Two Moms DW EP. 1

Travel Blunders and More

Ann and Sara discuss travel blunders. They discuss many trips they have taken and all the funny and weird things that happen along the way. They discuss everything from falling in front of the Irish embassy to Sara's Dominican wedding being cancelled,

Broadcast on:
30 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Thank you for coming back to another episode of Two Moms and a Double Wide. My name is Sarah, and I'm Anne, and we recorded, I'm in charge of the recording, and we recorded about 10 minutes of our podcast, and it stopped 10 minutes through. So either I bumped something, or I'm going to blame it on the technology. It's probably user error, but it is what it is. It's just the way that our luck is. We're not the most lucky of people at all. So this week, we're going to, oh, our family motto is, if we didn't have bad luck, we'd have no luck at all. It is so true, and you'll find this out the more and more that you listen to us and figure out, yeah, those guys have some bad luck. So this week, we're going to be talking about travel and travel blunders. We both really love to go places and travel, and my mom not only has traveled for pleasure, but has also traveled for work. So you were on the East Coast this week, weren't you? I was. I was out in Massachusetts at the home office for the company that I worked for. And I heard you had some issues. Yeah, one or two. So what happened? Tell us about it. Well, it kind of bookended the trip. At the beginning of the trip, I, there were six coworkers that flew on the same flight, and my company apparently doesn't have the, can't be on the same flight policy in case it crashes. So our team would have been kind of decimated if anything would have happened, but nothing did think heavens. And so we got to the airport in out in Boston, flew into Logan International, and we all went down to get our bags, and I have a computer roller bag, because since I had my shoulder replaced, I have difficulty, you know, carrying a backpack or anything. And I took that with me as my carry on on the plane. And so I had that with me and they, everybody found their bags quite easily, except myself and one other coworker. I just don't understand how bags get mixed up, especially when it's a direct flight. So I wonder why they just dump them off randomly places. I don't get that. I'm not sure. But everybody else found there is except for a shout out to Jared because, you know, not Jared from Subway, though, because he and I, you know, looked at the carousel that they told us it was supposed to be on on our ticket, the carousel that the screen said, and then we finally went into the baggage office and they told us the carousel was on and we finally found it. Well, in the meantime, I had left the roller bag. I didn't say anything to the group of coworkers that were standing there. So bad on me, but I left it sitting by them as we went to look for suitcases. And by the time we got our bags, they had walked off and I just forgot that I had left the other roller bag standing by them and we walked out to catch the shuttle to go out to the rental car place, which is in a completely different building. And we got the car rented and got up there and all of a sudden I'm like, oh crap, I don't have my computer bag. So we went back to the original place that it was that I knew where I had left it and they told us that it's their policy that they have to call the state police for unattended bags. And the policy is the state police, then take it over to lost and found. And so of course that was yet another different terminal. So we went and picked up a co-worker that we knew that we were going to have to pick up and then we went over to the lost and found and fortunately they had it. I got it back and so that was the front end or the beginning of the trip. Oh, I have a question. So you didn't have to fill a police reporter or anything, did you? You just met up with them and then that was it and showed ID or something. I had to show ID to the lost and found got and I sense my work computer has a sticker on it that has my name on it. Gotcha. Well, what was the second lovely blunder that happened? The book end. So during the week is one of our team building events. We went to see a minor league baseball game. The city where our offices has a minor league team that's a farm team for the Boston Red Sox and I was the renter and the driver for part of the trip and another co-worker did some of the driving as well shout out to Michelle, thank you and I had all these the two sets of key fobs that they gave me for the rental car were in on one ring and then I had my car key fob and I was carrying a small clutch bag and they were all stuffed in there and you know it was just too bulky. So I took my key fob out and put it in the console of the rental car and we went to the game. We had a good time. We went to drive back. One of my co-workers drove back and we all forgot that I put the key fob in the console. So we got back to Detroit, got went back to the car and I got to give a shout out to Quick Park because they were so kind to me when I was going through this or deal trying to find the key fob and I finally had to call Uber to come and get me because it was you know getting later at night my husband didn't want to drive an hour and you would have had to wait an hour for him to get there so really it would have been annoying for both of you. So I waited in the Quick Park office until Uber got there and a hundred dollars later I made it home last night. And we had this whole grand plans to record a podcast, a couple of podcasts with my brother and then do that but then mom ended up getting back late so we didn't end up doing that. So we're kind of flying by the seat of our pants on this one but I think we'll make it through it. We have enough travel blunder stories that can fill up probably three hours. Well the couple of travel stories off the top of my head are when we went to Ireland and I'll take this one away so the first day first of all our hub was in Dublin Ireland and if you do go to Ireland the pictures that you see and the you know if you're watching it on the screen does not do it justice I don't care and the people are really nice. They're midwesterners with an accent. Yeah, some of them have a thicker accent than the rest but it's so pretty. It is like they could say anything they could call me an awful name maybe like great keep going. Anyway so when we were in Ireland we had all stayed at a hotel that was central so we could go out and explore well the first day we went out to explore and we're having a good time and then I went in and bought a Pepsi with because I was thirsty and put it in my bag no problem well we had yeah backpack put it in my backpack no problem why was you forgot to zip it. Yeah I forgot to zip my backpack and then didn't think anything. So you realized it as we were walking down the street you said mom can you is my backpack open yeah and so I just zipped it closed yeah and so I didn't look in and think anything which is stupid on my part but wouldn't have done any good anything. So we had a good time that night and we went and toured Ireland with a coral group that my aunt is a part of out in California and they and I joined them for their cool trips yeah well so did I but I didn't sing and so they traveled to different it's all is it all churches or did they not I don't know what they didn't Italy this time it was all churches when we went to Italy no I think it was all churches there too because generally they're they're beautiful and they're free yeah so they go from church to church and sing all their songs they have a program and everything but when it's not all it's not all they're secular music yeah it's not yeah it's not really it's not all religious anyway so we try we went on to get on the bus and our first destination oh I know why we were parked over there because we had to go into our to we got to sing at St. Patrick's Cathedral but we had we were able to go in and do a rehearsal in there yes yes and so you stayed on the bus yes and we finished the rehearsal and we're just walking out and somebody came up to me and said you got to get on the bus right away Sarah's in a panic and she's crying they didn't know why they didn't tell me why oh well I had I don't even know why I wanted to look for my passport at the time or maybe it was just because I wanted to look for money but it went in to get my wallet and it wasn't there so therefore my cash and credit card were stolen which I didn't have a ton of cash and I ended up canceling my credit card so no charges happen but I thought my passport was in my wallet but it wasn't well I thought we went to custom when we went through customs they switched our passports in the airport and we did not know it right when we look quite a we look quite a bit alike and at the time you had pink and purple in your hair we both have you know color streets in our hair and maybe if we have YouTube eventually you'll see our colored hair but and so the customs guy was super friendly but he switched and gave us back the opposite passports so Sarah had mine and I had hers unbeknownst to us until we were some other for some reason later I decided to pull my passport out and look at it and I'm like oh crap Sarah I have your passport so they got your wallet and my passport so here I am she's stuck with no money or credit card so the National Bank of Mom yep National Bank of Mom was was helping out there and then I'm stuck with no passport so then we had to go into problem solving mode so yeah and thank you shout out to our tour guide she was very helpful she was very helpful and shout out to my dear husband because he went and found because I had taken a picture and had it stored on the computer at home and he went and found it so that I could because what you have to do is you have to go to the embassy and apply for an emergency passport yes and this happens quite a bit more than you would think oh yeah they said that it happens pretty frequently that they were not you know at all surprised when when we came in to get that replacement passport so I had the documentation and I was kind of bummed because I had just renewed my passport last year and it's a hundred and sixty five dollars and every dime but it's good for ten years yeah but since I had to get a replacement another hundred and sixty five dollars so I got the emergency passport so that I was able to get back in the country and now all I have to do I have to do this within a year just send in the emergency passport and fill out paperwork however we're going to be getting some different passport photos oh my gosh it is the worst picture you've ever taken in your life and I'm sorry it does not look good I don't disagree I look like a convict very tired convict well they usually are tired because they're convicts but hey so I've got the paperwork filled out I just have to go and this might be a good weekend to do it because it's a holiday weekend and I have time and I can put makeup on so I don't look like a tired convict and but she just wants to look like a normal convict with no bags under her eyes or anything you know one of those right excuse me and get some new passport photos because I have a year from when the emergency one was issued and that was in June so she's got time but I know you want to get it done out of the way right and so yeah that's the book and stories of the Ireland trip well it's not a book end because we're not done yet because when I was okay they went to the embassy and because my wallet was stolen my driver's license was in there that's right I was so paranoid that my passport was going to be stolen again I left a bag in the hotel room so they wouldn't let me in the embassy so I waited outside of the embassy yeah they won't and you didn't have you you didn't have your driver's license with you it was in my wallet oh that's right your driver's license was in the wallet that got stolen so she didn't have her passport with her and they won't let you go inside the embassy without presenting ID yes so these are tips for you so if you ever have to go to the embassy these are the things that you'll need so I guess we're going to rename that this episode to travel tips and blunders and just traveling his why not because we all love I mean I love it so but the funny thing is is when I travel oh you need to finish what happened outside I will okay but the funny thing is is I love to travel I love to go places but when I'm home I don't want to do anything well that's because we lived here for quite a while and know what most everything around around here looks like well yeah we'll go out for special things you know the festivals and stuff in the summer time yeah now we don't lie to our audience what festivals have we gone to in the summer time not this the past couple years but we've gone to the melon fest okay that was like a loom 20 years ago it's not been that long yes it has no because we've taken Sawyer for the rides when she was younger okay well anyway we don't it doesn't matter anyways going back to Ireland welcome to the bickerson show yeah yeah when we when I was sitting out there and then they finally came back out I had to sit on the ground because there wasn't chairs or anything so I was sitting on the ground and I got up and was talking to them because they were telling me the process and what happened all that and I was looking at them and as I was looking at them I didn't see that this big curb was sticking out and I fell on the sidewalk in Dublin Ireland in front of the embassy as you will notice I have issues with falling because I just true story fall I she trips on air I do I literally was in U of M hospital the other day and tripping on the floor that had no well she had the kind of rubber soles that stick to that linoleum oh my gosh and I do that all the time too I guess I guess neither one of us pick our feet up enough when we walk that's what my mother would say that it looked like I was drunk I was I was like tripping over air University of Michigan Hospital I just trip a lot anyway so I am so cool that I fell and almost face planted in front of the embassy how many people can say that well maybe a couple maybe so I was thinking about some other travel blunders we've been to Mexico quite a bit I haven't been in actually a long time but for a while we went to Mexico like every year or some sort of Caribbean vacation right and or the bare naked ladies cruise yes I wish they bring those oh my gosh I know they go on the rock boat but nothing not the same not the same I don't care and I know if other fans have been I know the other fans feel the same way like we do have friends that we met on the first bare naked case cruise and by the way speaking that they were so nice these friends that were so we still see them out and about places we got concerts they love to go to various concerts and almost every concert that we go to we run into them so when the first cruise when my mom and Amy were in their room I went to the bar by myself and I wanted a sandwich really bad like so bad and I we had been drinking all day so I was pretty what two sheets three sheets to the wind or whatever and I couldn't sit on the bar school and I kept falling off of it and they were nice enough to prop me up and get me my sandwich so I would get something in my belly so shout out David Laurie David and Laura they did that that was quite funny anyways I was gonna talk about our first trip to Mexico when we were with Amy and oh my gosh well first of all we tequila kills a lot of germs I'm just gonna say that because that first trip besides the fact that it well and everywhere you go especially if you're going jewelry shopping every jewelry store that you go into they give you free shots of tequila so that you'll buy more yeah but when we were at the resort in the morning my mom and aunt would go down to the pool where it was quiet and because then you know they could just have quiet before you know all these people came and were annoying well my mom and aunt saw the people picking up the straws that people drink out of brinsing them out and using them again so from that point forward I've not ever I've made them take the straw out of the paper in front of me before I'll let him put it in my drink because we still like to travel to Mexico and the Caribbean but yeah I haven't been in the whole in a while no we haven't you know what is a good travel blender that we should talk about it was one of my I was in the Dominican Republic for my wedding oh yeah so when that wasn't really a blunder no well yeah it was as a blunder on the resorts part so my husband and I had um we eloped a year prior to our original engagement or wedding date or wedding planned wedding date we had a wedding planned in the Dominican Republic for 11 11 11 and he ended up unfortunately losing his job at the time so we married early in Toledo Ohio that's a whole other story there's not very many good restaurants in Toledo that's yeah so we still ended up just keeping the wedding ceremony a year later in the Dominican because that's what I really wanted to do I never really wanted to get married in a to a church you know or married I always wanted to be married barefoot on the beach so that was the plan and of course when you're planning a wedding you make you have a wedding coordinator that walks you through these steps well I was in constant contact with the wedding coordinator and everything looked like it was all set and we got down there and the resort was really nice and decent and you know we were there about two days before I actually had taught you know had met up with the wedding coordinator because of the fact that my wedding was at the end of the trip not the beginning of the trip so we go down there day three to go finalize our wedding plans my husband and I uh to the office and we get down there and they decided to say that they never booked a wedding for me so yeah all that work and nothing was booked so I was not a bridezilla at all I feel throughout the whole wedding process what do you think I don't think I was no I'm pretty yeah I'm pretty laid back so I'm more of a bridezilla we call her bulldog for a reason she's bulldog because if we want something done she doesn't care she can be assertive and can have a tone and then people are scared of her so sometimes I have to pull in the assistance I have to call the bulldog card and you know get it taken care of so of course the wet when the wedding planner told me this I immediately started bawling keep in mind it was like 12 o'clock in the afternoon so we had already had our dirty monkeys within the morning so dirty monkeys are the best so I had had you know a couple of fruity cocktails in me so when she told me that the wedding was canceled I immediately started sobbing and then Chris just looked at me and was like what the hell are we gonna do so then I had I remember just going go get my mom so she got down there with them along with Chris and so I let them handle it and what happened mom we had the wedding has planned it may it did end up being on a different day which was fine because we had already been married and actually had the wedding a year prior so that would have been our anniversary anyways but yes they literally told us that the wedding was canceled and uh that it wasn't gonna happen well the thing is is that I actually didn't have like I didn't do one add-on extras because I was like uh on a budget trying to be thrifty so I didn't do a lot of add-ons boy did we get the add-ons oh we got the add-ons we got a big nice sit-down dinner with a beautiful wedding cake because they were the ones that totally screwed it up and originally the wedding planner didn't even want to try to fix it for us she wasn't helpful at all at first and she kept trying to blame me which by the way I had emails to back up but I I wasn't in the wrong and it was her air so that so you know in the end everything worked out and it was a beautiful wedding I could other than the other attendees oh my gosh they were invited but attended in their banana hammocks yeah they they let me tell you travelers I get those all exclusive resorts there they live for the wedding they just think it's the best thing and on top of that we admit some people that were French and remember and we had hung out with them all week so that we ended up inviting the other people to the wedding so yeah it was it was quite a quite a bit of fun and wasn't that the same resort that um earlier in the week we got the torrential range and then some of the rooms flooded out oh my god and I even forgot about this is I guess it was kind it's kind of a travel blunder so when we're there at these all-inclusive resorts they you can get spa services well my best friend and I am Amanda shout out Amanda hope you're listening to this and I didn't get permission to use the story but it's it's quite funny so we decided we're gonna go for massages and I did double check with my husband and asked if he wanted to go for a massage since it was our wedding technically and he was like no go with your girlfriend go get this massage cool man and I were so thrilled well we got there and this was the weirdest massage I ever had they were like like beating us with the back of their hands and then then they're like they beat us and then they're like go get in the shower and then you had to rinse off and then you would get back on and then they would be beat you and then they wrapped you in this gold while you're completely naked and while they're wrapping you in this gold they get real real up and close and when I say up and close it means very close to my pikachu and pikachu did not want to have any part of that so my best friend who by the way I've known Amanda for over 30 years made of honor and I had the weirdest naked massage with cold water and people beating us and wrapping us in gold and we're like what is going on and we just went with it and I don't know why we went with it because probably felt bad like this massage is terrible we're gonna leave well isn't that um was that the place or where was it that because I've been to this other place in the jungle the that was with Becky I didn't go to that the jungle spa all have to but that's not a blunder story that's well it kind of is go ahead go ahead and tell your tour story when you went uh in Mexico and you were thought it was shady oh well that was a different time um oh you're talking about another time you went to like a special oh no I guess it was um you said that massage was like really cheap in Mexico well yeah the massage was good and it's it's actually a place that's um it's run by expat americans and they hire native women and teach them uh massage so that they have a way of earning money and um I'm trying to think because I I've been there twice um and I think it's in kazamel so I it wasn't with Becky I can't remember who I was with but um I might have gone by myself one time and then somebody went with me one time but you never went to Mexico by yourself no oh that's right it was it was another person my my husband's in the background mouthing you know who it was that that went I was like uh I think I know this story you need to get well no but we've been we've been to the place where you could go to the jungle spot twice oh okay it was in kazamel okay well tell your tour story is what I'm getting at um well that was a different trip well it doesn't matter I still want you to tell the story so the tour story that time we were in acapulco that's when it was still I mean an acapulco is another stunningly beautiful place but unfortunately because of everything that's going on right now not safe to travel there anymore but when we went um oh this is a good one we decided that we were going to hire a private tour and our friends um we were there with another couple and we went to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary actually and um we decided that we wanted to go to um the place that's the kind of the silver capital of Mexico they do a lot of silver mining and there's still you know silver stores all over the place and then um the the private tour was going to take us to a couple of other places so we're um first of all we had to get up and leave really early so that it um like four four o'clock in the morning this sounds like a date line episode I'd just like to point out and I would know I love date line well finding finding the driver to do it in the first place was also an adventure I didn't do that but my my husband and our friend went and hired a driver and apparently there's like a union down there and if they're very um selective they don't want you to like go outside of the box or you know hire things on your own and so but they found somebody and you know hired the driver to take us to the places that we wanted to go and but we had to get up very early and because it was a covert operation we had to walk off of the hotel grounds and walk around the corner and find the driver who was supposed to be waiting for us and so we get to the street that he told us that to meet us at and um we're looking around and we don't see a car until we start kind of walking down the street and all of a sudden the headlights pop on and we're like what have we gotten ourselves into um but we decided to go with it and I'm really glad that we did because it ended up being a really fun day um you know the parts that we went to were beautiful the the you know the Silvertown we had uh he they took us to this restaurant that had a beautiful rooftop terrace where we had lunch um but then on the way as part of the drive um the we came there they had roadblocks um along the way with like armored men right and so we had to pull over and fortunately there was another big tour bus that was there too um and they were checking you know bags and passports making sure that you weren't smuggling things or you know doing bad things and so we got searched by the federalis and we were fine we got sent on our way and then we um we you know got to uh you know our ultimate destination did some silver shopping went and had um you know a beautiful uh lunch on the terrace restaurant and um we did make it back to acapulco in one piece um and but it was just a it was a fun experience but that's one of the reasons that I enjoy traveling is because it's fun telling you know fun fun weird wonderful travel stories as well well I'm gonna end the this last travel story I'm gonna end the podcast with this last travel story which is when we went to Georgia and went for that big family reunion actually we've got two because um we can tell them about the slide bar too no we already told them about the slide bar okay yeah no okay I'm talking about in Georgia oh yeah we went to the a family reunion that we have had many times and it was at my aunt and uncle's house this not this this was a long time ago but hi carol and bill yeah they live on lake arrowhead so uh that's where the family reunion was that year and my best friend Amanda uh came to because she actually grew up going with us on all these family trips well they don't have they don't have motor boats on this lake no they do I thought they didn't no they just was it no wake it's a no wake lake okay so anyways that doesn't have anything to do with anything but they had a canoe and my friend and I decided it was a great idea after once again having cocktails to go in canoe in the middle of a lake we don't really know and figure out uh figure it out so we start pedaling and aren't doing very well and let me just preface this Amanda and I went to summer camp many years and we really just weren't good with the canoe in general but at the time when we wanted to canoe with cocktail courage they decided it was a good idea we're gonna say we're gonna say we're not gonna tip over right and and all the rest of the family were on uh the opposite end of the lake well the middle of the lake whatever no we were on the in the cold and you were still in the cold but we could see you yes so we had gotten to the middle of the lake and realized we had gotten really really far so we decided to turn around and while doing so tipped the canoe over and all they were doing is laughing at the other end of the lake and nobody came to help us and not only did we flip over in that canoe once we flipped over in that canoe four times before we can even get it we we all had a very good show and a big lap because she's right if we were all just sitting there watching them trying to get back in this canoe um and the lake that they live on isn't a huge lake and they were close enough where we could see them um but I'm I guess I'll just say that it was hysterical I'm really glad that you didn't drown and yes it was pretty hysterical and let me tell you something I was bruised to shit I I literally had bruises all up and down my body from falling in and out of this canoe it was wild so once I got you know back to Michigan I ended up having to go to the doctor because I was so sore and so bruised up and banged up from that fiasco but anyway uh thank you for listening to this wing it episode of two moms in a double-eyed I hope you enjoyed it and we will be back next week and if we can provide you any other travel travel tips just you know reach out and message us on our um on Facebook yeah or Instagram or TikTok I'm there always there anyway I hope that you guys have a great Labor Day weekend and we'll be back next week with some first guess talk to you later bye bye