The Chuck and Julie Show

The Masquerade Party. The Chuck and Julie Show August 28, 2024

Hackers and thieves are trying to steal your Party's identity.  Ron Hanks and Laurel Imer warn RINOs' coup attempt in Colorado is part of a much bigger Never Trump scheme.

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28 Aug 2024
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Hackers and thieves are trying to steal your Party's identity.  Ron Hanks and Laurel Imer warn RINOs' coup attempt in Colorado is part of a much bigger Never Trump scheme.

Chuck and Julie bringing you the truth straight up an Emmy-winning former investigative reporter a highly successful trial attorney and publisher of a major Denver area newspaper but they've been partners as talk show hosts and in marriage as parents for over 10 years providing thought-provoking information opinion and entertainment live local and interactive everyone's voice is always welcome the Chuck and Julie show well hello everybody Chuck Bonningwell Julie Hayden the Chuck and Julie grassroots show to straight up brought to you by Mountain West wellness advanced acupuncture and Chinese medicine we've got coming up today wanted to talk a lot about the fake meeting that Trader Todd had where they fake elected Eli Bremer who set up a little shadow government I mean the whole thing is insane right on what they're doing but the thing is I think everybody needs to realize is it's part of a much bigger story that's going on nationally so we're gonna have I see him here former representative Ron Hanks and then at 330 Laurel Eimer is gonna talk about it too so let me see you there first let's go ahead and welcome you to the show thank you for your time how's it going hey it's going well I hope you can hear me I look like I'm in a fog bank as I try to set up my little studio downstairs you got flags in the background and you sound you sound just fine you don't want to share a focus anyway it's been the way for a long time zoom kind of blurs us anyway okay so on Saturday the real Republican Party will be holding a meeting discussing among other things whether anybody actually really does want to be called Dave Williams essentially a very small group of never trumpers rhinos the establishment elite who have been destroying the party for decades I don't say very small I think it's always been a minority but okay but not an insignificant minority as long as you have money you'll never be an insignificant minority which is that's something I want to talk about here a little later because they do seem to have an awful lot of money right and it's like why were they not giving this money to the actual state Republican party but but but at any rate that's going on but Ron the gateway pundit had a great article and they were quoting you in it talking about it's a great just by itself exactly yeah talking about the fact that this is not just some fringy thing going on in Colorado this is a much bigger deal why don't you explain that for us yeah they're very astute over there Chuck I will say and I will say also I didn't necessarily expect that what I wrote was going to get in there had I known I would have probably clarified a thing or two but what we see in Colorado and is going on around the the country Christina Karamo in Michigan is probably the best most recent example where she was a grassroots party chair that got removed by the the Rhino minority with money and Pete Hulkstra the former rep took over the party so you know we're seeing that kind of thing here too and I think it's important to kind of do a little trend analysis and realize this this is not just Colorado it's not just individual states banding together this is coming from the deep party state in my opinion President Trump may have some control over RN the RNC but I do not believe he has complete control over the RNC and some of the people advising him I've got concerns about and then last point on this is if he does have control of the RNC the Republican National Committee I firmly believe he has no idea what's going on at the Republican National Congressional Committee level how to go ahead well I know you're absolutely right so the interestingly you know all of the the Reno candidates who won in the primary all came out and Lauren Boker was kind of wishy-washy but still all came out saying that they supported getting rid of Dave Williams they all but all of them but Lauren signed a letter congratulating the fake party like you call it in a letter that you said out the masquerade party which is a great name for it you know supporting him interesting a Lauren did not sign it but that also was a sentiment I think expressed in the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee which is chair which is controlled by Mike Johnston who has turned out to be used to say a disappointment yeah Mike Johnson played in my primary race as well you know he dumped half a half a million bucks I guess was the final tally in the final week indicating that you know I used to be a Democrat and I'm pro abortion and I mean these are Harry Reid's scale lies against a fellow Republican so in my view Mike Johnson's irredeemable I've got no respect for the man and frankly I think Trump is he's either unaware or unconcerned about the RNC and and Johnson's ability to come in and take over these state delegations of Republicans because I would say most of them are in his camp not Trump so I hope Trump is aware of it and I hope Trump has a larger game plan but I don't I'm not sure I have confidence in that well you got a wonder too I mean let's go back you know just just a few months ago and we've been talking about it on our show you've been talking about it some of these rhino candidates received a lot of their money in Colorado from Americans for Prosperity it was not that long ago that Americans for Prosperity was all in the tank for Nikki Haley and Haby and Donald Trump right they've been no Donald Trump and their open borders establishment elite and then they decided and they openly Charles Koch talked about this right that they couldn't beat Trump so they were going to take their money and funnel it and essentially try to beat Trump by putting in rhino uni party Republicans in Congress so that so Trump can say anything he wants but they could basically do carry out the rhino never Trump agenda in Congress and I think that's that's exactly what they did in Colorado right yeah I believe that and and it's it's a grave disappointment and that's what I campaigned on in the primary and I firmly believe it that he's going to get sandbag by the House and the Senate and so unless he has a master plan that's he's holding back and very close hold very few people read into it I think he's going to get sandbag big time and this is the worst possible time to have a hostile fake Republican Congress because we've got nuclear conflict on the horizon in Asia and in Europe I mean we need to be cohesive and it's too late for that at this point and the one hand go ahead I'm sorry the one good part is that the rhino establishment here in Colorado who care less about actually Republican winning the Congress by having a fighting not after November but before November they certainly limited the chances that some of these people have you get elected in Congress I think that that gave evidence I mean you know I know in in our district we had gave evidence and so forth he's really hurt himself I mean there are a lot of Republicans no I'm not gonna support him I mean I'm just not gonna do it I mean not they would have I think up until the time they said yeah okay well you know we'll a Republicans better than a Democrat now they kind of go well you know they don't need our help they've got all the money in the world the National you know prosperity they're kind of great so you know you know I don't need a knock on doors you can pay people twenty five dollars a knock on doors and you can do it all since that's all you really care about yeah I've heard it's up to 42 bucks an hour in some local know you're good I'm gonna talk about the money because you know at the fake meeting last weekend Christie Burton Brown the former chair of the Republican Party who oversaw the most disastrous election for Republicans in party history so I don't even know why anyone is listening to her not to mention all the financial scandals not even going there right but so she's clearly run I mean manipulating things we've heard she was the the warm tongue whisperer in the ears of people like Eli Bremer Steve Peck and Douglas County stirring things up at the most basic level she I'm sure is not doing anything without the okay of advanced Colorado which is another Phil and Jude's funded kind of thing and and uni party consultants and establishments and Eli Bremer then opens up a fake office where's I mean there's just there's got to be some big money behind this don't you think Colorado but across the country I think Bremer and the masquer aid party is working out of the Colorado peak Republican office in Colorado with which they were told not to do that anymore because you know there was efforts to to keep the Republican brand within the Republican Party but they've conveniently rather ignored that I didn't know Kristi Brown was the worst chair as far as results although they were abysmal it was a spiral downward but I thought it was Dick Wadham's that you know for for back in the day I think he was the worst so that'll be a fun little project I guess after this meeting but you have to compare it to how many could lose to do a proportional relationship and but the thing is and here's where I was kind of asked that so they're clearly his money I mean Chris Murray is an $800 an hour lawyer who's representing that the masquerade party right and the only way they can do anything is by you know what you know filing lawsuits I mean they on the radio they go on and they say oh they're gonna evict Dave and Anna and stuff they can't they're not the landlords right I mean they have a lease I mean it's just ridiculous the stuff they're saying but my question is is why because this is what I think people really need to understand why do you think it is that there are these there are groups and individuals willing to put so much money into stopping grassroots Republicans well it's money I mean there there is a consultant class here that makes a pretty good coin off of candidates given their best and so I think that's that's a part of it I it's ego I think Eli Bremer has driven heavily by ego and I think I think we're gonna tank on the congressional races this year but there there could be some successes at the state level and I actually think there is concern from the rhino establishment class that they don't want Dave Fred Dave Williams to get the credit for that and the other grassroots so they can try to come in here I mean everything they've done is completely fraudulent ridiculous and should not stand they're kind of like squatters coming into your property it should not stand but they're playing the game as though it might but I think they're hoping to come in and take credit for any victories because they've had no victories when I when I was in the state house in 20 to 22 the house was 41 24 well after Christy Brown's term it went from 24 to 19 and you can't get much lower you know they're trying another 19 to get rid of well in even across the country too again you know you look at and I guess I would call him the globalist right there are a lot of people who stand to make a lot of money if they can keep the swamp rolling the way it is and Donald Trump and the grassroots threaten all of that and that's why they're willing to lie and cheat and do anything and everything they can to basically get rid of I would call it grassroots but it's really the mega movement right to just crush it yeah and the globalist in my opinion we are if we might use Mad Max terminology we're simply blood bags to be drained we are money bags they want to extract as much wealth from us and then we're expendable as fertilizer at that point and you know the the globalists and the Democrats are not going to surrender the the power that they have because I contend they are controlling seven trillion US dollars every year now they stole that election in 2020 why would they why would any thinking person believe that they would play fair in 2024 transition power peacefully and then try to get it back that's twenty eight trillion dollars that they would lose direct control of what wouldn't just about everybody on this planet do for twenty eight trillion dollars worth of control right and you have to realize that it's gone beyond the quote-unquote globalist and it's really infected the businesses I mean who have DEI policies that that have pride months that have have everything else they've they've really bitten the the Marxist agenda I mean it's like Lenin said you know those cells that wrote to hang them yeah and and that's that's really what they've done in Colorado you know I mean aunt she's very rich but there are lots of other ones that have you know millions but I mean finding as you found out I'm sure yeah finding a businessman people with money to give to grassroots pro Trump groups is almost infotestimal I mean they they you know it's yeah and the stakes couldn't be higher I read this morning that the US Navy has no zero deployed carriers in the Pacific they're moving the USS Ronald Reagan from Yakuza Japan to Bremerton Washington they've got one down in San Diego everything else is pushed out to the Middle East to fight this junior varsity Huti group right but meanwhile China's making moves on the Philippines and and what do we got we've got can I say douchebag on your new bag masquerading rhino Republicans like Eli Bremer he's not the only one I guess you got Britta Horne Kevin McCarney that now have elected themselves and are you know we're in a little great school crown around like they're the new Republican leadership but they're wasting our time trying to write this ship a state while we are you know in in in dire dire straits and a foreign policy perspective and certainly economically it's very well played by the egocentric douchebag masquerading party and the douchebag no the douchebag media doesn't even understand I would say they don't even understand what to do the to choose from the media it's part of it not they don't understand that implies that they're that their objective somehow are just misled no they're part of it because it's owned by the douchebags and you can own by fill and shoots in the left wing from the Denver Post and and all that but they you know you can go and call it Colorado politics right now and it'll be no difference in the Denver Post or anything else well they are sure well and one thing that's interesting to you know you bring up sort of the foreign policy issue Victor Davis Hanson had a great column talking about the the exact peril that you're talking about on the verge of nuclear war in Ukraine in Taiwan he said and then in the Middle East and he said you've got a president who's non-existent we've got a vice president who's an idiot and doesn't care and and then you've got all these uni-party deep state congressional people who want war I mean I don't care that the right it's just like that movie look up right will all be moved and they'll be you know flying out in their spaceship they believed well they ended up it didn't go off of that but actually they're not any better than you in fact a little bit worse but but I mean it's it you're right I mean the country it's not like this doesn't matter right it's not like everything could be just totally fine you know what I mean if if these all these people get elected and if Trump loses Trump is the one guy who seems to not only understand but is willing to try to stop it who says no we need to get out of Ukraine we need to I already dealt with the Middle East we'll do it again I can work with China rather than getting us closer and closer to the brink of nuclear war yeah and Julie our bench isn't very deep you know if you were to ask me I'm not overjoyed by the JD Vance pick I wish there was somebody that had a little bit more I hate the word gravitas but I'll use it for you know just efficiency's sake but you know if Trump goes down we got a lot of problems starting all over again but first off we got to get him in there and I'm not sure we're going to be able to having people pretend they are the new leadership of the Republican Party of Colorado certainly isn't helping us and there was somebody that even assumed Dave Williams identity on Twitter and said that he had decided to resign I think Dave Williams put out a rebuttal to that but you know that's the kind of character we are fighting here that's why I would make the plea to people who are voting members of the SCC get to that meeting in Castle Rock on Saturday at the at the Rock Church and vote against what these illegitimate members tried to accomplish in their ill illegitimate meeting it's imperative otherwise we're going to be spiraling the circle in the drain here for another couple of weeks couple of months trying to work it out through the courts and we just need to flush it now and get back to fighting to get Trump in there or at least giving him a chance. Well and and again as you point out and in a letter that you wrote and I think the letters it's up in Rhino Watch too now you point out this is kind of what they want they a lot of this is aimed it's not aimed at Dave Williams it's not aimed at Anna Fergus and her Hope Shuffleman it's aimed at Trump right and those people they need to I mean this is just sort of their bottoms up way to start getting rid of people who would support Trump and anyone who's going to to kind of support a MAGA agenda as opposed to their you know they have a more local purpose and that is their fear that the opt out could occur right yeah you're right you're right they are all go ahead please I'm sorry go ahead you're free well I was just going to say they are definitely opposed to closing the primaries and to the opt out and you know Eli Bremer I ran against him in that center race in 22 and he really never said anything memorable but he has a couple of quotes that are worth mentioning and that's this is a group of anti-Trump folks where he said when Biden was about to be inaugurated he said well the era of Trump is over and with a rather element of glee and then at the illegal meeting previous to last weeks that they held it was going to be an official party meeting but it was deemed illegal so they just called it a rally but they had a so-called candidate forum and he said hey if you're for closed primaries and the opt out I'm not your guy well he's not our guy and you know those are two memorable quotes that Eli Bremer should people should remember from him coming into this weekend and we need to we need to you know drum them out as you said well listen Ron thank you I know you've got a ton of stuff to do thank you for your time thanks Ron keep up the good fight it's a pleasure talking to you folks always so thank you very much thank you Ron Hanks there um yeah you know again the thing is is this is a lot bigger I think on Santa says thank you Ron um then then people think I think I see him now so we could switch um if Laurel and Wes if you guys are ready to go go ahead and go ahead and turn yourselves on I don't know if that sounds weird get those magic mushrooms behind you and they're consuming them out and again this is up on Rhino Watch too is that Wes under the hat that's that's Wes okay okay but the the RNC Youth Advisory Council okay but a great letter explaining to folks sort of like I call it fact-checking as what I would call it you know sort of what's going on there and I want to get to that in a second but Laurel I wanted to start with you because you are so astute on these kind of things and when we talk about Christy Burton Brown when we talk about with the RNC and and the election you should have won personally I think and we supported you for the RNC National Committee woman but Christy Fedor won Christy Fedor a front and center trying to get rid of Dave Williams one good question what's she even doing there in that role right um but but I think like we were sort of talking with Ron this is this is bigger than just you know what Wes what you call Dave Derangement syndrome right this is there's something bigger and more insidious going on don't you think absolutely I mean and you know I listened to pieces of what Ron was talking about so I don't want to repeat some of the things that he said but he's not wrong you know this is a a very large deep state um fake news you know attempt to control the party apparatus in Colorado and across the nation these people are the same people we've been dealing with for a decade they were irrelevant 10 years ago they were irrelevant eight years ago they were irrelevant five years ago and here we are today they're still still irrelevant but they're trying to make a play and this is really the Never Trump movement coming to rest here in 2024 these are the same people that we've been fighting since I started on the ground with Donald Trump in June of 2015 I've been fighting these exact same people for this in almost a decade now and they just will not go away all they do is grow legs and they get funded through this national apparatus these super packs this dark money I think if you if you could get behind the money of this I believe you would find you've got Kent theory behind it probably because the the open primary prop 1010 which we've been trying to repeal from the party perspective for the last four years now you look at his agenda to have ranked choice voting we know that this new group this coup they are absolutely going to stand with Kent theory and ranked choice voting because it's how they can continue to stop Republicans from getting elected in the state of Colorado I think you also if we really go a deep dive in and Ron brought this up I think you trace this back to the Speaker of the House right and I think that's your connection with Lauren Bobert okay Lauren Bobert if you remember what in March of 23 Lauren Bobert was against him before she was for him so who made a promise to who did she promise to take him to the theater with her in Denver get a little handsy and then we will work together to get Christie Fedura elected I mean it's a connection there that's a that's a pay-to-play quid pro quo if you follow the money of all of these individuals they go in a certain direction they go in a certain place and I've said for years anybody anytime asked me what is going on how do we know the truth I tell them to follow the money follow the money and you're right and the money here and let's talk about Kent theory for a second because you're absolutely right keep in mind Kent theory is not the only bazillionaire pushing ranked choice voting and there are plenty of them out there in other states as well that's good well yeah they're going to be hopefully they're going to try to repeal it unless they are they're going to prove that it works so awful but I mean I think actually interesting they talked about a public radio did an interesting story it was sort of the pro-Kent theory but it talked about he was saying there are plenty of people in plenty of other states pushing this same thing and you're right that's to get rid of Republicans it's essentially to get rid of voters because as pesky voters keep doing things like electing Donald Trump yeah same stuff yeah yeah you know to try to protect ourselves and I think you're right if we think and Donald Trump terrified them and we terrified them the growing grassroots and the maga movement terrified them and if we think they're just going to be like Ryan said oh well we'll try harder you know and next time around we're nuts because they're not going to give up I mean you look at again the Eli Bremer people they lost they lost in March at the election they don't care they came back they hold a fake vote and they declare themselves winners that they're not and then you have the complicit Phil Antut's media industrial complex that keeps quoting Eli Bremer is chair of the party I mean it's it that the money is it's not politics you right it's money is what this is about because how they can choose to identify however they want they can identify as the leadership of the Colorado Republican Party it's a lie it's no different than choosing to identify as a man or a woman and use the wrong bathroom of your given gender at birth you know we are not assigned male or female at birth we are born one or the other it's not an assignment from somebody else or some professor or some doctor they have assigned themselves the leaders of the party right and anything I mean the parliamentarian for the RNC has already ruled in this I mean if if you want to look deep I mean there's your answer right there as to how the RNC is going to side in this entire situation right well let me then West turn to you then because you are on the RNC youth advisory committee right oh oh powerful oh powerful youth advisory committee gaining more power but why don't you talk a little bit maybe about that because they they keep presenting themselves like you said you can call yourself that but it doesn't mean you are and no one else who would matter seems to be taking that seriously why don't you explain a little bit about the parliamentarian and you pointed out in your letter some interesting things about the how what the RNC is or is not doing regarding this right yeah for sure well I first want to touch on you know you guys talk briefly about the vote let's just look at the numbers the bylaws of the party require a three-fifths majority of the total membership not the membership at the meeting the total membership to remove an officer they didn't even have that number in attendance that day they had 77 people they had a hundred some proxies and they voted at 166 total to remove the chairman and you know that number shifted a little bit when you look at the other officers you know but they needed 240 some odd votes to remove an officer they didn't even have that so the vote doesn't even hold up even if it was a legitimate meeting so it just it's mind-boggling but as you said you know the Republican National Committee they are not recognizing Eli Bremer you know I mentioned in my in my letter you referenced that if you asked Eli Bremer right now have you been in contact with the RNC have they sent you a gold name tag like like this one right here in my pocket have they sent you one of these with the elephant logo on it have they sent you the all-important member pin which I don't get one because I'm not a member but have they sent you the member pin if they sent you your business cards but sent you your you know letterhead your envelopes your business cards have they given you a login to member services to go on to the member or members only portal of the RNC where you can view what the party is actually doing day-to-day have you if they given you any that the answer is going to be no then if you go on the Republican National Committee's website and look at their member gallery that thing's updated daily right Dave Williams is still the chair of the party on the member gallery on the RNC's website I'd referenced you know that and you can speak to this as well because you were there I was there in real time back in February we were in Las Vegas for the RNC's winter meeting the week prior to that was an event called the restoring national confidence summit was that what it was yeah turning point yeah held by turning point action and because we were the turning point team in Colorado we got invited we were out there and Christina Kurama who's the chair of the Michigan GOP which is another party that they have just vehemently attacked not removed by her central committee they elected a new chair completely legal and the RNC immediately recognized the new chairman credentialed that chairman for the RNC meeting flew him out and changed the website in 12 hours right Dave Williams supposedly was removed four days ago he's still on the RNC website as the chair and I think he like Bremer really exposed himself when he talked about how supposedly Dave Williams and and Anna Ferguson and Hope Sheppelman were to blame for the lack of trump yard signs and trump literature and trump activity in the state that was not on them the trump campaign looked at it strategically and determined that Colorado was not in play for them and if it was it would be a cherry on top it wasn't the main priority they had seven swing states that they had to focus on versus the four we had in 2016 and in 2020 and that was where the resources needed to go I just got here from the capital club luncheon with the Colorado GOP which by the way the supposed new officers were not in attendance they were at the link and you were at the linkage club that tells you everything you need to tell me what was the husband yeah they were at the Lincoln Club Berta Horn and Eli Bremer and all that were at the at the Lincoln Club today no oh good so my first if they're the leaders why weren't they at our party's event today if they were the chairman and and co-chair and and all that of the party weren't they there but I'm getting off the track what I'm the point I'm trying to make is at the capital club luncheon every person that attended today got a free trump yard sign I've got two sitting in the back of my car right now I posted it on my Twitter but you know the party is doing things and this whole thing is such a sham well and we had hope and not hope we had Darcy who takes it personally because she's the outreach person on when they say yeah I mean some of them they tweet all day and hasn't reached out to this person hasn't reached out to that person that just flat out a lie right just like you said it's like Dave Williams didn't chase Donald Topoy Dave Williams filed the lawsuit that kept Trump on the ballot right now these guys wouldn't have done it Chrissy Burton Brown wouldn't have raised a finger you know or you know done anything to Eli Bremer wouldn't have done he was he and Jeff heard her for never for Nikki Haley for God's sakes they wouldn't have done anything to keep Trump on the ballot um and it's exactly as you said any campaign would do the same thing they just are gonna focus their resources on places where like you said they have to triage it basically but let's remember to bring it up Chrissy Burton Brown there is currently a potential lawsuit against Chrissy Burton Brown taking place from the Colorado GOP for potential misuse of funds right from when she was chair but who was sitting at that table in the illegal meeting as part of the group last Saturday it was Chrissy Burton Brown and Wayne Williams and Chris Murray the lawyer for Chrissy Burton Brown who was part of who was the attorney for the party who also is under investigation for double billing or triple billing the state GOP for an additional $60,000 and nobody knows why so once again what did I say all the money right what you might they have clearly I hadn't thought of that little but you're right they have Chrissy Burton Brown um Chris Murray those guys can have a have a have a clear vested interest and getting rid of the current leadership that exposed and is investigating you know if we had you know there was talk and I think it's still out there of potentially pursuing criminal um allegations right and you're right they have a lot to um uh to gain if Dave Williams and everybody just go away well and in the meantime I wonder it's kind of go back to this because I do I want people to understand because people like oh I'm just a sick of the Republican party in fighting that's not really what's going on here this is the uni-party deep state using that little smoke and mirror trick to try to convince people to stay away from their public party because they want to control it and they want to get rid of the make America great movement because it threatens their money and the good part about it if there is a silver lining to it you can take those 160 odd people that voted for uh Dave Williams removal and you've got officially the never trumpets of Colorado and and now from now on because they're always trying to hide among us and oh I'm I'm all for Trump or if not I'm a Reagan Republican you know yeah yeah they've exposed themselves um so you know from now on we've got to get we've got to strip eat that list to everyone so if you come in contact with me oh oh you're a never trumper uh a mass great party douchebag is as uh Ron Anks so Elga I want a running list I mean like I said Western I've been doing this since 2015 on the ground for Trump I can name you every never trumper in the state of Colorado probably you're gonna send that out and they have never changed right but I was reminded of something Ray Garcia put something out I just want to read it because I want to get it right and he's exactly right he says there are no permanent allies only permanent interests okay that's what you need that's that's the important key here is what is their purpose you got to I mean they want to be uh you know in the spotlight they want to have notoriety they want some fame I mean my goodness there's been more press with Eli Bremer in the last four days than in the party in a year right the Kyle Clark is I mean are we on live for gas mic over this right I mean he is just he cannot control himself right I mean and and the likes of of the media here in Colorado and across the nation they're just soaking this up because this is what they want they want so division ahead of the election we've lost perspective we are in the middle of a presidential cycle the most important election of our lifetime I know we say that over and over but it is I mean we are being taken over by a Marxist who is now running for president people she's running for president she has no support she's never received a vote anywhere for anything to remotely put her in that office and she's running for president of the United States and she's a Marxist right and brown of us are going to be unburtoned by what has been with her in office we are going to be burdened terribly and it's going to be the destruction of this country exactly and this just will be in a couple of comments from from Ron Hanks he listened to Eli Bremer on the japan bill show Eli acquitted equated himself to israel and dave williams to have lost and then charliean says I heard that awesome bremer's jumped the shark he looks crazed it's like it's kind of like fortunately there are a bunch of idiots right so but but again that's why your point and Ron's point is so important and that is it doesn't matter that they're idiots what matters is is the big money swap people behind them are not going to give up and and if Eli Bremer blows himself up then they'll take a careless they could care less there'll be somebody else in there it'll be christy fadora right they don't care because they're going to have somebody else in there because they have as ron put up trillions and trillions of dollars to lose if trump gets into office and anything and everything they can do to hurt that and to hurt people who support trump again i mean jack smith just reindicted trump on the charges at the supreme court throughout right it's like you'd be like hello you and he's like he doesn't care rules don't matter to these people both are something to get around yeah and hopefully all we can do really is sort of shine the light on it which you guys have done a great job doing well and and as my mother so aptly put and then i did as well and i referenced it in my in my letter was that this is about the attraction to power and the lust to attain it is nothing more than that we have seen these people constantly try and buy for power with brita running for state treasurer and losing right we've seen Eli run for senate and lose we've seen kevin mccarnie run for secretary and lose in magnanimous proportions which by the way i just want to talk about how he was out on the first ballot in the secretary race with i think was it like 30 votes and now he's magically the secretary of the party i mean it's just insanity but this this passion for this power it ultimately corrupts and the more that they lie about who they are it's it's basic hitlerism here you know it's and paraphrasing hitler when i say this but if you tell someone that hell is heaven and heaven is hell long enough you can convince them that they are the opposite right and it's exactly that it's this manipulation of the of the truth and these flat-out lies i mean i point like said they could give kamala harris a run for her money when it comes to the s machine because it's true they are going to continue to lie and say that they are the party they are the leadership they are the rightful heirs to the throne when none of it is true and none of it is legal i've been cussed out by more people more people on their side than i've ever knew exist uh in my email the past 48 hours it's been really upset and frankly basically and the thing is it too and and Laura you pointed this out too you that's just look at the media who are supporting them i'll give i'm going to for a second jessie paul i thought did an okay story and the calorado son when he pointed out that there were now two competing i mean it was okay he didn't really get into two competing signs that there's going to be a showdown at least he wasn't pretending that Dave Williams was ousted but the media organizations that are pretending that Dave Williams is ousted it's an and shoots media industrial complex and that's just go back to feel and shoots is not he's a never trumper right and he doesn't want trump in there so he's using it that look at the washington examiner the cotto springs gazette all of them all of them all of them all of them complete calorado hated Dave Williams ever since he got in they hate it's not Dave Williams saying exactly it's Trump they hate exactly it's the thought of Dave Williams it's the Dave Derangement syndrome and you know i come up with a lot of really good terms for this but the eli bremer and the gossip mongers uh Dave derangement syndrome i i think i think i'm turning out to be abundant here but it's true it's it's this obsessive compulsive disorder over the thought of the america first and the grassroots leadership that has taken over our party we were instrumental in getting Dave into the race when he ran for chair it was either going to be heard or it was going to be him and we told him well we don't want to run against you and he's like well we don't want to run against you either so which one of us is going to be and she said well i'd rather be committing woman down the road you run for chair and that was it right and Dave ran for chair we helped him get elected we were at his meet and greets we talked voters we whipped votes i sent text messages and emails for him i helped him get elected and to see the people the grassroots turn their backs on their champion is unbelievable to me it is this complete culture shift of as soon as you're elected you become an establishment leader even if you were grassroots your entire life like us became brinos as soon as we ran for anything right right yeah here we are the the trouble with grassroots it's got a lot of wonderful people but it also has some people who would mean that be allowed in no other club except for a public party because they signed up for it and you couldn't throw them out and they're always they're always splintering off and declaring that you know oh my god you you know you you know you you considered a simple tron or something it took party meeting we must recall you um you did this you did that i mean and the you can say well that this is going to result in in the the rhinos taking over golly well i don't care i love being a loser you know i'm born loser that's why i became a republican i just thought you guys always lost so you're just uh perfect that i know i know how that happens and why so when we started this western and i especially me i was pushing against the establishment from the outside i was i was an activist i was a dedicated voter i was i was intelligent but i didn't really understand how the whole apparatus worked so i was on the outside pushing in pushing in and nothing was working and everyone was coming against me you know and they wouldn't let us in they wouldn't wouldn't talk to us wouldn't give us any any information so i finally figured out what has to happen is you have to get inside and that's when i started deciding you have to run for office you have to take up a position you have to be involved in the structure and the apparatus because you have to learn so what we have is we have a lot of grassroots and they're well-meaning people but really at the end of the day they're red diaper doper babies they're uneducated voters and they're the most dangerous people on the planet okay and and i was i was uneducated once but i'm i understood that you had to get in to understand once you get in and understand and you see how the process works then you understand like what western's trying to explain to them in the email that it wasn't dave and and and hope it's the trump campaign that made the decision that colorado was not in play we are doesn't mean we're not in play doesn't mean we can't win we can't really one and a half points down trump can absolutely win paularato if we stop this in fighting and this ridiculousness but when we but the thing is is that they have to understand that the bigger picture and the rnc and the campaign looks at the demographics and the voter data and the rules and and all of the things that go into play it's numbers it's data and they dissect it every second of every day and they look at it and they know this is winnable this is not this is where we have to pull our free threats we got a pull from here and put here the example was 2016 we were making a play in 2016 to win colorado for donald trump and it was unexpected and they were not ready for it so what did they do leading up to the final days in the election they pull the hiller buttons funding and they put it all from arizona and put it in colorado because colorado was suddenly in play and in north carolina too north carolina too many stories about that right but that's what they did it because they were watching those numbers it's the same thing the trump team has done doesn't mean we're not valuable it doesn't mean that at all but it's the same thing with these small low-level races i keep getting emails about what are we going to do about cd7 nobody cares about us over here no offense to serge and cd7 i was a former cd7 candidate so i've been in the shoes and i know the truth about what i'm speaking c7's not in play so i've been there no quick story i've had an opportunity at that and we lost it so no they're not going to spend any resources there it is it was when i was briefly a democrat right and i worked briefly well for years and and i've been for a bit for a decade we forgive you that's true but i ever showed who stood up for a while so yeah that was a different but at any rate i was working in the campaign for dave um williams then not that dave they've come dave thomas dave thomas who was not that big one running in cd7 right and we're working working working working the our the d triple c they called it the national organization had these like they were like lemmings of all these campaign people all these campaign workers they were all there in the office it was buzz and buzz and buzz and right i'm not exaggerating the next day dave did not hit his numbers for fundraising right you went into the office they were all gone gone just gone right they just followed them out and they sent them to another state another district that they thought was i mean and it was just like everyone's like and nobody even told the candidate right the candidate had no course yeah he's not he's not you know the he can't do you know all the the phone numbers have changed but you're absolutely right i think people don't understand just how brutal it is well and i think in the final thing oh you're dead i mean and that's what people understand do not let don't be fooled by them trying to play this up as dave deranged in syndrome in a little civil war this is a massive war and it's not between grassroots necessary it is between the people the uni party deep state swamp that wants to take over the country and take it away from the american people it's between us and them it's not it's it's you pointed out it's just much bigger and people need to remember that and they need to as i know trumps that we need to fight fight fight yes and unfortunately there's people in trumps camp okay that i don't trust they don't trust them at all some of his advisers some of these people uh like i said i mean the people some of some of some of our sitting republicans i don't trust them okay they they have a different agenda their agenda is not for america first their agenda is not for this country they're globalists neocons whatever you want to call them their uni party um and you have to just pay attention to what is under that veil you got to pull that veil back and look look a little broader and a little deeper and as you get more involved you will um but i'm not i don't want to come down too hard on these grassroots people because i mean that's who we are right and everybody said we're not as soon as we made it right and as soon as our names are known we are now rhinos which is just the stupidest thing in the world i mean it just makes me laugh like i've made the big time when i'm called the rhino i know i've made the top of all this you know but but these people some overwhelming and the interesting thing i find too is that a lot of these same people talking about the committee woman race a lot of these people who are now standing there to oust our chairman dave williams um we're the same people who yeah trying to protect able and starting to try to protect dave williams of the same people who were voting for against me as the committee woman so what's the disconnect you can't have it both ways because their sitting committee woman was part of the coup there's a videotape of her standing there with her proxy being yours another member so she's part of this so you can't have it both ways you either you know you got to understand what's what's behind that and they don't see the big picture they just get swooned right and they get caught into this by this you know this this notion that somebody's going to get power and then they're going to be given something there is a good pro quo to be to be given out and they're going to be able to be part of that and i can't stress for power serpents with silver tones right yeah you got another liner i came up with in my message and we are this this disaster and we're running out of time i'll be quick yeah the disaster that is happening in colorado is not a microcosm this is blowing up to the national level and we are the laughing stock of the party i got a call yesterday from a friend of mine in Delaware who is the executive director out there called me to say what the hell is going on in colorado and what the hell is going on with they because i'm hearing you have two chairs right yeah right you listen blowing up across the country oh let's have two chairs let's have three chairs let's have a dozen chairs what does this do to the voter what does this do to the voter on the ground what about the independence we're supposed to be courting what about their vote what about our republicans they're right i know i don't care i don't care we are fools that's what Jack said they'd rather lose than lose power so just they rather lose guys we got to go so thank you thank both of you and we appreciate thank you for all of your work thank you guys and finally because i wanted to say a little bit of time this was mark campin suggested so we can go a little bit late this is so Todd Watkins this is for fun guys Todd Watkins um is the trader who kind of launched this whole thing and i um thanks to mark campin i found a george carlin bit and i apologize because it uses other names too but it's called so if you're one of the other names don't take it personally guys name Todd um bbs guys if we could please play the guy's name Todd video and i'm getting really sick at guys named Todd it's just a goofy it's a goofy fucking name okay hi what's your name Todd and this is Blake and Blair and Blaine and Brent where are all these goofy fucking boy's names coming from Taylor Tyler Jordan Flynn these are not real names one of your real name Eddie Eddie is a real name whatever happened to Eddie was here a minute ago Joey and Jackie and Johnny and Phil Bobby and Tommy and Danny and Bill what happened Todd and Cody and Dylan and Cameron and Tucker Todd Todd and Tugler tugger tugger socks and fuck Tucker's friend Kyle he was an old soft name for a boy Kyle soft names make soft people i'll bet you anything that 10 times out of 10 Nikki Vinnie and Tony will beat the shit out of Todd quality so anybody else with any of those other names hey that's that's it for everybody so programming notes so we are taking Friday off so we'll replay today's show so just so you guys know and then on Monday mark prophet's filling in for us all right thanks very much and have a great Labor Day weekend