Joy-Philippe Bruce

Tell Them - Why You Must Become A Soul Winner Part 3

Preached by E.S. Joy-Philippe Bruce at The Fountain of Life Cathedral, The Word Encounter Service - 15th September, 2024;

Broadcast on:
16 Sep 2024
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"We won't be no need" Welcome to the Joy Felipe Bruce podcast. Sister Joy Felipe is a daughter of Bishop D'Aixewood Mills and the senior pastor of the Fountain of Life Cathedral of the United denominations originating from the Lighthouse group of churches. The Fountain of Life Cathedral is a thriving church of young energetic people full of life for the Lord. Sister Joy is also a knight and minister of D'Aixewood Mills Ministries. She travels extensively holding pastors' conferences and bringing ministry related books by Bishop D'Aixewood links to the nations. She is the evangelist of the Blessed Salvation Crusade. Now be blessed and refreshed as she listens to this inspired message by Sister Joy. "We won't join to my soul, join to my soul" Hallelujah this morning we have someone to share his testimony in the house and I want to encourage you that God is still in the miracle waking business. If you have a testimony and you are sitting on it, God is watching you. Hallelujah. This morning I would like to welcome papa, papa to stage. Hallelujah. Papa, please introduce yourself. Hi everybody. Please, my name is Papa. What's the testimony about? So my testimony is about divine preservation. It's about how the Lord present my life. Okay. So in the beginning of this year, in the beginning of this year, mommy invited Reverend Nancy to pass through the cathedral and when he passed through, he gave me a prophecy. I was actually just sitting right over there and he called me in front and he spoke to me. Then what he told me was that they didn't even wanted to kill me. The next before the fifth month of this year. So after the prayer, I happened to exit the region. I went away for a while and as I was away, my pastor recalled me to come back to see a doctor concerning a health complication and just before I came back, I happened to be in the meeting in a service with our prophet, Bishop Dagg, he had just come back from a prison and actually the service was over, so we are closed and just decided to share something shortly and then pray with us. And I remember he prayed with us about our life not being cut short. Okay. Yeah. Just if I came. So I came back to come as him, saw the doctor, just passing through change up at the weekend, would have been gone on the Monday, none would be the wiser. And on the Sunday, actually I couldn't wait to get to my room because I was really struck and I was really tired. And fortunately, my father was in a meeting, my mother was in a meeting. So I couldn't see her early and I was just waiting so that the meeting would end quickly and I'll see her and I'll get out of here. But as I was waiting, I had a health complication, a medical emergency that had to be rushed from here to the hospital. Wow. And the amazing thing that the doctor told me was that, had I been alone, I wouldn't have made it. Really? You are saying that? The doctor told me that had I been alone. I wouldn't have made it. Why not the same person wanted to go to you? By the green. Wow. By the green. Okay. And unfortunately for me, everybody in the house is a leader. So do not have come home till late in the night. Oh, God forbid. Like by the time we have been seen going too soon, but we thank the Lord, God forbid. How power do you want to sell the change? So I would like to sell the change, actually, in our profit book, the Double Mega Missionary Church, he shared something quite wonderful, Romans 828, that's the first time I saw him and his scripture explained that we, and he said that in context, he said, and we know that all things work together for the good of them that love God and I called according to his papers. And he says that for you to have the result that you need, a lot of things will have to work together. You know, the prayer in the beginning, those who miss the convention, the convention worked out for me. The prayer for Fisher's profit also worked out for me. My pastor, recalling me to come back, worked out for me, me having to wait, wait. You never know what to wake up for you. Excuse me. I don't know why you are quiet. I don't know why. My father, thank you so much for this testimony in Canada. Church, just know that if the Bible really says that all things work together for good, some of you have a way of explaining your testimony of it making it look like, oh, it's nothing. It's normal. It's just me trying to get better, but that's one, can't recognize that all things work together for good and it's like the grace of God. It can only be God, hallelujah, it can only be God. So church this morning, by the grace of God, we have an annoying city man of God. If today is your first time visiting us, I can assure you that you will be blessed. Your life will not be the same. You will need a way for the season. Shall you help me welcome, E. S. Jai! Oh yeah, oh, keep clapping for the Lord, please raise our thoughts for this morning. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. It doesn't have to be so sad. Make it happen. Your glory's made of the earth. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. It's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. Oh, Lord, it's everywhere. I can do what it says I can do. Are you happy to be here in church this morning? Try and be happy. Try and be happy. Hallelujah. Well, today is the last Sunday on this particular topic, but I believe it's a good time to share it. But before I go into my message, I just want to remind everyone that our Ajax crusade comes off on the 4th of October. Amen. The date is drawing nearer, amen, the date is drawing nearer, and we need as many hands on deck as we can get, amen. So, L.P. Aquila will tell you more. You know, every week we are doing something towards the crusade. And so, as she does, see where you can fit yourself and do your part, amen. Oh, I'm not enjoying your amen at all. As you know, at this time, we're talking about winning souls, isn't it? We're talking about telling them winning souls. And sometimes you look back and you see that, hey, days have gone, months have gone, time has gone, when last that I witnessed to somebody, and it's a long time. Don't be discouraged. Just make a date and do something about it. I hope you get me. Just do something about it. That's the good thing about hanging onto doing things together. Hallelujah. Are you with me? Whenever I'm going winning souls, I never go alone. I've always had some spiritual children who are bolder than I am, and I just fix myself to one of them. And I just go with them. Yeah. Either. Mm, by the time they have said one, I can say the next one. Eh, I was also there some, tell me, tell me, tell me, but you must be there some, you need to be there some. After all, if the elephant is crossing the bridge, and the ant is sitting on the back of the elephant. When they get to the other side, can the ant also not say me and the elephant? We are both cross the river. Eh, eh, eh, eh. Oh, you're not getting the point. You just attach yourself. Oh. Tell me about Luke, learn to attach yourself to somebody. Hallelujah. Yeah, because when you get to the other side, they even at the ant, you can boost and see, look, across the river. Yeah, me and then we cross the river. Hallelujah. And then I also said that in November, the last week of November, we will be going to get to Cratchy. We have the get to Cratchy who say it. Hallelujah. Amen. And things are moving on. The Fed announcement also is that also in November from the 5th to the 8th, we have our homecoming registration. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. And amen. So register for it will be going for that meeting and it, I mean, it promises to be exciting. Are you in the church? Eh. I said promises to be exciting. Hallelujah. Stop counting yourself out. Yeah, some people as soon as you hear the announcement, we haven't finished the announcement. They just say, minus me. Minus me. Minus me. It's not a good mind to have. It's not a good mind to have. It's better to have a plus me. Mind, then even when it doesn't work out, God knows that you fully intend it to go. And fully intend it to be part. Are you in the church? Because some of you, you are young, but you are old already. The way you think, the way you behave, you are old already. What is left of you? The church is required. If you are sitting by a young person, ask the person, what is left of you? What is left of you? You are old already. Already, you are saying, minus me. Minus me. Leave it for all the people who have a lot of issues and are mean. They have to think about a lot of things before they can move. Hallelujah. We've been talking about soul-winning men. Amen. And we've been talking about the fact that it's so important for us to win souls. And we keep reminding ourselves, are you there? Some of you, when we start talking about it, you feel uncomfortable. I want you to translate that discomfort into doing something. Amen. Because it needs to be done. You know, you may be wishing that one didn't say so. You may be wishing that one didn't talk about it. That wasn't brought up. But then, that would not help us. That would not help us. The fact that you are learning a subject you don't like. Sometimes the most crucial subject. Yeah. It's the most important subject. Many of us, we have never liked months. But if you remove it from your life, eh, you see that chaos is the result. Because suddenly you will not know the distance from here to our craft. And you will not know whether you have to live in the morning or you can just sit in the bus and in 30 minutes you are there. It has more care to you that you need math for that. Hallelujah. And so don't use, don't, don't, don't squirm in your seat and don't feel uncomfortable. Rather say, no, I need to do something about this. Are you seeing it? You know all my infirmities. You know all my problems. So please help me and you'll be surprised he will help you. You'll find yourself witnessing to somebody you never plan to witness to. Yeah. Are you in the church? Yesterday somebody brought an issue up. I was talking to the president. They said they took care to me. That's an opportunity to win a soul. Are you seeing it? That's an opportunity to win a soul. So I was not in a soul winning mode or I hadn't, yeah, thought about it. And I was trying to do my best. And I'd write them a second. Oh, it's an opportunity to win a soul. I hope you are getting it. Oh, Martin, what is that? That's an opportunity to win a soul. Hallelujah. So may God grant us opportunities. Amen. Amen. And those of you who are bold and winning souls, you need to know that God has given you something very precious. And don't just discount it because I know some people who easily share the gospel, but they will not be where gospel is being shared. And just it's like, oh, anytime I will, I'll pick it up. So let me just give you, we've been talking about reasons why, you know, we should be, yeah, we should be soul winners. Our father has written a book, 120 reasons why you should be a soul winner. If you have the cover of the book, I'm sure you can show it to us. And you either have it in hard copy or you have it in soft copy or both. Yeah. So we've been going through, I mean, I've been picking their points up at random. Hallelujah. Or as I feel the spirit of God is leading me. And this morning, I want to take us back to where we've been starting from. That you should be a soul winner because that is what is on Jesus' head. That's his heartbeat. That's his main reason for coming. Hallelujah. Sometimes in the midst of church life, it looks as though so many things are important. That's important that I'm doing well in life. It's important that this and that it's important that you have a job and you have some schooling and you have all those things looking important. But look, let's go to the scripture. Let's just look at the central reason why Jesus came. Luke chapter 19, in verse 10, "For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." That's the main reason why he came. Are you in the church? And you see, the main reason must be allowed to remain the main reason. For those of you who are in school, you came to school to learn. So when you change the learning for a journey, there's a problem. And when you change the learning for 100% prior time, there is a problem. I think you are understanding the points most small. Or I'm not getting the point. Yeah, so let us call the main thing the main thing. And let us allow the main thing to be the main thing. Because sometimes when you want to share Jesus with somebody or in a certain context, it's like, "Oh, this is not the right thing to be doing at this time." Hey, it's the important thing. And I believe that when we put ourselves together and we decide that, look, I'm going to be on Jesus' side for the main thing. You'll be surprised that because he's happy with you, other nice things will be happening. Or you don't get it. I say you don't get it. When you are in the house, and there's something that's your father's main thing, and you make it to your business to ensure that that's main thing continues. How does your father see you? Oh, darling boy. Push anybody and say, "Are you your father's darling boy or darling girl?" You said, "Just because it's his main thing." So maybe your father has something, it's precious to him. His main thing, you, to you, as his child, you make it to your whatever, your concern. Like that thing should happen. Like daughter, you see that his main food is this particular food, and you go out of your way to ensure that you see that some favorites will come your way. Oh, I'm in the house. Some favorites will come your way. So, also, with our Lord. When he sees that, "Look, what is on my mind?" So, so, so, so, so, so. And you have said to yourself, "Hallelujah, let me do what I can do. Let me do what I can contribute, what I can contribute in this area." You'll be happy with you. I wanted to push your neighbor and say, "Hey, I want God to be happy with me." Hallelujah. Another reason, we're just looking at these 120 reasons. I don't know if it has ever been finished before. You must be a soul winner to allow the Lord to send you out to win souls, so that you won't be sent out by persecution. And add that troubles, like the early church. Oh, hello. So that you will not be sent out by what? Trouble, persecution and troubles. Listen, it is not easy to be in a place where there's persecution for your faith. It's not easy at all. It's not easy at all. Are you in the church? But we read in the Bible after Jesus left the Jerusalem church. It was a good church. It was a vibrant church. It was a happy church. But after a while, they just kept on sharing the gospel among the Jews. And the Lord was trying to attract them to share it around so that you and I will also hear some. And they were not going. They were not going. So the Lord looked at it later. I said, "These people, if I leave them, the sacrifice of Jesus, will start here in Jerusalem and die here in Jerusalem." And so he just allowed, never he allowed. Let's go to Acts 8 and let's see what he allowed. Acts 8, this is after the death of Stephen. This is the first matter of Christianity. And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time, there was a great persecution against the church, which was a Jerusalem. And they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. Remember, Acts chapter 1 of this, 8, he told them, "You will be my witnesses, isn't it?" In Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the ends of them. He has finished telling you what to do. You have started well. But you have stayed in the dress and now he used the persecution. Let's see what happened. Let's continue verse 4. Therefore, did that with scattered abroad, went every way, preaching the words. I want to tell you, never Ochia, Ochia. Ochia, you are feeling so comfortable. And the Lord had shown by a number of things, gets moving. And he decided that it's too comfortable here. And the Lord allowed persecution to scatter them. And sometimes, I feel that our economic crisis is to scatter us. It's to scatter. It's only a tragedy that we are like these people. When we go outside, we don't remember that. That's why we are there. It's not the tragedy of it. That's the tragedy of it. So the moment you get where you are going, you will... the people that also have an opportunity to hear. Are you in the church? You are very quiet this morning. I don't know whether... Are you still the same church that I know? Hallelujah. So it's a warning. It's a warning. It's a warning. And when you are sent out to go and start a wake somewhere, as often happens and will continue to happen, you can't pull your mouth, but please go. You can't be unhappy, but please go. I remember at the end of last year, some people had come back to do their national service. And they were planning that they were going to be on campus and they'll be manifesting. Census and City, we are T.S. and tons. I mean, we are now respectable men and women. I mean, yeah, people will be looking up to them, you know. And then they imagine that in church also, I mean, you see, not being a team. I'll just be assigned to some little hostel about it. And then at a point, I just caught them in a group of three. I'll be seeing this going over there, over there, over there. Hey, it was not easy. It was easy. Come and see some faces. Come and see some faces. Ship brings and tremblings. But I have to tell you that almost all of them, without exception, a few months down the night, thank you for sending me. Thank you for sending me. Why? Because they didn't know that they could do something. They didn't know that they took together some people. They didn't know that they took a running change. They didn't also know that there were things that they could do. Are you in the church or you have traveled? Give me one of your students called you. They said, "I what?" They called him, "Is the pastor with swag?" That's their name for him. [CHEERING] Meanwhile, the first time I sent him out, he went there, did local Nicki logo. Logarita said, "I came back." [LAUGHTER] But today, the people are very happy. Oh, they are not happy. It's my very happy church. They have named him the pastor with swag. [CHEERING] Hey. That's not about you. What name would they give you? [CHEERING] Amen. Yeah, I was very happy to hear it. Amen? Oh, are you in the church? [CHEERING] Yeah. Oh, you can sit. [CHEERING] And others have been sending texts. They say, "Thank you." Because they suddenly, somebody told me I didn't know it would be so interesting. I didn't know it would be so interesting. Why are you in the church? [CHEERING] In the same scripture, there was a young man called Philip. Who, in Acts chapter 6, he was sharing bread. [CHEERING] In Acts chapter 6, the Bible says that there was a problem. The problem was that. The Greek widows and the Hebrew widows were not being treated alike. When I read that story, I say, "Oh, church problems. Thank God I feel OK." It started from Nehuah. So I was not strange. It's a long since. It's not ever. So to get to solve the problem, the apostles said that, "Oh, no, we're here. We are going to be preaching and sharing bread." But let's select some men. If I told the people, you select some people. Holy people. Full of the word. Good men. And help let them surrender by this issue. So as they are surrendering by the issue, today what we have got for the widows is soap. Three soap for the Hebrew wives and widows and three, four. We've got rice water. We have got what? Gobbe. OK. Hebrew. What again do we have? What? Tom Brown. OK. Tom Brown. Here. We have to share equitably. That was the work they were doing. According to Acts chapter 6, one of them was confident. He's not the only one. He's a whole list of names. Are you there? That was his work. Until the scattering. And when they scattered them, he was part of those in Acts chapter 8 who went to preach some way. And in this fight, he found himself in the town called Samaria. And the Bible says he went to the city of Samaria and preached Christ. The amazing thing that began to happen, the first thing was that people believed in the Bible and said that they all with one accord gives heed. They minded him. I've been your pastor for many years. I can promise you, there's no one issue that everybody even agrees with me on. Ah, gee. Hello. But as he went, they believed. I've talked to you about what's coming to church, typing, doing something in the church. People have chosen the one they like. The church is very quiet. I've taught you to tithe. Those who don't like tithe. Those who don't like, they're still not tithing. Hey. Are you in the church? I've taught you not to go womanizing. Those who like don't go. Those who... I mean, I mean. We have prayer meetings. Those who like pray. Those who don't like don't pray. We go for outreach. Those who like go. Those who don't like... You see, I have to lift it for you because when I'm making the points, you don't understand what I'm saying. But when Philip went to preach, it's everybody. The people with one accord, they believed. Because they had and they saw the miracles died. So, Santa, this man, when he was sharing bread in Tom Brown, Santa, there was something in him. He was anointed. Oh, you're not getting the point. Continue to verse 7. Verse 7, please. Uncleaved spirits, crying with loud voice came out of people. Somebody says, "Hey." So, Santa, as he was walking there, he was an anointed man that demands Alfredo. But you see, he was sharing bread. And he was sharing what again. No, no, no. We are tired of the Tom Brown. Equate being here. Equate being here. Or maybe you'll blind you. We like to blind you. Some people don't know what to blind you is. Are you there? Many taken with pouces and that's when men were here. Suddenly things are happening. Things are happening. I mean, my favorite verse is verse 8 because it says that there was great joy in the city. I mean, we have a hard crusade there in areas, but I don't know whether we can ever say that the whole city was happy with us. As soon as he tried, he tried to do something, see what happened. Sometimes I wonder to myself, who's the next slip? Sitting around in church, looking just like all of us. With his trouser belt on his hips falling down. Like some people who were dancing. I'm not mentioning your name. But for all you know, that's a filip. Yeah, that's a filip. Yeah. And you will never know until you try. You will never know how they move here. Now, the last thing I'm sharing with you, today I'm preaching very shortly, but I want you to understand this third principle the most. What was the first one? I said there is the heartbeat of Jesus as you are winning souls. That's the heartbeat. That's what consents in the most. What is number two? Say it simply so that my young people writing notes can write it. So that what? So that will not be sent out by persecution. Somebody should dispel persecution for them. P-E-R-S-E-C-U persecution. Are you there? Now, the third point, we are all here. Everybody must flow, yes. Now, the third thing is that as you are winning souls, going out to win souls, you will be fulfilling a certain principle called gaining by trading. Gaining by trading. Gaining by trading. Let's go to a story in Luke chapter 19. Luke 19, start from around this. Maybe 12. Let me see if I get the full story. Yes, good. Let's read a story. A certain noble man went into a far country to receive himself, a kingdom, and to return. He called his 10 servants and delivered to them 10 pounds and said to them, "Occupy till I come." But his citizens hated him and sent him a message after him. Am I reading the right one? Okay, let's see. It will come out, yes. Saying, "We will not have this man to reign over us." And he came to pass that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, he commanded these servants to be called unto him to whom he had given them money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading. Are you seeing it? No, he had given to everybody 10 pounds. And his idea was that the 10 that you have received, though, use it unless you see what will happen. And as they used it, they gained. Now, another version of the story in the Bible talks about the talents. And it says that he gave to everyone according to what they could handle. And they used it. And in each case, you can see that when they used it, they gained. Amen. If God has given a gift to you and you are sitting on it, it will remain sat on. If you don't use it, nothing will happen to it. I'm sure if you ask the singers in the church, I'm sure all of them can tell you that there was a date that they sounded like a cockroach. But as they have used the voice and put the voice to use, it has gotten better. Please, what I'm saying, Russell, is it true or is it not true? I'm out, I'm saying it's true or it's not true. Ladies and gentlemen, I will not say anything at all. I'm sure if you ask the dancers, they will tell you that the more that they have danced, the more flexible they have become. Today, I was watching Lady Pazakwili when the music was still on after the dancing dance came. And then she didn't dance because she used to be a dancer like that. But she has packed it for the past. How many years, actually? Yeah, packed it when was the last, oh, it's more than five. She has more than five, more than five. Did you come and meet her as a dancer? And she was the leader in what year, what year? 2016, 2017. Seven years, just packed it. That's why now she couldn't hear that song and she couldn't move again because she has packed it. I think next week, you have to come and prove to us as you have seen that you are still on cause, you are still on cause. There needs plenty of you because you have stopped dancing. If you are continuing. Hallelujah. I'm just, I'm just playing fun with her. No, it is true that after a while you move on. But the point I'm making is still there. What I'm seeing is that as you do the thing, you improve, you gain. But not only that at times, you also stumble on things you didn't know that you had. How are you seeing this? So maybe she has stopped dancing but she has stumbled on the fact that I can't reach. Yeah. So you move because you gain by trading. Hallelujah. When you take what God has given to you and you just put it down, it just stays there. But as you use it, you see that it's blessed and it's, and it's, you know, it moves. And so as you become a soul winner, you are now working with God's heart beat. Definitely you gain. Definitely you gain. Hallelujah. And that is the secret behind many of our churches that we have started. We don't steal people's members to grow a church. So we can easily start the church and there are three people in the church. And we are not ashamed of it. But as the people are working on it, you see that it starts to grow. It starts to grow. It starts to what's happening. They are gaining by trading. Hallelujah. Push your neighbor and say, neighbor, we got to do some gaining by trading. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. And I just want to say that if God has given something to you, it will be dangerous for you to sit on it. Yeah. It's dangerous. You have to use it. Push your neighbor and say, use it. You are somebody who talks easily. Use it. Use it. Yeah. Use it. And in this context of soul winning, there are some of us who easily talk to people. Use it. That does not excuse those ones who don't easily talk to people. I told you what to do. What did I say? You should do. Attach yourself. Yes. Attach yourself. Ask your moving and ask your going soon. It will be one for you, one for me. One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me. Put your hands together and just stand to your feet. I'm done. Stand to your feet. Good for you. I'll cheer. Today you say you have more time. I've also ended. I want you to pray this morning. This afternoon I want you to just lift up your voice to the Lord. Stand to your feet. Dance this. And begin to pray. Lift up your voice and begin to talk to the Lord. This afternoon. One of the reasons why I wouldn't continue is that you have heard all before. Yeah. And those who go, and those who go, go, go. So, just start talking to the Lord. And at least let there be one repentant to say that I will join and go on the outreach section. Talk to the Lord. If the Lord has given you that gift that could have been in you, swim so. And you have packed it. Stand to talk to the Lord about it. Those who could have been texting films to help them. Those who could have been texting films to help them. (Music) (Music) Help us to use what you have given to us. Make us into soul with us. Let us love what you love. Help us to do what is on your mind and in your heart. And as we do it Lord, live again. Live again. Live again. Live again. Live in the mighty name of Jesus. Live in the mighty name of Jesus. Live in the mighty name of Jesus. Live in the mighty name of Jesus. Live in the mighty name of Jesus. Live in the mighty name of Jesus. Live in the mighty name of Jesus. Live in the mighty name of Jesus. Live in the mighty name of Jesus. Many of you are here every Sunday. You are not yet born again, but you have not given your life to Christ. Today I want you to make that decision and say, "This time I am coming for it. This time I am going to give my life to Jesus." Or maybe someone invited you and it is your first time. You want to say, "I give my life. I want to give my life to Jesus." As every head is bowed and every eye is closed. If that is your desire, lift your hands. Let us pray. I want to say, "I want to just confess Jesus as my Lord and my Savior." If your hand is up, just come. Let's allow the pastess, the ashes, to help you. And just come so that we pray out shortly together. Just come. And if you came with somebody, you don't need to receive Jesus. This might be the time to go and encourage them to come. Sing a cheer and let him out this way. Let him out this way and let him out this way. Oh, come on to Jesus. I want to sing a cheer. Oh, give him your life. Give him your life today. Yes. Come on to Jesus. Let him out this way. Let him out this way. You want to pray this prayer to me and you want to say, "Lord Jesus, I come to you today and I give you my life. May you be my Savior. May you be my Lord. May I never walk away from you. Make me a soul winner, O God. And to you, be all the glory. In Jesus' name. Amen and amen. We believe that you have been blessed by this message. For more information, you can follow us on Facebook, "Pountain of Life Cathedral" and on Instagram and Twitter at F O L C A D S S. God richly bless you. (upbeat music)