Sunday Night

Sunday Night - September 15, 2024

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16 Sep 2024
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So that's our regular Sunday night service here, first baby church of ours here, and we're located in Walker, Louisiana, 9559, Florida Boulevard, Ohio, 8190. And this is a past hour, Pindorva speaking. We got a problem? This is a past hour Pindorva speaking. We're happy to have you folks here with us, and also you folks who hear us over the internet. It's always good to have you with us, and one thing I ask you oftentimes if you let us hear from me, send us a note or call me on the phone, I'm always around here in the morning time, and I'll give you my phone number, so 225-664-8658, we have a little technical difficulty, but we'll get it worked out in just a minute, so let's start over again. We're happy to have you folks with us, and is that coming in already any? And we just have to have those things once in a while, but that's humans are not on. We humans don't understand everything we know do it. But this is past hour, Pindorva, in case you missed it, I'm happy to be with you, and you folks who only hear us over the internet, we're happy to have you tonight on our Sunday night service here at First Baptist Church of Algiers, and we'd like to hear from you. Let's open our service, maybe we can get started, turn the number 279 in our red songbook, since I have been redeemed, and you watch the words as you sing it, verse 1, 2, and 4. And you watch the words as you sing it, verse 1, 3, verse 1, 3, verse 1, 3, verse 1, Since I have been breathing, I will worry in his name. Since I have been breathing, I will worry in his name. Since I have been breathing, I will worry in my Savior's name. I have a Christ that's at its right. Since I have been breathing. To do his will, I have at its right. Since I have been breathing, Since I have been breathing, Since I have been breathing, I will worry in his name. Since I have been breathing, Since I have been breathing, I will worry in my Savior's name. I have a hope for him. Since I have been breathing. Where I shall fill the internal things. Since I have been breathing, Since I have been breathing, Since I have been breathing, I will worry in his name. Since I have been breathing, Since I have been breathing, I will worry in my Savior's name. Amen. Now Father, we thank you that we can come to you at this time asking for mercy. Begging for mercy. Please Lord, have mercy upon us, poor souls. Have mercy upon those that are not here tonight. It could be. Have mercy upon those who are not saved and would like to be saved. They say they want to be saved and have mercy upon us who sit here and stand here. Give out the gospel day after day, time after time, week after week, year after year. Lord, we need mercy. We ask you for mercy for our folks. Wherever they are out there on the sick bed, some of them in the hospital. And maybe some of our folks may be in the jail. We used to have folks in our theaters. In jail once in a while, we knew about them. And we ask you for them. They suffer too. And we know that the violence of sinners can be saved if they come on to know the Lord. In the Christ, across the Lord, bless our folks, bless our families, our children. Wherever they are tonight, we know that they could be here, many of them, but they're not. We ask you for them. We ask you for Brother Glenn and his family on the highway. Traveling for a little vacation. Give them grace and give them a rest for a few days. Send them back to us. Have mercy upon us, O Lord. Bless our sick folks on the sick bed for Christ's sake. Amen. Now let's turn to number 377 again in the read book and sing "Teach Me to Pray," verse 1, 2, and 4. "Teach Me to Pray." This is my Lord, Christ, day unto day. I long to know thy will and my will. Teach me to pray, Lord. Teach me to pray. Living in the Lord, and now in me. Come stand up by me, this is my plea. Grant me thy power, boundless and free. Power with men, power with me. Power in prayer, Lord. Power in prayer. Hear me hear, sing it loud, sorrow and care. In loss and dying, souls in despair, who give me power. Power in prayer. Living in the Lord, and now in me. Come stand up by me, this is my plea. Grant me thy power, boundless and free. Power with men, power with me. Teach me to pray, Lord. Teach me to pray. Now I'm my pastor, day unto day. Now I'm my sure, sing. Now and for day. Teach me to pray, Lord. Teach me to pray. Living in the Lord, and now in me. Come stand up by me, this is my plea. Grant me thy power, boundless and free. Power with men, power with me. Amen, amen, thank you. Before we get started, I want to make a couple of little announcements. First of all, it's not long until our Fall Fellowship Day. And last Sunday in October, and slip up on us before you know it. Okay, we'll get all these microphones fixed up in just a minute, that better. All right. Last Sunday in October is our Fall Fellowship Day. We've been doing that for many, many years. It's always been a blessing. So we'll ask you to write that on your calendar and make plans to be here with us if you possibly can. We have services every night, a week prior to Fellowship Day. Except all that whole week, we have services every night. Monday, Sunday through Thursday night. And then I always want to remind you of our services that we... A lot of our folks who hear us over the Internet may have never heard us before, never heard the announcements before. We have our early broadcast, "Borsal truth," "Sats Sunday morning, 7 o'clock, most of the time." It's on Radio Mission's radio. And then followed by 10 o'clock, the Bible School of the Air was afraid to bring the message. We've been doing it for a long time. And then at 11 o'clock, the worship service, and Brother Glenn and I kind of share that. He's gone on a vacation, a trip, so we can pray for him. And then we have our Sunday service like tonight. So we invite you to tell someone else about their broadcast. And then we have the trailblazer. All during the day, there's messages on Radio Mission's radio. 24 hours a day, our website, That'll give you a lot of information. I've been getting several calls lately in the last two or three weeks a month. Folks want to know, "What do you folks preach?" Pastor, "What do y'all preach?" He hears once in a while, I heard three people last week. They said, "First time I ever heard you, Pastor, what do y'all preach?" So I get to tell them that we preach at Christ died for sinners. Man is a sinner by nature, by choice, by God's decree. And yet Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. That's what we speak about tonight. If our folks come on to know the Lord, come on to trust the Lord, just to realize and to find it. Salvation is not lapping off sin. Salvation is not cleaning up your life and all those things. That's not salvation. It's trusting the Lord. You tell me you want to be saved? Trust the Lord. Trust the Lord. Trust the Lord. I told her later one day I said, "Lady, you cross that river bridge every day. Trust that river, you tell me you can't trust the Lord?" Yes, that's true. I know that's a silly rationale, but at least make you think a little bit. You trust to get in your car and drive from here to New York City sometime. Maybe you do? That's trusting the Lord. But how much greater it is to trust the Lord? Let me allow me to trust you. Give me grace to trust you. If you don't ever do that, you won't ever be saved. You might as well forget about it. You won't ever be saved if you don't trust the Lord. That's not too much of my message tonight, but I want to mention the title of the message I've entitled is, "I will hear as I cry the Lord speaking." Did you know the Lord hears you? He hears you when you cuss and hears you when you pray and hears you when you beg for mercy. You know that? You do. You do. The Lord knows the intense and thoughts of our heart. You don't have to say anything. Sometimes it's a whole lot better not to say it. I used to hear people say, "Well, if you think it, your mind will say it." But that's not true because you might get busted in the lip. If you say things, you shouldn't have said it. So that's not a very good old money. But the title is I said, "Lord, no, I'm sorry. I will hear as I cry." And I often stop and think, "Well, first of all, I've been your pastor here for a long time and I know I lingered waiting to be saved a long time and I'm ashamed of it. I want to tell you, I'm ashamed of it." And I look back now and I think how long, how much, how blessed it, how many blessings that I miss by not trusting the Lord. It wasn't no gross sin. I wasn't wallering in sin and running around and all those things. I wasn't doing that. Neither are you. But I just wasn't coming to trust the Lord. I wanted to do what I wanted to do. It didn't have to be necessarily sin. Just have my way. But the Lord, and I believe you have to beg the Lord. I do. People tell me, "Oh, you don't have to beg. I believe you will." But I'm ashamed that I lingered so long and not coming on to the Lord. But I can't change those things. But it grieves me and grieving often frustrated because I see you doing the same thing that I did. See myself in you. And that's the reason I can tell you. Don't do that. Don't drag around, that's what I call it, dragging around. Listen, I want to ask you who are not yet saved. Would you look back to where the Lord first began to deal with your heart? I asked you kindly. That's one of the things that I've asked the Lord for. Don't just give me a kind spirit towards our people. I love our people. I'm just a poor, rich, but give me a kind spirit. So I asked you, look back to where the Holy Spirit began to deal with your heart. And I asked you kindly, yes, will you stop and do this for me? I believe it will make you think. Are you not ashamed, not embarrassed at all? All of those years that you've had the gospel, listen, you have neglected. Our Lord has held out mercy, held out the scepter of grace to you, just like the King did the Queen Esther. He held out that scepter to him. The Lord is holding out the scepter tonight to you. I can't run out there on the street and tell people that. They won't know what I'm talking about. And if they've never seen themselves in need, they won't worry, but they won't take advantage of it. But I'm telling you, you tell me that you know that you're lost. What do you want in the accomplice? You want to stay lost and then be eternally lost too? Not only here in this life, but eternally. But listen, listen, the Lord has held out mercy to you and you have neglected that. Neglected to obey his call. What does the Scripture say? You ever read that verse there in Hebrews? How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? So great, son. You know, what we need and what you need, sinner, is just to get down where we live and deal with the Lord. He says, "Come now, let us reason together." You go home tonight, reason with the Lord. Just reason with the Lord. Reason, take your Bible and pick out several of those gracious promises. Lord, you said the reason with you. Here you say, "If I would come to you, you'd save me." Here you say, "You will not forsake me if I trust you." But listen, listen. And I heard a verse, maybe it was this morning we heard that verse. He said, "To obey, it's far better than sacrifice." Did you hear the voice of truth this morning? If you didn't, I did. I heard it. I heard it. I think you'd hear it again tonight if I'm not sure. Listen. "Obey is to better than to obey is better than to sacrifice." Call it and listen. You have come. Have you come? Have you come to the Lord? Will you ask yourself, "Can I come?" Listen. You have supported this work maybe for years, and that's great, commendable. I did the same thing. But listen, but you've not obeyed His call to come. If I would ask you, wouldn't you agree with me that you have it come? You've heard the call to come. We're not talking about the modernists today or calling you to come down here and shake my hand or make up, as Brother Glenn said, read a prayer, read that little dry prayer. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about getting honest with the Lord. The Lord God of heaven is open to hear your cry. That's what the verse says. I will hear your cry. Think with me. The Lord put me here. For one purpose I'll look back, and I'll think that. For one purpose, and that you might hear the gospel. I know there's others who preach the gospel. I'm sure they are, and I'm glad. But listen. You must hear the gospel, you might hear the gospel. Listen, what have many of you done? You've neglected, as I said. You've neglected your soul. The welfare of your soul rests upon your trust in the Lord. If you never get up and begin to seek the Lord, I tell you that you will never be saved. Never be saved. That's a sad statement, isn't it? Does that scare you? Never be saved. Never be saved. One of the things that this ministry is we don't bite our tongue to tell you that if you never get saved, you're going to be eternally lost. Be separated not only from your family and your children and from your pastor, but separated from God with no hope. With no hope. With no hope. Would you think about that? How shall you escape? How shall you enter Heaven's gates if you never come to know the Lord? How many times here, how many times I have told you, or have you heard at least, come now for all things already? That's one of the verses you can reason with the Lord. Lord, you said all things already, don't you save me tonight? Lord, don't let me linger any longer. That's what you need to pray. Listen, you hear and there are those who hear the broadcast. Our Lord came only to save lost souls. Lost souls. I see the world. I'm fair for me with the world condition. I don't think that the world is going to be saved. I don't think the biggest portion of the people in this world are going to be saved. Surely I'm concerned about them, but it's you who hear this ministry, who have sat here, many of you, some of you maybe not long, some of you a long time. Oh, my friend, my friend, don't be taken up with doing and doing and doing. I've told you a few times that when I first went to New Orleans, I was certainly ignorant, green as a goose, green as grass, didn't know anything. The Lord started dealing with my heart and I was just open for to hear. I wanted to hear how the Lord saved the center and I saw several of those poor souls down there being there a long, long time, especially three or four of the women planted the hair and wrapped it around the head so tight they couldn't back the eyes thinking they could be just thinking that would save them. They didn't do it for beauty. They did it. They thought that's what you had to do. I tell you, you don't. You just have to trust the Lord. He shows you yourself. He shows you who you are and what you are that you have no hope otherwise. You don't have any hope. There's no hope out there. You could win a lottery tomorrow. It wouldn't be no hope. It'd be all gone in a few days. People with robians, deer, and kegia. But that's no hope. That's no hope. You might get rich otherwise. Legal means. Oh, I don't know. I won't be no hope. Our hope is Christ, the Son of God. Do you all ever think about the Son of God? God's Son. My only begotten Son in whom I am well pleased. The Lord God of Heaven, our Father, our Heavenly Father, ordained, sent. He's the only begotten Son. He's the only Son to come here and die for you. Come here and die for you tonight, Shirley. You and Linda. You come here to die for you. Is that beyond your understanding? Are you afraid that I'm not telling you the truth? He said he came to seek and to save sinners. Are you a sinner tonight? Oh, yes, you are a sinner. Maybe you don't know it. Listen, my friend. Listen. How shall you escape? How shall you enter Heaven if you never come to trust the Lord? Now, how many times have you heard come now for all things already as I just read? Come now, not tomorrow, not tonight. Come now. Come now. Come now. Let us reason together. What a come down for our Lord to come down to reason with you and I. Poor old wretched sinners on this earth. Doomed and damn sinners in the Lord wants to reason with you. If he didn't want to, he wouldn't have said that. Come now. Let us reason together. Listen. I tell you here tonight, those of you who hear the broadcast tonight and other times, our Lord came only to save lost sinners. I make this statement oftentimes. I don't care how sinful you are. I don't care if you're slipping a good or last night, walling in your own vomit. If the Lord has showed you who you are by nature and giving you a cry that you want to be saved, call on him, beg him. Lord, you know, a baby don't have one thing he can do, and that's the big. That's right. I had never been around that class of people in my life because I was raised out here in the country where everybody worked hard and everybody had a little meager living in a farm like my dad had. We had, but then when I went to New Orleans, I saw these people. This was a long time ago, 30 years ago, almost. These people sleeping on the steps of the tabernacle when we'd go to work in the morning, be sleeping and hungry and poor and cold. They were beggars. They were beggars. I told you this little incident. I don't like to repeat myself. Mr. Brenda, tanklessly, and I were in the bookstore one Saturday morning early. Cold, rainy life. Some fella knocked on the front door. I went and opened the door. He said, "Mr. I'm hungry. You've got anything I can eat." We usually kept a few little things there. I asked Brenda. She said, "Pastor, all I got is a can of green-cut green beans, a can full of them." I went and got a can opener and opened them, gave him a fork and a spoon and that can of bean. He sat there and ate those green, cold beans and drank the juice. Yeah, he was hungry. Have you ever been that hungry? I'm talking about spiritually hungry. Have you ever been so hungry you could eat a can of green beans spiritually? That's not beyond comprehension. Have you ever been tired of this life, this so-called life that you want to be saved? Are you tired of it? Are you tired of looking in that old mirror in the morning seeing that same old, ugly face? It's grounds when you look at it. No joy, no peace, no love, no smile, no nothing. To know that that's become a person that Lord saved. That's right, those green beans. I'll tell you many, many other stories. I'm sure Brother Freddy could. About others, about others. We had some poor people there at the storehouse. We fed them and clothed a lot of them. We had one poor young man. 25, 30 years old, he had a little mental problem. I missed him for a few days. So one day I saw him, I said, "Richard, before you've been in jail?" He said, "No, Pastor, but if they need me, I'll go." That poor fella. The Lord saved that kind of a fella. The Lord could give him his right mind in a minute. He said, "If they need me, I'll go." He was simple, of course. I'm a simple person too. You're going to be simple if you ever get saved. Simply trust them. Simply do away with all your, whatever you call, highfalutin. I don't know what to call it. Listen, many times here, have you heard come down for all things already? Come down, let us reason together. And I tell you here tonight, those that are broadcast, those Internet people, you Internet folks. Aren't you glad you can hear the broadcast? That's one of the greatest blessings the Lord ever provided for us. We're on the Internet radio 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Almost any hour of the night, you wake up, can't sleep, turn your radio missions radio on. Pretty soon, you'll hear a message come on. Maybe the trailblazer, maybe the voice of truth, maybe just a classic sermon by somebody. It'd be like eating them green beans. It'd be great. I do that. I'll listen to it sometime through a clock in the morning. I turn my rear, I keep my little phone by my bed. But you folks, do y'all thank the Lord for the Internet? You know, it don't cost us hardly anything. You can hear it in Beijing, China. They may be a China man over there tonight listening to me somewhere. I don't know if he can understand me or not. Some people say they can't read my writing, but maybe they can listen to me. You know, listen, our Lord came only to save sinners. Have you ever been lost? Have you ever been lost, folks? The Lord said he came to seek and to save that which was lost. Are you content? Listen now. Listen. Are you content to remain lost? Are you? I don't think nobody wants to go to hell. I had never seen anybody wants to go to hell. I asked one of those homeless in their door house one day he was drinking a little while a lot of them do. I said, "Why are you going to spend an eternity with my friend?" He said, "In hell with my friends." I said, "You won't be in hell with your friends. They won't be there." He was mistaken, of course. Listen, are you comfortable knowing that the fiery furnace awaits you? There you go, hell, fire and dying damn nation. My friend, that's God's word. That's God's word. I read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, description of the fire. In Brimstone, it didn't just destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. It says, "And the plains." That was about basically the world. I heard yesterday or today on the news for I ran this ten days away from having a nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb is going to be the end of the world, I believe, my own self when it starts shooting them off, because I remember what happened in Japan and now a sack of Hiroshima. I do. I remember it because most of you don't know that. But listen, I want to ask you, do you believe God's word? Oh, yes, you see, but let's see, do you? Do you believe, as I said, that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed? Is that a reality to you? Do you, is that real to you? Do you believe that Noah built an ark and that flood came and destroyed the world as it was known and only Noah and his three boys and his wives and his wife were saved after all those generations, popularizing, populating the earth, the Lord destroyed that whole bunch. I've told you once or twice, my mother had an old book. It wasn't a Bible, it was an old religious book. They now know back or front on it, but I used to look through it and had pictures in it. It was religiously vain, I don't even remember what it was. But I remember one of the pictures in it was after the flood. It showed a picture of the ark on top of the water and the mountain tops before they were submerged, bodies laying everywhere. I know it was just a picture, but it made an impression on me that I can't tell you how it was. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of bodies, men, women and children, laying on the ground dead and water rising. My friend, those things are real. That's not a, that's a make-believe. Listen, listen, listen. Do you believe that Kor went down the hill alive like the Bible says? I do. Do you believe that just the middle's body was eaten by the dogs? I do. That's what the Bible says. They eat her whole body except the palms of her hands and her brains, her skull. She was so wicked the dog wouldn't even have it. Do you know if she would have repented and turned to the Lord, he had saved her? But if she didn't, listen. I know one thing, I have to be true to you. I have to tell you what God's word says. And I want to read now, Matthew, Isaiah, I'm sorry, Isaiah 30, verse 19. Would you just listen? Keep your Bible closed. Just listen. Put away everything that may hinder you from hearing God's word, from everything that may hinder you from coming to Christ. Don't allow Satan to fill your mind with what you're going to do tomorrow. Or what you're going to do tonight when you get home. Listen now. Listen. Don't worry about the problems that you face, all those burdens. Don't allow those things to keep you from hearing God's word. This may be the day or the night that the Lord would save you. Before I read, let me stop here and say that this is God's word. Most of you know that I was ignorant of God's word. I didn't know. Brother Shelton would hold it up. This is God's word. Believe it and be safe. Just believe it and go to hell. Boy, that knocked me for a home run because I didn't know nothing in the Bible. I was not going to believe something I didn't know nothing about. Took a lot of doing for the Lord to save this poor soul. The Holy Spirit wasted, I guess, I'd call it a lot of time on this poor soul. But I tell you tonight, this is God's word that I'm reading from. It's not fair to you, my friend. Oh no, it's not fair to you. Let me stop here and say that this is God's word, not my word. He has left his word here, spoken from the mouth of our blessed Lord through the prophets. Isaiah, here, we said, Isaiah, tell those sinners. You like to read the Bible like that? I do. Tell those folks there at First Baptist Church of Algiers where God's word is spoken. Tell them that God's word is true. That's what he told Isaiah. Tell them God's word is true. If you want to be saved today, would you listen tonight? I've not gone off on the tangent, my folks, don't think that. No, the Lord has said to me, preach the word, and that's my duty. That's my commission, and I'll not shirk for my duty. As long as the Lord gives me breath and strength, I'll stay with God's word. Now let me read Isaiah 30 and 19. You listen. For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem, they shall weep no more. He will be very gracious. Isn't that something? He will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry. When he shall hear it, he will answer thee. Now you want to tell me that the Lord don't hear you? You want to tell me that you think it's all for naught? He says here, he will hear it. The Lord give you the bread of adversity. This is the 20th verse. And the Lord give you here. Give the Bible the bread of life, the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction. He shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner anymore. But thine eyes shall see thy teachers. And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee saying this is the way, walk ye in it. When you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left. All that means is that the Lord will teach you. He will bring you, how you need to be brought. We will stop there for a moment. My friend, one of the things that has been blessing to my own heart is that the Lord has broke that barrier of Satan's hold on some of our folks over the years that I saw struggle and struggle and struggle along even with myself. But the Lord has broke that Satan's barrier on some of our folks who seem to have never been able to speak up any time. I'm knowing folks that wouldn't say a word and we have something like that yet. But that's all right. The Lord knows their heart. You don't have to speak except for our admonition. Do us good if we could hear you. Listen, listen now. If you're sincere, if you're sincere about you being a woman to be heard, let me know that you are sincere. Let me know if you're sincere about wanting to be saved if you can speak up sometime. I'm not compromised with you no matter, no matter if you don't never speak up. I will not shirk my duty. And I'm asking you not to shirk your duty and your duty as to trust the Lord day by day. The Lord Jesus Christ will be very gracious unto thee. That's what the Scripture says. I read that verse. You didn't read it? You didn't hear me? The Lord will be very gracious unto thee. The Scripture says all of you whom I have named many times here in these services call your name as well as others, those who are hungering and thirsting after the Lord at the voice of thy cry when he shall hear it, he will answer it. Now there's your promise. That's the one you can take home tonight. The Lord you said, Pastor Pandora, read that verse, I heard it, at the voice of thy cry when he shall hear it, he will answer it. To me, trying to put some thoughts together, that was the gist of the message the Lord wanted me to bring, that the Lord will hear your cry. You call on the Lord, he'll hear you, he'll hear you cry. I tell you, my heart is so sad, even in my rejoicing. My heart is saddened at the fact that many of our men and women awaken sinners so-called. Those who hear these messages will turn evermore except to the Lord, taken up whatever thing except the Lord. Listen, folks, I know that we're in the world. We have to live, we have to make a living, we have to get a job and pay our bills. We have to do those things. We're not hermits, we don't have to go on a cave and live off of grasshoppers and stuff to get saved. No, we've got to go back to our job. I used to tell folks early on, you've got to get up and wash your face and comb your hair and put on your little makeup and get ready and go to work. But the Lord still saved me and I had a woman told me, said, "Oh, Pastor, I appreciate you telling me that." She was so bowed down, but I know, listen now, listen, turn evermore except Christ. Now, I see what's happening, I do, Satan's doing a good job with many of you. Yes, Satan's a good old boy, I heard him say that many times, I thought he was foolish. Now I know it's true. Listen, it will not drive you to the Lord, but it will drive you to a hardness. Satan's being this will, harden your heart. And then the Lord tells us harden not your heart, but listen, oftentimes man nature, you have nature in mind, listen, to look to something we can see. We want to see something, we want to hold something, but listen, I tell you that salvation by faith, by grace through faith, my friend, you will not have one thing to hold on to. Now, I tell you that from experience, you won't have one thing, because I know I'll always long for something I could hold on to. You can't hold, I couldn't hold on to El or something, I couldn't hold on to nobody. Oh, listen, might as well make up your mind that you're going to not have nothing to hang on to in this life, nor in the life to come. Man leans upon the arm of the flesh, and that has to go. That's pleasing to him, leaning on the arm of the flesh. But listen, salvation seems so far away, doesn't it? Let me just stop here and tell you what salvation is before I run out of time. First of all, salvation is a deliverance. The very word salvation means deliverance, deliverance from what? From sin, from Satan, from self. Listen, how does salvation come by trusting the Lord, by trusting someone whom you have not seen, whom you cannot hear, but you have his word? That's all you have, my friend. I want to speak so, so forcefully to you who are not saved, think with me all the time that you're neglecting the Lord. All the time you are struggling to get away from God, the Lord is willing enough to receive you. He said he's not willing that any should perish. When you're running from the Lord, oh, you don't believe you are, when you are far off from the Lord, the Lord is able to receive you, to bring you back. He's willing to receive you. He's willing to forgive you. He's willing to save you, to bless you, and to save you. And I think often of all those men, especially whom I knew, some have never said one word to me about their soul. I listened to her. I listened for those things that I see you willing to do those things that I asked you to do. That's another thought. I won't go there tonight, but listen folks, somebody told me they realized that they are full of pride. Well, that's got to go. The Lord is able to break those things. That's what I wanted to get over to you. He said, "Here you cry. What are you crying? Crying Lord, help, Lord, break that, Lord, break pride, Lord, break give a thing, Lord break that old stubborn wheel." That's a good thought. Work that stubborn wheel. You just, the Lord saves you a marvel that your wheel has been broken. You know that? Hatred, all that hatred be gone, oh, you're not going to be a little lily-paid or nothing though. You're going to live a lie, but the Lord will give you grace. So I want to tell you, once again, you must come to the Lord. You must come to Christ to be saved, oh, listen. I love to hear you stand up. Oftentimes, I've had that pleasure many times faster than you know the Lord saved me. You know the Lord saved me. I have been blessed. I've had that happen many times. It can still happen. It can happen here, tonight, tomorrow, next day, faster, you know the Lord saved me. Don't be afraid to call me. Don't be ashamed to call me. Don't be ashamed to come sit down in my office and tell me, hey, babe, you want to know the Lord? That'll bless my heart. I want to see you saved. I want to see my grandchildren saved, all of them, great grandchildren, all of them. My daughter, my baby daughter. I want to see her saved. Our father, we thank you tonight that you still save and sinners. You said you are and you said you came to call sinners, not the righteous, but sinners. Poor derelicts, poor wretches, poor drunkards, poor whatever, all those described in God's glory, terrible, terrible people. That woman taken in the daughter, you saved her, rehabbed the holly that you saved her. You saved all the others that we could name. I can't name them all now, but you saved a lot of them. washed them into a city of whiter than the snow. You saved many under this ministry that I can recall going on to be with you now, rejoicing in the Lord, shouting, "Bula Land," we get to find that place called "Bula Land." Our father, we ask you to bless our folks wherever they are tonight, save them, don't just disturb them, but save them, save them, wash them, white as snow, break that stubbornness, break that wheel. May they be like the prodigal son, that old boy, being in that hog pen maybe for a year or two. We don't know. One day, one night, thy blessed, holy spirit, plunge that dagger in his heart, let him see what he had kind of, just maybe that one sin of abandoning his poor daddy. He said, "Lord, I have sinned against my father, I have sinned against thee and against heaven." He threw that slop bucket over the fence, that's what ever sinner does in coming to Christ. God, I let hog pen and went home. I believe he ran home, may have been 20 miles, I don't know, but his daddy met him, fell on his neck and kissed him. My son, who was lost, has come home. My father had mercy upon our folks, granted us mercy even tonight. You said you have plenty of mercy, you have abundant pardons, Lord send us pardons here this week. Some of our folks out there and our radio owners would love to have a pardon. Bless us and keep us now, rest our bodies tonight, put us back to work tomorrow for Christ's thing. Amen. Good night, folks, and God bless you. [BLANK_AUDIO]