FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville - Jeff Poor Show - Wednesday 9-18-24

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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[MUSIC] Welcome back to the Jump Force Show of the spacewalk, 106.5. They just stay with us on this Wednesday morning. Text lines are going to be in touch with the program. Hit us up there. 251343010106, show us on the line now. He is our senior United States Senator, Tommy Tuberville, ours. I like to call him coach. Coach, good morning, are you? Good morning, Jeff. I'm doing good at raining up here in DC right now. I've been at the office for about an hour and getting ready for early meetings this morning. But it is starting to turn a little bit fallish looking and trees are changing colors. It's a beautiful time of the year. Well, speaking of that time of the year, real quick, just your thoughts. Alabama, Auburn football before we get into the gruesome world of politics. Yeah, Auburn's got a lot of work to do. They're defensive, how you win championships, and it's falling away behind. They're getting ready to play a lot better football teams coming up. I thought they're quarterback with a positive move this past week. And, you know, played well, Alabama is, you know, they got the talent and they're getting better. The quarterbacks don't be the key, along with keeping people healthy. But was, we talked earlier that this conference is brutal and you better be hitting on all cylinders when you play some of these things or you'll get blown off the map. Yeah. Alabama, you feel pretty good about, well, I mean, I am a fan, sir, or a constant, I mean, they're hard to please. But you feel good about where they're going. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But, you know, and again, it's a team coming together and playing together as a group. The rules have changed so much, you know, with the NIO, NIO is kind of leaked down in terms of, you know, how you practice, how you push the players, it's more of an individual sport now. So it's even harder for coaches to bring the team together, play hard together because football is a team sport and I think it's even less important now that you have a hate coach that understands that they can get the best of players but also keep them playing in the same direction as a group and not individuals. Let's move on here. It's another, you know, appearance on this program and we're going to talk about another assassination attempt. Well, I mean, I saw your comments earlier. You think that there could be more, I mean, do we got to make it to Election Day, coach? Well, I don't know. I'm worried about it. You know, I played golf with it many times on that course that he played, I don't know exactly where he was at, or the shooter was at that. The Secret Service did their job and so I feel good about that part, but as I told people in the press conference yesterday, Donald Trump is different. He works, he's a hard worker and working as president or working as a campaign and he's going to do his own due diligence, he's going to do two or three stops a day for the next 48 days. He's going to be out there going from Philadelphia to St. Louis to Dallas. And you need people that are elite frog and get in front of you, vetting people. And I just worry about it and I'm not sure that the Democrats, obviously, they don't want to shot, but they're trying to keep him in the house and in the basement and not getting out and selling what he's actually going to do for the American people. I know they're not doing it. This is our first AI president, presidential candidate in Kamala Harris, meaning that everything that she does is artificial intelligence thrown out there in terms of doing interviews that are, they come to a computer, how you can answer, she doesn't answer, the patient computer does. So it's, this is a different world, different time, president Trump has got problems. He knows it, but he's not, you're not going to clue him up and hopefully we can get more help for him, but they're not very realistic up here. And even the Republicans, I don't see a cry out for, hey, to help the guy be able to campaign, but I tell you it's, I'm very disappointed even in a lot of Republicans. Well, and we can talk about this. I mean, the campaign itself, it does seem to be trending in a, a good direction. I mean, you never know, you can't count these things for sure, but even, you know, pre assassination attempt, I mean, it really felt to me like Trump was finding his stride kind of similar to like that 2016 run. Yeah, I don't think there's any doubt, Jeff, he's, he's leading, they got him trailing in some of the polls, but I'll tell you, I've been all over the country, talking to people, just listening to their comments all over Alabama. You know what's amazing, I'll make you up as we, we've got, we're looking down the barrel of a war war, we're in a recession, profit or out of sight or education to heck and hand the basket, crime is rampant, migrants are coming across the border. And the first thing people were no coach, is this going to be a fair election? That's how concerned people are about the future in this country. When the American people have this much concern for the integrity of our election, our country is in trouble. That means that they don't trust government and I wouldn't trust us as far as you can to be honest with you, because there's, it's like the assassination in protecting President Trump. There's, there's not a whole sense of urgency. What happens? What happens is what, what politicians believe in and you know, I just feel bad for the American public people about them, because it's going to be hard for them to be satisfied with what's going on. Well, you're right, there's a general, a general distrust of our, like our elite institutions. And you're right, you look around at immigration, I don't know, like finance, entertainment, all of these things that we kind of have looked up to over the years right now, and people are very cynical about it. Oh, the elections, the fixes in, I mean, I hear it all the time, the election in a system is, is going to fail us. I mean, I'm not, I don't know, like, that's not healthy for the country at all. No, no, it's, it's not. And you got the, you know, the, the, the Democrats every day have been trying to remove President Trump, whether it's the two impeachments, the bankrupt, who used to put in jail, the weaponization of our Department of Justice, going into his home, they've done things that no other parties have ever done to a woman president, much less than a candidate for president. And now the two assassination attempts, again, the American people deserve better than this. Donald Trump deserves better, he deserves a chance, but they're trying to get this lady over the line of scrimmage and over the goal line for some reason. And she's not a candidate, you know, I don't care who they put in there, but at least with somebody in there that really knows what's going on, but they're trying to sell her something that she's not. Even the Democrats, I talked to them daily and they're wondering, how in the world does she get in there? I know for a fact that some were planning on running for this position when Joe Biden got out, and everybody told us, and this has been done, this is our plan, we're going to run her. He just, I just hope the American people don't buy into this because we need a strong leader in this country. And right now, first president, I don't know what day it is, it hadn't, but they're trying to keep Donald Trump out because they know he will do something for the American people and not for the deep state. Well, and you listen to her coach, she's, I saw that interview she did for Philadelphia TV last week. And then we saw the debate, there's all kinds of questions there. Did she get the, was she informed of the debate questions ahead of time? Probably the moderators or were on her side, but just with all the things she has going for, I mean, if you just look at it, take the party affiliation away, I don't see how people, especially Democrats feel good about her as a candidate, and I mean, maybe, maybe they will vote for anything with a D next to its name, but they're, I mean, they're really is something missing there with the other party's nominee. Oh, there's no doubt, I mean, you got some people up here in the Democratic side, Senators, Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, all of them that they're, they're a lifetime goal in efforts were put into trying to become the president of the United States. Now, all of a sudden, here comes this lady from California, it's never done anything that you just threw in as a running mate, and the running mate, she did, I don't know what she did, I mean, nobody, nobody knew, you know, she was the borders are, and we've had 10 to 15 million people come across the border in daily, told us, oh, the borders closed, and they're just trying to play off the uninformed public, you know, for this election, can they pull it off, there's a chance they might be able to, and have it help us if that happens, because we will never survive as a country if we get four more years of 10 to 20 million more people come in, because we're overrun as we speak, hospitals, education, or, you know, we're spending 10 billion a month on illegal immigrants, and it seems like the Democrats just don't care, they just want power and control, and they don't want to do anything for the working people, and I tell you what's going to happen, the American people who play these taxes have just about had it, and you're going to have an upper present, and so, you know, we don't need anything to happen, but first thing we need a fair election, whoever wins, that's the reason we had this safe act, Jeff, that I and Mike Lee, Senator Lee, came up with two months ago saying, listen, let's just pass this bill saying, only United States citizens invoke, and win or lose, whoever wins or ever loses, the other sides don't feel a lot better, every, almost every one of the Democrats have voted against this, Chuck Schumer won't bring it to the board, and you know what the reason it is, he goes, well, we already know that illegal, it's illegal to vote, newsflash to Chuck Schumer, it's also illegal to rob a bank, but people still do it, and we have to have some semblance of organization, a clean and fair election, because, let me tell you, if it was like it was last time, it is going to be chaos again, and I just hope that we people understand, hey, we're doing the best we can, you know, we're not just set to whatever happens up here, but because we can't afford, this country can't afford more chaos, we need to get back on the same page. Joy, bye, U.S. Senator Tommy Tumerville, here on the program for a few more minutes. Coach, let's talk about this Haitian migrant situation, I'm sure you're well aware of it, Silicaga, Aberville, Athens, has like now enterprise, here a little bit about Russellville, some other places, it's not a coincidence this is happening, you know, a lot of places, not just here in Alabama, but all around the country. What are you hearing there? Have you got any answers? What can you tell us? Oh, they're trying to hide it as much as they can, but we all know and saw about a year and a half, two years ago, where they had 20,000 Haitians that came to the border, you know, that we're trying to get across at one time, we stopped them, and then the Biden administration, a lot of them up on all buses and planes and sent them to South Florida. Now we had another influx coming only for the fact that Joe Biden, while Harris, stretch a law already in place and we're going to parole these people. We started years ago for people that if you need a heart transplant, if you need emergency surgery, you can't get it outside the country, we're going to let you come in and get that done and go home, but they use that to allow these Haitians, thousands and thousands of them that come into our country, emergency work effort and so they bust them. Yup, Gunnersville, Rainsville, Sillicaga, and they're running the streets. They don't have the money, they're trying to drive cars, they're crashing cars. Of course, they brought this up with President Trump in the debate and he said something about them, cats and dogs, and of course the Democrats just hit dog. This is fake news. It is not fake news. We all know in Alabama this is true, they're there, they're still coming. We can't stop them because we don't have the authority to stop because it's a parole, but this is what this administration is trying to do and I'm telling you, a huge part of these people will vote in our election and we're trying to stop it and trying to figure out how we can get this done to where we they do not have the ability and that goes back to the say-back of you have to be, yes, citizen to vote. So you think that they're gonna try to get them to register to vote in this election cycle potentially? Well, in some states, I think there's 19 blue states, not one one red state, blue states, they already give them the opportunity to get a driver's life. So what are they gonna do? They're gonna allow people to vote. When they go these drivers, a lot of the places and they go to Social Security office, which a lot of these are getting, they're getting the social security that you paid, by the way, that will not be available five or six years now, I couldn't get broke, yes, they're signing them up to vote. There's gonna be millions of them that will vote. Hopefully, this is just in the blue states where Republicans are probably not going to wait anyway, but the problem that we're having, Jeff, is they're sending these people to red states like Alabama. I was on a plane from Bogota, Colombia a few weeks ago. I went down there and looked at some talks of people down there about some Alabama businesses there to make sure that they're safe and protected. Coming back, half the plane was loaded with Venezuelans and Colombians. They all had things around their necks. They, "Hey, help us, we need help. We don't speak language." They had a vanilla envelope for, you know, they have money and cash. They were going to Houston and then from there, they dispersed throughout the country. But most of them are going to red states to where they can try to change the elections. Here's the thing, they brought in more illegal immigrants. I think it's 10 to 15 million. We really don't know. It could be closer to a coin, but they've changed. 13 to 15 areas where we're going to add a congressman, not this election, but the next election. So we'll have 15 different congresspeople in the next election because of the influx of illegal immigrants. I lost question. We'll get you out of here on this. What do you make of this though? The timing of this, the influx of the, especially these Haitian migrants, and you see it in red states, but maybe even some other states, this close to the election. Well, it is what it is. They try to take their focus off one thing. There's so many bad things going on right now in this country that we can't, we can't sustain as a democracy, as a constitutional republic. And that will happen. And so there's so many things going on, but they want to change it. These are all globalists, they don't want borders. They want a one world order. You see the Walla Harris and some of these white jobs going, hey, we got to turn the page on this old America and change it to something new. Well, we don't want to do that. We don't want to change it to socialism and communism, but that's what they want to do. And folks out there listening, it's going to work. Well, where do coach get this from? I live and breathe this every day for the last three and a half years. I've seen it, seen it with my eyes, listened to them. I'm real disappointed in a lot of the democrats up here that are not socialists, that are not communists, but they follow the party line, and they vote for this craziness because they won't get any campaign money to get reelected. That's the reason we have to have term limits up here. More and more important that we bring people up here. You do your job, and after a couple of terms, your tell goes home, and you can't manipulate the system. But it's what's scary right now is you have 40 or 48 days, and President Trump's are only hope along with, I think we'll get to the Senate, 51 to 53 seats. If things were to be revoked today, I think we'd get 51 to 53 seats, we'd gain majority, and we can stop some of this nonsense. But we can't have Kamala Harrison, they're doing all these executive orders like Joe Biden's done of men claiming women's sports, and spending money, like they just sent 700 million dollars to Ukraine on pallets, $100 bills wrapped in cellophane. You saw that there in Afghanistan, Obama was there, he said billions and did that. Well, what do you think they're going to do with cash? I mean, what do you do with cash? We're going to pay their government employees. No, you're not. You're going to still ever bid on it, and that's what they do. And I'm sure a lot of it comes back to people that organize it over here. So, yeah, I mean, this is a huge scam going on right now. And, you know, I'm scared to death. Also, hey, we've allowed, we're allowing Ukraine to shoot a long-range missiles into Russia. And so we're basically in a war now with Russia, which we shouldn't, they're all the way around the world. We've got a war here on within our borders, and this group doesn't even recognize it, but that's what they want. They will turmoil here, control whatever we do, lie to you every day, and end up putting us in a socialist communist state, and we're getting pretty close. Coach, as always, we appreciate your time. Stay safe up there, and let's talk again soon. All right, let's fight for 48 days. It's a big fight. Thank you, Jeff. Thank you. You, a Senator Tommy Tumblerville there. We got to get a break here, be right back. This is the Jeff Porte Show at the talk, 106-5. You're either going to get old, or I'm going to blow out my ears. Yeah, you're out there now. You've got no size, and I'm stuck here having a record. Yeah.