Gwynn & Chris On Demand

9.23.24 Gwynn & Chris 2 pm: Padres sweep!

Tony and Skraby were fired up to talk about a Padres sweep, some conference news from the Pac 12, Padres Pen Pals!

Broadcast on:
23 Sep 2024
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We were supposed to be ready to go but clearly working our way to being ready welcome in to Gwen and Chris Tony Gwen jr. Matt Scravey Chris Ello still on vacay. Padres shortly will be headed up north to Los Angeles for a three-game set. Padres with a terrific terrific home stand. Five and one. It's pretty good pretty pretty pretty good pretty good and because they beat the Astros they won that series they did what they're supposed to do everybody got their sweep everybody they did what they were supposed to do they had a couple comebacks they had they had to battle adversity on Friday night after everybody thought the game was over they tied up Padres win Fernando walk off so many great things a lot of good things man Padres just continue to keep rolling along I mean there's really not a lot different about what's happening offense continues to do enough they haven't had one of those like explosive maybe they have wins let me go through my scorecards that I have here but the offense most certainly has been consistent during this time span I get you on camera while you go into that yeah you go ahead you you give me a camera they put up six on Saturday but that they had to they had to do that and they got those last couple of late it was nice to see them do that and I guess the point I'm trying to make is the Padres can win a whole bunch of different ways and have one in a whole bunch of different ways you just you got to be pretty excited and confident where this team is right now this is probably going to be one of the best setting up to be one of the best weeks of baseball you know for the Padres if they can if they can pull it off and you know the National League West is is is a real thing right now with six games to go three games back six games to go by the way the Dodgers it would have been two games back had the Dodgers not come back went back to back in the bottom of the ninth against the Rockies in yesterday's game it's show hey goes deep moogie beds goes deep they keep the they win the game and it keeps the Padres at three so I mean it's certainly not impossible it's a it's a it's a client let's say the Padres sweep the Dodgers I imagine the emotion of pulling that off with three to go would be pretty high and then to turn around and then have to play the Diamondbacks who in all likeliness will be fighting for their playoff souls because remember we're three games ahead of them right now they would love to host a series and and do the same thing the Padres are trying to do right now so two teams three teams total the two series between these between these teams are going to be going to be a lot of fun scrape I mean I just really it's it's crazy to me after everything that's happened this year that the Padres have a chance of the N.O. West after everything like going into the final week you couldn't ask for more because I think coming into the year all of us were hoping for a wild card not a division and now they're on the doorstep of possibly taking the division yeah I mean it I hadn't thought about it until Bill Center tweeted it the other day 1996 it started oh yeah explain this to me it starts to roll so the pot the difference is the Padres face the Dodgers with the last three games of the season with the division on the line in 1996 Padres at that point hadn't been to the playoffs since 84 the difference here this this time around the Dodgers the Padres are facing with three games after their series so the Padres end up I think the Padres are two games now from the Dodgers going in the last three game they win Friday night they win Saturday night on a single by my pops and then they win on Sunday there's usually it was Saturday day it was a Fox game they win the following day on Sunday on a double by my uncle Chris and that put the pod they gave the Padres a division and then their their reward was to play the Cardinals and then they got swept through reward huh but yeah because that's you know but prior to us beating the Cardinals and what was that 2020 and when they had the 2020 yeah like the Cardinals had dominated the Padres from that point on through the early 2000s in the playoffs so that was kind of remember I don't know if you remember that was kind of like getting over their hump but I digress it's setting up similarly but the Padres just have three more games after and those three games after will probably be just as significant because even the Padres then go sweep the the Dodgers to tie now you're facing the Diamondbacks who you got a you know a loss there because I think the Dodgers in if I'm not mistaken they end with somebody weak the Rockies there you go which is probably a benefit to to the Padres because anything happened and that's in that stadium there the Rockies were trying to play spoiler all weekend and I respect that good for them they good for them but they didn't accomplish it I mean they they could only you know it's it's funny it's like Dave Marcus was going off on oh what did Dave have to say Dave Marcus was going off on the Marlins he's going off on the Marlins you know the Braves lose yes we would have had the chance to the Clint yesterday now it turned out the Mets didn't but the break you know but as I told him I was like hey man they're they're one of the worst teams for a reason like I know they are trying to play spoiler but they are behind the eight ball they they have almost lost a hundred games this season so I mean it's not as though as a team that is really dependable it's like they're depending on we're just depending on the Marlins to take care it's almost like almost like the Diamondbacks depending on the White Sox to come in here and handle the Padres right yeah it's just it's it's not likely that's a good point you can't expect bad teams to win right it'd be different if it was a team I mean these are two of the come of the worst teams in baseball right now yeah nonetheless Padres only in hand this was a that this was a homestead in which they could have lost ground but they end up gaining ground really all the way around game ground in division game ground in a wild card Padres magic number is one they can clench a playoff spot with a win tomorrow night in Los Angeles that is the only way they can clench tomorrow if they lose even a loss by the Braves to the Mets tomorrow would leave open the remote possibility of a three way tie between the three teams that would end with the Padres as the odd team that's that's their like pessimistic view point of whoever out when I read that this morning there's a shiver that went down my spine because I'm like wait a second yeah you're telling me there's a chance they could be the odd team out there is really not even a sign that that could even happen no there's no sign that's the thing right the Padres aren't playing in a way that could even lend you to believe that there's a possibility that could happen and quite frankly they haven't played that way since the beginning of the second half I take it back since after the first game the seven nothing drubbing in Cleveland yes after that point they haven't played they haven't shown any signs of that at any point Bryce Miller wrote an article today in the San Diego Union Tribune about why this team is a match up nightmare for other teams it is and the quotes throughout really tell me where this clubhouse is at because you got Donovan Solana who's been on a lot of playoff teams he said that this is a complete team a lot of the other guys were saying that this is a complete team no one wants to face the bullpen no one wants to face the lineup right now I mean the Padres we always talk about it's the team that gets high or is playing the best when they go into the playoffs that is dangerous and the Padres to me are one of the most dangerous teams I had a friend text me yesterday man they can't even barely beat the White Sox and I mean my friends listening so that's your voice for you I barely beat the White Sox but how I looked at it yesterday was they needed to execute to win a game and they did it doesn't matter that it came it was just nice to see them execute get the sack fly do all the things that they need to do to win and that's what happened by the way and that's what they do all the time they're playing great baseball right yeah that that is that is one of the best things about watching this team pitch on a nightly bay on a daily basis are hit or just play baseball in general is that they play the game well they play they play like they enjoy each other they play their their strategy seems to be woven together within the batch that they have it's it's it's really a lot of fun to watch and that's what made the astral series so fun to watch because you got to watch two teams that was like high level baseball happening right there yeah it was a taste of what you know could possibly become playoff time perhaps longer now the other storyline going is is is one that I don't necessarily believe the story I was actually thinking you weren't gonna bring it up I was gonna bring it up Robert Suarez had a had a good night a good day yesterday which isn't uncommon he's had a lot of those but I think the good day bad day good day bad day has kind of made people a little unnerved and I get it changed it up a little bit which is really all which is why I'm not really worried about like it's one thing if like you just can't get anybody out or you can't command a baseball everything he has still is you know plus he just got a mix it up a little bit and that's what he did Friday night he got hurt after he threw seven consecutive fast balls and you know the thing that was this point is probably the wrong way the thing that was tough to watch was as you're watching that at bat on Friday on faux lannine sosa was the hitter you can see he was like he was getting to those pictures he was just found them off like he was it wasn't like he was late yeah he was I mean if you're watching from our view which is directly you could see the barrel get in there and he just fell off and after you know five six you know seven th one you know and to be frank and this is no knock on lannine had that been a better hitter it would have happened before seven straight like you just can't and it wasn't just the fact that he threw seven straight they were like split the plate in half right down the middle and the last one finally he paid for and the difference was in yesterday's outing he was on the corners with the fast ball and he threw some change he threw back to back change ups to get the last out of the game he threw six in total in that outing which I love to see because I told you last week if the Padres felt like he needed more pictures they would go for Mike shill after the game on Friday was asked about Robert Suarez here's what he said I think he's got to be able to mix in another you know something else occasionally to righties he's got the change up you know the ability to another pitch is going to be important for him to fastball velocities plus made a lot of good pitches you know he's one strike twice from you know being able to bring it home but wasn't able to but you know my concern for the robbers not very high I love that he says this Friday night and the next outing they've made the change they've done something about it yeah I mean he as he said his confidence is does not wasn't low you know I'm saying as it pertains to Robert so it was good to see him make the adjustment necessary got the out I honestly don't have I don't have a worry about I mean to be fair if we're just going off of like giving up runs I think Adam Scott excuse me Jason Adam gave up a run here this this past weekend if I'm not mistaken Tara Scott gave up a run this week so I mean it can't just be about that none of those guys stuff has changed it's still the same stuff maybe some patterns that have developed at least as it pertains to Robert has happened and it seemed like he made the adjustment switches fantastic alright let's let's get to break we're going to try to keep this show on track for one yeah Chris see you take shot at Chris I wasn't even talking about I know let's get to break when we return out West clawing back trying to get some of their beloved talent back in the fold we'll discuss we'll discuss when we return more going disgusting as well that there was Matthew Scravey's last play that's so far ma'am 49ers go down they get walked down by the Rams who had who were down big at halftime walked the 49ers down in their building 49er fans like Scravey had the sad face oh yeah we definitely had the sad face it was fun though I mean I I still have to get up to a game and so far I personally because I know the morning show talked about going to games and stuff and I completely understand that like going to games sometimes is not the best way to watch football definitely is but like going at least once a year is fun because it really it really shows you how good these guys are and the seats I was very lucky to get great seats and you just see everything on the field like from where we were we saw like the passing lanes and we saw you know Matt Stafford getting sacked and I'm like oh gosh it lives way worse in person than it does on TV like the little like little baby sacks seem like they hurt yeah you can hear them hitting the turf but so far itself is a really nice stadium the only problem I have with it I knew there was a problem I didn't know what the problem was but knowing you I knew there was a problem a lot of people have this problem okay a lot of it's extremely hot in that place is it it's it's there's no air conditioning there's no circulating air there's a roof on it but the roof allows the sun to come through so you're like behind the outside but you're not you can you can't feel the breeze where I was sitting and so it's kind of like a sauna on the field and I we were just talking all of us in the stands yesterday like I wish they would have just like made it so the sun doesn't like shine on us during the day because it's a clear roof I tell you what bad Californians they don't like dirt they don't like sundirectly on them it's kind of ridiculous because it was a cloudy day so all of us were wearing like jeans and some people wearing jackets thinking it was gonna be sort of cold but no it's like 85 degrees on the field yeah it's I guess it's one thing to be like laying in sand and you know with space yeah as opposed to having thousands of bodies like around 98,000 people yesterday there's other reason why I don't like going football games it's just a it's a big it's a big crowd it's a huge crowd and there are a lot of drunk people and I know mostly drunk people I was one of those drunk people want back in the day what my yesterday no back in the day I was totally one of those people like that no no they're like around us there weren't many fights but I got to say on at the Padres game on Friday night there was a fight in our section or near our section and it's it's got to be one of the most embarrassing things for me to watch is two adult grown men trying to fight over something stupid it's so stupid and it puts everybody in the area in danger right right right yeah yeah so that's how you're at least you got to go to a game and that's that's fun yeah well I would also like for the the forum up there in Eaglewood to not schedule a Nicki Minaj concert at the same time as a football game like when you say same time you mean like it's the concert started at the same time as the game or I don't know when the concert started but there were people filing in as we were filing out and it took us nearly three hours to get home from so far how long to take you get out of the parking lot almost an hour and a half oh my god there was a drunk guy who fell a lot like an emergency and I laughed but once I realized that he was actually well he was like being that drunk guy yelling rabs go rabs and then he tripped on the curb and he fell and I laughed a little bit and I said oh man this guy's actually kind of hurt his leaky he's kind of hurt over there well I'm glad you had a good time thank before we went to break we talked a little bit about the Mountain West trying to claw back some of their teams that have left and or that are possibly leaving and it seems like that is exactly what the Mountain West is what you're smiling about every crushing me for the new air conditioning comment but you weren't there you were not there it's a it's a closed stadium with two small inlets to have air flow in there tell me go sit in that stadium and tell me you're not thinking the same thing anyway yes the AAC or the Mountain West is trying to fight back so Air Force has recommitted they're standing with Mountain Mountain West now if you remember they were reportedly possibly moving to the AAC American athletic conference that's right after teams like South Florida Memphis San Antonio Texas I think and there was another one I'm missing it's great North Texas is it say the teams again North that North Texas was the other team yeah they were going to replace those they were going to be part of the replacement to the ACC AAC that is no longer the case because it sounds like now that Memphis to lane USF and it Texas San Antonio are now staying with the AAC so the Pac-12 that was their play was to try to go after their big dogs the reason why the Mountain West story is significant is because they're offering at the one time payment of I think it's like 10 mil to teams to stay in the Mountain West why are they doing that because the Pac-10 is now going to change their sites off of the AAC core to that Mountain West core so they're trying to court keeping teams like UNLV in the fold you already told you Air Force is staying in the fold I would assume New Mexico yeah I would assume they're probably still trying to court Boise State and San Diego State to stay there now and we've they've seen as days already now they're they're leaving and Boise and Boise has to I think Carl State is also an answer so those teams I mean that's really if we're being honest outside of UNLV is pretty much the core now UNLV to my acknowledge hasn't said that they are that they've made a decision one way or another we know Air Force is staying I just find this interesting the Pac-12 is going to be on a search for those two other teams they have to have the two other teams to get to eight in order to be relevant for that out that that bid spot yeah for the playoffs I think they'll get to the eight teams but this is what worried me and again they could develop this into a mass or a big conference here in the next couple years but I don't know why the Pac-12 didn't just join up with the Mountain West if they're just gonna have a bunch of Mountain West because they don't want they don't want all of the teams they want to be able to split the pot with a little bit less and I think they also are concerned that the other teams will bring it we'll bring it down the other teams not named Boise State San Diego State Colorado State will say Fresno State but you know that is the concern that you that you got to get to eight because it once they get to eight I think it it relaxes because then you can go out and get Gonzaga to add to what is what would be a pretty good basketball conference as well and you know that's what it's about really making your conference look good enough so you can maintain the kind of level that you've had in terms of football playoff and being able to kind of pull in some money Chris and I talked about this last week I think when you were or two weeks ago but I would much rather be on the ground floor of a new conference me to and to join up with the conference and be the last one in now mind you San Diego State's been here before where they've been on the ground floor they were on the ground floor of the Mountain West when it started and so you know I think this is a little bit different though the pack 12 just name recognition is is a different monster than I think San Diego State's ever been involved with and you know as I said when it happened I think this is a good move for him we'll see how the rest of it kind of unfolds Brandon says if you're gonna invite Gonzaga as a basketball only school why not USD as well that might make it more of a rivalry for basketball again it's really more about what the school can bring to the conference now you know outside of baseball that I can think of off the top I mean their football program is good but it's not sufficient to you it's not is one double a one double a yes not the highest level and that that's the problem you know with and it wouldn't be river back well pack 12 does not care about San Diego State's rivalry they really don't they're just trying to put together the best conference I think that's part of what would prevent a USD from getting into that conference same with I know UCSD aren't they in division one now yeah that would be another one maybe I don't know but UCSB is there too a lot of those West Coast Conference schools for basketball might be poached because I know USF San Francisco doesn't have a football team but they have a basketball team I think all of the teams that we're talking about going to pack 12 have a football I don't know that you're going to be able to get into this conference without wanting unless you are like a national powerhouse basketball wise like a Gonzaga Ron said Hawaii will be down to play I don't think anybody wants to go away anymore that's a long trip he said Hawaii would be down to play I'm sure they would I'm sure they would too but that's what he would be I mean Hawaii is not the trip that people think it is it's a long trip it's a long trip you get there you play you come home it's like it's like 12 hours on a plane for a three hour game pretty much pretty much all right let's get the break when we return we get good oh well we have Padres pen pals about to get to that go ahead but John Fisher the owner oh my god oh dad a letter that I have just read you want to read it on the other side we will read some of it on the other side John Fisher does not know the A's does not disappoint more more go with it Chris on the other side 238 on the clock Tony Gwen Jr. Matt Scravey just he and I hold it down Padres will head up to Los Angeles I don't know why I traded this Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles will be leaving we'll be leaving we'll be leaving a couple hours from now so Scravey you had a letter that you wanted to read yes I do I got a favorite this comment real quick because it's a good Padres pen pal question but yes I do have a letter from John Fisher John Fisher the owner of the A's he put up for a record he he's tonight is their last it's the night their last home game or was final final series final series excuse me the final series of the of of the Colosseum's history with the A's in it yeah least I'm not going to read the whole thing I'm gonna skip around a little bit but this is can you have you read the whole thing though yes it's very form he did not write this okay someone wrote this form and he said cool put it out there or he didn't even see it but he said this upcoming series with the Texas Rangers will be the final games of the A's storied 57 years in Oakland and while the A's previously played in Philadelphia in Kansas City Oakland has been home for the greatest era in the franchise is more than a hundred and twenty three history I skipped down a little bit triumphs near misses the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in game three the 20 game win streak a Hollywood movie in an unmatched cast of players coaches and fans we've had it all here's where it turns everybody and that I know is what makes our departure so very hard the A's are a part of the fabric of Oakland the East Bay and the entire Bay Area when Lou Wolf and I bought the team in 2005 our dream was to win World Championships and build a new ballpark in Oakland over the next 18 years we did our very best to make that happen we proposed and pursued five different locations in the Bay mutual and ongoing efforts to get a deal done for the Howard terminal project we came up short now the final part of this uh that I want to there's so much in here I just don't want to read the whole thing there are millions of dedicated passions A's fans in Oakland and around the world countless dedicated staff members in the Oakland Coliseum employees have poured their hearts into this team though I wish I could speak to each one of you individually I can tell you this from the heart we tried staying in Oakland was our goal it was our mission and we failed to achieve it and for that I am generally sorry looking ahead I hope you will join our beloved A's as we move forward on this amazing journey I hope I'll see you again sporting the green and gold and I hope we will make you proud John Fisher yeah no John you you you're not making anyone proud but no one cares yes here's the trip what he said there was not it was true but what he he fails to mention in there is that he's the cause of it not actually staying the fabric yes of the community yes it'd be like the uh it'd be like the murderer writing you a letter but not actually saying that I've murdered the one that did it yeah you know what I'm saying like yeah he could have been like hey I tried I'm sorry I failed he didn't say I failed no he just said we tried we tried but a lot of the people that I've seen on on X and on the chat are saying this gives very very um this gives vibes of Dean Spanos's letter back to everybody I'm sure back here San Diego hear this letter and just the hair on their arm stands up because they either enray enrage or in sadness it's they still by the way they still don't have a place to play in Las Vegas I think this is gonna be a mess well Rob Manfred better figure it out and he's he's trying to figure it out to make himself look good at this I won't be surprised if they don't end up in Las Vegas you won't be surprised no because MLB will make it happen because they don't want to be wrong all you think Major League Baseball is going to make it happen oh yeah they're going to back channel this whole thing well they got to build a stadium first exactly they're going to work with the leaders and I see actual you know framework in the ground I will I will have a hesitation to believe it's actually happening I agree I got to give these at some point you got to start building that bad boy this they said 2028 six I think that's that's not going to happen that's that's that's gonna be here before you know it we're about to be in 25 exactly and he doesn't have the money he doesn't have the votes he doesn't have anything like I said I won't be surprised if it is something wild happens I don't know what that wild is but it it contains them not going to make just so annoying just so annoying when these people he anyway we can move on now from John Fisher just had to read that very heartfelt letter that he's all right now you got a Padres pin pal first I do let's go it's time to ask the experts Padres fans I was hoping maybe you can bring a little insight into it write us tweet us facebook us send a carrier pigeon for Chris he thinks they're cute. Padres pen pals begins hurt the poloka big time now i'm 97 3 the fan I don't know what just happened over there in the corner I just hit myself with this racket ball in my head yeah so that's a pretty hard ball it is not soft yeah it's not yeah all right Padres pen pals I'm surprised you have enough questions I do I do have enough questions I mean they're all pretty positive questions but first this hour is brought to you by Indeed it needs to hire you need indeed they're all in one platform helps you attract interview and hire candidates all from one place and Indeed's interview tool lets you schedule and conduct virtual interviews right from their website visit now the rookie of the year award is going to come down probably to this week people think because Paul Skeens has been pitching really well down the stretch the pirates have not slowed him down at all here's our first Padres pen pal I probably care too much about this but I won't I want to say it anyway I'm still seeing the Paul Skeens people pushing him for rookie of the year no doubt Paul Skeens has been so good this season and it's really awesome to see I just truly 100% believe Jackson Merrill is the rookie of the year he has said that it doesn't bother him at all if he doesn't win but deep down Tony do you guys think he cares about winning the award of course I think there's an element of him that cares I mean I think it's not the priority but I'm sure he cares if there's already wants to win it uh but you know I want him to win it I think he's deserving of winning but I will say I warned everybody about counting their uh chickens too early at the beginning of this month because there was a whole month of baseball you don't know how that's gonna turn and he's done nothing wrong he's done nothing at all to let up play just the same if not better uh but it does feel like the temperature is changing a little bit do I think he cares yeah do I think if he loses he's going to lose sleep over it no do I think Paul Skeens is deserving of it possibly do I think that Jackson Merrill is deserving of it absolutely Stephen Strasburg said in that chair world series MVP said in that chair last week Tony yeah and said in so many words Jackson Merrill you know who else handed at it go ahead sorry I cut you off no uh go ahead say no you go ahead okay so he Stephen Strasburg said in so many words it's more impressive that Jackson Merrill is able to be this consistent this young and play every day I thought Manny gave a nod to the other day too he did every day player man that's yes I thought a lot about what he said about Jackson he only said like one thing about Jackson Merrill but he was like this is what I'm trying to tell Jackson like consistency how to come to the ballpark every day how to become a professional every day and that's extremely valuable for Jackson Merrill to have a guy who's done it played ten years before guys they have done it in that locker man he can that he can pick Joe Musgrove yeah this is a great environment for a young guy who is hungry and cares like he does now with all of that said Tony I said this yesterday to my friend I think Paul Skeens is going to get the nod because that is a better story for baseball I don't know I don't know I'm gonna go in that direction I don't know how it's gonna end but like I said it does feel I think Jackson should win it yes his team's competing the pirates are not but it does feel like the temperature has changed and I think it speaks to the east coast west coast bias thing like I think the moment just think what just think what Jackson had to do in order to even be put on that level he had to have a week of walk-offs just to just to put him on the same playing field and it was almost like it's starting to feel like he has to maintain that same level in order to keep the buzz loud enough to stretch across the whole United States that's what it feels like right now it's disappointing to be honest it's very disappointing I'm trying to figure out it because Jack's mail is hitting 290 right now how many players are hitting 290 or he's hitting 292 I'm sorry I say don't short change my man he was it 294 he's in the top 14 players in baseball in batting average I did oh there was a tweet yesterday Paul Skeens I don't even believe has qualified jet for ERA no no it says at the top of the stats page every time I log on it says all star starting picture Paul Skeens does not yet qualify for the ERA I wonder if the last start gets him there I don't know I don't know the rules on that but that's annoying because he's been he hasn't been able to qualify if you can't qualify for the ERA title how you can't qualify for the year it's not his fault it is his fault it's not his fault I'm trying to find this tweet I you know yeah it's it's it just feel and I hope I'm I hope we're I hope we are reading this wrong I hope that the buzz doesn't need to span across and that is just based on what everything they've done but I know it's not Jackson Merrill has a 986 OPS since July 20th he has a higher OPS than Shohei Otani in this time frame the only qualified hitters with a higher OPS over this span are Aaron Judge, Vladimir Guerrero Jr, Bobby Whit Jr and Yord on Alvarez and then Jackson Merrill like that just proves it to me right crazy it is crazy all right let's go to the next and this person oh yeah this person had their son asked him a question that they thought was so smart they couldn't answer it so they came to us all right baseball's a great sport not only did I get to watch my heroes growing up my 11 year old son is getting to watch his heroes and I think this is time I will cherish forever one of his heroes is Robert Suarez and he said he wants to be the closer one day but he asked me something the other day and it's not only floored me because his understanding of baseball is higher than I thought but it was a question I didn't really have an answer for we were talking about bullpen strategy and my son asked quote why is the closer race I think he makes a good point at least to me middle relief is usually matchup based and the Padres have a writing in Suarez and a lefty in Scott so why not why isn't the closer role matchup based Tony it can be it it was I mean if you watched the Mets Phillies game last night they brought in Diaz in the eighth for an old not even an old fashioned old fashioned like nine now say it's just a two a two inning say six outs based on matchups top of the lineup was coming up at that time I think middle relief is a little different it's not always top of the lineup it's it's lefty righty and in the middle of the game you have the matchups right I mean the whole point of having a quote unquote closer is that he can get both guys out and you don't have to then match up that's a job right that's that's his job is to get both lefties and righties out difference in the middle relief is part of the reason why those guys are middle relievers is because they may not have the stuff to get through some of the better hitters if they're not match up based good question I think for closers is a little bit different match up base right you can come in in the eighth and just pitch the eighth because that was the best part of the lineup if you're only going one inning you know I'm saying but that would you could use your closer in the eighth as we've seen the Padres do at times this year so yeah I think it can be match up base and sometimes it is I think it just looks different than middle relievers uh tap says the fills brought in strong for that reason uh Adam Kluge our boss is brave he's got six outs safe from a glacier yesterday uh so they're confirming what I just they're confirming no yeah they're confirming for sure um I think what Tony said is great so no no I mean when I saw this question when this guy said it to me I thought you know what what if they what if what if the bottom of the ninth or top of the ninth or whatever it is they have two lefties and a righty Tanner Scott makes more sense for that yes and so if Robert Suarez comes in in the eighth and Tanner I wonder if we see this in the playoffs more of this because Mike Schill has stuck with Robert Suarez and I don't blame him because he's been great but I wonder if we'll see it more in the playoffs but then again they're changing the strategy which they haven't done all year it would take Robert Suarez to have to have some issues for us to see something different and then it would have to line up in a way that fits that right what you're talking about in terms of him who lefties in a righty whose lineup is that one of the Dodgers have a little bit of left right left there with old tony bets Freeman so I mean I guess we can find out we'll find out these next week all right here we go to the final one I believe this team is gonna win the world series I believe this team is good enough to show they're the best team in baseball however oh no I have baggage as Scrabius said many times my biggest worry is the Padres don't have that same magic they've had all year I know I know like when the playoffs start yeah okay I know I know nothing has changed but I am going to a rationally worry until I see them in the playoffs tony what is your biggest worry about the postseason I don't have any now that does not mean that what what was my man's name we said that I didn't know name yeah said writer does not mean they're they're wrong about how they're finished because we've seen magic change jerseys come play off time it's true you know I'm saying diving back last year how about 22 Padres and Phillies both didn't weren't supposed to be their magic put on two different uniforms and in war one in the Padres Philly series I love that you know I'm saying I do so those things can happen we've seen at least the first two years of this format teams with buy go out after after with their first round yeah yeah so you know anything can happen once you get there so I don't think it's irrational but I would say they have given us enough evidence for us to at least go into this experience comp in fact I'm going to tell you at 320 why you should have no baggage I think it's the scrapies gonna tell you guys at 320 why you shouldn't have baggage I have to get out of here you're gonna get out of but got to get ready for this trip to Los Angeles scrapie will hold it down the rest of the day I'll be back on whether tomorrow scrapie take it away all right when we get back we got the daily gambit we also have uh the survivor update the eliminator update a lot of people are eliminated it's down to just a few so I'll tell you next the nice of a big fan