FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Joseph Brennan stopped in to talk about Son Of A Sailor Fest - Mobile Mornings - Wednesday 9-18-24

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

It is eight thirty six FM talk one oh six five mobile mornings with Dan and Dalton and my son Joseph Brennan. Good morning. Joe man. Aloha fellas. Aloha. Hey so last year you had you kind of describe what happened last year what happened and how all unfolded and then we'll get around to the actual festival this year. Yeah so son of a sailor fest which is on Saturday you know celebration of Jimmy Buffett it started last year when he died on September 1st that morning of September 2nd we saw the news nobody I mean a lot of people came as a shock well I mean within a couple hours I was texting with my friends John Killian at Braided River blowhouse brass band and you know we're all kind of downtown guys and we love Mardi Gras and we love Mobile and how we do things here so we got to we got to do something for Jimmy so we just threw together a second line parade got in touch with Grant at Mose barbecue downtown said hey can we do like a you know party after the second line parade here with some tribute musicians to Buffett he was down next thing you know we had a parade permit put it on Facebook we had thirty six hundred people show up from as far as Chicago Miami San Antonio I mean it was like a pilgrimage you know I keep describing it and you know parochial school educators might not like this but you know it's like the Camino de Santiago like of Jimmy Buffett you got it you got to go on this pilgrimage and part of that is Mobile yeah it's hometown yeah and when the people from out of town were fascinated by Mobile oh I mean it became such a great way to expose people to our city and how you know weeks can easily kind of take it for granted but this is a beautiful place and we have a really unique rich beautiful culture here laid back Gulf Coast style and a lot of people came down here and they were like they'd never even I mean I hate to say that some people hadn't heard of it you know and it came down there like this is awesome we love downtown we love Mobile Bay and yeah yeah and you know I didn't really I mean I didn't really think about it till now but last year to let people know about this you came on our station on TV but I imagine with these parrot heads there's so many of them and they've traveled for buffet concerts forever they've been to every I imagine the forums or wherever they congregate online we're just you know on fire with this news you're gonna have this but those who were actually able to travel from far away and love Jimmy Buffett so much maybe able to add like another connection to this man who they'd listen to forever maybe they've been to you know San Antonio to watch a show or Miami or Atlanta but to actually come to where Jimmy Buffett grew up it probably another connection they hadn't been able to make at that point yeah you you've been talking to me about that how that it's it's in their eyes it's all like sacred ground yeah because they're parrot heads and and they never came to Mobile but when they didn't I think when they came to Mobile and saw him being honored in that way that's what really got him yeah and I think you know we it all kind of made sense when you come here and there's a second line parade for Jimmy and it's part of our culture and you see kind of the beach vibe we have here this kind of New Orleans meets the beach I think a lot of these parrot heads they said I get it now I get how Jimmy Buffett could come from a place like this and so again this year we're doing that even more especially for people from out of town where they can come and really connect with his roots here and but more than that you know even if you're not like a parrot head we're celebrating what he embodied which is like Gulf Coast culture we love it we talk about it we don't exactly live it up as much as he did so he's sort of our patron saint yeah Gulf Coast culture having a good time and this festival is really just a platform to broadcast you know our culture down here by the water yeah and you're right Buffett was so I mean he he was it he was it if you could bottle up that kind of Gulf Coast vibe and and live it every day he did it yeah and how many people were you expecting to show up last year and were you surprised at how many did show up I mean look I'm notoriously well first of all I'm bad at the numbers in general you know I can't count above 10 probably you know I don't even know if I can but 11 11 that's it yeah but I mean last year I put on the parade sorry mobile PD but you guys were amazing and we love you I put 100 people on the parade permit yeah 3600 showed up this year where you should have been jail I should have been arrested but they had a great time the you know central precincts did an incredible job thank you captain Garrett yeah so this year you know we're expecting if not more you know I mean a big crowd yeah and that so the difference between this event and that event now it's city sanctioned yeah so the mobile visit mobile has gotten involved so you know they've they've helped you with funding and that kind of thing for we've got a what well we've got a lot of great partners with this visit mobile downtown Alliance the city of Mobile Mobile County just to name a few and yeah if I could just kind of describe what is going on this year as opposed to last year sure this is a free downtown music festival in Cathedral Square kicked off with a second line parade just like last year at 11 15 this when the second line kicks off and then at noon in Cathedral Square it's music all day and we're gonna have the streets Kantian Dauphin Street blocked and that the block of Dauphin with heroes to load a beer garden that will just that will be pedestrian only it'll be like a midway at a fair you know you can be at Cathedral Square and then freely go over grab a go drink from cocktail from debris or heroes or halis and then come back over should you bring your own chairs yeah you know I think that's a great idea bring some you know bring a bag chair prepare to you know be comfortable yeah consider all day event yeah consider it a day at the beach bring a chair it's a free event it's a Alabama by week the weather's looking great we're gonna have some food trucks down there island routes smoking gringos we're gonna have Caribbean Mexican shaved ice ice cream food truck this is a family friendly event I think you know why not come on down and the music is gonna be incredible if I could talk about yeah please please yeah first of all our headliner starting at 5 30 well first you you need to get there the whole day because at I guess I'll start at the beginning we have blowhouse brass band leading the second line it's kicking off at 11 15 starting at the Riverview Plaza Hotel if anyone was there last year that's where we started last year right they're gonna have an outdoor bar set up we're starting our day early yeah get there at like 10 10 30 you know meet up with your friends and then 11 15 we're striking up the band blowhouse will bring us all the way to Cathedral Square down off and street they'll take the stage they might even have some buffet up their sleeves that they've got some horn arrangements for which will be really interesting nice nice um right after that we've got street folks which is a trap rock act in from mobile they've been they've kind of emerged as this like really great trap rock bands playing it all over Mobile Bay so they're gonna kick off the day with good vibes yeah after that speaking of vibes from Jamaica and Pensacola Florida we have Vi by Rhee they are a reggae incredible reggae band they've opened for the whalers um wow and I mean talk about you know you got a drink in your hand you got reggae music I mean you got sunny sunny skies 89 degrees yeah so then waiting on Alabama to beat the hell out of Georgia right next week next week yeah there is no Alabama let me repeat there no Alabama game um as if that wasn't enough after Vi by Rhee we have Will Kimbro from Mobile a lot of people know Will incredible musician incredible songwriter he has written and performed on every buffet album for the last 20 years he goes I mean his relationship with Jimmy is huge and intimate and they they work together closely for the last 20 years his set is gonna be really special he's gonna play his music music he wrote with Jimmy and each in between songs telling stories of what it was like to work with him stories nobody's heard before yeah that's awesome and uh yeah so if you're a fan you don't want to miss that and then to cap it off with a 1a the Jimmy Buffett coral reefer tribute show I think this kind of you know makes the point pretty clear they filled in for the coral reefers so the coral reefers couldn't make it to a show Jimmy called this band wow they are that's an endorsement right there if you can't make it to a coral reefer Jimmy Buffett coral reefer show this is it so they're going to be putting on a great two-hour show I mean this is like electrifying show 13-piece band horn section that'll be at 530 wow so and if you know if you're planning on being there all day which why not yes you have this whole day stacked full with awesome acts and and good times I mean obviously you need to take your usual things like if you were going to a festival maybe make sure you have some water make sure you've got something comfy with you stay cool but uh what kind of dress code are we talking about here Joseph I mean Hawaiian shirts is like the minimum if you know parent heads it's like Mardi Gras you know I mean elaborate costumes are encouraged we're having a costume contest on stage uh during the day you you got to get get that competitive spirit get some kind of crazy headpiece think of a costume um last year we had some people dressed up as cheeseburgers and a kosher pickle and you know all sorts of crazy costumes so you have to have the flip-flops flip-flops I mean okay so if you if you're not going to do a costume which we really think you should uh just comfortably yeah it's a day at the beach and by the way there's a VIP experience too and so everything is free but if you want to be a VIP that's a different level yeah and I really I can't say enough about this VIP experience if you want to put your cares away not worry about you know food drink anything do the VIP experience very important parrot head very important pirate pirate okay parrot head is good too um yeah so Saturday during the day hmm thanks to our friends at corona all the corona you want um that's the coolest sentence of ever i know right thanks to our friends at corona yeah and yeah thanks to our friends at corona we have the corona cabana it'll be our VIP hospitality tent you got shade you've got food thanks to mose barbecue you've got corona you've got water I mean what more do you want you there's one more do you need really we're gonna have some yard games some cornhole you got a front row zone only for the VIPs nice so you can just go get a beer walk up to the front row walk back you don't have to worry about pushing through people um we've got our private portalets so don't be waiting in line these are the portalets just for VIPs transportation downtown you've got a shuttle if you're if you're saying hey i want to do it upright stay at a hotel we've got a shuttle thanks to gulf coast trolley tours going from hotel to uh to cathedral square wow um i didn't know bad a lot i mean so the value really i mean you if you really want a big you know hey let's not worry about anything let's stay downtown let's do the VIP yeah and the maybe the coolest part is friday night vip welcome party uh it's at the admiral hotel which by the way if you haven't seen the new activated admiral i haven't been there yet it's beautiful incredible yeah here's what's special about it jimmy buffett when he was starting out 1969 23 years old he got his first following playing at the admiral's corner the bar at the admiral hotel and now we're bringing it all back we're having our welcome party there and the coolest thing is we're having a talk and q&a with product sound studios the studio that recorded his first album in 1969 they're going to be there they'll be telling stories q&a if you're a fan you can't get closer to his story then being in the room with the guys that recorded him when he was 23 and nobody knew him that's amazing yeah so that's so cool that's Milton Brown Milton Brown and a lot of people know john ed Thompson as mobiles weatherman he uh he has a long history in songwriting and he ran the studio with Milton so that's gonna of course be cocktails beer wine hors d'oeuvres good times and connecting with his roots so really that welcome party is going to be something special and that's for the VIP so if you click the VIP tab you'll be able to access all of that and yeah and make the deal right go to the VIP page and you'll see all those perks again and then you can easily you know get your passes yeah and also we have some buffets uh some of the family gonna be at that party so again if you're a fan and you want to have the best weekend possible you know the VIP is the way to go yeah sounds like it dude you did it i mean this year this sounds amazing i mean to start this last year the way you did and that was such a success i can't even imagine what things are gonna look like saturday and uh friday night for those VIPs that's great and i'd love that the way that's gonna be great and it's the last day of summer which is yeah pretty ironic astronomical calendar yeah saturday's the last day of summer so uh i think that's pretty perfect uh it is perfect man great work on that you and john both and all the factions that are involved but i know that's a lot of the rest of it on you so way to go well thanks so friday of course i'll be doing football then saturday i'm yours all day for sure yeah that's looking forward to yeah uh again go to son of a sailor yes sos sos okay all right i'm gonna talk with uh jeff poor i believe find out what's going on with his show right around the corner i'm mobile mornings now fm talk 1 0 6 5 the gulf coast weather authority and dr bill william's gulf coast can expect mostly sunny skies today with a slight chance of an afternoon shower thunderstorm high temperatures will be at the upper eighties tonight mostly clear lows around 70 today tomorrow sunny what i have to do readings around 90 degrees this is meteorologist dr bill william for fm talk 1 0 6 5 fm talk 1 0 6 5 The Gulf Coast Weather Authority.