The Duran Podcast

SHOCKING second attempt on Trump's life

SHOCKING second attempt on Trump's life

Broadcast on:
16 Sep 2024
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All right, Alexander, let's talk about the second assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump. And the interesting part about this assassination attempt, at least for China, like ours, is that there does appear to be a geopolitical threat through this around this assassination attempt, specifically the man that tried to assassinate Trump in his fanaticism for Project Ukraine. That's been confirmed by every mainstream media network. The New York Times has even admitted that they actually interviewed this guy in his experience fighting in the Ukraine international, foreign, legion, whatever it's called. So I mean, it's confirmed that this guy was very obsessed with Project Ukraine and fighting Russia and defeating Russia. Some people may say he was radicalized. Other people say that he was dedicated to the Project Ukraine cause, whatever. There is a geopolitical context to this assassination attempt, but it is the second assassination attempt on Trump. What are your thoughts? Well, I think the first thing to say, in the first point to start, is that this is the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump during an election. I mean, this is astonishing. When was the last time that we had two serious assassination attempts in the same election cycle? And during the same, just a few weeks back to back through each other. Exactly, three months. When was the first one? Well, I got a June, I think it was June. I mean, during a US election, I would have thought this would be ringing very, very big alarm signals right across the American political system. And not just the American political system, but given the enormous importance of the United States right across the Western world as well. But to be frank, I don't find it is. I mean, I'm looking at the media here in the UK. And of course, they're covering the story. And it is the big headline. But it's not the dominant big story that I would have expected that it would be that the man who is looking increasingly, again, as if he might be the next president of the United States. I mean, I think just to quickly say, we had the Chicago Convention. We had the debate, the opinion polls, as both of us. But you especially did a brilliant program about this. The opinion polls have barely shifted. In fact, if anything, they've been shifting slightly in Trump's favor. Anyway, this is a man who, in a few months' time, a few weeks' time, could be elected, plausibly could be elected president of the United States. People are now increasingly trying to kill him. I'm not saying that these people are necessarily connected or talking or involved in any kind of plot with each other. Obviously, they're not. I mean, I'm sure nobody is suggesting that. But nonetheless, there is an atmosphere in the United States, a climate in the United States, where some people do not trust the decision of the American people in November, and are taking the law into their own hands, as they would say, and are acting and going out of their way to attack Donald Trump and try to kill him. And the political class in the United States and in the West as well seems, well, I won't say they're relaxed about this, but they don't seem to be as worried and as concerned and as alarmed as they should be. And, well, I'm not a security person. I'm not going to discuss the bodyguard issues and all of that. We saw them, I think most people would agree, failed terribly. At the first assassination attempt on this occasion, things seem to have been a lot better organized. But we're really getting admissions that he wasn't provided with the level of security that the president would be, despite the fact that there's already been one assassination attempt on him. And now we see that there are two. So that's what I get to say about this. And we can discuss it further if you want. But this is the first point I wanted to say. Now about Project Ukraine, it's not surprising to me. Given the rhetoric, the language that has been used about Project Ukraine, it has, by every account, attracted some very, very strange people to put him milder. Again, I'm talking carefully here, choosing my words very carefully. This individual, as you correctly say, appears to have been either a radical on the subject previously, or increased or severely radicalized. He was in Ukraine. He was involved with many people who went to Ukraine. There have been some attempts on the British media today to downplay his importance in terms of recruiting people for Project Ukraine. But the fact is, the media had interviewed him before this. The interviews are out there. You can see them. So somebody obviously thought him important at one time. And he comes along, and he's clearly furious about Trump's position on Ukraine, because that's clearly the issue that he's most focused upon. And he is intending to assassinate Donald Trump. And he's apparently intending to film himself doing it, because he apparently had a camera with him, which was intended to show to the world his own action in assassinating Donald Trump. I have to say, again, this is all very much consistent with much of the rhetoric we've been hearing over the last two and a half years about Ukraine, both in Ukraine itself in the United States and the West, about how Ukraine is this great existential issue, that the entire future, not just of Ukraine, but of the West, democracy, human civilization, call it whatever you like, rests on some kind of defeat of Russia. In Ukraine, Donald Trump comes forward. He's talking peace. He's talking about peace. He plans about finding ways to end the war. And even as he's talking peace, we see that that provokes acts of violence, from at least an attempted act of violence, from at least one Ukrainian support him. The narrative that Ukraine can win this conflict, or that Ukraine is going to win this conflict, has poisoned the minds of a lot of people, a lot of people. And it's a fiction, it's a lie. Yes. We've been reporting on this for many years, it's a lie. Ukraine cannot and will not win this war. And the mainstream media needs to finally come out and say this because they're peddling a different narrative if we just give them this wonder weapon, if we just give them that. How many wonder weapons have we got through? Now the latest wonder weapon is long-range missile strikes into Russia. It's not going to win the war. There is no way to win the war. There is no Zelensky victory plan. This is all fiction, but people are buying into it and they're thinking that because the former president, the current Republican candidate, is talking about peace, he's talking about ending the conflict, whether you believe him or not. At least he's talking about ending the conflict. And this is considered a bad thing. And people are buying into this, that this is some sort of bad thing. You know, this is what's upsetting me so much about this story is that people are being propagandized to dangerous levels to believe a narrative that isn't true. Absolutely. And the elites know it's not true. I mean, yes, the important ones, the important ones, maybe the lower the Baltic state prime ministers and press out of no. These guys probably don't know what's really going on, but the important people, they know that the Jake Sullivan's, they know that this war is lost. Absolutely. And as you correctly said, they're peddling the idea that it can still be won. And the only reason that it cannot be won is because there's all these dastardly people in the United States, especially, of whom Donald Trump is presumably the most important, who are instead of supporting Ukraine in winning this great victory that is within its grasp. They're trying instead to force Ukraine into some kind of unsatisfactory peace, snatching defeat, if you like, from the jaws of Ukraine's victory. By the way, a couple of months ago, when Congress had still not authorized funding for Ukraine, I read an article in The Financial Times, which was straight forwardly entitled The Betrayal of Ukraine, and which specifically blamed Trump and people like him for the fact that Ukraine was being betrayed and was losing the war in consequence. So even in The Financial Times, you find rhetoric of this guy. And of course, there are some people who think along those same lines, they hear all of these things. I'm not suggesting, by the way, that anybody incited or encouraged this, I'm sure this person never read the article in The Financial Times. But you can find lots and lots of articles like that. You can find lots of people talking in this way. You find people talking in this way all the time. I'm sure you find people in bars and wherever football games who talk in this way, because the authorities, the government, the media are propagating this story. So, of course, it circulates. And if it reaches somebody who is absolutely convinced of Project Ukraine and the fact that it's going to, Ukraine is facing, risking betrayal, well, you can understand, it's all so surprising by something like what we have just seen happens. - So, this guy, I think it's been confirmed. I'll say allegedly, even though I'm pretty sure it's been confirmed, that he was involved in one way or another with the foreign Legion, the international Legion, in Ukraine. There are photos of him at the Maidan Square in Ukraine. So, I mean, he's obviously in there. I'm a bit curious as to how a roofer from Carolina ends up in such a position, lobbying Congress, going to DC, going to Ukraine, being part of the Legion. He was interviewed Alexander by Newsweek. I mean, there's a video of him being interviewed by Newsweek. He was interviewed by the Financial Times, interviewed by the New York Times. I mean, these aren't small publications. He's been interviewed by just about every single big mainstream media outlet about his experience in Ukraine and what needs to be done to help Ukraine defeat Putin, who's the mustache man or Trump is the mustache man or Obama is the mustache man or Xi Jinping is the mustache man. I lose track of all the mustache man that the media keeps talking about. But he wrote a book, a 200 page book, 200 plus pages, the unwinnable war. How does someone like this end up in this position? I mean, an admission also that Americans, American citizens, are in Ukraine. - Are fighting. - And this is how it looks. - Well, absolutely. - Are fighting or involved? - Absolutely, I should say that I've read articles in the British media today, which specifically refer to people who were in the foreign Legion in Ukraine and who met this man there. They didn't think much of him, according to these accounts. They said that he had no military background, no military experience. He was considered somebody who was all hot air and no real substance. And this is what the media is saying in Britain today. The point is that they nonetheless place him there and they place him specifically in the context where all of this was going on and that he was attempting to recruit people, whether he had any success in doing that, that's of course a completely different issue. But we're not here to debate the success of this person in these activities. We're here to understand the context in which he probably acted, as he did. And we can, you know, did over the last couple of hours when, by all accounts, he attempted to assassinate the President of the United States. I mean, I'd say all accounts, as he rightly said, it hasn't yet been proved and we have to follow due process. But the US authorities are making it quite clear that they believe that he did, in fact, attempt to assassinate the President of the United States. So anyway, there we go. So he was deeply, heavily involved. You rightly say he was a roofer. People like him sometimes attached themselves to a cause. I'm not saying he attached himself to the cause because he's a roofer. I'm saying that he's probably somebody who probably didn't have the, carried the importance, acquired the attention in his everyday life that perhaps at some level he anchored for, he attached himself to this great cause of Ukraine. He adopted it. The media picked him up. He was given a huge amount of attention that made him feel immensely important, perhaps more important than he really actually in truth was. Now he's seeing his beloved project of Ukraine in which he's invested so much. Go down and he can't accept that it's because the cause itself is failing or he's failing or that the Ukrainians are failing. It all has to be due to someone's potential to betrayal and that brings us back to Donald Trump. So I don't think this is a difficult one to understand if you approach it in that way. - Yeah, you're right. In the debate, the first debate with Harrison and Trump, they didn't mention ABC. I think they said anything about the first assassination attempt. - No, no. - Just get over it. - Yeah, absolutely, yes. Well, are we gonna get the same with this or? - Well, I hope, I sincerely hope not because it's, I mean, one of the things that I found very disturbing about the first assassination attempt is we discussed at the time that the rhetoric was getting completely out of control to be precise, the rhetoric about Donald Trump was getting completely out of control. There were hopes, there was claims that the rhetoric would be dialed down because there have to be fears that some people are listening to this rhetoric and are taking it seriously and that this may explain some of the reasons why they're acting as they are. And that lasted all of one day. And then instead what happened was that the assassination attempt got memory hold and the rhetoric started, I think literally, a day after the assassination took place, it started, it resumed again with full force. I remember again reading another article of the Financial Times. I don't want to pick on the Financial Times, by the way. I mean, I should make that clear. It's no different from pretty much every other mainstream paper, but I read it every day. But anyway, there was one article there about a couple of days after the assassination attempt where Donald Trump was referred to as a tyrant that was about the wildest thing that this article had to say about him. It was a cascade of extraordinary words and phrases and comments about him. And that was right across the entire media landscape. And then of course, almost immediately afterwards, we got the events with the president standing down as the candidate and the vice president taking his place and then there was the Chicago Convention and then there was the surge that we were all hearing about, which actually doesn't, in reality, seem to have happened or at least not anything like the scale that it was made out to have happened. But the way the media ran it, it looked as if there had been. So the whole thing, the whole story of the first assassination attempt, that incredible picture where we see Donald Trump making himself up and gesturing to the crowd and making statements, all of that, it was just basically erased. It was as if it never happened. And the whole topic just went away. And I think that was wrong and dangerous at many levels because whether it helps Trump or not that he survived an assassination attempt helps him in electoral terms to be very clear. The fact that this presidential election period is being affected by these sort of events is a serious and worrying and important fact and coming back to my first comments on this programme. We've now just seen another. - Let me ask you a final question and I'm not implying in this question that Ukraine was behind the government of so let's give us behind this. But my question to you is given the fact that so many people are talking about this man's obsession with Ukraine, how do you think this is going to affect Trump's base, the MAGA base, the America first voter? Not only with the election, but also their feelings about Ukraine, they were already, I mean, Trump's base for the most part was already saying it's time to pull out of Ukraine, we've had enough. I mean, that's what his base was basically saying and Trump was echoing that sentiment. Now, given all the information that we have on this guy, which once again, the mainstream media is admitting to when they're talking about it. I mean, CNN's headline said this shooter has ties, or is obsessed with Ukraine. I forgot CNN's headline actually, I think I actually have it here, Alexander. A 58 year old man who was a strong supporter of Ukraine has been critical of the president. And it says that he was connected to, he was obsessed with Ukraine. That's basically what CNN is saying. So I mean, how does this affect the Trump voter? Well, I mean, let me first of all say that I don't believe the Zelensky government had anything to do with this. And I want to make that clear at the outset. But in terms of what Trump's electoral base and perhaps going beyond his electoral base will feel, well, they will feel that this war in Ukraine is now starting to affect the political system, the political process in the United States in an incredibly dangerous way. The person that many millions of people in the United States want to see elected as president of the United States has been, there's been an attempted assassination attempt against him by a committed Ukrainian supporter. Inevitably, they're going to go away and say to themselves, this whole business in Ukraine is incredibly bad news. We almost lost the man we want to see president because of it. It's times and it's stopped. It's inevitably going to have that effect. It's all the people are going to say that someone in Kiev ordered this. I don't believe that's going to happen. But I think that they will make the even more hostile to Project Ukraine now than they were previously. And they are becoming more hostile to Project Ukraine all the time. It is inevitable. It is going to follow as inevitable as night following day. - Yeah, all right. Any other final comments or thoughts or should we wrap this? - Well, I think we can wrap up briefly to reiterate again, two assassination attempts within a few weeks of each other in an election period is astonishing. I think it is unprecedented in American history. And I do hope that this time, both the political class and the security services and the media class take this very seriously. Because to be frank, I don't want to see any more. - Yeah, I agree. The media needs to stop misinforming because it does have consequences. All right, we will end the video there. we are on Rumble Odyssey, Bitchy Telegram, Rockfin and X and go to the Derad shop. Pick up some merch like the shirts that we are wearing today in this video. The link is in the description box down below. Take care. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]