FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The George Williams Show 9-17-24 George exposes threats to democracy

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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It's time for the George Williams Show on FM Talk 1065. George Williams, retired U.S. Marine Major, Vietnam veteran, retired federal agent, former vice chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and World Traveler, brings his wealth of information sharing his thoughts on today's politics and taking your calls and texts at 251-343-0106. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome, welcome everyone out there in Radio Land, I'm George Williams, your host and this is the George Williams Show. Folks, we're so glad to be sitting behind the mic tonight, there's so much happening. Unfortunately, a lot of it is not good, especially being perpetrated by the Democrats, but we're going to talk about that. Our number here is 251-343-0106 and you can have relatives and friends who are outside our listening area listening at, that's Now, folks, we are on the mission, we're definitely on the mission. Our mission is to get as many Democrats out of office as we can, AKA demon crafts, because in my opinion, only demons will do what these people are doing to America and to the American people. Only demons, folks, and I really mean that, I really mean that. They are trying to destroy America as we know it, but I guess what folks, it's not going to happen. It's not going to allow you to do it, okay? You may want to do it, or try to do it, but we're going to stop you through all you demon crafts out there. All right, folks, there's a lot to talk about, let's see, what's some of our subject matters. Sheriff Joe Arpaio, he'll be coming to Mobile, we'll be talking about that, we'll be talking about the summer meeting that we had over this past weekend in Montgomery, the Alabama Republican GOP Executive Committee, and on Friday night, guest speaker with Laurie Trump, and she did a very good job, and then we had our regular meeting on Saturday, so that was good. We got quite a few things accomplished, and especially when you talk about Democrats who are trying to run as Republicans, okay, we're not going to let you do it. If you run as a Democrat and you try to sneak in and run as a Republican, you're not going to be able to do it. We're going to suspend you for at least six years, okay? So, my advice to you Democrats, if you want to switch to the party, you can, you can switch. You can switch, you know, let us know you want to vote Republican and you vote for Republican candidates, but if you're out there voting for Democrats, just forget it, and then you try to run under the Republican umbrella, you're not going to do it, okay? So that is going to be very important for this election and elections to come, all right? All right, what else are we going to talk about? We're going to talk about the Ukraine and the restrictions. Hopefully, they'll be lifted, Russia is bombing the capital of Ukraine and all those cities and they're killing thousands of people. Well, hey, I believe in you, you're returning the favor, okay? So Ukraine, we've got the lifted restrictions off of Ukraine and we surprise them with the ammo, so let them do their job, folks. Let them do the Washington. Let them do their job. If Russia bombed them, then you bomb Moscow. You burn the capital of Ukraine, then Ukraine should bomb Moscow, all right? That's what you guys do. So we'll be talking about that and what happened in Lebanon today with these beepers and pagers, this is interesting, folks. They're accusing Israel of doing it, but we're going to get into that. Now, remember, the election is in November and we are, I know today we had in Baldwin County voter registration drives, okay, at our two headquarters in Foley, one in Foley, one in Daphne. So we're going to be having those and folks, if you want absentee ballots, you know, you can get those, you still have the opportunity to get those before the November 5th election. All right, here we go again. Joe Appaya, who was considered the meanest chef in America, as you know, he's retired now and he lives in Phoenix, Maricopa County, and he's a legend in Phoenix, primarily because of the fact that he felt that prisoners should be punished and not living in luxury. So he took away TV, he took away all that luxury stuff and then put him in tents, okay. And then he even changed the underwear to Candy Stripe because he told me they kept stealing them and the thievery subsided after changing the color of underwear. Well, I just got off the phone before I came on the air and he's looking forward to coming to Mobile on October the 11th, okay. He will be at the Marriott Hotel and he will be the guest speaker of the Alabama minority GOP. Well, for you who don't know what they are, the Alabama minority GOP, remember, there are many subunits in the Alabama Republican Party. You have the women Republican. You have the college Republicans. You have the minority GOP Republicans. So you have them all, but they are, we are all Republican folks and don't forget that. We are all Republicans, okay. And we come under the wing of the Alabama Republican Party. So the minority GOP invited chef Joe Appiah to come to Mobile to be our guest speaker. And I'm proud to say that I was the one extended the invitation at the directions of the minority GOP because I know Joe Appiah has been known him for years. He is a retired DEA special agent, special agent in charge. He is a legend in DEA. I remember when I first came on with DEA, I would hear about a couple of names. One was Frank White, okay, who is a legend in DEA. Joe Appiah is another guy. You may have heard Popeye Doyle during the French connection in the early '70s. He was a New York City cop, but Joe Appiah is a lot more famous in Popeye Doyle, folks. Let me tell you, and he's got nerves, he's got guts, which is what we Republicans need. And he's the one who conducted the investigation of Obama's birth certificate, and according to his investigators, it was a phony birth certificate, remember, during their first four years of Obama, he never come up with a birth certificate, okay, never. And then all of a sudden, with all that pressure, he finally come up with it, and he submitted a birth certificate. I call Obama the humanitarian candidate because, in my mind, he wasn't eligible to be the president. He's a liar, and he wrote that book about his father, et cetera, et cetera, from Kenya, you know, mystery, mystery, mystery. That's what his growing up was all about, okay. And so as a result of that, they kind of sort of prosecuted Joe Appiah under the umbrella of him not treating the prisoners well, et cetera, et cetera. It reminds you of what they're doing to President Trump right now, okay, the courts. And they did the same thing to Joe Appiah, and they found him guilty, okay. It was a railroad, kangaroo court, we call it, they found them guilty. And President Trump, when he came into office, he pardoned a sheriff Appiah, all right. He pardoned him because he knew it was nothing but a kangaroo court for what they did to him. So he's going to be talking about that. As you know, last month, Trump had a rally in Phoenix, and he called Joe Appiah up on the stage. I mean, he's really, he is, Trump loves this guy, he loves him. And so Joe, Joe will be our guest, okay, and quite a few people have expressed interest in him coming to Mobile, and I'm looking forward to it. I really am. I'm looking forward. I was on the phone with him today, and he's looking forward to it. So this is what we're going to be doing, 11, October, all right, folks? Don't forget that. Now, you can get your tickets or be a come sponsor at a l m g o p dot org a l m g o p dot org. We'll be talking about this more, and we'll have him as a guest. Hopefully he'll call in tonight. I hope so. We'll be right back after these messages. Welcome back to the George William show, your texts and comments at two by one three four three zero one oh six now, making the mission possible. Here's George Williams. Welcome back. Welcome back. I am George Williams, your host, and this is the George William show. Our number here is two five one three four three zero one zero six. And we're so glad to be behind the mic tonight. We are on a mission, folks. We are on a mission. We have to be because those idiots in Washington and those specially democratic elected officials are they've gone crazy. They have gone crazy. So folks, we've got to get our people in office in November, November 5th. We've got to do that. Okay. All right. Okay, I told you about our summer meeting, I told you about the sheriff coming in and right now we're going to be talking about something that's very serious and me being a retired federal agent and a retired military officer of Vietnam US Marine Corps Vietnam vet folks, this is frightening, this is frightening what they are what this person or day we don't know yet. We don't know yet. But you know, he was waiting in Marlock and I've played golf numerous times at Marlock home. Okay. I played golf. Beautiful golf course. Beautiful. There are several meetings at the center there and you know, did he act alone? We don't know. We don't know folks. Hopefully the investigators will find out, you know, if this guy acted alone. But for what I would like to ask is how did he know where to go? We have to he would have had to do some surveillance, okay, and rehearsal in order to sneak into that golf course, all right, and await the arrival of President Trump who was two holes back and they say he was about 400 yards from where Trump was supposed to be at I guess on the tee. I don't know which hole it is. I know the golf course like the palm of my head, but how did he know how to get there? You know, did someone help him? Did someone help him? I don't know, but I think he should be given some sodium pentatol, the truth serum, okay, so that we can learn the truth. Now the young man who shot him as shot president Trump, he's dead, so he can't do that with him, okay, he was killed. But with this guy who's still alive, we've got to try something to find out if this was a long off or if this was a conspiracy, conspiracy. I don't know, I don't know, I'm going to be talking to some of the federal agents find out what they think about this, but it's right in the vote. And notice it's only geared towards Republicans that, in my opinion, that tells you how frightened they are of Trump when in this election, when two times in the last eight weeks they want to assassinate him, okay, they want to assassinate him. Also, it tells you about our presidential and vice presidential candidate on the Democratic side, they're running from the media, this thing the other day with Harris and this so called news conference, no, no, that's not what we want to see, okay. That is scripted. We don't want to see that. We want to see you in front of 10 media individuals, okay, and let them ask you questions and you respond to it. That's what we want to see. Like Trump does almost every day, he doesn't hide from the media. Now you got that coward and liar waltz, okay, the vice presidential candidate running and hiding from the media, okay. Now you got him doing it, news media folks, you need to get some guts, you need to get some guts and ask a tough question, like you asked President Trump, all right, he'd get before you and you asked him all of those personal and tough questions. But when Harris is before you, you just guide her, okay. You probably prearrange the question. This is not good folks, I'm used to Walter Kankai, Douglas Edwards, those news, Chad Huntley, David Brinkley, they were news, they were news media people, okay. Not these idiots, especially on the Clinton News Network, AKA, CNN, MSLSD because it appears to me like they're all on something over there, LSD and ABC and CBS and all of those stations. It's unbelievable how these folks are trying to enhance Harris and waltz. It's unbelievable, totally unbelievable how they're trying to do that and why they're trying to do it, okay. And then you look at the courts with these phony charges, you know, someone said the other day, yeah, he's been convicted of 34 charges. Are you kidding me with that kangaroo court, 34, that's, I shared this on, on, on, uh, um, on Facebook, how can a man up until the age of 77, okay. Never had anything against, uh, wrong in his 77 years, uh, with the law, no run-ins, et cetera, et cetera and all of a sudden at his age and he is convicted of all these charges. How can, how can that happen? Well, I can tell you how it happened through phony, um, kangaroo court and that's what it's all about. Why down Harris or waltz go in front of the media and answer questions like, uh, Trump and Vance are doing. Why are they not doing that? They are afraid, folks. They are afraid. They are afraid. You know why? Because they can't talk about their record. They can't talk about it. It is so dismal, so bad, all right. Look at waltz. Uh, uh, I was told he's one of the worst governors Minnesota has ever had and as a result he allowed Chinese to set up office in Minnesota. He's gone over to China numerous times. Now what relationship should a governor have with the Chinese, which is a communist regime? All right. And then he allowed the Chinese to open up offices in Minnesota. Well, you know who that is, folks. That's the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese Intelligence outfit, okay? That's who it is. This man is dangerous, Mr. Waltz. It's catching up to him. Same way with Kamala Harris catching up to her. Very, very, very dangerous, very dangerous. So my thing is to those two who's running for president and vice president, guess what? Go before the news media, live on TV, make it live. Go before a press conference, answer question, unscripted, unscripted. Answer the question, just like a Trump and JD Vance are going, are doing. Media stop them. They'll stop and they'll respond, okay? The media goes to Harris or Waltz and they keep walking, keep walking. Simply because they don't have a record to stand on. They don't have it. So this is what's happening, think about that, and also think about your pocketbooks. How many people out there who's got a family working, trying to make it? You just can't hardly go and buy three bags of groceries even and more and more, but you see people, okay, see them pushing one and two carts, full, full, and you can tell because those people are way overweight. They have all that food, okay? And you're a working class individual, working class, trying to support your family and you can't afford a half a cart of food and you're working, you know, 40, 50, 60, 70 hours a week. Think about that. And you still want to vote for those two idiots in Washington? I don't understand, I don't understand, why? Why would you vote for somebody? And the worst thing about it is if Harris gets in, which she won't, she won't vote, she is going to make it worse than what she and Biden are doing now. She wants to do away with personal health, private health. You want to put it all on the one umbrella, which means you will be paying for all those other, you know, illegals and non-citizens and all of that. Folks, thank you, Biden, don't vote for those who don't vote for them, we'll be right back after these messages. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your texts and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now, making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome back, welcome back, folks, our number here is 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. We are on a mission, folks, we are on a mission. All right, let's see what else we're going to cover here. Ooh, we have a lot to talk about, okay? Voter registration, folks, there are several voter registration offices in the Baldwin County, Mobile County area, and Washington County, Scambia County, go register to vote, okay? This is so important, we've got to get you out there and register to vote. If you are unable to go out on election day, you still have time to get an absentee ballot, okay? You have time to get an absentee ballot, and it's very easy to do, very easy to do. We've got to make sure we have every Republican registered to vote for November 5th election. We have to do that, folks. We have to do it, okay? So let's get it done, let's get it done, and that is very, very, very important, very, very, very important. So this is what we are going to be done doing until the time is up, where you can't register anymore, okay? And I think it's around the 5th of October, somewhere around there is the last day of registration for voter registration. One good thing that the Secretary of State is doing, he is purging the roles of dead people, one U.S. citizen, illegals, purging them from the voter registration role, voter roles, okay? And guess what? Guess who is fighting? The unfamous NAACP and some of the other groups, because they're saying it's voter suppression, or that is total bull, okay? Every state in this union should purge their role of dead people, and illegals, and none the United States citizens, every state should be doing that, but guess what? The Democrats' states are not doing that, you know why? Because they want those dead people to vote for them, in my opinion. They want those dead people. I wonder how many dead folks, the Democratic Party, have voted for them nationwide every election. Think about that, folks, how many dead folks are voting in the national, local, state election? Good question, good question. So we have to prepare, and I know one thing that they are in C, the Republican National Committee. We had a briefing from them when we had our meeting over this past weekend, and they have hired hundreds of lawyers that will be on standby during the November 5 election to challenge any irregularities that are going to be before us by the Democrats, okay? Hundreds of lawyers that we're going to hire to protect our voting rights and our voters will come out to vote, and hopefully to catch those illegals who are voting for the Democratic Party and non-U.S. citizen. So we are preparing as best we can, I know, and I can't think of the state, they purged over 10,000 illegals and non-U.S. citizen offered their states a voter list and gets who's fighting them, the NAACP. Now the acronym NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advanced of Color People, okay? It was created around 1909 by a white female who felt that black people needed something to help the advancement of equal rights, okay? But look what the NAACP has turned into. Unbelievable. They're surrogates for the Democratic Party. I used to be in my younger days a member of the NAACP, at that time folks, they cared about everybody, they cared about everybody. And both parties, they didn't, you know, side one way or the other. They just wanted equal rights for black folks, and I saw nothing wrong with that. I saw nothing wrong, but over the years, okay, over the years, they have graduated and they've drifted and drifted away from what the NAACP was created for, okay? Now in my opinion, in my opinion, they are the racist group. They really are, you know, when you look at all these rainbow coalition, national action group, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and all those folks, okay? My God, those are the racist groups, those are the racist groups. I asked myself one question, tell me why when Martin Luther King came up and started, you know, the anti-segregationist movement, why didn't he follow the umbrella of the NAACP? He didn't, for a reason, and that tells you something right there. What he did was created his own group, that's what they did, SCLC, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, okay? That's the umbrella in which he operated on that, not the NAACP. And I'll tell you another thing, when Martin Luther King first started and he was doing these marches, that's who was out there with him, the Republicans, the Republicans were with him. It wasn't the Democrats, it was the Democrats who were the racist, the Dixie Crats, etc., etc. It was the Republicans who sponsored the Civil Rights Bill of '64, Gerald Ford, who later became president for, and Senator Edward Dierksen. Gerald Ford was a congressman, he presented the bill on the congressional side, and Senator Dierksen presented the bill, introduced the bill on the Republican side, on the Senate side, and President Johnson finally acquiesced and said, "Okay, we need to do this." It's about time, it's about time we supported. So Johnson didn't have to call the Republicans in the Senate and the Congress to support it. He had to call the Democrats, folks, you know, strong Thurmond, Jesse Helms, those groups, the Dixie Crats, and they finally acquiesced. So that's how the Civil Rights Bill was passed, okay? And that's when a lot of black folks went over to the Democratic Party because they thought it was the Democrats who passed the Civil Rights Bill. It was not, it was the Republicans, it was the Republicans, and that's very important, because I was a Democrat at that time, I was a Democrat. But I came over under the umbrella of President Reagan because I was with the government, I was a federal agent at that time, I was in the military reserves, and Carter was so weak, President Carter was so weak, and Reagan was so strong, and I said, "No, I can't go with this week, week, week, week, being a farmer." So I went with Reagan, and I've been a Republican every time, every time. So this is the reason, at that time he had a lot of blacks going over to the Democratic Party. I was talking to my grandparents, they were Republicans, my grandmother and grandfather were from Evergreen on my mother's side and Snow Hill, my grandmother Snow Hill, and on my father's side they were from Mount Sterling, Troctaw County, okay, and they were Republicans. Later on, their children became Democrats, because they came up during the King era, and before the King era, and they became Democrats. But my grandparents, I remember them fussing at my mother and father sometime, and they were talking about Democrats and Republicans, my grandfather said, "What is wrong with you, fool? Don't you know who fled to save?" So it was unbelievable, unbelievable, and I was listening to that with my grandparents, and they're both from Alabama, both. Both of my grandmother were Indians. On my mother's side, she was a Creek Indian, she was born in Snow Hill in the tribal area out there, and my grandmother on my father's side, she was Troctaw from Troctaw County, and they both married my great grandparents, they both married slaves, both married slaves. So that's a little bit of history on my background, but the main thing is the Democrats are doing no good to the American people and America right now. They are fighting to get illegals to write the vote, and even illegals, you can't vote. The Constitution said you must be a United States Senator, but the Democrats don't care, and they're fighting in courts all over the U.S. when we try to get the voter votes trimmed down, get the illegals out of there, they're dead people, they don't want that to happen. The Democrats don't want ID for vote, voter ID, why not? Why not? The NAACP, when they have their state conferences, a national conference, that's what they want. They want ID, you have to present ID in order to get in. So if you have to present ID in order to get in, why do you not have to have ID in order to vote? I have a buddy in New Jersey, my high school buddy. He liked the fact that they don't have voter ID in New Jersey. He loved it, and I told him, he loved it because, you know, illegals about it. And believe in me, they're voting, they're voting, and they should not be voting. But this is why the Democrats are destroying America. They are destroying America, and we must stop, and I think we, you, everybody, we must stop them. And I'm so glad that a lot of the Democrats are not going to vote in this election in November. They are upset with Harris, they're upset with our running mate, they are, their pocket book is empty. Okay? Now remember, even if you don't vote, if a Democrat don't vote in this election, that's a vote for Donald Trump, that's a vote for Trump. That is a vote for Trump. So whichever, if you don't vote, good. If you're going to vote Republican, all right, we'll be right back folks after these messages. Welcome back to the George Williams Show, your text and comments at 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. Now making the mission possible, here's George Williams. Welcome back, welcome back, George Williams Show, and I'm here, it's 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6. What else are we talking about today? Well, something is very important, it's happening over in the Middle East, and the Israelis have not admitted to it, and I can't blame them, but it is unbelievable how this could happen. First of all, it was unbelievable how the head of Hamas was killed in Iran, in Tehran, in that one of the most fortified cities in the world, and the Israelis have not admitted to that, but everybody's saying it's the Israelis, but anyway, it was an ingenious operation, and at the same time, the head of the second most powerful Hezbollah in Lebanon was killed. So everybody said Israel, but folks, today, yesterday, here's what happened in Lebanon. Some things happen that is almost incredible, like I said, I've been in a war, I've been in a war, but I don't know how the head, it was sabotage, I know it was sabotage, they're blaming it on Israel, but it could have been conducted by someone in Lebanon, it could have been, but here's what happened, they have ordered thousands of pages, no, and they've issued those two Hezbollah members, mainly the head honchos, in my opinion. When the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon had one, and that's how they communicate, because they don't want to do it over a cell phone, and let me tell you, when you talk over a phone, up in the air, they can pick it up, that's how we got Pablo Escobar, he was talking to his son and his wife on cell phone, and one of our planes up in the sky picked it up, and zeroed in, and let the ground unit to know where he was at, so that's how he got it, and so, they, who remember they were, issued these pages, and all of a sudden, ammo, all over Lebanon, who never had these pages, they exploded, and numerous people got killed, and about 3,000 of them were wounded, yeah, injured, okay, my folks, I can tell you, I don't know how this was done, but I tell you what, remember the thought of it, wow, you need to be a general, you need to be a general, who never thought of that, because some of these people, and these were all guerrillas, most of them were guerrillas who were injured, they were Hezbollah, they're not just regular civilian, these are members of Hezbollah, they issued those pages, so they can communicate, because they do not want to use the cell phone, I'm sure, and they issued thousands of them for thousands, so if they say that they are 3,000 injured, you better believe 6 or 12,000, because they have over 100,000 troops, you better believe it, they're more than 6,000, or 3,000 injured, but it's ingenious, ingenious, so it was definitely, in my opinion, an inside job, because a lot of good people in Lebanon don't want Hezbollah there, but they have the weapons, they have the weapons, how can you have 10,000 United Nations troops in Lebanon to preserve the peace and they're doing nothing, nothing to stop Hezbollah from bombing Israel, it sounds like a UN conspiracy with Hezbollah, that's what it sounds like to me folks, believe me, it sounds like that, because they're doing nothing, and they've got some good equipment to stop them, good equipment, so in order for this to happen, there must have been some inside operatives who got these pages and distribute them to the Hezbollah fighters, had to be ingenious, ingenious, they need more, they need to do more, if it was Israel, I congratulate you, I congratulate you, ingenious, I know when I was smaller, they used to say, don't bother the Jewish people, they're God's holy people, God is not going to allow you to destroy Israel and the Israeli people, so, Lebanon, hopefully you've learned your lesson, hopefully, if not, there should be more of this against you, against you tyrants, you should be more, I wonder what Iran is saying, because the ambassador to Iran was one of the victims, I know they said he's injured, they didn't say the extent of his injury, now why would the ambassador, the Iranian ambassador from Lebanon have one of those pages, instead of a cell phone, why would he have one, in my opinion, to communicate with the Lebanese terrorists, that's why, and if the ambassador have one, then you know that there's some Iranian revolutionary guards with them, okay, so how many of them received the explosion, how many, good question, good question, so folks, this is really interesting, interesting news, alright, I think we have a caller, I think we have a caller, no they hung up, oh they're okay, alright, a caller hung up, but anyway, this is the, this is so important that's happening over in the Middle East, so the Israelis get them, wipe them out, wipe them out, because if you don't do it, they're gonna wipe you out, okay, and Kuwait, folks lift the restrictions so that the Russians can get their behinds torn up, they can receive equal treatment, okay, this is, this is so important folks, this is so important, remember folks, Joe Appaya, Sheriff Appaya will be in Mobile on 11 October to speak as a special guest, and we're looking forward to that, alright, until next week, we will see you and until then, have a good day, I'll see you again.