The Intuitive Advantage

Unlocking Your Inner Compass: Intuition in Business

This episode explores the power of intuition in making effective business decisions. While data analysis plays a crucial role, The hosts examines how tuning into your gut feeling can lead to unexpected breakthroughs, particularly in uncertain situations where data provides limited guidance. This episode features insights from Alecia Wellen, a seasoned business coach, who explains how to recognize and develop this innate ability. Wellen discusses how intuition, when combined with traditional data-driven approaches, can empower entrepreneurs and business leaders to embrace calculated risks and achieve extraordinary results. Tune in to learn how to harness the power of your intuition and unlock new levels of success in your business endeavors.

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13 Sep 2024
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Ever have that moment, you know, where you're staring at a big decision, got all the data, all the spreadsheets pointing you one way. But there's this like nagging feeling deep down, almost like a whisper saying, Hmm, are you sure? That's what we're diving into today. It's funny, right? We're almost conditioned to think intuition and logic are like on opposite sides of the spectrum, especially in business. What if they actually work better together? That's the million dollar question. And we've got a great guide for this deep dive, an article from Forbes by Alicia Welland. She's a professional coach. Okay. But here's the thing, she's also a former business leader. So she's been in those trenches. I love that, you know, that real world experience, it just hits different than someone who's just like talking theory. Absolutely. So let's get into it. When Welland talks intuition, it's not just saying, check the spreadsheets. Let's wing it. Right? Not at all. No way. She describes it more as a hold on. I've got it here. A higher sense of awareness and observation frequently combined with empathy. Okay. So there's more to it than meets the eye. Right? It's like you're tacking into something deep or something beyond just the wrong numbers. It's like a deeper understanding. Like those times when the data is telling one story, but you just get this, I don't know, the sense that there's more to it. Exactly. Your brain is picking up on things, subtle things, maybe patterns, you name it, that you might not even be consciously aware of like a sixth sense almost for your business. Okay, see, now that makes it feel less like some mystical thing only certain people have, because you're saying everyone's got this to a degree. Oh, absolutely. Everyone has it. Think of it like a muscle. We all have it, but some people have trained it more than others. So how do we start hitting the gym for intuition then? How do we start flexing that muscle? Well, I mean, she's all about starting simple, find some quiet time, even if it's just a few minutes, and just listen to that inner voice. How do you feel about a decision really feel? Is there ease? Is there discomfort? Is there something beyond just the logical pros and cons? It reminds me of like when you meet someone new and you instantly get a good or bad vibe, you can't always put your finger on why? Yes. And we've all been there. Sometimes those first impressions are spot on sometimes they're off, but there's usually something there, right? Same with business decisions, it might be your intuition picking up on something the data isn't showing yet. But the business world, it's all about show me the numbers be logical. So how do we balance that with this like more gut feeling approach? That is the question, isn't it? The thing is, it's not an either or situation, intuition and data, they're not enemies, they actually can work really well together. It's about finding that synergy then right, like where they complement each other 100%. Think of your data like a road map, right? Gives you the layup for lamb, the structure, intuition, that's your compass, helping you navigate those areas where the map might be a little blank. That's good. I like that. It helps to make decisions with a fuller picture in mind, you know, you're not just being logical, you're not just being impulsive, it's both. And that's what's so cool about well and zone story. Yeah. Right. She talks about starting your own consulting business, right? Which is a big leap for anyone. But especially someone who, by her own admission, is very analytical. It's true. She even says in the article, she'd never started a business before. And the, you know, the whole fear of failure thing, that was very real for her. Which, I mean, who hasn't felt that right? It's that what if it doesn't work out? Oh, 100%. And I think that's why her story is so powerful, because it shows you don't have to be like this intuition guru to make it work for you. You can be a numbers person and still have that gut feeling guide you. Exactly. And she even says like, a big part of her success was pushing past that comfort zone, listening to her intuition even when it was a little scary. And it paid off big time. Right. Didn't she say she blew past her initial projections? She did. It's like the proof is in the pudding, you know, it is. It's like that saying magic happens outside your comfort zone. But it's easy to say that harder to actually do it. Oh, for sure. For sure. It's one thing to like intellectually get the whole intuition thing but to actually trust it, especially with a big decision. That's a whole other story. So for someone listening who's like, okay, I want to tap into this, but I'm not about to quit my job on a hunch. Where do they even start? Well, in talks about this, she says, start small. Don't go making any huge life changes right away. Find those low stakes decisions. Okay, so what like instead of overhauling your whole marketing strategy, try a new platform for a bit. Exactly. Or maybe you're putting together a team and you're debating between two people. Look at their resumes. Yeah. But also pay attention to how you feel about each person. It's about learning to trust those little whispers, right? Those feelings you get that you can't always explain. Yes, that's intuition talking to you. And the more you pay attention to it, even with those small decisions, the more you start to understand how it communicates with him. Are you? Yeah, it's like learning to trust your intuition. Yeah, it's almost like, I don't know, learning a new language or something. Oh, tell me more about that. Like at first, it's all these feelings, these vague, I don't know, almost like hunches you can't explain. Right, right. But the more you actually pay attention, it's like you start picking up on a little thing. Yes, the nuances you start to see the patterns. It's like anything else. The more you do it, the more familiar it becomes. And it's probably different for everyone. Like what feels right for one person. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. It's so personal. That's why this whole cookie cutter approach to business. It just, it doesn't resonate with intuition. It's like your own intuition fingerprint or something. Yes. And the more you can understand your own intuition, the better. It takes time though. It's a process. It is. It's not like you just wake up one day and boom, you're suddenly intuition guru. Exactly. You've got to, you know, pay attention to those gut decisions. See what happens. Were you right? Were you wrong? It's all data. It's like you're fine tuning your internal radar with each choice you make 100% 100%. And you know, at the end of this article, oh, and she says something really powerful. She says, great things happen when you're outside your comfort zone. Isn't that the truth? It's like we all know that logically, but it's so easy to stay in that, you know, that safe space. It's comfortable. Exactly. But if we're talking about intuition, taking those leaps, that's where the magic happened. That's where the growth is. Yeah. So for anyone listening who's ever felt that little nudge that whisper, don't ignore it. Lean in. That's what I say. What's the worst that could happen? You might surprise yourself. Exactly. Some of the best ideas, the most successful businesses, they all started with someone saying, what if? What if, indeed? Well, that about wraps up our deep dive for today. This was great. Always a pleasure. But before we go, one last, what if, to leave you with, what amazing things might be possible if you started trusting your intuition more? Think about it until next time. Keep exploring. Keep