Knicks Nation Podcast

What Can We Expect from Tyler Kolek’s Rookie Season? | Knicks Preview

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15 Sep 2024
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You're listening to the Nix Nation podcast where we've got all your Nix needs covered now live from the city that never sleeps. Here are your hosts Anthony and Chris. What's up Nix Nation and welcome to another player preview for the 2024-2025 season for the New York Nix. Today we have rookie Tyler Colek excited to get into a conversation about the intriguing rookie. I appreciate every single one of you tuning in and giving us your time. Let's get into it. Tyler Colek, Chris, I mean, I feel like this conversation is going to be a fun one. Tyler Colek is a very intriguing name, went through Summer League, balled out. And dare I say, Nix fans are kind of excited to watch this kid play, so I'm excited to talk about him. Yeah. Likewise, Tyler Colek, look, did I know much about Tyler Colek around draft time? No, I'm not going to lie to you. Had no clue who the kid was, but seeing him in Summer League and obviously doing a little bit of research when the Nix acquired him on on on draft night. This kid looks like he's a winner man. Like he's he's a sharpshooter. He can play defense pretty well. Obviously, as we saw in Summer League, he can dish the rock. And look, he just seems to be the proven winner type, exactly what you want on a squad. And somebody who can potentially be a pretty important depth, depth piece for us, you know, this season. So I'm also excited by Tyler Colek. Curious to curious, what's your opinion on him? Granted, I know he hasn't played a single minute yet in the NBA, but you know, I'm excited for him. I have a few thoughts about about Colek, you know, kind of rewind a little bit. The Nix traded up for him in the second round. I think they traded three second round picks 20, 27, 20, 29, and 20, 30. So they traded up for Tyler Colek. They targeted Tyler Colek. They like Tyler Colek. They want to Tyler Colek. They draft the Tyler Colek. Yeah, then they gave him $6.6 million in guaranteed money setting a new NBA record for a second round pick. So they like this kid, Chris. Yeah, that tells me they liked him very much. Summer League, he impressed his assist numbers were impressive. His turnover to assist rate was impressive. Now I know what you're going to say. It's summer league. We saw Kevin Knox be the summer league king and turned out to be, but sorry, I had to bring that up. He continued to be the summer league king because he played, you know, this past summer league, believe it or not. So, yeah, so, yeah, shout out to Kevin Knox. So they traded that those three picks for him. They got they acquired him. They targeted him. They gave him all that guaranteed money setting a record. Yeah. So Colek played four years in college, one at George Mason, three at Marquette. He led the NCAA in assist last season while averaging 15 points in 31 games and shooting 39% from three. Big East player of the year in 2023. First team, all big East in 2023. So, next like him, Chris. And, you know, that just tells me that he has tons of fans within this organization. And it's just whether you think that he's going to crack the rotation. It's whether you think that he's going to come into training camp and press Tom Tebato, have Tom Tebato trust him because this is a critical year. This is a championship year, right? I mean, I wouldn't say this is our final team, but, you know, I mean, we're up there, top two, three team in the Eastern Conference. So, from what we, from what you saw in the summer league, what I mean, from what I just laid out there, the contract, the trading up, that just tells me they love them. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, look, they definitely have, you know, they're definitely high on Tyler Colek. That's, that's no, that's no mystery, right? Yeah. I mean, you're talking about a guy who early on in the NBA draft projects, you know, projections, he was supposed to be a first round pick. They were saying he could go anywhere from 25 to 29, 30, you know, regardless, that's first round draft pick area. Obviously, he goes 34 to the Portland Trailblazers, and then we acquired his rights. But like you said, the Knicks definitely targeted him. And I think getting him at 34 is just a steal, a steal. I mean, this is a guy who, you know, like you said, shot 39% from three, you know, showed that he can be an elite playmaker. And you know, even at Marquette, he was one of seven players in that program's history to be named all American, you know, I mean, good. He's a winner. He's a winner. And that's what you want, you know, every, every single scouting report on Tyler Colek was basically, look, this guy is ready to help right away. And with the Knicks looking to contend, especially after acquiring McCall Bridges, obviously, resigning OG Ananobi, you know, knowing the flaws that we had last year, when it came to the depth and players getting hurt, I think Tyler Cole, it could be, like I said, a big piece. I'm glad you I'm glad you said he's a winner, because it seems like the Knicks are kind of building their team around winners. Obviously, Brunson won a championship, NCAA championship in Villanova, McCall, Josh Hard, Dante, you can't really teach that DNA what it takes. So next target him, they acquired him, they drafted him. And okay, here's a scouting report from ESPN's Jonathan Gavani, hope I'm pronouncing his name right. Colek picked opposing defenses apart last season out on pick and roles, whipping the ball around to shooters, getting to floaters and proving opportunistic and shooting. Like you said, Chris, 39% of his shots from being on the arc, his average tools might make him divisive among NBA teams, but his approach and feel for the game will appeal to franchises, looking for a backup point guard. So, you know, his passing ability, Chris, like I from what I saw in his college days, I watched some college tape on him. And his summer league, his passing ability was was was so impressive to me. And I feel like the Knicks, the reason why they they targeted him was because of that they kind of need that off the bench, they kind of need that passing ability. And it's just now it's just a question of do you think that he will get substantial time? Obviously, you have Dante on the bench, you bring in campaign, I'm not saying campaign needs to play you, you also have hard off the bench, deuce. So it's just where do you find the time for Colek? But like, like, I think if he's, if he's, if he's going to come into training camp and if he's going to provide flashes in the preseason, you're going to have fans calling for him and you're going to have fans wanting to see him play based on his passing ability alone. Because the Knicks are going to miss, the Knicks are going to miss Hartenstein's passing. I'm not saying that like Colek can, you know, make up for that, but it's just like a different element to this team. Yeah, but I understand that and obviously he's not going to make up like he's, you know, I heart was amazing for us and look to different positions there. But you know, I go back to Jonathan Giovanni, where he sheds a little bit more light on Colek as far as his scouting report. And he mentioned Colek has shown he can play off the ball as well, making again 39% of his three point attempts the past two seasons, which should help him fit into multiple line of configurations operating alongside other ball handlers. So to me, when I take that little excerpt and I just plug it into, you know, the situation of the Knicks. Could we see, you know, I won't say Tyler Colek and Jalen Brunson out there at the same time, but could we see campaign and Tyler Colek? Could we see Tyler Colek and Deuce McBride at some point, you know, like maybe, like maybe, but that's that's pretty damn interesting, you know, he's a guy that doesn't necessarily need the ball in his hands, but can also play alongside another guard out there, no problem. So, you know, I think again, Tyler Colek just kind of fits in well with this Knicks squad and kind of the position list basketball type of deal we got going on. And look, he's he's a rookie, obviously, you know, saying that he's gonna be on the core with Deuce McBride or even, you know, campaign is is a stretch in itself. But if this if this guy's the real deal and he's playing he plays as well as he did in summer league or close to what he did in college, it's going to be hard to keep him off the floor. You know, it's it's kind of giving me vibes of Emmanuel quickly, you know, granted, yes, it took Emmanuel quickly, you know, a couple, couple seasons to kind of get that role and be that backup EG for us or that spark plug, whatever you want to, you know, put his role at the time. But considering all the scouting reports are saying Colek is ready to go, would it really surprise you if he kind of hits the floor running? No, I have a feeling we're going to see Colek a lot this year. I truly do. Look, going back to what what I said, the Knicks traded up for him. They gave him that guaranteed money. I have a feeling we're going to see Tyler Colek within this, within this rotation. What we saw from in summer league, his vision is insane. Like it's it's amazing. You know, and that's that's a gift. You know, having a point guard like that would vision like that, getting guys in their spots. And like Chris said, he can kind of play off of guys. He's already kind of like a, you know, fans that they they watched his summer league performance. And he already, you know, a lot of fans were like, Oh, we're hype. We're hype. Tyler Colick. Okay, hitting game winners in summer league. Yeah, that's right. He had plenty opportunities in summer league to kind of like, you know, score. I felt if he wanted to, but you know, it almost seemed like they just said, Hey, show us what you could do from a playmaking standpoint. And this man just went out there and rarely turned the ball over, which I feel like is just, again, I know it's summer league, but what do you see in summer league? Turnovers, turnovers, turnovers. And he was just, you know, he was he was a floor general out there. He controlled the game, dished the ball well, got mad assist. And hopefully that's just a little bit of what's to come as far as Tyler Colick. And I feel like the next, you know, they normally, you know, tell the coaching staff down a summary to, you know, tell certain guys to work on certain things. And I feel like the next were, they wanted to see Tyler Colick's passing ability and look, that's just not joining his game in itself. But when he was trying to score more, Chris, I mean, you we saw it, you know, it's he, you know, his release is is like his shooting form. You know, his pad, like we said, his passing ability is pretty good. Summer league stats, 27 minutes, nine points, 35% from the field, 31% from three, 90% from the free throw line. We love to see that, right? Good free throw shooters. That shows you that he's a shooter, man. He he's a shot maker. I believe he's a shot maker, man. And if there's one thing we need on this next team is a good read. Yeah, please, please. Yeah, I'm getting bad flashbacks, but um, seven assists, one, one steal a game, half a block. Okay. So all over the floor. So so so yeah, I mean, I'm really intrigued to watch Tyler Colick this season. And then like Chris said, the Knicks have a history of developing as well, you know, quickly do so it gives me confidence that Colick could be that next guy that really might not take the throne but kind of like take the baton and, you know, just run away with it. And I feel like his passing ability alone is going to, you're gonna see a lot of Tyler Colick highlights this year. And we got a lot of like TJ McConnell comparisons from Colick, but Colick quickly kind of like shut that down a little bit. He was like, yeah, I don't like that at all. Don't compare me to this guy. But you can, you could kind of, his defense needs a little bit of work, but you know, McConnell's kind of like that gritty guy, but gritty tough defender, but I could see the comparisons. I could see them. Can you see them? You don't see them. I mean, we had Colick when he was told about that, he was like, no, I'm more like Jalen Brunson. So I like that because I did, again, summer league, you saw a little bit of the footwork, you know, and obviously we all know what Jalen Brunson does when Jalen Brunson is out on the basketball court. So I think it's gonna be, you know, hell, if I'm Tyler Colick, I'm just ecstatic that I get the chance to pick Jalen Brunson's brain day in and day out and learn from, you know, not the tallest guy on the court. But one of the smallest and learn how to be effective and just find ways to one, obviously score and then and to run a team, you know, Tyler Colick, I feel like all the potentials there, man. Yeah, he's there. He is going to be picking Brunson's brain and practice and probably carrying the guy's bags because he is a rookie. He's probably going to be doing other rookie shenanigans that the guys put rookies through. But you know, I feel like this is a name to watch Nick's fans. I feel like Colick is gonna be, you know, that player that's going to shock a lot of people around the NBA. I feel like that will happen. And maybe look, I'm the optimistic Nick fan who kind of thinks everyone's gonna play really well and have a great season and nobody's gonna play bad. But I don't know. I just have a feeling about this kid, Chris. It's just a feeling that I can't shake really. And I don't know, it kind of reminds me of Deuce a little bit, you know, Deuce took a couple of years to get there. But I just have a feeling about Colick. To me, to me, he gives me Emmanuel Quickly vibes, you know, again, someone who coming in obviously was, you know, sold as a player who can eventually be a decent player. And we also, what Emmanuel Quickly worked hard for and turned into. I think Tyler Colick could take a similar type of path, maybe a little bit quicker, quicker, because he seems to be more ready to go at the moment. So that's kind of the comparison. But I am extremely excited about Tyler Colick because he's gonna get an opportunity. He's gonna get an opportunity, you know, obviously they're not gonna want to run Brunson out there, you know, 45 plus minutes a game or something like that. And obviously we do have guys like campaign, but I think there's gonna be plenty of opportunities for Tyler Colick to kind of get some minutes out there and, you know, get his feet a little bit wet in the NBA. And also when you, I'm just excited about watching him play with really nice pieces around him, like great talent around him. You know, when you surround a player that has the passing ability, like Colick, like Chris said, imagine you surround him with Brunson, and then you have Ananobi, and then you have Michael or Dante, and then you have a Julius, or Mitch, you know, Mitch, he's a Mitch loves those labs and maybe Colick unlocks that, right? Yeah. Imagine like, I'm just excited to watch those types of lineups, you know, it's gonna be a lot of different lineups that I can tinker with. And like, he's a rookie, but you know, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, that's the only thing you got to take a step back and, you know, look, it's first, you know, he's just drafted hasn't played a single damn game in the NBA. Right. You know, we can't help him, man. Like, hey, this is the Nick's Nation podcast. We're over here. We're gonna, we're gonna hype up our guy, man. But I think he's, I think he has the potential to be something, you know, special, you know, obviously, it's gonna be tough for him to get to Brunson's level. But I do that. Yeah, that's it. He can carve out his own little niche on this roster for sure, you know, simply doing what he does, playing alongside other guards, and obviously having the passive vision, having that feel of the game at, you know, at this point, you know, that's why I'm so hyped. If he has that type of a command over being able to run a team, having that feel to, you know, facilitate for others at this point, you know, he can only go up in my opinion. So that that's what gets me excited. Yeah, like we like we saw some of the passes and some really really impressive stuff from from Colleg and like I said, you surround him with a bunch of a boatload of talent around him. And I feel like we're in for a special year for not like a special year, but like a good season from from Colleg. Yeah, for sure. Like I meant, I feel like he's gonna be a really important depth piece for us. And he's he's gonna surprise some people out there, you know, again, a guy who was being mocked as being a first round pick, who slipped a little bit. And and again, thank thank you to Portland, which we seem to be doing, you know, deal after deal with. But again, hey, thank you Portland, because, you know, Tyler Colleg, he's, you know, in my opinion, he's gonna have a bright future. Yes, indeed. And look, Nick's have a lot of guards. So, you know, God forbid something wants to happen, you know, injuries happen, you know, Colleg can just, you know, hopefully step in there and we don't want injuries to happen. But it's the nature of the game, injuries happen. You know, no one really stays healthy besides McElbridge is knock on wood. Yeah. But yeah, I'm excited for for this season, for for this rookie season from Colleg, you know, and an actual, I feel like he is a head and gem. I feel like he was a gem that Nick's targeted him and they gave him that guaranteed money. And he has a bunch of fans within the this next organization. And I'm just really intrigued from from this upcoming season from Colleg Chris on that anything or bold, bold prediction. Ooh, for Tyler Colleg. I say, well, shoot bold. All right, let me think about it. Bold prediction. Tyler Colleg will become the backup point guard. So he could be the backup already. And I guess I could say, yeah, I was going to say he probably would have to leapfrog Deuce McBride as well. But again, like, I can imagine earlier, I feel like I feel like you could kind of like, you know, you could have Colleg and Deuce out there. Yeah, you can. So that's, that's my opinion. But that'll be my bold prediction. He's gonna, he's gonna leapfrog and be that backup point guard once Jalen Brunson comes off the floor. You know, because again, if I just feel if he's able to facilitate the way he has been, and again, I know it's Summer League can't really take much from it. But if he's able to do that at the NBA level, I feel like that's the perfect type of player you want to come in when Jalen Brunson is getting his rest. Because you've got somebody who can run the show and keep things going. Yeah, bold prediction. I feel like we will see a game this season of 14 assists, 15 assists from Colleg. Damn. You know, I feel like there's a game in there this season. If he starts, can you imagine him doing that off the bench? That'd be crazy. I'd be dope. I feel like he can give us like six, six, seven assists off the bench. That's, I mean, that's, that's a lot. I mean, don't know how much he's gonna play, but if he gives us that five, six, seven assists averaging off the bench and working on his three point shot, we're in for a good season for Mr. Tyler Colleg. Absolutely. Absolutely. And if you guys haven't seen the videos of Tyler Colleg and Jalen Brunson going at it, Black Ops runs, go and check that out because, hey Brunson looks like Brunson thankfully. And Tyler Colleg, man, he looks like he's holding his own out there. So check that out if you haven't seen that. Yes, sir. Check it out. All right. This was fun. Another player preview in the books, Tyler Colleg. Hope for a great year from him. This was fun, Chris. This was fun. Can't wait to see Tyler Colleg on the NBA floor for the Knicks, man. Whenever it happens, you know, I'm assuming preseason. Game one. Let's go. Can't wait Game winner. Now that's a bold prediction, right? That's a bold prediction. All right. I'm Anthony from Knicks Nation. I'm Chris. We'll catch you guys next time. Peace. Peace. Thanks for listening. Please hit that follow button to stay updated with our latest episodes. And we also greatly appreciate those five-star reviews. For you video enthusiasts out there, head over to our YouTube channel to catch the podcast in video form, You'll find all the relevant links conveniently listed in the show notes below. See you next time. [Music]