Built For The Game with Rob Cressy

A Message Of Positivity & Encouragement

Something great is on the horizon for you. In this episode of Built For The Game, Rob Cressy shares a message of positivity & encouragement for you. -Ways I can Help:* Transform Your Business Through AI & Self Development - Join Unlimited:* Let's Explore Possibilities For Your Growth Over a Virtual Coffee -'s Connect:Rob Cressy - Instagram: @rob_cressy - LinkedIn: /cressy/

Broadcast on:
16 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Something great is on the horizon for you. In this episode of Built For The Game, Rob Cressy shares a message of positivity & encouragement for you.
Ways I can Help:
* Transform Your Business Through AI & Self Development - Join Unlimited:
* Let's Explore Possibilities For Your Growth Over a Virtual Coffee -

Let's Connect:
Rob Cressy - Instagram:
@rob_cressy - LinkedIn: /cressy/

I want to share a message of positivity and encouragement with you because so often in the world everything looks like puppy dogs and rainbows for everybody, but I know from experience we're all going through something and very rarely is this voice and sometimes you just need somebody else out there to say you know what I got you I'm a champion for you and I'm supporting you so I'm actually going to do something I traditionally do not do usually when I create a video or a podcast I have a script but today I'm letting inspiration and energy soak through me and I'm going to channel it and give it to you and on my screen right now is my built for the game manifesto and I figured I'll throw that thing up right there and it can be encouragement and inspiration for me to then shoot this off for you because on a journey to be your best or do something great there are always obstacles and adversity and challenges some you see some you don't see summer business summer personal summer family so let this message be something that is a sign for you a sign for positive change a sign for encouragement that something good is on the horizon for you and believe that and this morning I'm rereading Marianne Williamson's book and I don't even remember what it is the love of energy and money or something along those lines and one of the things that she talked about was fear versus love and fear is oftentimes this self-limiting belief that we create for ourselves of the scarcity of how the future is not going to be better and love on the other hand when you come from a place of love man so much good can come from that so let's anchor in that position if you're going through a tough time right now my very first encouragement for you would be audit your thoughts audit your inputs that challenge that thing that feels so heavy and real right now what can you do to replace that with love and abundance and one of the reasons why I created my built for the game manifesto is because I have so many of these fears judgment self-limiting beliefs that go through my mind on a consistent basis that I want this reminder for myself of what the best version of myself looks like and you as well and I just see what's at the very top here be so good that they can't ignore you and I know one of the things that so many people struggle with myself included is enoughness it's really the delicate balance of the invisible am I doing too much or am I not doing enough and when you just sit there and you anchor and be so good they can't ignore you to me this speaks to your potential of what you know is inside of you and if you know you're called for greatness you've got that DNA in you boom anchoring that I want to mirror for you that you are that because the world may tell you that you're not enough but I will tell you right now man if you're even thinking about doing something great go ahead and do it because the world needs more people like you and if you're looking for a new perspective or man how do I change things up or create some new juice inside my life think about this asking is a gift what is that thing that you would love to be asking for could you ask for it more could you find unique ways to ask for it I find that when I want change in my life or I want to grow something so often I'm not asking myself or am I asking somebody else and the other thing you're going through a tough time right now I did not come this far to only come this far but Rob what if this is happening in my personal life well guess what we know that this is something that is temporary it will not last and with us having a growth mindset we can always learn we can always get better and it doesn't always mean that everything that's going on in our life right now the challenges even if they're really deep ones man there's always something that you can learn from this and this is what I really learned from Ryan Holliday's book the obstacle is the way what stands in the way becomes the way turn obstacles and adversity into opportunities and what I love about this is why would we choose to not leverage the hardest most challenging moments in our life for good because otherwise they're just seeing its challenges and hard things in our life and I get this this can run very hot and maybe this message is for me but this message is also for you that when you're going through something maybe take a step back and sit there and say huh what is the thing that is being taught to me right now that I can turn into an opportunity and I was having a breakfast brunch or breakfast meeting with my friend Joe this morning and one of the things that we are talking about of high performing people is like what is the real challenge that so many of them have and you know what I really thought it was time when you're making tons of money when you're running a business when you're doing tons of things full family full life time is the thing you wish you had more because you got these dreams and these goals and this visions or even these things that you would do to optimize or lay around or find the little minutiae the things that can turn one thing into millions of things the thing that so often stops that is time so maybe I would encourage you to ask yourself huh what's my relationship to time right now is it serving me or is it one of scarcity I'm going to sort of popcorn some of these ideas out there for you the next one the world needs more of me so on our unlimited call today we were talking about building your brand and one of the things that I keep hearing over and over and over again is all around why or you know what I'm just sort of sitting in the background with the building of my brand and the thing that I always encourage everybody to anchor in the world needs more of me and if you're watching this or listening to this right now you are a one of one because if you're consuming the world in which I operate on you you're cut from a completely other cloth so I encourage you to anchor in the world needs more of me if the world needed more of you what would you be doing what would you be sharing and for me right now this video and podcast is literally the representation of it because for the last week it's been a very challenging week in my life because I uncharacteristically got sick and it's something that got me down for the entire week right there so I did not create a podcast my weekly routine was all out of wax I'm sleeping later I'm inconsistently doing that I'm not going to the gym like I normally do in man it messes with your mind more than anything and what I really craved was that sharpness of thought that sharpness of mind because boom that's the level that I operate on so here we get here on Monday and I look and I hadn't published a podcast in 10 days and previously I've been doing it twice a week or so man I love doing this I love sharing that it's like what are you going to talk about today and what I wanted to talk about I just sort of said you know what throw everything in the trash what you think what you expect instead share from your heart share that positive energy with somebody else and for me right now I really hope that you feel support somewhere and if you're not feeling supported hit me up Robert Rob Kressy dot com or shooting to my DMS at Rob Kressy I'm someone who's a champion for others and I know so often just having that voice of encouragement for somebody else because I know along on my journey so often especially during the tough and challenging times man I've just looked for someone or anything or a sign that says you know what it's going to be all right and it's why these mantras and these phrases and these things that end up on my manifesto or just in my routines they're always just sitting there as constantly reminders for ourselves and here's the last thing that I'm going to leave you with expect wonderful things so think about this perspective right now what if instead of the your judgment self limited belief you just said you know what I'm just going to expect wonderful things I am going to live in abundance maybe you just try this on for one day one week and especially if you're going through a challenging time right now you're like how in the world is this possible for me just open up that frequency because like attracts like and when you start living in this and it's why the power of intention the power of consistency the power of awareness these things can be very process oriented in a good way where you can just sit there and program yourself of expect wonderful things expect wonderful things you're like all right cool now let me start going out there into the world and seeing what I can do to create wonderful things for other people huh think about that going through a tough time right now make somebody else's life better so just wanted to share this from my heart I wanted to get something on wax and rebuild that momentum for myself but more importantly I don't know who's going to listen to this or watch this and so often when you are building your brand I always believe in one is greater than zero if you have something inside of you that can help even one person is your duty to share it with the world and if you're that person right now man thank you for being you thank you for listening thank you for watching let me know I would love to hear from you and support you on this journey other than that sending tons of good vibes your way hope you have yourself amazing rest of the day you. (upbeat music)