The Social Contract with Joe Walsh

This Race is a Toss Up. And Please don't let yourself be lied to

Kamala Harris did fine last night on CNN. But to defeat Trump, she needs to get out there and take a lot more questions from the media and from regular Americans. And please, please, my MAGA friends - don't let Jesse Watters and all the other right wing media voices lie to you. Have more self respect than that.

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30 Aug 2024
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I apologize on this Friday. Hello, TikTok. I apologize on this Friday before Labor Day. I am a little early. Everybody else, normal time. Good to be with you all. This is the social contract with Joe Walsh, former congressman Joe Walsh, former presidential candidate Joe Walsh. Hey, I make you a couple promises on this show every day. Most important promise I will always make to you is that I will always tell you what I think, man. No bullshit, no obfuscation, no lies, no calculated poll-driven answers. I'm going to tell you what I think. That was my fatal flaw as a politician. It got me in trouble a lot. You've heard me say this before. The typical politician, when somebody in the media asks them a question, they think, okay, how should I answer this? What did my advisors tell me to say? How will this answer play? What do the polls say? They go through these machinations. The typical politician does before they answer anything. I never did that. I don't know how to do that. When somebody on Fox News or CNN or MSNBC asks me a question, I don't think about anything. I think about, okay, you asked me this. I'm going to tell you what I think. I don't have to think about what I'm going to say. I never have as a politician or as a radio talk show host or as an outspoken, never trumper now. I never have to think about what I'm going to say because I just tell people what I think. You ought to try it. It's really easy. I'm never going to bullshit you here. I'm going to tell you what I think. What I think right now is that this race for president right now is a toss-up. It's a dead heat. I think it's dead even. In fact, what I think is, I'll do you one better, if the election were held tomorrow, Donald Trump would eke out an electoral victory. I think Trump would win barely if the election were held tomorrow. And a reminder, everybody, and everybody listening to me around the world, more Americans will vote for Kamala Harris, but you know, come on now, that's not how we pick our president. Electorally, according to the Electoral College, I think Trump wins barely if the election is held tomorrow. All the Democrats listening to me right now, slow down your roll, slow down the horses, baby. This thing at best is dead even electorally with 67, eight days to go. You may not like that. You may find that hard to believe. I still hear from people every day who find it absolutely hard to believe that so many people can vote for Donald Trump. I don't find it hard to believe why people can vote for Trump. I know these people who vote for Trump and I know why they vote for him. And we've talked about that. The point is right now for this show right now, the Friday before Labor Day, this race is a dead heat. Kamala Harris doesn't have a lead. Kamala Harris most certainly doesn't have a big lead. I lay this out there as context for what Kamala Harris did last night on CNN, her first sit down interview with the media. She was there with Dana Bash at CNN. Kamala Harris and her VP picked him walls. They sat for about 18 to 19 minutes and they took some questions, mostly she did. And look, my top line thought is she did okay. She did fine. She didn't do great. Nothing lights out. Nothing to knock your sacks off. But she's not Donald Trump this morning, as we wake up, Kamala Harris is not a lawless, un-American psychopath. That's what Donald Trump is. And last night, Kamala Harris came across as fine. Okay. And I'll get into a couple things she said last night. But I think Kamala Harris, you know me, I think she needs to get out there. Like, I know there are a lot of Democrats who believe right now that Kamala Harris is winning. She's got a lead. She can go into a four corners. She can run out the clock. She can play defensive, prevent defense, which is what teams in football do all the time. When they think they have a lead, they get safe. They get careful. They get cautious. They protect the ball instead of doing what they did to get them that lead. That's what teams do in football when they're out in front. Kamala Harris shouldn't be doing that. There are Democrats telling her to do that. Kamala Harris shouldn't be into a prevent defense and shouldn't be playing it careful because Kamala Harris doesn't have a lead right now. And I worry about her as someone who wants her to win. I worry about her playing it too cautious, playing it too careful, sitting down for 18 minutes with a CNN reporter with her vice president right there by her side. That's careful. That's fine. It's okay. And she did okay. Again, she's not Trump Trump last night in Wisconsin. Trump last night in Wisconsin was talking about how nobody can buy bacon anymore. And that's due to the wind. And once the wind stops, then people will never be able to buy bacon. Donald Trump actually said shit like that last night in Wisconsin. Donald Trump is batshit crazy. I think Donald Trump ain't right in the head. Not only is Donald Trump old, he's a whack job old. He's nuts. But yet he's tied with Kamala Harris right now. For 18 minutes, Kamala Harris was asked questions and she gave decent, okay, satisfactory answers. I want better than that. I think she's capable of better than that. I don't want an 18 minute interview with a CNN reporter with my VP pick right next to me. I don't want that. I want to see Kamala Harris in front of a room full of those Jackals in front of a room full of reporters from every network. And I want Kamala Harris to step up to the podium and say, bring it. Bring it. Fire at me. And I want Kamala Harris confidently to fire back and to tell us what she thinks. I want Kamala Harris to be running right now like she's down to Trump. And I know that's not the advice that smarter people are giving her. And I know that's not the advice that her Democratic advisors and consultants are giving her. I think that the American people would like to see that an aggressive assertive Kamala Harris. And I think Kamala Harris would do pretty well with that. So again, top line, fine. She passed her first test. She had an 18 minute interview with a member of the media with her VP right there. And she did okay. Three. I want better than that. And by the way, by the way, by the way, before you jump on me, my Democratic friends, she needs better than that. I believe to win. I want her to win. I don't think she'll win. If she just sits down for 18 minutes with a CNN reporter with a repeat by her side, that's too careful. That's too cautious. I think she's better than that. Three things she talked about last night, three specific examples of this. She was asked about her shift in positions. Kamala Harris was last night by Danie Bash. When she ran for president in 2020, when she primary Joe Biden in that Democratic primary, she spouted a lot of liberal, really lefty, progressive positions. She was anti-fracking. She was, "You come into this country illegally. That shouldn't be a crime." She was weak on the border. She spouted a lot of positions that are over there on the left. She was asked last night about her changing positions because she's moved to the center. She gave an okay, kind of convoluted answer that, "My value," she kept saying this over and over, "My values haven't changed even though we've been privy to changing information which has changed specific policies." Again, an okay answer. I no longer oppose fracking. I no longer support a ban on fracking. She pretty much intimated because we've been so successful with some of our other clean energy policies. My values haven't changed, i.e. my value is we've got a transition to renewables from fossil fuels. That's my value, but I no longer want to ban fracking because of the changing evidence that's happened over the last few years. Again, an okay answer. A perfectly fine answer. I should add that politicians change their stances for all sorts of reasons. Kamala Harris ran as a lefty to win the Democratic primary. She's no longer trying to win the Democratic primary. She's now trying to be president of the United States. She's got to appeal to people in the middle so she can't be over there. She's got to be more centrist. That's the truth. She can't say that, but that's the truth. So she's got to figure out a way to make sense for that change. Again, I always just err on the side of being honest, but that's not what most politicians can and will do. Again, Kamala Harris is not a lawless, un-American psychopath. So the fact that she shifted her positions on a number of issues and is now more moderate and centrist on those issues, even if it's simply political expediency, fine. Two other quick points. She was asked, what would you do on day one? I despised this question. Madam Vice President, what would you do on day one? She was asked, and she gave kind of a lengthy convoluted answer like I'm going to be focused on the middle class and the earned income tax credit and blah, blah, blah, blah. It didn't all make sense for day one. I wish she had just said something like, "Dana, on day one, you know what I'm going to do? By the way, this is what I would answer. If I was running for president and somebody asked me, what would you do on day one when you're sworn in and you're in the White House, what would I do on day one? I would take my shoes off. I'd run around the White House and explore the White House with my family and my dogs. I'd explore every room in the White House. I'd run around. I'd order pizza. I'd have a great time. And then on day one, I would sit down with and speak with a group of Americans who did not vote for me, and I'd listen to them. What are their priorities for the next four years? "Dana, that's what I would do on day one." I think I'm so sick of that question. Like, I'm going to solve world peace on day one. I'm going to find a cure to cancer on day one. I'm going to fix it. I mean, come on, it's a silly question. And she gave an okay convoluted answer to it. I would remind everybody, she's running against someone who said he'll be a dictator on day one. Donald Trump has said repeatedly and over and over, he will be a dictator on day one. And it's not hyperbole. Trump supporters tell me all the time, it's hyperbole, Joe. No, bullshit. This is a guy who has said he will jail his political opponents. He will shut down media he doesn't like. This is a guy who has said he will be a dictator on day one. So I will very enthusiastically, enthusiastically, take Kamala Harris, who on day one hasn't really figured out what she'll do, fine. I'll take that any day of the week over somebody who would be a dictator on day one. Final point, Kamala Harris was asked last night if she would pick a Republican for her cabinet. And she said, yes, good answer. She said, yes, it would be important to put a Republican in my cabinet. Great answer. The right answer for a nation that's dangerously divided. An inclusive answer. An answer coming from someone who clearly would like to help to bring this country together. Kamala Harris, Democrat, going to put a Republican in her cabinet. That was good stuff. That was a good answer. That's something I think the American people generally will want to hear. I got a great idea, Kamala Harris, my former colleague, Adam Kinzinger, perfect for your cabinet. Put him anywhere in defense. Put him in charge of defense. Adam would be awesome. So again, take away, fine this Friday before Labor Day. She sat down with a reporter for 18 minutes. I'm beyond that now. We've got a debate in 12 days. I want to see Kamala Harris out there. I want to see her out there all the time taking questions from the media, taking on all comers. I want to see her out there all the time taking questions from regular citizens. I wish she'd hold the town hall every night taking regular unfiltered questions. And I want to see her debate Trump once or twice. I want to see her out there. I want to see her aggressively try to win. I want to see her aggressively and assertively go after the win. And not play defense and be cautious and be careful because we think Donald Trump is so, so bad. If I'm just careful and cautious and don't answer a lot of questions, I'll beat Trump. Don't do that. And I don't think he'll beat Trump like that. And by the way, I think you would do really well, Kamala Harris, taking direct questions from the media, taking direct unfiltered questions from regular folk. Hey, true crime fans. Tired of ads interrupting your gripping investigations? Good news. With Amazon music, you have access to the largest catalog of ad-free top podcasts included with your prime membership. After all, ads shouldn't be the scariest thing about true crime. To start listening, download the Amazon music app for free or go to true crime. That's true crime to catch up on the latest episodes without the ads. Hey, I'm Ryan Reynolds. Recently, I asked Mint Mobile's legal team if big wireless companies are allowed to raise prices due to inflation. They said, yes. And then when I asked if raising prices technically violates those onerous to your contracts, they said, what the f*ck are you talking about? You insane Hollywood s*ck. So to recap, we're cutting the price of Mint Unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. Give it a try at Hey, two days ago, let me back up a minute here. We talk about the social contract. Our responsibilities as citizens in this country, I want us all to renew our social contract with each other. Be tolerant, be respectful, participate, stay engaged. One of our responsibilities as citizens is to stay informed. A big piece of the social contract is that we as Americans, we have to stay informed, educated. Without an informed populace, this country can't make it. Our democracy can't stand if the American people aren't informed. Part of being informed is following the facts, following the truth, not being led astray easily led astray by lies and bullshit and misinformation and disinformation. We're fed sh*t like this all the time on TV and all the time on social media. We as Americans need to sift through all the bullshit and the lies. Part of being informed is recognizing what's disinformation, misinformation and recognizing what's the truth. And I'd argue that too many of us don't do a good job of that. Jesse Waters, he's one of these ridiculous talkers on Fox News, who feeds his audience bullshit every single day. I come from right wing media. There are way too many people in right wing media who make a living lying to their audience. Jesse Waters is one of them, Fox News. He's got that show, the five, maybe another show. I don't know. He feeds his audience lies every day. If you watch Fox News, if you listen to watch Jesse Waters, everybody watching me right now, Jesse Waters lies to you every day. A couple of days ago, Jesse Waters said something like Kamala Harris did not get any polling bounce coming out of the convention. She didn't get any bounce. In fact, she's doing worse in the polls. Keith, give it to me. So this was a terrible week. She got no bounce out of the convention. She's no bounce. She's out of 4 point balance and she's in Georgia today campaigning. Okay, she got no bounce. Look at the polls and she's now down in all the battleground states. Real clear. Check it out. Right now in the break, I'll prove you wrong. Oh, yes. Good evening. Welcome to Washington. I'm Brett Baer with fewer than 70 days until the presidential election. We are releasing new Fox polls from key Sun Belt states and it's anyone's ballgame, as you can see right here. Former President Donald Trump holds a one point lead in North Carolina, 50 to 49. But Vice President Harris Kamala Harris is leading by one in Arizona, 50 to 49 by two in Nevada and Georgia, 50 to 48 in each of those states. All of these numbers, obviously, within the margin of error here, these surveys, we should point out were conducted after both the Democratic National Convention and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropping out. I want to boom. Boom. You can stop there, Keith. Thank you, my friend. Boom. That was even, that was Brett Baer, who's the news guy on Fox News, who literally had to correct Jesse Waters. Jesse Waters lying to his right wing Fox audience. Kamala Harris did get a bounce, guys, out of the convention. She's doing better now in the polls, all the polls, than she was before the convention. That is a bounce. It's pretty typical. It happens. And that was, by the way, Jessica Tarlov on Jesse Waters show, who called Jesse Waters out. And then again, later on on Fox News, Brett Baer came out with even Fox News own polling that showed that Kamala Harris did, in fact, get a bounce. Look, here's my only point. And again, this is on you, and this is on me, this is on all of us. As citizens in this democracy, we have to stay informed. We can't believe lies and bullshit. If you watch Jesse Waters every day and you allow him to lie to you every day, it's not his fault that he's lying to you. It's yours. If you listen to Trump every day and you let him lie to you every day and you believe what he says to you every day, it's not Trump's fault for lying to you. It's yours. Jesse Waters lies to you and plenty of other people in right-wing media do because you let them. Donald Trump lies to you, and he's been doing it for eight to nine years, folks, because you let him. You reward him. You don't penalize him. This just makes me so sad because our job of, and look, this happens across the spectrum. It's very pronounced on the right right now, the MAGA right right now. That's Jesse Waters just one example this week, looking into the camera and telling his audience that Trump is winning, and Kamala Harris got no bounce out of the convention. That's a bald-faced lie. Even Fox's own polling numbers say it's a lie. But what makes me sad is our job of being an informed citizen, it's made a lot tougher today because of how divisive our media is and how divisive social media is, and we reward people in the media. We reward people in social media when they do lie to us, when they do feed us misinformation and disinformation. How does it stop? I don't want government to do it. I mean, there's Jesse Waters lying on Fox News. What do I want the government to do? Nothing. Jesse Waters is his show. He's got a right to say whatever he wants to say. It's up to us. It's on us. Trump supporters, my MAGA friends, it's on you to tell Jesse Waters quit fucking lying to me. I know Kamala Harris got a bounce. All the polls say it out of the convention. That's okay. I'm still with Trump. We're still going to try to win. Jesse Waters, don't feed me bullshit. Until Jesse's audience says that to him, he's going to keep lying. Stay informed American citizen. Stay informed. Don't don't fall prey to the lies and the bullshit. Don't. Hey, have a blessed, blessed, blessed Labor Day weekend. Have a relaxing Labor Day weekend wherever you are. Enjoy it. Relax, turn stuff off. I'm going to try to turn stuff off. I'm going to hang with my family I'm going to hang with my dogs. I'm going to read a couple books. I'm going to go to the range and do some target practice with a couple of my guns. I'm going to enjoy this weekend. I want you to enjoy it as well because after Monday, baby, the final stretch of this campaign begins. God bless you all. Thanks for listening. Joe Walsh here. Follow me everywhere. Be brave, baby. Be brave. Remember to listen, share and follow the social contract with Joe Walsh on Apple podcasts, Spotify, and everywhere great podcasts are found. And be sure to leave a five star review. This has been the social contract with Joe Walsh. If there's one thing that my family and friends know me for, it's being an amazing gift giver. I owe it all to Celebrations Passport from, my one stop shopping site that has amazing gifts for every occasion. With Celebrations Passport, I get free shipping on thousands of amazing gifts. And the more gifts I give, the more perks and rewards I earn. To learn more and take your gift giving to the next level, visit That's Need new glasses or want a fresh new style? Warby Parker has you covered. Glasses started just 95 bucks, including anti-reflective scratch resistant prescription lenses that block 100% of UV rays. 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