FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Things that may go Boom - Immigrants - Midday Mobile - Wednesday 9-18-24

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone. And I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful and it will be for a long time. Don't you, baby, that's why this man knows what's up. For all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106-5. Was Sean the tough guy? I mean, I think everybody knows that. You know, Sean, he took some licks. He hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean, the deal we got pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a main council. I had no doubt about them. This doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question. Kiss my ****. Right. Here we go. FM Talk 106-5. Hour number two of the show. Glad to have you along. Phone number 3430106 also works for a text 3430106. And with the FM Talk 106-5 app, you can always leave us a talk-back message as well. All right. And a reminder too, don't be like me last week. Yeah, remember, if you're in the college pick-up challenge, be making your picks, you get that thing done. I don't know how much news will change before the games play on Saturday, but if you're like me and you really don't have the real strategy other going, I don't know. I think this team's going to win, cover the spread. Go ahead and get your picks in now, if you're hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of y'all, which is really cool, in college pick-up, go ahead and make your picks and a reminder too. Friday, another shot that went in that $100 gift certificate, we do it each week with Mason Hills Farm. Get your meat for the cookout for whatever you're doing. Your chance to win $100 gift certificate coming up on Friday. Let's see here, we get to the text here. Well, I get to this text because I want to go, I want to talk about what the Israelis are not admitting to it, but what the Israelis are doing. I read this one because I'm thinking about the prodigal son thing, people that disagree. Gene says, because I was talking about the country, Gene said, Jerry Karl added one and you made it fancy with the E at the end of it, Carla. Jerry Karl added $1 billion to defense budget for ships, Navy said they didn't need. This is a great discussion. As you talk about right side in government, and Gene, this is the thing where I guess there's just no handles on me, that if you want to talk about having cuts to what we spend and deficit spending, you can bring me along for a discussion of cuts to things we don't need for the military. Now, I'm pretty, if you've listened to me a period of time, which I know you have, pretty entrenched in taking care of our veterans and our fighting forces and making sure they have what they need. But in technology that we don't need, Gene, you could absolutely sit down with me. You're coming from the left on this and we can negotiate. Absolutely. I mean, this is, what do you think, Gene, though, as somebody on the left, my idea is if I'm in there, I go, "Hey, work across the aisle and say, "Listen, here's what we're spending on debt service." This is just going to interest payments on the national debt. Let's go after this over the next five years with 10 percent cuts or whatever we can figure out to bring this down. And then here's the carrot is that if you help me eliminate that debt, what we're paying in interest to service that debt, I'll give you a third of it of what we've now saved to be able to spend on programs you want to spend. At least that money goes to the American people, not servicing debt. This unnamed textor says, "Today's unsolicited advice, leave your pager at home and wear a cup." Did you see those videos from yesterday? This is, and I think there has been a non-combatant injured or killed in this and more today, we'll talk about what's happening this next round. But I saw this as somebody who has said, "I believe in Israel's right to defend themselves, to push back on the attacks that happen on October 7th." At the same time, I do think if they can do things that keep innocent people, Palestinians out of the mix, then I cheer it. It's actually, it even goes back, I believe it idealistically, but pragmatically, wasn't it the crystal that said, he said, "Terrorist math," have you ever heard this before? And I may be not specifically quoting it, but I have the spirit of it. He said, "Here's terrorist math." He said, "If you have 10 terrorists and you kill five, and you kill five, it's a, if you have 10 terrorists and you kill five, then how many do you have left?" And most of us would say, "We have five, you have five left," right? Say wrong, you got 20 because when you killed those, you martyred them and more people came to the cause. And I think that's exponential if you're killing people that are noncombatants in it. So this move, I know the Israelis say, "We have no part in this," well, okay, or they've not commented. Actually, they don't think they denied it. They just said, "Huh? What?" Where they had the pagers yesterday, blow up, I've read so much about it last night. It's, to me, this is fascinating, as a, so the Palestinian, or the Hezbollah in Lebanon, we're using pagers because I guess the security on smartphones, there's programs like Pegasus and all that, they can infiltrate even phones, they say they can't infiltrate, they can. And so they went to lower tech to avoid being monitored on these devices. They went with pagers, I guess the pagers to communicate back and forth between Hezbollah forces and Southern Lebanon there and with a wider network of people. They buy these pagers and my guests right now, because people say, "Well, they hacked them and they didn't blow up." What I'm seeing, and my guess is something before they took purchase, before they took the delivery of the pagers, was done to them and sat in wait for them to be able to use maybe the Israelis, maybe, like definitely, could do something down the road with these pagers. I think they had been in the mix. I think this had happened before they even took delivery of these pagers. And then using those explosions, obviously, you, I think they killed six or seven injured so many others with them and even Dalton pointed out too, you also now know who's in Hezbollah. If somebody had their pager bowl up yesterday, they're affiliated with Hezbollah, so it makes them even if they're surviving, you now know who it is. I thought it was a really brilliant strategy used by maybe the Israelis yesterday. Now more on this today, now more things are exploding. Reuters reporting Hezbollah handheld radios detonated across Lebanon today, said handheld radios used by Hezbollah donated today across Lebanon south and Lebanon south and in the Beirut suburbs, further stoking tensions with Israel a day after similar explosions launched via the group's pagers. So now their handheld radios are detonating. I mean, this is the story here. I mean, the documentary, the movie about this, is going to be incredible. How maybe the Israelis got their hands on these devices in my theory, I may be proven wrong. They've got them at the manufacturing level and put whatever they're using to make these things explode in at that point, then let them be sold to Hezbollah, right? So I mean, it makes way more sense to me, Occam's razor here, that you would put whatever it is in there that makes them go boom, you put that in at a manufacturing level, then sell them versus that they're somehow sneaking into every radio and every pager and putting the, you know, I think it had to be done beforehand. I mean, it is laid out long term. It's, I mean, it's a hell of a story goes on here said Lebanon's health ministry said the initial casualty toll was one person killed and more than 100 injured. Now this is with the handheld radios, not the pagers from yesterday. At least one of the blasts took place near a funeral organized by a ran back to Hezbollah for those killed in the previous day when thousands of pagers were used by the group exploded across the country and wounded many of its fighters. What is that? That's turning terrorist tactics back on them, right? The terrorist tactic of having an explosion, right? We saw this and Iraq saw this in Afghanistan where you'd have an explosion go off and kill and name Americans, but other groups will say Americans in this case and then they would wait for the response forces to come in to take care of those American troops that were injured or killed. And then they would have the second strike. Well in this case, they did the pager thing yesterday. They go to bury somebody, which seems quick, but I don't know it seems that they had the funeral today and then people had the two way radios there, boom, they exploded again. Reuters reported in the southern suburbs of Beirut said he saw Hezbollah members frantically taking the batteries out of any walkie talkies on them that had not exploded, tossing the parts into metal barrels around them. This attack too, as I said yesterday, we were talking about it last night with friends is also brilliant because it's the, you have the physical explosions that happened on those pagers and now with these walkie talkies to a communication, you also had the best scyop move ever. Now you have, can you imagine we're going to get to some things posted up on Twitter here recently about it, but the scyop of it, now you want to, you want to sow panic into a group and you want to shut down their communication ability? I mean, this is, I mean, this is, there's Hollywood screenwriters that say, damn it. Why did I come up with that? I mean, it's, it's that kind of level of Holy cow. So now you have, you've, you've, you've killed or injured Hezbollah fighters that for the Israelis, maybe it was the Israelis, their enemy, you've killed and injured them. The ones that aren't way injured, you've identified them because they have ones exposed. So if you, I'm sure just maybe beside agents are all through Southern Lebanon, maybe they now see who had the exploded pager, now you know, but the scyop of this and the panic, this ran back to Hezbollah, which is way more advanced than Hamas and weaponry and tactics. I imagine they are coming apart at the scenes with no ability to communicate, trust it like getting rid of all their communication devices. It's really extraordinary. So according, so they said these, uh, the walkie talkies here are, came from icon, said images, further in the Reuters story, images of the exploded walkie talkies examined and examined by Reuters, showed the inside panel labeled icon, ICOM and made in Japan. According to its website, a website icon is a Japanese based radio communications and telephone company. So the company has said the production of several models of the icon handheld radios have been discontinued, including the IC-V82, which appeared to closely match the images from Lebanon Wednesday, uh, which was phased out back in 2014. So what's the deal? Well, here you go. The handheld radios were purchased by Hezbollah five months ago, about the same time the pagers were bought according to a security source. It does say Israeli, uh, Israel's by agency Massad, which has a long history of sophisticated operations on foreign soil, planted explosives inside pagers imported by Hezbollah months before Tuesday's, uh, nation, according to a senior liberal knees security source and another source telling Reuters, I'm sure with the condition of anonymity. It's a hell of a thing as we look at, at tactics out there, um, some, some updates here too. So what else is exploding, right? So you have the, now we had the pagers and we had the two way communications. Do this. We'll come back from the break because there's another list of other devices that have been exploding today in southern Lebanon as well. It's, it's, they, they, people are going to only be feel safe when they're like outside their house with no piece of electronics, because I mean, it's a real good move by the Israelis. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five 123 welcome back midday mobile. We'll get your calls and texts at three four three zero one zero six. Also time to check in with my buddy David McCraery at LC and motor cars David. I had one of these moments earlier to get worse today was this morning where I pull up in a traffic light. You know, I bought a couple of vehicles from you, but you look, it's like 50% of the people at the stop side or stop right there at that LCM sticker on the back. You done good, man. That's not enough. We need more. Uh, we've been selling a few cars. We've been steady. I can't complain about your pay here program surely helped us. And it's helped our customers. I mean, we had a guy come in this morning that's bought probably six different vehicles from us over the years. And he ran some problems and ended up having a car that he had to give back and anyway, we did it. We did him. He's been discharged from bankruptcy and everything. We didn't even have the letter from the court. So I mean, our lender already has a direct link to where they can tell whether it's been dismissed. But even if it hadn't been dismissed, you know, we can still, um, we can still get you financed, even if you're in chapter seven or chapter 13, and there's a lot of flexibility. And help folks how to find you to talk about finance and then check out the inventory. We're at Highway 90 and plantation. Um, it's one mile south of a high 10 exit 15A and give us a call at two, five, one, three, seven, five, zero, zero, six, eight or go to the website, LCM Check it out. Thanks, David. Have a good day. Hey, you too. David, check it in from LCM MotorCars. Let's do this. It will get to the phone. So hold on. Just read this, uh, this on Twitter from OSINT Defender, somebody that, uh, Dalton had me start following some months ago, even maybe more than that, uh, always interesting information coming from him. But this, this was posted up, uh, let's see, a few hours ago here, said, uh, today's attack. So we just mentioned now you have the two-way radios, big spotting. So yesterday, painters, two-way radios today, uh, with Hezbollah and Southern, uh, Southern Lebanon, OSINT Defender puts this out, says, today's attack on Hezbollah didn't just target the radios to detonate with reports suggesting that smartphones intercoms, crypto devices, tickers, smart watches, solar panels, and even some household appliances within the homes of Hezbollah members across the country have exploded. Now at that point, I don't know, right, that, cause my, my idea was that this was done, these radios, these pagers, this was done in the manufacturing site before they were purchased by Hezbollah, but also solar panels and the smartphones and, and household appliances. I mean, this is, this is something, this is next level. This is absolutely next level stuff coming from maybe Israeli's, right? Right. Let's go to the phone. Uh, let's go first to, uh, Shane in Mobile, hey, Shane. Hey. Hello, Sean. Hey man. So you, what's your thought on this? So it kind of reminds me of one of the oceans maybe where Danny Ocean, you know, which is played back towards Columbia and of course Brad Pitt. They were trying to, I want to say get over on a casino in Las Vegas, but they were able to infiltrate down in Mexico where they make the dive set that way whenever they hit a button or something when the guys come into the casino, it was in their favor. Oh, wow. So, so maybe there has, so there has been a Hollywood screenwriter come up with this because I thought about it. I was like, don't you know that people go, this is the best plot for a movie ever, and it's, it's, I mean, what I, my idea was that it had to happen in the manufacturing process, but now if they're blowing up blenders and, and has a lot of members houses, I don't know. I don't know how they're doing it. No idea. Oh, by the way, man. Sorry. I missed you someday at the outdoor X, but well, yeah, I did not make it Sunday. I decided to take a day to go and five foot seas go 57 miles offshore, but that's a story for another day, but I'm glad you came by glad you came by and good and thanks for the call, Shannon, good to see, but I saw so many folks, man, it was so fun to do that outdoor expo. It's like the boat show, you know, when we do that, we get to visit with so many folks over the three days, looking forward to doing boat show coming up the spring and then the outdoor expo with G&D farms again, this time next year, yet people are on the text line saying, yeah, maybe cell phones will be next. Well, it sounds like they're saying cell phones are, are next. I mean, they're they're doing, at least according this tweet here, and this guy has been, I don't just read it to read it. This guy's been pretty on on target with everything I've read from him over the years. Far dog says they have Saturday morning cartoons to teach kids to hate Israel and how to make IEDs in Gaza. It's not hard to radicalize Palestinian children killing these terrorist nut jobs is always worthwhile. As a veteran, somebody who has the real world experience there, are you, are you you impressed with this? I to me, I'm just sitting here slack, John, that did this operation. It's it is a I think a seed change and and warfare, but it was incredible. Matt says, if folks thought the movies are go and Munich were good, they're going to love this. Yeah. Are they already scrambling to make this movie right now in Hollywood? Unnamed testers said, Sean, it's the most amazing tactic used. No legs, no arms equals, no use for battle. Yeah. And then the residual there, right? Not just to the effect of the people that they killed or entered in this, the Hezbollah members, but now don't you know anything that communicates. You're trying to get away from you, the Reuters story, saying they're taking the batteries out of everything, throwing them in these in these cans and getting. So now what happens to the command infrastructure for Hezbollah when there's no communications? It's just I'm slack, John is brilliant, brilliant. Talk about this more when we get back three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six news is next. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106.5. Speaking of the outdoor show as the promo was just speaking of the outdoor show, so you'll hear him tomorrow morning. Captain Bobby Avorskato, when he does the fishing report on Thursday mornings, but he's going to be my guest for the full hour on Saturday's outdoor show at seven seven Saturday morning. Of course, it re airs through the weekend and bunches. You all go get it in a podcast form, but yeah, Bobby will be my guest for a full hour talking about in short fishing. That's coming up Saturday morning at seven. All right. This segment show brought you by 1-800-GOD-JUNK, by man Trey with 1-800-GOD-JUNK. It's been doing it 16 years. That says something. It says that he is doing a great job. People dig it. You can actually see the representation of that. You can listen to me tell you about my experiences or the people that work here or go to the Google reviews out there, hundreds of positive reviews for 1-800-GOD-JUNK, and I point this out so much because I think it's just true. The level of service you have to have to go online and say this person was great, right? We all might tell our friend that he had this thing's great, but you take the time to go put a review online about how great a service is. It says a lot to me and I'm telling y'all I'm, he's my friend. I know he does a great job and I know the service is fantastic. I've used it and I know the man, but look at friends, family, people that you know go to school with, work with, that are on there with the Google reviews, talking about that great experience. You have junk, you need it gone. It could be at your office. It could be a storage unit. It could be inside the house, outside the house. It's just stuff. You need to get it gone. Get it out of your life. The guy to do it is my friend Trey with 1-800-GOD-JUNK. Make that appointment really easy to do online at or the name is the number called 1-800-GOD-JUNK and they'll find the time you want to do it and the day you want to do it, they set an appointment. You show up and you just point at the junk you went gone and they quote your price right there on the spot. If you say yes, they get it done right then, so check them out online or just pick up that telephone, and hopefully you're not scared of the telephone. I don't think any smartphones here have had issues. Just call them at 1-800-GOD-JUNK and give Trey a holler. Yes, speaking, I mean, so this list is something that is coming out now, the additional items, the additional items that they said today, so you have the yesterday of the pages, today like the Reuters report we read had the two-way communications, right? But in addition, the addition that says here also having also exploded today in Southern Lebanon, smartphones, intercoms, crypto devices, tickers, smartwatches, solar panels, and even some household appliances within the homes of Hezbollah members, unbelievable. I think somebody was saying I agree that a masterclass, it's a masterclass. This is the planning, right, the planning that went into this and then the execution of this is incredible, it's incredible what's happened here. Like I said, the communication system that's been disrupted here is amazing. So you have the physical damage, obviously to Hezbollah members, but I think exponentially bigger is the scyop where, I mean, they're throwing their communications gear in a bucket and getting away from it. Now the whole command chain, I imagine, would be truly set on its ear for Hezbollah. See the, yes, somebody saying, Bob says, Bob rolls this one out. Guy gets home, wife is like, I tried to call you all day. Why didn't you pick up your phone? His response, he says it was too dangerous. So maybe, yes, there's going to, I want to talk to you, honey, but I can't get near the smartphone right now, Ben says, Bet, this is the last time Hezbollah gets their electronics at a blowout sale of CB Carl, my man, CB Carl said, I don't want to sound like Ricky, but maybe Hezbollah should stop trying to eliminate God's chosen people. Although CB Carl, Ricky would disagree with you because he's anti Israel and Jewish people as well. Let's see, Teebone, I can't, I laugh, Teebone, I cannot read that one on there, but it's funny. Yeah, Jason said, so if this, if this got in the wrong hands, imagine how it can be used against innocent Americans. Oh, yeah. I mean, the technology is, I mean, obviously if they're doing it there, there's, we know about it, but the interesting part to me is how far ahead that massage, maybe it's Israel, they haven't said it's them for sure. I love this stuff with like, I don't know how far ahead they had to plan. I mean, I'd, on a small level, uh, when they did the explosion there in Tehran and that compound where those explosives had to have been set weeks or months ahead of time. But this, if it, if I understand it correctly, which I don't know, it's new, but I think some of this happened in the supply chain, right? So they, they rigged these items before they were ever sold. You know, I wonder if the salesperson to Hezbollah just maybe, just maybe is a beside agent and, uh, you know, work with them like, yeah, we see you and get you these radios in. I got a good deal over here on the icons. Oh, really? Okay. What? Yeah, they're, they're, they're selling these for cheap. Yeah. I mean, I wonder if it's something like that. And these things had already been retrofitted and delivered. It's, it's amazing. Fire dog. All right. Good. Fire dog, uh, commented back. He said, this is one of the greatest moments in the last 25 years in terms of warfare. So I'd like to hear this from a warrior because I'm civilian guy, but it left me slack jawed. Said the absolute decimation of confidence and intelligence hasn't been since World War two with code breaking and the fake army being led by Patton into Britain. Those are, those were pretty cool, weren't they? The code breaker story, I'm sure y'all probably have seen the movies. I've read some of the books here, the code breaking. Wow. World War two, uh, he said, if it's ever found out how Israel pulled this off, it'll be taught in every asymmetric warfare class for the next 200 years. My guess is access to the warehouse manufacturing and end user access. It's, uh, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's brilliant. It's the move here. Yes. I mean, so much of the news, and I'm sure you'll watch, we'll focus on, and like the videos yesterday of the pagers exploding, you have the individuals that were few killed a lot injured with the exploding pagers and says today with the two way communications, but I think the bigger victory for Israel is what fire dog just talked about. You have a, I would imagine, I mean, people think about military and they think about, you know, the weapons, right? And the men and women carrying them, but communications will show me one, show me one military movie where the, the radio man, or, or he's in 74 from ships that was, that was not crucial in every scene. If you now take Hezbollah and they got no way to talk to each other and say, do this, do that. It's, it's incredible. Somebody said here on the text line, I've lost it now, but somebody said maybe they're going to be using pigeons. Maybe they, maybe we'll see. And if they do, maybe there'll be a salesman out there said, listen, we got these pigeons. They're good. They're pretty good deal on them here. And then the pigeons are wired up and go boom. It's something. Let's see the, to, to, to, to, to, to, yeah, oh yeah, this texture. Okay. Said pigeons are next. And said, new Hollywood working plot for the hangover part four, Allen's painter, renters, Allen's pager renders and injured and lost in the Middle East with no way to find him, stewing his buddies and lists the help of Mike Tyson to find Allen. Dave from Gulf Shores says, Sean, first the pagers. Now the radios Israel is starting to catch up with Japan for exploding consumer and commercial goods. Yeah. Oh yeah. You're talking about that's caught a airbag thing. As of September, 2024, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration had confirmed 28 deaths in the United States caused by exploding to kind of airbag inflators since 2009. There's also been at least 400 alleged injuries. Next, do you think next thing they'll have, they're probably running toy, a Toyota high luck system. I'm sure they're with a Hezbollah. If they do, I don't think they have the airbags in them, they can set off. This texture said innocent Americans, because somebody said innocent Americans earlier said innocent Americans. Are there any? Are alphabet agencies kill and name countless people? I think we, the people that didn't do it texture are in the center or your texture. Do you have children? Are your children complicit in this? Yes, I do. I am not ignorant. I mean, if you've heard me, I think it's yesterday, I was going down the list of the incidents that have been empowered during drone strikes, right, both parties. So I, I agree with you, but does that mean? So you think these devices, if I've fallen your logic and you capitalized innocent and then made it an derogatory innocent Americans, I do think they're innocent Americans. Do you think that because the CIA has done something, NSA has approved something, then it would be okay to have Americans devices exploding on them to punish them for this? Help me understand your logic here. I need that. So it would be okay, um, they help me, I really, I will understand that better. So help me, help me understand that, um, yeah, David says AT&T has reported that landline and installations orders have exploded today, nice use of exploded as well. Now, really, I mean, what would you do? You have the actual, you have the damage to the actual forces, but I think incredibly you have shut down, you don't have to shut down every device they have for communications. If there's fear that every device in communications could explode at any point, you think you've shut his blood down. We'll see, see where that goes, but it's, I mean, it's really fascinating what's going on. All right. This back home here, I want to give you a little bit and I'll talk more about this, I guess what they'll lease tomorrow from land yet, but it's Scott Johnson's story over at laying out and so we've had what two days of the red light blitz going on with MPD. Scott writes this days after a mobile woman was charged with manslaughter for allegedly running a red light and killing another motorist, police will launch a two day operation at major intersections to crack down on drivers who ignore or fail to heed traffic signals. Like I said, I saw several MPD motorcycle units yesterday doing this said in a statement Monday morning mobile interim, which I guess he's not interim now, police chief, William Jackson announced his agency will conduct the red light blitz operation Tuesday and Wednesday at specific intersections throughout the city. Officers will focus on drivers adhering to traffic signals. Okay. So he goes through this as stuff we've talked about, but then Scott, good work here does some digging and here you go. Here are the stats said, according to information provided to land yet MPD has issued eight hundred and twelve citations and warnings for red light violations this year. So here we are in the ninth month of the year, eight hundred and twelve citations or warnings for red light violations. It's just slightly behind eight hundred and thirty four tickets issued during the same period last year. Agency issued a total of one thousand one hundred and thirty four citations and warnings for all of 2023. So this is nothing new, but I guess it has more more specificity, it's more specifically to certain intersections out there. But yeah, there's some stats there. We'll talk about this more and hopefully, hopefully fingers crossed and working on this. We get people from the traffic engineering department on the show next week as well. All right. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065 at 150, one FM Talk 1065 Midday Mobile. Let's check in with my buddy Anna at Mobile Bay Coins and find jewelry and we talk about the collectible items and, Anna, y'all still have some of the Trump rounds in stock? Yes, sir, we sure do and we basically have three different designs. It's the 45th presidency when he's been sworn into the office, then the other one was the mugshot Trump and then the first assassination attempt, you know, the fighting rounds, those are still available for sale. Okay, so somebody could, I mean, it's sad to say we got a collection of those out there just from the news of the last two months. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing how quickly they produce the fire rounds, but I don't know if they'll do anything for this last event. So, and with rounds for people to understand, they're, they're around because they're shaped like a coin, but they're not a coin, they're not legal tender, but they have the precious metal value, right? Yes. They're still announced the silver, you know, but it's more of like just like a pop culture type of thing. It's a collectible. So, it is always going to have a higher premium than just silver. All right. Well, tell folks how to come check those out and buy them before they're gone. Yes, sir. We're at 2204 Government Street, just a block west of Little Flower Catholic School and Church. Hey, Anna. Thank you. And we'll talk again soon. All right, there goes in at Mobile Bay Coins in fine jewelry. Let's see. So, they've got the trumpet and they also, like when Ron was saying the other day, they got these zombie animals, people are crazy for these. I don't know why, but y'all are into them. So, I think he sold out last week and got a new shipment in. All right. So, Matt says, hey, Sean, I would love to see CNN get some comment from one of the members of the squad. Yeah, I don't know if they will be commentary on this. Yeah, this unnamed textor says, don't buy updated device, use your old CB radio. Listen, the updating thing, you have gone around with this and run in this company. Obviously, electronics, computing, big deal in what we do. And I know you get updates so you don't get hacks and issues like that, but my gosh, it works like I feel like I'm in some kind of MacGyver episode every time I press, you know, to update or take the, you know, they've got to do the, you know, updating your settings or whatever comes. I feel like I'm sweating like MacGyver thing because I'm worried that it's going to come back and it'll be updated, but nothing will work like it did before. That would be the thing to do is if you could have a company that could work with those software companies to make the updates, not screw up everything on somebody's computer. Very nice. Let's see. Okay. Good. So this is a response from the person earlier, unnamed textor about the innocent Americans good. And I asked to tell me because the first text was innocent Americans, are there any, are alphabet agencies kill a name, countless people? Then I said, so you're saying Americans aren't innocent? What about your children or anybody? Are they somehow guilty and you could do things to them because of things that our three-letter agencies had done? And the person says, is it immoral to pay federal taxes immoral? So the morality of paying taxes, you're saying because the taxes then go to pay for those operations and play this game and say, well, my taxes go to pay for something else. So you could tell me what, you know, on the, if you, if you use that with the IRS and they, and they let you off because you said it's immoral to pay federal taxes, please let me know how that went. And then they go on to say, we, we do vote for this government. Can we abide its actions? So, but the self-flagellation, not flagellation, but flagellation that you're saying is so therefore it would be okay to use this technology to hurt Americans because Americans have voted for a government that has used it against other people. So, I mean, I appreciate you texting back. It's not just a one way street, but I still aren't, I understand the words you have typed. I don't understand the, I don't agree with you. Another unnamed texture here, y'all give yourselves a handle here, he's your first name or nickname or something. But this texture says, seriously, Hezbollah is at a standstill due to no confidence or fear of their supply chain. I mean, I agree, I think it's the exponential value of this is not, you have the injuries and the deaths on the Hezbollah fighters, but what it has must have done to their command and control structure must be one for the record book since masterclass stuff. Oh good, Navy Chief, here's somebody who has an opinion I'm looking for. Navy Chief and Foley said, I don't think our government is being honest, no way CIA and NSA did not have any knowledge or part of the exploding pagers. They could be wrong. I'm a fan of what they did. It was genius. Yeah, of course we knew, but you know, did they do it? I love these, I love the Israelis. They don't say, they just say, well, no comment. Let's see. Robin Fairhope said, Mossad was reported to have used the cell phone to target a terrorist about 20 years ago. I remember the story, I think in Wired magazine. So yeah, but the track, what was interesting about the pager thing, right? The way I got to reading up last night, and we, all of us kind of guessed it yesterday, is they weren't using smartphones because smartphones were easier to hack and track. So they had gone to pagers in an attempt to go lower tech, right, and not be surveilled by Mossad, but in that move to go lower tech, there's the Achilles heel that the, my best guess now, that the product that they purchased, these ICOM 2A radios and these other pagers, had been fitted with what let them make the explosions yesterday and today. And to think about a plan like this, that when was it hatched, they said in that story from Reuters, they had said that the purchase had been made, oh, it was months and months ago, yeah, it was, yeah, devices were bought five months ago. So Hezbollah bought the handheld radios, it exploded today five months ago, at the same time as the, that they bought the pagers, wow, all right, all right, all fine bomb on the way next. We'll do it all again tomorrow for FM talk 106 fines, mid-day mobile, and a variety of other shows, like mobile mornings, Jeff, and all that good stuff, check it out. [Music]