Gwynn & Chris On Demand

Gwynn & Chris Sept. 20th Hour 3: Adam vs. the fans + the Big 5

Skraby plays Adam vs. the fans and names his top home game moments from 2024 season.

Broadcast on:
21 Sep 2024
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B M. Hour here of Gwyneth Chris 97 three the fan. I am Matt Scravey, Chris Ello on vacation. He'll be back in a couple weeks Tony Gwyn Jr. Officially now getting ready to start the final regular season series of the season at home for the Padres. They're going to be taking on the White Sox. We'll get into the matchups and everything a little bit later. But so far we've had a pretty crazy show. We had made him a chateau on. We went down to the dugout and we were waiting for him. And so I got to like spy on batting practice and everything. That was pretty fun. But Manny, if you didn't hear it, he sounded confident. He sounded like he was relaxed. He sounded like he's in a really good place for this team. And his teammates are in a really good place as well. So I'm very excited about what this team has in the next what 10 games or so. I'm very excited to see how they finish this year because it's going to be a crazy finish. You have the Mets winning last night. You have the Diamondbacks winning last night. You have the Braves winning last night. You have all the teams that you don't want to win winning last night. So they're not making it any easier on the Padres. They're actually making it pretty difficult on the Padres because the Padres are leading the way. They are the ones who are. I guess what's the phrase I'm looking for. They control their own destiny is what I was trying to say. They're controlling their own destiny. So they are leading the way with the wild card and they are able to basically see what happens behind them. And obviously they want to win all the games that they can. But if they drop one, they could still look back and see what's going on with the rest of the wild card teams, rest of the National League teams. And it's going to be a sprint to the finish here coming down to the end. And I'm excited. I mean, I've been doing this now for seven years. This is our seventh year as a show together. And I don't know that I've seen a better Padres team. Yeah. I mean, we had some additions of Padres teams that were pretty good. But I feel like this team is the most complete team. This team has the most. It has the most pieces that fit. And I will I'm not saying that they were just throwing things together last year. But this year you got you have guys like David Peralta as we just talked about with the countdown. You have guys like David Peralta, Donovan Solano. You have guys in the bullpen. AJ Preller having faith in Jackson Merrill to play center field. This is the most complete team. And it just seems like the team also really, really enjoys being around each other. And that's an important thing in a baseball season. They spend literally almost every single day for like six months together. So if you don't like your teammates, you are going to have a really long summer. But that's not the case here with the Padres. And we'll hear from Manny again in the five o'clock hour. We still have a big five to go in this hour. We have a Chris versus the fans. It's going to be Adam versus the fans, which is going to be coming up here shortly. So get in line. A 3 3 2 8 8 0 9 7 3. We're going to be playing for a prize that I will tell you about in just a second. But first, if you love Mediterranean food, try Spiro's for authentic Mediterranean cuisine and Coronado or La Jolla for dining or takeout option options. Visit Spiro's And they also have a spot here at Petco Park. So if you were here at Petco Park tonight or over the weekend, make sure you go check out Spiro's. All right. I think it's time for Adam versus the fans. And if you are going to be the winner today, you end up beating Adam. You will be qualified for a chance to win a grand prize. A two night stay at win or encore Las Vegas and two tickets to see awakening. Awakening the thrilling spectacle at win Las Vegas dazzles audiences with soaring aerialists, founding acrobat high energy choreography and comedic moments. At the heart of this compelling story, a hero must confront the forces of light and darkness in a quest to save the world. I always feel like I need to be dramatic there. A mythic adventure unfold set amid the most technologically immersive theater ever designed. Tickets are on sale now at You will also win a pair of tickets. You will have these in hand or at least on your phone in the next couple of weeks. A pair of tickets for five tastings in the wine and beer garden at the La Jolla Art and Wine Festival on September 29th. This is a free event featuring a 160 plus fine artists and loads of family fun. Tickets are required to enter the wine and beer garden and can be purchased at L. J. A. W. F. Com. So all you need to do is call us right now 833-288-0973. And now it's time to play Adam versus the fans. If you had one shot, one opportunity to take down the human almanac himself, how do you do? Now is your time. Listen to me, this guy is dangerous. Now is your opportunity to win a prize. Well, I hope you know Jen for Chris versus the fans starts now on 97 3 the fan. All right. Chris versus the fans presented by SD fat loss lose 20 to 30 pounds in just 60 days is the SD fat to schedule your free consultations is consultation. Here are the rules. You have to make it through three questions. Each question will get more difficult. If you get the question right, you move on. If you get it wrong and Chris gets it right, you're eliminated. I'm Ron Burgundy, literally Ron Burgundy and Adam gets it right, you're eliminated. But if Adam gets it wrong, then you move on to the next question or you win. And there's going to be a lot of stat related questions today. I think that's pretty fair with Adam playing Adam versus the fans today. So I believe we're going to start with Dan. Dan is on the line. Hello, Dan. How are you doing? Hello, gentlemen. How are you? I'm doing just fine. Are you? Oh, I forgot one part of the rule. If you're a first time player, let us know before you get into it. And we will give that question for free. So Dan, are you a first time player? I'm like a 15 time loser, three time winner. He's three and 15, everybody. I like that record for you, Dan. It means that you've kept trying even though you keep losing. All right. Here we go. Adam versus the fans question number one. What college did to a Tonka Vailoa play for play football for? Brendan died. Sorry, what'd you say? Alabama. Crimson Tide is correct. I can't really. I can't hear as much. So I'll do my best. But if Adam hears it and he knows the answer is right, then he'll go ahead and hit the buzzer. But here we go for question number two. All right, heading into today, name the two teams who have clinched a playoff spot in the American League. I'll go with the Yankee and the Yankee and the Yankee's in the Rangers. That's even correct. However, stay right there. Let's see if Adam gets it. Adam, you know, that he doesn't need to stay right here. I'll go with the Yankees and the Guardians. That is correct. Thank you very much. Thanks for playing for Rangers. I don't. I think they were eliminated in like July. That's OK. That's OK. All right. Let's go to our next contestant. We're gonna go to Hilbert, though. One of our guys. Hilbert, though. How are you? We didn't come with them. We touch us. Grazier. We in. Yeah. All over the place today with my responses. Krsk. That's OK. That's OK, guys. And Spanish. Cladocacy. He said, yes, he understands. Yeah, I think so. Right. If you want me to play in Spanish. Oh, OK. Adam, if you could do that, please, I wouldn't see this as well. Like way go. And I spend y'all. And it's definitely another man. OK, I have no idea what's going on right now. But here it is time for question number one Hilbert, though. OK. Let's let's let's let's do this one. OK. Who was the leading passer in last night's Thursday night football game leading passer last night's game. Yes. Gotta be out of Rogers. Aaron Rogers is correct. We're going to get into the awkward hug in the big five. There you go. Aaron, I just I just did you just hang up on Hillbert, though. I just hung up on Hillbert, though. Oh, my gosh, you'll be calling her a color and hold. You'll bear to I'm so, so sorry. Something that I've done before. So I'm not too mad at it, as I know that I feel bad. Well, the buttons are right next to each other. Yeah, let's go. Let's go to Michael and Lemon Grove and tell Hillbert. Oh, one. All right. Hillbert, though. We owe you one. I'm sorry. Michael Lemon Grove. How are you doing, buddy? Doing good, guys. If you're about to close back, I'll see the floor back to him. Oh, I'll be. What a guy. What a guy. Doing things for Hillbert, though. I love it. All right. Let's get started with question number one. Love you, Hillbert, though. Restbeach your call. Michael, what team this should be easy? What team is leading the American League East right now? The Yankees. The Yankees is correct. All right. Here we go. Question number two. Boy, that was easy, huh? The team are close the way out already. This was not so easy, I don't think. Name the two NFL quarterbacks tied with four interceptions each. They have the most interceptions in the league. Name the two quarterbacks tied for four interceptions each. I do it for interception each. Correct. You got a price young. This is your job. You got to throw a lot of the eggs. And. I'm gonna say, and Rogers, did he add one more game? Oh, well, that's a nice thought, but that is incorrect. Adam, do you know the two quarterbacks in the NFL tied with four interceptions each? This is a tough question, but I will go with Bryce Young as one of them. And my other guess will be Will Levis of the Tennessee Titans. That is incorrect. The you're moving on, Michael. The question number three, the answers, Anthony Richardson of the Colts and Bo Nix of the Broncos. Good questions, Gravy. Thank you. We would think that Bryce Young had more than three interceptions, but that's all he's had this year. Alright, Michael, you are on to question number three. You get this right or Adam gets it wrong. You were qualified Las Vegas. You also get tickets to the La Jolla Art and Wine Festival. Here we go. What jewelry company makes the Vince Lombardi trophy? There's only two that immediately jump out. Let's say Japanese. That is correct. Wow, Michael. Thank you so much for doing that for us. Tiffany is correct. What is he still on the line? What was your other thought? Yeah, I would think it's Swarovski for like sorcery crystals, but I think that's the NCAA tournament. Wow, I need to put that as a question. Football. I've never heard of the Swarovski jewelry company, but hey, I'm going to put that as a question. Stay on the line. Adam is going to get your information. Great playing, Michael. Sorry to Hillburto once again, because I feel like no bird is low chance. So much. Oh, he's in his car right now. Just like, why did Adam hang up? He's actually calling back in. You want to talk to him for a second? Sure. Let's talk to him. Hey, Hillburto. Yeah, I'm sorry. I did not have anything to do with that, but there was a little bit of a slip. Don't worry. OK, don't worry about it. Next time you call, you get the first one for free, even though it gives you a big advantage. No, it's OK. Listen, you see that my show answer can be what I asked him to do. No, what was that? She rested. Arise. Oh, yes, yes, he didn't press the rise, and I think that's a definite thing that they needed to do. Let me give the line. Thank you, Hillburto. We're going to connect next week or in the future, but you get that first question for free because of the hang-up issue. But let's go check out the lineup real quick and get you all set for that. Here it is. Louisa rises D. Hing today. Batty first, Fernando. I'm so out of my element when I'm not in the studio. You can't give the line up without the sounder. You're right. You're right. Chris would throw something at me if I did that. Fernando Tati's junior adding second playing right field. So a little bit of a move up from third and pro farce now hitting third playing left field. Manny Machado, who he he has been bad in second. Why did I think that this is this is anyway, we're going to go forward. Machado third base cleaning up Merrill playing centerfield batting fifth. Zander Bogart's playing short stop. When did he do that out of? What is he? I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. I know Zander Bogart just played shortstop for quite some time now. Donovan Solano playing first base. Jake Pronanworth playing second base batting eighth, Kyle Lagashyoka catching batting ninth and then Joe Musgrove on the mount. So the restorizes not going to be in the field one more time today, which I think is OK. I mean, isn't he look like it really hurt? And although you're never going to get a guy like him to come out of a lineup on a daily basis, he is going to. He's going to be someone that is going to lobby and lobby hard to stay in the lineup. And I'm sure Mike Schilt made a compromise with them kind of saying, Hey, we need to rest your knee a little bit. So let's keep you off the field, but we'll still keep you in the lineup. And he's he's still going for a batting title. I mean, there's there's what 10 games left in the season. We surprise has a batting title that he could win. He wants to be in that lineup. I wanted to be out of that lineup. He is in that lineup. So that's what we got going on tonight. Thank you to Michael for playing Christopher's, the fans. Thanks everybody who called when we get back. We are going to talk about some of the best home moments this season at Pechel Park. I asked people earlier on X, I sent out a Z, which I'm trying to get that word to catch on. I don't know if it will be. We'll go over some of those when we get back here on 97 through the fan. All right, back here in the loft. 97 through the fan, winning Chris, Tony, off to it, his pregame stuff. Chris, solo on vacation. Matt Scrabie, as I said, in the loft, Sammy Lev is going to join me in a little bit, maybe around the 5 p.m. segments. We're going to have a big five here in about 20 minutes. But right here, we're going to talk about the last series at home, regular season series at home for the Padres. I had to say that because I'm pretty sure I can't say I'm pretty sure. But I'm hoping that they're going to have another home game here so far. But we're going to go through some of the favorite moments according to you. And I want to make it an addendum to the countdown that we did, which would be the top five AJ Peller moves this year. And Brandon, or who had this one because they had a really, really good way. It just came in right before I came back. But they were saying that it was the acquisition or actually the hiring of Mike Schill as manager. And I think that is something that we need to talk about because the manager position, I personally, I was a little disenchanted with the way things went down when Bob Melvin and how he was let go and all of that stuff. In the end, it obviously worked out for the Padres much more than we could have imagined at the time. And we all knew at the time, the only choice really was Mike Schill. He had been in the organization for a couple years. He had managerial experience before. He came from a an organization in the St. Louis Cardinals that had a winning tradition. So Mike Schill was the choice for the Padres. Now we heard all these other people being interviewed for it and nothing really stood out to me. So they made the right decision with Mike Schill being the manager of the team. So I do think that's a good addition to our countdown because we definitely need to mention that Mike Schill has put himself in a position to possibly win manager of the year in the National League. And I know that some people want, you know, the Brewers manager to win the manager of the year. But I think Mike Schill has done a little bit more this year. I it's hard to say because if you look at the Brewers, you look at them in their injury, their injuries and you have Christian yellow shoes that been out most of the year due to a back issue. So you have one of your better players not playing all season long. You still clinched division with over a week to go. That's a pretty good job. I got to say it's a pretty good job. I can't say that he's not deserving of manager of the year. But Mike Schill has put this team into a place where they are playing some of the best baseball since the all star break across the league. And you can't discount that. I don't think you can look past what Mike Schill has done with this team. And I personally, I just have this feeling and I know this is a bad feeling. I probably shouldn't even say it. But I just have this feeling he's not going to win. And I think he should win. But I just got this feeling and I hope I'm wrong. I really do. And sometimes my feelings are not very, very correct. And I don't predict the future. And this is probably one of those. But we'll see what happens here come award season. But there's going to be the Padres up for a couple awards. We got Rookie of the Year. I think Manny should be in the MVP conversation, not that I think he's going to win because I think everybody has already basically written in Show Heo Tawny. But you got a lot going on this postseason in regards to awards. All right. Let's go to the tweet, the Z as I have been trying to say. And thank you Brandon for putting hashtag Z on your tweet or on your Z. But Morris 84 replied to my tweet saying in honor of the final regular season home series being played this weekend, what are your favorite? What are some of your favorite home game moments this year? And this one stood out to me. Morris 84. I took my dad to his first Padres game versus Oakland. Pods came back from being down four to Jackson Merrill walked it off in the ninth. My dad had one of the best days in the years. He hadn't been out in public due as cancer diagnosis in years. Hell of a game for him to be at. And that is that's like what baseball is all about the spirit of baseball, seeing stuff like that being a part of the community of Padres fans. And I remember this game. I believe it came against Mason Miller. And I believe it secured a sweep for the first series sweep for the Padres this year. And it's kind of funny to think about it now because we're also worried that they hadn't swept team all year. And they were the only team in baseball who hadn't swept the team all year. And they hadn't won more than four in a row. And they just went four in a row the other day. No one blinked. That's how good they've been since the all-star break. But Jackson Merrill walking it off. That kind of started his whole rise to the top. That home run that he hit that helped the Padres win the game, walk it off against the A's against a really tough picture. Mason Miller was one of those moments that we're all going to look back on to be like that was the moment Jackson Merrill became. Jackson Merrill. Let's go to the next one. Nando's go ahead home run against the Cubs after being down eight nothing. This one is from Ken. Ken. This is a great one. I remember this like it was yesterday. It wasn't at the park, but I was at home. I watched. I was watching the iPad and I jumped off my couch because it was that big of a deal at them at that moment in the season. The Padres were kind of struggling for Nando wasn't doing great. The team was just kind of being slow to start a little bit. But that moment against the Cubs was a really nice moment. Now it would take them a little bit longer to get going. So I thought that was going to be the launching point for the Padres, but it wasn't the launching point. They had a few more weeks of str of struggling, but they did what they did. And they are now sitting at the top of the wild card today and Nando hitting that home run against the Cubs after being down eight nothing is a great one. That is a really good one. Brandon says that Manny's walk off against Arizona after life had been sucked out of the building when Arizona took the lead in the top of the ninth on July 5th hashtag zit. Great one, Brandon. I do remember this one. This one kind of slipped my mind a little bit. I had to go back and look at it. But yeah, that was a huge one right right in that area of the season. The Padres were they were kind of playing 500 baseball and they would win a few and then they would lose a few and then they would win one lose one win one loop. There was no sustained winning streak that happened at that point in the season. So I did feel like a bigger home run than that felt like a bigger home run than it actually may have been at the time. Natalie says she was also in attendance for the Machado walk off against the time of acts of July 5th and the Tati's walk off versus the Tigers on September 4th. Both were hashtag electric. Now what I remember about the junior walk off against the Tigers and I'm sure most people know where I'm going with this was right after that. Fernando ran around the field with a shirt off looking like a Greek God and I was very jealous of his physique because Fernando as we all know is in great shape. And so they tore a shirt off and he ran around the field. I thought that was a great moment and it was hilarious at the same time. So thank you for that one. Natalie Sandy also says Meryl's walk off down the right field pool. They set me a bunch of videos and screenshots of a bunch of Manny Machado home runs. Right field mission says beating the Dodgers on Friday night in Manny's home run after they threw at pro far in the first. Yes, I remember the I was there at the game with Michael King and Tyler Glass now and that seemed like a huge, huge, huge win. We survived first home game for the Padres in City Connect uniforms. Michael King Levy struck out 11 that night. Took down Tyler Glass now and the Padres won that game and that was one of those that was one of those games. We're like, all right, this team has it. This team could do it and they did it on that night. Brian says pro far's game against Washington. That's where I'm going to end this one because that might be the moment of the entire season to this point. If I'm probably I don't like doing these things because I always forget things and then I want to re rank everything. But that moment with pro far kind of really and not kind of just getting under the skin of the Nationals with his walk off celebration and then the next day when they threw at him and then Manny came in with David Ruiz and trying to get him to calm down. And then Mackenzie Gore gets a home or just crushed off of him by Manny Machado and that was like maybe the most perfect, perfectly timed home run that I've seen in a long time because everybody was really up in arms about the whole pro far thing. Manny Machado calmed it down. Benches kind of clear a little bit. I believe Adam, if I'm I hope I'm right on this one but wasn't Jesse Winker fighting with the fan in the stands the night before I believe that's what I have. Yes, he's shaking his head. Yes. So there was a lot going on in that Washington series. But there's there's been a lot that's happened all season long here at Petco and again, I think there's going to be more to come. There's going to be more to come. I mean, there there's just so much that we could say here and I can't get to all of it. Let me go through real quick just to make sure I'm not missing any any good ones before we had the break. So Wano walk off. That was pretty good as well. I got to say. But mostly those are the ones that people were remembering. I got to see what else. Let's see. Oh, someone said also the three home runs back to back to back on Wednesday. So why not put that in there as well because that was pretty exciting. All right. You're listening to Gwyneth Chris. I'm Matt Scrabie. When we get back, we are going to have a big five. So Tony and I sat down. We talked about a whole bunch of things and we talked about the White Sox being in town and we talked about whether or not the Padres absolutely 100% have to sweep the White Sox. So the big five is next here on 97 through the fan. Back here in the loft in the Western Metal building here at Pekko Park, getting set for game one of three between the Padres and the White Sox already been talking to a few Padres fans today. Gadesh is here with us. He's been a listener to the station. So if you want to come by and say hi, please do. We're up in the loft in the corner. You'll see us right in front of all the baseballs that look like an American flag. We're going to get into the big five here in just a second. But real quick, let's go and check out the new match up tonight between Joe Musgrove between. Yes, Joe Musgrove. There's a lot going on. I don't know how Sammy Lev's does it. Like if I were to do this every single day, I think I would get used to it. But Sammy Lev is a master of being able to do his job while there's a lot going on around him. And I appreciate that. He's going to join us here, by the way, at 5 p.m. So stick around for that because he's going to get a set for this series. And then we're going to hear from Manny Machado again in the five o'clock hour. But Joe Musgrove is going for the Padres, as I've said, and the Internet is being really slow. I should have had this ready. Garrett Crochet is going for the White Sox. Now that's an interesting one because Garrett Crochet is not necessarily going to go deep into the game as a fantasy manager that owned Garrett Crochet throughout the baseball season. I know at the end, you know, if he has a good start, he'll go three innings. I think that's maybe his max, maybe four, four max, max, max. But three, it seems to be something that he's been doing a lot lately. He's good, though. I mean, don't get it. Don't get it twisted. He's very good. And he could do some damage in the little time that he has. I mean, he was a couple of weekends ago. He only pitched maybe three innings. He had eight strikeouts, nine strikeouts. So Garrett Crochet can do damage. And he can do damage against any lineup that he faces. It's just a matter of how weak and the Padres get to the bullpen because that's where you want to get. And that's what the Padres have been really good at doing this year. I was talking to a friend from Cincinnati and their team just got eliminated the other day. And he's a, you know, he's been a Cincinnati in his entire life. And he's been a red span his entire life. And he's very jealous of what the San Diego Padres fans have right now. He's very jealous of having a team that is as good as the Padres and having a team that is playing playing to their potential right now, like the Padres are. And Cincinnati has some good players and everything. But, you know, it just feels good to be on this side. Ellie Dayla Cruz is a great player, but he's not he's not ready to carry a team like Manny Machado is. And so if you're a Padres fan out there, you got to feel fortunate because there's so many other teams out there that are just bad, just bad baseball teams in the in the White Sox. Unfortunately for them are one of those bad baseball teams. They're going to be in town tonight. Garrett Crochet and Joe Musgrove now Joe Musgrove is coming off of a very good outing. So I expect for him to be as good tonight. And it will that's something to watch for. I'm going to tell Sam what to watch for in this game is how long Garrett Crochet pitches in the game because it would be three or four innings. I have a feeling. And if he gets in trouble early, it could be one inning or it could be two innings, but he's not going to go deep into this game. I can almost 99% say that he's not going to go deep into this game. Just being the fantasy champion double champ that I am for fantasy baseball. All right. I think we have the big five is ready. So we're going to talk. We're going to go Tony is going to rejoin me. And then we are going to hear about the Padres, whether or not they actually have to sweep this weekend and a lot more. But first, the track. It's that time of the show when we check on the latest in sports, only the most important topics and questions are brought to light. Stop what you're doing and listen. These news stories will astound and amaze you. The one, the only. Oh, my God. Who the hell cares? The big five starts now on 97th. Three, the fan. Sowers. Sowers brought you by indeed. If you need to hire, you need indeed. They're all in one platform helps you attract interview and hire candidates all from one place. And indeed, interview school lets you schedule and conduct virtual interviews right from their website. Visit now and in prompt to show today from Petco Park. So I will be a big voice guy. Number five. As we know, Tony, Tony. Tony shaky is that for for the record, everybody. As we know, the Padres are playing the White Sox this weekend. And the other wild card teams are still winning. I know the White Sox are still a Major League team and they have been better playing better as of late. But is this Tony a series where you can't accept anything less than a sweep? No, it's a stupid idea to set yourself up for failure so that if they don't get a sweep, you're like in the dumps and you think the season is in shambles. No, they don't just keep doing what they don't been doing. When when the series, if they can get a sweep, awesome. But, you know, two or three is just fine. You know, I talked to a lot of Padres fans last night on PMs and they were talking to me about the baggage of previous years about how we were talking about that yesterday. And a lot of the fans are not feeling the baggage as of late. So I think that's a good thing. That is a very good thing. And if they don't sweep them, it's not the biggest deal in the world. But it would be nice to get a sweep, especially when the Mets cannot lose and the Diamondbacks won and the Cubs won and the Braves won and all of the teams that you need to lose one. Well, I mean, that's for now. But there's another day today and then tomorrow, again, another day. They have to keep winning as much as the Padres have to keep winning. So it's not Padres. Remember, they put themselves in a position where the all the team chasing have to do more winning than the Padres actually have to do. They control their own destiny. Ding. All right. Number four, I really feel stupid doing that now. Maybe you should stop. OK, let's go through. We'll just go through it. Some thought the Marlins were going to pitch around show. Hey, Tony yesterday while he was literally doing everything in offensive player could do yesterday. There was a shot of Marlins manager Skip Schumacher in the dugout yesterday and lip readers. Yes, I know lip readers are saying that he wanted nothing to do with walking. Show. Hey, Tony, a lip reader on the internet said, quote, leap back. I've got too much respect for this guy for that bleep to happen. End quote. I'm at first. Do you think they should have pitched around him? No, I love what Skip Schumacher did here. This is what baseball is all about. It's like it's like the equivalent. Not really the equivalent, but like Chris was saying on Monday night, he wanted Lori to sit the Vante Smith in her fantasy league that goes against the spirit of fantasy football. You play your players and see what happens. And you know what? The Marlins did what they did comparison. Thank you. Very nice. Thank you. The Marlins did what they did and they got crushed for it. But hey, at least you're not going to go down as that guy. Skip Schumacher. What do you think, Tony? Yeah, no, shout out to Skip for keeping the integrity of the game. And you know, not pitching around show. Hey, even though he was out of his mind yesterday as he finished with three homers and two doubles and a single, I believe. Yeah, man, I think this is what it's about, right? I mean, it had been different had it been a situation where it was like close ball game. You're trying to I mean, the game was already well out of hand at that point. Intentionally walking a guy only at that point for the sake of not becoming a part of history, I think, is whack. And so I mean, it's not a surprise. Skip has always been a, you know, a straight forward, but B, he shows a ton of respect for the game. He loves this game. And that's not how it's supposed to be. He was around playing, you know, around that time when Barry was breaking, you know, doing his thing. So, like, we all got a chance to see that nobody was ducking the fade at that point. So don't duck it now. And yesterday, it didn't really matter at all. They won, I think, 20 to three or four. As I said, if it was a one run ball game, and he came up and he was already doing it. Okay, yeah, I can understand you intentionally walking him, but you were getting your face beat up right that point. After the show last night, when you left, I saw they were showing highlights. I'm like, dude, hit another home run. Yeah, another home run. I didn't actually know if he gave up. I didn't see it until later. So when I looked at the final stats, and I saw that, wait, he had three homers. I had to go back and look at it in order to see it. But yeah, man, dude is, dude is on another level. Yes. All right. Let's go to football. In the last five seasons, the Cincinnati Bengals have started one in nine in the first two weeks of each season for like total for the 10 games that Joe Burroughs and the starting quarterback. And for a team, those won a lot of games. This is a pretty surprising stat to me at least. Joe Burroughs, if things are going to be okay, and they're familiar with this place in the standings, they only made the playoffs in two of those five seasons. So Tony, do you think this is a bigger deal than the Bengals say? What is a bigger deal? Starting slow, starting one in nine in their last 10 first two weeks. I mean, that's, that's, it's not as much of a problem now because there's extra games on the calendar than there used to be. But, you know, before starting, you know, one in three, you know, oh, and four, somewhere along those lines, that gets you into a bunch of, you'd be in trouble. Most of the time, they would say you'd be not making the playoffs. So I know they have a track. We're going to be able to play better football as the season goes along. But that's not something I think you want to keep doing year in and year out. So to answer your question, is it is a big problem or not? I don't know if it's a big problem yet, but it's starting to become an issue. It is. And especially if they can't turn it around. Yeah, he Higgins is supposedly going to be coming back here soon. They got him, you know, they had the ultra mark chase contract issue. I was reading earlier in the Joper career, he had appendicitis that took them out for a little bit. I remember that. You have the calf injury that took them out. Now he has the wrist injury. So I don't know if this is if this is a bangle problem, or does he have a wrist injury now, though? I think that will he's in summer saying that it's still in. He's still hurting from it. But who knows that. But if you're like the NFL, as we've talked about, each game is so important and Tony makes a good point. They have more games now. So you're able to waste the game and then be able to make it. I'm not saying you're able to waste the game. But if by chance you have a bad start, it's not as detrimental as it used to be. I mean, stats used to be like if you start, oh, two, you have like a 10% chance of making the playoffs. But now it's not so much like that. So we'll see what happens with the bangles and we'll see if they win this coming weekend. Derek cars a little bit of trouble with the NFL. We're on the Saints quarterback, Derek. Fine. It's week to touch that celebration that imitated Michael Jackson, a source for the ESPN. Cars snuck the ball in from the one yard line for a touchdown in the third quarter of the Saints 44 19 win against the Cowboys on Sunday. He then did a dance move made famous by Jackson that involved grabbing at his crotch. Oh, maybe that's what they're you're not allowed to do sexually suggest the celebration. The pump was a problem. So I'm a first, is this a case of the no fun league? I think it is. I think it is because it's a Michael Jackson move. People know that Michael Jackson did that. When I saw it, I was like, I was kind of crazy for Derek car of all people to do. That's what was out of pocket. Or that that's what was like out of sorts. It's like so weird about is because Derek cars are pretty straight lace guy. But the no fun league has been out this year. The celebrations, we got the t-shirt cannon from Rahim Morris yesterday when it really was probably a gun shooting in the air. If you're going to if you're going to find Derek car for this, you have to find Drake London for the t-shirt cannon. Yeah, and they got a penalty and all this other stuff. This is a case of the no fun league, Tony. Yeah, no, I agree. Case of the no fun league. I feel like the sexually suggested moves are only sometimes fine. I feel like there's been a couple guys who've gotten away with a few of those pumps and it wasn't that big of a deal. I remember I recall I think a reading a referee was about to give a penalty if it extended beyond two. And this was just one, at least the celebration I saw from Derek Carson. Maybe it was the hand on the crotch part that got him in trouble. But I thought that happened last year. Was it the receiver show that showed that? I think it was. It was. Oh, that's exactly right. And he was like, Hey, hey, hey, hey, one more pump you're getting. It's such a weird thing to say. So I was saying that we need some consistency. If I was saying it, this is a case of the no fun league right here because Derek Carson wasn't as bad. Now listen, that was last year that we saw the receiver. Yeah, so maybe this year they're cracking down on the pumps. Unless the only get you get none. Feels like the NFL is worried about a lot of things that don't matter. No matter at all. Right. Yes. This doesn't matter. I know that there's some parents out there probably thinking, Why did Derek Card do that? Now my kids running around the house grabbing his crotch. But who cares? It's a Michael Jackson thing. Yeah, you know, the problem is the kids don't know who Michael Jackson is now. That is true. They don't know. So if we're as our generation knew exactly where that was coming from, it wasn't it wasn't anything obscene now. It may seem like, Oh, what where is that coming from? Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm having a hard time realizing that kids these days. Yeah, thank you. The kids these days don't know, like, like, I was talking to some of my mom, my mom's a teacher. Some of her students are in like third and fourth grade. And I went in last year and I was like, they're like, Who do you work with? Who do you work for pop up? I was like, Do you know who Tony Quinn is? And they're like, Yeah, I'm like, I guess you guys are only like nine years old. That's it. I'm the I'm the young one to the younger version. They definitely didn't see my pops at all. It's crazy to me. It's crazy. All right. Final one. After the Jets scored their second touch out of the night against the Patriots quarterback Aaron Rogers approached head coach Robert Sala. And what happened next went viral in a nutshell. Sala went for a hug. Rogers opted for a two handed shove of the chest. The interaction was capped by a side eye from Rogers, according to the article that I was reading. Rogers was asked about the awkward moment after the victory. And he said, quote, No, it's not really awkward at all. He's not a big hucker usually. So I don't I didn't know he was going for the hug. He likes to do the two handed chest push as well. But he talks a lot about two score leads. So I kind of gave him a push and said two score lead. Tony, you believe Aaron Rogers? Yeah, this is, you know, this is, I know we look to jump on anything Aaron's doing. But this is a lot to do about nothing. I think it was just, as he said, the little miscommunication between, you know, if Sala's not a hugger, you certainly not expecting a hug at that point. Sala was feeling pretty good about seeing his team finally play some good football. So he was just he was just trying to hug anybody at that point. So yeah, no, this is a lot to do about that. And I think I do think that he should be pretty happy with what he saw. Aaron Rogers did not look like a man who was coming off of a torn Achilles. He was moving around, throwing on the run. He looked really good. Yeah, I think Aaron Rogers just need to kick the rust off. Yeah, I think so. First week, he was really rusty. Good point. Our second week gets tight and he's good enough to win. And then last night, he was incredible. Who's carving last night? But do I believe him? Yeah, because Robert Sala was a defensive coordinator for the 49ers forever. He does do the chest push. I see him do the two of the chest push. So that's where Aaron Rogers was going. And he was so happy he went for the hunt. And they created an awkward moment which is hilarious. And it's not like a contentious moment whatsoever. No. All right. That is it for the big five. We are going to head to break. When we get back, Sam Levitt is going to join me. Kind of get this last regular series, a regular season series at home for the Padres. We're going to set that up. We're also going to hear from Manny Machado from earlier today. So stick with us. We'll be back shortly here on 97 through the