First Baptist Church in Amboy,IL Podcast

The Faith of Mephibosheth

Sunday Morning 9/15/2024

Broadcast on:
15 Sep 2024
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This week, we've been in 2 Samuel 19 through 20. If you've been following along, we certainly encourage you to do that, because the only good thing I can share with you is what God shares, and the only way we hear from God is from His Word. And we've been looking at David, of course. He fled from Absalom, or Absalom, his own son tried to overthrow him, and then Absalom was killed in battle. And now David is finding his way back to Jerusalem. It's a long road back. And there's a number of characters, and we don't have time to go into all of them, enjoying the discussion on Wednesday night as we discuss the events surrounding the reading. And I've been enjoying Sunday school last month or so. Gary's been doing Sunday school. But it's a tremendous lesson this morning on depression, and we're going to go in that direction. This so happens that the direction we're going today and tonight, this morning and tonight. And I've been sorting this out in my own mind for a couple of years now. God's helped me tremendously with that. There is a big difference between depression and brokenness. Now, from the outside, most people would never know the difference. It's kind of like sometimes, doctrinally, if you say, "Well, a saved person cannot be demon possessed, but they can be demon oppressed." From the outside, you won't notice any difference. In fact, the end result will be the same until eternity. But as far as this life is concerned, it will look exactly the same. Then and brokenness can look the same. The difference is, depression focuses on self. They've got a lot of self-help, a lot of worldly, carnal ways to meet the needs of depression. But brokenness focuses on God. And we need to be broken. Now from the surface, a lot of folks will say, "Well, they're the same thing." No, there's a world of difference, and we'll get more into that tonight. In fact, I came with a statement in the bulletin, I don't know if it's on the slide, I don't mess you up the slides back, they're just running the slides, but don't put this up there yet. I think there was a slide maybe that has this. I put in the bulletin, I looked at it again this morning and thought, "I should have worded it a little bit different if you got the bulletin," and it says, "I once was lost in sin, I now am found in Christ," isn't it going to be found in Christ? But the sad thing is, a lot of Christians spend their life right there. They never come to the third thing, and this is what we want to focus on when we come back to it tonight, "I longingly desire to be lost in Christ." I thought that actually that song that I sang a little bit ago had a line there to be lost in Christ. So what does that mean? You know, that statement used to bother me as a new Christian, "I'm not lost anymore, I am found." No, I want to be lost in Christ, and not lost in the world, but lost in Christ. Well, I want you to start today, we're going to go to Romans 8. I want to start there because, and we're going to come back to Romans 7 and 8 this evening, and I want to share just a few thoughts with you from Romans 8. This is the climax of Romans 6 and 7 and 8, and really the rest of the book, and really the entire book of Romans, for those of us who are children of God, who the book of Romans was written for Christians, not for lost me. I know we use this book a lot to share the gospel with people, but it was really written to Christians to help us understand what it is to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. I want you to look at Romans 8 with me, and we're going to read a passage of Scripture. We'll just let you be seated, Gary lets you sit for the last song, so I don't know. Can we still sit? We're going to need to make you stand and stretch a little bit. I don't want you to get too sleepy, but Romans, and by the way, Gary, this is a tough crowd to tell jokes to, he told a joke good, and it's not just because pastors got bad jokes, but they've heard it all, and we're not comedians, so we don't even try. So, Romans 8 and verse number 28, we'll start there, and I just want to read through these verses and make a couple of comments in where you get to an illustration from our reading this week that I think illustrates, maybe the best Old Testament illustration that teaches us this truth that's so easily overlooked in chapter number 8. Now, most of us have used these verses and overused them, abused them, to be quite honest. Romans 8, verse number 28, many of us could quote that, and sometimes we do quote it at the most inopportune times, thinking that we're helping, but we're really hurting people. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose, for whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren, moreover whom he did predestinate, then he also called, and whom he called, then he also justified, and whom he justified them, he also glorified. What shall we then say to these things, if God before us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all. How shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justify it. Who is he that condemn it? It is Christ that died, yea, rather, that is risen again. Who is even at the right hand of God who also make a intercession for us? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long. We are counted as sheep for the slaughter, may in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. You know we like to quote these verses, especially verse number 28 to other people that are going through hard times. Impossible situations, there are a few folks that God has just burdened my heart for right now that are facing impossible situations. And we sometimes think we have the answers, just trust Jesus. We like to tell people those things, and we give those verses to other people, but when it comes to us, but as for me, oh boy, it does not work for me, but it works for everybody else. I can fix their problems, but as for me, sometimes I look at Psalm 73, the Psalm of Asap, surely God is good to God's people, but as for me. Oh, that's different when it's me, and I just want to point out a couple of things in the Psalm, and we're going to go back to our reading from this week. There's some things that, to be quite honest, when we quote these verses and we read these verses, we like to kind of skip over because they make us a little uncomfortable, but they're really the heart of the whole thing. What about this thing of God's predestination? Did you notice those verses? God's predetermined purpose for our life now makes us that are Baptist a little bit twitchy when we start saying the word predestination, doesn't it? And in our minds cannot possibly grasp the concept of God's predestination in God's will for our life, though we think we try to put God in a box and try to figure it out. Write about the phrase that, and again, these are verses that quite often when I've quoted them to other people, I kind of like to skip over these verses because they don't sound real good. They kind of give us the biblical message instead of the message that we want to hear and pat people on the back. The verse that talks about being killed all the day long, but that sounds too good, but we are, I think we are killed all the day long. Praise the Lord, we're killed all day long. What about being accounted as sheep for the slaughter? We just go right in, walk right into this thing. Well that doesn't really apply to me, does it? That's not for me, that's not what I want from God, and again that verse I'm crucified with Christ. Get not I, but Christ, so I am crucified, that's where the victory starts right there. And that phrase being more than conquerors, boy we like that phrase don't we, until we really study what that phrase, now we're going to get to Romans chapter number eight eventually at a Sunday night, we're going to be in chapter seven tonight, we're going to start at the beginning of chapter eight, we're working up to it, but being more than conquerors does not guarantee a fairy tale ending to my situation. This life is not a sitcom where we solve all our problems in 30 minutes and we all laugh about it and then go to bed happy and cheery, that's not the way real life works. We don't live happily ever after, you know we don't really care for the stories where the hero is not fully vindicated, even in the end he's not fully vindicated. We don't like those kind of stories, they don't make very popular movies do they? They don't make very popular novels I can guarantee you, in fact you'd be hard pressed to find one, because nobody would read it, nobody would buy it. And we like to say well that doesn't make sense, what kind of encouragement is that, but that's the way God works and that's what he's promising here and we're going to see that illustrated here in a little bit. Apostle Paul said it this way in 1 Corinthians 15 he said if in this life only we have hope we are of all men most miserable, if our hope is in this life we're the most miserable people there ever was, our hope is not in this life, we're not going to be vindicated in this life, it's not going to be a happy ending and we need to get used to that and we're going to see God wants us to understand today a bit and he says that I am persuaded and it good to be persuaded, I am persuaded that no matter what I go through in this life God still loves me more than I could ever comprehend and more than I deserve. Jesus is still my eternal Savior, the Holy Spirit will minister to me not to bring me out of things but give me grace to go through that fire, the grace to go through that flood, not to build the bridge over the water and not to take me safely to the other side and just know he's going to give me grace to walk right through it. I don't need to figure it out, I don't need to work it out, I don't need to find out how to get myself through it, I don't need to avenge myself, I don't need to look for a rainbow at the end of the storm, I don't need to look for a silver lining around the cloud, every cloud has a silver lining, we hear all those silly fairy tales, I don't need to change directions or quit or be discouraged or try to understand my situation, try to make sense of it all. One of the top seller Christian books of when God don't make sense, if we who don't make sense and to say such a thing really borders on blasphemy, God that's not fair, God, who am I to judge what's fair, what's right, the truth is I'm going to be with Jesus for all eternity and I don't deserve anything on this earth. Now that sounds good for other people but as for me and that's really what the teaching of Romans 8 and I say this, the reason we cannot fully accept Romans 8, now we like to pick and choose the parts that we like, the reason we can't fully accept that is because we have not and I put this in the bulletin, we've not applied Romans 6, we've been talking about on Sunday night of Romans 6 and we've not wrestled through Romans 7, you got to get through those two chapters before you, we like to skip over those and just jump to Romans 8. In fact there's a few things that we like to skip in Romans 8 and let's go to the Lord in prayer then we're going to go back to the Old Testament, all right Father, thank you for your goodness to us, thank you that you give us more than we deserve. The fact that we are alive today, that we have a pulse today, that we can breathe your air today, that we have feet that can carry us where we need to go, that we have eyes that can see, that we have ears that can hear, that we have hands that can move and Lord the reason we have anything is because of your love and because of your mercies, Lord we deserve absolutely nothing, we don't even deserve the life, the life that I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me, it's His life, Lord help us to remember that we are to be conformed into His image, it's not what we desire, not what we need, not what we think is right and just that is God, designs and orders, and God I pray that you would give us the faith of Methible Chef today as we read in the story of David's life, bless in Jesus' name, amen, I wanted you to turn back to the Old Testament, our Bible reading again was in 2 Samuel 19 through 20, we are going to go back a little bit and talk about this character named Methible Chef, I know I talked about him earlier a couple of weeks ago when we were first introduced to him and we first read of Methible Chef back in chapter 9 of 2 Samuel, we won't go all the way back there to read those verses, I do want to see a couple of things about Methible Chef and of course if you remember who he was, he was crippled when his nurse was escaping, he was a grandchild of King Saul and when King Saul and Jonathan who was his dad was killed in battle, his nurse took him from Jerusalem when he was trying to escape because what normally happened in kingdoms of those days when somebody else came to the throne, he murdered everybody in the family, so she fearing that for his life took him and fled Jerusalem on the way out she tripped and stumbled and somehow caused him to be crippled and lame on his feet the rest of his life and he would live his life in hiding in poverty and crippled unable to meet his most basic needs because of his physical conditions, but he was the grandson of Saul the son of Jonathan, David in chapter 9 sought to show favor to Saul, put an opposite picture of most kings in his day, you see David was a man after God's own heart not after man's own heart, and though David sinned in many ways in fact we could list a whole lot of sins that David didn't, we said well I never do that, oh we've done the same thing, we might have not committed a deed but we thumped the thoughts, alright, and we're just as guilty as anything David ever did and we like to get down and other people that fall but when we fall we want folks to rally around us and encourage us, but David sought to show kindness to Saul and to Jonathan and found out that there was a servant named Ziba or Ziba, however you want to pronounce it, I pronounce it Ziba, that's the way I first heard it, that's still the way I pronounce it, so you can correct me later, and but Ziba was a former servant of King Saul, when Saul was a king, and David found out that he was living down in the city of Lota Bar, so David sent for Saul, for Ziba and found out that he was still caring for Saul's grandson named Mythibil Shev, so David sent for Mythibil Shev, now you can imagine what's going through Mythibil Shev's mind, probably the same thing that was going through his nurse's mind when she fled from the city and fell and he was crippled and marred for life, he thinks what David wants to call me into his court so he can kill me, after all I am the grandson of Saul, I am the rightful heir of Saul's throne, and he wants to wipe everybody out to make sure there is no one left that can overthrow his kingdom, so Mythibil Shev was thinking the worst, and by the way just like when we think of God, you ever hear folks, this kind of makes me chuckle a little bit, when something bad happened, I may want to natural drown here, it's a tornado that we are worried about, and in some parts of the country it's hurricanes, some parts of the country is earthquakes, and of course COVID affected everybody, and they always called it an act of God, in other words anything bad is God's fault, it'll make you kind of chuckle a little bit, and or when something really bad happens, just say afterwards, well let's say two things, one of them looks like a war zone, and of course when it's happening it sounds like a train coming, a freight train or whatever, but then they always say, they'll always make a statement like this, this is a tragedy of biblical proportions, that's all they think the Bible is about, tragedy, terrible things, judgments, disasters, and of course that's how we thought of God before we knew him as our savior, he's our judge, he's gonna, I know a lot of folks today think he's buddy buddy, and have no, there is no fear of God before their eyes, but when I was a child everybody feared God, today it's good like you're not sure if anybody fears God anymore, but the Fibble chef had a great fear going into this meeting with David, and I want you to see three things, and I'll go through the first two very quick, and we talked about this one already in second Samuel chapter number nine, in verse number six through 13 we won't read all the verse, I do want to read a few of them, we see how this illustrates the Fibble chef was saved by faith, he was saved by faith, just like you and I are saved by faith, we see his life illustrates that point, look at verse 13, chapter number nine of second Samuel, you find it there in your Bible, second Samuel chapter number nine, and verse number nine, and it says in the king called gazeba, Saul's servant, and said in him, I have given unto thy master's son all that pertaineth the Saul, and all that is housed, thou therefore, and thy sons, and thy servants shall till the land for him, and he's talking about in verse number five David already sent for and fetched Fibble chef, and bring him to the fruits, and that master's son, and have food to eat, but Mifibble chef thy master's son shall eat bread all the way at my table, what a picture there is, we can come and sit at the table of God, we can come before him, and Zeba had fifteen sons and twenty servants, then said Zeba under the king, according to all that my lord the king has commanded his servant, so shall thy servant do, as for Mifibble chef, said the king, he shall eat at my table, as one of the king's sons, isn't that good? We've been adopted into God's family, where heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, whoa, what a picture that is of ourselves, isn't it good to be saved? He was saved by faith, and then Mifibble chef, verse number twelve, had a young son whose name was makeup, and all that dwelt in the house of Zeba were servants unto Mifibble chef, so Mifibble chef dwelt in Jerusalem, for he did eat continually at the king's table, he was just enjoying his fellowship with the king, life was beautiful for Mifibble chef, he's a new creation in Christ, he's sitting at the king's table, he's talking to the king, anything he wants, the king's servants are going to make sure his needs are met, but he was still lame on his feet, just like you and I, we still have that sin nature, we still have our limitations, but he's had that sweet fellowship, and he was saved, and we see here a picture of how we are saved by faith, but then, and going through what we've read, how David, his empire was overthrown, I won't go into the details, you've read them, how Absalom rose up against David, and David fled for his life, and now the battle that they've gone through, and the things that were going on in the midst of that battle, in chapter number 16, verses number one and four, I want you to see this, we see in Mifibble chef a picture of how we are saved by faith, and then secondly, Mifibble chef was maligned in faith, I wrote it up there just for you Todd, so you can spell it, because I didn't know how to spell it either, so I looked it up, in fact, I think that's right, I just spelled maligned, all right, and chapter number 16, I want you to see this, and remember Ziba and his children were given to serve Mifibble chef, we, isn't it good to have fellowship brothers and sisters who help us and courage us, but what about when they turn against us, you see Mifibble chef experience that, and that's the reality of life, it's going to happen, and it's just a reality, and how we handle that will determine where our walk with God is, where our faith is, but he was maligned in faith, known in chapter 16, and we'll just read the verse there, when David was a little past the top of the hill, he behold Ziba, and David here is fleeing for his life, for this servants, Ziba, the servant of this hill is easy for you to say, isn't it, Mifibble chef met him with a couple of asses saddled upon him two hundred loaves of bread, and in a hundred bunches of raisins, and a hundred summer fruits in a bottle of wine, and the king said into Ziba, what meanest thou by these, and Ziba said, oh, I've been praying all day, I've been concerned about, you know, I put on a spiritual voice, like I hear sometimes, the asses be for the king's household to ride on, and the bread and summer fruit for the young man to eat in a wine that such as be faint in the wilderness may drink, I came to be a blessing to you, David, I mean he had his most spiritual countenance, and his God voice on, oh God, but for all, you know, sometimes people pray that way, and they get real spiritual, and their voice seems to change, but, and the king said, and where is thy master's son? In other words, where is Mifibble chef, and Ziba said unto the king, behold he abided that Jerusalem, and he said, today shall the house of Israel restore to the king, the kingdom of my father, and then said the king to Ziba, David didn't inquire any further, he said to Ziba, behold, thine are all that pertains unto Mifibble chef, everything that once vlogged their hips, he's gone, he's gone off the deep end, forget about him, and Ziba said, I humbly beseech thee, that I may find grace in thy sight, my lord, O king, I'm Ziba put on his best royal garments, his best spiritual voice, and said, oh I've been true to you, I'm following God, I'm praying, you know, 26 hours a day, I'm reading my Bible all day long, I've been walking with God, and I want you to know that brother Mifibble chef, he done messed up, he's rebelled against you, and David said, and David and his haste and fury, and all the things that were going on said, okay, forget about him, everything that once, was Ziba telling the truth, you know, from this week, he was not telling the truth, now what we get to the interesting thing is, well we know it's all going to work out in the end, and Mifibble chef's going to get everything back, right, that's the way all the stories end with a happy ending, and everything's going to work out fine, well let's go ahead a little bit, because Mifibble chef was saved by faith, there's a picture of us being saved, and then we're maligned by faith, and but then I want you to see this in chapter number 19, and oh this is what we need to hear today, this is what we need to apply today, he was submissive to the faith, this Mifibble chef taught teaches us a lesson that I dare say, we will never fully learn in this life, it'll only be fully comprehended when we see Jesus, and the reason it'll be comprehended there because the things of this world are not going to matter when we get there, the only thing that's going to matter is what have you done with Jesus Christ, have you trusted Him or rejected Him, all the other stuff is just water under the bridge, the things that destroy us today, that consume us today, those demons that plague us today, they'll all be gone one day, and it's best that we learn to lay Him at Jesus' feet today, and we see that illustrated in Mifibble chef's life, I want you to see something here in chapter 19, this is to me one of the most remarkable things about the whole study of the life of David is in this character Mifibble chef, look at 2 Samuel chapter 19, and beginning in verse number 24, and Mifibble chef, this son of, now this was after of course David had won the battle, he's coming back to Jerusalem, what we've been reading this week, and they said let's bring the king back to Jerusalem, and of course there was another civil war that took place, and all the things that were involved in that, but Mifibble chef, the son of Saul, came down to meet the king, he's still in Jerusalem, he's still there, and he had neither dressed his feet nor trimmed his beard, nor washed his clothes from the day the king departed, until the day he came again in peace, he was a mess, and he hadn't taken care of himself, all he was concerned about was his king, his Savior David, he loved David, he was willing to give his life for David, he outwardly expressed his love for David and not caring for himself, he sat and mourned and wept for David day after day, hoping and praying that David one day come back, and now David is coming back, what a joy for reunions, here's my king coming back, everything's going to be set all right now, I'm going to be given every, well let's read on it, the story doesn't have a storybook ending that we like to put on to it, and we like the hope it's going to be a part of our life, and it came to pass when he was come to Jerusalem to meet the king, that the king said unto him, David said, "Wherefore win us not thou with me?" Let's say we'll shout, "Hey, why did you leave with me? Why did you stay back here? I've heard reports about you," and he answered in verse number 26, "My Lord, O King, my servant deceived me." Have you ever been mistreated? I guarantee you, you haven't been mistreated like my civil chef was right here, my servant mistreated me. For thy servant said, "I will," and this is what Zeba did, he said, "I'm going to go saddle and ass, I'm going to get everything ready, I'm going to come back and get you," that I may ride there upon and go to the king because thy servant is lame. Well, I couldn't go because I couldn't get there on my own, there's no way I could get there. And notice in verse number 27, "He hath slandered thy servant unto my Lord the king, but my Lord the king is an angel of God." Wow. What a picture he had. "Do therefore what is good in thine eyes." Not in my eyes. Hey, he didn't say, "Oh, Zeba's got this coming to him. I've been praying that we could get back at him, or he just done mistreated me, he did wrong by me, and boy, you need to take care of him, you need to discipline him, you need to chastise him because he was completely in the wrong." And most of the time we say that, that's not true. But Mephibos, Jeff, was, could say that, that he was in the wrong, and I was in the right. You think, "Okay, well, David's going to settle the score right now, he's going to take care of all of it." But is that what he did? You know what happened, don't you? Where'd we let you leave off? Verse number 28, "For all of my father's house were but dead men before my Lord the king. I had nothing but death. I have nothing to offer you. Yet this house set thy servant among them, and did eat at thy own table, what right therefore have I yet to cry any more to king? I have no right to ask for anything more. You've already given me more than I deserve. I don't even deserve life itself. How can I complain about mistreatment?" You see, Mephibos, Jeff, realized what it was to be dead in Christ, to be risen in him. Dead men don't have any feelings, by the way. Dead men don't get offended. Dead men don't even get hungry. And the king said unto him, now this is to me amazing. This puts Romans, this is a great commentary on Romans 8. If you really want to understand what Romans 8 is all about, then the king said unto him, why speakest thou any more thy matters? I have said thou in Zeba divide the land. David said, my mind's already made up. You and Zeba, you take half Zeba, take half it. Well, wait a minute, Zeba was completely in the wrong. He didn't deserve anything. Right? Now that would be our mind. That's the way we would think. Hey, this is justice in my mind. But David says, it don't matter. And Mephibos, Jeff said, whatever you decide, I'm fine with. Can we truly say that? Now look at what he said in verse number 30. And Mephibos, Jeff, said unto the king. But wait a minute, that's not fair. God, that doesn't make sense. All those things that we would say, isn't that? But God, you don't know what he did. See, didn't you hear me? He maligned me. He said false things about me. He accused me of being disloyal to you. And don't you realize he deserves judgment? He deserves your wrath. After all, I hate him. You ought to hate him too. And that's what we would react, isn't it? But what would Mephibos, Jeff, say? Maybe that's something that we should start a campaign. W-W-M-S, what would Mephibos, Jeff, say? All right, and I'm going to make some bumper stickers up, okay? And yay, and this is what he said. Yay, let him take all. Let him have it. I don't need anything. Just the, what will read what it says? He said it better than I could say it. For as much as my Lord, the King is come again in peace unto his own house. All I'm concerned about is my King, that he is back in the house. What I have is nothing. What I have doesn't matter. The fact that I was mistreated and maligned and lied about and lied to and all those terrible things, they don't even matter because I've already got more than I deserve. I get to sit at the King's table. I get to talk to the King. I'm one of his. I'm in his family. Now, boy, that sounds good for everybody else, but as for me, there's Romans chapter number eight. All things work together for good. That means it's going to be a happy ending. No, it wasn't for Methible Shelf. It wasn't a fairy book fairy tale ending. It didn't make sense to him, but he was fine with it. I dare say there's not a person in this building, including myself, and especially me that would say with Methible Shelf, I'm fine with that. If we really understood what he was doing, what he was singing, God, everything's been taken away from me, but I'm fine because I still belong to you. And my King's still on the throne, and he's still in heaven, and I still belong to him. And one day this whole life, this whole world, is going to be gone, and I'm going to live with him for all eternity. And I'm going to walk the streets of gold with him one day, but until that day, there's a whole lot of stuff that we got to go through, and I'm okay with that. Could we truly say that? I wonder, honestly, and I've been asking myself the question all week. Can I honestly say that? Maybe you're a whole lot more spiritual than I am, but I can't say that I would honestly be okay if I was in the position that Methible Shelf was in. Some people say, "Oh, yeah, I'm okay. I'm fine." Oh, no, no, no. You're not grasping what God's saying here. Now, let that sink in. Let that be absorbed in your mind. Oh, if we had the faith that Methible Shelf answered, that he had, that he was, and you remember in Matthew chapter 5, 6, and 7, the Sermon on the Mount, and Jesus gave the beatitudes. You know what the beatitude blessed our blessing, and that word blessing means happy, joyful, cheerful. You're happy, and the very first beatitude in Matthew 5 and verse number 3, blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. You know what that means to be poor in spirit to realize, "I'm nobody. I have nothing. I deserve nothing." You'll never find, in fact, the two great examples in all of the Bible other than Jesus Christ that you'll find of what it means to be poor in spirit. Remember Lazarus the beggar who was outside the rich man's house and said, "I have nothing." If I could just get some crumbs, that's what it means to be poor. And to have that attitude of poverty, I don't deserve anything. I'm nobody. I'm just a beggar, and the dog's coming to lick my sword, and the other one is Methible Shelf. I've been treated wrong. I've been treated wide too about, but I'm okay with that because I don't deserve anything. And I don't know anything. I can't figure it out. I'm not going to try to work my way through this. I'm not going to let my voice be heard and let my complaint be heard. I'm just, "Okay, King, whatever you want, I'm fine with that." Oh, if we could say that we have that faith. And that is the very first of the attitude. Blessed is he that is poor in spirit, because I don't know what's going to happen in my life. Neither do you. And we think we get it figured out, but we don't know. And are we okay with whatever God brings into our life? Are we okay with what others might say or do? Are we okay with that? Oh, God, help us to have that faith, that Methible Shelf had. I'm asking you to see in your feet if-