21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Simona Papadopoulos - “Hunter’s Laptop: Requiem for Ukraine”

Broadcast on:
16 Sep 2024
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TNT Radio guest host Basil Valentine speaks with journalist and attorney Simona Papadopoulos, to discuss her role as the lead interviewer for this powerful documentary film, “Hunter’s Laptop: Requiem for Ukraine”, where she sits with Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon, and many other notable figures to dig deep into the story behind Hunter’s laptop and the brutal targeting of voices both American and international.

More from Simona: X/Twitter

Stream or Watch Documentary: “Hunter’s Laptop: Requiem for Ukraine”

▶️ ATTENTION: The Patrick Henningsen Show MON-FRI will be on summer hiatus for the next few weeks. Appreciate all of you who have been tuning in. We’ll see you all in due course.

The latest information and analysis of events from around the world with Basil Valentine on today's news talk TNT And welcome back to the program for this final section today Tuesday the 3rd of September where ego or lieutenant can't join us but Simone a poppodopolis can and If I allow to make this kind of comment I dare I say she's a lot more probably a lot more decorative than ego, but anyway We are allowed to say what we like here on TNT take it as a compliment these days everything Everything we say has to be derided is somehow sex anyway, you're in the film not just producing it I'm not producing I'm not producing the film. I'm just but you're in the interviewer. I'm the interviewer Right, so I'm sitting with all the speakers and Folding the story as it comes. Okay. Well, please the floor is yours tell our viewers and this is what that story is Thank you so much for having me first and foremost. I as you mentioned this film. So how hunters laptop Sean Stone co-directed it in some interviews and had the privilege to be the lead interviewer so had the opportunity to sit with a number of Individuals who had insights in the story Surrounding the laptop hunter laptop back on 2020 and involved in the political turmoil that con raised from that This story is So so to interrupt the moment, but just very quickly of course we had the revelation in that letter from Mark Zuckerberg to Congress that the FBI told him to That you compress all stories about it because it was russian disinformation uh, that was not just erroneous it was a big fat lie deliberately planted and I said this morning on another program that we really need to find out Where that lie originated from there should be some accountability Well, we remember the story of the infamous Number of signatures to dismiss the story as russian This is information and this uh found involvement also man. I mean figures in congress. Now, uh, why this Hello, sorry, can you hear me? I had a yes. Yeah, fine. It's fine. Yeah, because I got a call and it's okay So this is important because this documentary goes far beyond the scandal surrounding enterprise on laptop. Actually, it's a Through this conversation with the whistle blowers like me under the vine And key figures like what in journey is cebanon We reveals a tangled web of political corruption a medium manipulation and also international intrigue We are actually uh facing what uh, it's called a case of interaction interference Overall in 2020 when actually this uh, the story was suppressed by the media and dismissed as russian propaganda But so denying people critical information Access to critical information to make their choice to the election. So when we talk about election interference here We have hunter story coming into place showing us how Uh dismissing the story as russian propaganda russian disinformation and uh on the other hand On the institutional side that dismissing the case from the police department without holding Uh, the findings in this hunter laptop of crime and our authors of this crime accountable It's a prime example of uh political corruption. So the meaning and the light motive entire film goes Be goes far beyond the physical laptop of hunter by then any scandals surrounding it It's all about political corruption and that challenged the audience into questioning Uh, the weaponization of power and how the weaponization of power affects our democracy The weaponization of power and how it affects our democracy. Well, that really is getting to the heart of the matter Um, what does it tell us about the war in ukraine and how it came about? Well, uh, that's actually uh, it's not making any specific reference To the war itself, but we have the thoughtless on ukraine in terms of corruption So when we look at an ukraine that is deeply involved in corruption scheme and particularly bursma Uh, and uh, the owner of bursma involvement at a level uh of Government level and how the united states backed on time when jul biden was vice president vice the president of obama Uh, they interfered with uh political decision Pushing poroshenko the time corrupted poroshenko to fire shokin the person in charge of investigating corruption Aburisma the oil and energy company where hunter was In the board of administrators. We understand there is a link We're not helping brain because it's just uh innocent country attacked by russia Uh, hukraine is a deeply corrupted country and we are investing a uh, enormous amount of our our tax money To fund a war against russia to ukraine. So, uh, that's probably uh, the war angle is not Talked about directly, but definitely Yes, we have we clearly have a picture of what what uh, corruption means is in kraine And also interviewed in korean politician, which is being sanctioned by the united states and he also offers important insight in the investigation carried on by rudy juliani and how We uh, everybody who has there Investing who dared to investigate or speak against the i would call the biden regime or zalaski regime has been affected somehow, uh in terms of uh as a in terms of political persecution Um bidens on his way out. Of course, uh, hunter biden has been prosecuted for one or two minor misdemeanors, but The follow-up is there ever going to be any accountability for what's happened? Well, we are not capable to predict that definitely if we don't change administration if trump won't come back into power We won't see a significant change and the status quo, but definitely Uh, we can help through information, uh giving people access to Uh, uncensored facts that have been denied and twisted To manipulate public opinion and this is actually the biggest song side effect of this disinformation machine trump has described zalensky as you know, the world's most successful griftaid Turns up in washington and goes away with tens of billions of dollars Every time, uh, he's now the central figure Uh in ukraine and continues to want to escalate the war from what i can tell Is there anything in the film about his own personal position his corruption? Well, we have actually one important Eliminate that i would like to anticipate and we will see i'm folding in the film And the actually speaker from ukraine that reveals that actually was zalaski behind the decision in first place to uh, leak the infamous conversed bidon pro-shinco audio recording so it was actually First moment collaborating against this corruption then is which side as soon as balance is in on the other side of the ocean with the election or jubyden took place so we Uh, there's definitely a lot of interesting insights as a lot Of history of ukraine and the the current status of corruption in the country as i said we have very insightful speakers both from the united states and abroad it's a very informative documentary on both sides to see how actually corruption unfolded when a situation where Colluding to cover up for inscription that what does it tell us about ukraine today? Well, what it tells us is that it's just about the most corrupt country in europe nobody's got any idea whether Tens of billions of dollars that the united states has been sending has been going though There are reports of course of the wives and families of top ukraine in officials buying clothes cars and property In western europe and generally feathering their nests. I mean, what about the ordinary people of ukraine? Are they aware of the fact of any idea of the extent to which they've been taken for a ride by their own leaders? Well, I uh, I think everybody can uh, uh, uh, guess, um, the enans were from this question of course as being like a Terrible censorship in ukraine where we got to the point of trying to ban the art of church So we have also this other Persecution trying to limit people freedom even when it comes to religious freedom. We are living in a We are talking about a country that is everything but Democratic it's not a democracy by any mean and the united states are supporting Uh, this country unconditionally in its war against russia. Just replace its own Political game in this job political area Well, you have got two Undemocratic countries supporting each other then because the united states is deeply Undemocratic these days itself particularly the so-called democratic party Which wants to a sense of free speech as much as possible restrict access to ballots Uh, you know de platform opposition and then steel elections Uh, in ukraine, of course, the lensky's canceled the elections claiming a national emergency, but uh, I hope his position becomes Increasingly untenable surely it must do in the wake of the imminent collapse of his war effort and the failure of the incursion into kursk Yes, and that's actually I Talking about uh political films about okraine I was interviewer also another film of bigger low pattern. Not that was available on prime video and uh Was aired in first place on uh, 2000 the 21 So a few months before the war took place and uh, this is actually a very informative documentary as well because we it's the name Is the everlasting present ukraine third years of independence in occasion of the third years of independence for the collapse of the soviet union and that's actually help us Walking through the history of modern ukraine since actually it's independence from the soviet union and how Uh, the race of the people's movement affected the the current, uh, nazi Situation that everybody dismissed us propaganda, but actually it's a reality that we can uh easily um Get informed. I get a knowledge about uh, while we dig into the history and it's it's important Actually when we talk about to kraine specifically, uh, to dig into the history of kraine It's economy. It's political how the united states and in general also the western world Uh, in through try to exercise some sort of influence in this very uh, geopolitical strategic Country in the european continent. So it's it's uh, since we're going deep into the kraine like also to mention these other work from legal botanoch, which I also had a chance and opportunity to Work as an interviewer and uh, this is in depth about kraine actually besides of course Is of kraine on fire and the revealing ukraine with all of her stone which also a very informative documentary as well And where can we see all these films you mentioned them as in prime Yes, they're all in available in prime video And where can we find your works mona You can find yes, you can find it on x Uh, my handle is a simona mandante. You can follow me on x and I ghost all my work All the fair as well. So you will find it at the thousand years I will follow you as soon as I get my account restored Uh, might have I'm I'm talking to her old musk again on thursday elon's dad perhaps he'll be able to help Uh, thank you so much for joining us at very short notice today simona after eagle couldn't make it I'm basil valentine today's tutors the third of september I'll be back with more great guests in depth interviews the latest news and yes My own fourth ride opinions at the same time tomorrow. I hope you can all join me then. I'm looking forward to it already goodbye for now I If you missed this hour simply go to episodes at tnt