Two Peas in a Podcast

Episode 94 - Dr. Stephen Spencer

Dr. Stephen Spencer is one of the only Holistic Naturopathic Physicians who focuses on the person spiritually, emotionally, structurally, and biochemically.

His aim is to restore optimal balance and health through means of improving structure, diet, sleep, hormones, digestion, detoxification, emotional health, and exercise performance.

Connecting with Dr. Stephen below:

Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2024
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Dr. Steven Spencer, one of the most awesome things about talking to you first and foremost is that you scare the shit out of me, but the information that you provided so, so valuable, and I just wish more people would listen. Thank you so much for sharing your valuable time with us first and foremost, and we're excited just to get to know you a little bit better and hear your message. Thanks for your introduction Igor, you know, and you said I wish people more people will listen right, and so when we think about listening these people are listening. The issue is they're not implementing. Yep. Right. So there's two still stuck in the dogma that I have to work and pay my bills and I don't have time to change. But the truth of the matter is is that it's your mind that has to change and not just making a commitment to yourself and saying, I'm going to do this, I'm going to make better choices, I'm going to be more aware. It's more about changing your belief systems and knowing that the universe is going to provide for you. So your mind produces scalar waves that hold electromagnetic charge, and you're drawing all of your experiences towards you. So you're basically warping the time space continuum. So whatever you say is your reality, your reality. Now, there is no time in space in the universe. So because I said there's no time in space, that means you can't judge when these opportunities show up your way. But if you say, I don't have time, the universe is going to keep you busy with a mess of situations you got to clean up. But if life is easy and people come to your rescue, they help you out. It's not stressful. Right. You have a support system because life is easy. Right. So you're designing your life, whether you know it or not, the subconscious mind is 98% of your thought. So when you think you're busy and life is stressful, instead of saying being stressed out and wanting to escape by drinking alcohol, smoking weed and jerking off. Right. Instead of doing that, let's just say, okay, well, life is trying to teach me a lesson. What are my thoughts and beliefs, because I don't like the way that my life is presenting to me. So how am I going to change the world around me. So as I decide to say life is easy. I'm happy. I'm supported by loved ones. They all want to help me. Right. I'm always provided for the universe gives me healthy organic food that nourishes me. The universe provides me with with with supporting loving human beings. The universe provides me with the finances I need. And then all of a sudden, it might not be winning the lottery, but it presents you with a business opportunity. Or for me, it may be a new patient that signs on for me to coach them for eight weeks. Right. So what is set up being the victim, which most people like to be the victim and feel like they don't have control. Take action and decide to change your thoughts and beliefs and let the world around you change. Yeah. Right. So, because the courageous man wants to change the world and force everyone else to change. But good luck changing a Democrat to a Republican or vice versa. So a courageous man wants to change the world, but a wise man starts with himself. And that is the fastest way to making the shifts in your life, your health and the world around you. So you just have to wake up every day and say, this is the world I want to see. Yeah. That's it. I think what's so so important about that exact message is that you already put out there is the fact that you can stop time. Right. All of us feel like, hey, there are all of these tools and implementations now to create more time to do whatever type of time management that you would in a workplace, but holy crap, none of them really work unless you change what your idea is of daily living and change what your disciplines are to make sure that you're in tune with who you are meant to be as a person. Why, why do you think that people are living this really, really weird rat race of trying to make more money and just get stuck in, you know, the habit of nine to five lifestyle and coming home. Kind of being miserable all the time being in a lot of pain, drinking alcohol and doing all of these things without taking a look at themselves and going, hey, I think I could live a better life. Pleasure seeking. Yeah, is it bad simple. It's that simple low dopamine pleasure seeking. Right. Whatever makes them feel better in the moment. Right. That's all that it boils down to. I'm just going to smoke this weed. I'm just going to smoke this cigarette. I'm just going to have this going to go out and escape with my friends. I need a vacation on burnt out. Right. It's very surface level solutions when you can create the life of your dreams and you don't need to escape from your life. If you decide that I'm going to love every experience. Now, it's like, hey, I love the fact that life is beating me down because it's teaching me something that gives me an opportunity to change right when we resist the flow of life. Electrons don't move through our bodies. Disease in the mind becomes disease in the mind becomes disease in the body. So that resistance to the flow of life and the resistance of the flow of electrons, all of a sudden manifests as disease and problems in your disease and your body and problems in your life. So the problems and I call them gifts and strange wrapping paper. They're communication feedback from the universe. So thank you cancer. Thank you narcissistic relationship. Thanks guy who broke into my house and stole all my things like how crazy is it to say that? But, you know, the truth is, is like you actually created that in your life and until you take responsibility for that thing that created you can't, you're a victim and you have no control over your life. And so after you give up that control the person who gives up control actually gains control in their life. You can actually look at those things with a different perspective Victor Frankel and I tell everybody this Victor Frankel said it's through adversity man finds his purpose. It's through the pain spheres and challenges of life that we actually get to create the better one, because your subconscious mind is 90% of your thought and that's the thing that you don't know about so every bad thing that happens. You're one step closer to being perfect perfect. Yeah, I so it's like who cares like yeah that collectors breathing down your neck right. Yeah, your parents want you to be a certain way. Yeah, you know, you have this relationship that's not serving you. Right. It's, it's yeah okay I was diagnosed with IBS I was diagnosed with MS I was diagnosed with this with seizures right I have this diagnosis and that's I own that disease now well you don't own that disease you don't own. Anything in this world your spiritual being having a human experience. You don't own any of this stuff right it's a it's so it's all perception and we can change that that's the great thing that people have lost their divinity. And when I say divinity divinity is not our it's not religious divinity is the set of limitations that you set through your perception. And that perception or that divinity is your connection or your right so now all of a sudden it's like oh well I I'm going to own that divinity I'm going to change my perception. I'm going to fill that with love in my heart and so we decided to fill our hearts with so much love. Rumi said you will continue breaking your heart over and over and over until you finally open it. So what that means is once you decide to open your heart your crown chakra opens cool now all of a sudden divine energy is flowing through, and it's hitting that pineal gland given the intuition and knowing exactly what to do and why. Right and that answers found in silence and nature not in the big cities then now because you're in that high vibrational state with your chakra wide open or that crown chakra wide open. And now you just move act and think in the ways of love and you speak in a divine way that vibrates on a frequency. And that frequency people hear that is truth boom boom boom and it is the right people are going to hear that and it's going to magnetize that experience in your life. And that's that's how you that's how you change the world is opening your heart. Yeah, and when I think just that trajectory what I always find is that like we as children all grew up with the same sense of love with the same sense of curiosity and wondering what it is that life is and kind of thinking about things in a really, really positive way. As we get through childhood trauma as we get to through bad things happening to us, we tend to get into this mindset of, hey, this is just a thing that's happening to me and here is who I am as a person and I find so kind of discouraging is that a lot of people when they look at themselves Hey, here is who I am rather than this is a state that I am and I have the control and the power to change it going forward. What were some of the biggest first steps that you talk to get yourself on this path of being a source of knowledge of living in tune with yourself as well as getting your body and mind right. I had to be like everybody else have gone had to be in my head. Right. You had to hate life and not want to live anymore. Right. So I had back pain I had scoliosis and eight years old I had back pain already. And I want to be this body builder, you know, I want to be popular and I want to look a certain way have an image so I was in the gym all the time building muscles building up this exterior physique and that compounding weight over. I had to find solutions right. Additionally, it was going about it nutritionally trying to figure out what was going on I met Bob Miller who taught genetic nutrition and looking at gene snips and learn from him right I've had some of the greatest mentors in the world that have put me down this path and I manifested those I brought those people my life to serve and help me. And so those people are all part of my journey but that then, you know, once I realized that it was just a glutamate issue and I started lower my glutamate levels through supplementation and some dietary changes. I knew there was more part of the picture and then Darren Weissman in the subconscious mind and dealing with the internalized denied and disconnected emotions right I was going through a divorce. I lost everything I had at 37 and investor that I invested was still all my money and I had to start over at 37 right I lost about a million dollars in a year, you know, had to start over then I opened a gym lost the gym didn't work out like and then it was pushing me back in my path to be the healer that I am right everything happens for a reason we don't know it at the time, but everything happens for a reason and so, you know, through that realizing it's emotional biochemical and structural and it's the habits that we live water, food, rest, exercise, mind, the way that you think environment, which is EMF's and lighting and electromagnetics and then posture right and most ways that people go about posture is all wrong because it's actually about adhesion of the spinal cord they're stretching the nerves when we stretch nerves they lose function. Nobody else is addressing that unless you do advanced bio structural correction. So it's those factors those seven basics that we need to follow and through that the energy and the electrons will flow through your body and disease no longer exists. You attract better people in your life. You become wealthy. Right. You can I lost a million dollars and I'm back on top of it again right I'm right back where I was. Right and that was all I mean shit that wasn't even that long ago I was like 37 was when that happened right. You know 37 so you figure now I'm 44 so what have you got who got four five seven years yeah right seven years and I became a millionaire again. God I love that. I love that story because so many people when something bad happens just get down on their luck and get into this weird cycle of thinking that bad things are going to happen to them. And the more that you think it the more it becomes reality and the more opportunities that you find the more you think like yeah yeah the more you. You don't get what you want to get what you are so now you're ruminating on the bad things that happen you're just going to get more of the bad things. Exactly exactly that. Yeah I want to break down some of these really important things that you already mentioned let's first start with water. What is the problem with our drinking water supply today and why is it that so many really successful people have some type of specific water source that they use for their work. So you know granted we don't have the water supply those in the medieval times where people died the dysentery thank God for that right but we can do better and there is microbial cis. There is medications, there is lead arsenic mercury mercury there's heavy metals in the water right and not to mention the water's not structured because it's sitting in pipes under the ground. So there's it's not natural and filtering a lot of those things out using a reverse osmosis filter is probably one of the better ways of doing it. You know and yes reverse osmosis is dead water but you can add those minerals back in you get minerals from food if you're eating organic food there's more minerals in the food. You know I think eventually we're going to end up with more sustainable farming where we're rotating crops and the soil is going to get restored even though most like probably 85% of the world soil top soil is destroyed. You know through the use of herbicides pesticides and fungicides but I think that's going to make a turnaround I think there's a big awakening that's happening the caches of the planets coming up and then you know so water you know filter the reverse osmosis. I have a great company on my website a crystal quest that I'm affiliate for and people have access for people to be able to purchase their filters right, I have the whole house reverse osmosis at mine. And then when it comes to food hold on before we get into the food go back to water. Yeah just one more question on the water and it is this one because you are the perfect person to ask this. How come so many people don't understand that there is this impact of hey there are a lot more antibiotics that people are taking whatever doesn't fully pass through your system you tend to pee out. It ends up in the water supply in one way or hell too. Yeah and there is just so much crap in today's drinking water that if you're able to just do something as simple as get yourself good drinking water, your life will change. Well here you want to know something freaking wilder. Your body makes water. It makes water right so the aerobic respiration right takes oxygen converts to the carbon dioxide and water in the fourth complex of the mitochondria. Right you have hydrogen peroxide if you have enough catalase hydrogen peroxide converts to CO2 and water. That's called exclusions on water and that's where the energy lies. I don't think ATP is the energy I don't even think ATP is the energy right physics and starting to teach us new things. And so it's light water magnetism it's the light that we're getting and being having our feet connected to the ground that are actually causing us to make this exclusions on water filled with life force and energy. Right your cells are I mean your body's 85 to 90 percent water and your thoughts influence that water. Right it's a vibrational frequency and it creates a field that pulls in your experiences right waters a conductor electricity and you're an electromagnetic being. God I love that I love that so much just because not a lot of people talk about it the right way and so many people just lack information to even make the right decisions. So I'm glad that there are people out there like you who are putting out good information into the world and just going hey here is what you are as a human being regardless of selling your product here is exactly the way that you need to be thinking about it. Go and do your own research and confirm this. Yeah, right. Talk to me about food next. Alright food, so. I'm not carnivore I'm not keto I'm not vegan I'm not I'm not I'm not animal based. I follow more or less not completely I follow a lot of the repeat bio energetic approach to food. Not that I would don't follow completely I agree with most things repeat said but not 100% and so there's a little bit of leeway in there to where your body's pretty resistant and you can handle some of the. Some stress right depending on if you're doing all the other rules right but general generally is a blueprint and the one that I created that I have on my website for people. It's a dietary cheat sheet it's you want to eat ruminate animals animals that have four stomachs because they eat seeds and grains and they convert those a steric acid which is saturated fat. You want to avoid all the polyunsaturated fatty acids. Seed oils and including chicken chicken is filled with linoleic acid clogs the cell membrane does allow insulin get in the cell instant resistance slows T3 production and doesn't allow your liver to convert that T3 into your sex hormones. Now your DHE is low now your cortisol is higher now your testosterone is low estrogen higher it's all dysregulated cutting out those seed oils is huge and that includes poofas that are in nuts so I do not eat nuts or seeds. I keep that to a minimum saturated fat has hydrogen bonds all the way through it it's very stable. You know I consume organ meat and the reason he ordered me because it contains vitamin A and also contains copper you need retinol form of vitamin A it's the only source of retinol and beta carotene from carrots like the ones you said you were eating earlier. You know most people have a BCMO one gene where they can't convert the beta carotene into vitamin A so I don't see any other way to get that in nature animals first thing they eat is the guts. Yep. Right. It's like outside the lover right that are the most nutritious. Right. And the thing it is is a lot of times even those carnivores you know you're like I'm going to do a lion die right. Well the first thing those carnivores do is they go to the guts where all or those where those animals were eating the plants. So they're getting the plants. So it's like this connection of misunderstanding that's there. And so you know so we look at that and then as far as like well what about carbohydrates. I consume sugar, sugar is medicine and lowers cortisol. Right. So granted yeah if you're drinking processed corn syrup that's a problem. Right. Because they don't micro filter they micro filter be okay. The lipopolysaccharide that's bad in corn syrup is actually corn is a starch. Right. If they filtered the corn starch out the corn syrup wouldn't even be that bad if it was organic corn. Right not GMO you know spreading glyphosate. So you know that you know eating anyway eating organ meat is a big deal. Eating some carbohydrates is a big deal. I would not ever ever ever ever cut out and eliminate carbohydrates completely. Because when you do that your body has to get glucose your brain functions best on glucose. So it's going to break down protein through gluconeogenesis. And that is going to raise glucagon in your liver. And when you raise glucagon in your liver to help get that glucose for your brain. You're losing muscle tissue and you're raising cortisol. It's a stressed stress state. And as you increase that cortisol. Yes you're mobilizing triglycerides you're burning those burning more fat because the cortisol is higher. But eventually you crash and eventually you slow your metabolism. And eventually you cause yourself diabetes. So the people that are doing keto and carnivore are actually causing themselves diabetes not knowing it. Because they become if you've introduced those people to carbohydrates they're not metabolically flexible. They're like oh I don't tolerate carbohydrates well. No shit. You damage your system because you form too much peroxide nitrate and you can't utilize nutrients anymore. You totally screw yourself up. You're basically a diabetic. And I like that message so much just because in today's society it's all about the weight loss aspect of it. People just go hey what is going to help me lose the most amount of weight rather than what is going to build me as the best human being. Talk to me about the importance of testosterone. Because for whatever reason it feels like today we're building this soft generation where testosterone is seen as the enemy and we're almost trying to make males not as male as they have been in the past. Oh you think so? I actually think that more people are taking testosterone now but they're taking it on an exogenous form right. So they're not able to make it because they're poisoned through all the food and they're not getting any sunlight and they're stressed out. They're not getting any sleep and so their bodies are stressed so you know it's a whole system right. If your body's stressed cortisol is high, estrogen is high, serotonin is high, prolactin is high, lactate is high. And then T3 is low and T3 converts into your liver to make your sex hormones. So it's a whole system that's set up when cortisol is elevated for long periods of time. This is the exact thing that the carnivore people are doing to their bodies. They're causing a stressed out state right. So they're causing the high serotonin, the low dopamine right and they're causing the high estrogen. You know and some some guys can tolerate it better and they can survive on fats and proteins only but it's not an optimal way to live right. They would fare much better you know Paul Saladino you know he started he was I think vegan for a while then he went to carnivore now he's doing this animal based thing where he's adding some carbohydrates in. There's eating some fruit right and he feels a lot better eating some fruit. You know he'd be fine eating some he'd be good with table sugar and arguably he could probably get himself even better. Yeah. And but you know it's you know and we can overdo it we can overdo it. You can take too much you can overdo too much protein over too much fat in order to much carbohydrates right. The perfect design is to be metal broccoli flexible and be able to eat a diet that's basically equidistant equal amount carbs fats of proteins 33 33 33. That would be the best scenario because you need fats because you need the fats to make your hormones right. You need cholesterol. Your body can take carbohydrates to confirm the cholesterol but that's not going to be your best choice. You need glucose because you got a function you want to use that glucose to not make cholesterol but you want to use that glucose. To fuel your body to make ATP. And then you want the protein just for building block repair. Right. Yeah. That's it right. And so we want that we want up 33 33 33 33 33 what that evenly across the board right. The reason why I was trying to formulate the best way to put this. Why I appreciate so much your approach is because you always talk about balance and you always talk about this whole system where. Hey the system is out of whack based on all of the combination of things that you are doing. And it almost feels like in today's society you are set up for failure rather than. Yeah. And like how did we get here? How the hell did we get to a point where you know the typical American goes to their job is fully stressed out. Never actually goes outside to get sunlight get the exercise they need while at the same time being poisoned by food. People allowed it. Right. They allowed it. Yes. There's corporations that are manufacturing toxic food, but the people allowed it because. You know they want convenience. Right. And everybody's guilty of wanting convenience. Right. I'm busy. All the kids. I need to just go through the drive through. Oh, I just want to put my kid on the iPad. You know, just shut up and give me some quiet. I'm stressed out. I need to I need a break. Right. And so if we could go to nature and go back to previously beef, you know, when people grew their old food in their backyard and they only went to the store to get a few items. Right. These corporations couldn't be conglomerates couldn't grow so large and they wouldn't feed the medical industrial complex because we wouldn't get sick. Right. So we got lobbyists and packs and special interests that are basically going to bat for these corporations paying off the politicians and nothing will ever change. But you can vote with your dollar. And if more people would team up together and or just start local communities working together saying we're done with the system, we're going to grow our own food. We're going to live in an ethical standard. We're going to be sustainable farmers. Right. We're going to build each other's homes. We're, you know what I mean, like. You'd be like the Amish. Yeah. Right. They're not even part of the government. Right. They're totally away from the government, right? They've got contracts and deals with the government. They're out of the system. Yeah. Right. I was going to ask how hard is it for you today to find your food in a place that is both ethical, responsible and also uses the right tech. It's an inconvenience. It's an inconvenience. And it also is, it's not convenient to be healthy, right? Yep. So you got to cook your food in stainless steel cookware. Right. You can't be drinking out of plastic, you got to drink out of glass, right? That doesn't, so you can't buy the plastic bottles. You know, I have to go to several different stores. I shop at an Amish market for some produce and for, for, you know, I go to Whole Foods for raw cheese. You got to watch it. You want animal rennet. You don't want microbial renter or vegetable rennet. That activates process lands and stimulates the immune system. So I have to go there. You know, eggs, I haven't delivered from Wisconsin because their chickens are fed insects and bugs. They're not fed seeds and grains. So they're not hot. They're very low. Lenny Lake acid. I order my rice online from the rice factory in New York because it's lower in arsenic. It's shipped in from Japan. Like I have a system in place. Yeah. You know, and so, you know, I go to multiple stores. You know, my, my, my go to store is going to be Woodmans, but I don't buy meat at the store. I hunt my own meat, right? I fly out of the country or I travel out of the country or I go to Montana or maybe Wyoming or somewhere out west, right? And I want to get animals that haven't been eating all the GMO products. Yeah. So to be what's crazy is like people are just genuinely so busy or at least they feel like they're so busy. How does the knowledge that you have developed this system for actually getting good nutrients to make sure that they're on a path to being happier and living a healthier life? So the way that I would get on the path is doing something's better than nothing. Yeah. Right. You know, just switching over to eating organic, knowing that organic soil has much more minerals in it and much more microorganisms in it. 85% of our soil in this nation, 85% is now non, is now non organic. Right. I see. I'm sorry. It's more than that. It's actually 96% of our soil is non organic and 85% of the microorganisms are gone from non conventional farms. So you're eating a sick plant. It's going to make you sick. You just sick animals going to make you sick. Yeah. Right. You become that in which you consume yourself with. How do you do? And that includes what you think about, but yeah. So how do you get started? I would start by getting some more, mostly organic food. I would clean that organic food with an ozone generator and run it through an ozone generator to get off anything that was sprayed on it after it was grown. So it had better transport ability and it would last longer on the shelves. You know, you don't have to start hunting. You know, you could, you could make a relationship with a farmer in your local area that you know how they're raising the animal, make sure it's not vaccinated, make sure that it's pastured. Right. And that's not that difficult to do. Yeah. Right. And now you're feeding the local community and that farmer grows his business and he's making money and he's hiring local people in the area to work for him. Yeah. You know, it's so yeah, there's there's co-ops. Sometimes you pay that farmer a little bit more money, it's, but it's worth it. Yeah. And I appreciate that because in the long term, all that means is moving away from big, large corporations where you don't actually see the distribution as well as the processing of your food. Yeah. Or something that is sustainable, something where you are part of the process. Tell me about the impact of GMOs because when we think about technology, we usually think about, we usually think about our lives getting so much easier and better, but we don't necessarily spend a lot of time talking about the negative impact. We just put it this way. When you, when you, when you hybridized food, when you do hybridized food, right, what ends up happening is that it's, there's a light signature to food, right? So there is a blueprint that when the light comes down in the frequencies of light, the different nanometers of light come in that plant holds that energetic frequency up from that light. And so that light signature is present in the food. And when you eat foods that were genetically modified that aren't natural, it's going to hold a different energetic blueprint and it's a mismatch. That's really all you have to understand is that it's just a mismatch. Yeah. Then your body really doesn't know what to do with it. Yeah. And you know, light is a big deal too. I mean, you don't really say eating, eating to the latitude at which you live is important. So eating seasonally is important. You can't eat as much sugar in a, in a, in a higher latitude environment. So if you live north of the equator, there are not pineapples in Chicago, right? It's just every environment you look at, you should be eating to watch natural to that environment. That's why nobody should live in Arizona or Nevada. Nothing grows there. Yeah. It's crazy to me that, you know, today's diets, most of them are based at the idea of the sum of nutrients is going to give you the same thing no matter what nutrients you eat. Because at the end of the day, there are so many things that people don't talk about, like micro nutrients, like light, like energy levels and different aspects of food that are just past the label that's placed on it. Talk to me about some of these misconceptions and why you see and you know that the sum of the parts is not equal to the whole. Well, first of all, they don't even have to, if there's minuscule amounts of a preservative or a chemical and a food, they don't even list it. Right. It doesn't have to be listed. So you really don't know what's in the food. And they confuse people by saying natural ingredients, which is beaver, anal gland, right? So it's like they're coming out with different names. I think they're calling corn, they have a different name for corn syrup now. It's not called agave syrup is corn syrup, right? So it's like they're coming out with healthier names for things and relabeling because people are wise or getting wiser. Yeah. I would just venture to say if it's boxed or canned, don't just don't even buy it. Just if it, you know, it has to be real food by organic, you know, if it doesn't grow out of the ground, you know, it doesn't spoil if it sits in the refrigerator for over a week and it goes and it stays and it's still not rotted and moldy. Yeah, there's something wrong with it. Right. You're going to have to go to the grocery store a couple of times a week on your way home from work. Yeah. So it's like, you know, the more you try to get educated, the more the labels change, the more the information that you're given. Yeah. Well, you don't have to read labels anymore if you just buy real food, right? There's only one ingredient milk, right? There's only one ingredient eggs. There's only one ingredient meat, right? And if you look at bread, like you can get early wheat bread, you can get sourdough bread. Yeah. Right. And it only has four ingredients. Salt, yeast, flour and sugar. Yeah. I'm going at home. I bake my own. And it's not that big of a deal. You buy a bread maker, you throw everything into a stainless steel tub. The thing, it mixes it up for you and it comes out. It's perfect. Yeah. Talk to me about the full range of different benefits of making your own food because on top of just eating good food, there's also this connection that you get to the things that you grow that a lot of people just take for granted, which is insane. What's crazy is that plants have consciousness, right? They actually, they have protective plant chemicals that don't want you to eat them, but at the same time, like, oh God, what was the name of the book? There's a botanist. Anyway, like, I'm not a big fan of eating the actual plant. I'm a big fan of eating the flour or the butt of the plant, which is the fruit. And usually those aren't going to be poisonous because the plant still lives, right? And it's like that plant is providing for you. And as a plant, because you're not killing the plant, right? And so, you know, that actual plant is then reacting with the environment around you. And as it does that, it produces certain chemicals and it can tell what nutrients you need and you're deficient in it. So the farmer who's farming it actually can get better nutrition that the plant knows is what is right for you. Does that for you out of love? Yeah. It's the craziest thing, like how plants can have consciousness to do that, but they have consciousness and that's why it's and vegans won't like me when I say this. But this is why there's a disconnect that's there and, you know, like the plants eat you when you die. It's a cycle. Yeah. Right. So it's and just because a plant is in screen when you kill it, like it still has consciousness. It still has life. Like it doesn't matter if it's an animal or a plant. It still has life. It still has consciousness. The only difference between awesome plants is that magnesium is at the core of a plant and we have an iron core. And that iron core is in our hemoglobin. The plant is magnesium in its core and it's in chlorophyll. Right. Same amount of carbon atoms, right? The only difference is its core, magnesium iron, the only difference. Yeah. So there's consciousness in both. So you know, you can't use the argument where I am ethical because I'm vegan. It's the most disconnected thought process that's out there. Yeah. And it's not healthy. And it's not healthy. It is not a healthy way to live. You can survive. You can be healthy being vegan. It takes a lot of work, but it is not necessarily ethical. They're not better. I can understand their viewpoint. Yep. They can keep it if they want, but they're, but they're not right. Yeah. And what I think is just so interesting about us as human beings is that when we talk about hunting an animal, if we talk about an animal that is stressed, that is just not a healthy animal, we accept that, hey, we take on some of that whenever we eat the animal. If we talk about the same things in plants as, hey, plants release poison. If they're in an environment that it's a stressful environment. And when you consume it, that translates to you, it almost feels like it's a step too far. It's a bridge that some people are just not willing to cross. What is this disconnect to the plant world that we exhibit today? What's the disconnect we have from the plant world? It just doesn't feel like we think of plants as conscious beings, even though we understand that they are living, breathing things. Yeah. Well, I think it's just because they don't move and they don't quack. Yeah. Right. I mean, that's it. It's like it doesn't have a heartbeat, but it technically does actually have flow of blood, right? It's just, it's just different. So there's a, if you, if you pull apart, there's a part of the plant in the roots. And if you pull that film apart, it'll, it'll like leak and ooze in your hand, right? Yeah. So there is fluid in there, like we have blood, they have chlorophyll that moves through them. And that chlorophyll carries light just like your blood carries light. Yeah. I love that. Yeah. I love that just because for whatever reason, this environment that we live in today is like we just don't think about life the way that it should be thought of and technology is a big piece of that. You had a name of Americans did a lot of things right. Yeah. You know, the first thing I do when I kill animals, I think it's worth life. Mm hmm. You know, and I realize it's just a cycle. Yeah. You know, and we, no, but anything, it is, it's like nobody really dies. Like we, I believe in, I don't believe, I know there's reincarnation. It's a soul. It's energy. It just recycles. Yeah. Right. You just get another body in a different assignment and another time. I think about it the exact same way as the energy, like some of the basic laws of physics that we understand is that energy is needed to create it. Exactly. Yeah. So, so it's like, I don't want to see anything suffer, right? Cause I don't want to, I don't, I don't want to lay there and bleeding out. Like, if I'm in the wilderness and a bear, a bear bites my neck and I have to bleed out slowly. Like that kind of sucks. Yeah. That sounds like a terrible way to go. One of the scariest terrible way to go, right? But at the same time, you know, if I'm going to do that, I'm going to take a life for me to survive, I'm going to do it the best and most ethical way to do that. And it's going to be through, you know, a kill shot right through the heart, right? Where the animal just drops. I'm going to do my best to do that. Yeah. It is. And then I think it's for like pray over it and think it, think it for its life. Yeah. What's crazy about time in general is that we always assume that just because we live today, we are the most advanced. We think about everything the best way possible. And when you like look back through the timeline and you understand that this is how different tribes have killed animals for longest time, this is how thankful they've been. Here's how they raised and connected with the earth as a whole. We lost touch with that in today's society. Here's a, here's, here's an interesting thing. Like two thirds of our electrons actually come from light, not from food, right? So some of these people have, you could try to come be breatharians and there's people who I think have fairly succeeded with doing it. But there's also a lot of people died trying to do it. Yeah. Talking about what that means and what the process is. As far as becoming like going through. A breatharian? Yeah. I'm not a breatharian, right? I don't know. But you know, it's basically surviving on just light and water. And so you're basically just allowing electrons to flow through you, absorbing the light. And there are people who have reached an enlightened state enough that they can survive on that. Yeah. It sounds incredible. That sounds almost fake. And I'm just so puzzled by people who say they can do that. Well, everything's a belief system. So I think if you believe you can, you probably can, right? I don't, I don't personally want to go down that road. Yeah. That does sound like a fun road to me. No. And that's one where you're like, Hey, is the down side. They're usually very, they're also usually very skinny and frail. Yes. It sounds like it's worth it of potentially being wrong on this one. And it's this where you want to place the bed. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Finish scaring the shit out of our audience by telling us about some of these things that you told me about Wi-Fi and the impact of today's technology that all of us are exposed to each and every day. So, so here's the thing is everybody's worried about the food, the food, the food. And what's a bigger deal is the Wi-Fi and the blue light, which is coming from LEDs. And you're driving in your car with a big screen in it that's made by Elon, right? And so blue light and EMFs both have a similar pathway of destroying redox reactions in your body. So in the case of Wi-Fi, it's non-ionizing radiation that they say is deemed safe. First of all, the data was submitted to Congress on false frequencies. And it's a varying wavelength, but beyond that, the frequency of Wi-Fi itself, you have the voltage getting calcium channels in your skin. And the Wi-Fi picks up those, your skin picks up that reception from the Wi-Fi that drives the tricellular calcium. And so as we drive the tricellular calcium into the cell, iron moves with that. And now you're pulling copper out, just places all the minerals through the cell membrane. Now you're forming your uncoupling nitric oxide, right? And uncoupled nitric oxide becomes peroxide tree. And the iron oxidizes and becomes a hydroxyl radical. And so those free radicals damage cellular metabolism. It's leading to all the age-related diseases. It's leading to heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer's, cancer, all those. And it's a bigger problem. And what I was telling you earlier is about autism, the biggest reason, the only reason there's autism, the number one cause is actually Wi-Fi and moms exposed to Wi-Fi because children do not have myelinated nerves before the age of seven. So that, and the myelan is comprised of cholesterol. So when you're on a low-fat diet, your body's not making enough cholesterol. And then you get Wi-Fi being blasted into the womb, oh my God, I don't know why all these kids have autism. Well, I do. I know exactly why it's happening. Vaccines are only a maybe small part of that, right? They're an adjunct that maybe causes some misfolded proteins, but they're not the number one thing, right? Chemicals and the environment and the food are a part of it, but they're not everything. Yeah. And to me, this is a crazy thing is that we can all agree that statistically, just statistically speaking, the rates of autism, the rates of disease are so far through the roof in the last 40 or 50 years that, I mean, it's insane. All right. So let's look at the last 40 or 50 years. What was the bigger change? Was it the food or was it the lighting in the electromagnetic fields because we didn't really, we didn't have Wi-Fi 50 years ago. Yeah. It's, I think it's combination of both. I don't think everything's a contributor, 100%, everything's a contributor. But I would venture to say that Wi-Fi is a bigger deal because you're getting hit with that all day long and then you sleep with your phone usually by your bed. And these are simple changes like you could just easily put that thing on airplane mode, right? When you're not using it. Yeah. You know, I put an ethernet wire in my cell phone and I talk on ethernet through my cell phone. How hard is it for somebody who, you know, wants to take the extra step to actually disconnect from Wi-Fi and get plugged into the ethernet and start making some of these changes? Let's turn off the round, only, only, you know, plug wires in the back of it. Let's turn off the Wi-Fi on the router, plug wires in the back of it, run it to a PoE device that run the wires out of the PoE device to your laptop and you got some goofy wires running all over your house, you know, maybe to go to your laptop or, you know, you can put retracting, you know, ethernet cables in the wall. It's not that big of a deal. It's a pain in the butt to do it at first, you know, to set up my whole house with ethernet probably cost me three or four grand, you know, but I ran the wires for the walls and, you know, bought the cables and ran them up the ceiling and I've got a security system tied to it and all this stuff. So, you know, it's not that bad. And if you really didn't want to run it through the, through the walls and you just wanted one cable to come out of the device to your laptop and that's all you needed, it's, it's as simple as plugging a wire, a cable into the back that costs you maybe 40 bucks, right? Which isn't too complicated, especially for the long-term benefits that you could get. It's a no brainer. Exactly. If you don't do it, you deserve to get sick. I like that statement. I like that statement a lot. Get it to yourself. You, you are creating our own diseases, right? For sure. Like, like there has to be, there has to be some sort of a punishment reward system that's there, right? And because otherwise people don't learn, right? So you have to have a government that's intrusive, taking away freedoms in order for you to appreciate freedom where you would never have the gratitude or the appreciation of freedom. You have to have light and darkness. You have to have hate and love, right? We have to live in a dualistic world or you would be grateful for the things that you have because there would be no, no, no ability to be able to tell the difference between them. And then we, that's how we form love in our hearts is having a dualistic world. You wouldn't be able to feel that love and know what it love is without that. Yeah. So thank God we have intrusive toxic food system, right? We had to go through that to appreciate the things that God made. Yep. Unless you never would. Yeah. Just for the time being, there is always opportunities to change. So thanks, God. Thanks, Monsanto. Yeah. Those are big parts of contributions to a lot of the sicknesses that we're dealing with today. Yeah. Now, before we let you go for the day, tell us about how clients work with you and some of the lifestyle changes that you've seen people make and the results that you've seen long term for their future. Yeah. I mean, people come to see me for lots of different reasons, right? Many different ailments that they're struggling with, many health challenges, right? And I've seen a gamut of everything and I've had huge successes and I have people who don't follow through. Yeah. But the approach that you want to take is you want to look at the energy flow to the body. You want to look at how well can your oxygen convert to carbon dioxide and how well do those mitochondria flow through my electron transport chain. When I get that idea of what's actually happening by looking at an extended blood panel, not the blood panel, you get at your doctor who just looks at 12 tests and then says, we're going to give you these drugs to mitigate the symptoms. But I want to say, you know, 60 different lab tests that tell me how well you can convert oxygen to carbon dioxide into the electron and how well are those electrons moving. And I look at DNA and I tell you, if you don't do these steps, this gene here, the BCMO1 gene, the ADS gene, the GXPR gene, whatever, oxalate, all these different genes that are there, I can tell you based upon your dominant recessive traits. If you don't follow these rules, this is a disease that you're going to get later, right? Your genes are the gun, but environment pulls a trigger. So I use it, I create a map and I tell people, here's what's going on with you. This is the genes you have. This is going to get expressed because the electrons aren't moving. And we're going to improve your body's ability to make glutathione and SOD and other antiocanalase so that we can combat the oxidative damage. We're going to raise up your cortisol, or sorry, we're going to lower your cortisol and raise your DHEA, right? That's the ticket to longevity. That's how we can tell how long you're going to live and how healthy you are. It's by your cortisol, the DHEA ratio. We want a bigger disparity there. And so we want low cortisol, high DHEA, high sex hormones. That means that your body is metabolically flexible, right? You can be 60 years old and feel 30, 20, right? You can look 30 at 60, right? I don't know about you, but I'm going to live over 100. I'm still going to be up in the mountains hunting animals. I love that. I love that because today, more than ever, it feels like there are opportunities to actually do some of these things. And we do have the knowledge to live longer lives without deterioration now. Right. So I would start with that. And you know, I work with the reactive mind and all the things like the flow of electrons, but you know, if somebody wanted to reach out to me and work with me individually and want me to coach them and explain to them the health and look at their house and biohack their house, you know, whatever the thing is they want my help with. They can reach me. They can go to my website and go to They can email me at and definitely go follow me at Steve Spencer and D on Instagram and TikTok. Love that. Love that. Now, before we let you go for the day, tell me about some of the long-term success you've seen out of your clients because I know it's not as simple as, Hey, this client lost five pounds. But what you do is you change people's lives. I don't cure or treat any conditions, right? People come to me with symptoms and I restowise the flow of electrons through their body. Everything heals. I love that. Yeah. I love that because you're doing such important work. And more than anything, the reason why I value you so much is because you are this wealth of information and all you're doing is just looking to share it in the most positive way and help people get out of their own way more than anything. Dr. Stephen Spencer, thank you so much for sharing your time with our audience. We really appreciate you brother. You're welcome. See you guys soon. Hold on. Give me just a sec.