Getting Results

E278: How to Build Your Executive Presence (part 4 of 4) - The Charisma Factor

The great leaders have what seems to be a magnetic force that pulls you in, or said differently - they have the Charisma Factor.  But here's the kicker – charisma isn't some magical gift bestowed upon the lucky few. It's a skill that can be cultivated and developed. Today, I’m going to unpack the secrets of charismatic leaders and offer suggestions on how you can build genuine connections and influence. Let’s dive in.

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Broadcast on:
27 Aug 2024
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Some executives can walk into a room and instantly command attention why others struggle to make an impact. The great leaders have what seems to be this magnetic force that pulls you in or said differently, they have the charisma factor. But here's the kicker, charisma isn't some magical gift bestowed upon the lucky few. It's a skill that can be cultivated and developed. And today, I'm going to unpack the secrets of charismatic leaders and offer some suggestions on how you can build genuine connections and influence. Let's dive in. Hi everyone, this is Jim Riviello and I want to welcome you to the Getting Results Podcast. I'm so excited to have you here, so let's get started. Results matter. In fact, we're paid to get results. So the big question is this, how do business leaders like us, who really want to do the right thing and make a difference? How do they get results? How do they effectively lead others in the face of adversity? And how do they find a strength and courage to role model the behavior they want to see in others? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Jim Riviello and welcome to Getting Results. Welcome to part four of a four part series on executive presence. Today, I'm going to unpack the charisma factor, how to build genuine connections and influence. If you missed the first three episodes of this series, you can watch them on my YouTube channel. Let me start today with a couple of questions to get you thinking. Would you rather work for a robot or a human? Think about it for a second. Which would you find more inspiring? This phrase that goes like something. This is how we do things or what ideas do you have? Or how about just do your job as opposed to what you learned from your last assignment? If your team is operating by a list of instructions, all you have are robots. And we've all seen these types of what I call robotic leaders. They're task oriented and not well known for their people skills. Their primary focus is to work itself. They're not interested in feelings or emotions. And they see little value in providing employees with autonomy. The idea of providing support, mentoring, and praise to employees is views of distraction that takes time away from what robotic leaders sees as critical activities. Many robotic leaders wonder why their employees are disengaged from their jobs. You know, reality is poor leadership is the major source of the problem. I don't know about you, but if I had to work for a robotic leader, I'd definitely run for the door. Personally, I'd rather work for a charismatic leader. Charismatic leaders are magnetizing and they're memorable. Watch a charismatic leader work a room. Notice how they're extremely present and in the moment. All their attention is focused on the person they're talking to, making that individual feel like just for that moment they're the most important person in the world. Charismatic leaders excel at reading their environment. They pick up on the moods and concerns of others and they hone their actions and words to suit the situation. They're also a dynamic storytellers who leverage symbolism and metaphors to illustrate a point. You may not remember everything a charismatic leader says, but you will never forget how they made you feel. Once again, I got to ask you, would you rather work for a robot or a human? What would your team say if I asked that? If you're concerned about that answer, you should follow the link in the description and book an exploratory call. For now, let me give you some easy ways that you can begin to develop the charismatic the charisma factor, especially as it relates to building genuine connections and influence. First, become genuinely curious. See, charismatic leaders are inherently interested in other people. They don't just ask questions. They ask the right questions. Here's a simple way to practice. Before a meeting or some kind of important interaction, you should prepare thoughtful questions that go beyond the surface level small talk. Let me give you a simple example. How was your weekend? That's a surface level question that just prompts a one-word answer. Good. How about do you do anything exciting this weekend? Can you see the difference? Next, practice being fully present. Being present in every interaction is the hallmark of charismatic leaders. Here's a simple way for you to practice. Implement a device-free policy during a one-on-one meeting or team meeting. I know one company I work with, they implemented this in their conference room. There's a big sign. You're not allowed to enter that room with your cell phone. How cool is that? My wife has a no laptop role in her son room, so you can practice at home too. Be creative. People will pick up on this energy. Next, work on developing emotional intelligence. See understanding and managing your own emotions and accurately reading and responding to others is crucial. A simple way to practice this is to remember that you only control one variable in any situation, and that is whether you choose to react or respond. See, the situation, no matter what it is, it is what it is. You decide whether you're going to react to it or you're going to respond to it. Your choice, regardless of what you decide, you're going to alter the outcome. My advice, choose wisely. Next, become a storyteller. Charismatic leaders are often masterful storytellers, using narratives to inspire and connect. In your next team meeting practice, share a personal story of you overcoming a professional challenge. Show your human side. See, that can be a powerful way to connect with others, but it needs to be done appropriately. A simple role of thumb that I use when being vulnerable is to highlight the lesson learned. That's the really impactful part. Next, show genuine appreciation. Charismatic leaders make others feel valued, right? A little gratitude goes a long way. Take time to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of others. This can be a simple thank you, a handwritten note going old school, or a shout out in a team meeting. Catch people doing something right. It's infectious and others will quickly reciprocate. And lastly, become a connector. Charismatic leaders are connectors, and they take the time to introduce people to others who can help them achieve their goals. Personally, I pride myself in connecting life-minded souls. Meaningful connections bring value to those in my network. Don't just do it to get something in return. Connect people with others who can shorten their journey, because that's the right thing to do. Remember, when we talk about the charisma factor, right? It's important to highlight that this isn't a sometimes thing. It's how you show up as a leader. It's a consistent way of interacting with other people. It's about amplifying your authentic self in a way that draws others to you and makes them feel valued and important. This skill can be developed over time with conscious effort and practice. Here's the thing. Everyone we covered in the last four sessions builds your executive presence. It starts with authenticity and self-awareness. That's the foundation. It's about staying composed under pressure. It's about mastering your communication, both verbal and nonverbal. And lastly, it's about what we talked about today. And that is your charisma. And as your charisma grows, so does your ability to influence, inspire, and lead effectively. If you found these tips valuable, I want you to imagine what a personalized coaching session could do for you or someone on your team. If you're serious about elevating your executive presence and you like an accelerated roadmap to do that 90 days, follow the link in the description and schedule an exploratory call. Okay, if you like what I share today, do me a favor. Give it a thumbs up, drop a comment below where there's your business. And of course, subscribe because each week I'm sharing content help you and your team embrace change, focus your efforts, and accelerate results. Remember this, you're just one idea why. Hope to talk to you soon. If you want to get out of the weeds, you need to do more than just hire the right people. You need to get the right people to do the right things. The truth is this, leaders are only as good as a team they surround themselves with. I invite you to join Leadership X University and get access to a thriving community of like-minded business leaders, just like yourself. The entire community is designed to be one big support group for leaders who want to get out of the weeds and get their teams to step up. Go to or follow the link in the description to learn more. In the meantime, do me a favor and share this with others in whatever way serves your best. Enjoy your week and I'll talk to you in the next episode.