AFL Enjoyers

AFL Enjoyers - Semi-Finals Reaction and Review

Broadcast on:
15 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) - I'm out at work, I'm at Fountain Gate, shopping sale, and I need a coffee. I don't know how passionate you guys get about your coffee. I'm not like a coffee snob, but I want the basics. - No, I'm a coffee snob, bro. - You're a coffee snob? - Yeah, no. - Look, sometimes I'll have a bad, I'll enjoy a bad coffee, which sounds a bit weird, but look, I think I have an appreciation, obviously. - Yes, we all do. - Yeah. - And I think especially these days, when you're paying like five bucks for a coffee, you want it to be drinkable, you want to not be insulted, like, you know, this fair expectation, right? - That is fair. - So I'm at, I'm gonna call the place out specifically, as well, just to warn our many viewers, do not go to Jamaica Blue, not mistake number one, that's probably the worst of the chains, but it was the first one I walked past. - What is Jamaica Blue? - It's a low quality coffee chain, apparently. - Hudson's tub vibe? Is that what we're talking like? - I don't even know, man, but it was the first one I saw, man needed a coffee. - What are Jamaicans like, we don't claim this guy. - So anyway, lately, I've been getting the takeaway cappuccino, like mix it up a bit. I was on lattes for a while, cappuccino, just keep the rotation going. - Regular milk. - Regular milk, yeah, unless it's one of those, passing day, in that case, oak milk. Anyway, man, gets a small cappuccino, takeaway, simple order, right? Lady goes and she hands out, she goes, oh, here's your latte. I say, okay, fair enough, mistake. I said, oh no, I asked for a cappuccino. I thought maybe there was two people ordering, she just needed to hand it over to the next one, no, it was mine. And she turns around as if to remake it, I'm like, no, no, just give it, it's all right, I'll drink the latte, no problem. She goes, no, no, I'll make it a cappuccino. She takes the lid off and just sprinkles chocolate on top and gives it back to me. Mate, I'm no coffee expert here, but I know that that's not the only difference between a latte and a cappuccino. I was, mate, I'm still angry about it. - Wait, what'd you do? - I just drunk. - Oh, bruh. - I just drunk it, I was that shocked. I'm like, you know what? I want to cause a senior, let's just walk away and hope that it's a decent latte. Worst latte of all time to top it off. It was not even hot. - It's a chocolatey. - It was more cold than hot and just tasted like milk. - That's crazy, man. - Man, shame on you, lady Jamaican Blue found a gate. - Was that a first day? - No, she was a pretty old woman. So I figured she's made a few coffees in her time. - Yeah, Melbourne's meant to be this coffee central of the world, but it's a key to a miss, man. - Occasionally you get your pride taken away from you. - Yeah, 100%. - I had a similar story, I had a chest in yesterday and I just went for, I'm an oat latte guy. I know, it's bad, right? And I'm like, oat latte, small, and then the girl makes it, it's a big Q. She's like, oat latte, extra hot. And I'm like. - Extra hot? - I'm like, I got an oat latte, but not extra hot. And she's like, oh, all right. She grabs it, dumps it in the bin like that, like slam dunk. Like, not angry, but kind of like, I think she was like, she wasn't angry at me, but I think she just kind of enjoyed like just throwing at that coffee. - It was weird. Like almost like, man, I do this shit every day, boo. - It's like those smashing rooms, you know what I mean? - Yeah, yeah, she's smashing blades. She's like, oh, not extra hot. Oh, this is extra hot. - She could've just said, white five minutes. - And I'm just like, I'm just like, not 'cause they burn it, bro. You don't want extra, any time any coffee's hot, that's not hot. That's boiling to the point where, you know, you could light a house on fire with that. - The only people who are allowed to get those are if you're over like 55 years old. They're the only people I'm like, all right, you can have your extra hot. Everyone else, what are you doing? Why don't they need extra hot? - I don't know. But the only people I know who'd have gotten it is old people. - You know what? You're right, actually. - Straight up, straight up, look. Oh, it's not a young, it's not a millennial thing. It's not a, you know, Gen 1, I don't know the Gen's, you know, the young Gen's, anyway. - Anyway, that was just, that sent me off. - Yeah, not fair enough, fair enough. Anyway, my other story, before we get to the footy, it's more like, naturally just a funny story, right? So I've been trying to get back into the gym routinely. So I was there the other day, one of the first times I've been in a while. And I just hear from the other end of the gym, it was pretty quiet. So you can see who's making the noise, right? I just hear, this is gonna sound weird for the audio only people, but I just hear this from the other side of the gym. (grunting) I'm like, man, who's walked in here? I'm like, who has walked in here, bro? Anyway, I turn, and I just see the back of this guy, he's carrying like the largest dumbbell in the joint. Like I don't even know how many kilos is on this thing. I reckon it was my body weight in dumbbell form, is what this guy's lifting, right? Anyway, first thought is just like, man, that guy's an animal. He turns around at that exact moment, and his T-shirt just has one word on it, animal. (laughing) But he knew what he was, he knew what he was. He made me feel like shit. So now I'm gonna go back in there, next time I walk in, novice. (laughing) - Skinny. - I don't know if you guys have experienced that, but like this was like next level grunt work at the gym. - Yeah, look, a little quick one. There was a dude who was grunting at my gym, and it was like, he was doing, it wasn't like this yoga. Your guy deserves to grunt. My dude was doing like higher rep range, low weight, but just, he gets like the 20th or 30th rep, and he's literally screaming. He's yelling the whole, like he's, everyone can hear, everyone can hear, and then he just goes about his day like nothing's happening. I'm like, "Bro, you're screaming. "What are you doing? "Like, I'm uncomfortable with you, Nimi." - Like, I think he needs to invest in some equipment. - Yeah, yeah. - That's their home stuff, right? - I don't wanna do, I don't wanna do like what you did, and you know, do the voice. I'm not doing, I'm not embarrassing myself like that, 'cause it's like, we're talking like big moans and groans. - Look, yours sounds a bit more-- - Some people get off on that type of stuff. - Your sounds a bit less masculine, right? - Yeah, yeah. - Anyway. - This guy, man, cheers. - Yeah, when I went to Derry Moot for the first time, right? - Derry Moot. - Derry Moot. - Derry Moot, Derry Moot, right? I was being intimidated, right? 'Cause I'm not sure if you can tell, I'm not that much of a physical, I'm not a beast like that guy, right? So I'm walking in and there's people everywhere, and I go down to the bench press, right? And some guy starts walking towards me. He's like, what I would be like if I'd been in the gym for 10 years, and had also been to jail for two, right? (laughing) - So you have real gym time there. - Yeah, he's just boom, boom. Like, you know, he's walking in slow motion, like a hot chicken in like a Hollywood film, except he was this guy that was coming to destroy me, right? And I thought, shit, I'm in the spot. Oh, I know, whatever. And he goes up, he's got a teardrop. The guy has a teardrop. - Oh, right, bro. - And he's a teardrop. - He's a teardrop. - That's the jail, right? Teardrop. And he goes, "She's been made." (laughing) You done with those weights? - Like legit like that, bro. (laughing) I'm like, oh, yeah, yeah. - Do you think, yeah, bro, yeah? - The juxtaposition of what I thought this guy was, to his boys. - For all I know, the animal that my gym might speak like that. - Yeah, 'cause you may. - I reckon he would. - Yeah, maybe. - Cheers. - Anyway, that's enough life stuff for Jesus. - Yeah, nah. - 'Cause look, that was entertaining. Look at my life, though. You know what else was entertaining? The footy this week. - The footy was fantastic. - Legit, finally got a final. Finally got a final. - Exactly, what an improvement from the previous week, man. Like, this is what I missed while I was away. This type of footy man, dramas. - I think it proves as well, like what we thought going into the finals, like all these teams could win it. And like, the game quality and the closeness was flip of a coin, really. I guess we start on Friday night. Port, response, no one thought they could. We were saying last week, not only were there odds at this home game lower than Hawthorne, but for the grand final was like ridiculously low. - Yeah, Dixon goes out, laid out nice and early. You know, big boy, his butter's under done. This and that. - He's got Ruby Drew's, but he's quite. - Yeah, exactly, but Luke, man, they, they. - I think they deserve this win in the end. - Oh, that's 100% good. - Like, Hawthorne were gifted a couple goals. Like the Joel one, there was another one. I think Dylan Moore as well. They got gifted a couple goals to keep him in it. But Luke, they made it a fight over the Hawks, man. You still have to, you know, score the goals to get you in there. - Both teams, later all out there, it was a great game. - I mean, Port Adelaide set the title in light with that tackle push in that first quarter. I haven't seen anything like it, man. - But they had like five or six holding the balls in the first quarter, just from tackling. So they, they came within intensity and you could just tell there was big bodies, man. But the interesting thing for me was like, they came, they're laying it all down and they hadn't put a lot of scoreboard pressure on. And it's like, well, so he's gonna be one of those ones where Port throw everything at Hawthorne. Hawthorne managed to hold firm. And then once the game starts to open up through tightness, they can slingshot and overrun them. And it never actually happened. And you know what matters, what you're saying with the umpires, I feel like Port was just on top until the momentum changed, due to a couple of goals from umpires, that can't be denied, right? One of those ones I think was there, the second dangerous tackle I think was there, the first one was just not. - The one on Dylan Moore, we reckon was there? - The one that ended up being a 50 from Jesse Hall Francis. - Look, I think it probably was because his head went into the ground, but like that's one of those ones where you can tell Dylan Moore's milking it. Like he's, you can see him turn his head into the ground as he's going. - So I think, you know, I think there's a little bit of, you know, playing for it. And that's what the best, that's what some of the best players do. You just have to take advantage of the rule. - It was a pretty weirdly armpired game. I know it's a very intense and fast physical game, but there was a few of those dangerous tackles in the middle of the park that weren't getting called. - Yeah. - And then those ones in the 50 were, it was kind of. - I feel like I'm trying to be scared to pay that stuff in the last quarter. - Yeah. - But I think they should be scared to pay just in general, just stop paying, just don't, anyway. But no downhorks had their ascendancy after kind of they got the momentum from that. But then it was just a grind of the game, huh? - Yeah. - I just thought both teams forwards, like tall forwards didn't really have much of an impact. And like, it's just amazing for like a full game of just kick it into the 50, rebounded into the 50, rebounded to 50, and just the arcs are playing the game. And the small forwards really, really were the ones that made it happen. Like, really, really amazing game. Nick Watson, amazing game. - I was gonna say, in their like little patch of dominance for the Hawks, it was two goals in the second for Watson and then one in the third. And they're all stunning goals as well. Like one, the snap, the set shot from about 40 on an angle, and another one running in. - It was excellent, man. - Look, that's, I think we gotta give Nicky Watson like official, like I think we already, - He's a wizard, man. - He's a wizard, he's a wizard. He's no longer a muggle, or, you know, mud blood, or any of that stuff, any of those, you know, the rogatory, you know, Harry Potter terms. - He plays Quidditch now, man. - He plays Quidditch. - He's the, he's the seeker. - He's moved on from the Philosopher's Stone onto the Chamber of Secrets next week. - Nah, he's progressing, man. He's progressing, you know. - Gobble with a fire. - Whatever, that's right, that's right, that's right. - Yeah, nah, so half blood prints, just name 'em all. - Yeah, nah, yeah. - But yeah, Nicky, hello. - Extremely impressive from first year player to before. Like, almost like their best performing player. - Yeah. - Well, this game sort of showed off what the scouting report was on him, including the marking, which for his size, when the balls kick to his advantage, you can get up there and claim the ball, you know. So, no, great player. I think the Hawthorne forward line specifically has a lot of room for growth, which is kind of scary, because Calscher Dio Watson, just getting started now, obviously Guinea's doing his thing. - They need probably another genuine tall. I mean, let's not fear, Sicily came and swung into the last quarter, and I think he had three shots of goal kicked one. - Yep. - And whilst we're on the topic, right, they're gonna get battle and baris next year, right? All of a sudden, there's, you know, there's a crunch for spots in the defense. It can very easily be Sicily can play full-time forward. - Potential. - But half game forward. - He started half a man. - He started half a man. - He did, and he understood, and he did. And that opens up a lot of things for them. Where does that leave someone like Mitch Lewis, all of a sudden, you know, 'cause you've already got Calscher Dio, you've got Joel. It's, it gets really interesting, man. But good for them, because all of a sudden, there's this huge amount of depth. Like, you still have, you know, his name, just the wrong frost, you can do a roll, Phillips. - Blank as well, in defense. - Blank, blank. That's the one that I forgot, actually. - So they've gone from having no depth in the keys to quite a few options now, because of good recruiting, obviously. - Yeah. - I think we didn't expect to see this, like, at this level out of Calscher Dio, obviously. And I don't think we expected Joel to be this good either. Like, we thought he'd be like, okay. But like, to be an impact player like this, and he's hardworking and he's, you know, making tackles, it's, you know. - That's a ridiculous improvement from a lot of players. And like, Dan Brozio, right. - Screamshaw, it was a very high draft pick, but he's had an amazing year. And almost, if you included the final series in the all Australian thought process, I reckon he'd make the score even. - Who's this? - Screamshaw. - Screamshaw. - Yeah, true, true. - He had two great finals, right? - And there's another key defender, because he's been the key back pretty much this year. - Yeah, you know what I mean? Like, he's held, you know, a lot of, you know, tall or assignments, so. - Yeah, so he's gonna get more license to start running and carrying. - Yes. - Yeah, true. I mean, Lloyd Meek, like a lot of their play, like they recruited Guineven. Like, that's just throwing players that make a medium impact into the team. No surprise that it has a, once the team gels, they've improved significantly. So, look, they should be very proud of that effort. They could have done it. Sicily could have, could have captained it. A couple, a little bit of happy feet from Dan Brozio, nearly got like, you know, crazy, right? But I think, if I was to summarize, I think Port played the better game. But it was tight, man. - Yeah. Speaking of that Sicily moment, I mean, the kick obviously was close and hit the post and whatever, but that mark was ridiculous. And I don't know if you guys knew this, but 'cause on telly, we wouldn't have known, but I just checked and at the time you scored the behind, it was minute 34, 40. So if you're in that stadium and you don't know how long's left. - Oh, wow. - Yeah, that's great. - That's laid in the quarter. And then there was another, like you mentioned, then the Dan Brozio moment and stuff like, it would have been probably siring around at about 36, potentially, which is crazy. - That's a long quarter. - I mean, I stressed he'd be his support fan, my God. But I full credit support. I really liked your geodesies game. Obviously the pressure was on from all of them. And Connor Rosie, I thought, like he didn't gather 30 plus touches like he can, but every time he got it, he was so hard to tackle. - Yeah. - All the inmates tackled a lot as well. True, butters, Rosie all had really high tackle numbers. And butters, he had that huge tackle in the first quarter, which kinda showed, hey, I'm here to play. I'm not just, you know, injured. So that was good on him. - Yeah. - Yeah. The interesting one for the port was like, and he had a couple, you know, sporadically he would have big games throughout the season. But this year he really showed it with a clutch goal as well. Jase Burgwin, man. He's not just there for the name, man. So shout out to him. - Especially in such a physical game, like you wouldn't think that that's the game he would shine in, 'cause he's more of an outside player, but he was excellent. - And he looks sort of skinny and sort of, you know, he looks like he's got a bit of filling out to do, but you know, that was out of doubt. - Yeah, but there we go, shout out to Burgwin. - Yeah, no, he had a game. I mentioned really before. I thought he was a real match winner. I thought he was really, really impressive. I was a lot radical here, actually had a pretty good game. - He did. - But I think that he played an important role, not superstar, but he, I feel like his contest I fought was good. He went back late in the game. I think it took a game saving mark as well. So he's playing a good role for them, that kind of swing man. But what's interesting about Port is that they've got him through now. They've been a prelim. And then you start to think shit, has Dan Houston cost these guys the flag? Like he's a dual Australian, back to back, all Australian, one of their best players. You'd want him out there against Sydney, wouldn't you? - Oh yeah. - Like they've done this without Houston without Kane Farrell. Ryan Burton is not as good as those two, but he's not there anyway. So a lot of their drive, that was a slingshot game, right? And they didn't have those type of players, they would have made a big difference. So Port smashed Sydney by over 100 points, whenever they played him. That's not going to happen again now, right? But if you had those type of players, you'd say, "Oh, they're in for a shout." They're still are, but man, like they're in a prelim. You want your best players out there. - Yeah, that's true. - Especially against Sydney with all those superstars, man. He would be tearing, actually doesn't have much hair, but he'd be tearing his metaphorical hair out. - Not that I'm holding a grudge or anything, but if I have to watch Juan Francis in a grand final this early in his career, I might be sick, like it can't happen. And I don't even like Sydney particularly, but... I was going to say, he's the thing with Juan Francis. He might not even get there. - Yeah, he did his hammy defense. - He did his hair. So I don't know how... - Was it a hammy or a cramp? - Look, he had done his, they were rubbing his, like right quad in the, like towards the end, like in three quarter time, comes on and then he's holding his left hamstring. So was he compensating in his movements? And that's why the cramp happened there? Or was it... - The strain, who knows? - He has had all the times where he's come off late and they've rested him for a week or two with a hammy. So I think it could have just been precautionary, but there's two more very intense games to come. - Surgery as well, he's had during the off season. - Yeah, there you go. So surgery on his hamstring. - I think it's something they're managing, but man, when you get this deep in a final's long season intense games, maybe he won't make it. Not that I would want him to miss it if they didn't make the Grand Final. That's a bit too far, but it would also be quite sick and interesting with a chance to win a flag. - He's the type of player that... He's a non-smith type of player. - Hence, I don't want to see him in the Grand Final right now. 'Cause he might be looking for a bit. - He might be looking for a bit. - I wouldn't want to be this for a bit. - He's not going to have Jay's home for answers. - I can't imagine. No grudge, but... - No grudge, but yeah. - Personal preference. - A couple more players I want to share that, right? Logan Evans came out of nowhere, mid-season draft, gun, like he's had to fill in the shoes of Houston. He had 450 plus meters game, good performance from him as well, and the boy I was talking about earlier, DBJ, two clutch goals, and talk about someone who is unselfish enough to realise, okay, the half-backs in Houston and Farrell are better than me, and they're better ball users than me. I'm going to make myself useful in the forward line. And look, if he's a bit more consistent in getting, pitching in with a few more goals, he could argue that he should be all Australian as well, the way he goes about it. But then that's if the all Australian selectors actually picked forwards in the forward line. It's a tough role in the half-forward line. It's very unselfish. So yeah, I think he plays a great role. Yeah, and the clutch goals in the end for this game. But yeah, look, I think we've probably diverted from the post-game festivities. Look, it rightfully gets a mention at the end, 'cause it happened at the end. The festivities. That was interesting, man. That was very interesting. I think, first of all, I think it's wrong on both sides, I think, to be honest with you. But like, Ken, how old are you, bro? Yeah, as a coach, you can't be saying that as a coach, you might be here. I was originally watching live, look at this guy, what a prick, this old guy, get out of here. And then you see people's comments on social media like you need to say that you're like, maybe you did a little bit. But I think I've just landed after sleeping on it. Like, we're talking about two different things that happen. One of them was online. I mean, no, things it gets thrown online by a young kid. Like, I'm not excusing him, but it was a bit cheeky. The other is just feeling the need to clap back when you've just won. Like, they're about to chair off Bruce, you're a coach. Like, I feel like, if only wines did it, or like, butters did it, that would have been okay. But when it's the, it's kind of like last week when McCartney bumped Pappley, or Pappley, but McCartney, it's like, the question there is, sure, not much in it, we're probably overreacting, but coaches and players should never mingle like that. I agree. And I think that's the main thing here. And I just think it's pretty classless from Ken. Like he sued or apologized afterwards upon a quick reflection. Like, I don't know, I think it's poor form from him. Look, I can understand, Ken Hinkley is like one of those coaches that reads all the newspapers and all the YouTube. Like, he's an emotional coach. He watches, yeah, he watches Joyce. He listens to Caro's arrow and goes, "Oh, Carolyn, we'll see you're taking the piece." That's what he does, right? So he gets involved in all that stuff. And you can tell it because he's crying out, you know, emotionally, then he's going on, on, um, in events. So he's that type of coach, but I don't think that's the, what the coach should be there for. Yeah. And I think generally everyone's like, "Ah, that's not the right thing." But I do like the fact that Ginevin gets hit back a little bit. 'Cause you've got to, if you're going to give it, you've got to take it. Yeah, yeah. And I did think that the Hawks... I get them being a little bit angry or defensive against Ken Hinkley. But the kind of idea that they've been all around shooting, talking shit, and then like the one time it happens, they're like, "Oh, I'm dying. I'm melting." I think, yeah, I'm mostly on your side there. I do think if it was a player clapping back at him and they got angry and defensive, like exactly what you said is true. But because it's the coach, I don't know. For me, it's like, coaches should clap back at coaches, or like in the press are throwing the cheeky comment, like, "I guess they're not going anywhere next week." Like, if you said it then, it's pretty funny. Yeah. But because he said it on the field with like a cocky gesture, it's like, "What are you doing there? Just shut up." And I think also with regards to Cicely's involvement in it, good on him for backing up his teammate, but at the same time, Bro, like you're about to chair off, you know. Yeah, yeah. One of the greats of the game settled down a little bit as well. You know what I mean? He could have been mature as well, but they both wanted to have the last word. Yeah. They both just kept going. They wanted the last word on the way out. The other thing is like they've just lost a semi-final. Both emotions would be extremely true. Like any, like you're a Hawks fan or a Hawks player that's just lost that game, the pain, right? So you've got to send that paint somewhere. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. That's fair. No, that's fair. Did you see the thing that apparently Ken was saying, like he doesn't know what goes on on social media, like acts like he doesn't know, but then was it butters or wines or one of the main players that got interviewed, said like basically it was written on the board all week. Yeah. So I'm saying, I just said like he ain't Lee. And he's done this his whole career, right? Yeah. Like he's the specialist at like getting the team to perform when all the writing's there on the wall, like they need to do it. He's jobs on the line. Like. Good for me, guys. He's jobs on the line every two weeks. Yeah, like nothing's wrong with external motivation. Like the best athletes and high performers use whatever they can grab, you know, but it is kind of like a port thing now where like they only play their best when they're about to get backed out or like embarrassed or whatever. So anyway, I hope they get whacked next week. Yeah. You're right. Same. Not because of this, but it's not helping. Yeah. Anyway, it's going to be tough for him next week. I think I think that I think that'll lose, right? But I'd like to see another close game, man. As a general spectator, you don't want to see some smashing, man. No. You want to see last minute heartbreak? Well, let's talk about the next game then, because it looked like it was going to be a smashing. Yeah. And then the lines just come out of nowhere. Man, I I saw I watched this game in its entirety. I still don't know what happened. What a what a weird game it was, man. It was you know, you know what it is, man? Last week, right? Carlton was behind and like what? They can come back from 46 points. Turns out it was, you know, for next week, it was a prophecy. It was a prophecy, not for Carlton, but for Brisbane. I don't know what it is like a Brisbane. It's kind of what Brisbane's done all season, really. But they start strong and then finish slow. Now it's the other way around. The Giants dominated them for most of the game, but they're just one of the both of these teams are just those teams that can pile on goals. But I don't know. I don't know, man. I don't want to jump to the end of the game, right? But why is Dunno who won out with his defender? Twice in a row at the end of like, what are the Giants doing? You've thrown away last week. This week, you can see the momentum shifted. Like you're allowed to play a bit more defensive and flood some numbers back. He should never be one out at the best of times. That's fair. That's true. Crazy. You know, under their coach, right? GWS hasn't lost leading a three quarter time, right? Had it, right? Until last week, that was the first time. And then this is the second time. Happened again. Back to back finals is the first time they've led a three quarter time and lost. Can you believe that shit? That's, yeah. There was a little parallel to like last week as well that they started well and didn't capitalise. The same thing happened again and it's bitten in the ass again. Yeah, like you couldn't feel any more sick as a supporter than what they're just experiencing. But 46 points, man, that's a massive margin. And it wasn't 46 points in the first quarter. Yeah. It reminds me of that game with North and Collingwood. Like you say 46 points, yeah. But by the time it got to three quarter time, it was down to 25. That's the problem that they didn't just hold it where they were. They let it get somewhat achievable at three quarter time. But what I liked about that is like Brisbane came back. But I think Jitter was kicked the last two goals of the third. They did. And the first goal of the fourth. Yeah. So it's like, all right, boys, that the lines have had their run. We've managed to stop them. We're back to 30 points, one quarter. And then they hit the last five goals or six goals, something like that. Unbelievable. Look, the lines can play football as well. And when you've got players like Zack Bailey, McCluggie, Ashcroft, Cameron, firing in the last quarter, like you can make things happen. And then you've got Dan and her, who's equally the worst and best player in the comp whenever, like, he just, he's just, he'll never, I think he'll never be a champion because he's just too inconsistent. But boy, this guy can play football when he wants to earn here, an amazing game. One-on-one on Taylor, they go from the, I mean, and that goal from the boundary, that wasn't deliberate, come on. There's no way that was deliberate. What, you reckon? Have to be. He was pushed into it. That wasn't deliberate. Oh, he took me back to free. I put him in the shot on go. I'm so sorry. He met that. Sorry. He definitely met that. Taylor's true. It's his own push down of the deliberate. That's, that's a terrible call. Here's the thing with it, though. It's not that he didn't look like he was trying to gather the footy. Yeah. That's the issue with it. The fact that he swung his hand away, but did he swing or was he pushed into it? Like this is a second. This is, I reckon that she's like, it's like this crack. You know what I'm saying? Yes, I'm sorry. I don't know, man. I would never be paying that, isn't I? Well, I think the bigger problem here is like the Miss Chance is like you said, man. That Brent Daniels won. That's unforgivable. Because that's one of those ones where it's like you're watching it, it happened. You're like, what? What? But everyone in the team, the DJ was team, just has to move on immediately. So you move on, but then, and you just, you're a person in the game, but like, that was the biggest moment of that quarter. And you've, like, that lost on the game. That's unforgivable. It wasn't like Brisbane was ruthless in the entire game. There was times in that game where they were down and they should have been down more and then, like, he would miss his shot from, like, 20 metres out. Yeah. So you're thinking to yourself, oh, it's not Brisbane's, you know, right to just getting the game with accuracy or anything. It was just a weird game. And we said it last week, the quick goals in succession keeps happening. And teams don't yet know how to figure out how to stop it quickly because of the 6'6' rule. Yeah. No one, I'm yet to see a team, like, immune to that. It can happen to anybody. Yeah. Gold, 30 point leads me nothing in today's football, just nothing. Yeah, no, you're right. But they, that GWs will be shared. I mean, Hogan, amazing performance again. So many, like, good players on both sides. I don't think I've ever seen a more disappointing straight sets exit. Like, this team could have easily been a grand final contender. Yes. I mean, they could have won, even last year, they lost by one point to pies. Like, they've gotten so close, but it's so far still. I guess, thankfully, they don't have that many supporters, so, like, less disappointment all around. That's the only good game. It's like a full team. A full team to get his net disappointment, net disappointment. Not that I, you know, North being a smaller of the Victorian teams, for sure, at least smallest currently, but you do want to see the big teams fight it out. Like, now you're looking at the grand final possibilities, Geelongo, Brisbane, Sydney or Port. Like, you know, it's going to be a pretty intense game with a crowd as well. That's fair. That's fair. But yeah, no. I think, yeah, no, look, it's, it just sucks for GWs, man, because this, those are just, it's just the talented side. Logan, he couldn't have done much more. He was an absolute monster, okay. That five-one could have had more use on selfish. What a fault. I mean, what about like, Caniglo getting injured, like, that, that, it has an impact. Yeah. Can't help. Yeah. Like, it's, he doesn't play quite, like, as much in the midfield, and he's not as impactful as he's not the last. He's not. Yeah. But that's, that's, you know, not on his own thing. It's because they've just got other options, but, uh, um, the Lions are a good team, right? And they've been in the window for a long time. They've got Will Ashcroft, who turned the game on its ass in the second half. 17, I think 17 possessions in the second quarter in the, in the second half. His brother's come into him as well. Yeah. It's not like they're lacking. It's not like their window is necessarily ending. No. Well, look at the thing I was going to say with Ashcroft, right? He, his inside work and ability to make stuff happen, right? He's getting like these inside, like these, what's called, inside footy, and then it's turning into scoring involvements. Yeah. And this is like two goals and 10 scoring involvements. Right. For an inside mid is, is good numbers and he's what? Second year. Yeah. Second year. Yeah. And he's come back from an ACL. Uh, the other, the other guy I absolutely love, and I talk about a lot, is McCleggage. Like he, he's just one of those places may not win in all Australian, right? But it doesn't mean he's not an absolute gun. And I think he's unheard of, like the impact he had in the last quarter was quite special as well. And then someone on the opposite end right now, you know how they talk about, you know, what players that should have final impact, where's this guy in the finals, I mean, what do you have? Well, it's eight super coach points. What? What? Eight. Eight. He had eight positions, but eight super coach points. Yeah. I guess the ratio as well, 28 dream team for eight super coach, eight super, eight ranking points in a full game when you're a number one draft pick, and you're relying on this type of guys, a big game player, a type of guy. Yeah. Good enough. What are you going to grow up? He needs to grow up. Yeah. Well, he was all Australian squad man. Weirdly enough. Yeah. I didn't really expect that. But when you're talking about, actually, one thing on my cluggage, that play where he sent everyone, you know, he was, he was, he wasn't even selling candy. He was selling candy with his eyes pretty much in that run. It was crazy. Like, because they know how much of a, like, you know, how damaging with his kick, they'll just, yeah, he had everyone's head on a swivel. You know, that was mad. Yeah. I love that play. He was a final type of play as well, because naturally possessions are lower in finals. So you get your 20, he had 24, right? Damaging 24. Like you're not seeing Neil pop 40 possessions in a final. It just doesn't happen. I don't think I've seen any finals. Maybe, I think Tom, Tom Green had over 30, he had 33, but he had numbers, man. He's the only one in the game above 30. Nah, there's, yeah. And then it was 27, Nashcroft, 27, Barry, Barry had a good game as well, actually. He had to be, yeah. He was big in the last quarter as well. Just the big body on the wing, you know what I mean? Like it just helps just that assist to the, you know, to the inside guys. But yeah, like, look, it's, I guess Brisbane, they don't, it's every bit of that wing. Like that, like we're a bit unsure of them, but you know, you know, I think they've showed themselves as a threat now. Well, now they're one game away from a grand final again. And they're playing Geelong, who of the top four teams are the one, I know George isn't thinking that they can go all the way. It's two teams that have been there and done that over the years. It's going to be an interesting clash. I actually think Geelong have a better chance against Brisbane than they do against the Giants. Interesting. Sun just tells me, what's it based on George? I don't know, instinct or something. I don't know. But I just feel like with the inconsistency of the Lions, and I saw something that champion data, they're saying that since Dangerfield's come back from injury and back in the midfield Geelong, like one of the best contested midfield team in the comp. So even though they don't have big names in there, they're getting the job done. So if they can even that up with the Lions, and Geelong can have it like a really consistent effort, the Lions we've seen can go down, can come up, can fluctuate. I don't know, man, like I actually give it along the chance. That's fair enough. That's fair enough. Should we do our tips now? Yeah, we'll talk about the games a bit. So Sydney versus Port. And let's be fair, I think we're all going to just all swans, I can imagine. And there's clear reasons why. Yeah. The really thing is, I can't completely just assume that what happened a couple of months ago with that absolute demolition job that Port gave Sydney, I can't. Something in my mind saying like something had to have caused that other than just one team didn't show up, like just don't even analyze it. I think there must be something in that about the way Port play, the way Sydney play. Now, surely, though, Sydney has looked into that and won't allow it to happen again. I don't think you happen. Not at that level, even if they were to lose, surely not at that level. But not in a brilliant man. And they've had the break and they're really thinking they won. Yeah, yeah. Not to be. One game away from a final point. I'm not saying to be a one-sided game, but I'm more thinking something about what Port do, conducive to them playing well against Sydney. Potentially. Potentially, yeah. But I reckon, you know, this butter's is injured, horned, friends is is injured. Even if they make the cut, they've got some of their best halfbacks out. Sydney's primed. I think they've got a pretty much full list. I think it's very hard to bet against those ones. Yeah. They've been the best team all year. I think they're going to make the ground final and give themselves the best chance. Yeah. I think it's fair. I'll tip Sydney as well, for sure. But look. I guess it would have been if Port won. Oh, my God. Right now, they're $3.46, Port to Sydney, $1.30. That's pretty fair. Yeah. Yeah, it is. But it's... I do hope it's an enjoyable game to watch, though. Like, that goes without saying. I hope all these games are close and cracking games, but I think Sydney won't have too much. That's fair. And the next game, Geelong versus Brisbane, look, I think the way Geelong went about their business against Port, I can't go against them, to be honest with you, but I think it's the better game. It should be the better game. I think it's a better game. Just trying to think, man, the Midfoot battle will be interesting. Yeah. Like, on paper, it's Brisbane all day, right? Yeah. But this Geelong Midfield's not just a ball-winning, attacking Midfield, they're very interesting of a match-up, defensively, on the Brisbane meds. You've got Holmes, you've got Atkins, these more defensive-minded guys. Tom Stewart will come back as well. Tom Stewart will come back who's an on-baller now, apparently, like... I don't know. Something tells me Geelong will just have a bit too much. But equally, I mean, with the attacking firepower Brisbane has, and they can turn it on and keep goals in a hurry. Like, I don't think any team can stop that when they really go going. So... It might be the opportunity to throw Tom Stewart back if the firepower goes a bit too haywire as well. You know what I mean? So, I think they're pretty well-equipped Geelong. I think that injury-wise, they're pretty clear as well, I think, which is helpful. Yeah. Do you think they'll pick Hawkins over Neil? It's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. He played a game in the V-Felt. It's not like he hasn't played all these mighty... Yeah. And he's had a week after condition. I don't think Hawkins has looked very good this year. But he's Neil that much better than him? We youngster? Yeah. Maybe he is. Maybe he runs more. That's the thing. That's the thing. Like, it's not all about, you know, the strength, you know, the ability to take a mark. It's, you know, you've got to play the system as well. I'm going to go Brisbane, because I'm just going to back in the fact that, like, I haven't rated Geelong. Yeah. I can see Geelong win this man. I really can't. I did say Geelong weeks ago when it was me and George, so I'll stick with Geelong as a smoky for the Granny. That would just be insane. I think Stengel and Myers, like, these really skillful, small forwards are going to have a bit of saying this one. Yeah. They're going to have an equal amount of those type of players, though. They do. Yep. They do. That's a yield of the deciding vote here. That's said earlier than I'm going with Geelong. Oh, Geelong's okay. Yeah. Yeah. It turns out I was the deciding vote. Yeah. Fair enough. But yeah. Interesting. Wow. So we're saying Geelong Sydney. Yeah. That's York. That's a re-match. A couple years ago. See, this is what I hate. I think I ranted about this last week. It's all the same teams, because they're so damn consistent. They don't bottom out. Like, good on them for being good organizations, but my eyes want a different aesthetic in this grand final. Yeah. They're color palette. I'm not for the color palette. Yeah. Like, even if it's Brisbane port, like, I've seen that before. Yeah, true. I've seen this being before. I still haven't. Oh, yeah. It's ages ago, but I've seen it. Yeah. Yeah. True. That might be one of the first grand finals I actually remember watching. Because I was like, in seven of the times, I remember the comming with Brisbane, those two that they played. Yeah. Fair enough. Okay. I just remember Brisbane being the best. I'm like, as a little kid, I'm like, these guys are the best and no one can touch them. And then I'm watching the final, and I'm watching Portland, and I'm like, what's going on? Port's the best. I know Port's the best. Like, my whole, like, world shifted when I realized that Brisbane were no longer, like, just the beasts, the goats, like, you know. I think my earliest, other than, like, just being told that North Whiting 99, I was too young to even watch it or remember. Yeah. But I remember once in the year 2000, my family and I, and we rarely had fast food, but we're pulling into a KFC for, I can't remember, maybe some chips or something. And I remember seeing through the window balloons, black and red, and red and blue. Obviously, it must have been grand final time. Yeah, yeah. So I was my first, like, cognitive thought, like, hey, something big's happening in Melbourne right now. Wow. So that was the year 2000. You always remember your fast food chips when you're young, because they're so rare, man. And just the balloons are like, KFC doesn't have balloons. Like, what's going on here? Like, turns out it was a grand final. Yeah. All right. Well, that's about it. Yeah. I think you want to talk a little bit about, you know, there's some trade rumours and stuff. Sure. Like, or actually, I guess we can probably leave it for you. You mentioned, no, just quickly. You mentioned the hawks. You mentioned the hawks probably going to get brass and battle, huge. I think that the one that I wanted to get off my chest quickly was North Melbourne being heavily, heavily linked with Luke Parker and Jack Darling, amongst the other experienced players. I don't really like the idea that people are saying, oh, these old guys are, you know, we shouldn't be, you know, going for those guys. Luke, first of all, like, Jack Darling is a good runner and a good contested mark. That's exactly what we need in the forward line, because we don't really have, you know, I know he's older, but like, if he can bring just 70% of what he was like two years ago, that's enough, right? That's, that's better than all our other key forwards. I'm sorry, apart from Laki, obviously, that's better than Toby Pink. That's better than what's, what's the, the, Brintakele, Brintakele, all those dudes. That's what I was going to say, man. There's no way any North fan can look at that and say, no, I mean, it's going to cost you anything, man. It's not going to cost anything significant and permission player as well. Yeah. I think you can't underestimate that experience that this dude has been winning side and all of a sudden you're going to have him chatting with Laki being like, Hey, mate, you're going to become a pressure player. You know, I mean, you're going to give, you're going to have that little, you know, there's nuggets of wisdom, you know, being parted onto these young guys. Yeah. And then you go over to Luke Parker, right? And the player, like there's two players that really should be studying this guy like, you know, properly, right? It's Wardlaw for Luke Parker's tough inside game, how to manage games because Luke Parker throughout his career generally has been, I think he's been pretty durable, right? Wardlaw needs to work on that and also getting Luke Parker right now helps with that. So now, you know, Wardlaw isn't, you know, we don't need to rely on him in the inside quite as much. There's that. There's also another guy, Zane Dersma, who like Luke Parker, he's a guy who can move forward, right? And right now Zane Dersma is a proper forward, but a guy who can play forward of the ball and take an overhead mark because Luke Parker, you swing him forward and all of a sudden he's clunking marks. That's what that's what Dersma does as well. So look, there's like, you know, there's clear mentorship that can be done. And Luke Parker, I think it was 2021, he was the best and fairest. He's going to be, what, 32, 33 next year? He's not even that old. And like the only reason why he's not playing this year is because Haney, all of a sudden, is the goat, right? Who's there? There's more Lorna is a gun. They wanted to give Taylor Adams a run at it, right? And Taylor Adams has kind of, you know, he's, you know, he's fallen away a bit. You know, now Luke Parker's playing again, but he doesn't want to take the risk and he's going to come to North. You know what I mean? He doesn't want to take the risk of, you know, next year being, you know, on the outer again. Yeah. Oh, look, there's no two ways about it. If you're losing the experience you did have, and these guys weren't even major contributors, but Greenwood Shields, I think Clarko said in the Sid Barker interview last night that he cited those two needing replacements. So two for two seems like the formula there. Yeah. Maybe one more. But yeah, when you're getting plays in with premiership experience, that aren't fully cooked yet. And people say darling is, but like, how much are you going to judge a forward who's being in a bad team as well? Yeah. We all know forward needs to apply and hopefully we can give him better supply, not that we've been great at that. But another thing for him, right? He's not the main forward, like at all, like, let's be fair, like when, and even he was the second field to Josh Kennedy for a while back when they were getting a lot of delivery and service. Now he was playing second field to Waterman and to Oscar Allen, he's a supporting act for them. Now he can come in, be a supporting athlete. You know, hopefully, you know, we can, you know, give a bit more service and, you know, he can, you know, put the goals on the board, but it's not, it's, it's not the most important thing, man. And it's only two years and it's not our money, but we don't care that they, I don't care if we overpay them, you know, as long as in two years time when they leave, you know, the money's there to be spent on, you know, re-signing our good players. And maybe that's when a free agent, like a big free agent is available, we can attack that. Yeah. No, they'd be too high quality place to bring in when you're such a bad team. So anyway, anyway, I have to get that off my chest because I was sick of seeing comments of people saying like, you know, nah, don't get these old guys, it's not FIFA manager mode where you just get 19 year olds with 99 or 90 plus potential. It doesn't work that way. It does not work that way. Trust us. It's been long enough. Exactly. You know, this is, you know, this is real sports, you know what I mean? And they need, you know, like the locker room guys, you know, that's how they refer to them in, in the basketball. It's important. So yeah. Anyway, shout outs on offer. I like the work that they're doing. Hopefully we can nail the draft as well and we can, you know, rise up the leaderboard, you know, rise up the ladder a bit quicker than we, you know, than it has been going the last few years. But yeah. Anyway, there's my little spiel about north. Fair enough. In other news, it looks like Richmond is just completely losing their entire team. Yeah. Bolton, Graham, uh, really, really, there's a couple others, uh, Baker Baker as well. So they're going to have a big saying, the draft, um, couple interesting deal listings from Gold Coast. Like Rose has gone, um, day who's been there a long time. Like I just thought they might keep him around just two or two interview prom and he never plays. Yeah. And I think eventually you just, you need to just have space for, you know, young guys to come in. It makes sense. Carlton granted George's wishes by sacking every player that he named last week that he wanted. Legit. Legit. Well, Jack Martin, I think he's either, I think he's going to get a free mantle. I mean, he's delisted. Like they delisted him, you know, like, I've talked a lot about Jack Martin. Martin knows here, the Jack Martin is a good player, but he's played like average of 12 games per year for Carlton and we, we bought him on. We walked into the free agency or whatever it was, he delisted himself, whatever it was years ago, paid him a shit ton of money, fine-tended it so other people couldn't take him for him to give us like 10 to 12 games a season. Yeah. I know. But why, why did you do you list him when you could have got a federal fourth round pick for him at least? I don't know. He's, I don't know how it works. He's uncontracted. Does that mean that? Well, I thought he was under a contract. No, no, he's uncontracted. Uncontracted. Well, look, then they're just making it easy for him to just move on. Okay. It's a free agency. I reckon, like, rather than re-signing, that's the only option. If you, how do you get the Ben MacKaye competition for him? It depends what kind of a free age he was. So Ben MacKaye was, um, restricted, unrestricted, I think. Yeah. No. Restricted. Yeah. So he was offered a big contract. North didn't match it. I think that's what it was. Yeah. Easy that con. No, no, no, no, no. See, he's 30 men like he's. Okay. I might have read from you. But I think simple as this, Jack Martin is a good player. If he can play, he doesn't play. He hasn't played throughout his whole career. Whoever takes him, if they take him, will be like, let's just take him. It's not going to cost us anything. If he plays, he'll add, if he doesn't. But Carlton as a team can't rely on this player. The Carmilla and Marchbank, they can't, Marchbank is a decent play if he plays conditionally well. But injured. We have drafted in the 20s, doesn't play football. See ya. Go ahead. I think the other thing with these dudes, or maybe more so Martin, is that Fremantle and all these other clubs might be willing to put that bit of extra money onto his contract. Whereas Carlton are like, look, bro, we gave you this money at the start. Now all of a sudden, we've got to play, we've got to pay all these other champions, right? We can't be giving you 500K, 600K, you know, we're going to, he's, he's, I reckon you guys would have won a, you would have liked to have re-rooked him, or just re-rooked him, you know. I, I think not, I think they've, they've gone, there's nothing with this guy. That's fair. Yeah. It's a shame though, because like, from what I can tell, he's a good clubman, talented player. 100%. It just, you try to achieve big things though. You need to be a bit ruthless. So he, he, he just has to go, cause at the end of the day, he's holding the list spot and doesn't play. So one thing, one thing I want to mention with them, Jack Martin, right? So I was doing my little bit of research into the GWS mini drafts of yes, the year, right? And he was, do you guys, do you guys know about the GWS mini draft? Well, isn't it like a pre draft draft, just for them sort of thing? So basically they, they were given access to players under 17, no, no, not on the 17, 17 year olds. So players who couldn't be drafted yet, the underage boys, the underage boys. But they couldn't draft these players, right? They couldn't draft them themselves, however, they could trade, they could receive, you know, like picks and trades from other clubs to get these guys, right? So Jack Martin was one, I think he was pick one in that draft years ago, right? So like Gold Coast would have given, you know, they might have given a top five pick or something right for him, right? And they could get this underage guy. And the number two was Jesse Hogan. Look at like a such poll, like polarizing careers, but obviously one has done much better than the other one. And the funny thing is there's plenty of years before where you think Jack Martin's the way better player. Yeah, because Hogan hasn't had that good of a career, really. He's just, he's last, oh, he's, this year's been incredible. Well, he's first year and he's, this year is probably the best. This year, he's clearly the most dominant for like, there's no competition, right? Yeah, it's crazy. And how old is Hogan? Hogan would be nearly 30 years old, you know? No, he would be 30. Yeah. I'm a nerd for that, for the GWS Mini Draft, you know. Some of the other news was Bayley Smith and Jack McCrae. Yeah. Smith, no surprise. McCrae, not really either. McCrae is not a surprise, but where's he going? You guys going to take him? That's the interesting thing is usually when a player like that once out, you'd think by now he would nominate a club, he hasn't nominated anyone. So what does that say? He's just open minded. Yeah. I think he's putting the feelers out. He just wants to play. Best offer. Yeah. I think it's a bit about it. He wants to play, you want to maximize your money as well because he's still an all Australian quality midfielder. Do we doubt that? Oh, we doubt it. Not now. He's not all Australian now. You reckon? No, no. Fair enough. Look, I think he's Australian squad quality at the very least. He's a gunman. Maybe he's getting on in years, but he's still got some good years ahead of him. Yeah. Look. Interesting. Where he goes. I've heard St. Kilda is an option. Collingwood would be a good option for him, I think. His brother's there, isn't he? Yeah. True. But then they're probably going to do at least his brother anyway. And then what do they get for him? That's another question. Obviously, he doesn't demand a first round pick anymore. No, no. Is it a second? Is it a third? I think he's a third. Look, he might be a second or third, but I think whatever it is, you give him the respect that he deserves and just trade him for cheap, let him go where he wants to go. He's had to persist through, you know, Bevos, you know, benching, sub, sub in a final for Jack McRae's ridiculous man. I like the way he's just said, you know what, all field offers, you tell me your situation and where I fit and he just wants to play like George said. I think we don't, I think we, like, I don't know if you're like, if you're forgetting, Jack McRae was 700k in Supercoach at one point. I'm not forgetting, but he's not that player, man. He's not, I don't think he's not playing anymore, man. He's not young. He's not young. No, fair enough. Look, like what Jack McRae in my opinion does now, like he goes to a team like maybe like Saints that needs contestant bodies and he'll give you that first use to replace Patty down and you put Jack McRae in there and how you've got, you've got to contest a player. Man's spreading around the ground. In my opinion, I could be wrong because we haven't really seen it over the last two years. All right? Look, I've seen some good footy out of him. Even as a high half forward, you know, he can still, he's still, he was connecting as well. And you know, he's, he's a good kick too. Great ball user. There's a lot, there's a lot to like about McRae. Plenty. He's definitely going to go to a list, right? But yeah, I don't know if, if he's the same caliber that he was. I don't think he is. Well, look, he mustn't be, like, Bevo can't be that stubborn to not utilize a player of that skill. So he must have lost the touch in power, speed, et cetera. Yeah. I think he's also comparing him to Bond, Libra, Richard, Trillor. Yeah. They're pretty good players, man. It's interesting. Yeah. No. Look, I guess Bailey Smith. Where's he going? Is he going to? I think Jollong. Is he going to? Who are the three in Jollong Kong wooden hawks? It kind of, all of those fit, like all of those are perfect. The funny thing is, like, at the summer year as well, it's the finals teams get omitted from these discussions. It's a bit convenient that Jollong's still in the finals and they're in the race. I feel like it's there. It's a very Jollong kind of move to get someone so good for so cheap. Yeah. What is he going to be cheap? Probably. Yeah. Well, Jollong's only got a late first round pick right now. Yeah. So that's the best they've got. What are they going to do? What are they going to walk him? You know what I mean? They're going to walk him to the preseason draft, like, you know, the rookie draft. That never happens. Yeah. They'll probably get a deal done late, late picking the teams and then a future first and say later. Yeah. You know? It's going to be interesting. There's a, I think there's more place to randomly nominate, like, we'll get a few crazy ones come up. I know that, um, your bull. Your bullen's going Adelaide. Yeah. But that's like a lock, right? That's a guaranteed lock. Yeah. That's a pick 25, I think, is whatever they want. Yeah. It's pretty, look, it's pretty decent pick up for Adelaide because he's a hardworking dude. He's just, you know what you're going to get from him. He's not no risk. I don't think. And he's versus half forward, a bit of midfield. I like it. Dan Houston. What's he doing? He comes to the Blues. I don't really want him to be honest. It's a huge contract. Apparently North, did you see that rumor that we've offered a future first? No. What are you doing? That's going to be a top five pick next year. Yeah, no problem. Are you kidding me? Look, would you not take a huge, for a future first round peak and that's it? No. So he, you're trading, uh, drew all Australian. That's still got good football left for a first round peak. We might come bottom three again next year. But what I'm saying is you guys have a lot of super young talent players. You wouldn't get a mature ball user type of player. Look, what if it was a pick swap? Yeah. If it was like, you get ports, pick back. Yeah. Yeah. Then yes. But they want more. They want more. He's, he's the thing. Right. What if the next year's draft isn't as good as this one? And it's just like, it's a top, it's a top two draft and that's it. You know what I mean? Like it's hard to say because this draft developed. You know, when you're, when you're a team like North Melbourne that hasn't yet proved, you can progress up the ladder. You cannot be trading your future before you're like, yep, we, we know we're going to be. But how do you get, isn't that, how do you get better when you're just fielding kids after kids are just slaughtering? I don't think your future first is one, you risk that's, that's my fault. That's fair. Because you look at the quality of players we have picked up with those first round peaks. You're encouraged as your sheasels. That's more important than a Houston right now because that's going to be like the long term success. Houston's a short term, like he's a medium and long term solution as well. But you cannot dangle your first future first. Have fun. It'd be fun. Houston, cause now all of a sudden you can, she's was full time mid. You can always have McCutcher as a mid forward and you have Houston just pinging, pinging long balls. Yeah. He's like, he'll be like our trend. I'll just be looking forward to that. I'm saying this. We get in Houston, Parker, Darling and all of a sudden we're playing finals. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. But if we're bottom three again, that you'd feel so. Then you're like North deserves every bit of what they get. But this is, I think this is why I don't, I don't want Carlton to get Houston. Imagine if Carlton trades like their first round pick this year for Houston, I will be leaving. See, not even you want to do it with pick 13. Imagine the top three pick. Number one of the things I've got to mature list, you guys need mature good players to protect. Yeah, I get that. But I mean, there's other means. There's other means. That's what I'm saying with Houston as well. There's like I don't think Carlton needs him. Yeah. We need draft picks now. We need Houston, but we don't need to be mortgaging our future when we're not certain of the future. That's the difference. That's fair enough. Yeah. I just, it would just be such a sexy little trade. You know what I mean? I would know. It just, that's all it is. We love it. No, but yeah. Heat suit, you know, the fast flowing game style as well. Yeah. True. Look, you both know me. I'll jade up if it happens. Oh, of course. Yeah. I'm just saying it from now on. I don't endorse trading first round picks. This is very like representative of who we are on the Pardines, the mature old man. And we're like the, you know, the bratty little kids. Just do it, man. Yeah, just do it. Just do it. Yeah. What about, like, you guys were saying you're happy with Matt always? Just take him, please, please. Please take Matt always. Yeah. I love Matt always. Please, Zach Fisher, that, that, that Matt always made, please. Please let's pretend like he's a good player when you guys get him. And then after round three, you're like, it didn't work. Please look. I tried so hard to like Zach Fisher. No, please. I tried so hard. You know, you know, you know, he knows, he's knows, I'm just like, he's good, man. He's good. He's, he's. And you know, I had this in my head from the start. He's the kind of player where more touches doesn't mean better output. It just means more chance of something bad happening. Yeah. Yeah. He's in the modern time. I'm, I'm still holding out a little bit of hope for Zach, which I'm not going to lie. I don't think, but it's just, no, look, but it's not like for him to be a superstar. It's more so for him to be a contributing player rather than, you know, betting. Fair enough. I digress. I think that's about it for major. Did you say the dusty thing? Yeah. It's so predictable. Please don't happen. Like, come on, God, this doesn't even need him. He's washed. Yeah. Like the thing I, I read someone say, Oh, he's willing to take a, like a small contract, 300k a year to play like restaurant, you reckon he's just going to get 300k? He's not going to get endorsements and, you know, under the, under the table AFL money. Let's be fair. Come on, man. I love how like 300 Ks. It's just small 300k. And the rest of us are like 300k. Yeah. The football. Yeah. There's no win in that for Gold Coast, other than fan interest, but it could, it could still do a lot for their supporter base. That's the only reason they should do it. Yeah. Everything else about it. Dusty. I don't know why he would bother other than money, fair enough. Like this whole thing that I work with dimmer again, like how good must it be to play for one person? Like, come on. I don't buy that. Look, that, with all jurisdiction, doesn't mind. He's not good anymore. He's cool. He's cool. He's cool. He's cool. Unless he, unless the maturity and that experience, maturity, I said that, I'm like, wait a second. What is Dustin Martin going to tell the boys? Hey boys, play hard. Yeah. He'd just be a full time. Anything to say for the boys. Whoo. I had to put that in now. He'd be a full time forward that doesn't chase. So you're just hoping he just gets singled out one on one and does a madness. That's about it. Yeah. But it could happen. It could sure. Is that what Gold Coast needs to progress as a club? I don't know. I wouldn't be wasting my time there. Neither would I. Yeah. Anyway. That was, that was, that was a good sesh there boy. That's about it. Yeah. Well, me and Matt are going to release at some point soon and George, if you're interested in joining a draft pod, I've got a big list of players to rank. Yes. Yes. And I've got some hot takes. So if you're interested in a different view on the draft, not just your puppy paste, check it out. Yeah. 100%. No, we'll see you next week. All right. Thank you. That's about it. Hey, Ginny. Still going to catch up with Brody next week. Hey, leave my son, Jack, end of it alone. All right. Shut up. Sizzles, mate. Man, you're going to dish it out. You got to take it as well. Ken, you're like 60 years old, mate. Oh, oh, wreck your, mate. I'll break your head. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you're my Strommy Sizzles. Shut up, Bruce. I've got something happening here, mate. Ken, you're a dog.