The Chuck and Julie Show

Substance Trumps Style. The Chuck and Julie Show September 11, 2024

Despite corrupt ABC moderators, voters see through Harris' lies and complete lack of substance.  Trust Trump on the economy.

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11 Sep 2024
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Despite corrupt ABC moderators, voters see through Harris' lies and complete lack of substance.  Trust Trump on the economy.

Chuck and Julie bringing you the truth straight up an Emmy-winning former investigative reporter a highly successful trial attorney and publisher of a major Denver area newspaper but they've been partners as talk show hosts and in marriage as parents for over 10 years providing thought-provoking information opinion and entertainment live local and interactive everyone's voice is always welcome Chuck and Julie show well welcome everyone Chuck Bonnie well Julie hey the Chuck and Julie grassroots show to straight up brought you by Mountain West wellness advanced acupuncture and Chinese medicine whoa so much to talk about we've got a ton of sound from the debate last night and actually I think things are sort of shifting a little bit as a day go answer shifting so feel free if you want to weigh in read your comments um call in we love when you call in 888-627-6008 888-627-6008 and if you're listening on zoom and you want to go ahead and talk just go ahead and unmute yourself and you can kind of jump in too um you want to raise your hand you know how to do that because I don't sometimes do it but Jacob's good about that it's right so do you want to go first you want me to go first I'll go first so I was listening last night and for me it's you know it might be the world series or something Super Bowl thinking that all history may come down to that and it could so I was listening along and and first of all getting incredibly excised about the commentators who are clearly incredibly biased and we'll go over that a little bit later but moreover I was just outraged at Donald she kept shouting a Trump okay I said I know don't hear me I know it just kind of a problem of entitlement deals where I say it and and it goes into it yeah yeah you know spooky action at a distance um because he won refused to slaughter her by saying you didn't answer that question but let me tell you what the answer to that question is and he actually did that with Marco Rubio he said these are just pre you know he's already recorded in his brain what he's gonna say from his consultants and you know what the question is here it comes again well that she was doing she wasn't answering any of the questions of course the moderators are happy to do that but Donald said she didn't answer the question here's the answer to that question and he would use up all his time she would make some snippy part of him and he'd spend instead of answering the question so he would be attacking Kamala it was not a good effort on his part I think at all what was good was was I thought he looked straight to camera he didn't let her engage in a kind of a facial expression yeah kind of war with her which he'd lose because she's she's the female and so she goes and and but he just and he's got to eliminate the word I there's no word I in team we did this we did that we we we you know so I mean I just wanted to scream in which I did if you did y'all and and I just saw man you could you know this is and I knew he hadn't listened to his consultants consultant had told him she was trying to get under your skin and of course she did but in addition to that I mean her smart key faces her Hollywood produced the whole the whole act she gave and so if I made her hate me hate her more than than I did before I didn't really used to hate her but now I hate her and and so she I thought and I'm not sure I hated more Lizzie Davis or the common Trinity or her you could see from Lizzie Davis her kind of dagger you know you just see in her face their contempt for well I think here and as a day is going on it seems as things have sort of shifted from the political pundits and the talking heads as information is kind of coming out about what voters think and I think that's encouraging number one I agree with you that Donald Trump but that's Donald Trump right I mean is anyone shocked that that's how he did it there was a actually usually Politico and their story that they have up now is a piece of crap but they had an interesting analysis that I thought early on was kind of right but I don't know that it makes a difference and let me explain what I mean it was talking about that this was a political consultants heaven right the political consultants work with Kamala Harris and they told her don't worry about answering the questions you've got a totally corrupt complicit media they're not going to call you on any of it every time somebody asked a question here are four or five points you need to make regardless if Trump did the same things tell Trump talk about immigration no matter what the question she states she was disciplined and she did that and you could see she got under Donald Trump's skin a little bit of our lot on the other hand even the political analysis said on the other hand you know if you're you know if you're a Donald Trump supporter you're used to this if you're Donald Trump supporter you're not shocked by that and if you're a Donald Trump supporter actually you're kind of glad that he attacked her because you would want to attack her so you know I think in the end of the political analysis was like so if you're a political consultant this was kind of great because you say see that that was good but if you were a voter I'm not so sure it made any difference although I think it is making a difference and you look at some of the numbers coming out now I'm I think a Reuters run and granted this is small but Reuters is not a pro-Trump organization right Reuters did a poll and they just talked to ten which is granted a small sample but undecided voters and of the ten six said that they were now leaning towards Trump and bringing said the other way in one three you said it right but I mean so Trump picked up that that is an incredibly non-representative he finished what I want to say about that and and then but you also have other polls even CNN admitted that the polls show that while most people thought that Kamala Harris won the debate they thought that they supported they would vote for not that we would vote for Trump but that Trump would be better able to handle the economy which is what people do and there are other polls that show that people thought the Trump on the polls exactly and so here's what I'm thrilled by that I yeah I think yeah I'm not sure to do a personal life but less I went for one of the sleep apnea test I don't know how many people have everybody got to sleep apnea these days but yeah so you had to leave to go take a sleep and go to a sleep center sleep out at the people there about the debate no okay they hadn't watched the baby there's only one person they might as long as you sleep passed his tests yeah he's really and sleeper really sleeping so but but but you know so I didn't have any more input after I tried to watch the end of the debate although somebody was urging me to leave to get their own time but I don't care about time and and so I was expecting to see this huge deluge of and it wasn't it really was more nuanced and and a lot of people say that Trump won right I think Kamala Harris is not an idiot she can she can do a lot she won by not losing right well yeah well moreover I don't yet why they've kept her away from the press I mean she's fully articulated enough to give a canned answer to wherever question the process well they may let her know here's what I think about why I mean I really thought she must be idiotic if she can't go over because I mean she showed that in front of you know incredibly sycophanic right a journalist she can do fine right well I think that only and I think that's something that now we want to kind of get into that I think that one when you look at because we're talking a little bit about style versus substance and I got to wonder if and which I think is what we're seeing in some of these polls that if you're an undecided voter or truly undecided voter and you care enough to listen last night right what I think you said a million we'll get into that in a second but not as many as an alien sitting at the shelter eating dogs now but I think if it was style versus substance if you were truly and well number one if you like Kamala Harris you still like Kamala Harris if you like her better because she's more shinarchy and you know you know she's wasn't Joe Biden but the problem that they have is that we already know she kept and we'll play some of it she kept repeating the same lies the same gaslighting things that the Democrats have been saying for over three years now everybody's heard that before she kept you know she made it clear she hates Donald Trump already knows she hates Donald Trump she made it clear I don't think she hates anybody I think she's big to hate why she was attacking Donald Trump but that's nothing new attacking him on the same things they've been attacking him right Charlotte still same yes I think and she kept you know Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy I mean she what does that mean well and again that doesn't mean anything and and she made it clear okay her main campaign pitch is I'm not Donald Trump and it's like well okay but there are a lot of people who like Donald Trump and on top of it you are Joe Biden and I think so she did a good job see I don't look at you but she didn't what she did not do was articulate any policies right if you know she what she did was she said we need to turn the page this is a good space I think but turn the page to what what are you turning this yeah turn you over Bernie you find a way in there is that you yeah I don't know how to do the stupid wave I'm sorry I don't know just just try me in I think both you guys are right on look at you and Chuck she did just enough to get my eye she had a lot of makeup on you got to give her that I don't like that but the is I you know I've always said about these people like your colors they're every one of them every one of your people that listen Sandra doctor Donna Leo even though he's a huge smart ass they can speak their mind they have no trouble speaking their mind my only problem is I sound like a fruitcake or I sound crazy but most of us no no no no no no no no okay but if you believe what you're thinking you can say it it's okay but but and by the way Julie Chuck she does have a plan she's good let me be clear by the way but Democrats say let me be clear they're so full of crap what's coming next but yeah she's gonna move forward she's gonna lift people up she's gonna be something to do with entrepreneurs I don't know what the hell that was but they let her get away because you got the two hacks that they're asking questions and Trump you know why can't Trump Trump get it gets under his skin oh your crowds suck they walk in a way Trump should have just left that alone and said look it I don't know how people show in my in my speeches and they want America to change they may not like me Donald Trump they might not like me but they see the country going down the shithole that's all there is to it but he always he gets under a skin so he's always got to defend that and I wish he wouldn't do that I wish you would just but they quite yep all of the walls you know say it the way it is but you could I have to say she got my she did it up to get my it and if you're undecided you are one jump son of a bitch you know I just don't know other way to put it that's true but you guys are listening and thank you and it says we like you and we always like it when you add your two cents thank you so let's go through here from Sandra I congratulate anyone who listened to the debate because I could tell you I did not and will never my son said he and his daughter and my daughter-in-law were yelling at the bottom feeders lol when I saw this look on her face in the video this morning I'm so glad I did not listen my understanding we'll get to listen a second that's true is that her best friend owns ABC she wants ABC News how convenient every friend forgets it is not the person that's at stake it's at our country I'm and then Jacob says Trump should have given here as a MAGA hat for her supporting building the wall and being pro-fracking and then oh yeah and then there's that that Jacob is saying there this kind of funny that it's old footage of somebody asking Kamala Harris when she's with Willie Brown are you his daughter and she says no I'm in Barney says I have a great damage today well here's here's a thing again what well I don't know that in the end it's gonna make any difference but one of things I'm not sure how it'll make it as well but I don't have a lot more to really base your vote on it you don't already know right and got no plans ever claims yet you know what what Trump did but she does have a pin Barney's right her plan is to continue destroying the country she doesn't have a plan but the people who run right the White House these days I mean it is scary quite frankly right that that you know imagine waking up Biden at three o'clock in the morning and saying the Russians are threatening to Annihilus what she what should we do it anyway oh they would never push the button that was better not ask him the question because he won't understand it I mean that's real it is scary that we have a senile president I mean you know Game of Thrones I think had a senile King and Lord of Lord of the Rings the worm tongue guy the worm tongue but well here's the thing too that you know going back to the Tucker Carlson thing and and the discussion about an independent media and how important that is to a free society I think one of the biggest losers and all of that was ABC News they just came I mean if you if you were liberal you're crazy anyways so you're not so you thought they did a great job but if you are conservative and you can it was just it was clear they were just completely biased we're gonna play this is a sound bite I mean Donald Trump they're fact-checking wrong even even when he's right they're fact-checking there's like a two-minute thing or a minute 50 thing where she just spews literally lie after lie after lie things are that a bit we've known have been lies for years and no one says anything to her so Doug if we could please play the Kamala lies sound bite I must be a big sound I was at the Capitol on January 6 I was the vice president elect I was also an acting senator I was there and on that day the president of the United States incited a violent mob to attack our nation's capital to desecrate our nation's capital on that day 140 law enforcement officers were injured and some died and understand the former president has been indicted and impeached for exactly that reason but this is not an isolated situation let's remember Charlottesville where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches spewing anti-semitic hate and what did the president then at the time say there were fine people on each side let's remember that when it came to the Proud Boys on militia the president said the former president said stand back and stand by so for everyone watching who remembers what January 6 was I say we don't have to go back let's not go back we're not going back it's time to turn the page and if that was a bridge too far for you well there is a place in our campaign for you to stand for country to stand for our democracy to stand for rule of law and to end the chaos and to end the approach that is about attacking the foundations of our democracy because you don't like the outcome and be clear on that point Donald Trump the candidate has said in this election there will be a bloodbath if this and the outcome of this election is not to his liking let's turn the page on this let's not go back let's chart a course for the future and not go backwards to the past as this party says a hundred percent like the truth and ABC did not push back on that at all so here's the thing number one she was not at the Capitol during that incident in fact they had taken her over to the DNC because that they had their whole fake pipe bomb thing set up right so she needed best she was not at the Capitol Donald Trump did not incite the right in fact he said have a peaceful protest she was at the Capitol generally Washington DC exactly the no cops died but again it's you know 140 140 injured give me a break the only person who died was one of the protesters and he's not right so we've seen the video but so that's a lie that the crimes that she's talking about the impeachment that's a joke we know that that was completely that also by the way remember the whole impeachment hearing was orchestrated and produced by what an ABC producer right remember that that's another ABC producer on the bloodbath he was talking about the auto industry a bloodbath in the audio auto industry at the rule of law give me a break you got the Democrats come I mean you know and the chaos I mean so it's just everything that she said there was and Charlottesville it's been proven he did not say that and ABC didn't push back at all on any of that it didn't push back her credit or her consultants credit she has learned the word we and our and and other ones were Donald only knows I you know if you didn't know they're all lies that's what presented wise it was fairly effective I mean the trouble I think that they have from a campaign point of view they've been saying these lies over and over and over and even the Democrat I mean if she could have said in hundred bimes laptop was Russia disinformation wait any any turn you won the only time he won it was because the Russians right so people know that that's not true so they either don't know you know how many know what percentage no well I guess my point is is they've been repeating I bet you any doesn't know they've been repeating these those lies over and over and over again and it hasn't really dented Donald Trump anymore they hate Donald Trump not because he said blunt back they hate Donald Trump because he represents a threat to their power structure and their money the one funny thing this and people in Colorado are like losing their heads over at the liberal media and the the Democrat politicians Jacob told us earlier that Michael Bennett said this is not true because truck brought up a war the migrants in the illegal immigrants that have taken over apartment complexes in Aurora not your imagination and then they talked about in Springfield Ohio you know the reports from citizens complaining about migrants eating their their dogs and here and so Trump brought that up if we could please play the Trump dog sound bite look at that point is being lost we're failing nation and it happened three and a half years ago and what what's going on here you end up in World War three just to go into another subject what they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and look at what's happening to the towns all over the United States and a lot of towns don't want to talk it's not going to be Aurora or Springfield a lot of towns don't want to talk about it because they're so embarrassed by it in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there and this is what's happening in our country it's true right now that again and then the everybody's with all that's not true Michael Bennett says oh it's not true cow Clark says oh it's not true well when the cow car yeah the Ohio Attorney General came out and said we do so have reports like that right and here's the thing guys this is nothing new I mean I think I told this story last time about in Aurora you're about what ten years ago I was doing this story this family was upset because the illegal immigrants were raising cute little baby goats and then slaughtering them and eating them I remember doing a story many years ago in Wash Park you know they had tons of geese and in Washington Park too many really and no offense to anyone here but Asians illegal immigrant Asians were killing the geese and all the little white you know washed park ladies were horrified about the fact that the geese were being killed but they weren't horrified by the fact they had animal control offs that go out and gather them kill them and give them and give them to food banks yeah which it can would be gross I don't think you're gonna do it but the point is gross I mean if I don't know that I want to eat a goose I've been eating stuff at Wash Park but what do you think they need nature let's true well I just want to think about it they only you know you know fill a menu on a bit there's veggies to get too deep into where our food comes from okay is that this is not a new issue right this is happened and and you can kind of see their point it's like well there's like eight million geese here like you said they're rounding them up why not I mean and you can get into that but it's kind of funny because they offer to like Michael Penner it's like that's not happening it's not happening it's not happening right and it's been happening for a long time and and that that is what happens when you have this sort of unfettered illegal migration you have these sort of clashes of cultures right where where cultures are not expected anymore to become part of the American culture they retain their own culture and it's just it's just ridiculous and here's the most ridiculous the Babylon be heated on the head right the Babylon be had a funny thing it says media assures us that illegal immigrants had not killed any cats just women and children yeah right you know what I mean the cannibals and Haitian here it is I mean one of the reasons it was a problem in Springfield is because an illegal immigrant driving illegally hit a bus and an 11-year-old girl was killed right whose father said he'd eat wish he's a white person's immigrants it's kind of like so if you're an illegal immigrant and that is something I think that's kind of wrong with our country is if you're an illegal immigrant you can kill children you can you know cause all kinds of havoc and all kinds of crimes but if you start to eat the docks that's when people get upset but it has well I think Trump has got to really bear down this one because all the cat women who who want to support it you know that's fine but you know your cat is is gonna be eaten yeah you vote for Kamala and you can piss goodbye fluffy those things I would say if I'm Trump let the internet do the memes for you oh Jacob is oh Santa says absolutely agree with you Chuck LOL and then Leo Leo you're like Chuck Trump pissed me off by going off topic he needed to use a scalper and only address the exact questions not wandering off topic and Barney says damn right Chuck um well I mean that doesn't respect but the thing is is just the media is so corrupt anymore I'm particular but I want to give you a little pushback that you're independent media by which you mean an objective media and and you know we only got that post World War II and we you know the Republicans agree the new deal was a wonderful thing and but at the same time agreed the communists were not necessary the nice of people all throughout our history newspapers and media have been incredibly biased on one side of the other including the government media under Adams I mean you know the idea that we had an independent decent media was only for his own almost an illusion it wasn't a total but almost an illusion and you've got to get used to the fact which brings us to the other question of why the hell Republicans constantly want to get their head answered we're going to get into this too and Leo says Chuck is there any objective media other than us and maybe Tucker you know and if you guys want to see and you you're the one who always touts this website real clear politics calm what they do is they give both sides so without commentary they just put stuff on on both sides but it yeah but but it is you're there's nothing in there you get this objective you just get both sides but here's and they're incredibly unobjective ones and because that's all there is here's what I think Trump has done just like you know for the longest time we had the illusion that there were two parties when there's actually been a uni party running things and the reason everyone is freaking out is Trump is not part of the uni party so he must be stopped but he exposed that right he forced people to expose himself he has forced the media to expose itself as being corrupt and I think his Tucker Carlson said evil on the side of evil and Megan Kelly addresses to I want to get you got to listen to this soundboat and remember what she was like when she was a moderator in which the Murdoch's wanted to get from but that's right she was she was unbelievably but now she's different it's when somebody else is doing it please I'm Doug play Megan number one I'm disgusted I'm ashamed of those moderators at ABC News they did exactly what their bosses wanted them to do the person who runs ABC News is a close personal friend of Kamala Harris that is responsible for Kamala Harris and her husband meeting and they did Dana Walden's bidding tonight it was three against one on that debate stage this evening and I think that's true and one of the things like always as it was when Chris Wallace and her I think it's becoming more and more apparent and you see it again and again now you're not shocked so much anymore although I continue to be somewhat disgusted by the fact that they they don't even pretend anymore and then I think Megan Kelly like you said before she hated Trump this is where I think again like you said you expected Trump to be being creamed I think they were so biased that in a backwards way it it probably helped Trump in spite of himself if we could please play Megan number two it's very easy to look like you know what you're doing when both moderators are entirely on your side Trump did the best he could under the circumstances but it really was like three fighters in the ring pummeling one opponent and Trump tried to take them all on he did fine he did as best as he could he was thrown a few times to the point where he was unnecessarily defensive and he was getting angry and so was I were you this was a mistake to trust ABC news with this debate I think that is the thing if I'm the Trump campaign and we'll get there's one more sound but we'll play here in a second if I'm the Trump campaign I'm thinking that too I'm thinking that might have been a mistake to go on ABC I'm so if we could please play and Megan says this is the one well the other stuff was intelligent oh we got Sherry I'm okay we'll take Sherry and then we'll play the sound okay hey Sherry thank you for calling in hi I wanted to just say maybe a few things if you noticed at the debate the at the first question they this is what they said they said vice president Harris you and president Trump were elected four years ago I thought that was kind of interesting and then as far as the animals go you know culturally it's a little distasteful for sure but I find it so much more distasteful that my tax dollars pay for a government official to torture little beagles and rip out their vocal cords so you can't hear them crying so good point Sherry and then I just think it's interesting being 9/11 today did you notice that Trump when it says 45 that's 9 - 47 is 11 I just wanted to point that out I find it you know our apologies are pretty interested being okay hey Sherry well I think too did you see I mean that abdominal Trump appeared with Kamala Harris in New York and 9/11 and apparently people were shouting we need you Donald we need you Donald so and one last thing that's really interesting so President Trump originally signed an executive order September 12 2018 and what it is it's the continuation of the national emergency with respect to foreign interference in the undermining public confidence in the United States elections it's EO 13848 it has been signed again by Joe Biden it's signed every year so it's kind of interesting how come that is that he keep signing that that Trump started yes well I mean in and of itself it's it's a terrible proclamation or executive order if somebody says something that undermines our trust in our federal government the federal government ought to be be indicted on it because they do things every day that undermines our trust and confidence in the US government I mean it's all right hey Sherry do things on that if you so if they find that a foreign influence a foreign country is involved in the corruption of the election then does everybody who's cheating with the mail-in ballots and stuff are they then eligible to be tried for treason no because that's home grown yeah what if they're American what if they're an illegal immigrant in the vote so yeah that might be then you get attacked Mexico the Justice Department as we all know is just so corrupted and it's become so weaponized that you know they can make it come up with a reason to do anything to anyone that they want you write is as long as they want to silence you hey thank you once again for your call you always such it's great points thank you Sherry oh bye bye right all right and then so Doug now if you could bet that Megan Kelly she has some advice for Republicans which I think is good advice if we could play the Megan number three soundbite the Republicans must learn from this mistake the same way the Democrats never never agree to do anything with moderators they don't entirely trust this should be the last time the Republicans ever do this because those two moderators try to sink Donald Trump tonight the numerous fact checks on what he said and none on what she said none now I don't remember a single fact check of anything she said and she lied repeatedly she just got away with it and in the moderators eyes that was Donald Trump's job to fact check her that's correct except you didn't employ that same tactic when it came to Trump and you accused him of lying even when it was your opinion that he lied when Trump tried to say that his comment that he lost 20 20 by a whisker was him being sarcastic David Muir actually injected saying I didn't hear sarcasm who gives a shit what you heard that's the thing right I mean she's true and the Republicans they should not right because here's the thing if you're Donald Trump maybe you can handle Kamala Harris right but you cannot handle as we now have seen Kamala Harris when the moderators are completely in the tank and they're gonna allow her to just do whatever she wants to make stuff up to lie about things and and you're trumping that they won't let you respond the response is you know two thirds the way the debate now we're two thirds away through this debate the moderators have come and try to fact check with her own biases numerous statements I've made but not once not once to the loss of Kamala Harris could this be a more unfair debate but you got I mean he has to have a presence of mind be able to point out what she just pointed out right and that was his obligation exactly gotta be attention because I mean the CNN moderators I have to say were I thought more fear and then both well they were incredibly fair because they wanted to tank joke but it wasn't it wasn't because they were fair people they said okay we won't put our usual foot on the scale we'll let Joe die and hopefully Donald Trump's campaign has learned this and Donald Trump is on this and other well he ain't run it again so it won't won't do any good well you're right the next one don't think they can beat you can't beat him okay you can't beat the corruptness that is there it was interesting and Fox and friends Donald Trump indicated today that he might be willing to do a debate on Fox but not with Brett Barry Martha McCallop well because he said can you trust anybody from now he said maybe Sean Hannity Laura Ingram I wouldn't because you know what Fox is kind of you know you know what happened to Tucker either that or they would be fair I would want to go on go on with somebody who would be completely corrupt against the Democrats do you know what I mean that we need to find a you know I don't think they make River Swami is gonna be a lot of it yeah but let Eric Trump yeah Baron Baron to do it yeah let me her and do it so you know in the end I think you were probably right that that they're gonna use some of the polling to say oh commonly got a big bump from the debate they had her going down to say that she went up I'm not sure and this is what I predicted earlier that this debate if you want to call it that would have changed very many minds what I do think it might have done though that is good is number one expose the media yet again and number two like Megan Kelly said she was angry I think this is a kind of thing that makes Trump supporters even more angry and even more every more angry well you have any time you think you can't get more angry you can't get more hang for you so you know and they can have you know Michael Bennett can say all he wants to know what do you think I go then it's appeared oh I don't know that boy thanks for making Colorado a better place to be people say maybe we should actually arrest criminals in Colorado no no the races and get their cats yeah Taylor Swift Taylor Swift and who liked her they oh yeah Caitlyn Clark great Caitlyn Taylor Swift I think was forced to buy your publicist because Brittany Mahomes came out in favor of Trump but then Brittany Mahomes and Taylor Swift are friends and so people are like oh she's equipping friends so I think she was forced to do that and my guess is Taylor Taylor Swift - you know lectures us about climate change but she jets around the world you know I mean she jets to launch in a jet right so I don't know that we need to listen to her let's see did the moderators go home at from Leo and open a bottle of wine and crying the shower because they lost their soul or are they so stupid they went and celebrated celebrated body says Fox is just as bad yes Sanders says Leo more likely stupid and then Barney says Leo they don't have souls and then Dr. Donna said the debate may have swayed those on the fence that depend on the mainstream media for their information I think anyone anyone who is depending on the mainstream media for their information anymore I agree with Barney is like you know you you're just an idiot right if you're depending on the mainstream media for your actual information besides maybe whether you can't even say that because it's it's climate change oh you can't even do weather you're doing that on purpose because you agree with that right there's a listening to Kyle Clark is listening to Kyle Clark because they agree with him or they're in a nursing home and somebody's put channel line on and they can't change the channel right so I'm buying one yeah yeah I wanted to switch gears or just briefly and bring you up to speed on some of the goings on with the Colorado Republican Party and it's the Civil War the fake Todd meeting the fake Eli Bremer but all of that is in court now do you want to explain it or do you want me to explain the two lawsuits that'd be interesting okay so we'll see if I get it right this ought to be interesting folks we'll get a Julie interpretation of court proceedings and I've probably been in court more than a lot of lawyers yeah Chuck will fact check me so the real Republican Party under Dave Williams has filed an appeal with the Colorado Court of Appeals asking them basically to say that Eli Bremer's meeting what well that Eli Bremer's meeting was illegal and the Court of Appeals just last week at the end of last week refused Eli Bremer wanted to throw that out and the Court of Appeals said no we're not going to throw that out we're going to hear it right which would be an indication that they think at least there are some not merits to wanting to throw it out but merits for keeping it so that's a win for the the real Colorado Republican Party under Dave Williams that check you at this point go ahead well then you explain it oh no it's just too entertaining no what the lower court said was we don't have jurisdiction and therefore you guys just have to continue to battle away for months and months and months and the the real as you say a Colorado party said no this this is in fact something has to be decided with the court it'll never be decided and we'll just have two Republican parties so they're not saying one of these brothers Eli Bremer wanted them just to dismiss it and the court said no we will not dismiss it so that's a win for the real Republican party absolutely win but if you grant the relief then you go back down to the district court to find about whether or not Todd's meeting was illegal or not okay so that's one lawsuit that's out there the other number two is the fake Republican party under Eli Bremer and this is just evil has filed a lawsuit against individually Dave Williams Anna Ferguson and Hope Sheppelman as individuals claiming that they are impersonating Colorado Republican party officials right okay and that is now going on also so the judge on there was a hearing on this just what yesterday the day before the judge said a status comfortable okay hearing hearing the status there was a status conference here those are different things all right right it was a static conference it was a status conference and the judge said that for trial October 14th well he did said the what it has they had Chris Murray who used to be the Republican counsel filed a lawsuit in behalf of a Republican party and on behalf of Eli Bremer and the two other ones that were elected secretary and treasurer against individually Hope Sheppelman Anna Ferguson and Dave Williams right and the judge said that that that he will they said a trial date for that right yeah he wants to hear the case apparently right and that's interesting because generally speaking if a subject matters before the Colorado Court of Appeals you don't want to district court deciding the same question or related questions so you may have two different rulings so and this from see Andrew Chris Murray who was also with the Browning Hyatt fibrous right yes he's a former Browning attorney who would kick him out they kicked him out and who was fired by the current Republican party so yeah fired him too I don't want to be too confusing but just want to let you know there is ongoing litigation so bottom line every time Eli Bremer wanders around claiming he's the real head of the Republican Party he's not okay Dave Williams is still recognized by the RNC is the real head of the Colorado Public Party the most accurate way to put it is that you do have two factions I guess now the real I call the real Republican Party Dave Williams fashions that's being biased that's being biased but there are two factions they are fighting it out in court the RNC has people keep saying is the aren't gonna aren't you gonna say something my guess would be that just gonna wait it's in the courts right why would you express last time you know the public parties and unincorporated association of people the RNC does not it's not a subsidiary of the RNC right all they control is the members to their thing that we elect but other than that they cannot tell the Republican party what to do or not do they can give money to everyone want to but they can't tell so would you bring it up to them and you know have their executive committee or maybe it's their state entire countries central meeting decided I mean it's and the bottom line thing that everybody should remember about this is something that we've talked about the four before this is not just going on in Colorado this is going on in other states what this is is it's a never Trump uniparti funded movement to try to get rid of the growing grassroots strength in Colorado and other parts of the country there there is they they don't want people electing people like Donald Trump right they want people electing people like Mitt Romney or Joe Biden not much difference there right all of their money keeps rolling along everybody keeps being happy that's the bottom line thing again it's not Dave Williams just like it's not Donald Trump they're after they're after you and us it's not really true it's not Dave Williams after you to go away and just vote for them right you got a vote for Gabe Evans okay so he's for massive illegal immigration he won't say that of course right but he whatever you don't accept millions from Americans for prosperity and Charlie Koch Charlie Koch learned a long time ago they just can't fund somebody and let them go you fund them after they promised you what they do exactly yeah you know exactly and so that's a thing to remember that the this movement in the Republican Party it's it's not Dave Williams he's just again he's just standing between them and you what they really hate is us they really hate the grassroots and they would if you contribute seven figures you like them yeah I'm not sure why you'd be listening to our program but and finally just to kind of wrap up I wanted to kind of go back to the to the Taylor Swift thing because I do think it's kind of funny that that even it is a thing right I guess it says something about us culturally Taylor Swift I mean she actually I'll be honest she strikes me as kind of a sharp person she strikes me as a sharp business woman I don't really like her songs somebody was pointing out all Taylor Swift does is write songs about making wrong choices so why would anyone trust her on the presidential thing yeah I'm sure she was she was by public pressure to come out after Brittany she has I mean she had an entire controversy I think in 2016 when she or maybe it was 2020 probably 2020 saying she wanted to endorse the Democratic one her father said why alienate have you for you and she like that's what I really believe and so you know she's entitled to it she's entitled to it but but what I take a thing on on based on Taylor Swift but then again I'm not a you know and I get you have to be 18 say is but would you here's the thing if you're a Taylor Swift fan I don't know I mean would you listen and no offense anyone out there but would you listen to Taylor Swift anymore say then you're gonna listen to Hulk Hogan endorsed you know I listen to Hulk I listen to Hulk at the R&C speech right now what are you talking about Julie you don't you're denigrating the holster oh he gave a speech I like to see Taylor Swift speech I'm just saying that these celebrity endorsements are non-endorsements it's all silliness I think well let's see if she'll do a concert for she let's you come on the play her song I guess I'm not sure you I've got to look that up because I don't think you know once you copyright it you know anybody can play it right as long as you pay pay residuals right and so the fact that somebody didn't like it that you played it on your station or played it at home right right you know they don't I invented well great I think it's kind of funny that Trump plays the songs and they keep telling him not just very sorry well and you're from Dr. Donna you know I think this is true our fan base is roughly 14 to 18 year olds right either that or millennials who now are trying to pay for a home or by groceries and gasoline and they're like hey I don't want to see them proper 10 15 years she keeps reinventing herself well I know but so they're you know her original Taylor Swifties are probably in the 30s well and here's the thing from Leo exactly I like to I like the Beatles but didn't agree with their political views and then Jacob says John Lennon was a Republican really I think so I you know I have no idea well he concerned the fact that he he was not in this country as a citizen in the United States he couldn't be a Republican you might have been a Republican England because that gets all confusing over there I know I'm kidding I'm kidding hey that is gonna wrap it up for us on this Wednesday we are coming back for party Friday thank you to everybody for participating thank you everybody on zoom and that'll do it for us today be happy stay happy see you party Friday bye thank you very much thank you guys thank you thanks Leo