Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Faith Has Two Sides

Broadcast on:
16 Sep 2024
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(swooshing) ♪ Holy one ♪ ♪ I worship you ♪ ♪ For you are gonna buy yourself ♪ Thank you, Jesus. ♪ You are gonna buy yourself ♪ ♪ You are God, you are God ♪ ♪ 'Cause you are gonna buy yourself ♪ Thank you, Jesus. ♪ You are God, oh, buy yourself ♪ (laughing) Glory to God. Come on and sing it with me, mighty God. ♪ Mighty God ♪ ♪ I bless you, name ♪ ♪ Thank you, Jesus ♪ ♪ Holy one ♪ ♪ I worship you ♪ ♪ For you are God, oh, buy yourself ♪ ♪ You are God, oh, buy yourself ♪ ♪ You are God, 'cause you are God, oh, buy yourself ♪ ♪ You are God, oh, buy yourself ♪ ♪ You are God, you are God, oh, buy yourself ♪ ♪ You are God, oh, buy yourself ♪ Look at someone who's saying, there's two sides to faith. Faith has two sides. Look at someone who's telling faith has two sides. Father God, this morning in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. We lift this church up before you. I pray you touch and minister to everybody in this room under the sound of our voice, our friends and partners and our online family that's watching from around the world, minister to them. Encourage them. We pray that the word of God would give insight this morning. We pray that the word of God would give understanding this morning. David said, "Thy word, O Lord, is a lamp unto my feet on a light to my path." David said, "The entrance of your word, it gives light and it gives understanding unto the simple." Give great understanding this morning. As we look at the two sides of faith in the name of Jesus Christ, somebody say, amen. So I wanna say this again, faith has two sides. There's the side of faith where you believe God. I'll talk about it. Have you ever think about this that the apostle Peter, we know what happened in Matthew chapter 14 verse 22 through 34, the apostle Peter, he walked on the water. Sister Pauline, we all know that story. I always ask God, I'm like, it almost seems unfair man. Who ever get real with God in private and said, God, can I ask some questions? Peter walked on water, James. Peter raised the dead, Peter healed the sick. The apostle Paul, he healed the sick. The apostle Paul. He raised the dead. It's obvious both men have faith, but Paul didn't walk on water. Well, wait a minute, are y'all still here? I said, Paul didn't walk on water. Paul's shipwreck. And wait, are y'all still, wait, wait. No, I'm talking about two sides of faith. Are y'all still here? And the Bible says, Paul, how to make it to land on broken pieces. Paul was in the storm for 14 days, and 14 nights went out seeing daylight, but not so in the apostle Peter. Peter was in the boat with Jesus. And the disciples began to cry out, don't you care that we without the parachute? What are you gonna do, Lord? He stood in the bow of the ship, and what did he say? Peace be still, and that was a great calm. The storm was over. Come on, somebody. But now watch the part, are you seeing this, Edwin? But now watch the apostle Paul when he was in a terrible storm, one of the worst storms he had ever been in in his life. God sent the angel to the apostle Paul. Are you here, James? You know where I'm going with this. Now the angel has the power. The angel could say, peace be still, and the storm is over. But now they went to angel to Paul. I'm talking about two sides of faith. This is the side of faith that I believe we need to hear more about in the body of Christ. The angel said to Paul, God have given you everybody who is on board. You're gonna make it to land, but you know what else angel to Paul? Put the whole ship gonna bust up in pieces. I'd have grabbed on his ring out of bed. You heard, Jacob wrestle with God all night. I'd have been holding on to him. I'd have been like, what about to happen? Come on, somebody, are you seeing where I'm going with this? There are two sides of faith. The angel didn't say, peace be still. God didn't even tell Paul, it's gonna be smooth sailing the rest of the way. In fact, he told him what I believe none of us would want to hear. The whole ship is gonna break apart. I'd have been like, but but but can't you calm this thing down? Can't you make, yeah, of course he can, but God is gonna let some of us walk some tough roads. Come on, come on. I need some real people to talk to me. It's not always gonna be easy. The marriage ain't gonna always work. Come on, somebody. It ain't gonna always work out. Are y'all still here? There are two sides to faith. James had counted all joy when we fall into diverse temptations, knowing this, that the trying of our faith. You're gonna be tried. The trying of our faith. It works patience, but allow patience to have this perfect work in you that you may be complete locking nothing. Are y'all still here? No, watch this. What about, what about the baby Moses? His parents hid him when he was three months old because they saw he was a proper child. Am I right about it? By faith, Moses, when he was born, was hid three months. Keep that script job there. Because they saw he was a proper child. And they were not afraid of the king's commandment. His momma, Jockabed. I'm ramen, Jockabed. His momma, dad, they built him a little ark. Put him in it. And he floated all the way down the pharaoh's palace. But there's another side to this story. Everybody's little boy was a spad. Now, this the side you don't hear about. Everybody's baby boy was no spad, James. The rest of them were slaughtered. The rest of them were feed to the crocodiles. Does that means their mother folk didn't have faith either? It's not what it means at all. 'Cause I know in the body of Christ, when things turn out the way, we don't expect it a lot of people wanna come. But that's unbelief, that's a bunch of hogwash. And there's miracles in the Bible where there was unbelief. The apostles had no faith that they would make it through the storm. And yet they still made it to the other side. They made it to the other side with zero faith. Jesus said, how is it that you have no faith? And yet they still made it to the other side. Why don't you look at someone and tell them God can get you to the other side with no faith at all? Can we talk about the other side of faith? Everyone's child was not spad from Pharaoh's command. It's two sides to faith. Okay, what about the baby Jesus under Herod's command? What about the baby Jesus? Mary and Joseph weren't the only ones right with God. Come on, somebody. But yet Jesus was spad. But what happened to all the rest of the baby boy? I mean, they were slaughtered by the thousands. Jeremiah even prophesied about it in advance that there was a great cry in Raima. People crying because their babies were slaughtered. But yet Jesus was spad. We've got someone who said that's two sides. That there's two sides to faith. And I just felt the Holy Ghost wanted me to just take my time and talk about it and teach about it to bring balance into the body of Christ. There are two sides to faith. Now I'm comparing Stephen with the Apostle Paul. The Apostle Paul also was supposed to be stooled to death and left for dead. But you know what happened after they stooled Paul and left him there for dead? Did the disciples gathered around the Apostle Paul and they begin praying and Paul jumped right up, raised right up? Now wait a minute, God, I'm confused. You let them kill Stephen, but you raise Paul up. How is this? This both men had faith. How is this God? It is appointed. Are you listening to me? I said, it is appointed. I said, it is appointed. There are two sides to faith. I'm teaching this morning. Watch this, let's go into the Word. I want us, I want us going to the Word. Let's go into the book of Hebrews, chapter 11. We just read that one, but let's go into verse 29. Watch this by faith. They pass through the Red Sea as by dry land, which the Egyptians tried to do, were drowned. By faith, the walls of Jericho fell down after there were compass about seven days. By faith, the harlot Rahab, Paris, not with them that believed not when she had received the spies with peace. Keep watching how the Bible's talking about this. Paul says in verse 32, and what shall I more say for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and of Barak and of Samson and of Jephthah of David also and Samuel and of the prophets, who through faith, look at what someone has said, through faith, subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of lions. Shout out to me, Shaq and Abednego, Daniel in the lion's den. Verse 34, "Quenched the violence of fire, "escaped the edge of the sword, "out of weakness were made strong, "waxed valiant in flight, turned to flight "the armies of the aliens. "Women received their dead race to life again." And in the same scripture, y'all still here, watch this. And in the same scripture, what did he say, others? Look at someone who say others. Look at someone who say others. Others were, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Isn't Hebrews 11 the Hall of Faith? Isn't Hebrews 11 the Hall of Faith? Now what's this by talking about here? I wanna hear about deliverance. I wanna hear about breakthrough. I wanna hear that the lion's mouth was shut. "Do you know there were other Christians "who were fed to the lions, "and the easel didn't sharp to lock the mouth of those lions? "Are y'all still here? "There are two sides to faith. "Some of us right in this room may die "for the preaching of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. "Come on, Americans, come on, American Christians, "don't lose me now." I said, "Some of you right in here may die for the gospel. "This is the side we need to talk about, "to bring balance. "We hear about the breakthrough side. "We hear about where the miracle happened. "We hear about where the deliverance happened, "but there's an other side to faith. "It's a different kind of deliverance." "Are y'all still here? "Steven was stunned, and he had faith. "Paul, but Steven died and went to be with Jesus. "Paul was stunned, and he had faith, "but yet God raised Paul up." Look at someone who said they all had faith. Look at someone who said they all had faith. Someone get prayed for, and they got healed. Someone else got prayed for, but they didn't get healed, they died, and went to heaven. But something's gotta be wrong, may I pass this on? No, I'm just hanging with me, just hanging with me. No, nothing's wrong, anything wrong. I'ma get there, who say I'm learning something this morning? I'm hearing stuff that I don't hear much about in the church anymore. We got to bring balance. If we don't bring balance, people are gonna lose their mind and lose their faith and walk out on Jesus Christ. We got to bring balance. Everyone's not gonna be delivered from the lion's den. Everyone's not gonna escape the violence of fire, like Saturday, me sacking a bit ago. When I was young and immature, I used to pray God, let me see a miracle like that. Now that I'm 50, I'm like Saturday, Iraqi, and whoever, you can keep your nighting. I don't want that a nighting. Can I be real? Not enough, the time, come where I need it, then, well then, please help me Jesus. You know, Daniel in the lion's den has to be like, I wanna see that kind of miracle until I realize, ding, ding, ding, to get that kind of a miracle, Jocelyn, you got to be thrown to the lion's. I uncheck that box. Danny, you keep that a nighting. You know why I'm preaching this side? You know, I'm taking my time to really talking as a past and poem, I hide out to you, because people come around and they see you walking into anointing, James. They see the power of God. They see the presence of God. And they make statements like, I wanna walk in that kind of anointing. And I'm thinking, please, no! Don't! You don't wanna go where we had to go to get this. Come on, somebody, are you listening to me? You are gonna have to, do you really, you know, Jeff, I remember when Jeffrey and Mark those first came around the ministry. I wanna walk in that kind of anointing pastor. I said, are you sure? I said, Jeff, are you sure? He said, Pastor, I'll do anything to help the anointing. And they went to hell right along with us. And Jeffrey's still here. Come on, somebody, almost 30 years, Jeff is still here. His brother, Mark, still here. But everyone ain't gonna survive. Anyone can stick around for the glory. Anyone can stick around when the miracles are happening. But what about when the miracles ain't happening? What about when you pray and people are dying? What about when the money don't come through in time? What about when you lost your house, like me and my wife did? What about when the car gets repossessed, like we had two cars repossessed from us? Do you still have faith? Do you still have faith? Do you still believe that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all, that we can ask our thing? Job said, I don't care what the devil did. I'm gonna put my trust in him. Don't he slay me. Devil, I'm gonna serve him because I ain't serving God. For stuff, I ain't serving God. For money, I ain't serving God. For houses and land, I'm serving him because I love him. I'm serving him because he died from here. He shed his blood on calm recalls. I'm serving him because he believed in me when nobody else knew. Sound yes, sound yes. When they call me, everything but a child of God, when they rejected me, when they cast me out, when they talked bad about me, Jesus said, I'll never leave you, I'll never forsake you, but I'm gonna be with you, even unto the end. Sound yes. There's two sides, look at some of the say, there's two sides to faith. Women received their dead race to life again. Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection, keep going. And others had what of cruel markings and scourgings, more of the borns and imprisonment, keep reading. They were stung. They were Isaiah, Isaiah the prophet, y'all know that, right? He was cut in half. Winter, y'all still here? Isaiah the great prophet, he was cut in half. That's what song the Sunday means. Was slain with the sword. They wondered about in sheep skins and goat skins, being destitute, afflicted and tormented. Put verse 13 up there for me 'cause this way I wanna come to. These, oh, wait a minute. Look how verse 13, these all did what? How did they die? Unbelief had nothing to do with it. Do you see that James? Unbelief had nothing to do with it. They had faith and still died without receiving the promise. This decided the faith that you don't hear much about. These all, look at someone who said these all, how did they die in faith? What else does it say? Not, say what? Are y'all reading what I'm reading? These all died in faith, not having received the promises. But I'm still gonna preach them now. 'Cause you're not making it to the other side as a promise too, come on. Come on somebody, we are all gonna die. Now I'm praying they're up to come five. Can I keeps it real? These all died in faith, not having received the promises. Because when the prayer James, you see, when the prayer is not answered the way we want it, the enemy, because we don't have a full understanding. He tries to write us and bring problems in our relationship with Jesus. But I thought you'd say you had faith. Come on, come on, who know what I'm talking about? Come on somebody, am I talking right? Am I preaching right? Something must be wrong somewhere. You must have sinned in your life. No, no, no, no, no. Let's stick with the Bible. Don't put the scripture, keep that one right there. But I quote this to you, Psalms 34 and 19. Many are the afflictions of the righteous. Didn't mean something wrong with you. Didn't mean something wrong. Didn't mean you did nothing wrong. What did I do to deserve this? You didn't do nothing to deserve it. Somebody's pain is your moment to get closer and a breakthrough. I'm talking about the two sides of faith. There are two sides, look at what someone says, it's working together. It's working together. These all died in faith. (gentle music) Not having received the promise. But having seen them a far off were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that there were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. The Bible says of whom the world was not worthy. Come on somebody, do you still believe God? Do you still trust Him? Psalm 66 verse 10, King James version. For thou, O God, has proved us. Where proves me and He's going to test you. For who thou, say God? He said it's you. For thou, O God, has proved us. Who did it? Thou hast tried us. Our silver is tried. Who's the one trying you? See the devil tempts you, but God don't tempt you 'cause God can't be tempted with evil, but God will test you. He is going to test. And so when people get, wait, hold on, keep it right, when people get confuses, but I thought God called us. Yes, He did. He called the crowd would get He and do. It was 32,000, they all responded. They all responded until the test started. But verse 11, I'm deaf for me. Listen to what else He said. He says, "Thou brought us into the net." Who did it? David said, "You brought us into the net." You laid afflictions on us. You did it. Go to the next verse. You have caused men to ride over our heads. You caused it, God. You caused it. We went through fire. Come on, somebody. Someone say, "We went through fire and through water." But it didn't stop there, it didn't stop there. But thou, I dare someone say, "But you, but you, but you, but you, but you." Someone say, "You." Someone say, "You." Someone say, "You." Can I preach five more minutes? The same God that caused the men to ride over your heads. The same God who brought you into the net. The same God who brought you through fire. Who brought you through water. It's the same God that's gonna bring you into a wealthy place. Bring you into a large place. Gonna bring you into a place of authority. Gonna vindicate you. Gonna elevate you. Sound yes. Sound yes. (gentle music) Glory to God. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that I address is You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account, the ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, Sean Pinda Ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Sean Pinda Ministries, P.O. Box 2726 McKinney, Texas, 75070, and listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. May it pass to Amy, say thank you, you are doing an amazing job, helping us preach the gospel around the world, continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you, Deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you, see you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless, bye bye. (air whooshing) [BLANK_AUDIO]