Two Moms DW EP. 1

Lifelong Friends Episode 7

Ann and Sara have Sara's lifelong Jon over with his lovely wife Hannah. They discuss childhood memories and current memories of their friendship. They have a lot of shenanigans to discuss in this very fun episode.

Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Episode 7

Episode 7

[BLANK_AUDIO] >> Thank you for coming back to another episode of two moms in a double ride. My name is Sarah and I'm Ann. And we have our, well, actually we'll be our second guest because you'll be on the week after. >> Detroit Lions. >> My God, I thought it was the first guest. >> Well, technically, we are. >> You're gonna leave the bar in a second, yes. >> Because we're doing a football podcast with my brother. So that will come up to correlate with- >> You can have your brother before us. >> Yes, so, but second could be best, you just don't know. We don't know what's- >> Is there a phrase called second best? >> Yeah, yeah. >> And that's me. What's us, we're second best. I thought here I thought we were officially gonna be the first podcast guest. >> Well, technically you are in the podcast, see first. >> Yes, what up? >> So eat that, Jake. >> Yeah, Jacob, okay. >> Yeah, told me. >> Jakub, he's going to call him. >> [LAUGH] >> He hated it, dude, he was- >> He was little, he hated it. >> My name is Jakub, it's not Jakub. >> [LAUGH] >> Wait, is that just backwards? >> No, it's German. >> No, it's German. >> That's the German pronunciation for Jacob. >> Jakub, okay. >> I was trying to make it make it- >> So no, did you ever hear the story about what okurt means in low German? >> No. >> But what's low German versus high? So low German- >> Wait, one second. And we just gotta introduce you guys cuz they don't know how to help her. >> [LAUGH] >> Okay, we have special guests right now today. >> [LAUGH] >> It's my, one of my longest friends, besides Amanda, you are my second longest friend, see second, second, then. >> By that she means tallest friend. >> It's true, you are pretty tall. >> Yes. >> My friend, an old neighbor from the hood, John Wright and his lovely hood. >> The other hood. >> The other hood. >> Not the trailer hood, but you know, the other hood. >> Oh, I just got it. >> We used to live downtown, we were swanky. We were swanky and then we had to go only to the penthouse of trailer parks. >> [LAUGH] >> Anyways, we were neighbors and friends as kids. And still as adults and we've been friends for a very long time. It's been like over 20 years, wild. And it's wife, how long have you guys been together? >> We've been together now. >> [LAUGH] >> She's tired. >> She's tired. >> 11 years and married seven. And I'm from a not very, not very different. I grew up in Highland, Michigan, so same thing. >> Yeah, I feel like everybody knows. >> We do. >> Knows each other. >> And so how long have you been married? >> I've been married, I'll be married 14 years, December 8th. >> [LAUGH] >> Hey, Steve. >> How long have we been married? >> 14 years. >> It's 42, however. >> How close is he? He's at 42, everyone. >> We got married in 1982, so he's cool. >> Yeah. >> That's from May of '82. >> Is that okay? >> No, your guys' relationship is one more year older than me? >> Yeah, no. >> And it's- >> That's not a thing to say out loud. >> It's- >> Now I was thinking that makes sense because they're either a little relatively. >> Yeah. [LAUGH] >> I'm just a little bit older, not that much, though, I was born in '82, and I'll be 42 next month. And that's how I know they've been married that long because- >> Oh, yeah. >> Tell the minister story. >> Well, they already have heard it, though, audience. Yes, how do you ever remember this? >> But just a backtrack, I told the minister that my mom was pregnant. >> I was at my parents wedding. >> I was at my parents wedding, yes. >> I didn't hear this. >> Yes. >> So you guys heard that on the phone. But anyways- >> And if you haven't listened, go back. >> It's funny. It's there. >> There's some interesting stories. The backtrack. >> Yeah. >> We do have some interesting stories. But anyways, John, you remember how we met? >> Of the bus. >> Yeah. >> Yes. >> You were in sixth grade, I was in seventh grade? >> Yes, yes. >> And it was, what's this read that the bus stop was on, do you remember? >> No, I don't remember your old address. >> That I do. >> Good job. John sometimes can be absent-minded. I love him dearly. >> But I'm not going to say it on the microphone, because I don't want anybody to like stock that house. >> No, I live out of it, because now I'm a famous podcast. >> No, they definitely was, so don't say it. >> Yeah. >> They're gonna come out of the pot for us, it's gonna come on down to your house. >> No, the podcast police are gonna come and get your food. >> FCC. >> So we met on the bus, and I think somebody was giving me crap, or somebody else was giving you crap. I don't remember, but I remember- >> It was crap giving. >> Yes, I remember meeting you, and then either one of us defending over the butt hole that was on the bus. Like, you don't know this person, I don't really know this person either, but you can't treat them that way, I'm just gonna stick up for them. That's what I remember. >> And ever since we're thick as thieves, we always wear fears. >> We're very fierce, we're always in each other's corners. So mom, how did we annoy you as kids? >> Do you have about six hours? >> My God, six hours. >> I already know some of them off the top of my head, so how did they used to call you at your job? >> We'd be able to start- >> Yeah, so- >> We're just going right into the- >> Back in the day, back in the day. >> Back in the day. >> By the way, we were like 17 or something, it wasn't even like we were 12. >> So, we just were like higher drunk, so exciting, because I wanted to stay gamefully employed until I'm ready to retire. I have not mentioned that my employer's name, but- >> You don't have to, but they would prank dial me and leave voicemails and call me a name. >> It rhymes and it was funny, but I'm a little annoying. >> More than a little. >> We can't even say it on the podcast, oh no. >> But, it was annoying and you have told me that story if you- >> I have to keep being gamefully employed until I'm ready to retire. >> You were a good sport. >> But just to put onto any younger listeners, this was before you could just use your cell phone to call your mom so far. >> There was a thing called a landline or an office phone that voicemails that you would have to actually call, that, I don't know, I mean, I don't know if we have any many young listeners. >> But they would go through an extra channel just to annoy you. They would have to speak to someone and say, hi, I'm looking to speak to blank and then you guys would get there and use your nickname, right? >> Yeah. >> Yeah. [LAUGH] >> Loved every minute. >> [LAUGH] >> Well, also, John and I used to just get it in random fight. >> I did. >> Like one time? >> Yeah. >> Check that out. [LAUGH] >> Very hot-headed humans. >> One time? >> Yeah, so mad. And by the way, I do not remember what we've thought about because this is really stupid. But one time, I was the only one that could drive for a while. So I had this 1994, Ford S-port. >> Which we call the one that you had before that. >> A Batmobile, the car from- >> That one. >> The Lumina? No, the one I ran into the sub garage. >> I remember the half mini, mini, it was like half. >> The PT cruisers? >> She had that- >> But she had the one at a high school car that somebody she babysat for gave to her and that car was possessed. >> I'm telling you, I ran into the garage. >> She did, she took out half the garage. >> But I was driving, remember I drove the station wagon? The little S-port, red station wagon? >> Yeah, yeah, yeah, I used to call that the ochre car. >> Yeah, the ochre car. >> So, him and I got really mad at each other about God knows what. And I was in the driveway with my car and he picks up his bike. And Scott, he was like, so freaking cool. And I was like, I'm gonna get you, sir. I'm gonna get you, you just, you just wait. I did, I was like, she was don't you dare, you ever. >> I was so, so mad, it was so mad at you, oh my gosh. >> Been like 10 minutes later, we're like, hey, I wanna go get some beef. >> Pretty much, that's what our fights are. >> Pretty much at the Dairy Queen. >> Right. >> Oh, we did love the deer. And the Mexican restaurant. >> I will say, like as his wife, I think that that has been helpful. Because John said some practice in being able to quickly put over our arguments. >> Yeah, it's been like a very helpful aspect of our relationship. We're not a couple who says like, we never fight. Are they long and extended? No, they're brief and dramatic and then they're done. >> No, literally that's our family. >> Thank you. >> We're like, F you, no F you, no F you. >> 10 minutes later. >> Now you can do a shout out to Steve-o to ask how much we fight. >> Steve-o. >> How much do you fight Steve-o? >> Wasano. >> Liar. >> Liar, liar, pants on, not at all. >> But is it ball-loading? >> Is it brief and then done or extended? >> Yeah, it's brief and done. >> Okay, isn't that so much more healthy though? >> I feel like it's- >> Yeah. >> Chris and I are brief and done and I'm like, F you. And then I'll just go to my room for half hour or whatever. I'm like, whatever. I don't care anymore. >> I will say like one of the things when I was listening to your podcast here is that you mentioned like arguments in the process. That's a completely normal thing. And I feel like it's very toxic. Like all of the people who pretend that they never have arguments. >> No, I never heard what we have been. >> We never go to bad angry. Well, you guys must not have a lot to talk about. You guys must not be that close. Because if you're that close, you will have fights. And if they're brief, that's great. If they're extended, maybe like work on that. But that's normal. >> Yeah. >> That's like normal in a relationship. >> Yeah, I just, I don't know how old budget. I mean, I talk about stuff and give people crap a lot. Like John or my dad about all the things they did. >> But you're not really like- >> I'm not really like, it's just funny. >> Yeah, I hold massive budget. >> Well, you're really only holding budget against two people that I know. >> [LAUGH] >> Which we will not speak of because they might listen to this and then. >> Well, one of them, one might be the other one. >> I think we just talked about it. >> No. >> I did, no. [LAUGH] >> I have to see all those people in October. >> Okay, all right. >> I feel like we would be remiss to say that Ann, you made delicious hands. And as a vegetarian, I have tried it. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, I can confirm it's delicious. >> Right now, okay, so John when we were kids would come over quite a bit. And pretty much, just thought he just lived at our house and we'll talk to him. >> I pretty much did live at home. >> Yeah, and he would go into the fridge and we'd just piss my mom out. >> Don't you ask John, don't you, ask. >> My God, you're so rude. >> The truth is coming out. >> [LAUGH] >> He just would be grateful. >> Okay, Johnny, honey. >> Well, okay, since we're all being truthful. >> Yeah. >> Did it piss her off? >> Yes, they would get under each other's skin just like he gets him and his mom. Same thing. >> Yeah. >> It's like a love hate thing. >> That is all I was like, hey. >> You're not welcome now, or Jack's to do it. >> If I don't like you, and I'm purposely trying to ask, I know it's weird. It's just- >> No, it's like when you have a best friend, Sarah, and you're like, if you're going to call a trick like this. >> Yeah. >> It's your best friend. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, you're not going to say that to the random people on this show. >> So it turns out you and I were best friends. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, that's from the beginning. >> [LAUGH] >> No, but I mean, she knew that he was a good kid. So she was probably the most, out of all my friends, the most respectful. >> Well, it was really respectful, but you guys would give each other push back. >> [LAUGH] >> And I know that our listeners would find that shocking. >> [LAUGH] >> But yeah, but it was kind of similar like him and his mom's in spar quite a bit, too. But they weren't like, I don't mean it like- >> It's a love spar. >> It's a love spar. >> It's because when you love someone that much, you can mess with them. >> Yeah, and it's fun. >> So John messed with me all the time. So he loved you all the time. >> Yes, he did. >> Because we love spar as well, so that's good. >> My husband and I have been loved firing for 42 years. >> I mean, when I say, I'm telling you, when I say the FU, it's just the language of love. I get it out, I feel like- >> That's your love FU. >> Yes, if I love FU and Chris knows that, he's not like- >> Well, no, and that's when you, a lot of- >> I'm stalling. This is my mother. >> [LAUGH] >> I can't pause it, you're gonna- >> Okay, Mom, you're on the podcast right now. >> Yes, you gotta pull her up to the speaker. >> Because we're John, you remember Sarah's friend, John. He is here with his wife Hannah. >> Hi. >> And we're podcasting as we speak. >> I'm waving to you even though I'm on a phone. >> Yeah, yeah, [LAUGH] >> And actually we were just talking about you. >> [LAUGH] >> So you must have, you must have ESP. >> [LAUGH] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Okay, well, I will have to do techy help after the podcast is done, okay? >> But she will. >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Or you have another daughter that you would call. >> Or you could call- >> Hey, Jay. >> Jay is here right now. >> Jay? >> Jay is calling those guys. >> He's not on the phone and she needs techy help. Can you come grab my phone? >> Yes, this is all fun. I'm so glad that you are listening to this conversation. The story of my life. >> It does not get any more real than this. >> To be honest with you, for the listeners, it is the right thing to do. >> Okay, here's your family with tech. >> You will be there one day, so help out. >> Yes. >> Okay. >> For all you youthful listeners, which I probably have my daughter. The best forwards the written is like, here's your download. >> [LAUGH] >> Even us, I know I don't have Twitter because I don't know how to do it. >> No, I'm not into them. >> So that's the thing, we all need help one day. So that's, yeah, you have to help your family. >> Right, I'm an Instagram, I'm like an Instagram Facebook. >> Yeah, we do. >> Kinda go, and I don't have Twitter, but now. >> Or like, sorry, we're so out of it, it's called X now. >> Yeah, I don't even- >> I was just gonna say. >> Yeah. >> It doesn't even have that name anymore. I've read it though, I love read it. >> Yeah, you're gonna show me how to use that, cuz I don't know. >> I don't know. >> Go along and figure it out. We should do that with you, and we should do another episode where we read like AITA, which is like M-I-D-S, whole host, we can talk about. >> My God, she's telling me this. >> I was, if we think these people are the asshole or not, why? And kind of like talk it out, cuz I think he would like read it though. >> Yeah, well, I like to call out assholes. Like when people don't tip servers and I have a- >> That is a huge pet people's mind. >> And I've done mom rants, check out my mom rants, by the way. Anyway, so John and I have been through many, many phases in our lives, I feel. >> Well, the Verner's Ham, that we were talking about. >> Yeah, the Verner's Ham, see, just all over the place. >> Yes, yes, I for years would go into your fridge and pick out your Verner's Ham and I'd hear from the other room. God, get out of there. >> Today, true story. >> I'm sorry, are you saying you'd pick out of like a Tupperware? >> Yeah, correct. >> Like hold on, already made like cold Verner's Ham, correct. >> That's ridiculous. >> It's delicious. >> That's why you made the joke when she's not choosing the Verner's Ham. You said I prefer it cold picked out of the Tupperware. >> Yes. >> Okay, so now that you've tasted the other version, what do you think? >> I think it's wonderful and warm. >> And it's an honor to have my very own Verner. >> I mean, here at this famous podcast, we roll it out for our guests. >> Yeah. >> We cook. >> Okay, honestly, yeah. >> Yeah, I feel like Terri and trying pieces at him. >> I mean, you heard me here, folks. >> Well, we've got other really good stuff for you to try too. >> Because you eat dairy and cheese and stuff. >> I cannot be vegan, I really like ranch and I really like cheese, so I'm just after that. >> You and I are sisters from another one. >> Yeah, I'm not doing that. Okay, anyway, so we've got a very kind person. If you heard that, he's helping his grandmother. >> Yes, anyways. So that we call Nana. So any- >> She's helping Nana get squared away. >> No, we love the Verner's Ham, but let's get off the top of the ham. I'm sure people don't want to hear about ham the whole time. So, we've been through many phases in our life. Do you remember, and I don't know if I ever told my mom this, I don't even know if Hannah knows this. Do you remember when we went to that club and it was like an Aquilani? And we had a good time and like left it when the bar closed. But I parked in a place that was no parking. And they told my car and we thought my car was stolen. >> My God, yeah. >> Drew, did I tell you that? >> Wait, what, probably not. >> Yes, we thought our car was stolen, they had just towed it. >> Yeah, I didn't see that you couldn't park in this parking lot. >> Sarah, no joke, that happened to me three other times with the other. I know Joe. >> I was like going, you know how you are like paranoid, you're like, I know I left. That way, drive me in. I know I left my car here, where the hell is my car? And so then we were afraid to go talk to the cops because we didn't want to let them know that. We were hanging out at a bar or whatever, not that we were doing bad. But you know, they're going to ask. So finally we did flag down a cop in the cars of the impound lot. Then we had like all pile in this one car. It's rounds up after dark $300 to get my car out of the impound lot. >> That's a racket. >> Well, and they charged by the day, right? So if it's not out that day. >> Yes, it gets like double or whatever. >> It's ridiculous. So we're like, all of us are putting our ATM cards and trying to get this money out. I'm lucky I was with people that they liked me because they could have been like, see you. >> Yeah, have a good day. >> We're going to Uber this. >> They didn't have Uber back ten years before Uber, right? >> Yeah. >> Good old Uber. >> They're in a small town, they still don't. >> Yeah, you guys don't get it in winter or late night. >> No, no, we don't have it out here. >> In no lift or Uber. >> No. >> I just think that's stupid. >> It's bad because it, you know, I mean, I'm sure- >> They're missing out on money opportunities. >> Yeah. >> And like helping people get home safely, so. >> Well, I have a story about that. >> Yes. >> I accidentally left my key bob in my rental car because I was out east last week for work. And I was the one that was picked to rent the rental car because I was the only one who had driven. Thank you, Jake, driven out east before. And I had to, we were going to a minor league baseball game. And I got elected to drive because nobody else had driven out there before. And I had, I was carrying like my Detroit Lions small clutch bag. That I had to put the two keypobs from the rental car in. So my co-worker said, well, just take the other one out of your purse and put it in this little drawer here. That's what I always do at home. So yeah, it's still in the drawer of the rental car. And who knows if I'll get it back. So an Uber ride and tip later, $100. Thank you very much. >> Yeah, it was not fun. >> Well, sorry listeners, we told that story last week, but now we know again, but John maybe didn't listen to the podcast. >> No way through it. >> I heard the story, but I was really nice. >> In case you didn't know. You got to hear it again. >> I like that story the first time. >> It's a very respectful crew. We liked it both times. >> I didn't use it over until we went to Detroit. No, it was Detroit. >> No, we first used it in Chicago. >> No, we never did. We used taxi cabs in Chicago. >> No, they're so expensive. >> I had to download the app and we used one in Chicago. Absolutely. >> I'm on Harvard, so that's not it. >> Couple of five, couple of five, couple of five. >> You're incorrect, but I will let you put your hands up. >> Okay. >> Remember we say this? >> I would rather be happy than right. >> Okay. >> So, Dr. Phil Tips, let's keep going. >> What about the zoopers? >> You don't put a turkey in the oven if the turkey's already cooked. >> I got doctors, but tell your story. >> Oh, yeah. So that's the first time I ever used one. >> It was Chicago, but yeah. >> Yeah, no. We still don't have them out here. >> No, not out here at the Ridge. They don't service the Uber and Lyft forget about us, you know? So Hannah, wait a minute. Before you get, I'm going to ask, before I ask your first impressions of us, one story I want to tell before Hannah even was with John is how he missed his best girlfriend's wedding. Hey, John. >> Which is exactly what John wanted you to ask. >> And was going to be the one bringing you. >> Oh no. Oh no. >> I'll just see you this time. >> Oh yeah. >> Oh, because does that hurt, John? >> Yes. >> So. >> Yeah, it is painful if they keep bringing you up. So you need to like fully address that. >> You need to own it, boy. >> Yes. >> And I want to address it. >> Why? >> Acknowledged it. >> Yeah. >> And again. >> Well, tell them why half right now. >> I do apologize. >> It is like a, it is like a soul hurt. >> It's brought up over and over. So you do have to address it. >> For whatever reason, do you know how the humans have a little slip of paper that come in the mail and then they put it on their fridge so they remember it. >> No, I only have my travel magnets on my fridge. >> Yes, where the location is. I mean, now we just do everything. >> Well, Beck, I will say. >> So just. >> Yes. >> Hannah just turned around and look at the fridge. >> So I woke up for Sarah's wedding, the day of her wedding. >> You did get the day, right? >> Yeah. And I'm like, holy, can I say, nice, nice. >> You can say it, it's fine. >> Holy shit. >> I've already demonied. >> I don't. [LAUGH] >> I moved him on it. >> Yeah, I said good. >> All right, we're safe then. I said, holy shit, I have no idea where this wedding went. So I frantically call everybody in Sarah's wedding party that I had an offer to. And of course, nobody picks up the call, they're in an affing wedding. >> Yeah, they're out of the wedding. >> Yeah. >> My God. >> They're busy. >> Was this in the DR? >> No, no, he didn't, he wasn't ever planning to go. This is my wedding. Let me clarify, wasn't my actual wedding, it was my wedding reception. So we were busy. >> Yeah, the one where we hired all Jake's friends to drive everybody home. >> But did you end up coming out later? >> That's smart. >> Did you end up coming to my house then I can't remember? >> I don't know, you might have been so mad at me. >> God, wait, was it that, was it that, like, was that charged? I thought, right? >> No, I was just at first like, what the hell? >> [LAUGH] >> I think it was more of what the hell. I think it was because I wanted him there. >> Well, yeah, Jan. >> Well, I wanted to be. >> Yeah, no, I didn't think it was not because he didn't want to be there. >> You knew it wasn't on purpose, but it still looks like it was fun because it was a special moment. >> Yeah, there was a ball there and the ball was dropped. But it is still kind of a funny story, it is. >> [LAUGH] >> Now you guys torture him enough with it. >> [LAUGH] >> It's fun for you, yes, it's fun for everyone now. He takes it, I mean, he tells me things to, he's like, remember when you did this? Well, he was like, they're gonna match you. >> [LAUGH] >> [CROSSTALK] >> You better mention that wedding story. >> [LAUGH] >> My God. So then when you first started dating, Janet, I met you. >> Yeah. >> What did you think of me? >> I'm gonna be completely honest. I think I just talked to your mom a little bit about this. You guys were so immediately honest to God, kind to me. I'm always like very, I'm always not funny for a podcast, but I'm just being honest. >> Yeah. >> I'm always very worried about what other people think. I was just telling your mom, I hate the idea of someone not liking me for whatever reason. You were so kind, and it was nice to experience that because- >> Other than Steve-o, he wasn't. >> [LAUGH] >> But you had that experience where you come in to establish friendship and that- >> People are brat. >> Yeah, you can kind of, in an established friendship and you're like the newbie coming in. There can be a little bit of an ownership vibe or I wanna make sure this chick's not crazy. No, you were so nice and I was telling John on the way here, I think one of the first times we hung out for like an extended period, I was having a hard time with like our toddler at the time. And I remember I kind of like started prying in the kitchen. And I was like, it's been like a hard day. You were so sweet. So yeah, you guys are very, very solid. >> I like my mom raised me, so I gotta get some brats for that. >> Yeah, I get some brats for that. >> But that's the kind of thing like, that's how that should be like, it's cool, like it's cool to be able to hang out with my husband's best child, I love it. >> And we had an experience with another friend of mine. >> We did. >> I won't mention names like this, but it did not go so well, it got really weird. >> Yeah, I had an experience where I was trying really hard. And again, it was just like, it was like a previously established long-term friendship. And like sometimes people can like feel protective with that. And they were not very kind to me. And it was really rough. And it was a very, very different experience. So to be honest, nothing but positive vibes with you guys. >> You should have called me up. I was called up. >> All right, don't mess, dude. We call her the Bulldog for a reason. >> Yeah, well, I've heard she's the Bulldog, but the thing is, I think John would like mention you were the Bulldog before I met you. So I was like, but then it was like, no, you weren't bulldogging towards me. So I do kill you. >> Only bulldogs do people who deserve it. >> Yeah, you bulldog too, like there's an aim. So yeah, no, really, really positive. And I like to like listening to like your guys' podcast. I was able to hear like stories from your childhood. And it's cool because I know that's like his childhood too. >> Yeah. >> So I actually am like very interested. >> And you get to hear stories from my childhood, which are like, which is like 100 years ago. >> No. [LAUGH] >> Our childhoods are 100 years ago. >> Yup, gosh, isn't that crazy? You're like, oh God, I'm 40 and everything. >> It feels like just yesterday, we're right in the middle of the bus. >> Seriously, we ride that bus and we're really good. >> And then they told us to get off and like, you're 40, get off. >> Yeah, it was really, really weird. I just don't understand why they wanted to get it. I mean, I keep trying to go on Sawyer's bus as well. And they're like, hell to the no, Mrs. Nevers. You are not allowed on the bus. >> I'm like, leave her alone. She's a school kid, man. >> Do you know where you can get it? >> Like, is that another 40-year-old man? >> At your school? >> Can I go to your school? >> You got to apply to like a job or you can sign what you're smiling about. [LAUGH] >> I know peeps, so. >> Yeah, yeah, get in the school system, you can watch them. >> Since we brought up the podcast real quick, I just want to give you guys like, I want to give you guys a mad shout out. >> [LAUGH] >> Okay. >> No, I do, because like, I listen to a lot of podcasts that are very like, they deal with content that's like, you know, either political or charged in some way. And your guys' podcast, it's just chill and fun and relaxing. I think you guys are doing a great job. Like, stay the court, you guys just work so well together. I mean, obviously. >> I think too, like, those things are important sometimes, but also, like, you know, it's two moms and a double-wide, like, you guys are two moms. Like, you're always moms, you're always working. [LAUGH] >> Well, at the end of the night, right? Like, this is time to like, go away, go away. >> We have intruders. >> Yeah. >> At the end of the night, though, it's sometimes just time to check out. And I know like, Sarah, you mentioned them like a previous podcast, how you just like to watch like reality shows or true crime. Like, and you were, yeah. >> I love Bravo. >> No, no, Bravo. >> Andy Cohen, we want to be your neighbors. >> Yeah, I want my cousin has, has wine sight to a apartment. [LAUGH] >> That's a condo that's next, like, near you. >> But that's like, it's not silly. It's like a break from the rest of your day. And I think it's like really important for people to be able to do that. And I think it's silly when people pretend that they're like above that. Like, oh, you don't like a good show at the end of the night? Okay. >> Oh, and we know people are like, I don't see that. I'm so good. >> You're not. >> No. >> You're not. >> We're enthusiasts. >> Yeah. >> You're like shows. >> I'm a trash TV enthusiast. >> But I love, nothing gives me more joy. I'm not gonna lie. >> [LAUGH] >> Well, and, you know, given what's going on in our lives besides all of this, we have, you know, we're dealing with children that have disabilities. >> Yeah. >> And it just, it gives us some comic relief. >> Yeah. >> Well, and we, I always love you guys because you've always been kind to my sister. >> I mean, always. Always, always, oh, your sister's awesome. Like, she's, no, you went and saw her. So we just, we just love you guys. Even Chris is like, even as John calls them nerds as short, dirty Chris. >> [LAUGH] >> My God, okay. >> [LAUGH] >> Or led nerds. >> Or led nerds. >> Like, what can we say, but always have always had our back, and always have wanted to know, what has been going on, you know, we always check in on any and always make sure that I'm okay. It's been to hell and back, man. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, we have. >> I don't remember, like, it's weird. We had a couple of like back and forth, like you and I are like, like Facebook messenger. I would just say something and you'd say something and it was like when like hard stuff was happening. I don't know if you know that, actually, but. >> Oh, wait. >> Yeah, but that's like kind of cool, like, um, yeah, like when we felt like, the moving hard things happen, like you check in on each other and you can't always get together or anything because we have kids, we have family stuff and we have all that and everybody works. So it's just always gets hard. So it's like, and then you still have to connect. But John and I've always been, always stayed in contact with each other. >> Always. >> Always. >> Always. >> And now we're going to get hammed together and take a plot of. >> [LAUGH] >> It's going to be, oh my gosh, it's going to be wild. >> It's going to be amazing. >> Well, it's one of those things too. They say like, oh, like, it's that season of like, when you have younger kids, it's harder. >> Yep. >> And like, our young kids are like four. And like, that's, you know, like, that's kind of a harder time to like, necessarily, if we connect. But people who, like, have like an established relationship with, like, you can meet. >> Oh, 100%, 100%. We're in a wrap up here, soon. But, John, I want to tell this story. >> I want you to tell the Pittsburgh story. >> Oh, my. >> What's up? >> [LAUGH] >> White Peanut doesn't really care if there's a strip of that. >> Yeah. >> What's up? >> [LAUGH] >> He didn't even see it. >> [LAUGH] >> So we were on the outskirts of Pittsburgh. >> Yeah, because we were like, poor and college. >> Right. >> And so we, I think, well, I had told you that there's this sandwich I wanted to go eat, it's Pittsburgh. >> She has champermani, bro. >> She literally calls me up, she's like, John, I have this sandwich. >> What's actually about a sandwich? >> Yeah, no joke, no joke. She's like, there's a sandwich in Pittsburgh that they put french fries on it. I think I'm going to go, do you want to come? >> Honey, you can put french fries on it. >> And I'm like, hell yeah, that sounds really good, let's do it. And we went to Pittsburgh. >> Thank you. >> Which I ended up loving, I love Pittsburgh. >> I did, that was one of the funnest times ever. We have so much fun, we went to a thrift shop. >> Did you get the sandwich? >> We did, got the sandwich. But so, but we're on the outskirts of Pittsburgh. And I wasn't aware that Pennsylvania is really silly. And all that like pegs and valleys and stuff. And so we're driving, and we stay in the outskirts of Pittsburgh, because we were four. So I got it. So we stayed out there, Chris went with us too. And we don't know, it was even before even navigation and stuff. We're trying to find someplace to eat, and it's pitch dark. I think there was no lights on the road at all. So we're driving and driving in John and Ireland. We're so hungry, we're so hungry. >> But finally, it's like, all of a sudden, we see all these bright lights, and we're like, oh my God, I don't even remember the name of the restaurant, or the restaurant. We'll call it. >> That's the place with the pricing. >> So we're like, okay, we'll try this place. So we get out of the car, and I'm walking the fastest. God damn it, I never walked this fast. But today, that was the day. >> [LAUGH] >> Walking freaking fast, you know, fast. So I opened the door, I'm not kidding you. There was a woman's red eagle with a beaver, right in my face. >> I'm a stripper pole. >> Always super cool to just see randomly. >> Chris and I didn't even get inside the door. Sarah turns around, she goes, it literally puts her hands up in the air. >> So like Sarah, like how bad did you want this sandwich, you know? It's got to move through it. >> Well, I won't want you to track. >> Apparently she wants the sandwich before we left. >> Well, there was, that's not where the sandwich was. This is just the stripper place we thought early because we were staying in the outskirts before we went into Pittsburgh proper the next day. >> Yes. >> Okay, and we went to all these like restaurants. But yeah, I never thought in my life, it's okay, you know what? Here's the thing, I'm not against strippers, kudos to you. You gotta do whatever you gotta do. >> Make your money. >> But if I'm not prepared for that? >> Yes, you want to- >> It's our shock. >> You want to know that it's coming. Like I have also had like experiences where I know that like exes of mine have like gone to like strip clubs and I was fine with it. But I saw pictures later and I was like, oh, it's like josh. >> And on that note, yeah, oh, it was more than I expected. >> My gosh, oh guys, thanks for coming on. >> This has been a joy. >> Yeah, it's been our pleasure. >> You will, you can comment on this podcast anytime. >> Anytime, anytime. >> I will make more humor. >> Okay. >> You keep the ham coming, I'll see you next week. >> I'll pay you in ham. >> We'll stay the night. >> We're not rich enough celebrities, you know, to be able to actually pay you. >> Pay you, so you'll get paid in ham. >> Okay, well, we're both setting up shock tonight. [LAUGH] >> I will tell you what, I play music and 99.9% of my gigs don't have better play. >> Yeah. >> Pay, but a ham, and cheese and potato. >> Shoot at, shoot at, oh my goodness, cheesy potatoes, it's a whole other subject. Anyway, party potatoes. Anyways, thanks for listening guys. Follow us like us, do all those things, and have a good night. -Bye! -Bye! [BLANK_AUDIO]