John 15:5

Let Us Hear The Conclusion

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15 Sep 2024
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- That little scripture may be on the heart of Ecclesiastes. 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes, don't have a whole lot singing the owner heart tonight. I say that, I mean, this word's a whole lot. I've got a verse or two here in this that Lord just sort of laid on her heart this evening. He was praying over some things, had another scripture, and things we thought we'd probably go to and step tonight, but seeing my Lord kept pulling us to this, I know we preached this morning in the beginning, and seeing my, as I've read through, studying some things, and Lord kept pulling the heart right to this scripture here. Solomon, as he wrote these, this book here in Ecclesiastes, as he wrote the other books, and he wrote, he wrote this now, and we know Solomon was a man that had prayed unto God for wisdom, and we know he had tried a lot of things, and he had been to seem well, he had been, he knew what it was like, to experience a lot of things that most people will never get to know, and he'd come to the end of all of this, and I know he said everything was manky, and vexation, and he saw that nothing was, nothing truly ever brought him pleasure, if you'll have it. It might be a temporary, it might be just a time of pleasure, but nothing was ever sustainable in his life, and I think Solomon came to the place, where he realized this ain't worth of happiness that's going to take place, this ain't worth of joy, he's going to be. I'd like to say, I know why I know we preached this morning about in the beginning, but over here in the 13th verse of the 12th chapter, he wrote down right here in this, he said, let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, another word, let us hear the end of it, let us hear where this stops, and where we need to be at in the end of this thing. He said, let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, hear God and keep his command, for this is the whole duty of man, and that word duty just means one thing that's owed to another, that's our whole duty, what we can give unto him for what he's done for us, and it said, for God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil, and I guess I've got to think about that as we preached this morning about in the beginning, God, and we went through all the things that God has done for us from the beginning, and I don't know what to say, or just kept rolling this scripture in my heart today, let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, and he tells us to fear God and to keep his command. We go through this life, and I mentioned it a little bit, maybe it's just Lord carrying on what we preached this morning, maybe, we go through this life, and we, like Solomon, he wanted to be knowledgeable, he wanted to be able to rule the people right over there, he wanted to have wisdom, and in heaven wisdom about some things you've got to experience some things. Well, then, some things we just, we ain't got no business experience in. You go to look at Solomon's life, and he got to chase the things of the place, and he got to flee to this place, and he ended up taking several women and having monkey bones, he ended up marrying in the women that was worse than other gods, and he ended up, at the end of all of these things right here, he let more things creep into his life, then he needed to let get there because he wanted some experience, because he, he got to go away from the things he gave away to me, and in doing so, they're all those things, he comes back to this one conclusion. At the end of all of it, he said fear God and keep his commandments. He saw that the things in this world, and I felt too much, because of the radical sun, but he wanted to hang it for long, see, but he wanted to go out there, he wanted to know what this old world was all about. Glenn, he, he said, he said, you give me everything that you owe me, he told me it's dead, he divided us, you give it to me, and he said I want to go out, and he said I want to do something, but what I want to pay you something, hope that we can't buy you more money, and he'll say you need some experience, and you need to get out there, and he'll start trying to lead you into this world, you know, he'll start trying to pull you away, he'll say you need to get out there, and live a little bit, you're young, but you read all over the beginning of this chapter, and he said, remember, now by creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years drawn out, when thou shalt say I have no pleasure in them, oh, they's going to come a time when you're going to come to the end of your day, they're going to come a time that lines down, and you've knocked up that youth in your life no more, and you ain't able to feel a pleasure in the things that you once did after this world, and it ain't going to bring you happiness, oh, Lord, and at that time of the end of this chapter, and Solomon told us, he said, here's the conclusion of every bit of it, you remember, not for the end of your day, I want to say it by you, don't get out there and listen to the world, listen to the devil, and he'll tell you to enjoy your time so you're wild, oh, while you're young, how many times do you know that many more young people say than our coaches that can hear the truth coming from the poor pits, from some of us age people, some of us has been through some experiences, and now there are none some things, and go the way you're going to have us today, while you've heard every young man, every young girl, that they've met from ever the creator of the ages of their youth, how do you make it? And not get out here chasing the things of this world that's just going to eat your life up to you up and spit you out. And I'll have a better regard for you, look and close you to this, be in to this, is you better a feared god, do you better can't get tremendous, you better say that where God has placed you in a sadness you, I guarantee you and I know beyond the shadow of that, Solomon look back on me fly, and he said, look at the time I've wasted, look at the things I've changed, look what I was going after, when God had blessed me. Yeah, yeah. God bless Solomon to be able to take a look at our beautiful, beautiful as it was, but he told him he said the day that you forsake me. When you turn back people, look at this place right here, and he said, "That's right, what you're going to set your great place." That's what that worked for work, you know what he was going to get up to, hit tired. God bless us with a good feeling of strong life, a good power in the house of God, a good potential to go through this life of new great works for healing, and we get sidetracked and we get to take our wonks, our desires, and our pleasures, our lusts, and the things of that nature. We better listen to some sounds, we better listen to what God's telling us, we better listen to people like, like, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, Solomon. We better listen to the Word of God and listen to the conclusion of the whole matter. Amen. It's never been a because over here in the book of James, he said over there, "And don't fight your mother." "No, I love you, Jimmy, but yeah, the one I've seen here, I don't care how we are, give 'em." "They can't get drunk away." "Can't get our eyes all the way to the Word of God." "We bring you this morning about how to have a life and our lives, you know what the Bible tells us to have life in your life, it's best to keep your eyes stable, and your whole You keep your eyes on the Lord. Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ. And you'll have a life, your life. But you get to where I come out. Get your eyes out to Jesus. And darkness will follow you. I thank you. He tells us over in times, he says. But every in the first chapter, it will take first. But every man is tempted when he's drawn away of his own lust and impast. And when lust has conceived, when lust has conceived it, bring it forth sin. And sin when it is finished, bring it forth death. Do not air my beloved brother. You want to chase sin? You want to chase the filth of this world? Then get ready for death. Get ready for the spiritual life to die. If you've been born again, I don't care if you're a child of God. Cheryl's testifying to her brother. I will sue that man's name in churches testifying for the things of God to help you about all that. And here he's saying, I'm up. Hey, I won't see him back in there. I won't see him get what he made. But I saw him at one point in his life where he had the desire to be the church. I really did. And he put the things of this world in a whole living. And now he ain't nothing but dead and some skin. Ain't no spirit about him. Ain't no power on his life. And I cast him on me to be told. When you're back and pretty sure, he got wrong or what? Like every man and woman to be dead and wrong or what? And it passed. And then when lust can sleep it's self, it brought forth sin. And then when sin and God get told in there, you don't want to get brought forth death. When you fight, you can get so close to God that you ain't never gonna see him. Go over there and look at David, a man after God's own heart. Make love the Lord. Make joy in the presence of the communion of God. He lets himself get thrown away. And I can do it. I have to. I'll just stay here to be honest with you. Those things that strong me away in my Christian walk. But I won't tell you about somebody who knows what it's like to be alive. You can't hang around with the dead too long. And if it's conviction that God never likes your son's other family not only inside of you. And it lets you know that ain't right. You ain't living the way you ought to be. The things you're fighting and the things you're doing. The things that you're going and the stuff you're feeling. It ain't right. It ain't right. It ain't gonna bring death on you. That's the conclusion of this whole matter. That's the end of it right there. You better fear God. So I'm gonna have to win some time and learn about the claims of the world. He sure is. They've definitely accepted his life. Now I'm not, I'm not a victim solid enough. He was a good man in his own right. He let himself get thrown away though. God bless you enough to let him build the temple when he didn't let it take the village. But he let himself get thrown away. He can be done. What does the Bible tell us to? What is the beginning of it? The fear of all. What's Solomon tell us? Right here. The fear of God. The fear of all. To keep us human beings. He didn't lie down his law. He didn't lie down his face in our life. To keep us from anything. He lied down to where we could enjoy some things. It's a place to compete with your life. We know you ain't got any brother wrong. When you have to hit the tackle, there's five, five, no everybody around the church has to do the neighborhood. Make the peace sit man. Make the joy in that. I'm gonna tell you, when you even got used to able to, I thought when you talk to the drums and the drug addicts and the war workers. And the pollinators, I won't tell you what. He teaches us to sing the word of God right there. If you know to do good and do it not, it's a sin in your life. If you know to keep your life shut and not back by don't do labor, and you go around the neighborhood and you're cutting them down everywhere you go, you got hard feelings down in your hard time. You get this simple as anybody else. Can you separate yourself from the presence of the spirit of God and the power on your life that ought to be there? How do I know that there's an argument? Little boxes, little boxes will pull your back. Why do they always hurt a lot with some problems and stuff that come up over on top of the warehouse? You just let some units up here in the yard. The rats, the ground halts. You can have it for the garden types of things. You go out there and one night there I walk in this road and play with you man. Ooh, they're lucky by everyone. Try looking back on our lives. Try looking back on our lives. Some of us, there's been a white business down. Let's walk this way a little bit. And what's the conclusion we've come then? Look at all of you, here's the language. 'Cause I look back at the times when they should have been fruit on my mind. When I should have had some, I would feed somebody else. And I'd let the little boxes get in. A little simple thing. And they were picking my vibes, cleaning up the face. They was tearing my little finger down. And I needed something to have somebody else. I wasn't nothing there for them. I wasn't. That's the conclusion of the whole matter. That's the end of the whole matter. You get on the island this step from here to change. You know what he tells us? What Solomon tells us, he said, "Let us hear the conclusion." That's the whole matter. He teaches us over here in change to get on down there. He said, "Not just to be here, but to be a dude." You'll get around the table with a quote you script, your life's not right. Know that I was front to back. They tell you, every time it shifts, they get away, or they kill. They hurt someone, but you know what they done? They don't do you a bit, good. They call up my chances to revelations and tell me what is right, if you ain't going to live. We're going to not just leave yours. We're going to leave yours. That's the conclusion of the whole matter. You won't power on your life, Barbara. You won't power on your life, do you? You won't power on my life. I better not just come down here to hear what God says. But I better do what he says. I better fear him enough. I guarantee you, ladies and gentlemen, I've seen him grow up under a strict pain today. They told you to do something, whether it be right or whether it be wrong, or you've got to wait, you don't do it. Never be it. Wilder, ladies! Oh, Bruce, please. That's why I'm going to step out of this. God is waiting for him, and it's strapped to you. To judge up your eyes, and take me out of the well house, and beat me in a circle. And we're going to fear him, and we're going to fear our natural bodies. And the Bible takes us how much more we're going to wait for him. And when he tells us about food, and when he says, say away from it, when he says, prepare and get out of it, we better wait for it. That's the conclusion of the whole matter. There ain't no way of saying the words. When he comes down to hurt, and then you hear why I read to you, we'll stand accountable for the things we've done in this body, whether they be good or whether they be bad. At the end of the day, we'll stand before him, and that's either have a phrase. I don't care how big the young men we are. The Bible says it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. I don't think people who are to fear have to serve God out of fear. I don't serve him out of fear. But I'm going to tell you what I fear him. I serve him out of love. And he said, what can you say it was? This is the whole beauty, beauty of man. It's not just that he scares me, but when you've truly been born again, and you realize what he does for you, I realize this might do to do this one thing for another because of what he does for me. I fear him in his powder. I fear him in his rag. But I find comfort in his grace. I find comfort in his mercy. Oh, well, you want to be honest. I'm going to say it again and again this Sunday all the way. Oh, no, I'm not. And while a lot of people say this, we are one of the freaks that are not followed from grace. They say, well, you just do what you want to find out, and yet forget this. I'm going to tell you something. Whether my daddy knows what I've done or not, hey, it makes me ashamed when I get really disappointed. Whether he found it out or not. Well, I wasn't. I was leaving his heart, and maybe sometimes as he may have been with me, maybe a lot of times that I didn't ring with. I still want to give blood to me, and I still want to hear his respect because I honored him. Because when I sit down with the title, whether he ain't, I can't fool you. When I sit with the Ruth over my head, tell him, you know what my daddy is. He's a hard man. No, sometimes I get back. I'll just be on the switch. But I'm going to tell you this much. He's bad at this family. He kept the Ruth over my head. And I appreciate it. He raised me up and told me that I passed there, but I felt he did not. I appreciate it in place he provided to me growing up. I appreciate it in care of him and my mother gave to me. How about some more shit, I appreciate what my daddy does to me. We shall respect to man. We shall respect to man. We shall respect to man. We shall respect to man. It's our whole video. The Peter God that keeps you at the minus. Love you, neighbor. Try to do everything we can to make it as tough as we can in this world. See you at the end of the day. If you want your lights out, they'll stay where they keep shapping on me. Preach it this morning, Junior. What a call is a shadow on the moon. What on earth is the point? What a call is that moon to be a high moon. The port is a parrot. You want to look at it? The corner moon. What call is the sound I'm talking with? That's the part to just a little sliver of the moon, Joe. It's sort of the earth that didn't point it in the sun. You want your light shining in Peter's light, and we need to keep this old flesh as far as we can out between us and God. We want that moon. A shining bright in the reflection. See, I read through you this morning. This morning, I ain't read through you this is a message, but I say, "I'm going to use the continuation." That moon ain't got no light, the only zone. That moon ain't got a bed broadcast about it. You can hear the red contact and the red light over the sun. It ain't got nothing to shine. You want to decide the lesser light was to do. The real fact. Where do you think he's putting his plate flat? In the darkest place that there is. We're living in tireless times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. 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We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. We're living in some back-use times. Everybody looks at God's commandments as a great condemnation for their life. There's lots in them, boys. There's lots in them, baby. But that's the world through Him might be saved. So I thought I was going to rape you this morning. And the Lord just never did get me back over. I do it. Over Philippians. In the second chapter of Philippians. He said... Or in the 12th verse, he said, "Wherefore my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence. Work out your own salvation with fear and freedom. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do His good pleasure." Now listen. Do all things without murmuring and disputes. Now take this thought on that. They can go a lot of different ways and it applies. There's a lot of different aspects. But do all things without murmuring and disputes. When God tells you to stay away from something, don't argue with it. Don't go off and say, "I just can't understand why." Do all things without murmuring. What we see without warning against these things. Listen. And he told us in fear and trim when he says, "Listen, why should you do that? That ye may be blameless and harmless." Now ain't there a plain little word to be thrown in the midst of that? Blameless and harmless. You might get hurt somebody else in your disobedience. You might get hurt somebody else in your lack of fear. In your lack of walking where you need to be. Listen. The sons of God without rebuke. Now listen, why it's so important. So in the midst of a crooked and perverse nations. Now listen among whom ye shine as wise in the world. Why should we have fear and trim? Why should we fear God? Why should we keep this commandments? That you might be blameless and harmless. And that you might be blameless and harmless. The sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation. Among whom ye shine as wise in this world. In the world. Holding forth the word of life. Remember that? That it was life. And the life was in him. The word of their John we read. Now listen. Holding forth the word of life. The commandment of God if you'll have it. That I may rejoice in the day of Christ. That I have not run in vain. Neither labored in vain. Yea. And if I be offered up the sacrifice and service of your faith. I joy and rejoice with you all. That's the influence on the other things that you are. As we're walking in this region perverse lane. Why is the conclusion of the whole matter so important? I told this to somebody else the other day. They've been the place of your work. You want to march? You're the same way. I guess everybody's job is the same way. You've got to have a vision in the beginning. When I start Lady Brick talking to him by breaking a house. Or doing something like that. I've told you this before. The guy that taught me how to lay brick. He says you better already lay the license brick when you start the first. Another word you better know when you're in and up. When you get started. That makes sense. Marcus you've got to cut out a house seat or you're doing foot. You've got to know what a beach boy is. You've got to know what they want back. What they want back foundation to end up. You've got to know what an infant has got to start out. Tommy you said you've done it for many years. You can about walk up on a lot. You can shoot great with your eyes because you've done it so much. You know what will happen when you've been in this walk for a while. You've been able to just start on the right road. You won't even have to take a Bible because it's become part of it. It's your sense. Do you know right? Do you know wrong? It's important to know what the end is from the beginning. In the beginning it was gone. That's what it brings to this morning work. What's the end? What's the end? What's the end? What's the end? What's the end? What is the alpha and what? The beginning and what? What's the end? We're going to start with God, we're going to win with God. That's the conclusion of the whole mind. In the beginning of God, guess what? The end is gone. He created it. He destroyed it. Why? That's the end of God's man. That's the end of God's creation. He will discover this. And in the end of it, if we want to accept Him, your soul will be in an everlasting condemnation of hell. That's the conclusion. That's the end of the whole matter. If you don't fear God now, you'll fear it for eternity. He'll never be able to get away from that. That rich man was a screaming out on the pits of hell. The Bible said he left his eyes in hell. He was his tolerance. What does this one by the problem in that marriage? What does this fire like in the end? This is the torment of being an outer darkness. You think about that just a little bit. Where there is no life, where life can touch you at all. If they start this, then they now start this. Then you ain't never felt that poor. Now, ladies, darkness over there, you get to read. We get to read in our Sunday school class. If I do plenty of things over there, you'll read by the darkness. They can feel that darkness. See, it's so dark. And you think about outer darkness. You've just got to pull me into that. So the conclusion of the whole matter is the cleazy-est these tales of this. Fear it all. Keep these commandments. Time and time. I'll look back on the lights when I was a young boy. Cleaners. Get around in there. And I sleep there after everybody else. I sleep with my gill. They didn't have the time of their life. Let's chase the girls. There's partying on the weekend. There's getting drunk. Coming in to him and all of this big, funny tales. About getting high. This is done in that life. The pope can count it. I was disillusioned from my life, because I had a good part. And they just up in me going, "We can sit back and go lean around, and I'll try." You don't flash the plant there. I don't have to tell you that. You have to impute. You throw a lot of stuff out in front of them. They don't want to feed anything. They don't want to have fun. They don't want to enjoy what you said. This is what you're doing. And I felt like I was just asking them to say what to do. And I say this was no bad ill field. But I looked at those. It was a push in that way. And they liked me because I wasn't there. And I see their wives following all their pieces now. I see misery. I see just pure torment upon their lives now. Not happy. Over there, we saw it didn't show back to you. He doubled. That part of the sudden, they were probably going to be laying in a hog while I did. Never thought he'd just be desiring what the hog was eating. That felt how the strength was being held. Over there, a lot of times that nature. You know what? Hey, somebody loved us enough to send down the word and let it walk among us. Hey, somebody loved us enough to let us watch the word and have it written down in these pages to where we can go back to it and see that it can be done. All things can be done through Christ which strengthens us. And after the end of the day, that's what they can get. And because of him, we're more than conquerors. I think she's glad the Lord gave us some hope. He didn't just put us down here from the devil to the bible. See, he just put us down here from the devil to have our way. Had he wasn't us. No, he let them some commandments. I mean, you got that fire in the midst of all of that. Hire of miners and all of that high voltage and stuff like that. There's some safety regulations, wouldn't it? Better have your clothes on. Better be in the bucket. If you sit in that bucket, you better have it. It was a place for one every round and all these different things. You put all these different safety things into play out there. Why? Because somebody wants you to get hurt. I mean, you got these cowboys wild, wild, wild, wild. I ain't doing this. And they say nobody knows about it all the way down. They say nobody left you to bed. Why? Because they didn't want to listen to the rooms. Because they thought they'd know more sometimes. What can I start most of the time? I push his car. I'm over at a hundred. I'm over at a hundred and twenty. I can say, "Well, we just think we can do whatever they want." But you know what? They speak limits for a reason. They guidelines for a reason on the road. For our safety. Been tested. Been tried. You don't know how we got our lives, right? Oh Lord, they're going to be hurt. How's he not willing that need should perish, but that all would come to repentance. Why did he lay down some commandments, Judy? To keep us safe. To keep us to where our light can shine. And those people will see it. And those who can be hurt. It's a light to shine hell into the darkness. In conclusion. Fear God. Keep his commandments. I told these young assistants go this morning. I said, "There's no way it's forcing you to do anything." Nobody's forcing you to live good. Nobody's forcing you to do anything. But you'll have a consequence of playing when you don't. They're surprised to pay for not fear. They're surprised to pay for not keeping a command. They're surprised to pay for going against God. I told you it's a fearful thing to follow me in the hands of a living God. But you won't know what. There's another scriptural word that says, "Perfect blood. Cast without all fear." My son had reason for you to sometimes go with that. And I would say you just say, "What number I love you might have to do." The times I corrected him, the times I corrected my daughter, is cause of love to him. Met perfect love. When they were sorrowful for what they do, you didn't lose a little love enough, could you be plain? I love it. That's perfect love. He came now. This is what I'm getting there. If you'll just get your eyes on him. He says, "Stanger, he came down and showed us that he could be a little freaky." Not in ourself. He showed us that the consequences of seeing him was there. And it would just die. But he gave me blood, so we didn't have to. That's perfect love. That cast out my fear of this. That cast out my fear of hate. It's a very one that we need to be feared because of what he could do. It's the very one that took our place. And he didn't even know seeing the kind. Because life forgot so loved the world. That's the conclusion of the whole matter. God is love. I appreciate this tonight. I love you.