FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

John Sharpe talked about Bayway Deal and Red Light Stats - Midday mobile Friday 9-20-24

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20 Sep 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five was shot a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer? We got I mean the deal we got drink pretty good on it. Did you hear what I said? So this is a bird council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't stop You don't like it. You're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Right 1207 FM talk 106 five and midday mobile glad to have y'all along on this Friday We have arrived on a Friday and reminder to coming up some time between now and two o'clock Your chance of winning another one is great gift certificates from a man Joey Mason at Mason Hills Farm a hundred dollar gift certificate You'll get a chance to do this on the telephone today. So we go through this I know so many of y'all use the text line and I love the text line, which is also 343 0106 But the contest will be played out on the telephone So it'll be a call-in not text in to win. All right, so that's coming up sometime during today's show also Mark Colson's been a while since he's been on the show with us It's trucker appreciation week and we'll get Mark Colson from the Alabama Trucking Association It's always been a good go-to for me and we'll get him on to talk about what's going on with trucking in Alabama Job availabilities gotta do you know the things they're facing with that? So we will we'll talk with him later on in the show plus some Crime blotter information here when you have a it's not every day It's not every day maybe someday, but not every day that you have a camper on loose Somebody pulling a camper of aiding police it seems to me the setup of What would have been a classic burnt Reynolds kind of movie back in the day? But we'll get to that story in just a little bit and speaking of vehicles As I said at the end of John or Jeff show the buddy John Sharp was coming on to talk about Trains and automobiles. Maybe somehow we can work planes into the mix from Bye friend John Sharp. Hey, man Hey, Sean. How you doing? I'm good. I'm good. I'd be good to get you on good to talk here also Where do we start here? I mean because we had the roadways Run through a lot of the stories that are already posted at over at the lead and stories that are gonna get posted I mean maybe let's start with a big one something that you and I heck you and I were interviewed For a documentary about the i10 mobile bridge project and that's that was how long ago that you and I were I mean, that's after we've been talking about it forever, right? That's been Four years five years. I don't know time runs on with this But yeah, and it will continue until we see a shovel on the ground Yes, at that point forward we were we're talking about a five-year bill at least that's coming from how about You don't know that could be extended our year and beyond that but right now, you know, we're looking at five years The hope is the groundbreaking occurs in 2025. I think that's the goal my understanding At least from the governor's office is that you know the goal is for and from aldot is that groundbreaking occurs next year I have not seen anything indicate they'll be pushed back in further than that, but that's where we're at right now With that project. I think the tiffy alone is the key thing here because that's going to finance a lion's sure project They got to get all the financing lined up before You know, they can actually start moving dirt. So that's kind of where we're at right now I think all the the prerequisites are complete and ready to go for the project. So that's you know, there won't be a anything that'll Slow it down when it comes to like an archeological dig where has apparently that's an issue for the Amtrak project the mobile right now But so that's where we're at with the with the big major You know 3.5 billion dollar project Which is also a priority of Potential gubernatorial candidate in 2026. Yeah real strong potential. I mean other than announcing Other than making it official I mean it's pretty strong potential for lieutenant governor will lanes worth to be running for the governor of Alabama And yeah, he was while he's the big wide and 65 guy He could read the room. I guess or maybe he truly believes what he's down here speaking the other day You're reporting on it. He's saying why 10 is the priority, right? Right he and he said that during his speech. He wasn't pushed by any of the press on that one He just said he's talking to the mobile chamber folks during his morning breakfast Yeah, I tend it's probably the number two project is 65. So that was interesting Yeah, the 65 projects actually been called the aint's work plan. So that's his name on it But yes, I can honestly it's much further along in the planning process. It's on I Dots priority project. It's been ascribed as the priority project dating back to the Bentley administration So it's been going on for a while to I think would be much more shocking if he said yeah, 65 winding is the number one priority now over I 10 that would probably leave a lot of folks down here their head Strategy be bad politics. Yeah, yeah, so you know you did read the room But I think it was good to get it out there because you know 65 has taken up a lot of attention It's gotten Willings worse, you know, he's got a project that he can apply his name to I know that there's a push for him to Probably wants to give the name out there more if he's gonna run for governor You know that's it's a matter of getting name recognition and getting a policy tied to your to your name or a project Tied to your name statewide that can resonate and from a political standpoint The 65 projects probably a sense is that as good strategy is you've got a lot of media attention over over the last couple of years So yeah, and if you're just talking about the politics of Alabama you think about yeah I'm a homeboy here. It's mobile in Baldwin County. I'm most interested in but if you're running for governor of the state of Alabama 65 touches more of your possible constituents than then I 10 Yeah, that's correct and I don't think you'll get much pushback from folks in Mobile and Involve in counties about 65. I do think there's you know, we get into the weeds with it I mean, do we really need the white and 65 between Greenville and atmore? There's a lot of question marks there There's the traffic counts make that a high priority project over say a widening 65 Completing it north of Birmingham and the Coleman and that so yeah, there's a lot of you know Those are issues for another day. I guess but you know what I tend though. I mean the projects out there It's you know, we're in the Bottom line is we got a five hundred and fifty million dollar grant from the US DOT recently on that project. That's a huge Huge chunk of change largest grant that Alabama's ever gotten on a state transportation project. So yeah much further along in the I 10 project and you know if lieutenant governor willings worse looking to run for governor that project could be encompassed his entire tenure, you know, if he runs two terms just throw it out there, you know that Both break ground potentially and and cut the ribbon. So You know the I 10 project down here will be a significant project for whoever is governor in 2026 2027 and beyond you know the Speaking of the project though, and yes, there's buddy already in there, but you said 3.5 I'll just say we could be looking at four billion dollars a lot of that's paid by the toll Right, and that was of course the toll was the third rail in the last conversation about this And but the toll is part of what would happen going forward here, you know with you know Telling on the I 10 mobile river bridge and Bayway I guess because there was a discussion I heard the guys talking about this morning That they had assumed that if you didn't take the bridge you wouldn't be told But remember back when you and I were first talking about this they said if you if you didn't told other mechanisms to get on the bridge it would be leaky and They meant leaky and money. They wouldn't get the toll money So this idea that you're gonna have all these other than I guess going the causeway these free routes. That's that's not happening Well, you do have I mean that the plan is not to pull the Wallace tunnel and then in the causeway where? Previously the the wall is wide the wall is but if you get on to the Bayway But if you would get on to the new Bayway now, that's the discussion this morning That if you would get on to the new Bayway by using the Wallace tunnel, you couldn't you still would end up paying something I believe that's what they were saying Yeah, I don't know where that would kick in along the new Bayway the concern that especially in Spanish Fort right now Is it from what I've heard is we got a causeway plan? Oh, no joke You're gonna have increased traffic along the causeway and then you know, we know when there's our questionable weather The causeway flood so you're forced in to take the Bayway and you'll be paying the toll no matter You know what the situation might be so yeah, I mean there are question marks I think that you know certainly that that linger out there especially with how this toll will be implemented I know it the from the MPO's perspective and this has been out there for quite for several years Is they want to keep the toll at a certain amount cap that a certain amount? They don't want to see it rise above that Yeah, and basically with you know all that's come back with a frequent user toll versus a Non-frequent user toll and and so if you buy the the algo pass it's it's a lower amount versus if you don't and so You know, those are things that um, yeah, they're You know read the fine print a little bit type of things, but uh, they have the tolls out there. It's an issue um And so the causeway but as as we see it right now is there's a free route across Uh, you know the mobile tensile delta. I mean, you know, there's a free route there. Mm-hmm. It's called the causeway Yeah, that's right. What will we see in the future with the causeway traffic? No idea, man Divergent I think it's gonna be big time problems out there and like you said you get like right now Yeah, you get these king tides in september you get them in april as well Uh, you just get a little bit of south wind to put some water on their shuts down At least one of those lanes. I when I will come back to out of mode deals with you But uh, you know, we've mentioned trains and the mix as well And something you and i've talked about so many times You said 2025 for construction to start on the i10 mobile river bridge project, but 2025 is also the year We're told that the trains rolling amtracks rolling or or not. Yeah, what's going on? Yeah, 2025 is when the am the trains are rolling the goal is to have it going by the spring The hope was to have it going by the super bowl, which is early sebruary in the super bowl would be a new orleans this year Um, I think that they were looking for a grand moment to have the train roll into the super bowl So that doesn't seem likely at this point. Now the question is whether or not they're going to miss both the super bowl and mardi gras Those are two big opportunities to kick start or start your train It could be march or april now so it's kind of like after all the these two big events are over with so you know, the timing there is Um, but what's the hold up? Is it is it infrastructure or is it getting the train rolling? What what's what's going to happen? There's a and like knocks Ross says in my story. I quote him he calls it You know, it is bureaucracy on steroids and I think he's pretty accurate there I mean So the federal railroad administration's holding the keys to the kingdom. I mean $178 million christie grant They that has to be uh, the money has to be deployed I guess you could say to all these projects that need to be done including the build out of the amtrac rail station but trying to get an idea who's Who's providing the leadership and all this so I asked around and You know, I said I asked for the timeline and amtrac says well, you know, the utility relocation Which is a big deal down there at that train stop And the deployment of construction those questions are best left to css Which is the freight rail operator that goes through you know, that goes along that rail line in downtown mobile? I asked css will come provide me a timeline on this and they said well They can't provide any updates until after a variety of agreements and permits And this project or finalize and when I went back to ask the city a mobile for a timeline They don't have one either. They said they're awaiting an executed agreement from amtrac so everybody So we're all having the dart still on a timeline. Meanwhile a city council which approved all these agreements back in In august we operators agreement to three million dollars to support the subsidy for three years on this project Uh, the city councils come back and say well, you know, we'd like any construction project would like to start hearing some updates So hopefully soon Uh on the month of october will get a timeline here What amtrac has done on similar project the last prod state supported project like this As they started the train up literally 10 days after announcing the date So it was kind of so we're looking at that we may not know a timeline until St patrick's day. I guess so I don't know so it's kind of you know, we haven't seen any construction down there So we're waiting on that. I think the grant needs to be the money needs to be available to start moving on on that work Mean, you know in meanwhile, there's some you underground utility work that needs to be done That's going to take some time to do relocating of of water lines Mause the board of commissioner commissioners with mause they approve the contract to start that work So I you know when that might start I really don't know but mause is It's got the contract to prove that move some underground utilities At where the train stops going to be so I mean that's the latest that I know on that project We still don't know when the train's going to run Uh, the super bowl seems in pretty unlikely. I would say So I mean, I You know scorecard. Yeah, what I'm putting it's easy people like and how does Sean know what he knows when he predicts things will run late It's because it always happens that way. It just it just does Uh, another story before we wrap up too and uh, we've talked about a good bit this week on the air It was the uh red light blitz going on pretty pretty heady stats for how many red light runners There were out there with the tickets given by mpd Now you've got a piece coming out that may talk about The automation of watching a red light here. This is you talk about something that gets people Animated red light cameras Yeah, no one will be able to ask for these before I know where people said no way, no Well, people said no way and so there's a legislative delegation there are the main ones in all this and if they don't support And it's really not going to know anywhere because you need legislative local legislative approval What happened here is so long time ago 2007 or so the city of montgomery, um and their local legislative delegation both approved red light cameras for montgomery Um, and so a few cities in the state in you know more than a decade ago Also started rolling out red red light cameras. We only have a handful of them in alabama Um, opa like they had them at one point and they removed them. They didn't like they didn't like the system So I kind of get into some of that from a statewide perspective But also look at it from the mobile perspective. I think there's a lot of frustration I know a lot of people are really upset there was this tragic accident happened a few weeks ago Courtney Gregor and uh, although this might might I think the investigation might lend to potential DUI homicidal as well and in this case is looking through the the court records is real tragic Situation with with a young lady was the the queen of ma'am go back in 2017 And it's really yeah, that something like that and you know, there's a there's an ongoing frustration with at least you see the numbers 400 over 400 citations and warnings given in two days. That's a lot Yeah, it's and and I is you know, the city council is dealing with the city council, you know, they're responding to this Situation from their perspective saying look this is a problem here mobile. We gotta address it Our lawmakers say there's a problem with these red light cameras and the technology that needs to be discussed You know, it sounds like just the kind of a difference of opinion between the city and the state legislative delegation Not uncommon to what I found at Birmingham where you have some city counselors also wanting Speed cameras put up as well as red light cameras and the local legislative delegation both democrats and republicans coming out and saying And uh, we're not too keen on these things. So it's an interesting debate going on in Alabama A lot of large cities in the united states have Red light cameras set up new orleans does for instance Atlanta and so this is not uncommon in very large cities. It's just not as common in Alabama Although Alabama does not outright ban them. They've this this has come up before in the state And uh, there's been legislation that really gone nowhere to ban them. They're banned in Mississippi So it's an interesting issue. It really is. It doesn't really Not one of these public policy issues that runs across, you know, this is well This is how the this side visa versus that side. It's it's uh an interesting Dynamic here in this state. So I'm kind of getting in the low bit in that first story of the weekend Um, but yeah, these numbers are really I thought we're a little bit eye-opening, you know, especially a long cottage hill road Makes you wonder if police will increase traffic enforcement along that that road and Um after seeing these numbers. I'm kind of like, yeah, probably so Yeah, and just never assumed that if uh you got the green light that means you you better scan before you go I mean the stats are there Yeah, well with 98 red light violations, uh at azalean cottage hill on tuesday And 99 at cottage hill and hillcrest on wednesday. So it's a People are blowing the red lights around here slow down take your time. Um, you know, there's a lot of traffic out there on these streets All said he's safe. Yeah, but that story. Yeah, we'll check that out over at of the weekend And for my folks. They want to reach out to you on social media I mean whether they want to you know, talk about these stories or just talk some college football trash. Where do they find you? Yeah, I'm on x at john sharp 99 and uh john and our but similarly not doing great in this year's college pickum So you can probably pick up. Yeah, we're at the we're at the back of the bar, buddy The caboose my brother is fine. We're still the hopes brings eternal. We'll see what happens. Have a great weekend We'll talk soon You too, john. Thanks. All right there goes john sharp and we'll be right back This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk 1065 Right down 1228 fm talk 10065 and mid-day will be all come right back to the discussion of Bayway red light cameras all that good stuff speaking of traffic red lights all that kind of stuff. It looks like I have succeeded Red success, right as boar hat says great success Coming up on monday at noon top top of the show Traffic engineer with the city of bobile will be on with me and we'll get your questions asked about I mean, I have somebody I mean, we talking about what's not right and and all that with light sinking. I get questions too about like How do y'all do it? I mean, how do you go and sit and say okay, what should be the right amount of time for this light And then what does it mean if the light before it How long do you give the person who went through intersection a whatever And to get to intersection b to get through intersection b without getting stopped at the next light And does that when you incorporate the for example airport boulevard being east You know east west west east. Uh, how do you time the north south? Traffic to make sure it so I got a bunch of questions, but yeah, we are going to dive into that on monday show I'm really excited because i'm a nerd and we'll get into that So you got questions be thinking about them over the weekend and at noon On monday on the day mobile traffic engineer with the city of mobile So looking forward to that all right coming back phone calls and text at three four three zero one zero six three four three zero one zero six reminder Two that phone number will serve you well because it's a friday My man joey masons give me another hundred dollar gift certificate to give to y'all We'll do that drawing sometime between now and two so be ready for that So This is mid-day mobile with shawn selvan on fm talk one oh six five [MUSIC] Right up 1235 fm talk one oh six five mid-day mobile friday if you hadn't noticed Checked in with my buddy david mccrairie at lcm motor cars It's a friday and so how's that uh weekend inventory looking at the looking like on the lot It's good uh we just rearranged a lot you know on occasion when you have 60 70 cars you end up having a dead battery here or there some y'all who leaves a door open or a Switch flip for something so we went through everything this morning got everything cranked up moved around And freshened up and it uh looks really nice. We got a ton of trucks and stock and um, I mean We got one of everything so if you're looking for something you need to come see us Also, you know, we talk about the trucks you you get the trucks that you see most people see on the road But you also on occasion get those trucks like holy cow. I've been looking for something like that Whether they'd be flat beds or work trucks or those kind of things Well right now i'm driving a 2003 um extended cap 3/4 ton forward with a 7.3 liter in it and if anybody knows what 7.3 liter, that's that million mile motor I mean there this this this this truck is tough as nails it'll pull anything I like it people want to check out that truck and all the other vehicles. How do they find you? We're at highway 90 and plantation in theater. It's one mile south of i 10 x 15 a Uh, you give us a call at 2 5 1 3 7 5 0 0 6 8 or go to website check us out. Thanks. David All right, chon. Have a good weekend, but you too. There goes david mccreary at lcm motor cars Let's do this run through some text. I want to get to a speak of the bayway also a story that Refred air katama said posted up uh for it 1890 news, but first to the uh text line Uh dirt taker first up and said they need to look at these ev vehicles Yesterday they say they're heavier and dangerous when they get into wrecks and harder to put out if they catch on fire so bridges will have to be stronger to last well the You know dirt taker we spent a lot of time and I need it thanks for the reminder We spent a lot of time on the show talking about putting out those Battery fires like the stuff. That's a spray on there Uh because regular you know regular hoses won't put them out Uh, that's yeah, well didn't get somebody in there. I know there was a Somebody had talked to involved in county and the emergency management side that said they had had some experience and they were getting the product in I think I turned it. I said oh like magic show used to be on ice cream and they probably rolled their eyes at me But yeah, there's a product they used to to put those out Um, um named texture says are they gonna toll 65? I think they're gonna do for the bridge No, not not for nothing about that uh terry I said if they widen 65 look for them to roll the dolly parton Roll it mean and how You know, that's one of the things because that's or you say. Oh, maybe you meant to say toll Maybe you're saying toll. I don't think so Uh, but you know I could be proven wrong um That is a pinch point, right? It is interesting if you you would go to expand 65 Would you imagine it would be? north of the bridge Or would you pick it up later on? I mean there's I would like to see a project where just like I beg for on highway 45 damn deadly highway 45 Where the conversations we've had over time with the legislature or uh legit late tours uh about what's going on there and you know one of the Kind of the overall from a aldot. It's like well, we don't have enough money to do the whole thing And like representative stringer and others have been on with me and said hey, why don't we do the I mean, this just makes sense to me. So maybe it makes no sense of Montgomery You find the areas that are the most deadly and I mean if you ride 45, you know it you look at the crosses on the side of the road Um and and for laying those You just start when you can't even if you don't have the whole budget That's why I'd say about 65 too and hopefully uh, we'll get lieutenant governor rainsworth on this show as well Just to say hey if you're gonna widen 65 In there are like a dollar smart way to do this say which sections or the like at that calera area if you're driving up 65 going to Birmingham or going through it's like everything's going fine and you get You get north of prattful and it starts getting worse and you get to like calera and then it's like I don't know what happens a bunch of people get on the road uh, you would pick Like pick areas that are the worst and start there and work on those and then save up money and do do the next But of course that's that's civilian. That's uh, that's private sector thinking right not government thinking All right, michael says if the city of mobile would fix the stupid red lights on airport and university people wouldn't be so tempted to treat them like four-way stops True, but they're they're still doing something very deadly about michael if you've listened a period of time Um, i'm all aboard for the light sinking right and that's why we have the we have a traffic engineer on monday from the city of mobile This is something that i'm really interested in why you should you should one Expect to be able to make Two out of three lights if you're traveling the speed limit like you leave you leave the light and all right here you go You're not putzing around you're going Uh, and you're you're going and you have a chance of making the next couple lights. That's the kind of stuff i want to find out on monday, but that in no way says Hey, just go ahead and run red light. There's super deadly. We've seen it Um, so we'll talk we will talk about that like the person so get ready on monday. This is not a person who makes Makes the law so you can and it's not in law enforcement. This is an engineer So we're gonna ask those kind of questions of the person not like i'm mad that it's you know, this happened It's like hey, how does this work is what i want to find out A king of all unnamed textures said yesterday on airport in front of circle k I saw someone blow right through a solid red light while someone was walking through the crosswalk by said light Well, and we have that's a whole another issue right after we talk about that the uh The people who I see it right here near the station on airport the people that like remember the old video game frogger Kind of crossing the right like people they don't care I mean there's here comes traffic barreling at 57 miles an hour eastbound down to airport and the person just Strolling across the road. I just don't I don't get it um Pat says in two days Because uh, oh yeah because john was talking about the number of tickets they wrote pat said in two days the city just awarded themselves Almost $80,000 in revenue thanks to people not listening to 106 five or the news good for them. Yeah Well, I mean that's one. I mean it came up the other day. I am no way Well, I had my issues with the light sinking But you don't run red lights. You don't do it you should You don't do it. It's deadly Um rick i agree rick said people who time traffic lights are far smarter than me rick. I cannot wait for monday. I really and i'm trying Not completely nerd out, but I have I've had questions haven't we all our whole life Like look at why is that light time that long why is that light sit there? It's red and there's nobody coming who has the green light and it sits there for seemingly a lifetime so Uh, let's see here. This uh texture says I will vote I will vote against everyone who supports or accepts a toll bridge on i-10 Without applying tolls to the road work in huntsville mcgumery and bermingham Well, you better get ready to vote against because that's going to be here's the story. So talked with john Sharper bit about it. Some of them my friend eric at Thomas over at 1819 news has a story up right now Says mobile bayway to be torn down to protect tolls on the new bridge not for environmental or safety purposes Which that I heard the discussion during the morning show today also about the elevation Of of the current bayway and that that would be a reason to bring it down because it was too low Number one my understanding of the reason for bringing down the bayway is it's past its life expectancy or getting not past it But it's it's close like the i don't know if the rebar the concrete the the fittings These things we're out of our time, but the the other part of it is if you say it's about the elevation I'm with so many people that texted the show and called in this morning with dan and dalton I've never seen the water get close to it On those so I think it's probably another issue but in in the story here from from america. It says uh uh She's she's she's voting here jack burrell who's chairman of the eastern shore mpo. We need to get him back on the show uh but it said here jack burrell chairman of the eastern shore mpo told 18 19 18 19 news the four billion dollar mobile river bridge and bayway Projects on track to break ground in 2025 and go through other money the things we've talked about And said uh, which I love too. It points out. You know al dots committed 250 million dollars towards the project you know when we start looking at the infra grant money and then the uh department transportation 550 million We're going to get to a certain point that here that that al dots 250 million is going to look like You ever been on one of those dates guys or going to do something for a big weekend You spend all the money and she says well, I can you know, I'll pick up I'll pick up some coax force or something. Oh, there you go. You contributed. That's good um But in this interview they started talking about uh, what else have talked to state senator greek all britain You said there's not enough money in alabama and the fed's ain't going to give us enough to build it We have to borrow large sums of money in addition to going with a toll to get that built They're saying there's I mean the toll I mean the toll has been It was the derailleur last time, but it's right back in this. It's now the toll levels are less That we were told last time, but it's absolutely back in it It said uh also he goes on to say the existing bayway will be torn down so drivers will have fewer opportunities to avoid the toll on the new bridge This is back, you know, and they start talking about leakage. It said here A quote from uh from burrell said if you leave the bayway open then you're going to have so much of what they call leakage From the bayway. They'll never be able to make the payments on the new infrastructure. It will simply be too much leakage and quote remember the term we All those years ago found out about I think dalton stumbled upon the turn shun piking Google that one. It's a word. It's when you Do what people would do you you find the way to do things that don't cost you money That's their official term for I guess the leakage So it goes on here to say it pains me to say that but it's the truth And i'll take that bullet, but that's the truth Uh, this is burrell said and so you know if you if you did leave that open There's going to come a time when it's the end of life and you have to close it But it will not be able to pay the note on the new capacity if that was the case So the the the toll they're looking at this 250, I know we've talked about it some but latest here Framework would be not allowing the toll to go over two dollars and 50 cents No charge has been decided, but traffic studies must be completed currently the idea is a monthly pass like john sharp talked about earlier if you're frequent user 40 bucks a month 480 dollars a year on that so that that's where it stands uh, we'll see We'll see about the uh But the causeway portion of this yes, that's a big conversation because if you If you say, uh, all right, well, we're gonna Gonna You'll be able to Travel for free across the the causeway. Can you imagine taking the amount of folks? That right now are on on the bayway But they would have A problem with the toll and then you put them on with the people on the causeway anyway who are getting on the causeway whether they're Just like taking the causeway they're trying to afford traffic on the bayway They want to go down and go to a restaurant. They want to go fishing off the of, you know, the side of the road there along the foot of chocolate whatever And then we get these bull tides king tides like you get in september day per when you get a south wind let alone I'm not even talking about tropical weather And it just happens right you get A tide above two one nine two two one you get a south wind with low pressure and puts water on the causeway. It just happens Then what you're going to It's going to tell you what would take a quick call here and then we'll go to the news come back There's a lot of people waiting here of uh, let's see line what robert and sims. Hey robert Hey, Sean. Uh, thank you. Thank you my car. Listen. Yeah, you will know i'm somewhat of a critic of Some police tactics. I think that's what they call it, but i'm a hundred Percent far this new i can all those named a new police chief And force in the traffic laws that that's that's just good old-fashioned police work. Let's stop people from running Red lights and other day I was out moving around And they were taking care of I mean, I saw some people running red lights that they weren't they're having to not be there for So, I mean look at how many kate look at me tickets. They wrote just in a couple days said tell you how many red light running is going on Well, but i didn't write enough. They needed to start writing tickets for tailgating But I will say the traffic court judge is in for a busy 90 days from now her one time to pay a ticket But you know, they're all going to show up the cops are going It's going to be a busy. I'm in my opinion. I think suspect is you don't think people pay them. You don't think people just pay them The red light tickets. There's a Well, there'll be some of that but there'll be some people who got in there. I didn't do it your honor I mean and they blatantly I saw what coffee pulled up on the corner He didn't set there too. They got some good looking new bikes too by the way. Oh He didn't set there two minutes. Uh, I was eating my lunch and he uh He pulled up on the sidewalk. I don't know how legal riding on the sidewalk. He's I guess you can do that if you can't But anyway, he uh didn't set there two minutes, but I'm all far old fashioned police work the previous I did not care for personally in my opinion The previous police chief after about the first or second interview. I thought yeah You know, he wanted to kick your door in at daylight and throw you on the ground in my opinion That was my perception of his police. Please and your perception is my opinion. Yeah, yeah But uh, but you're for the your your four writing tickets for running red lights I'm for just good old fashioned police work. You know, you don't have to everybody that you get out of a car We just saw this on the national news. You don't have to what happened to turn around and put your hands behind you back Try that first. But anyway, one other quick thing if you give me another game. We got one. Yes Have you ever said I know you've done this and you should drive with mobile You'd be sitting at a red light and you'll see a green light and then a red light and then a green light Like why can't you know in some towns? They're coordinated better now. You think if I went on ebay and I don't know who the current head traffic engineer is But if somebody would send him a book, you know one that's probably 10 or 15 years old off ebay on Uh, synchronized in the traffic lights. You think he'd look at well I don't know you'll have a chance. Robert. Like I mentioned that the uh, we have uh from the city of mobile traffic department We have at least one I guess coming on monday at noon. So i've been working on this for a while So Make sure to put a reminder in your phone there noon on monday. We're talking about lights sinking in the city of mobile something i want to talk about for Forever and i've got the interview so keep your fingers crossed that stays good over the weekend We'll do that on monday. Thanks. Robert coming right back more mid-day mobile This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk. 106 five Right at 1253 FM talk. 106 five friday style mid-day mobile glad to have here speaking at being friday Enduring the college football season Looking for color number six right now at 343 0106 for that hundred-dollar gift certificate to bayson hills farm Get you the meat for your next grilling out next football party whatever you want to do with it It's fantastic meat from my buddy joey mason and bayson hills farm color number six at 343 0106 And uh, good luck. Uh, we'll uh and we'll do it each week during college football season big. Thank you to joey At mason hills he's got that smoke on the farm event coming up too. Uh, and it's going to be a lot of fun We'll talk about that in the very near future. All right, the Text line here pop in so let me see if we can get all these in here in the next before the news Uh, so Yeah, people are asking who i'm having i'm having so it looks like so he said jennifer white is coming on A traffic engineer with city mobile and i'm interested right i mean it's easy listen, this is what i think and i don't Claim to be very wise, but you know every decade that goes by you learn a little something more Uh, when you just see, you know, I could look at those traffic lights and the sinking on that i don't like on airport and other thoroughfares through our fair city and i could say well, they ought to just go fix that Well, maybe there's some reason maybe there's something i don't understand That's why i like to talk to people who who do this To find out how that works like how do you and should one expect to Is it unfair in a city or a size to expect to to leave one traffic light light turns green and you don't goof around you go and that you have a chance of making like Two two out of three of the next traffic lights or something i mean that i think that's a fair question. So we'll we'll talk about that Uh, let's see here. Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh, so we need to pressure mobile and spanish fort to stop the bridge Pensacola bay bridge is not told it also is part of our tent Yeah, and that was built because it was destroyed during a hurricane. There's that nuance There's so much of this that we've and no offense on you on name texture I mean you weren't we have listened at that point. We have talked about this to i was blue in the face all the reasons we went through all this so because of the The bridge being destroyed During a storm then the federal money came in to pay to rebuild it Versus it being a choice like we're doing here I'm saying I like it. I'm just saying what what the answer is to it Um dirt digger says look at 158 alabama always under builds and then does it halfway the signs need to say Another patch alabama project what he's referencing of course you've seen the build alabama projects, right Another patch alabama project. I think they need to finish 158 because it's going to be a new bloody 98 Look at the traffic on 65 and 158 every day We as so I got another listen. Let me find this here dirt digger another texture here steve said Um He's saying hey sean what about bloody 98. This is if he did their part 50 years ago sims has beach traffic jams at least There's a continuation on the 150 and I don't want to get anybody in trouble But you get that section of 158 when you pass 45, you know It becomes a high speed route. We'll say that getting people from west to east or east to west out there uh the and if you're talking about uh steve also The argument I made here about 45 is When you take 45 and you cross in you pass like yellow pine and all that and get into mississippi Right there like state line mississippi. It sounds like the angels are singing right because the road goes from the to lane Dangerous 45 to get into mississippi and now it's for lane median the whole nine yards and you can sail on up the road Uh cb carl said like an old farmer once said quote carl Let me tell you something that people who say they're smarter than me don't know Said Joe said is the causeway That they're wanting to keep a little bit lower than the bayway. Well, sure the causeway You is so you're making the argument that if you have to remove The bayway because of its elevation. Then why wouldn't you remove the causeway? Joe don't bring don't bring logic into this I think I do think and this is maybe I could double check this, but I do remember one of the original arguments being made is that the It was an age issue for the bayway Then it was beyond its Beyond its time it was projected for a certain amount of time and we were getting close to that Yeah, the bridges only last so long kind of thing. I think Now you have to go circle back on that so that may be another reason in the mix All right, coming back more your phone calls more your text. We're going to do this Also mark colson from the Alabama trucking association joins me next hour. It's all straight ahead on the day mobile (upbeat music) (upbeat music)