FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Cameron Smith Government over reach - Erica Thomas from 1819 News Ivey and the VA - Midday Mobile - Wednesday 9- 18-24

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106-5. We're shot to tough. Yeah, I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks. He hangs in there Yeah, what's wrong with the beer? We got I mean the deal we got drink pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a babe council. I had no doubt about them That doesn't stop if you don't like it you're bad last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question kiss my **** right and here we go FM talk 106-5 and mid-day mobile On this Wednesday glad to have you a long telephone number the text line you got those right if you don't you're new to the show It's okay I will give them to you and then you can keep them in your contacts because 56 hours a week of live local shows whether it's this show the morning show jeff show Um, it may be evening shows saturday sunday live shows. There's something you need to chime in on 343 0106 so two five one if you're new Two five one three four three zero one zero six also with the FM talk 106 five app you can use that to leave us a talkback message and I appreciate all the folks getting on the app here lately I gotta I don't know who you are. I just know the numbers You know check this thing a lot of people want to download in the app and enjoy it use it to stream the station But that's just the uh, you know one of the many things you stream the station there But you can leave us messages. You can text from their call from there show schedules all our great social media feeds Uh, they're all together in one place with breaking news liana does a fantastic job at that You can go there for uh, you know to click through to see what's happening and you know The people's lives that work around here you can keep up to date with Dalton and others so check it out the FM talk 106 five app. All right, it is a wednesday and that's when we get to talk to my buddy Cameron smith and the triptych foundation and I want to say as we go into this This has happened it's happens from time to time. I did not okay. Well, let me bring you on Cameron did you and I have any conversation about uh, uh, Populism conservatism and this race beforehand if we talked in the last two weeks about this stuff We have not okay. This is exactly. I mean you did a much better and more eloquent job of it in your latest opinion piece at But this is what I was talking about with folks. Uh, I odd yesterday's show as well and uh kind of lay a notice here because you you talk about This race and the political middle I mean it used to be right that in the primaries the republicans would run right and the democrats would run left and come general They would both come towards the center Is that right we're yeah now we're running left and left her Uh, and I just I hate to say this because I know that your listeners Particularly those are huge trump fans are going to say well Cameron. How dare you? I mean that just can't be true. Well, yeah, it can. I mean because basically Trump's campaign looks a lot like a 1990s democrat platform I'm not arguing that modern democrats are somehow conservative. No, they're wild the pronouns Transgender stuff all that fun stuff that they've gotten into is extreme But the idea that What we're seeing from the trump campaign is conservative I I take you in the column down the journey of well, it's not fiscal conservatism We we pretty much know that and that one's that's not we're not conserving that anymore and when it comes to abortion It's a state's issue now. It's been devolved out of the federal race. So abortion isn't Really a federal issue right now. So we're not really conserving that one anymore and Then you start to keep keep going and say well, what about mandates? What about, you know, the size and scope and reach of government and then you hear trump and vant saying Well, we're gonna mandate IVF coverage. We're gonna create insurance mandates. You've you've never heard of these before, right? Well, no, we we've railed against them in the affordable care act now If it's things we like then the top of the ticket saying hey, that's where we need to go and so When we kind of look at what's all happened. We really need to sort of say Okay, I get the lesser of two evils argument. We've done this for a long time But if conservatives are considered serious about they're serious about the polity policies that for example reagan kind of Shepherded into existence They need to find new candidates and that's just the truth. Okay. So and the lesser of two evils is I mean pragmatically That is what we're facing here in a little over a month's time But I do like what you're saying here about but I don't know that there's room for it We can sit here and unite gree on the size of government the scope of government and where it is gone but they're we're not the or ideas aren't getting elected that Popularist idea is getting elected right? I mean that move to what you just laid out there I mean the if you campaigned today Like bringing it was shrinking government not drink because trump says drain the swamp talking about the corruption But if he said we're also going to shrink the government and we're going to you know curtailed these spendings And we're not going to have government reaching into places. It shouldn't be Uh, I don't know if you get people fired up with that message. I mean, it's the correct message. I agree with you I just don't know if it ever wins Yeah, and and I'm actually okay with that, but just don't tell me about the conservative candidate There isn't one. I mean, we're playing a game of Weaponization of government and what we mean by that is any time the other side does a thing with government We don't like its weaponization, but we do it and it's completely okay I think we need to be honest about that and say no a government that we can turn into a weapon is way too big We need way less government way more freedom and I saw it Gavin Newsom on twitter today or x saying he's going to sign a law about You know, it's going to be illegal to share deep fakes and other things like that I'm like whoa folks We really need to get on this whole freedom thing in terms of free speech In terms of free assembly or before we know it, we're going to end up not in a freedom loving country anymore It is I wonder if there's room for that and if the It's interesting the way things have changed now there are exceptions, of course But you look at where the democrats now are the the party of war, right? They are so much like the democrats have adopted John Bolton's running things there in a neo-con kind of way neo-liberal neo-con They are the party of war They're also the party like you just said of censorship of free speech these things to me were tenants of I guess little el liberalism Yeah, and I think that for a long time, this is what we saw we saw the left saying hey We don't want wars. We don't like to get entangled in foreign wars You saw the left associated with sort of for example Vietnam protests and When I look around now, it just seems like a muddled landscape It's not real clear what the differences are and are they quite as stark? It's well, we'll end the wars. Trump keeps saying I will end the wars. We'll do these things They never would have happened. Okay, fine Tell me how you plan to do that like how how do you plan to disentangle us from these type of things How do you plan to not have a war based in the middle east? I I think at least he's saying you know, I am I'm a I'm a dork I like to hear the policy in the method But at least he's saying it where the democrats are doing everything but say I mean we're talking about democrats And they're not saying let's find a way to find peace. Let's it's something is going 180 here Yeah, and I think this is where some of the populism makes sense to me of Hey, we need to ask who's really controlling this stuff. We really need and I'm not a conspiracy guy You know this but the fact is it seems like so much of our discussion our dialogue Everything that's going on is Controlled by sort of the digital landscape of here's what we're permitted to talk about here's what we're permitted to see I've been fascinated. I'm working on a column right now of the Reinvention of Kamala Harris the fact that she has a net positive favorability rating after Just a couple months ago being underwater 14 points It's it's shocking how quickly Our perceptions are changed and manipulated by the digital environment and and my concern is that that's at odds With individual liberty. It's at odds with a civic discussion because everything is quite Orchestrated and manipulated and unfortunately I don't believe that there's a handful of people sitting beside behind the scenes Directing all of this. I think we've built algorithms and processes and things like that that just create these thunderclaps and echo chambers that Move us in directions where we're not having useful discussions for our republic Hate to take this dark, but I will um maybe I don't how do I with what you laid out there How do you ever recover from that because when there's populism on both sides and it's telling people whatever group The government's going to fix these things for you How do you ever get people engaged go back to that american ideal said hey? I don't need you to fix this for me. I need you to get out of my way. I need to write size government You know where how do you how do you ever come back from that beachhead once people realize both parties are going to promise them that they're going to fix things for them George, Washington. I mean, I know that sounds kind of simplistic, but in George, Washington, you had a Historic leader and figure who said you know what? You may want me to be king, but that's not right. That's not what we're going to do And so we're going to have subscribe to this system this way of doing things and Instead of a grandizing power to himself He said it down and we've seen throughout history. We've had leaders who've said you see all this power the power is actually the problem And so we need to set that down. We need to retreat from that and promote Individual liberty help people start businesses help people Connect in their communities really get back to Something that is more attractive to people than saying i'm going to stare at a screen and then hope a politician saves me That's the scariest place that america could be in of saying america is going to go away If this politician isn't elected we should never be there as a nation That's right. I mean it comes off my kind of rant yesterday about on constitution day That people attach themselves their sidecar is that other person not the founding documents, but I don't know that there's There are 51 percent of voters That will vote that way right that would would vote for what you just laid out. I mean it scares me I know there's probably 20-25. Are there 51 percent that would say Hey, um, I like somebody who he's going to tell me that they're not going to You know add this or or settle this debt for me. They're going to they're just going to give me liberty Yeah, and I think they are there and people what i've seen about trump and this is what I actually love about trump Is he is authentically himself. He's not a conservative. He's not he doesn't share the values that I do on many France, but he's very much himself and you see him contrast with the entirety of the rest of the political space and say Hey, they look fake. He looks real. Mm-hmm. I think that what conservatives need is leaders who are real who tell them the truth And you know we don't always sell you broccoli. Sometimes it's hey, we need to make a little bit of improvement here We're not going to go balance budget overnight, but you know what how about we do an automatic 10 percent cut here But if we if we run a deficit our next budget has to cut 10 percent and we got to figure it out I mean, those are things that we can put forth and then but do you get elected with that? That's I mean I agree with you a hundred percent, but I'm also that's the idealist to me with the pragmatist says Yeah, and then you're going to be sitting there speaking to a room of three people while the Whatever the politician across the hall that says you're good fix everything for you has a it has a huge crowd Yeah, and my ask would be like did you like inflation? Do you really like how things are going is this is this the America you want because if it is then you know that vision is not there But I don't think people actually want this I see the numbers and they say we didn't like our choice between trump and biden And we don't like our choice between harris and trump really that much more And so if you're not liking the results you're getting you not like where you're going you don't like the fear-based politics Then you've got to have something different and man that takes a lot of time energy money to do that But I think I think people are tired of this shawn I really believe that and they're scared and somebody's got to stand up and say hey, don't be afraid. We got this We're americans we can do it, but we've got to come together and have a game plan because this This is what we're doing man. I don't want to keep having these conversations where you know half the country hates the other half We we don't really have one nation under god. We have just tribes that are angry and scared and people angry enough that They're you know within what a month and a half time a little more than they're going to try to assassinate the guy I mean the fact that we have Yeah, I'm not naive I started off the show the other day on monday and said let's we have a history sadly But we have a history of assassinations and attempted assassinations in our country But like every other month, you know this Where are we this they have tried somebody has tried to kill trump, you know Twice now from july through september Yeah, and I think that's insane. I mean the the idea my answer to all this is we've had political I have purpley we've had strong political speech before and you know what adults know you shouldn't shoot somebody There you go at the end of the day. That's how it works So the idea of well trump is to blame for this or the dimmer. That's the biggest victim shaming i've ever heard I mean that come from the left. They should be embarrassed Yeah, I mean come on the idea of blaming Anybody and saying well this political speech is too intense and it's making people shoot at the former president No, it doesn't it's it's the fact we've created a climate and culture where people are So mentally deranged that they think that this is what our country needs And and that's just wrong. That's not what we need. We need better leaders and people who say you know what if this is what you want Then i'm out and instead we have people saying hey give me more power So I can make more promises that i'm gonna break There you go people want to read more of this of course over at if they want to engage in the conversation further How do they find you online? It's tough man. It's really good How would they search your name? What would they do? Have we lost Cameron Oh, we lost Cameron. I went right there at the end Yeah, well, we lost it but listed you got the gist of it You can find him at d Cameron Smith on twitter or x and uh same thing over on facebook. There you go I mean if it was gonna pick a time to To drop out it was good at the end of the segment my man Cameron Smith We'll talk to him again next week coming right back more of a day mobile I This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk 106 five By 1226 fm talk 1065 at mid-day mobile I'll give this address out, but I could Put it on our social media feed as well. I can put it up on the x feed the twitter x feed Put it on not but I can also cut and paste the tea on the text line if you don't know if you are registered to vote yet Which I think this audience is pretty Pretty good, but if you don't know the state of Alabama, so secretary of state west alan Over at alabama votes dot gov if you go there you could actually go straight to my info dot alabama votes dot gov Slash voter view or navigate it through just going to alabama votes dot gov I can like I said I cut and paste the address to you unless you plug your name in there And uh if you hadn't voted in a while this you know if you don't know You plug your name in there and then it'll uh you can look up and make sure you're registered and you know polling places have changed too So it can give you polling place information if you didn't get the little card in the mailbox deal Uh you want to check it out it is uh it's easiest going to that website for the secretary of state right uh to the text line and uh Let's see first up here uh Fire dog question does Just don't really have a life I because I said maybe you could find out more about his life on our social media He said I had three daughters myself until they all got married or went off to college I had no life and still don't yes. Well, please listen the do at least In in the four-week household they can still run man-to-man defense, right? When you break through three then you got to run a zone or a friend of mine who has five I've been there everyone his kids were real young and we were sitting there at a playground I had about one of mine there my son And his kids one ran one way towards the street and two ran the other way to he said listen I I can't rescue you all so I got to figure out which ones have you I like more if you run out towards this street and they run out Towards that street. Uh, so he was I mean really over Over the barrel on that one Tim said Sean your thoughts on the sense is having his own investigation I would definitely keep this guy in custody of the state of florida since they were the ones that arrested him. I agree with that, Tim Uh, hopefully uh, we'll find out. I mean, this is a interesting time that this guy is alive as uh I want to say his name. I mean, he didn't pull it off. So I guess we can say his name, but the fact that We now have some of the interview. I'm very interested in his thoughts How he Arrived at the idea that what he needed to do was go set up Along the golf course here in florida and and be the second person to try to kill Donald trump Dirk digger says the bigger the government the more it costs taxpayers those for bigger socialist government Or taking our freedom and liberty they need to go to work and see what it costs not those living off the government Yeah, but see dirt digger. There's a lot of people that expand government in a populist way. They don't even I mean they're taxpayers or Those kind of things. They just They look to government to fix Too many problems and this is how we grow and this is how we're in this cycle where it's like oh, yeah Well, if they'll give you this i'll give you that. Oh, yeah, well, they're gonna give you that from this then i'm gonna give you that plus two things it It is the it is a dissent of a republic to get into that Into that game I know it's not popular, but you know and Keith said constitution day was yesterday. Yeah, Keith We talked about it a good bit on the show said populism is out. Yeah Keith, I wish you were correct. I think you are incorrect. I think populism is as popular as Erica Thomas 1819 news joins us coming up next Oh You're listening to mid bill mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk 106 Wow Like 1235 fm talk 10065 midday mobile fun to have you along on this wednesday Check in with our friend Erica Thomas with 1819 lots to talk about with her today. Hey, Erica Howdy, howdy um I when I first story here. I want to get to And y'all can read these over at 1819 news. This is a story that gosh Just spent a lot of time talking about I guess last week of the week before but more on this now About what happened with the alabama department of veterans affairs at the top of the you know top of the ticket there the admiral You said all britain. So you're talking about senator all britain says Ivy as in governor ivy gets even concerning the adva controversy so What did the senator say to you? He was actually in baymanet last night so I went up there um and we we said at a an adorable little restaurant But uh he was speaking to the north Baldwin republican women which what a lively uh Proud by the way But he was telling them that you know he's done governor ivy for a long time He's worked with her for a number of years but knew her before then even and he said when she gets crossed up with somebody she gets even and he was talking about the um ethics charge or ethics complaint that was filed by commissioner can't davis of the Alabama department of veterans affairs and that was filed against commissioner can boss will and he And so senator all britain was talking about how that ethics charge was the what he called the eruption that caused The governor to then ask for the resignation of davis Um, and of course we all know he did he agreed to resign but it's not going to be an immediate resignation They have some type of agreement. We don't know the details about it But he won't resign until december 31st and all britain also said this is the first time He's ever seen the governor that being willing to negotiate with somebody But it was interesting on the front of this It was not that it's never happened, but not normal governor ivy behavior to put out a You know she put out that memo what two weeks go two two and a half weeks go Calling for his resignation like publicly not even behind closed doors kind of stuff Yes, she sure did. Um, I think it was something that she wanted people to know if there's a Uh, appearance of impropriety that she was going to call for his resignation I don't know how long she had been looking into this to see if there was actually anything that happened But the senator said there were there were no laws broken The money was not The arpa money, which is what what this is all about was not misappropriated He just stood by that very firmly last night. So I mean, but he said so We get this correct. He believes nothing was done wrong by By Admiral Davis Or or by the v a yes in general I was listening to ideas about how to spend this seven million dollars I'm sure you've gone over this a thousand pounds. I feel like I have So everybody kind of knows what what we're talking about here Um, and then they were looking at how other states were spending this money for the mental health of veterans And they wanted to go through the department of veterans affairs But apparently some of the ideas some of the stuff they were going to do with this money was not up to arpa guidelines So they had to kind of say, yeah, we might not need to do that The greg albert and he is not only a military veteran, but he's on the arpa oversight committee That was formed, you know after these covid funds were designated to make sure that all the guidelines are followed because you have to follow those Very strictly it's kind of like when we get opioid settlement money and attorney general steve marshall is so nervous about how You know, everybody in the municipalities or the counties are spending their money because they said If you don't do this, right, you don't do it by the guidelines. They'll take it back from you Okay, but but to have senator albert and say I mean That neither signed did anything wrong with this money. I mean there were some, you know, maybe good I don't know if heard people tell me that it was you a vast, you know mistakes So it was real bad and then people say there's were no mistakes on either side And then he talks about he never saw governor. I've he negotiated on something, but she is negotiating on something It leaves me scratching my head that if nobody did anything wrong Then why would you ask for the resignation of of the admiral and if something somebody did something wrong Why would you be saying they did you know? Why would you because the ivy administration said That he did these things wrong. This is why they were asking for it But if he's saying nothing was done wrong on either side, but you yet still ask for the resignation the head of the Alabama department of veterans affairs Why Well, I think that part of this is first of all he said he's never seeing governor. I've been negotiate until now So that was his comment on that. He's but you negotiate you negotiate, right when you have something to give up I think that's why I think she had she negotiated on this because Maybe she realized that the reason she asked Davis to resign wasn't Uh, you know as serious as she may have first thought. I don't know that is something that she would definitely have to answer and that That hasn't happened at this point. Um, but I think that as long as they were able to come to an agreement, we might hear more after his official resignation comes through I think we're gonna hear more after all of these these funds are distributed because they found money to replace all the things that were kind of earmarked from this arpa fund To go to these different Different entities or different projects. And so after that is settled. I think we'll hear a lot more about what actually happened Uh, so right now we're just hearing from each side from everybody's, you know perspective And we're reporting that and then at the end hopefully we'll actually get real answers Uh, but I think that this is kind of just the way things go and really I'm not surprised by the trickling down of information because it's only been a week And so this kind of really started Um, but there's a lot of stuff still going on behind the scenes as far as the appropriation of this money And I think after that is finalized and more people will be willing to to speak up I'll be interested in that also speaking of your event last night with senator all britain Uh, it's interesting these things may be pay attention because senator all britain who had supported general ideas had supported Some gambling Then was the no vote this last session even though he's these use no for the plan that was moving forward He was like one of those Key no votes in the senate that shut it down. Now you say in the story He said when responding to the al-gop resolution against gambling expansion Senator all britain said he hasn't read the resolution but believes it's short-sighted and unenforceable This is what I like I like when people have nuance here. Did he do you talk about why he thinks it's short-sighted and unenforceable? Yeah, he said that this is putting uh, the republican lawmakers in large he said, you know because We've tried this so many times we tried this so many years and now you're saying You've been wanting this and supporting this so now where do we go? What do we do next because if you're coming out and officially You know, resoluting against any type of gambling expansion that also does away with the oversight Which really the control of the industry is what all britain says That the porters of a gambling bill want is they want that control they want to be able to enforce the illegal operations better But it's kind of like I said, there's a lot of small illegal bingo halls all around the state that You know, we do have the power now to enforce Those walls and it's just not happening. So I don't know some people question whether an actual, you know gambling committee type thing could could really Address the mass amount of issues that we have across the state with with illegal gambling If they already can't do it now, you know with the laws they have what really is the difference going to be Yeah, it was laughable. I mean when they when they brought this up in the last session I guess from my perspective, I'm not the person tasked with doing it But for them saying well, we got to pass You know, we got to pass the gambling legislation so we can deal with the illegal gambling And I'm not a person against I didn't like this last bill But I'm not against it. But why in the meantime can't you just enforce a dang law? I don't Like to say we got to have legal gambling to get rid of illegal gambling. Okay, that makes no sense if it's illegal then go enforce the law And it can be enforced in so many ways some Some layers people don't even realize but you know the local sheriff's office is they are really the ones that are Boots on the ground in these areas where people are being overrun with the crime that comes out of these bingo halls And no one can can say that that crime doesn't come out of these that I've talked to in several locations in Jefferson County to Not only operators but people that actually work at these facilities and they say, you know, the drugs are rampant um in other crimes happen we saw Just a few weeks ago where the Selma Charity bingo building that was shut down by the state then got broken into and all those machines were found One in Jefferson County that had been shut down Right So it's like and these are these are larger criminal enterprises and there's definitely money laundering going on no doubt We could be investigating this stuff. Steve Marshall has already shut Some of these facilities down, but a lot of times we're not asking about details about what he's found in Jefferson County he's unable to to disclose anything, but The fact that i've been asking him for three years and really we haven't seen any real action going on We know the players no pun intended In some of these places are the sheriff's of the counties Uh, but also we have you know this state can enforce these these situations even the alabama department of transportation has its own law enforcement um Branch that's like the al dot police and they actually have authority over every one in the state of alabama even police chiefs and sheriffs which a lot of people don't know that but You know as far as the the traffic that's traveling You know to these facilities and in the money laundering and no telling I mean there's federal agencies that can be looking into this We have The laws in the books. We're we're not having the enforcement So it would be interesting to see how the enforcement would get so much better just because there's You know more control Uh by the legislature Shift to another one of your stories over at 1819 news that and jeff was talking about uh this story And this is interesting you said a letter sent to the biden administration from the welcoming refugees campaign Is gaining attention in alabama after a fair hope city councilman and two state representatives attached their names to it And what what does it what does it say was this letter to person biden say and and what what are the people that signed on to it saying? Yeah, so this letter was just sent uh last week, september 12th to the biden administration asking For all the people that sounded are asking for the federal government to come in and help Help different communities Build refugee infrastructure and in support services. They said that people in their communities have asked for this um, you know, they want to help these these people who Are are running away from dangerous their dangerous countries all the things that are happening uh around the world And then The strange thing is on this one is when i reached out to the ones that signed it now abamma which There's two state representatives and uh one That people involved in county will be familiar with fair hopes to be councilman cori martin and cori martin was certainly not very happy um About this story because he said that they actually signed this letter last year. Okay Um, he refused to give me any details refuse to comment on his position Decon any type of comment, but he did get that in in between, you know Telling me he wasn't gonna talk. Um, and then i talked to another guy that signed it not state representative uh Thomas jackson. He's from thomas action action jackson Action jackson. I'm glad you you know that say i i found that out and i was like that's really funny Like he's been in there for a very long time by the way since saying something like yeah since saying action jackson was cool Been into that long back when that was cool Well, I think it's cool. Yeah, okay. We're gonna bring that one back. Okay action jackson said i'm trying to say this with a straight face action jackson said Uh, he kind of had the same feeling they signed it last year and it was really more in response to the situation going on in new cranes And then now the welcoming it's really the welcoming refugees website that's kind of positioning with at a time where Immigration of other nationalities like from haiti and venezuela they're causing you know Mass violent situations across the nation. They kind of picked a really bad time to put this out I think and then they didn't put the details of when this was signed and what it's really about but No matter where somebody is from, you know, people in alabama don't want refugee settlement Uh, especially in I mean some people do but but especially in fair hope you have to Plan things in a city like fair hope you have to make sure that you you have the resources the space fair hope is already Dealing with a mass influx of population that they can't handle We saw this last year when we ran out of water. Yeah, so i'm not sure if uh if that Didi would be interested or even Be able to expand to anybody or any kind of settlement Um, but this is basically what the letter is asking for for for the federal government to help them um With with some challenges to bring in refugee Resettlement program, right people want to check out these stories a whole lot more from you. How do they find you online? Please go to 18 19 You can email news at 18 19, but I do have to say just could you email me Doesn't mean that it's going to be top priority. Um, I do care about everybody every little story in the world But I have gotten some emails lately where people kind of get a little bit rude, and I just want to say I'm not going to respond to that um Just because I haven't had time to call you in three hours to shoot an email Do we do we noted offered up? All right, Eric. I appreciate it. We'll talk to you next week. There goes Kirk Thomas from 18 19 news. We're coming right back So This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk 1 0 6 5 Right at 12 55 fm talk 1 0 6 5 mid-day mobile 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 to get through. We'll read some text here in just a little bit Finishing something from the beginning of this hour. So I started the Cameron Smith about this latest piece over about Populism kind of where both both campaigns are running You know something that is hey, it's been unpopular since well forever. Uh, maybe that's one of the reasons up Picked it up as something that I was interested in a champion of and that has been you know fiscal responsibility at the For our government and federal government where they can print money so they don't have to be um I've had these stats before we've talked about in many times what just the debt service This would be my plan. The debt service on the debt Is so voluminous and so Cameron writes this here. Here's his take on it. He said america's annual net interest payment Is 30 billion dollars more Than the combined budgets of the department of agriculture commerce energy homeland security Housing and urban development interior justice and labor. It's 30 billion more than those combined budgets So one of the things you know, you're trying to figure out how you would Sell some idea that's not just we're going to do more than the other guys populism in washington I think if i'm a lawmaker, I go and I go in and work across y'all and say hey democrats democrats. I know you want uh Pick the policy pick the the the the thing you're going to do in the country. Whatever Here's what we do if we will cut Are or are deficit spending and therefore pay off debt Then the amount of money that we are now paying an interest Right because I think it's by 2032. They're talking about it being matching gdp So but if we cut the the the deficit Then what we're spending on interest now that's not providing anything to the american people It's just servicing debt If we'll cut that If we can cut this out, I'll I'll I'll give you a third of that to go spend on whatever program you want That's constitutional the I mean incentivize that that would work with me To cut the deficit spending and then here's the uh, here's the here's the carrot The carrot is you'll get some Some money for some programs out there. You want to because I'd rather Even if you know the program is something i'm not champion of i don't believe government should be doing it I sure would rather that money being spent on some americans out there Than servicing debt Now is anybody gonna say that on at any stump speech on either side of the out of course they won't but That's the that's the real stuff. All right. Uh come back. We've got uh, interesting land. Yeah, story after we've been talking about the uh red light blitz mpd has been doing A story from uh lane at mobile from scott johnson gives us some stats on how many tickets have been issued for red light violations This year not just during this blitz get into that also day two in Surprise your your piece of electronics has uh been always being controlled by mason has belong So yesterday of course it was the pagers we talked about now handheld radios used by has belong detonated In lebanon we'll talk about those stories a whole lot more when we come back right here on the day mobile So So So So (upbeat music)