some ghostly company while you're in here. There is a fog as you open this window. And as it creeps in here, it gets infused with plasmatic energies as there is a stench of blood throughout the place. Oh, wait, that's human Leviathan. First thing you notice is a lot of sheet music. Several instruments. I'm sorry. Should I make a study role or do you want to do a cruise getting in here? Anyone who wants to be can be so I do need to make a role, though. Mm hmm. Okay. Well, with what I've dealt with recently, I'm there as well. It's just in case I'm not going to be alone. What am I for? I'm going to study whatever is available, whatever you're going to describe to us in the near future here and see what I can do is the position. What's the position controlled? Um, one. It depends on what you're rolling. Study. It's study. Okay. No, you're in a controlled position. Then. Effect. Standard. Great. Limited. Standard. Would be great if you had more time, but as you began to get through here, it's. There starts to be some manifestations of spirits as the blood stink infuses the fog coming in through the window and starts drawing some poltergeist. Mm hmm. Okay. Would using a tune at all be helpful or should I just go straight study? You could close this situation down by establishing a border, but it's not the study. It's just to reset yourself on a give yourself a greater effect. I should have taken the exit, but well, never meant we fucked up. Say love me. I'm going to try to make it a tune roll to get a better effect because this is important to Breyer. And if it's important to Breyer, then it's important to me. Yeah. Let me know if you need help. I can bleed off some of the energy from the environment. Pretty easy. If you want to give me a. Let's stress. Yeah. That'll push me to six. Actually, you know, why don't you wait? I have three dots and a tune. I'm pretty good at it. I'm only two and study. So why don't you try to help me? Like we always do. We do our book studying together. Why don't you help me during the study portion? Right. Cool. Well, okay. So, um, what is the position for a tune of these spirits that are getting riled up? That is a little risky. You are getting between them and their food source. Okay. So, uh, you look like a food source if they don't squint too hard. Sure. I think you've got standard effect here, unless you've brought some special tools. I always bring special tools. To be honest. I mean, I always got my ectoplasm bottles and my ghost key and my demon bane charm and my spirit bane charm. So I could use the spirit bane charm to keep them at bay. Yeah. While you establish a more permanent barrier. Okay. You can have great effect on this then. Risky, great. Risky, great. No dice added. Here goes the roll. Critical success. Two sixes and a four. Damn. Tesla. Okay. Use it all up to roll. For the rest of the game. Yeah. I'm used all your sixes for the future. Okay. You find some of the bottles are not of ectoplasm. There's like a distillery she's got here. Okay. And some of them were made a process. She was interrupted. So not as tamp down as they could be, you're able to attune to where the leaks are and seal them up. Closing the window should keep the fog from getting infused and it's not leaking anymore. So gradually the poltergeist activity dies down. The frost in the air diminishes and it's just a regular old house on the docks, another row house. Okay. You're able to potentially use this in your own securing of electroplasm in the future. She's got some arcane techniques here of her own distillation process that is new to you. What you read in books about how they do it in the Scovish Island. This is a little more personal use, not large scale and doesn't have as much fallout unless it's leaking. But yeah, you've you've learned some things. So she has interesting information on distilling spirits. Yeah, specifically the blood of Leviathan. So like demon blood, you've figured out how to turn it into an energy. You could make your own still. Huh. Okay. This is interesting for like, well, I have recently discovered that the body's blood is not my own, but that doesn't mean much. You can still get mine. We could do shit with this. I just don't really want to bleed myself all the time. No, it doesn't sound pleasant at all. I'm going to go ahead and make a study role at this point. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to get plus one die for the assistance of Briar, whoo, because she is my he is my study partner. The position is risky still or controlled because it's controlled now you have some more time. I think it's a bit of a mess, especially with the sharp poltergeist activity. She was never the neatest person. So you're going to have standard effect here, rather than going through Charter Hall's great records. So a three die study role. Here we go. Oh, my luck ran out. I did not find anything useful while I was here. You are able to pack it up, but I was able to discern anything. We take one on the clock of tracking down Jewel. Well, that's not the job we're doing then. People can have a crack at it. It doesn't make sense to me. I don't know music that well. No, it doesn't help that a lot of her notation is in Taika Rossi. Not a language. I don't even speak the language. Oh, good Lord. Another door. She's got several volumes from the demonic blooded folks, and it seems to be the basis of her research and how she attracts drains Leviathan's far too much sheet music for what you would want to search through. Yes. No filing cabinet worth the name. It's just piles on desks. Yeah. We put it in boxes and some pinned up, but in abscond a way before any notice is made of our presence and well, you say that, but you did fail. Oh, I did. That's true. I thought I failed to get information now that I failed to make the situation worse. Sorry. That's fine. I'm going to take a clock. Y'all don't see here and I'll leave it at that. Yeah, sounds good. All right. I'd like to briefly look around for if she's got any plants at all and I'm just looking for stuff that I've seen at Rosalinds. Yeah, she does have some stuff from the far away continent of Tikeros. They are a variety of blooms. There's a lot of, it's a bigger landmass, one of the few surviving after the cataclysm, so it's got a number of biomes to it that she's got a couple like little greenhouses that she's experimenting with blood infusions into them. At the Tikeros, see the ones with demon blood, but it's very diluted and they don't get ruled by the demons. Correct. Some of their cultures might have connections, but as a whole, they don't have demon princes or anything like that. They just have demonic features in their bloodline that show up and make them any weird race you would want to play from B&D that doesn't show up in a Victorian era. Oh, tight. Probably. I get your point. I'm just wondering if her... She definitely has some contacts there just given what you're pulling together right now. Yeah. I'm just wondering if there's any relation given her blood dealing ways and her music and cultural attachment, but anyway, it's just a grand thought. Still, I can start to see the shape of why a demonologist might kidnap her beyond her connection to me. By the way, on the failure, it says you falter press on by seizing a risky opportunity or withdraw and try a different approach. I'm not going to do that, but I could have turned it into rolled again as a risky endeavor and maybe had success. Is that what that's saying? Yeah. It was like trying to find someone who can speak the language and maybe incurring some attention. Yeah. Okay. I just wanted to understand how that worked a little bit because I read that and I was like, "Oh, okay." It wasn't just disaster happens. It was like you could actually try something again, which I was not expecting. But it's probably because it was controlled in not a risky position. Yeah. It says much the same, but desperate if you end up being in a risky situation and you fail. I failed a little bit a while ago. I feel badly nervous about this. I'm urging you to wrap it up. Not you. Yeah. The disappearance itself seems very neat. No one trashed her place, whoever did this either caught her out of the house or rummaged through it enough that they left it in a convincing state. They know how to do an investigation, which speaks to a level of competence that you don't normally associate with people disappearing. This is a slight contradiction when we came in and you said that something was left clearly and the process is still being done. Yes. That was other than that. It looks like they put the house back together. I think that it was like the alchemical know-how to clean that up. That the distillery was not put back together because it was in a stage that it needed to be brought to a second stage and they didn't have the knowledge to bring it there. So like it was done with stage one and just kind of leaking and needed to be. But one thing you did succeed on is finding the notes for that distillery. So yeah, you were able to seal that up. Okay. I'm about the end of my attention span for the night because I'm not. I think we're done. We wanted to just do some social investigating. Yeah. No, it was all good. I enjoyed it a lot. Because someone else wanted to go and take a turn. I was going to just beg off because I'm just kind of at the end of my abilities tonight. We could start XP with you then. Yeah, let's do that. Okay. I forgot about XP. So we're good. You addressed a challenge with knowledge or arcane power twice. At least. Yeah. That I can think of. You express your beliefs, drives or heritage. I was driven to find schematics and architectural prints of the Kelis's house because of the hand of Kotar in my desire to possess it. Yes. And that's what got you in trouble. Yeah. And that's three. So I'm good there. I don't need to. I don't need any of these. Which takes me to full resolve, which I'm going to click back on. Hopes to zero and I'm going to grab some sway. Another us accrue XP at the end of each session, execute successful accident, disappearance, murder or ransom operation. I would say an accident and nobody died, but it was convincingly plausible with the disappearance from custody of your two colleagues. They're not going to be satisfied with it, but you did succeed contend with challenges of other current station. Yes, one. Both through your cruise reputation or develop a new one, I believe one for that with the dimmer sisters, specifically the goals, drives and inter conflict or essential nature of the crew. Yes, with the talk of a fledgling God potentially at your actions. And next up, I'm ever go ahead, just a challenge with stealth or evasion. Maybe several, certainly the second one. Okay, then yes too, because I was thinking of the time you drop the ladder down outside of cop's point of view to get Esther out of trouble. Right. Especially your beliefs, drives heritage or background. Yeah, you've got some strange plans to bring your love. Yeah. Okay. Your bow. Struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the mission. No trauma yet though, yeah, I would say three and you can put that in any category. Okay. Is that the total we're done? For Gordon. Yes. Okay. Sorry. I was just looking through the chat because. For a desperate. Yeah, did I have one? I don't think I did. Think you did. Yours were controlled or risky, but not desperate. Right. Desperate. I had none. I also addressed the challenge with violence or coercion, sort of kind of, but I'll leave it up to you, Jim. I think your approach with crop was going in that direction before shit hit the fan, but it made shit hit the fan. So I'm going to count it. Yeah. Okay. Like, Tesla wouldn't have gone the way she did unless she saw your actions trying to deal with this guy. Right. Express your belief, your drive, your heritage, your background, definitely also involving the later portion of dealing with crop where I ended up getting arrested and gave him a giant fuck you. Yeah. So that's at least two struggle with issues of vice and trauma, I would say no. So I can't think of anything else that was believed to have our heritage in particular. I did attend two different events just to be there and help. So maybe a total of three, but I think there were too many successes for you to flex in the invading Jules house. Yeah. That's true. I wasn't really all that involved. This mystery clock I've added is definitely going to involve you. So you'll get some payout eventually on that front. Okay. So I'll just take the two. That's fine. Tilled to do my XP, brother. All right. Oh, no. Yeah, you're right. Sorry. You invited Scott and I thought that was. Go ahead. Just a challenge of technical skill or mayhem went to go get a ghost, went to. I helped a lot of the people studying, but honestly, I really wasn't that interesting on the technical skill side, Billy's Jives heritage or background, at least one. We talked about how weird your guys as empire is and restrictive. It's a ways. Yeah. And issues with vice or trauma. Yeah, I went to go cause that problem that we almost didn't go. Cause three is fine. I'm good. Easy peasy. All right. I have great insight, but another point in study, so I'm actually good at it. And fuck it. One last point insight because I actually want to be good at something that isn't sinker and study and then I'm done. And this has been played in the dark campaign machinations for nights of the night. I've been your GM John and I say that in a different order every time. Good. Yeah. Good job John. Yeah. Good job. Good job. Yeah. Good job. Yeah. Good job. Yeah. Good job. Thank you for listening to nights at the night, actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments or feedback, you can reach us at a number of ways, including Twitter @kyotn_podcast or you can join our Facebook page, which is And while on Facebook, you can join like-minded folks at our fans page at And lastly, there's our block, which is found at Please remember to join us next week for more mystery and adventure. What's this guy's name again? It's K.R. Crop. Crop. Let me type it out so you don't have to- Yeah. I'm going to forget any- No. I didn't even know you could add that to there. But okay. Yeah. He was already in the Compendium, actually, with a- No, really? Short description. Yeah, they put all the ones in the book in there and some of them have more details than others, but- Yeah, that's right. I've also added my own. The Queen of Dimmers is just, well said, I think. It's not recognized as a word in this program, but it is so fuck you. Okay. I'm done. And I'm going to beg off, guys. I'm sorry. It's not feeling well tonight. Everyone, have a great week. Love you all. And I will talk to you all soon. Yeah. You're a little better. All right. Thanks. Good bye-bye. Absolutely. Yeah. You're welcome. Bye-bye. The title of this episode was decided from a list in which people could poll and choose which one they like. This can be done on Facebook, on our Nights of the Night fans page. And the additional titles there were his magic telephone. I hold up my finger and say, "F you." Bequeath of Dimmer Sisters. My friend, who is a blood dealer, commune with a small god, and that would be pretty unstable of you. [BLANK_AUDIO]