Good Morning From The Chicken Coop!

Season 3 - Episode 253 - What’s in your cup?

whatever is in there, comes out.

Broadcast on:
15 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

>> Welcome to the Good Morning from the Chicken Coop Podcast with Kim Johnson, your creative strategist and master mindset coach. Filled with inspiration, distinctions, perspectives and possibilities, we help you to cultivate a mindset that leads you to create the best version of yourself you could ever imagine. Join Kim every morning from one of her favorite happy places, her Chicken Coop, along with all her chickens. Hey everybody, good morning from the Chicken Coop. So we're talking today about an analogy that I find to be very helpful. So let's say that you are holding a cup of coffee. Somebody comes along and bumps you, bangs into you, hits your arm and you spill the coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? Obviously, you're going to probably think to yourself, "Well, because someone bumped into me." Then yes, that's true on one level, but it's not the level we're going for, the deeper level. Why did you spill the coffee? You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in the cup you were holding. There was coffee in your cup. If there had been something else in the cup like orange juice or water or tea or whatever, that's what would have spilled out. So this metaphor for life says, and that's really what we're going for with this, the metaphor for life says, whatever happens to be inside that cup will spill out when something comes along and shakes you. And if it really hits you hard, it might spill everything that you have in your cup and it might make you feel terrible because therefore you feel like you lost it all. But the point of it is whatever is inside of you will come out when you get rattled. So we have to ask ourselves, "What's inside that cup?" So that when I get rattled, am I going back to the principles of the things that I know are important to me to be on point with? And if it's not what you like, if you don't like the answer, then you have to come back and say to yourself, "Okay, I need to change what's in my cup because you're always going to get hit. You're always going to get banged. You're always going to have those little things where someone bumps into you, but our important thing is to keep filling the cup with the stuff that matters, the good stuff, the joy, the positivity, the resilience." And I'm not talking about, somebody said to me the other day, "How do you feel about toxic positivity?" And I think it's just using the words in the wrong way. That's manipulation. That's manipulation. Know the difference. I'm talking genuine positivity. We don't need to have more metaphors and other things out there for labels of bad things that are happening. What we need to do is pay attention to core, core ideas, core principles, core emotions, core feelings. But talking to yourself and figuring out, "Am I spilling something in that situation when I get shaken? We all are going to spill a little something. Let me be very clear. Even myself. When I get rattled by something, yeah, you want to see me get rattled, my friends? Watch it when something kills a chicken and watch me get myself upset. What comes out of me then is just that sheer sadness for something that happened in such a way that was so sad to me. So I am definitely a person that will cry at the death of an animal on this farm. There is no way I won't cry. It happens every single time. That's what's in my cup. That's what's in my passion for these animals. And I know heart of hearts. I know heart of hearts. I'm okay with that. So in those situations, it's more than what I couldn't change it because it's just how my heart is. I'm very empathetic, especially the things that don't have a voice the way we have a voice. They have a different voice. You have to learn their language and I have no problem with that. There are other times when I get something hits me, I get into a disagreement with my husband and something comes out of me and I'm like I don't like that. I don't like that at all. So how do I show up? I don't want to be that way. I have to regroup. I have to come back around and say if that just came out, that's not who I am. I choose not to have that happen. I choose to look at something in a different way. And that's what I'm talking about. You have to decide what you want to have in that way. You have to decide how you want to fix that. And then when something bangs into you, something rattles you, something shakes you, you're not going to have such a hard time because it's important to remember what's in that cup. And make sure you keep on it because if you don't, it will always sneak up on you. All right, my friends, I hope you have a very blessed day and I will see you all tomorrow. Bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]