KTOD Radio - The Competitive Star Wars Unlimited Podcast

KTOD Radio Episode XVI - An Onslaught of Events

1h 6m
Broadcast on:
15 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

what's up it's your boy Bobby Sapphire and we are back with episode 17 of the KTOD radio podcast your competitive Star Wars Unlimited podcast I'm here with the rest of the KTOD my brother in arms and top four at our local 1k yesterday Justin Desai what's up Justin got all this loot we're gonna spend it on I don't know what but we're winning I knew what I was gonna spend mine and on if I want like five and I was thinking about I'm like I'm gonna get this I was gonna get like a sick Wolverine cosplay from Deadpool 3 and like use that for Halloween they're like 300 bucks and then the only one of us who didn't show up at the 1k yesterday KTOD golfing greens Maddie what up boys yeah was too busy taking down my own tournament one a charity scramble that have been going over a few years I've always wanted my name on the trophy and I finally got it I'm off to post a picture of the trophy because it's epic and massive but I did not bring it home with me so golfing greens baby shout out to the shuffle fate yeah that's a that's Juliet's favorite song and shuffle fate and then my my other brother in arms with the blue ray Stevie gets yes sir what it do what it do did not top eight yesterday for what it's worth I thought our deck was pretty bought on I was like happy with where we were I just played like an empty as usual yeah I liked I liked where the list was at we'll certainly talk about today we're gonna start by talking about our ktod draft hang and make sure that everyone who follows us or subscribes or want to subscribes knows that we're gonna do that for a reset so you can definitely when we plan set threes you can think about coming in in the perfect world I imagine like you know small groups of people even like flying up and hanging out for the weekend and like going to the draft hang so that's cool we're gonna talk about the control meta that's here tons of events just so many events over the last two weeks including our 1k we'll talk about that experience and then we're three weeks out to p pq's the final pq tickets went on sale yesterday they sold out in 10 minutes I had an alarm set on my phone I use my plot armor to get them to stop the tournament so a bunch of us could sign up and yeah I'll be driving down to Jersey for the first pq of the year and then we're gonna answer a couple amazing listener questions like the ones that we have for cute up for today are actually like super sick real quick we've been putting out a lot of content about two videos a week we might you know clip part of this podcast is like a meta clip which we sometimes do but we're putting out a weekly gameplay as well as like just other cool content like Steve's cube and the blue ray deck that we played yesterday so check out our content if you haven't been and I'm already hitting stores next week right I think on Monday you guys the the patreon is known about the block party but the rest you get to to see what that's all about do you want to say what it is so people actually no I'm still waiting for my invite bro it's blue hero Boba block party let's get it sentinels I just don't it's an idiot yeah tell the listeners that Steve should know but you get to the listeners yeah but I'm I thought we're a mystery block party crusted I was smacking people with that you know Justin what were you saying about your content so I played Sabine yesterday but I was just close to playing red cat and I want to get a red cat video at everyone I've kind of been locked in Sabine jail because the ducks been so strong just like focusing on that but I only found something that has some real promise so excited to get that out in the next couple weeks yeah be looking for that after the 10 5 pq well the other thing I was gonna say too is like in addition to I know we're on the drive things like like in addition to the two a week like we've been posting at least one patreon video just to like any tier of patreon not even are you know in addition to our other podcast we do but like so in a week from Monday right my Kira update is gonna drop they've had that for you know for over 10 days now part of our patreon is getting early release videos that's like a classic patreon thing that we try and utilize as much as we can same with some of our blue blue ray content not that video but others cool all right content update so we had a draft hangout where we invited anyone who's a subscriber to our patreon to come to base date brewery or base day beer in Worcester, Massachusetts our hometown shut out to our boy calorinic on the right there in that middle picture who who's in laws run the place and we're able to you know give this the sweet room that has a giant window that overlooks the hockey rink it's got a bunch of arcade games was sick we drafted at those those round high tops which was sick we had the NFL network going watching football yeah you could see the Bengals pads came up in the background and then when we had bought some cases and you know traditionally cases are one showcase per two cases we had opened one whole case and four boxes of another case and not gotten a showcase and we had those other two stash thinking there's probably a showcase in it and then when the idea for the the hangout came up we're like oh well we got to use those boxes because someone will get a showcase and then Adam sitting right next to me ripped the boss which was sweet yeah that was super cool it was super cool old-school video arcades I got I want to rematch with the street better match them my buttons were a little frozen but Mike Mike was able to beat me but yeah it was just great advice and baby and beers and a base date brewery really took care of us yeah they did a great job and it was like cool to have the private room but it wasn't like super crowded you can see the picture in Matty like it was pretty wide open you had like good access you kind of move around so really great yeah it's incredible I can't wait to keep doing them yeah one guy brought his wife and like you could like just to hang out and have have a drink have have lunch the food was great so yeah if you're if you're a subscriber or thinking about a subscriber we're gonna do this for set three and you and whomever are welcome to come and have a free draft on us but yeah and I think Steve bought some people drinks - which was cool yeah I thought it was cool oh and then I ended up taking down the draft we did um we did two drafts and then just combined the pods played four rounds I was able to beat Justin the finals we had a cad green mirror match in the finals yeah it was like I had the like budget version of mine yeah absolutely absolute yes like I was playing like the best play like the most demoralizing plays when I had like dr. Amazon and you had the 4 to hay sky like the guy has a zero power when he attacks yeah coaching and I was like yeah play coaching for free basically and kill my guy and yeah and then play something else yeah I thought my deck was really good in one card that I thought ended up being really really good for me where the the smuggle tanks I had two of them and they just super made my late game strong because I was able to get ahead and then stay ahead behind those things they'll have removal that's like that generates so much card advantage yeah the sick my my six drops of like fan six drops of what did I have oh I had the corn fan I had rent corn fennec but I had two of the tanks mercenary company and the Xanadu blood which is also really good yeah yeah yeah it was great it was fun but we played four rounds and there I think everyone had a good time I mean everyone got a bunch of free cards and free drinks and great food so and you could see the window into the hockey rink which is really sweet yeah so yeah I mean hopefully we can run it back with a with a bunch more people next time oh yeah all right we're gonna start just like touching on some of the events from two weeks ago I know like you probably watched 8,000 video recaps but I think it's important to address like ours I think it's important to address the you know how the meta has evolved over the last two weeks especially if we're going to talk about it in context of this weekend upcoming weeks but there were three it was a SCG weekend in Tampa so like three cash events 1k on Friday and Sunday and then a 2k on Saturday and it was a big Boba weekend with some Sabine sprinkled in and some control of course did you guys have any thoughts coming out of that weekend for me like this is the week that kind of set in motion I think the meta that we're starting to kind of see now of like you know one of the ways to attack Boba Yellow is to kind of go a little more into the control route and this and go deeper and like if if Kira has a good matchup against Boba again another another good way to be Kira is to go kind of later and we're starting to see like grindier more control things come out of the meta in response to I think what we saw here yeah CAD just seen CAD on a leaderboard was cool kind of led me to exploring CAD which got me to the red sort of in a windy pathway there Han blue being a little bit less present you see it and scattered here but I know it it we had talked about it being like really big and I think some of like the control decks that Maddie's talking about might be tricky for it the villain ones could be just on the trickier side and I don't think it's here but there was that that blue boss that yeah we're gonna talk about it and talk about it later yeah but that was the one that really was like oh that's something new because nothing here really is new and Hondo blue is George's in that before but the blue boss was the one that kind of you picked your interest a bit and said oh that's a little different yeah and so that will say go ahead I'll say I will say like after seeing you know George do well with the Hondo even though like I know that like that's kind of like is it is it pie is I know he's a good player so it's like is it pilot is it deck it did make me go back and check that deck out again and I have been impressed once you kind of know the lines at some of the things it can do cool and real quick I just want to shout out Rebel trader for holding a TTI invitational you know he runs a month a monthly Lee and he invited people who had done well across the league to play in a one-day tournament which was really sweet one by Buku I think it was Buku who who took it down there were yeah he's the only Sabine easy on the top eight one of our subscribers and it was fun watching that tournament throughout the day on the seventh and just sort of following along I think it's a really cool way to do things like Justin Steve you guys know from Star Wars CCG and the OCS like having the monthly league culminate in this like massive event at the end of the year is really really sick so I yeah I love what rebel traders doing and I just want to make sure to shout him out because he does such a good job it's something that is thankless and also catches a lot of crap from people not because of his fault but because of some of the like the conversations around his league right but very cool event and great to see Buku take it down because Sabine Green is basically dead as a competitive list and Mike art art art is an MVP like for him to do all that work to like to this community I will say like I was way more interested in this type of event and following a full kind of Swiss event or how you know however like a one-day tournament where you're locked into a deck to me is so much more interesting than some of the league stuff out there that's just my personal take because of the way that we play cards in that context we don't really get to swap and stuff like that's like this I love this and shout out to Buku what a what a baller just going out there and getting it done and such a good member of our community so yeah he's been super active in the green Sabine that just like offering good good insights but also picking other people's brains going back to the star with CCG OCS and the very first one the finals was me versus Mike it was modeled after the magic online mocks that was the first one that was the first one we all populated I won and then when they asked for the trophy information I actually asked him to put my name not my name but instead inscribed K2D and to send out at that time we had four members for the star with CCG K2D so everyone got a yeah I have it right here it's a black which is kind of sick out of reach but I do have it was one of my one four out of the six yeah that's sick but it like I agree like it's not always fun to follow a league and like you know there are plus is a minus the way the way league play is when you're not locked an event but what I do like is like this meshing right like we're gonna run X amount of months and if you show to like you know do well over those months it's gonna have a payoff in a very cool event and I don't know if he gave away prizes but we should see and maybe get in on I guess we can't sponsor it but maybe we can like do something to support it because it's cool even if it's behind the scenes yeah and then let's talk about that Spanish tournament that Justin mentioned was won by a blue boss you went 12 so I think limitless combined I think the top eight is added into the record here but he did win it all I'm not really sure the format of the event but it was too day everyone got a fell the dragon mat they had uncut sheets of Star Wars Unlimited which was truly insane I didn't know this existed that really stepped us up to to reach out to asthma day this week and be like wait can we do this stuff too so we're very interested in bringing this kind of event to America and I do want to shut out of I did Jedi because they did an amazing stream of both days they have a podcast they make weekly videos they are like from what I can tell and I don't understand Spanish so I can't I can't really watch and and get anything from them but like they are doing sort of the same model as we are with content only they're also going to these big events in live streaming I think they're really great the stream I think you can obviously appreciate in whatever language because they do they had an awesome overlay but if especially if you understand any Spanish you should definitely check this channel out they are great use a closed caption boom yeah you got it oh yeah true that that could probably help and I talked to these guys following the event they were really helpful in like getting me the information and everything and here's that blue boss list that you mentioned Justin which is what has led us to or one of the things like the the big Boba weekend as you said Justin for SCG and then this winning Spain on the same weekend has kind of led to this this current weekend that we're living in now the event that we just went to yesterday I was expecting a lot of control and I was telling people before the event I was like dollars to donuts Justin's gonna win like no one's gonna be able to beat like his being that consistently if everyone's on these greedy restock control decks yeah yeah I forget about the boogie man I played three boss I played three boss one top my top eight much match one was green one all three the topic one was pretty close but I think it's this is sort of like shows the pathway if there's like a new deck one weekend that the next weekend you might see a little bit more just on like the pure sort of excitement factor there so this was I think two or three people played blue boss get a you know 30 person 1k which is pretty big and you know one top-aided and I think the other guy no two top-aided mm-hmm two top-aided so you know and and yeah so both copies of that top-aided and it was it did some pretty impressive things like you know the card draw bounty death mark you know on an early play yeah like pretty sought like you know you get a removal that draws cards it's a little slow but you know this was got a lot of card advantage I'll say that yeah it's it's really funny like when when boss was released like I think one of the first things talked about on our our release pod was like this blue boss deck and then like you know nothing kind of came of it and then you know someone just kept putting in the work and like kind of figured out the best angle for it so it's it's cool to see like there was something there and like this you know this individual like took it and and worked on it and like found the right time to play it you know I mean did you face this at all yesterday Steve I did not I faced the green version around one and he had to we went three games kind of rushed through game three because of time but like he had some crazy the two games he beat me hit some crazy starts with like the RAM card on like my R2 and was just like ping-pong so like he he like turned one bounding my R2 and basically each turn just pinged it to death while playing a resupply and then like just before I it was like my fifth turn and he was dropping or a lot less I think it's actually one of the worst match ups for Ray blue and right in general it's just boss green I didn't face that I was definitely I didn't face this yesterday but I did talk to the guys who were playing it it's not my favorite it's a little slow for me I did actually test with Phil from the draft hangout on Friday afternoon because he was repping it and I was like oh can I get some some games with it versus Ray and it was very very grindy yeah but I think I think it's probably really good like there's some things in here I really like and I think red can help I think the red blue actually can help battle against Sabine but this is not this deck is like pretending Sabine doesn't exist yeah that which is my vision with it yeah so I put one up for the patreon guys in the discord like my take on this deck after after one and I leaned in like there's no reason to and I think I think my version is probably a little too blue and you still need some more of the red cards but like in my mind if you play this boss deck correctly like I think your pillages can correct like someone's probably gonna disagree but like I think your pillages can be in the board like I think you can have more you know I completely and more more blue cards and like really lean into your children and stuff like that because like a similar grindy deck is like Hondo and you can beat the crap out of them with the children like you can still do that here and so one of the things that we found is like yeah like removal spells are really good but like when your guys do something and can like or affect the board like this is such a this game is so important to fight in the arena that just like if you're just constantly one for wanting big they're gonna get those turns where they do two things and then you're just like oh well okay I don't like one thing I really do like is it's got the client Avenger combo you get that lockout and it's just impossible to welcome to the law welcome to the law I think the card I hate the most in the main deck even more than pillages the make the three make an openings I like to use reasonable yeah what you're paying it does work well with the paying I guess that is the concept okay I can get behind that but like man that card does not pull its weight most of the time but obviously like when you play against Boba or whatever it's it's just gas but yeah I I'm excited to go take a look at your decorator and also see what I can do with this yeah I'm like my idea is behind like why we play control which is not to be pillaging I'd probably play like enticing reward into this deck like doesn't have many bounties here and like it just feels like that could be something that's really good too yeah I tried doing what's it called the quarry because I'm like obsessed with that card just so you can get like a client or a perching but and I think I had some other three drops in there but yet enticing reward for three is completely reasonable like that card is so busted but like that's the beauty of it and like I'm excited to see what you take with my deck is like I've run into other people who are the champion of a deck archetype or whatever and they're so reluctant to have you fiddle with it and like that's a complete opposite of our like ethos here at like K2D and in the discord it's like and what I say and we also is like take this deck take what you like change it like you know Teddy just top four though 1k with Kira 30 like he made that deck his own like I've all I continue to hear is like people doing well with you know some of the decks that we pushed and putting their own spin on it was actually funny one guy in the walkling like was saying his changes and I was like oh so you're you're pretty close to my cash at close to be honest but so he like he figured it out himself too so it's like yeah especially when they come back and share right someone's like oh I ran Bobby's list I made these changes is how it went this is why it's good and like that's and like that's helpful to everyone's helpful even to me like oh yeah you thought about this and tested this and now that gives me some more information so I love that and I never would have won as much as I did in destiny if it wasn't like taking good decks making them better be it like like randos online or like my teammates I mean the Ewok list was like my teammate Shane beating me with it in the match up but I thought was unwinnable and I was like okay I actually have to go look at the sick list and then yeah they walk lips baby got all the junk and put in all the goods yeah but like look at where you made blue oh sorry go ahead no no no but you go you go I was just gonna say the changes you made to my Gen Con blue ray really just put that to the next level - yeah and I think like that's just teamwork right like you even said I think if someone else worked on this it would be really good and I said yeah well let me be the person to do that it's doing a lot of the things that I like and also like being able to get games with Chrono and be like okay how how can I actually battle against the bean and he's and I said I don't remember who said it but I woke up the next day and I was like lightsabers is that gonna work and then yeah and then it was great if the lightsabers were sick for me yesterday yeah dude and like guess what guys we're all still winning like like you guys you guys well that's the big one are just good one like guess what you can help each other out and we're all still winning because you know what at the end of the day you look pretty salty in this picture I think you're salty about how much tequila they gave you I've never seen so much liquor left on the table last night they poured Steven Zach neat drinks and they were like bored all the way to the glasses the time matter you remember that like yeah we don't need to talk about that night yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I that's right where I went in my they go I don't want to talk about that night yeah so we had our 1k we got 29 players at great stories and Wayne'sville shout out to great stories if you've watched any of our videos you know that's where we play and they've supported us a bunch the top eight was blue ray me in first place I went 5 and I'll be Justin in the 4-0 match then yame and Justin with Sabine Green were two and three and then we had a high yellow player a vader blue player and then Sundar from our discord play boss blue as well as another guy there and then Teddy Kira Green and then yeah so Justin you yame and the Han yellow one and Teddy beat me in the top 4 was three out of four people that I had to face in Swiss so I think I had like a pretty tough way up there but what did you get what do you guys think about yesterday Justin I think if you guys played out the top four I would have I would have seen you take victory there you did play yame right is yeah so he was the one who was hedging a little bit really cool guy and he just you could tell you wanted to play it out kind of and the rest of the three of the three of us were kind of like you know it was getting late hey can we just chop it up and you know get to where we this pictures from which is you know dinner and some drinks so I told him you know he he agreed to split and I was like hey you really wanted to play Han he's like yeah so I was like all right why don't we play I'll take it seriously like as if it still has the same context it has and he had mentioned that he's followed along with like a lot of the conversation in the chat and discord about like Sabine and the mirror and stuff like that kind of wanted to like experience at first-hand so I did win that one as well and it was fun he was it was a good good match but yeah I thought overall Sabine was good I tinkered with the cash off list in the morning I feel bad because I didn't have my computer accounts I couldn't link the deck but that being said the list itself was a little bit wonky it did well obviously you crushed me with the blue ray in cashic operative I updated it post this event and I actually feel really really good about that list this one is what you played right the list on the one I played and the wonky stuff was like the one to Donna who should have just been the second of Delphi yeah the one X wing like was just vomit inducing like I felt bad because every time I drew R2 was gas and I was like how do you want having one and then fighters for freedom was really good in the deck overall so I was happy but so some of the stuff worked out well some of the stuff you know was kind of flops and I went back to metal ceremony and it was up and down in that card but overall in the deck it lost one game total to non bobby sapphire felt really strong you know Bida boba yellow round one two oh which was cool we'd like some of the lines we talked about behind the scenes and beat beat Zach's Han blue that was a match if I hadn't played before but that was a that was a good match but it felt like really in my favor which was nice and yeah just kind of it did some being things continue to win with it be aggressive and and you don't have to worry about some of those end-game states that you like you might have gotten into in your in your top a man let me ask you this how many since you started playing this game how many non bobby sapphire games have you lost so I lost one in Gencon and I've lost a CJ but I haven't lost anything else okay so - yeah I lost to Eric on the very first prerelease yeah but I haven't lost any one other than CJ Mike or the the chronic that came in second and here's the list Steve and I ran and if you watch any of the content this week you've seen this so I want to talk about it a ton but we did add the lightsabers in for Sabine I thought it was gonna be a big Sabine weekend not not that it would be played the most but that it would win the most because of the control and so I really wanted to angle lightsabers Steve the other day you said you're gonna play a third lightsaber on our tournament prep podcast he said he was gonna play a third lightsaber to tech against Justin did you do it main deck I did this was a little different I played - two redemptions plus one lights ever plus one takedown cool I was I was all I was all I was ready all prepared for just three take on I'm gonna lose to the sky I never got this common form the biggest thing for me in losing in the top eight was that I couldn't deal with multiple relentlesses I could deal with the first one because I don't have to burn a lot of events and you know the fells do a lot like get a lot of work done like I can yeah and I bring in the other rivals fault and stuff but the force throws did like nothing for me in those games unfortunately and I had seen success with them in testing but I need to come up with something else for relentless so I think I wonder if that's gonna be something I wonder if that's like confiscate because this color palette has and then you have your one cost in case you need to like throw it around and so yeah I think I would rather be on covert mission what's it called covert strength or yeah no not mistake I want I want so my thinking for relentless is probably to healing in too much information for the pod this is like I want it to be something I can play out of the row so that yeah when I have to do the when I have to target the relentless even if I have to pay three forward or whatever I can still like I can resource it early and I worry about it and it'll be there for when I have to play against the relentless and then go that into rivals or that into takedown I mean that into fell that's smart and also I don't want and I don't want it to be non-blue because I want to be able to hit it with quill so if it's the heel 3-1 or confiscate it'll just go to my discard pile which is like not what I want so I want it to be I want it to be blue so I think the leader in my clubhouse right now is covert I've been playing that card covert strength in the the Hondo deck and like when I don't have it I'm like sad that card is I mean granted does more Hondo Blake still like that current is thank you good yeah so I've got a I've got to figure it out I think it's smart I think everything else is tight and good but yeah that's that's how deep I'm going on like how do I deal with the relentless and if anyone else has ideas I had to deal with relentless I'd love to hear those two you know maybe I want to do frozen in carbonite for seven or something who knows because it's just the fact that it attacks me and then like has a barrage for 10 like I was winning I really thought I was gonna win both of those post-board games but like a barrage for 10 took out three guys right and I was like that's the problem with entrenching it is like they just use it as a brush stick were you gonna say Steve I didn't say the the most success I've had against relentless and I'll first let me echo the sentiment that I really didn't like the four stores at drink on so I agree with you there in that regard but for the most part my main plan with that is just getting a little wrinketing ship up there and using Luke I guess boss yesterday I was able to like first claim then next turn play Luke to make it a 2-2 so he had like nothing you could really do and then my ex-wing just killed him I think that's cool I think you can afford to burn an event to get in a fell for like one of them and then you got to try to maneuver the second one with Luke and if they play three well you just got to hope and pray at that point yeah I was certainly trying it just didn't work out for me you did you ever do you like the first thing yeah I did I would burn a takedown because yeah I don't need I really I don't really need takedown so I and I was I don't have that many events so I was making sure not to resource them in that matchup either no but like not burn like play it it claim on the turns going into play it and then the second one works right away it's fell oh I didn't do that I never had an opportunity right I just never he had so many star destroyers that it wasn't I couldn't necessarily be like oh he's definitely playing relentless here you know because like if it's a venture I've got to attack first and if it's right devastated I've got to attack first so or shield up so it it's tough it's definitely good tech against the stack and I'm yeah I continue to work on them first all right and then there was a slew of other one case yesterday I ended up screwing this up when I was trying to shrink it but all types of 1k's and store showdowns and it's just there's so many events right now it's a really good time to be playing competitive Star Wars Unlimited so you know I think there were like five or six in America and I didn't even get me and I guess there's some international showdowns here but yeah just tons of events right now and PQ starting in a couple weeks is that a guard yellow in the top eight on the one that's cut off yes that is a guard yellow yeah I mean I I say it all the time like I think that anything can be decent like you just have to get the reps and know how to play like I don't know like I'm sure a ton of people looked at that a ton of people did comment like blue ray isn't good or it's just fine it's not that great and like I think it's legitimately really good and I think it helps it like I have a ton of reps on it and I'm sure there and we know gar yellow has potential because Maddie you were on that early and it was really strong and I think like the Tarkin blue that got played by Nick in in PA yesterday like I know it was a small event but like like if I'm just thinking about Tarkin blue like that sounds like it could be pretty good Tarkin blue really impressed me at Gen Con so I'm playing on yesterday too yeah I think the deck is is definitely big you top got to be in the top here yeah it seems really smart thing too especially like if you that's like the best time to play something off the wall is when there's frickin you know 30 or under players because they're definitely not gonna see it come they're all gonna be worried about other stuff so that's the time to play like an obscure deck that people don't are looking at your cards and not know what they're doing yeah it's gonna hit them and remember that you know table that thought because that that leads into directly what one of our listener questions is today cool so yeah just a lot a lot of Han lot of like just a lot of meta stuff but it's diverse right there's like nothing you don't see anything that's like oh the whole list is this deck you know yeah it's like some Han some Boba's some greens I think the biggest surprise from this slide is like very few curious maybe one here but I think that speaks to how hard that deck is to play it's hard I mean it top-forward your guys and then it top topped another one yeah I think Palpe yellow beating Sabine it wouldn't be a surprise to some but I think that color spike for Palpe is actually the one that's the best against Sabine where where's that one oh yeah so I I actually have been playing a bunch of help yellow you know I got off of it a little bit this week to work on the 1k but I was doing Palpe yellow when I saw the Boba green that one Europe couple you the 54 yeah I can the McClunkey star as pal yeah exactly my thought was like oh what if we put this in Palpe like that seems like a great start for Palpe and I like yeah I got run over by a bunch of spines but anytime I could get the bazine grito or salacious plus McClunkey start I won those games and so like if you maul for them and you hit like you can win that matchup it's not that bad when you get the McClunkey start but it obviously isn't super easy it's just it's winnables all I'm gonna say yeah right and I do like that deck and when I was when I was rebuilding all my standard decks the other night it I almost took it apart but I decided to keep it together because I do I do still like it and then there was one event another 1k in Virginia that had 24 players that was won by Kira of course I just said that in the previous slide I forget this was the next slide but we had all the deck let's get posted this morning so I figured I'd post this this is cool because it's a Kira with three timelies and I think like we'll mention this this morning too but I'm like if I'm timely I want I want reinforcement Walker man yeah I lost yesterday because of a reinforcement Walker that I just couldn't deal with any healed nine and then decided to draw the other one and it's completely underplayed and I think it's great and I think it would be an excellent addition to this version right here yeah I'm trying to find like I used to love playing and I think there's like a deck there like I used to love playing frickin P it with reinforcement Walker I still think that like is such an insane it is it's got a big juicy but it it needs to do their card advantage or it heals if you can ever do it for you know to like you said with the timely like I'm been trying to find ways to fit it into Kira 30 it's just with that was my next question for you is just like do like do you like this list better as a 30 do you need to play child's and if you do do the timely and reinforcement 30 because you could just play the other things or rely on the ambush for later in the game I also don't know if I would ever play three timelies in addition to ECL I was probably a two up for me yeah I probably play it to either way I think if you're gonna go no chilts and you need to play like your face you probably need like three phase and maybe even one cell block guard to just be like all right I'm gonna chain sentinels until I can get a little later my issue with playing like I don't know if I want to play Gideon has gone for because like one of the most popular long iron six like to not ECL it to timely it is like one of the best lines with this deck is to you can ramp and then you can ECL it like right away and then you your turn matches up well so it's paying an extra one you know to do it with him when you don't have any sale like in a 30 point is top so if I was playing 30 point I don't necessarily know if I'd want the Gideon's although like a sneaky rock is probably really good against all these blue hans that hurt traditionally been good against blue hero yeah I might like I like the ideas here especially one palper turn yeah I might max the lompics or find another four drop as well if I was gonna do the 30 point and really rely on timely because lompike is an excellent timely target as well that that only costs four so and we could potentially find others in blue-green that are just trying to like timely death trooper right yeah that's a great line I mentioned that's a big draw here I think a venture - I think Devastator - yeah but like I don't think you're doing like lomp I think it's trying to do that on three and then it probably met it probably has it's because you look it's got a lot of threes you've got the the source shame in there so I'd imagine that you're and then you're also you can timely um it really is your tech put some damage and stuff like that and then you can finish the job with Kira that wouldn't be the damage but you get what I mean on that and then I imagine that it's sort of trying to do that and then if you see the Gideon and Ruck it's probably doing that or a lompike with the ECL right on the snowballing it and then you've got your other timelies for like the end game with a venture and so forth yeah I like the idea of two timelies with this ECL and getting Walker into the mix here yeah I think that's where I would start if I was to do it with 30 point I'd probably have to finagle some things around this is cool though yeah it's got me it's already got the wheels turning for what I want to work on another a version of 30 right now the top eight is crazy - Kira ECLs a chronic ECL and five Bobas four yellow green like no wonder is still good like yeah I've been thinking a lot about chronic it's just Kira's ability so cracked but like I also like a version yeah like I said with P it I think that is sneaky yeah I mean he's he's a timely right like he's his own timely like that's that's a different slot that's doing the same thing and how you want to how you want to play it you just have to have it on board first and he doesn't work with the low drops like Justin was saying yeah you would just like Vader and like you could bring back your snow trip lieutenant so you can pump him so like you can pump your P it and then like if you're playing chronic now your P it is say it say it took three damage and it killed or two damage and took its being now now it is an extra attack because it's you know with chronic like there's things you can do I think there's a I think there's a 30 point chronic with P it in the mid like that you could play did the Gencon guy have P it I never played against it I have no clue no I don't think but I'm also like it like P it is kind of like one of my favorite cards so maybe I'm just biased yeah I think it's good speaking of favorite cards yeah let's talk about some spoilers some set three spoilers this um looking at the Obi-Wan art a little bit bigger it like the head totally looks photoshopped on that's such a weird photo these are two of the leaders being singled out as like to talk about Matt do you really like Dooku yeah I think I think Dooku has so much potential obviously it's gonna lie in what Separatists can do but like Dooku for me is everything that Java isn't Java the way action economy works in the game you can't really set it up the way you want whereas Dooku like just immediately does the thing like you you use his action and you get the guy at at discount degree and I think another thing that I've been harping on that I think is really interesting is when you exploit for one you cancel out an aspect penalty so like the idea that you could have a you know something that would cost too too extra normally if you just exploit it then you get to pay the normal cost so like you can create things that when you know when defeated or they create tokens and then like I could play you know blue-green villain but I could play Palps and like yeah I'm paying what is it 10 but like I'm not because like I'm exploiting so like it kind of can even it out and then if you get the exploit three that that could be kind of crazy so I think there's some crazy stuff you can do especially with like Palps return you know kind of like your casino Honda you could get a little crazy there which is really interesting yeah I mean if battle droids are even halfway decent as like a strategy or I mean just green guys that stay on table like even more so than Palp you have to kill Dooku's guys because exploit being - to that like ramping for two with your leader is absolutely nuts can I just say something real quick yeah we're gonna have to add a little bit the separatist they have to be separatist so they you can't do like Palp you'd have to do something else yeah I know out of estimate separatist sorry yeah I'm not saying I'm saying like in Palp decks where you have to continually be killing their guys like the card you play has to be separatist but the card you're exploiting does not so like yeah I messed that up though I said like you could cheat out of Palp you can't do that like the Palps not separatist oh I see what you're saying so okay I don't I'm not sure how to edit that we might have to just not edit it no no whatever it's fine but like the the blue Dooku is separatist right so like you can play that guy for five like that is insane just at the cost of like an SLT or a battle droid or something that like is about to die or not worth it to get a five-four shielded like and who you know obviously there's there's got to be any defeat yeah Andy defeat something right so you're just getting insane value and I have to work with SLT you wouldn't be able to pay for it you wouldn't be able to pay it but you would still have one up for something else which is cool which could come into play I don't I don't know who's a separatist soon who's not off the top my head but I don't know if they make you some halfway decent high-cost separatists like it's gonna be stupid like absolutely stupid just think about how good our our got like Han Han to Boba fat who are just giving us one resource like getting two or potentially six when he's flipped is just ridiculous how do you guys think yeah I think in general I'm sorry go ahead Justin no I just I think he's interesting I think you know he joins a pretty big list of like top-end villain leaders like Vader and out and stuff like that he saw like Java had gave us some like you know we were excited about Java initially and then it was you know kind of haven't seen him really crack in too much but you know anything that lets you play cards cheaper is generally really good yeah that's I mean I'm just gonna echo everyone else's sentiments you know I think we've seen the most success from decks in this game so far that manipulate your resources and let you get ahead in that way so I think he'll probably just somewhere fall in that playable category at the top the end of spectrum yeah and we'll just see what Separatist guys come out he's gonna be great in the cube in the set three four that's gonna be sick all the leaders in the cube yeah all right and Justin you like OB yeah I really like OB for a couple reasons one is that you know I think the OB unit from set one the Sentinel like a lot of people have talked about like wind rates going up when you hit that sentinel right away and this kind of always gives you that similar ability and then he's got the healing along with the damage think but he want to combine that with like Tarkin town or even something like a force throw because he's force and then like I also wondered what happens if you combine him like if you just play a bunch of removal spells and then you always do him and another big sentinel so you've got OB obviously you got the Mandalorian and if you were vigilance you could Childston for six as well and you'd have the ability to always have just two guys out so like they would kill one and then they would basically have to kill him because if they attacked him to the other then you're just gonna he's healing and he's also really big and he's forced people like a lightsaber and he's like you know buff him a couple ways what's the what's the four cost card that puts a shield and like removes a guide to the plus two forces with me card and I just thought like this is pretty proactive at that stage and it's like a different angle like Ray's got the healing and like the counters and then Chirrit's got his whole thing but this is like okay you're building off sentinel in a way that like chewy never really you couldn't really get to because yeah it was just like a turn later it's like so big but like six is like a pretty important turn and I just thought like this guy's good I mean he's still got some issues with like you know record and stuff like that but I just I'm really interested in just always having the sentinel ability it seems really really good to me because it's you like you all he's very similar to the to the OB unit yeah and you always happen you now you always have OB yeah I would like to see a four eight I mean not not to like redesign the car but like I would like to stats to be pushed a little bit more for such like an iconic character I do like the idea that as he got older he has less resilient like less health so it'll be like the old OB is the same stat but like yeah same power but different different help that's that yeah that's pretty good but yeah I like it I just I like I just want a few more push leaders like I just want push leaders to hang with the ones that we know are already super good so like I would like to see that yeah I just I think that like set ones four and five cost leaders are just so strong that like six like you have to do a lot on six so maybe OB is the one that makes it worth it but so far like we've seen six cost leaders just like not do enough so I'm really curious on their unit side yeah this guy haven't sent it all does make it interesting yeah that part is cool all right a couple more cards to talk about one of the ones that we want to shout out is this droid manufacturing when you deploy your leader create two battle droid tokens the new the new insane green base that is 24 HP yeah and they're really really good 20 I think it's cool really really good obviously great with ex but yeah like that would exploit things pretty busted definitely definitely the exploit base I wonder yeah like is it like 24 and a 7 cost leader that is to me a little scary so like is it Dooku or is it like more of an aggro thing but I mean if you if if you get your exploit going I know you could get pretty crazy I think it's gonna be like I think there's gonna be a pretty fast kind of aggro strategy yeah with spicy with Kylo like really spicy with Kylo yeah I love that yeah that's pretty sick cuz he doesn't really care about having to and then he's able to pump those guys if he dies and you just like flood and you want to be flooding anyway that's yeah I played against him on a red Kylo yesterday and the game he won game two and he had he had like seven guys out on he had yeah he'd like all those one drops yep you just stop running this whole board yeah and I was just like and and they all have saboteurs I couldn't even I couldn't even play my Sentinels I was just like oh I just still take 20 here bombing run stonks yeah way up so I'm just gonna be big next some some other amazing cards I mean I think our two is like one of the better cards that we'll we'll ever see I think he's insane I'd play him in green Sabine right now I played to go for four yeah I get because of what he does you're able to get your Poe record then and he's also just very reasonable as a two four like yeah think about bright hopes of two six I mean he's absolutely insane yeah look at the top three and make rocker blue yellow make a sweet blue yellow ray where it's like turn one R2 turn to R2 he's gonna build around I think on top of things is very very good I mean how about just like oh we're we're mulliganing for R2 plus lightsaber like okay here it is you get R2 plus lightsaber like yep you can find whatever I think on top of things is really cool attached unit can't be attacked this phase so like you can start a turn like that you can put it on your leader really in jabber yep really in interesting way to to like protect a unit and get some power in its trick yeah now you can play like realistically play 12 tricks in yellow jabba decks I think that card like if that card I would have been on cad I've jabbing my cad with nine tricks I think that card is and I'm you know looking at blaster and pump I mean think about like you could theoretically jabber into that and then play it on jabber they can't kill it and then just you have a and then blaster and you have a six eight that can't be attacked yeah that turn and then like the next turn you play another one yeah both those cards are going into my Mando deck that's all I'm saying my two cost Mando deck with C3PO calling calling all the twos out I like yeah that's perfect that yeah that tick is a lot better there yeah um Maddie you like my tomato yeah I just think it's really I think that this game in a way is kind of missing some of these like dig and card advantage like you know like when I played a bunch of Pokemon in between sets like I was like so impressed at how it to it to a completely different degree that you could filter and kind of like build consistency in your deck and so like seeing R2 and seeing Moss and like kind of eating like going from like set one which was like a really strong kind of like block format so like it's growing and set to like three to me feels like a culmination of deck building where you can start getting things tuned and like hitting the same plays consistently which is which is some of the most fun I have playing card games so like to see Moss and and and he's official so it works in pal but also like he's insane in pal green and some of the Republic things we're seeing where you can like fish a Republic card or whatever like you know there's just yeah I just like cards like this I think they make deck building fun and and and you can really line if you find a play that you want to hit you can like always hit it which I think is cool because like for the guys that like define line stuff like this is is like their juice you know I really like Obi-Wan's Aether sprite I think it's really cool that it's like death trooper for space in hero and the when played and yeah and it's a Jedi which is like really really sick you know Obi-Wan leader can hear it yep it's got the perfect four six stat lines Steve's absolutely right on that dodges all the removal take down and fell the dragon which is sick I guess it doesn't dodge take down because it takes a damage itself but you can heal it with Obi-Wan leader if you're doing that may though you yep it's may which is perfect and then you know you could just also be killing things like blacks on Starfighter or like finishing something off with the ECL it can actually kill a fire spray there's which is like some thematic yeah yeah oh no I just think it's strong I yeah I want to see what other jet like we had good stuff yeah the Jedi with the Jedi like the Sabre if it's on a Jedi they they cost less like I'm curious what other Jedi cards we're gonna have because it's obviously different than force you know what I mean yeah I love trade hunt like I just love looking at all these traits and trying to figure out what what they've got going on yeah I really love calculating Magna Guard as a design I wanted to shut up for design I think like a three four comes into play it's a sentinel is also really good but when played and when a friendly unit is defeated against sentinel so like it behooves you to attack it first which like is thematically really cool for the Magna guards being like the guards of of Grievous like he sits back refuses to fight in these guys fight for him I just think it's a really cool way to nudge your the players to do the thematic thing rather than just the thematic thing is only in in the way the mechanic of the card like right with on top of things and with Obi-Wan aether sprite like you have to make a decision to do it thematically is really cool all right we've got some subscriber questions we're up to 1,111 subscribers I think it's only plus one since last time but like we definitely saw some fluctuation for a couple weeks oh I also want to put up here but I forgot last time on the podcast we launched two new tiers that play testing tier we had to expand to 56 players and now it's at 54 out of 56 and I don't think we have any plans to expand it so I think like that worked out really well being exactly what we want yeah and then we're up to we're almost at 6k we hit 5k right before Gen Con and we're almost at the 6k now so hopefully we can get another 130 soon to get 6k maybe before packs unplugged this is a question that's been answered a bunch of times of various places but I also thought it might be good to like you know if you're just learning about us or you're new to the so the K2D scene why am I Bobby Sapphire why are you guys your names my my story is just like someone my name's Mike Gem and someone tried to make fun of me in college and say like oh like Bobby Sapphire and I actually thought that name was sick and I was like yeah that's actually cooler I'm gonna use that and I've used it ever since yeah mine was in 1997 I was a BNBL All-Star for Boston with the basketball summer league the big one in Boston and it's was like the year before I like had to make my very first like email accounts on like at AOL so this was like I don't really know how to do it and the Z was put in there because All-Star 9/7 was taken All-Star 1997 was taken and I was like I don't know what to do and I didn't put a Z in there and then that became like my AOL screen name so that's why I'm that one I'm just Maddie baby it's just who you are yeah you do have like a million Nick you you cycle through Nick names like Marty no one else hot nuts Joey Wheeler was my old yeah alias I've had a lot of them well when your name's Matt you know like you kind of want to differentiate yourself and then like just always been like someone people you know outside of sports which is always be like Gem you know it was always like just some of people just always gave me Nick names so I just kind of ran with it Mike our lesser name known names to this community would be deck 104 and H2O respectively yeah I mean from like I mean it's like late 90s you're trying to figure out your like online name and it says like create an account and you're like I don't know what to do I remember just putting in H2O because I it's literally was like what could I do it's just like random and that's like what 17 year-old Justin yeah well deck 104 was we used to go over this girl Lauren's house on our street and prank call people me Lauren and like the other kids on the street and I would prank call people and I would say my name is deck and they'd say deck and I'd be like yeah it's like a porch only higher that was my that was pretty good and then 104 was the the New England swim time for the 100 breaststroke which is why it was decked out of four random pieces get pieced together and saying it's like a course for the higher that's my my first best joke Stevie why are you Stevie gets can I plead the fifth on that one yep no problem all right love asks do you think there's value in playing some playing a technically weaker deck that is not well known to the player base to illustrate what I mean considers a meta deck that is a 50-50 matchup and everything but since it's so popular everyone knows what its cards and lines deck plays now there's also a deck that is a 48 to 52 match up with everything making it objectively worse but it is rarely played meaning many players won't be aware of how all the cards and lines they need to expect assuming you have mastery both these decks can the rogue factor offset the technical weakness of the second deck Lev August 26 2024 on the main channel we dropped sorry was a limited tournament deck selection 101 that's a good question no it is a great question I think with these margins the mystery deck is does have value I think that that that marginal there's like there's a break even point there's like an equilibrium and obviously if it was this close you'd go with the with the because there is a value of the surprise factor which is more than like two percentage points I guess is what I'm getting to right I don't think it's super wide though you know you can if you've got like a way to attack and now again I think we mentioned this before maybe in that video Maddie which is like the golden the golden moment of your card careers is when you got the hidden deck that is the best stack and it's like you're probably gonna win the tournament but I think in general the margins are usually wider like the best deck actually is better than like that the separate deck so I actually tend to go with the meta deck being better and like evidence yesterday by like Sabine is better than CAD and I played Sabine and I won or I top forward into the thing whatever into the split I don't think the value I got off like the surprise of CAD would have been all that great the deck the the surprise deck has to actually be good right yeah and I would also say that like the go ahead no I was gonna say I like what Justin saying but I also like what he's been doing with Sabine like we all know he's playing Sabine every week but his list has always changed up by like five or six cards so there he's incorporating a little bit of that surprise factor into the deck that he already knows at the best deck yeah and also he's playing a meta deck and like one of the important things is like if you're gonna play that meta deck you have to know the mirror and like one of the things for me is like if I if I can't figure out that mirror I don't have it cracked like I might take the other deck because I don't feel comfortable in the mirror and I think that's like another strength of Justin's like studying the mirror and knowing how to win the mirror right yeah very confident in that top four game right that we played I think yeah I think that's such a good point like I tend to try to be a little more obscure because you know for me like going to this you know going into the complete like mirror match like lines it's not like where I always want to be unless unless I feel like insane on a deck so like I like Plankira it's not it's I think it's really good but I like I'll always change a couple cards like depending on the meta I expect and how to fight those things but like I probably would have played Hondo yesterday if I went because it fights a similar style that I'm trying to do but people like people don't play against it and they don't know what to do so like yeah like my Sabine matchup should maybe be like 45 to 48 percent but I feel like against non Justin I would have been favored just because I know those lines because like I have in my sights where they don't have my deck in their sights so as you play Hondo or like three main deck Pershing's and main deck relentless yeah it also lets you sidestep the mirror too like it it lets you be on the same wavelength as the deck that you want to play but also wins the quote unquote blue green mirror a lot of the time which is good yeah I think the other thing for me is like I'm never afraid to build my own deck and take it and think that I can build a good deck I think that's like kind of how I made a name for myself in Destiny playing things that like no one had ever played before and never even considered in playing like Rey Ayla together playing Qui-Gon Ayla together and being like yeah yes this is good and yes I am gonna take it and I felt a little bit of that with a blue ray this week you know like I think a lot of people don't respect it or think it is what it is and I think Steve was totally on to something and I also think people play against it and they think it's a slow grindy deck and surprise when I when I'm actually winning games on seven new resources right yeah there's a lot of room in this game for sure to play and it's about to be a bigger with 18 more leaders yeah and the bases the bases yeah base things almost even more yeah all right question from a fisto this is one last week I meant to include but we did a tour we added a new podcast for patreon subscribers and we did a free preview podcast if we talked about I think Justin talked about this showing up with more than 60 cards and making a game time decision what to slot in sometimes you could even show up with multiple decks and make a game time decision do you have any hints for reading the room to make the decision especially we may not know a lot of the players interesting yesterday because a lot of people were playing before the event and someone said like oh a lot of Boba here but I didn't feel like there was a lot of Boba here I didn't think that a lot of us were playing Boba I thought Justin brought up a really good point earlier was like what's the new hot deck it was boss you saw three you know 10% of the field or whatever was boss so like one tip that I would say is like what like paying attention to like you know what's happening and like expecting something that does well to like kind of get a little bit of moment of popularity kind of like we saw with the con blue like it did well and then all of a sudden like everyone was playing it you know I mean you you kind of like it's like following the the fashion of the week or tied yeah yeah I kind of did this yesterday wasn't like I looked at like what decks we were playing it was like I'm gonna do this but I got there and it seemed like a lot of people were you know just happy guys playing cards I didn't see like that much like shark energy so my mind went to like get him dead quick so I just wanted to go a little bit lower so I added two more three drops of the fighters for freedom I took out timelies and I played to Donna who was hot garbage all day but like I the concept was hey I want to just like always carve out on one two three put people in stress positions and win games from that standing that was like my mindset of like hey let's put people into the situations where it's like oh man I'm trying to play these bombs these Avengers or what have you and I'm just able to get underneath it I don't think it always works I think if like if this was a different context of tournaments like worlds or something you'd probably want to have a little more nuance to all your like deck decisions you wouldn't want to do that you maybe want to go like 49 and then change your last card I guess in some people's cases 53 but you know just kind of like one card I went with like you know three or four cards which obviously I wouldn't do at a larger more meaningful event cool all right well that's it for us I don't know if you guys have anything else you want to shout out before we get going this is a crisp 105 just really like shout out to Jennings in the discord wanted to support us and sent us boys I have some for you sent us some coffee from the methodical a coffee company yeah yeah some cool thing oh my hat that I'm wearing right now is from that in honor of the support so like yeah like it's cool he wanted to do something nice for us and like I tried the coffee this morning it's insane so just thanks dude appreciate it it's cool that people share their hobbies with us yeah he's got all sorts of stuff man like it's got all the tasting notes like almond butter oh that's awesome yeah dude I did to get some coffee that's yeah I promised I'd share it but I didn't want to just shout out to all our supporters like yeah like I've already these are all the labels I printed this morning I had about 40 more labels to print I'm setting out a box of stuff to all the guys in Europe going to speed lesson for the big game you mentioned there so if you're going to you're not gonna hear this in time but if you're gonna speak up for you fill out the form and I'm sending you your gear and just tons of swag going out into the world to check out the coins yeah I think back-to-back community events in the last two weekends good energy happens that if you're relatively local couple guys drove couple hours to get there and I can enjoy themselves so the next time we do that we got 1k on the 28th coming up and then PQ's Mike you and you've got a bunch and Maddie you're going Albany yeah Albany - so I love to win Jersey so I don't have to go to Albany or I can go stream it yeah no no I just mean like I'll go still I just won't play if I already have a like if I win Jersey and already have the invite the bot the world I'll just go hang but I'll try and stream it I'll see if they let me stream then I was just wanting to road yeah nice that means we can buy a laptop charge it I've got my bag ready for the trip oh shit oh wait did those come in the shirt wait did those come yesterday like when I got home like it was literally show the shirt show the new shirt yeah show the new shirt - and it's Steve you have as a workout guy it's like got the fit that makes you look ripped even when you're not oh I like all good all good I look ripped and then yeah get ready for show the bag one more time oh my god it like stands up hold on literally just stands up let's go school bag but yeah after school got any trades got any trades no one will trade with me I have so many trades all right boys good hang and GG's and yeah we'll catch in two weeks we I'll see ya. Later.