The Chuck and Julie Show

Another Secret Service Fail. The Chuck and Julie Show September 16, 2024

Another epic failure by the anti-Trump Secret Service and FBI.  Law enforcement expert Mark Pfoff on the problems.  Plus the UniParty weaponized attack on grassroots activist  Matt Arnold's law license.

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16 Sep 2024
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Another epic failure by the anti-Trump Secret Service and FBI.  Law enforcement expert Mark Pfoff on the problems.  Plus the UniParty weaponized attack on grassroots activist  Matt Arnold's law license. 

Chuck and Julie bringing you the truth straight up an Emmy-winning former investigative reporter a highly successful trial attorney and publisher of a major Denver area newspaper. They've been partners as talk show hosts and in marriage as parents for over 10 years providing thought-provoking information opinion and entertainment live local and interactive. Everyone's voice is always welcome. The Chuck and Julie show. Well good afternoon Chuck Bonningwell, Julie Hayden, Chuck and Julie Grassroots Show, truth straight up. For all to you by Mountain West Wellness Advanced Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. I'm going to bring Mark Poff coming up at the bottom of the hour. More questions and answers go figure about this second assassination attempt on President Trump. Lots of stuff coming out on that and we'll get into all of that with Mark but first we want to have Matt Arnold this promised on Friday and Chuck I'll let you go ahead and introduce me. Yeah Mark Arnold is the newest latest one of the newest latest lawyers in Colorado although he's been a prominent person around the state in many legal capacities. He was very well known for clearing the benches which he urged no votes on judges. He also was an expert on campaign finance and they allowed citizens to bring complaints and they got to be known as one of the great experts in campaign finance in Colorado and made lots of enemies from people who don't like having to report what they're doing or who they're underlying donors are but Matt used to root it out of mouth and he would argue in the preliminary proceedings you'd argue in the court of appeals and seem to win an incredible amount of cases but when it came to he went to law school past the bar but that's was not the end of his quest to be the attorney. Matt welcome. Welcome to the show man. Thanks yeah great to be back on. So let me jump in Matt so I mean I'm calling it sort of the uni party. The powers that be hold out all the steps. No normally let Matt kind of describe the process. Well that's what I was going to ask him to do. Go ahead and explain. I mean they did everything they could to stop you from becoming a lawyer. Let them. Yeah no it really got quite ridiculous. So I took the bar in February of 2023 past the flying colors. I got the the word at the end of April actually April 28th 2023 that I passed the bar. So normally the next step would have been to you know to get registered and take the oath in May. I mean it would have been a pretty quick process and and the vast majority of people who passed bar in February were sworn in in May. However the the legal establishment who I had apparently had ruffled some of their feathers in my past life as a successful pro se litigator decided this is their opportunity to to get revenge. And I was also informed that there are some people from outside of the office who claimed to have insiders in the office that were feeding the information and working to sabotage my mission to the bar from from inside. Among those persons being Eli Bremer. This other nut job from from down in Teller Springs. Josh what's his nigga I forget his name because they're not yeah he's not very consequential. And I'm sure he thinks he is he's very full of himself and and an individual named Ellie Flaton who I I had some you know dealings with like 10 years ago. And apparently all of them had approached my ex-wife and attempted to enlist her in the effort to sabotage my bar mission to her credit. She did not bite but that didn't stop what what their efforts were to you know again to try to stop me from being admitted to the practice of law. And so instead of just simply being admitted they looked for something they were desperately seeking something they could hang a a possible block on. And they came up with two things. Number one I had protested my school law school's mass mandate by wearing a an Afghanistan souvenir I brought back a burqa and I was pointing out in a very visual way that what the law school was attempting to do with their face covering mandate was very similar to what the Taliban attempted to do to women in Afghanistan with their face covering mandate. And for very much similar reasons you know basically oh we got it we have to hide and block off the unclean from you know having contact with with us virtuous folks right. And so they went after me for that because people lost their minds and accused me of discriminatory harassment which again any third-year law student second-year loss. Probably first-year law student could have figured out and the Dina law school certainly should have figured out by looking at what the elements of discriminatory harassment are and what I was alleged to have done had a complete and total mismatch. And what I was doing was engaging in first amendment protected political speech and they had no business suppressing that and my business trying to retaliate it against yet the school did that and so I had I went through you know six months of a ridiculous process a kangaroo court where even they were finally forced to back off and admit oh yeah yeah okay his first man were protected speech but you know we feel you weren't properly respectful to some of your law professors so we're still going to slap you with with a school disciplinary action. And so I had to take a couple of CLEs who she bummer and and did that and you know that that disciplinary sanction was satisfied. So they they really kind of focused it on that and fix it on that. Oh well you're you're just not respectful. I know it's a little bit of how the process goes in Colorado and who would hear their their complaints and all that. Got it. So and then they also try to bring up stuff for my divorce in my custody battle which you know anyone who's been through a divorce in custody battle knows sometimes things get a little bit nasty a lot of allegations were thrown around not of which were true but that process interject if they were allowed to prevent to use evidence from lawyers divorce proceedings there would not be very many lawyers anywhere in the country right that's so just so people understand that's completely not typical but go ahead. Right and again very typical they they went way out of the right to desperately try to find something and so he asked me well you know tell us what happened and and give us documentation what happened which I did. I mean I provided a relevant explanation the role of an orders from the case the the judge's disposition of that case dismissal the judge's factual findings that there's no credible evidence that that Mr. Arnold did ever did anything wrong we should not have been here for the past nine months but and throughout the case and yet they they weren't satisfied oh no there there must have been something there because you know this case dried down for nine months well well yeah it was during the the lockdowns of courts getting access to the courts was was hugely problematic so they're they're somehow blaming me for the fact that this case dried on oh there must be something there but went on for so long no it was basically the county was being incompetent and malicious and the courts were were hamstrung by it like what went on too long by my D&N case that so that was divorce and custody about that was in the past so now they're now they're trying to relitigate that but who they're relitigating it too and and what so the the office of attorney regulation council the office of admissions the gatekeepers of who gets to practice law in Colorado were trying to bring up this this old stuff oh well your school disciplined you for right violating school policy well yeah it was a big nothing burger as as you know they got testimony from from the dean of the law school their assistant dean um a number of my law professors who all testified no this was this is nothing this was just a tempest in the teacup that they they had to say face by getting him on something after they made a big deal out of it and had the opposite professional responsibility go about that do they have investigators do they have prosecutors or so the very last step in getting admitted to the bars as you prior to call Chuck is after you pass the bar after you pass the the multi-state professional responsibility exam which is the ethics exam which oh by the way passed with flying colors and a another color a specific case about you know practicing law then everything is reviewed by what they call a character and fitness investigating so they look to see if there's anything else that might reflect poorly on an applicant's character and fitness practice law now again they're talking about lawyers here that's what keeps us in mind we're talking about lawyers okay lawyer applicants right people want to to practice law and and i submitted well the fact that i had been litigating for ten years and successfully so in trial and appellate courts is probably your best evidence of my character fitness practice law the fact that i've been doing it successfully with no ethical issues for over a decade maybe i'll give you a clue but no they weren't interested in that they wanted to dig in into uh you know very private matters that are protected by law that they have no right to access in fact they were asking for documents that uh that until recently a court case that is over brought in the verdict saying it was illegal for them to request and in fact at the time they requested these records it was a criminal offense for them to request or have access to records in in a custody case so who who is the office of provision responsibly let's say the office of attorney admissions or the office of attorney regulation counsel and so are they attorneys are they they are attorneys yes okay now whether that they're they're attorneys that have done much outside of that uh maybe not so much in some cases are they volunteer are they paid they are paid they are full-time employees uh technically follow under the color of spring court well and that's back it up a second too and just so folks are are clear Eli Bremer the fake tier um of the fake Colorado Republican party is part of the uni party establishment and you annoyed them by that's why he that's why he can't you annoyed them big time by by um going after bobber praise colony or Colorado pioneer action um and trying to say you got to reveal who your donors are the dark money donors they didn't want to do that you've got the democrats and the other side of the uni party are happy so what they did is every step of the way when anyone else would have already been a lawyer for a year now they force every time you jump through their hoops they came up with another one completely maliciously and vindictively until going back going back for a second so normally people don't know when somebody is coming up we're uh you become a lawyer that they passed the bar didn't pass the bar that's that's pretty unusual and therefore normally they don't get people complaining saying don't make this otherwise uh fully a valid person lawyer maybe these days they do internet searches i don't know because that would be another way i doubt they do it for all 10,000 or mid at every two days but but uh it's yeah and i'm not exactly sure how the word got out i mean i wasn't like announcing it on on billboards or anything like that but the word did get out and and around march of 2023 and and this this josh character started uh you know going out on social media saying oh yeah you don't matter Arnold's gonna be the new lawyer for the color out of republican party i'm like yeah no i first at that point i i hadn't been admitted wasn't even contemplating it and and so he was just trying to you know sling mud and and stir things up with all this kind of stuff and as as part of a general attack on the color out of republican party and attacking me at the same timing that this guy is is cuckoo for coco puffs in terms of i'll get triolic is i think he is a republican yeah he is a republican but he's like he's a rhino is now listening yeah he's a he's a rhino and so that's what and and that's kind of just because i want to get into why let me go back to just nitty-gritty the the things that so they've filed complaints uh based on whatever is uh the law school one which maybe they found out somehow you know you have to disclose that and and i was very forthcoming on my disclosures to the uh but but but they haven't yet complaints from hosler and to me like bremmer who who well so i don't know how much directly they they had uh again it's one of those things that you can't get information about who are they contacted now they they had had claimed that they had an inside source on on this committee and that they were both feeding them information and getting information back from them and where do they where do they indicate that where do they indicate that so they made statements in my ex and they they were it made some statements on social media coming after me and and attacking my my character and fitness well eventually you know you know hosler and e like bremmer were coming after you because they they set it to your wife trying to get her to go along exactly okay that's pretty underhanded so they make quick complaints and and um so again how much how much direct influence they had i don't know but there's there's just a whole like you said it's this this kind of group mind hive mind if you will of the establishment in cholera the uni party establishment some of the same folks are working at the pretty regulation council were people who had actively attempted to oppose clear the benches efforts to bring accountability to the judiciary some of those very same people people had good come out posing me attacking me a decade ago and saying oh no we can't we can't have the hoy pulley these citizens uh criticized judges and and you know bring the light their decisions and the fact that well maybe they weren't you know really constitutionally compliant and they were trying to impose policy i don't know we can't have the hoy pulley way in we can't have the citizens exercise their rights under the cholera constitution to vote no on justices with whom they agree for whatever reason and i i prefer that they be well informed and i you know as clear the bench we laid out i think a very good argument a very strong argument for why before justices were on the ballot back in 2010 should not have been retained and and i i think it was a very reasoned critique based on their rulings and it wasn't it wasn't a personal attack wasn't at hominum it was just saying look these people don't meet the standard they do not consistently apply the law and in the constitution as as we think but that that's not like that that love friends of judges i'm sorry say again that's not going to make you a friend of judges no and and you know and their their cronies and their clerks and then who who knew i mean i you know i was reliably informed the time that that then chief justice mary malarkey hated my guts and would like a few vitriol when my name came up in discussion and so going back to the the office of attorney responsibility where we call it a lot of these same people it's it's a very small circle right it's it's a it's a little cloud they have they have investigators and then they have hearings i mean go through the process that you had to go through so the first step was an inquiry panel of five people which i i had no idea who these people were before i show up and and i i thought at that point naively thinking okay well they're just want to want to clear up a couple things in the record and you know i can clear it up and and we'll we'll go forward uh i walked into that room and um the chair of that started out by talking about pronouns and and how important it was that we not miss miss gender or mislabeled people and it was pretty obvious that was not going to be there we have some question with you which pronoun to call you and i don't think there's a lot of doubt but i mean just again the fact that they're emphasizing that and the and the the questioning was it was hostile from the gipio it was not a neutral true seeking panel this was a kangaroo court of five people who were very clearly hostile and then you know and i hadn't known who these people were ahead of time i walk in you know blind because they don't tell you it is and after the fact i you know i'd take a notice on who these people were i look i looked them up and and two out of the five had had very clear ethical conflicts that they should not have been on that panel one of whom was a a multiple donor to a number of committees that that i had successfully prosecuted as uh in the believe press a rep for campaign integrity watchdog another represented uh an attorney um against whom i had filed an ethics complaint and so both of those people should have recused themselves at the very least they should have made me aware of the conflict and and asked me if i wanted to to wave it which i may have who knows but they failed in their ethical obligations and and yet these are the people who are the ethics gatekeepers well so that point uh when they came back and said oh no we we think that's a horrible horrible person and and he doesn't he doesn't uh you know sufficiently uh respected feelings of other people and and he's just boy he's just a big old meanie and uh you know we don't like him because he's he's right wing essentially um at that point i just signed a lawyer up so i i did seek someone to ask in the chat if i had counseled through this process after that i had to and and so i engage a very a very good attorney um name is his name is core acting as mister fain and he did an outstanding job unfortunately this this took months i mean uh first started working with me in july of 2023 we finally got resolution you're just last week but so i hate to keep on going back to the nitty-gritty but it's interesting um so you have this five person panel um and they have questions you don't have a you don't have somebody advocating against you there they just all five five yeah yeah they were they were just but i said they're all advocating against me but you go through that and then they come out of the ruling saying you're unfit or what is it it's a recommendation and and again this whole process ultimately the decision-maker is the color of supreme court and and to their credit they did the right thing now it took a while to do it like to yeah but they did the right thing you was unbongued we're not very proud of this well chukalay have a few more minutes okay so you have this is crazy and this is why it's so important you not be admitted to the bar they were all recommending against it and through this whole process recommending against that you appeal that to the color of supreme court for their intermediate step no i mean there's there's the panel there's a hearing board we had to hear him before them again they came back same thing yeah we we we think that what's the hearing board as opposed to about the five people were hearing board is some sort no the five people is an inquiry panel the hearing board is three people it's the presiding disciplinary judge there's a gentleman by the name of of brian large and two other people now again this whole issue of who is the inside source has has not been fully resolved i suspect it was one of the people on either the panel or i suspect the hearing board again hard hard thing to prove but again they write them in against it so we appeal to the color of spring court full briefing big bell briefing you know opening brief answer brief reply brief the whole bit oral argument before the court happens back in april the court uh spring court at that time were mandated saying well okay we're not really fine i want to go back i want to go back to the hearing board the hearing board hears from the the investigator paneling you no the hearing board hears from the state so the attorney at regulations office which has an attorney who presents their case and i'm represented by countless is just it's a hearing you know with with witnesses and testimony and we had you know nearly a dozen recommendations we had a half dozen witnesses all testifying to my character and fitness practice law all all having had experience either you know some like my superior officers in the army reserve attorneys that i had worked with attorneys who i with i worked against all coming out and saying yes matt has clearly the character and fitness and and skill to practice law in colorado there is no doubt whatsoever in the hearing board still hearing hearing boards that's what three to zero is a written opinion is written opinion and all three of them recommended against my mission which then triggered the appeal to the color from color spring court full-blown hearing or argument the court then remanded saying well we're not really buying what you're selling their hearing board or either see but just in case you know produce a whole bunch of extra documents your entire case law which again is protected by law normally without that court order would not could not have been legally produced could not have been illegal and since we only have a few more minutes i think again the bottom line thing is that these people who you had irritated by by asking for a campaign integrity and and and and uh you irritated the uni party you irritated Eli bremmer who seems to think he can just make up all the rules he wants to they weaponized what is usually they weaponized what's normally a pretty open pretty fair process specifically specific pretty open fair process even because you normally it's a very perfunctory process right that's what i'm trying to say it basically is a simple check through your records and make sure that you're not a raving criminal you have a criminal record you're not a raving drunk you're not a drug addict i mean anything that would actually disqualify you they had nothing right they didn't even allege there's any real underlying misconduct right that i was alleged to have gone in they simply said well you just didn't give us everything we asked for right away and and i said well which is here because what you were asking for you did not have the right to have it was protected and privileged information but but again but i know we're sure on time want to get to it well the real kicker here right what makes it even weirder and worse was during this process so after the hearing board made their initial recommendation back in november of last year the attorney regulation count the the number two person in that office filed what they call a red flag notice against me accusing me of being suicidal and having made direct threats against their personnel all of which is complete nonsense this happened in november now this is during the process that we're appealing and going through the the color spring court so all this time from november through this process of briefing in february and march and april and the oral argument april this this red flag notice which is basically a report to the color state patrol securing the judicial building downtown where the supreme court is that look out for this guy these dangerous don't let him in the building because he has made a threat against our personnel which is an outright lie of fabrication and they they concealed that for me they concealed that for my attorney and they concealed that from the colorado supreme court which i think weighs on what what they eventually ruled but they were desperate this came out when they were considering our motion to reconsider after having produced all the things the supreme court asked us to produce the p_d_j_ after convening his group to consider all the all the record and all the additional documentation we we copped up you know seven hundred odd pages of case file which is completely irrelevant he said oh oh by the way and then emailed to my attorney uh just want to let you know that um there's this red flag notice that was filed about your client making threads against the uh o_a_r_c_ any comment but not true like yeah we've got a comment what the heck are you talking about and the supreme court you know about that we found our response to that saying this is a complete fabrication it's an outright lie my attorney went in and and talked to these people and said what credible evidence do you have oh we have we have credible evidence okay what is it well we're not going to tell you secret secret secret okay uh did my client communicate with any of you well now did you communicate with any of you at all during the entire month of November no so how did he make a direct threat oh well yeah we have credible evidence they have esp or i can tell you yeah it's it's completely insane and oh by the way they had communicated this ex parte to the presiding disciplinary judge at the time concealed this both the o_a_r_c_ and the judge concealed this from me my attorney and the color of supreme court for seven months wow when this came for attention and and what they did um clearly what they did was grossly unethical grossly and and and so we we filed our response and pointed out that yeah this is this violates like a half a dozen ethics all this conduct by by these ethics gatekeepers but this is a report to law enforcement authorities by the o_a_r_c_ it is not only unethical it is a crime under crs 18-8-1-11 false reporting of a crime to the authorities is a criminal act so here we have the top people in the office that is admitting attorneys committing crimes committing ethics violations allegedly um to prevent my admission to the bar it is absolutely insane and this gets against to the point of how weaponized right whole process is how grossly biased it is how how there's a lack of transparency in the process how these self-appointed people are are determining who gets to be a lawyer and who is not based on their own biases based on their own prejudices based on their own hostility and in tip of the to certain people who have been very successful litigators but by gosh we're gonna find something anything to keep this guy out of out of the practice of law i mean fortunately they failed but it took a year and a half a week and we have to we have to go down Julie but i want to finish this so did the supreme court know about finally we recognize that that this false reporting have been made the supreme court did not address that directly in their ruling but they were very well informed of it because we put that on the record okay in our in our motions to the supreme court to to make a ruling on remand that was that figured very prominently the ORC and the admissions office own misconduct in not only filing this false report but in all the other due process violations that they committed and and their ethics violations including i think very importantly concealing this information again if it were true would they not have let that come out before the certain time in all this problem of course if they believed it were true of force it would if they now it was just leave that i was a suicidal homicidal maniac and obviously that reflects on the applicant's character and fitness front is you ever find out really they didn't believe it they knew it was false and yet they they persisted in pushing this and communicating ex parte to the judge which again is a gross ethics violation which judge the presiding disciplinary judge hey so listen we're gonna check you check if you want to get into the nitty gritty we can have me a big gun okay we're gonna have to have a back mat because i think it's really gritty better than it is let me finish really um because you really had the whole world against you you had the the five panel investigators you had the three panel judge you had you had the making complaints you were suicidal um and you had the the top officers of the attorney admissions office yeah and you prevailed so that's that's you know the fact that you prevailed is is just great i mean it's just it's just wonderful but well we're gonna have to put to quote one woman Reagan to quote Ronald Reagan we win they lose that's the outcome we tangled with Matt Arnold in a court of law man thank you so much that's a good thing for a letter thank you very much made out and congratulations thank you so much i am i'm obviously overjoyed that the Supreme Court uh finally got got to the right decision it took a bit longer than i would have liked but to their credit they made the right call and and i am now a sworn in practicing attorney in the state of color all right so your new republican head Eli Bremer claims he's ahead of the republican party these days so yeah not so much that uh don't even give you sorry yeah that's another topic that i mean i thank you so much thank you Matt thank you Matt thank you much you know when you think and again it kind of you know i want to turn now to the second assassination attempt right um and we have i think Mark prof i think i saw you there if you want to come on in there are so many questions about this assassination attempt at any more you look at what they did to prevent Matt Arnold from becoming a lawyer in Colorado right i mean it's like you think these people have something else to do but no no but mark mark prof well-knowned our audience law enforcement expert there are so many questions i think about the second assassination attempt the suspect um what's up with him all of this what are some of the big questions or things i guess maybe just observations you have looking at it well a lot of it kind of just sounds like the first one from the whole game of incompetence by the secret service right fortunately both assassination attempts were conducted by amateurs um you know the second guy basically let his rifle barrel stick out yeah you know where people could see it you know he should have kept his barrel back until he had till he saw trump and saw that he was getting closer because my understanding is based on the terrain trump would have been heading in his direction right though he should have been more patient and and now they're saying i just watched a press conference that he might have been in those bushes for 12 hours right wait let me let me get ask you about that so i mean you you were in law enforcement that's say and you did security right that's that you were doing security and they tried to kill your guy once and actually shot him and then you're in charge of security again i mean how to me it's kind of like have they not how how would it be when you know you have trump there to have a drone just go fly around the golf course a little bit i mean if this one was there for the drone would not have seen him well but did but what they could have done i agree with you completely from the standpoint of i mean not only did they try to kill trump once they know i ran does not want him to become president and guess what i'm pretty confident that russia does not want him to become president or china right well russia grail Ukraine it's not excited about him becoming president because he might cut funding to him so there's a lot of people have a vested interest in trump not becoming president so knowing that you know they they need these statements that he gets the security of any person running or previous president or somebody running for president i'm like you need to look at the threat assessment right and plus the fact i think your threat assessments pretty high when they tried once right you know coming back a second time they could have run dogs on the outside or all the way around the whole golf course and these dogs could have you know if there's people in the bushes or check the bushes or whatever i did look on google maps it is pretty thick but you know there's things that they could another thing is how about a helicopter with infrared or heat-seeking right that would have spotted the person immediately what about the night before i mean he was there for 12 hours that's a thing i get it's not like he kind of they cleared it and i can get maybe it's a golf course you can't constantly clear but they clear it and then you know and then he sneaks in but he was there for 12 hours and i wrote a thing in the new york post that there are that that a lot of times you know we see all these pictures of trump and the golf course that the press photographers know that there are holes in the fences so to speak where they could kind of they probably knowing photographers create those holes right so it's not as if the secret service was even complete they thought oh this was thick foliage all around they knew that there were places that people could see trump i mean how much how egregious is it i mean if you were in charge uh you know it but there's basic stuff there's basic security like you said especially after they've tried once once you know there's foreign countries that would love for trump to be killed so why wouldn't and then they made a big deal that this interim secret service director or whatever he's starting to really piss me off because he's he's saying stuff like well it wasn't on his schedule well no kidding it wasn't on his schedule because i mean i'm sure they knew that trump was going to go play around a golf but you it's not a an event so he said well it wasn't on his schedule you know so therefore you know we didn't really know to prepare for it but i think that's a bunch of bs because i think trump would tell him the night before or whatever hey i'm going to go play around a golf but his schedule is his official schedule so people know like a presser where he's going right right yeah he would let him know they knew that he was going to go play around a golf they could have run a helicopter like i said you mean they're the security provided by the secret service only applies to special events yeah special event you can kill them or at least that's what it sounded like let me play let me play this sound because i want to get your reaction to this too because this is kind of astonishing so a lot of questions about the suspect right he was he's got pictures of himself with plenty of democrat people he's flying in and out of Ukraine now Ukraine is trying to say whoops are you gonna sneeze i don't want you to sneeze all you know he's got there's plenty of pictures of him you know at end he's flying in Ukraine he's doing all this nutty stuff and it's not clear was he just nutty or did he have connections but this is a sound bite from the martin county sheriff who i think asks probably the most important question so thomas if we could please play the martin county sheriff sound bite did he have any to your knowledge any ties to martin county or the treasure coast uh to my knowledge is there any ties to martin can i think the answer to my knowledge the answer is no i have no knowledge i think what we're finding out is not from this area which of course raises the bigger question is how does a guy from not here get all the way to to trump international realize that the president for president of the United States is golfing and is able to get a rifle in that vicinity i think that's the question the FBI Secret Service or Malaysia focused on today is this gap on of a conspiracy is he a long government is a long government president trump is that much safer because we haven't but if he's part of a conspiracy then this whole thing really takes on a very ominous tone and sure you mentioned the witness i mean what do you think about that mark well it's a great point because he's a previous offender so he can't just go down to a local store and buy a rifle yeah so he needed some support and and hopefully this is what they're looking into is how did he get the rifle how did he get the information um you know i think it'd be relatively safe to think that okay dumps or trump's probably going to play golf but is he going to stalk that golf course was he planning on stalking that golf course for a month or two right to get a shot in i don't think so well that's not his main golf course he normally plays a dural which he also owned yeah that's a great point check so if you are going to if you are going to adopt surveillance on a golf course you do it on his main golf course not this one right right so he obviously got some intel he obviously has some support and you know his son in north carolina talked about how much he loved his dad i wouldn't be surprised if we find out in the near future as kid gave him the weapon yeah who knows they need to investigate where did this weapon come from you know and hopefully they'll figure it out but understand you know they talked about it was an ak-47 style rifle it was an sks and i've actually seen sks's and had one pulled on me they're crap i mean if you're going to shoot somebody i would not want that that would not be my weapon of choice but again is this a lone gunman who is amateur hour and they got lucky or is this like the one guy said part of a conspiracy i think there's multiple people that want trump dead and you know they're trying to do it with these you know i don't want to be a conspiracy theorist but if somebody is highly motivated or a group they're going to do a lot more sophisticated operations than what we've seen of these last two yahoos and i'll tell you i'm very concerned that they're going to do whatever it takes to kill trump before the election well you see now is he well i'm not going to ask you two is apparently one of the reasons they were able to tell that he was there for 12 hours as a cell phone data right well my question is okay so now we know they have it and now we know they're using it so where was he before they're 12 hours where was he 20 exactly they know why are they not telling us that is my question well they're not going to tell you so they did say in this one press conference that i just saw that the fbi cast team who i've worked with and kind of against in my career it's the cellular analysis survey team it's supposed to be the best of the best but yet i've caught some of their analysts making absolute lies under oath so they're going to go to a judge immediately in fact what they're going to do is they're going to call the vendor they're going to find out the vendor at and t verizon t mobile they're going to call them immediately and say we want the information now we'll give you a warrant later and and and they'll say you got it and i've done this before i've actually contacted look this is time sensitive i want the information now i will get you a warrant i guarantee it and and i'm sure they're probably going to provide them a warrant in the next day or two they're going to get all of this ping information they're and if you request it within eight days they're going to give you all kinds of great location data so they know that he was there for 12 hours they're going to know where he came from whether he drove he flew whatever they're going to know exactly for the last month they're going to do a pattern of life analysis for the last three months they're going to know everywhere this guy's been and maybe for the last year they're going to get all that information exactly well here's it here's the other thing i find suspicious so and again i want two part question one on the flaws of the secret service so it seems like they almost lost this guy right so they should at him then they don't hit him so these are the secret service snipers you got to wonder about that number one number two he runs away out of the bushes jumps into current drives away so the secret service would have never caught him but then and i just call me the secret service didn't catch him right that's the sheriff's office that caught it but there's also some guy who's standing there who just so happened to see him running from the bushes says i'm going to get out my phone and take a picture of this guy in his tags as he's driving away i mean there's just i mean the secret service maybe got incredibly lucky or maybe there's something more going on here i don't know it just seems the whole thing seems fishy to me and again and confident by the secret service well i would definitely not think there was any great work done by the secret service i would not assume that um i i would assume that they got lucky because this guy was he he probably heard the gunshots and as they announced here the guy with the ak never got a shot off right so ryan never got a shot off it's just the secret service you know that for sure is that everything that's what they said that's what they say that that the weapon had not been deployed so he hears gunshots he sees this guy run that could be that makes his cell phone out and he does that so you know i i have to tell you my beef having worked with secret service have worked with fb i d e a t f h s i and all these different federal organizations so secret service has over eight thousand employees and they say we don't have enough agents to provide coverage for six to eight people or whatever i mean so my statement is you got people in the wrong place that's your problem right and and i will definitely tell you all these um federal agencies are all overlapping on the services that they offer so i just looked out on the website so the secret service has their own forensic lab and experts why does a secret service need a forensic lab why can't they use the fbi's lab oh god forbid we have to do that so so they hire all these extra people and then if you go look in their dei section of all these agencies and again you're never going to have a successful football team if they tell you that you need to hire short little people um what you need to do is you hire in football you hire big strong guys and basketball tall fast guys you know think so there's expertise that you know fit into all this stuff but what i find interesting and this is kind of a little bit of a curveball that i'm throwing out there when i was a detective with the sheriff's office i investigated child pornography and child exploitation or sexual exploitation of children what is amazing is every one of these federal agencies also investigate child exploitation now i'm all obviously for getting rid of human trafficking and and every you know an all-in approach why is the secret service have a whole group all over the nation we're probably talking hundreds of agents that are dedicated to going after you know child exploitation now i'm all for it but shouldn't they have two goals protect people and go find counterfeit bills but if you go look at their website they're doing all this other stuff and my statement would be get in your wheelhouse right and then just exact it is people been staying with it great well let me ask you about this you're absolutely right and they will tell you that and they have told me this as i worked with the secret service out of denver they said right are you kidding me this is the most boring job we've ever had we want to go do something fun so that they start working and they actually talk about how they support their partners in local law enforcement well you know what get out of that business it's not your job to support local law enforcement it's your job to protect people well and it's yeah and you got to wonder about this speaking of protecting people and i know somebody made a comment of that and in the chat in the chat section okay so this suspect is alive this suspect knows a lot of things right this suspect you know um and somebody was saying you know what are the odds of a jeff of me being jeffrey Epstein it's like that's another thing you got to wonder about i mean even be the friday and you're interfering or not disappearing but yeah but somehow disappearing he gets depressed and he kills himself right right exactly i mean it's just it's crazy and i you know i don't know at what point you don't like you say you don't like to be thinking i'd like the head the fbi who's in charge here was asked by chris ray to delete all of his anti-Trump social media posts i mean and first of all what's he putting up anti-Trump social media posts for anybody if he's in the fbi it's like at a certain point and you got to be like well we're crazy if you don't start wondering what's going on right and how this because yes they're incompetent but there are certain things particularly about this one that they're just so many questions and as you said that they know some of the answers too and it's like why do we not know why are they not telling us well i gotta be honest with you when i worked on the tom cloments homicide you know the assassination the d_o_c_ chair i pretty much kept my mouth shut because that's what i was told to do as one of the detectives on the team and we knew that the governor's office and the feds were leaking information to the media constantly so it's not like it's their integrity that's holding them back because they don't have any it's the fact that this is not an agenda that they want to discuss if this is something that they wanted to leak like if they had information that trump was doing something illegal you don't think that wouldn't leak out absolutely right but in this case this doesn't help their cause because it makes them look like you know the three stooges but with a lot more people the eight thousand stooges so i mean it's very embarrassing for them and they're and like they always say there are great people in the secret service i worked with some out of denver they were great people i've worked with great fbi agents and stuff this is a leadership issue this this is an issue at the top where they're so inclined about d_e_i_ and and hiring practices and the stuff and and and i'm going to make this prediction and this is in our military now as well yeah people are going to die because of d_e_i_ now they'll never admit it and they'll blame it on other things but you're going to have incompetent people you heard about the one woman that left hers her scene her her location supporting dress fee go breastfeed i mean i'm all for having children in breastfeeding do you really need to be on a detail protecting a former president when you need to go hit a breast pump you know i i there's got to be take six months and go do something else i just changed the timing well then here's one of the thinkers we're getting close to the end the other thing i thought too again conspiracy theory is so okay so i i'm sure if you're donald trump's family i mean you know now you can't even go on the golf course i'm sure that if you're somebody he's going to go to a rally that's not going to be some people i mean i think you know there's been a big deal Kamala Harris tries to make a big big deal about the rallies he's crushing it at the rallies but if you're somebody who's thinking about going and you realize that the secrets i mean you know i i also think that they well the secret services is but it's not there at all the other events so you know it's unofficial schedule go all we got to kill him is unofficial schedule well and one of the problems i i think is is that the secret service is allowing the scenario to play out which is it i mean it's it's not like they're actively involved like they got this ryan guy like we're going to do this investigation and figure out that the secret service was in on that that's probably not going to happen but when you're incompetent or you're allowing it to happen intentionally so i'm going to allow this scenario to happen and like they said if it wasn't for this one secret service agent who who maybe was you know doing the right thing because he's a great secret service agent what could have happened you know i would tell you this having shot an ak-47 many times you get close and you've got a 30 round magazine that's why they created the word mayhem i mean right that that weapon could do that this is a public golf course too right it's it's a it's not public it's private but i mean it's it's but it's a it's a golf course with other people i'm gonna assassinate somebody you don't get take a sks no let's go that's a bad weapon to have i mean it's a terrible weapon so that's my point is i think trump's been lucky that he's had two amateurs come after him right anybody who really knew what they were doing and um we could be having a different conversation today well and i imagine you and as you said they might be having conversations they could be like we don't need months of planning we just need to send a guy to the golf course a secret service is so completely incompetent um again again again again i mean that's the point that drives me crazy is how many times does this have to happen before someone says geez maybe they need more training and experience or something or maybe i mean they could call us we could come up maybe you just need to check the perimeter of the golf course i mean call me crazy yeah well i helicopter with you know infrared or whatever heat-seeking or whatever i mean haven't you watched those cops episodes where the guy hides and they're like that there is there is exactly how they would have seen him in the bushes immediately even in the hot day and then they could have gone down and said hey dude what's up you know step out with the sks and have a conversation with us i don't want to know why you're bringing it out of the course how much trouble you critics have caused to the secret service i mean they had a lazy job they hardly ever had to do anything and now they have to be worried about actually doing the job and before you could go down in south america to support with the prostitutes have a good time and now people want them to do things this is unfair right and i guess to kind of wrap this up um like i said they have eight thousand employees all of their agents that are all throughout the united states working in denver all over the place all those agents have had the basic training of doing protection services they could tomorrow you know he talks about we're short-handed man everybody's in the red they could tomorrow transfer a thousand agents yeah like that and have them switch over for the next six months to do um protection because they've all had the basic training they choose not to right exactly mark thank you thank you we appreciate it all right thank you we'll see you later obviously that'll wrap it up for today tons more to talk about on wednesday chuck is it world headquarters getting ready to put the paper out yeah all right without a wrap it up for here thank you everybody have a great monday yeah we'll see you wednesday [BLANK_AUDIO]