FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

U.S. Representative Barry Moore - Jeff Poor Show - Thurday - 9-19-24

Broadcast on:
19 Sep 2024
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♪ Come and do your life like I do every night ♪ ♪ From the heart of your radio ♪ ♪ I play a little sad and I play a lot of play ♪ ♪ And if you all change the song ♪ ♪ You'll be back in the job for sure ♪ - It's on 106-5, thanks for hanging in there with us on. This Thursday morning, 2513-301-01, 0-6, if you wanna be in touch with the program, utilize the text line, joining us now on the line, calling in from DC, our good friend. He represents us a second congressional district, but we'll likely soon represent the first congressional district after the November election is all said and done. Congressman Barry Moore on the line, Congressman, good morning, how are you? - Hey, Deb, we are doing good, how are you gonna start? - Doing well, doing well, thank you for coming on. Well, you and I are kind of talking off air a little bit about what's going on in DC. Hey, Congressman, I had a hold on earlier. Where are you on the CR business? What do you think, what would you like to see happen, but what do you think is gonna happen? - Well, you know, where I'm at, I mean, I actually last night voted for the first CR in the history of my tenure in Congress, the continuing resolution that this continues spending as it has been and continues a lot of the, actually, the spending at COBOLA, it was in a lot of ways, but because the SAVAC was attached to it to stop people who were not US citizens from voting in our elections, President Trump and many of us felt like we had to try to attach that to this CR, if we were gonna move, in fact, we were gonna move the SAVAC, that's how we had to do it before the elections in November, so. I was kind of in a tough spot, but I thought the elections are the print perimeter on that, we don't need people who are not citizens voting in our elections, that's the way to steal the country, steal the election, but that's the worst thing, but what I think will happen is that's the OR actually failed, I think we were short, there was not enough support, I think we came up 20 short, you can get that over to the Senate, so. It'll be interesting to see what Speaker Johnson does, and of course, I'm sure Congressman Atterhol probably had some insights on the approach, but I just feel like that we're gonna end up with some sort of clean CR, they're gonna try to, you know, the SAVAC would not be on there, I think Johnson would try to do something short term, I don't know if he'll go for a six month or a three month to get us into December, I'm not sure exactly how that plays, our last day here is December 19th, but, you know, I'm at a point right now that we need to get to these elections in November, but I am not willing to support another CR, I think we need meaningful legislation, a direction of change in this country, we can't keep spending like we're spending, there's so many things going on that I'm just, I was willing to buy the bullet to help the Speaker last night and support the President's position on the SAVAC, but when that comes off, I'm a no vote, and so, unfortunately, that means that the Speaker's probably gonna be looking at some of the bans to get this CR across the finish line, rather than doing the approach process, like we should be doing, and actually passing bills and budgets and that sort of thing that actually fund the government, we just continue these resolutions, and so, I'll be a no vote from here forward, and I'm honestly to a point, Jeff, that if we get to November, I think we'll have the Senate, we'll have the House, I think we need to figure out a way to do President Trump, a clean slate, no less Schumer, hang a bunch of baggage around his neck for the next six months, as he's trying to lead this country through what would be an interesting inauguration period, a swearing in, a new Congress, a new Senate, we don't need to have the President's hand tied, and so, I will see what his position is, but my position is that if we're going for a CR, that's not the solution. Why would we tie Trump's hands in the first six months of his administration? - Congressman, let's talk about this real quick. I give us your kind of take on the, where we are on this election cycle. It looks pretty favorable, I think, for the Senate. The presidency, I think Trump's got a little bit of momentum right now. It's not like a big full head of steam here, but it's a trend, it's certainly in his direction, and then I would have to assume, I mean, a lot of that is what's gonna matter when it comes to the House, and where Republicans are, and what direction, they go to either expanding their majority or potentially losing it. - Yeah, I think no doubt how Trump performed will have certainly helped down the ballot in some of the swing areas and helped us get maybe a few more members here in the House. And you know, Jeff, I was sitting on the back row of the day on the floor, and I was talking to some of the guys from California. They got these jumbled primaries, and they felt really good about the direction the country was going based on what they're standing within their own state. And when you see the chord bushes of the world, who's an extreme squad member lose, Jamal Bowman, who pulled the fire alarm, he was a squad guy, he got beat. And when you see, like you said, I think the Senate, it makes sense that she's doing well against the tester in Montana. I think that certainly West Virginia justice is gonna be there, he'll be replacing Joe Manchin. And then Ohio, Pennsylvania, those are gonna mention again, that's gonna be based on how well Trump does and those, what I call the swing state, those battlegrounds, you know, and down the ballot, those people benefit. That may help Carolina as well. If Trump continues to build momentum in that new-second in Alabama, there's an option there for us to gain that seat or hold that seat, I should say. So, you know, I feel I'm cautiously optimistic, but I think that Trump does have the momentum, as you mentioned, the internal polls that I'm seeing from the campaign, they feel good about where they're at with independence. I think they're holding the line there, they didn't lose during the DNC convention, and Walt's didn't seem to help them that much. And I don't think debate hurt Trump, it didn't, nobody scored a knockout punch. So, I am cautiously optimistic we could very well have the traffic to this time around. - Joy, bye, Congressman Barry Bohr, the second congressional district for the time being on the program. Well, the big story here in Alabama, Congressman, and I'm sure you're aware, and there's an event tonight in your hometown. You and I talked a little bit about it at out gop, but this Haitian resettlement, and a lot of concern about that. The hotspots right now, at least we're being told, Silacaga, Albertville, and Athens, looks like Enterprise is about to become one of those. - Yeah, we actually are, they're having a meeting tonight at Enterprise, concerning this resettlement of these Haitian refugees, and it's kind of essential around a lot of the poultry industry, I think, in a lot of ways. I have a couple of major plants in my hometown. You have wane farms, you have building strides. So, I think they're getting these work visas, and then somehow the administration is using this blanket of style, I'm going to do these folks, these work visas, and I shipped them to these cities, but the problem with that is there's no resources to help it, and my people are certainly, most of us are terribly upset with the fact that we knew this was a border crisis. We've known there was a border crisis in this country. I've been to the border three times, and I said, folks, this is not gonna stop in Arizona, it's not gonna stop in Texas, it's not gonna stop in California. These people will eventually find their way in our communities, and it's just now starting to take a fact. And look, I've been to Haiti, brother, I've done mission trips down there, but we need to be exporting capitalism and Christianity and free markets to the world. We don't need to be importing the third world into our communities. People who can't assimilate, who can't speak the language, if you talk to the educators in our community, they don't have any way to communicate with these kids. They're dropped off at the front of these schools, and then healthcare, I'm just talking to some physicians, they're treating folks in the ER that are running up bills that are staggering, healthcare is expensive, and yet they don't even have their real name a lot of times, there's no way that money gets collected, so you can buy an administration in these reckless border policies that just import the world, no matter who they are, where they're from, and just give them the standing as a citizen and the subsidies that will bankrupt the country, we're already 35 trading in debt, but I think you're gonna see crime follow that, we're already starting to see that. We had, the mouths is broken into an enterprise, we had an ARCA thing, so one out of one, one four couple had to take all the azaleas out of their yards 'cause the people were camping in their yards, they were using the azaleas as cover. There's just a lot of things, the consequences of this wide open, reckless border policy that Biden has put in place is now starting the fate, the communities that we see, and so we're certainly gonna engage in the process, I won't be there tonight 'cause I got votes, but my hope is to kinda start, I'm gonna, when I get down to District next month or so, we're gonna start meeting with community leaders, education leaders, even our state leaders, and see if there's a way that we can sort of push back on what the administration is doing to our great state and to our local communities. - Well, and here's the question, and this is what I hear at Congressman, this parole program that the Biden administration is using is sort of the mechanism for what's going on, that while they are here and they're here doing what they're doing, it's under the grace of the Biden administration, they're giving them a work visa or whatever, they're giving them, in some cases, like EBT cards. Trump comes in and this will all, he won't wanna assume he will rescind all of this, but then what happens after that? Can you, you know, people thinking like, can we just send them back or is there more to this? It feels to me like all of this is happening right now in the middle of a presidential election, it just seems like they're running like a hurry-up offense, trying to sell as many of these Haitians in the different communities around the country as they can. - Yeah, exactly, I think that's exactly what the dentist likes, the midnight bills and the executive orders they found on the way to the office and the pardon, Biden is leaving us this parting gift of a bunch of people who don't belong in this country, who didn't come here in the proper process, and now they're gonna be left to the red states in these small town mayors and law enforcement and certainly the next presidential administration to figure out how to fix the mess that they created. And believe you me, the media is gonna crucify Trump when he starts rounding people up and they're gonna, they, you choose them and use them cages when Obama gets, I mean, they're gonna, but Jeff, we have no choice. This is gonna be a trying time for our nation and we will have to round these folks up and get them out of here. And I know I hate it, but I'm just telling you, we cannot survive the load, the burden and the crime that's gonna come with this wave of people that are not here that don't wanna assimilate. You do not understand our values of American citizens. They have not paid into this system, they are not a part of this system, and they went out assimilated this system and that will destroy this government and this country. And so we're in big, big trouble. There's, you know, estimates of 20 million people here, but you're right, Biden used a parole which was supposed to be case specific to let somebody come into this country and they blanket parole these people in here without any background checks. You know, I've had a couple of young girls raped. Last year in my district, we just brought into this country and kinda come in, they were called up, got away, came in and raped a couple girls. This thing is gonna continue to damage our kids. It's gonna raise crime in our communities. We cannot tolerate it. And it's tough and as hard as it's gonna be. We're gonna have to round these people up and get them out of here. And if they wanna come through the right way, then we can talk about that. But they're just dumping people in here without background checks. We don't know who they are, where they're from and what they're up to. It is ridiculous and a nation cannot survive without borders and without security election. - Well, this is what it looks like to me. And we can go back to 2016 or 2017, I should say. And the travel ban. And Trump puts it at place, that travel ban and all these little groups head off the federal court, they get the injunction, the ban is put on hold. And then it takes like a few years for the Supreme Court, Biden said, "Oh, actually he can do this." And then like, what I think is gonna happen here is that Trump's gonna try, assuming he wins, try to send these folks back and all of these left-wing groups or whatever you wanna call it, are going to go run the federal court and say, "You can't do that, you can't do that." And they'll judge shop, they'll do whatever. They'll find a friendly venue and they'll do this. They'll have to go to Supreme Court again and then by the time the Supreme Court gets around to it, I mean, he'll be a lame duck, right? I mean, does that just seem like the way things are gonna have to be for now? - It does, but I think Jeff, we at State, and certainly this is something we're talking about, is how do we pre-file those lawsuits and what Biden's doing now as illegal? So by the time Trump in there, maybe we'll have standing in court and they will have time to counter soon. We should already have the suits filed. And that's something I wanna talk to a lot of our state leaders and the new leaders, let's go ahead and pre-file because this is illegal what they're doing to our communities. So that way we don't have to wait for the courts to decide on Trump's case where he's the defendant. We need to be the plaintiff in this situation. And so I think we have to move the ball faster down the court because Trump's gonna have a handful. And look, this is gonna be a tough time for our country. We know that. And we as Americans have got to recognize that we're in for a fight. Even if we win the election, that is the beginning of what we will see. We saw him burn the city in 2017. When the man was sworn in, he had not even sent an Oval Office in D.C. with on fire that day. So there is gonna be a fight every step of the way. And the left loves to use the courts. We have to be proactive and pre-file in this stuff so that by the time Trump's in, these cases, hopefully we can get a adjudication at the A. They're right, these states have standing. These folks have never been here to start with. So that kind of gets the ball ahead of the counter seats, if you will, or the plaintiffs coming from the other side. - Well, let me ask you this question. This is a hard one. But I mean, you see the way even the Republican governor in Ohio is, I mean, there's a lot of tepid Republicans. And once the, assuming, like I said, Trump wins, do you think that the Republican party has the backbone to really back him if he goes about this? Or do you think the media are gonna be relentless? Democrats, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer are gonna just double down and they're gonna use all this hyperbole. And I think that has a real impact on a lot of your colleagues. Do you think that, do you have confidence that they're in this to win it? - They better be, if they're not, we should fire them. I mean, look, when you're talking about a man who got 74 million votes the last cycle, I mean, good gracious what they've done to him to try to destroy him, they've tried to kill him twice. They've impeached him twice. They were arrested. I don't know how many times in charging when 90-some odd felonies, the 77-year-old man who got off in these wealthy don't need this job, but we sure need him in that capacity. We better get behind him because the country, the future of this nation rests in that. It rests in one of this election and it rests in us standing and fighting. And there's a movement out here. And when you got Bobby Kennedy in the former chair of the coach here, the DNC, Tulsi Gabbard, and he's the man for the job, there is a movement within this country that is moving towards Donald Trump. And if the Republicans don't see that as the Make America First movement and the blue collar just workers of America coming to this man before, then we are ill-informed and we're also cowards. I think we have to stand for this country no matter how much pressure we get. And that's what I was telling you earlier, man. This is not gonna be an easy pathballer just because we win don't mean we win. We have to continue to stay in the fight. And that's part of just engaging with the man that is President United States, which will be Donald Trump and making sure that no matter what the media says about us, what names they call us, what the left accused us of, there is nothing more important than our children and grandchildren's freedom and the statement of this nation. And that's what it comes down to. And if the people know how I got a problem, the governor can't do it for him and get you somebody who's got a backbone because the time is now. - Congressman, we always appreciate your time. Let's do this again soon. All right, thank you, appreciate it. - All right, Congressman Barry Moore there. We'll be right back. This is FM Talk, 106.5. ♪ Dixieland ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Oh, it's only ♪ ♪ Hell, it's only ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ Only go ♪