Apostolic Lighthouse
Who's Report Are You Going To Believe? - Bro Kaleb
hallelujah. Is he not worthy? When you wasn't worthy, he still gave you the keys to the kingdom. When you wasn't worthy, he still called you out of darkness into this marvelous light. Hallelujah. He pulled your feet out of the my repeat of sin, and he set them upon a solid rock. Hallelujah. He put you in the house of the Lord. Hallelujah. You're more than called. You're chosen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Good to be in the house of the Lord tonight. How many is excited about being in the house of the Lord? Hallelujah. Said, I was glad when they said unto me, let us go unto the house of the Lord. You may be seated for a moment. Could the be here like what I feel into all of our visitors. It's good to have you in the house of the Lord. So enjoyed that testimony. Sister Ryan. Yeah, we are a little bit crazy. Hallelujah. That's all right. You can identify me. I got to go to Brother Boone's meeting the other night in Sherman, Texas. And we ran down there, and we was in the house of the Lord, and men's service started. And it was just about getting to rocking and enrolling. And a bunch of young men took off running the aisles, and I just happened to turn, and as they run by me, and I looked, and there was a new couple that had just walked in the door. You could tell the shorter it was probably the first time being in an apostolic church. And just as the way their church is section, it kind of sets at a kind of an angle. And just when they walked in the door, that group of men was running right at them. And they walked in the door, and here comes a group of men by the Nathan Sampson. And that lady's eyes, they got about big as saucers. And she was looking, and she didn't know whether to run out the door, stay where she was at, or to run with them. She was trying to figure out what was going on. And I just put a smile on my face. I like being apostolic. He said, "Man, Brother Caleb, are they supposed to act like that in church?" Well, the book of Acts said in chapter 2 and verse 15, it said, "Peter said these men are not drunk, as you suppose. Sin, it's only the third hour of the day." Hallelujah. He said, "But this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Jewel. In the last days, I'm going to pour out of my spirit upon all flesh." Hallelujah. I believe we're living in the last of the last days. Hallelujah. I know there's a lot of people in here they could tell you. And I've been around a few drunks in my lifetime. They don't act normal. A drunk acts a little crazy. Hallelujah. And they would say, "Man, these people are drunk." That lets you know, when they went to the house of God, they didn't act normal either. Hallelujah. They go to the ball games, and they begin to scream, and the holler, and they rip their shirts off, and paint big letters on their big fat bellies, and begin to jump around and wiggle them big fat bellies screaming, and hollering from some dude running a football, making multi-megans a dollar. Don't even know who you are. Could care less who you are in the stands. They're just there making the money, and you're screaming, and hollering, and man, just last year, I believe it was for the Kansas City Chiefs. Some people lost their fingers. It was so cold, and some even died. I believe they're still investigating or doing it because of going back to this dude's house. They froze to death, but some had their fingers chopped off because of frost bit, setting up the football game, screaming, and hollering for their God. But I'm going to tell you something about me. When I come to the house of God, I come to lift up my God. The God that hears my prayer. The God that knows my name. The God that hears my prayer. The God that's never forsaken me. The God that cares when I'm in the house. The God that cares when I stand, and I lift up my voice, and I say God, I'm thankful for what you're done. I'm thankful for the car. I'm thankful for the car with that condition. I'm thankful for the new job. They'll party all night. They're partying right now. But DJ, they're screaming in the football stadiums right now as I'm up here preaching. They're screaming. They're going to party all night, and so much. They're going to wake up in the morning. They ain't going to remember who they was with, where they was. They're going to have a bad headache. It ain't even probably going to make it to work because they were screaming and hollering for some team that could care less who they are. But I'm going to tell you something. When I come to the house, I'm going to wake up in the morning. I'm going to know who I am. I'm going to know where I was. I'm going to know who I was worshiping and who I was with because I'm lifting up the king of kings and the Lord of Lords. Hallelujah. They're not drunk. We just like, he said it this morning, the way some worship God the world would call it heresy and crazy and foolish. Man, David's wife looked at him and she said, "Here you are, a king." And you took off your royal garment and you worshiped. You made a fool yourself today in front of the people. He said, "Honey, let me tell you something." If you don't like that, you ain't going to like what you're about to see. Hallelujah. Because I'm going to tell you something. I'm going to worship my God. Hallelujah. We started it off tonight, brother Trent Reddit. He said, "Praise him upon the loud sounding symbol. Praise him upon the organ. Praise him with the loud voice." That means lift up your voice. He said, "Oh, magnify the Lord with me. Let us exalt His great name together. I'm going to tell you something my God's been good to me. He's kept me. He's pulled me out of darkness. He's kept me from darkness. He's kept me. He's whoo. He's healed my body. He's healed my children. I'm going to come and I'm going to lift up a great God with some great praise." I'm not going to be intimidated by the world. I'm not going to be intimidated by what they think of me. They can think I'm crazy. That's okay. But I'm going to lift up the name that is above every name. Why? Because it's all in him. The fullness of the Godhead is all in him. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Good to be in the house. Is that what you're going to preach about now? That was just a side nugget. I just thought I'd throw that in for good measure. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I just like being at a stop. I love being at a stop. I'm not ashamed of who I am. I'm not ashamed that I run the aisles. I'm not ashamed that I put my hands together. I'm not a shame that I pray out loud. I pray to a God that I can't see. I can't, but I can feel him because I feel him in this house right now. I pray to a God that hears me because he's answered my prayer before. Hallelujah. I'm not ashamed for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. For it's my salvation. That's what's going to keep me. Hallelujah. If you have your bibles, I'd like for you to turn to 2nd Kings chapter 20 and verse 1. Hallelujah. 2nd Kings chapter 20 and verse 1. Hallelujah. How many's going to help me preach tonight? How many come expecting something? How many's got them made up mind? They're not going to leave till they get what they come for. Hallelujah. 2nd Kings chapter 20 starting at verse 1. And in those days was Hezekiah sick unto death and the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amaz, come to him and said unto him, "Thus saith the Lord, set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live." Then he turned his face to the wall and he prayed unto the Lord saying, "I beseech thee, O Lord. Remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have that which is good and have done that which is good in thy sight. And hezekiah wept sore." Verse 4. And it come to pass before Isaiah was gone out into the middle court that the word of the Lord come unto him saying, "Turn again until hezekiah, the captain of my people, thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father. I have heard thy prayer. I have seen thy tears. Behold, I will heal thee on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the Lord. And I will add unto thy days fifteen years and I will deliver thee in this city out of the hands of the king of Syria. And I will defend the city for my own sake and for my servant David's sake. And Isaiah said take a lump of figs and they took and laid it on the boil and he recovered and hezekiah said unto Isaiah, "What shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me and that I shall go up unto the house of the Lord the third day?" Everybody repeat with me, "What shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me." Hallelujah. If you're going to help me preach, you may be seated. If you ain't, you can keep standing. Man, I'm going to have a lot of careful uncle John. I thought you wasn't going to help me for a moment. I was getting worried there for a second. I thought he was in my corner. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. "What shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me?" King Hezekiah was sick unto death. God told the prophet Isaiah to go prophesied to the king saying, "Set thy house in order for thou shalt die and not live." And soon as the man of God told him this, Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and began to weep the Bible said before the Lord and Isaiah left King Hezekiah weeping as he exited the king's chambers and before Hezekiah could get out of the middle of the court, out of the court palace. The word of the Lord come to him again and said, "Turn around until Hezekiah thus saith the Lord. I have heard thy prayer and I have seen thy tears, behold I will heal thee." Man that didn't take a lot of time. He must have got desperate before the Lord. And Isaiah does a U-turn and he goes around and he goes back into the king's chamber and he begins to deliver this good word, these good news to the king and he tells the king, "I will add him to thy days fifteen years." And King Hezekiah immediately gets this look on his face and he turns away from the wall and he looks at Isaiah and he asks this question, "What shall be the sign that the Lord will heal me?" As I begin to look at this, man it kind of dawned on me, kind of hit me right between the eyes. So what are you talking about? Isaiah walks in and he says, "You're going to die. You're not going to live. King Hezekiah, you're going to die." The Bible said he just breaks down right there and starts crying in so much before he could even get out of the courtyard. He had done, got a hold of the mind of God. He had done, begin to weep bitterly. And King Hezekiah believes it. No questions asked. He just believes what the prophet says. He says, "I'm going to die. I'm going to die." No attempt to understand why. He didn't say, "Why am I going to die? Why am I? Why is this happening to me?" Just the prophet says, "You're going to die. You're going to die." God changes his mind. He sends the prophet back into the king's chamber to tell him, "You're not going to die. You're going to live." Same prophet speaking on behalf of the same God, on the same day, in the same room to the same man, laying in the same bed. God said, "I've heard your prayer. I've seen your tears, and I'm going to heal you." But Hezekiah said, "Well, wait a minute. Hold on. How do I know you're telling me the truth? How do I know God heard my prayer? And how do I know God is going to heal me? How do I'm going to need a sign before I can believe you? I'm going to need a sign that I can believe what you're telling me. I can believe when you tell me you're going to die. But man, when you tell me that I'm going to live, I need a sign." What are you talking about? King Hezekiah, He suffered from the same disease that a lot of us suffer from in this modern day that we live. What is that, Brother Samson? If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The old saying, "If it is too good to be true, then it probably is." The all too common human attitude is it's much easier to believe a negative report than a positive one. I'm the world's worst to say, "If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have none." I'm just using it and passing it. But on the most part, I am on the positive side. I always think that the glass is half full. It's not half empty. I always want to believe that if something can be accomplished or we can get something done, I just believe we can. It might seem impossible, but I just, "Well, let's give it a shot. We'll never know." I'm always looking at it on the positive side, but there's something about human nature that we always want to believe that negative report. It's always easy for us to believe that, "Hey, Hezekiah, you're going to die." And we start crying, but when it comes in and he says, "Hey, you're going to live. I'm going to add 15 years to your life." Well, wait a minute. I need a sign from this. He's not the only person in the Bible that had this problem. The Bible said that the children of Israel, when they sent the spies out into the promised land, that when they come back, the book of Numbers chapter 13 and verse 23 said that they had a staff, that they had to have the grapes on and the pomegranate sin, and they were so big that when they come out of the promised land that they was packing them between two men on a staff, and when they come out of the promised land, this is a land that was flowing with milk and honey. This was a land that the prophet had done, told them God said that He's going to give us this as an inheritance. He's going to give us houses that we didn't build, and He's going to give us wells that we didn't dig, and we're going to get vineyards that we didn't plant. Oh, and God's going to bless us. And man, they went into the promised land, and they come out with it. They had it in their hand. This is what's over there. We can have it. It's been promised to us. And they begin, Joshua and Kyle begin to give the good report. Man, this here, the blessings here, the promises here, but there was some that was looking at out from the negative side. And they said, man, it's all there. You're right. It's there. And the promises is there. And here it is. Man, no taste and see that the Lord, He is good. And man, the blessing and the promises right before us. But let me tell you, there's giants over there. Always looking at it from the negative point of view. And I would have talked to us for a little bit tonight. Who's report are you going to believe? Who's report are you going to believe? Do you have to have a sign when it comes to the positive report when God said, hey, I'm going to bless you. I'm going to I'm going to put you. I'm going to put you in that job. I'm going to give you that car. I'm I'm going to bless you. I'm going to heal your body. And maybe though you haven't seen it and maybe though you haven't experienced it yet. Oh, who's reported you're going to believe? Are you going to believe the devil? Are you going to believe the report? It's never going to happen for me. That's for somebody else. Are you going to let the devil know tonight? Hey, devil, it's promised in his word. In his words, river settled in heaven. Heaven and earth shall pass away. But his word will not pass away. It's who he is. And devil, I just want you to know tonight that if God promised me, it will come to pass. They believed the bad report. And for 40 years, they wandered around in the desert until all of the unbelief had died off. They was gone. Say, well, no, there's more. What about Zacharias? Bible said that Luke chapter 1 and verse 11, and there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. And the angel said unto him, fear not, Zacharias, for thy prayer is heard, and thy wife, Elizabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John, and thou shalt have joy, and gladness, and many shall rejoice at his birth, for he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink, and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb. And Zacharias said unto the angel, whereby shall I know this? Well, first of all, Zacharias, you probably would know it because an angel is speaking to you. Now, I'm not a very smart individual. I'm not the smartest. I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, probably, but I'm going to tell you some, Brother Shorty, if an angel is telling me something, and he's giving me a promise of something, I believe that's enough sign for this old country boy from southwest Missouri. But there's something about human flesh. We always want to gravitate to the negative. Give me a sign. Judges chapter 6, same way, verse 36, here's Gideon, God's promise in him. If thou will save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said, man, the Lord has told him, who's telling him this? God is telling him this. As thou hast said, behold, I will put a fleece of wool in the floor, and if to do be on the fleece only, and it will be dry upon all the earth beside, then shall I know that thou will save Israel by my hand. As thou hast said, again, he says that, and it was so, for he rose up early on the morrow and thrust the fleece together and wringed the dew out of the fleece, a ball full of water. Here it is. There is a sign, man, it's given to him. And Gideon said unto God, let not thy anger be hot against me, and I will speak, but this once. Let me prove I pray that, but this once with the fleece, let it now be dry only upon the fleece and upon all the ground, let there be dew. And God did so that night, for it was dry upon the fleece only, and there was dew all on the ground. What are you talking about? Why is it so difficult for some of the people of God to believe God? Why is it so easy for the people of God to believe a negative report? Apostle Paul, he's telling the church at Corinth in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 20, for all the promises of God and him are yay and him, amen. What does this mean? I'll tell you what it means. Whatever God has promised gets his stamp of approval through Jesus Christ. And we sung it here tonight. It's all in him, the fullness of the Godhead, and him dwell upon all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. It's all in him. And God said, hey, yes, and I'm going to tell you, yes, and amen. I will bring it to pass if I promised it through faith in him believing what God has promised. He was also able to perform. What are you talking about? Sometimes the promises of God seem impossible. Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 13, God made a promise to Abraham because he could swear by no greater. He swore by himself saying, surely blessings and I will bless him and multiply. I will multiply the, what was he saying? I'm going to fulfill the promise that I promised to you. Well, wait a minute, Abraham is 100 years old and Sarah's 90 years old. Well, let's look at the book of Romans and we can understand how all this was possible. Romans chapter 4 and verse 19, and being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body, now dead. When he was about a hundred years old, neither the deadness of Sarah's womb, he staggered not at the promises of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, given glory to God and being fully persuaded that what he had promised, he was also able to perform. Abraham's saying, I ain't even going to think about it. God, if you promise me, I don't know when it's going to happen. I could be a hundred, but God, if you wanted it to happen, I know it's going to happen. Why? Because you promised me, you gave me a word. You prophesied to me. You gave me that word and I'm standing on the word. He considered not. He didn't even think about it. He staggered not. He was fully persuaded. Well, what about Sarah? Well, Hebrews chapter 11, verse 11 said, "Through faith also Sarah, herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. I'm going to tell you something when God makes you a promise, it will come to pass. When God tells you something, it will come to pass. You just got to have the faith to believe the report. No question it. Don't think about the negative side, but say, "Okay, God, you promised it in your word. I'm standing on the promise." What are you talking about? I'm going to tell you the enemy will come in and he'll say, "Oh, here it is. Oh, man, you ain't going to make it through this sickness. This financial battle. Oh, man, this thing, you're never going to get through it. Oh, the thing that you're facing. Oh, man, it's just going to be beyond that. God don't hear you. God don't care about you. I come to tell you tonight on a Sunday night. God does hear you. And God does care about you. And God knows where you're at. And God knows what you're going through. Don't believe the negative report. What are you talking about? I'm standing on the promises of God. I'm standing on what God has said. I'm standing on the promises of what God has promised me. And if he promised me, he's going to bring it to pass. Let me tell you about the promises of God. It's through faith. Now, faith is a substance of things. Hope for the evidence of things not seen. I might not see it. And I might not understand how it's going to come to pass. But I know one thing that my God always keeps his word. He's always faithful. He's never seen the righteous forsaken. He's never seen his seed. Back in bread. And my God is faithful. And my God is just. The enemy would like to come in. And sow seeds of doubt in your heart and in your family. This is it. This is the one going to be the one that I come to speak against that spirit of fear and of doubt and anxiety. I come to speak against that spirit that's keeping you up at night. It won't let you sleep. I speak against it in Jesus' name. I curse that spirit in Jesus' name for my God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. See, my Bible tells me it's impossible for God to lie. See, I can make promises. God can make promises in this house tonight because he sees what we can't see. And we can choose to believe that. Or we can say, "Okay, God, that must be for the next person beside me." That's not for me. But if God promise you something, don't give up on your promise. Because see, there's things God knows the things that we don't know. And that blessing's right around the corner. And what you need is right around the corner. And what God has in store for you is right around the corner. See, because he knows. He sees. He already knows what's going to go on tomorrow. He's going to see what's going on the next day. And he doesn't know what I'm going to face and what I'm going to go through. And he's just waiting on me saying, "Okay, how are you going to react to this? Caleb Samson? How are you going to react to the storm that you're in, Caleb Samson? And I can throw up my hands and I can give up and say, "Well, God, you ain't going to do it for me." Or I can say, "Okay, God, I'm putting my trust in you. I'm believing in a good report. I see the great. I see the pomegranate. I see the houses. I see the wells. I see the crops. I believe it's been promised to me." Hallelujah. I've choose to believe in the one that knows tomorrow. I choose to believe in the one that knows next week, next month, next year, 10 years from now. He knows. He's kept me all this time. Have I ever been through a child? Yes, sir. Will I go through some more trials? Yes, sir. But I'm going to tell you something. I'm holding on to the one. I'm holding on the one that made this whole world with the spoken word. He spoke it into existence. He spoke this world by the spoken word. And he saw that it was good. And I ain't got no worry about tomorrow, for I know who holds tomorrow in his hand. He always got the naysayers. You always got the ones like speaking a blind Bartimaeus. Hey, be quiet. Keep your voice down. Don't say nothing. Hey, keep it down. You're being a little loud. But the problem is, by the trend, it's easy. When you're not in the trial, it's easy when you're not blind. It's easy when you're the one not lame. It's easy when the one that you're not the one going through the struggle and through the trial and the sickness or the financial or whatever it is. It's easy. It's real easy to say whatever you want to say. But I'm going to tell you, when you're the one in the trenches, when you're the one down flat on your back, or you're the one that ain't got no money in your bank account, I'm going to tell you something. I choose to believe the report of the Lord. Well, let me tell you something. Blind Bartimaeus, keep it down. No, wait a minute. See, you're not the one blind. I'm blind. I need help. This could be my only chance. This could be my only chance to see Jesus. This could be my only chance to get his attention and have him come over here and pray for me. And so, hey, Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. Oh, keep it down. No, no, no, no. Jesus, son of David, when you come to the house of God, you need to come into this church. Oh, with your mind made up, I'm getting what I need. I'm not leaving. That's why I don't mind getting a little crazy. That's why I don't mind lifting up my voice. I want God to see me. Not that I have to have the attention. I just got some needs that I need for field. I've got some promises that ain't come to pass yet. And I just want God to know God, I'm still holding you at your word. I'm still standing on the promises of God. I don't see it, God. See, it's hard. It's hard for me to believe when I don't see, but God, I'm still going to believe. He said, "Blessed are those who have not seen, but yet believe." Oh, Jesus, there we come in. Do you really feel like blind Bartimaeus would have got his blessing if he would have sat there and kept his mouth shut? Do you believe that he was? I don't believe it. There takes some effort to get your miracle. It takes some effort to get what you need. Okay, God. Hey, I'm over here. Jesus, I'm over here. I'm blind. I need to see, hey, keep it. No, no, no, no, no. And the Bible said he screamed all the louder, "Jesus! Son of David, have mercy on me. I need a miracle." I believe in the promises of God. Say, "Well, what do you do?" I'm going to talk about how I'm telling you. When you don't see it, it's still there. You've got to trust him. Sister Barb, do you trust me? Hallelujah. Get your Bible and turn to Psalms. Chapter 91, there's a blessing for you. Hallelujah. Psalms 91. See, she's got to trust me. She don't know. She don't know if it's a true blessing. Well, John, she got to trust me because, see, but I know something that she don't know. Let me tell you about my God, Chateau le bocochon de la baha'i. He's seeing something that you don't know. He's seeing the things that you don't see. You told le bocochon de la baha'i. And if you'll just say, "Okay, God, I'm going to trust you." Even though I don't understand it, God, I'm still going to trust in you. I'm going to put my faith and my confidence in you. Oh, yeah. I tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to come to church one more time. I'm going to make it to prayer meeting one more time. I'm going to get down on my knees one more time. Why? Even when I don't see it, I know he's working. Even when I don't understand it, I know he's working. Why? Because he never stops. He never stops working. You just got to believe. You just got to trust in the one. Even when you don't see it. Hallelujah. Run the thing. Oh, you trust me? Hallelujah. Turn to Psalms chapter 23. Hallelujah. See, you got to have trust in God. You got to have your faith and your confidence in God. Oh, God, when I don't see it, I know you're going to do it for me. When I don't understand it, I know you're still going to do it for me. See, God sees what you can't see. And if you believe the negative report, if you never break out your Bible, if you never turn to the passage of the Scripture, if you never make it to prayer meeting, if you never get up and begin to worship and shout and dance, you'll never get what you need. Why? Because you got to trust in the God when you can't see it. You got to believe in the God that when you don't see it and you don't understand Sister Courtney, get your Bible and turn to Matthew chapter 5. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Why? I'm going to tell you, you got to trust in Him. You got to believe in Him. When you don't see it, when you don't think it'll ever happen, I come to tell you tonight, I come to give the good report. I come to be like Abraham. I'm staggering not half the promises of God. I'm staggering not at the God what God has promised me and what He's promised me. He's also able to perform. I'm standing on it. I'm the Bible said he staggered not. Stagger not at the promises of God. How? Brother Caleb, can you make them promises? Because before service, I was slipping around. The by the Lord has spoke this into my spirit and I began, and God began to put this in my soul. And in my spirit, I put a little something in their by before them. Why? See, if they didn't trust me, they had to trust me, Brother Jimbo. They had to believe in what I was telling them. I'm going to come to tell you tonight, you got to believe in what God's been telling you. You got to believe it. How do I know when the when God's speaking to me? It's when the preacher's preaching. It's when this pastor gets up and he gets the preacher, the other day, the Word of God. It preaches hard. He's the mouthpiece of God. And it's so easy if we're not careful. It's so easy if we're not careful. Now, I'm going to believe about how would I know? How am I going to know? My Lord, you believe the negative report. Why don't you believe the good report? Some of y'all, y'all can believe the doubt in the doom and the gloom and the fear and unbelief. Well, it's just not going to be for me. Or you can wake up in the morning and say, okay, devil, I want you to know you've wrestled me the last time. You've won the battle with my mind the last time. I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm getting up in the morning. I'm going to pray before I leave my house. I'm going to touch God. I'm going to go out and face my day because why God has promised me and what he's promised me? He's able to perform it. He's never seen the righteous forsaken. He's never seen his seed begging for bread. But the name of the Lord is a strong tower. That's the righteous. I set the righteous. I set the righteous. The righteous they can run into it and they are saved. We can get up and we can believe the negative report and we can believe the doom and gloom and we can read the news and we can read Facebook and we can read Instagram and everything going on. Man, I got a clip sent to me on my phone this afternoon. I think they've tried to kill President Trump again. Another assassination attempt. I come up on there. Oh, you can believe all the negative and the doom and gloom and whatever it's going on, the economy's going to crash and things. But I'm going to tell you something. My God's economy don't operate off this world's economy. Boy, it's quiet in here for an apostolic church. I said, my God's economy, my God's blessings, it don't depend on this world's blessings. My Bible still said he'd make you the head and not the tail. He'd make you the lender and not the borrower. My Bible still said you're going to be blessed in the city and you're going to be blessed in the field. You're going to be blessed when you come and you're going to be blessed when you go. You're going to be blessed when you come in and when you go out. Have I ever went through financial bad times? Yes, sir. Yes, ma'am. I have. I have. I ain't got all the money in the world right now that I need. But I'm going to tell you something. Brother Sorter, I got food on my table. I got a roof over my head. I got cars to drive. I got that AC to set in. I got AC in my home. Now my heater's messed up. I just remembered that. I never got it fixed. So I got to get my heat fix before winter gets here. I'm going to have to start the carpet on fire to keep warm. But I'm going to tell you something. I've been forsaken. I ain't been left to right, left out. My God's always supplied my needs according to his, his, his, his and glory. I'll tell you why that's some of the reason why we have to go through the things that we go through because we would get our nose too far in the air. We would take or somebody if we had all the blessings and everything we need. But as the old preacher told that, he said, Hey, Kelly, God's got a way of keeping you humble. God, if it takes me staying on my knees, God, if it sends me through the trial, if it keeps me humble before you, send me through the trial. I don't want to be lost, God. I don't want to get too much pride about me, God, that I'm too ashamed to come to the house of God and worship and shout and pray. I don't want to get pride too much pride in my life. I don't want to get so much pride in me that I think it's all about me and it's not about him. My boy asked me, I think it was tonight. He asked me a question and he said, Dad, are you proud of the things that you've done? I said, son, I'm going to tell you something. If it had not been for God and the blessings of God and God, it ain't what I've done, son. It's what God's allowed me to have. I'm just a manager of what God's put in my hands and I just want to admit that if he should choose, I could lose everything in a moment of time. I think I'm going to come into the house of God and be too ashamed to lift up my voice. You think I'm going to be ashamed to come into this house with God's blessed me and allow me to have and keep the hedge of protection around my family? You're a fool. You're crazy. My Bible said that, Joe, he got up every day and offered sacrifice for his children just in case they might have sinned. Not that they did sin, but just in case that they've done something to offend God. I'm getting up. The richest man, the richest man in the east, had everything that he wanted, all the money that he could spend, but it didn't keep him from getting up in the morning and falling down on his knees and saying, "Okay, God, God, it's old Joe, beginner." And naked, I was when I come in this world. And naked, I'm going to return, but blessed be the name of the law. You know what the Holy Ghost spoke to me? Some of us has got too much pride. We're worried about what somebody might think about me. Think about you. Well, I work at so-and-so. They might come in and I'm going to tell you something. I sell real estate. I got to show these people. It was a very almost a million dollar listing. And over here, and I showed it to them. And just a little while later that afternoon, we're down in the projects, if you will, we're knocking doors, passing out tracks, inviting witness and people. And then people just happened to drive by. And they looked at me, and I seen the snerk, the snurl on their nose when they looked at me, when I was down there, knocking doors. I just smiled and waved, and they never called me back. They never put it in an offer. Don't know if they bought the property today or not. It ain't everyone went back and looked. Why? Because I didn't care. I seen that they had a little money about them, and I had discussed them being down there. But I'm going to tell you something. I'm not, I ain't got too much pride that I can't get down and say, okay, hey, here's a track. Would you come to church? Hey, we care about you. Let me tell you about a God that's able. Let me tell you about a God that cares about your family. You got any prayer requests? Why? Because I'm stressing in a God. I'm believing in a God. I'm going to tell you something. And when you need that miracle, that desperate miracle, and you need it so bad, God will say, okay, wait a minute. Let me go back in the book. Let me look at the book. Okay. Yeah. He's been faithful over a few things. I'm going to make him rule over many. I'm going to give him this. I'm going to give him the desires of his heart. Why? Because I've found him faithful. I found him true. I've tried him. And he's comported as a pure goal. You can come in and believe the negative report all you want to. But I'm coming in and I'm saying, okay, God, I'm still believing that you're able. I'm still trusting in you. I'm still believing in you. I'm still. Well, it's been a while since my promise, since I've been promised. Has it been 12 years? Has it been 38 years? What about a hundred years? A hundred years. Abraham, at a hundred, he staggered not at the promises of God. He staggered not at what God promised him. And the Bible said he didn't even count the deadness of his own body. He didn't even count the deadness of Sarah's womb. What are you talking about, God? If you promised it, I just know you're going to bring it to pass. God, I'm still going to believe it. I don't know how you're going to do it. But I know that you are able. We come in our head down because we didn't get the promotion that we wanted or the rays that we wanted and we come in. God, you don't care about me. God, I didn't get the job. God, I don't know. God might seem that you can't handle it. Why? Because he sees the things that you can't see. I said, he sees the things that you can't see. Why don't you just trust God? I said, why don't you just trust God? Why don't you be like Abraham? I'm just going to trust him. I ain't even going to consider that. He considered it not. [inaudible] Well, brother, you ain't got your hair yet. It probably going to happen. It ain't going to happen. It ain't going to work for you. [inaudible] [inaudible] [applause] [inaudible] Brother Tony, your family ain't never going to come. They're never going to be here. Brother Madeline, oh, I don't know if God do it for you. I don't know if it do it for you. I'm going to tell you something. Stay don't even consider it. Don't even consider it. Why? He cares about the sparrows. He cares about your family. [inaudible] I said, if he cares about the birds of the air, he cares about your family. I said, if he cares about the birds that fly around, and he makes sure they're fed every day, he cares about your family. He cares about your body. He cares about your foot. [applause] Here's the problem. When the devil in Satan was kicked out, Lucifer was kicked out of heaven. He was the choir director in heaven. He worshiped God. And man, when the Bible talks about the beauty of him, and he was like the Sardis, and, oh, man, all this gold and the precious stones, and all of this, he had a beauty about him. But there was something about all that beauty. He got to thinking all about himself and what he wanted, and man, I can make myself as God. They could worship me. And so the Bible said, like lightning, God kicked him out of heaven. And that's when he put this beautiful plan, or that's when this beautiful plan, I don't know when his beautiful plan, my thoughts are not his thoughts, and my ways are not his ways, but let's when this beautiful plan come together. And he said, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to make man, and I'm going to put him in this guard, and I'm going to put him on the earth. I'm going to make a woman, and I'm going to put him on this earth. And they're there for me to communicate with and have communication. And they're there to praise me, and they're there to glorify me, and worship me. And man, I'm there to communicate with them. And man, that's why we're here. We took the place of Lucifer, and he kicked him out of heaven. And here we are, and I'm going to tell you how you're going to get what you need is when you come in and you give this great God some great praise. I said, this is how you get what you need. And when you give this great God some great praise, and even when you don't feel like it in your body, you say, okay God, I might not see it yet, but I still believe. I'm still trusting in the promises of God. I know you're able. I'm not even going to consider it. As they come to the music, I've got to quit. And I'm going to tell you something. And he put us here to communicate and have a relationship with and done with and fellowship with. And you don't think he don't care about you? He cared so much that he come down, and he robed that spirit in flesh, and he dwelt among us. We sung about it tonight. It's all in him. It's all in him, the fullness of the Godhead. And he walked around among us. He healed the sick. He cleansed the leopard. He raised the dead. He cast out devils. Oh man, he healed, and he delivered and he set free. Why? Because he cares about his people. And then he went to the whipping post, and he bore the stripes on his back. Has that old guard begin to stripe him? Oh, with that whip, and begin to yank the flesh off of his back. As he began to yank the stripes down his back and the blood begin to flow. And he was standing there saying, oh, by my stripes you are healed. By my stripes you are healed. I'm doing it for the people that I love. I'm doing it for the people that I care about. I want them to be healed. I want them to be blessed. He went to the old cross and he hung on the cross. And they drove the nails and the spikes through his hands for us because he loved us. He loved you. He cared about you when you was all wrapped up in the carnality in the sin of this world. He cared about you. And he said, just give me a chance. Will you trust me? Will you believe in me? Will you give me a chance? Just let me prove my faithfulness to you. Let me prove and even though we can't see it and even though the world looks. See, it's the world. The elder touched on it this morning. It's the world that's made the church look crazy out of place. It's normal. It's normal to the world for men to be women and women to be men. It's normal now. Well, that's what he says he is. Hopefully it ain't so normal, but it's becoming normal. It will become normal that the kids can go in the bathroom and say they're cats and dogs and use the litter box in our school system. It's becoming normal. It's becoming normal that they can scream and holler and flip over cars and smash out windows when their favorite team wins. Well, they're just getting a little carried away. There's no one there. It's normal that people just walk around and not get any more. It's just normal. If your great grandma all seen it, she would say kid, I mean, they wouldn't even have to go to church. Go get some clothes on. But it's normal and over time, just become normal. Everybody looks at it as normal and it's normal. There's something about when you come to church. You need to be quiet. You need to just sit there and I'll say nothing. Do nothing. And you can go get on Facebook and you can log in to any denomination around this country and look at their services. And they hardly have no youth. They're all older. They have pastors in the nomination church. They're trying to figure out how to get youth into their church. All of the churches that have youth, they have this concert stage. The strobe lights, they're jumping up, doing their concerts. They're getting the young people involved because they realize, "Well, wait a minute. We've got to do something. We've got to entertain these kids to keep them." Or they're leaving. And so, man, they've got the concerts. Man, they're bringing in. They'll have, they'll set up the platform in a big raslin ring and then pastor will take on this big sumo rasler and they'll have a raslin match. You can go do all this up. It happens every day. The church in Springfield had a male stripper at a men's conference. You can go and look it up. It happened. And it's normal. It's become normal. But if apostolics come and they come in and we begin to have church and we begin to believe in the true word of God, we believe that you have to repent of your sins and come to an altar and say, "Okay God, I'm sorry for all the things that I've done, all the vile things, all the sinful things, God. I'm sorry." We come in, we repent at an altar. God, we get to Holy Ghost. We get bad with the evidence of speaking of tongues and we get baptized in the only saving name, the name of Jesus. We're crazy because we like to jump a little bit, we like to shout, we like to run the aisles and give praise to a God that's kept us, who's blessed us and who's gave us more than we deserve. And great grim old grip on more than they deserve. And you think that I'm just going to come to church and believe the report of the world, the negative report. You're crazy, honey. I'm coming to church and I might not see it and I might not understand it, but I know what God said. I know what the Word said. I know it is promises all. Thank you for your blood. Thank you for your blood. I believe I'm just going to stand on this world because heaven and earth will pay. But this Word's going to stay true. Thank you for your blood. That Word's going to stay true. Thank you for your blood. It's going to stay holy. It's going to stay true. Thank you to Jesus.