Rev Dare Oluwaniyi Ministries

Help is on the Way

Broadcast on:
22 Sep 2024
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It's challenging because I am going through this request I'm requesting and send me this time one more time Of all hope we are more pray for yourself. I want you to pray to yourself one more time Lord and send me your God. He said I have accepted you. I set 90 questions for you. I set 90 questions for you pray for yourself. I set you one more time Lord. I set my prayer one more time. I set my request one more time. I set my God. I set you one more time. My lead lead took what you got completely In Jesus' majesty we pray. Thank you everybody please put your hands together for the Lord. I want to thank God for our choir especially our drummer today. Don't worry big strong Uncle drummer be strong. Don't be confused. Hallelujah. The more you stay on the drum the more your hands get strong. When of when blessed. Sometimes that it is that was not strong too. I mean yeah. So Daniel I'm feeding yourself. I am going to talk across today. I say it's on the way. My God. Talk to somebody here today. Let this month be a month of thunder and for somebody. Before this September rose out. My God visit somebody here. Let somebody know you are going through the name of Jesus. I was looking through the book of numbers chapter 20. No Exodus 20. And I was looking at the 10 command made. And it's like the Christian will race now at this though he will know whether the 10 command made see exist. Whether they believe what the 10 command made me sing. If you look at Exodus 20 from verse 2 I think it said that shall know up. This verse 3 start from verse 2. It said I am the Lord I go which I brought the out of the land of Egypt. Some of us is not the land of Egypt. It's from our father's house and God's birth of God. Some of us it is out of confusion that God has brought us up. It's out of the house of bondage. Many of you don't want to be like your father or your mother because you know their life is a life of bondage. God said I am the Lord which I brought the out. Continue to restly unless I ask you to stop your country. I know all that God before me. All that God any little thing can become God. Your money can become your God. Your house can become your God. Your car can become your God. Your ass can become your God if you put it before God. It said thou shall not make on to thee any grave when he made it or any likeness of things that is inevitable or that is in the heavy knee or that is in the water underneath any grave when he made. Some people's the picture of your boyfriend is more than God. Hallelujah. We pray for the children. God gave us the children. The children is now why we cannot stop God. Hallelujah. We ask for job. God gave us the job and because of the job it's not where we are not stopping God. Hallelujah. It said thou shall not bow down. You're set to dead. No stop dead. What are you bowing down to? What is more important than God in your life? It's therefore I did not that God I make jealous God. It does not matter. God is the jealous Lord. It's a visit in the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the poor and poor generation of them that ate me. In fact, that's why we are dealing with the last two months. But as God says, I visit unto four generations. No imagine if the generations don't stop from your own father or you are the one starting a new world. Hallelujah. His children was told of a young man. His father took him an only day from here. The old family went on only day. But the mother and two children and when they got to their village, their father took them to their river. And he said every child in this family must take a swim in this water. And the children and their mother would say, hey, I do a stream in this dirty water. Hallelujah. The man said, I will cause you here. It's okay if you don't want to swim, just put your leg inside. After much frustration, the kids put their legs inside. And that is where all the challenges started from. Who had father that is leading you to the sin of their buildings. Today, I remove you by fire in the name of Jesus. I separate you from every cause that ranges in your father's house in the name of Jesus. He said, and I'm sure he makes you on 2,000 of them that love me. We love God. That's why we are here. Is that I'm sure he must see on 2,000 of them that love me and keep my commandment continued. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord that God invades for that, that love we know in guiltless. The techniques made me very, all of you said, God, it's my weakness. You know you are lying and you are taking the name of the Lord, in vain. Children, if you don't know what to say, just shut up and don't say anything. He said, I will hold him not guiltless. That's the same word that David used for. This guy, when he was talking to his son, he said, don't hold him guiltless. So when he was talking to some of my son, about this guy that stone him, when Absalom was for swinging, he said, don't hold him guiltless. Let's see anything you do and seek a God's seat. This is not my message to everyone. I'm just fair to let you do it. He said to the members of the Sabbath day to keep it holy. The Sabbath day is only. That's what God is saying. I thank God for the life of those who are going to walk and wake up, come in the morning and submit that way to church. That is, it is God who kind of want you. But I know why he blew 11, 6 said, don't you know, don't you know, don't you know, don't you know, don't you know, don't you know, don't you know, don't you know. He said, is there any water of them that deeply, deeply, deeply seeking, deeply, deeply seeking. He said, since they thou shall live on and do what I was, but in several days the Sabbath of the Lord that God, in need thou shall not do any water. Thou, not thy son, not thy daughter, not thy mess up and not the mess up and not thy cartoon, not thy stranger, not thy stranger that is within thy gate. I'm reading the Word of God, no my whole world. For in this six day the Lord made heaven a night. This see, I know that he said that. I arrested in this seven day. We are for the Lord bless the Sabbath day and I do with it. Now, you know, went to the one that the only, the only from the only call of me, thank commandment, the only one that come with your promise and children hear this. When I said to them, including myself, those who are excellently turning, this is those who are Motherless. Motherless. They said, all not thy father and thy mother, hallelujah, that thy day may belong upon the land with the Lord that God giveth it. I cannot show you, if you don't know your mother, your desk, we never belong. It's not they call it, it's Bible scripture. You honor them in Word, in action and in everything. Your mom is not someone you trash. Your mom is not the one you don't take his word. I can't do what I like. I always say, your mom is that you all know your father and your mother does not mean you have to feed them. If God give you the ability to feed them good, but the money is not the most important thing. They all know it's the most important thing. One day I will teach on this, that's extensively. Give me the rest. I'm going to read to some of it. Thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit adultery, hallelujah. Adortery is a sin. United Kingdom does not change it. Nigeria does not change it. My condition is not right. Does not change it. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not be a false weakness against an evil. And I'm stopping at 17. Thou shall not commit that in evil's arms. You don't even need to take it over. Just in your heart. The way you undo it. And you became enemy because you are jealous. Thou shall not commit that in evil's right. Either that in your neighbor's life is one that, that in your eyes, there are thousands of one women praying for all the men. And it is now the one you know the other man, that is I brought to you. Or the one you know the wife, that is I brought to you. I really know it's man-subbered, no it's mid-subbered, no it's ox, no it's ass, no anything that is dynamic. Now this I lose that we have our own life. I started with this because when we look at patterns, when patterns oppose from you, you become evil. When you start something that you cannot finish, when you start on issues, you notice an issue, you don't intentionally create it. Hallelujah. And you make pastor to stop praying and fasting for what they should not be praying and trusting about. Hallelujah. But the Bible says two things. It said you, you may fold yourself. But I can't wait somebody for this easier to get over. Are you with me? When somebody falls, it's easier to get up, it's easier to call people to please come and help me. Hallelujah. But what happened when somebody pushed you down? What happened when somebody intentionally kicked you down? No pen-tet. No pen-vec-tet. I'm going to preach for 20 minutes and we pray by the grace of God we should be out of their by 12 days. Looked and tatty. Jesus answered and said, "A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves who stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and departedly being a dead. Listen, there's a condition that necessitates me about times. You may be in the conduct. You just need help. You know, I don't need help. I am okay myself. I can't deal with it. It's common with teenagers. When mom and dad, I say, or do they or mom? I'm okay. I think it's from age 13 to 21. The 22, they are full of that. "Mom, I'm okay. Mom?" Hallelujah. I'm in the mother of teenagers right here. You are that everything. Mom, I went and said, "Mom, what did they mean?" Daniel. When you said, "Mom, what did they mean?" "Let me know." "Mom?" Yeah, I stuck it too much. "Mom, don't baby me. Don't baby me. I'm already known. I know what to do. But you come with time when you don't know what to do. It come in time when you're on the floor and you are just praying, "Lord, I hope I will not die in this condition." Now, come in time. You are done there. You are said, "Lord, I need somebody to just come. I need somebody to help me out here. I pray for somebody that's money. Before you ask for here, we are right for you in the name of Jesus. Then right here, we are right for you in the name of Jesus, the heir that will change your situation. We are right for you in the name of Jesus." Listen, this app could be medical. It could be medical. You don't even know what to do anymore. It could be psychological. It could be financial. It could be delayed. It could be spiritual. And you say, "God, I need help." It is competition that makes you feel less. You are said, "If I did not fall, I don't need people to say it. I'm not talking to somebody." The Bible said, "This guy left." I mean, when it was going, it was complete. When it was going, it was wear dress. When it was going, he had money. When it was going, he had everything. But all of a sudden, it was attack. Every attack in your life. I can't see this money in the name of Jesus, attack in your sleep, attack where you are lying, attack at walker, attack from your father's house. I can't see them today in the name of Jesus. If this man has fallen by himself, it possibly can't rise up. But this one, it was the enemy defending. It was the chief that fell at him. It was the robber that made him to fall. It was the enemy that made him to fall. It was from his father's house that made him to fall. It was the jealous people that made him to fall. It was the people who doesn't want him to rise that made him to fall. It was the fall that brought him down. And when you're in that situation, help is the most. Can I pray for somebody this month? They're right at that unit. They're right at that unit. We're sure for you in the name of Jesus. But that would not be great now, and I don't see your situation. That app we're sure for you today in the name of Jesus. Appites that know enough so that they don't share. I would be saying if not for me, where will you be? That app will come to you today in the name of Jesus. But at least in the name of the app you don't want. Because they're finished happening to you, they're in your cases on BBC. They say, I just play at this situation that would make you to be stranded. May I have sure for you today. May I have sure for you today. Links to every one of us need their food. Every one of us. There is a map if you don't get it, you'll be useless. Hallelujah. There is a map if you don't get it, you'll be stranded. App is a divine program by God for somebody. App is a divine program. It plays a direct root in your life. At times it is apt to take you from where you are to the next level. At times it is apt to erase your past error and put you on the bed. That's not where you are going. And that's why I beg you, Church, please. As we are going in this new place, don't look down on anybody. Don't, please, stop. I beg you. Don't look down on anybody. Don't use anybody condition to describe them. Please. And the Bible is coming up. The woman with issue of note. The left, the first man. Hallelujah. They were using their condition to describe them. App is a bridge that takes you to the next level. This man started at a office. All of a sudden he's fallen. Hahaha. While I was writing this message yesterday, I look at it, I say, some people didn't plan what they are facing in the UK when you came to UK. When they were caught me, they were coming with a high home because there were not little people where they were coming from. When I get there, six months, I do this. One year, I do this. All of a sudden you are falling. Hahaha. I beg for you today. Every condition that has made people that are supposed to be pressing you to look down on you, make a big tunnel and today the name of Jesus. Whatever has made people that used to respect you to start talking to you something in anyhow now, I pray that the effort go with issue of beginning the name of Jesus. Like Johnny of life, wrongs like these. I think you don't even know what happened. But there are some things I see in this before we pray. Let's listen to somebody before seven days. The light happy come to you. Before seven days, the light happy come to you. Hear me, I hear God today. Every gun go by to walk against you. Go with this and for you. Go with Kata the head. The voice of the enemy will overpower you. The voice of the enemy will overpower your children in the name of Jesus. Listen, at times people will see you, where are you falling and there will no help. Don't be angry. Give me best 31. I would say there are two people that went past. You have no history. You have no history. No history. The priest and the Levite. Okay, look at it. And by chance Dira came down a second priestly way and when he saw him, it passed by on the other side. Why? It was not said to you. Number two, go to 32. Unlike what he said, Levite, when he was at the place, came by and look at him and passed by. Somebody said, thank you. Some people passed me by. Said, thank you. That's what people passed me by. You listen. There are some people. If they are happy, they are happy. We don't go. These two people listen. They have no beast. They have no host. They were walking on their leg, but I can't. Why? We are with that. Kata didn't mind that point. They were walking on their leg. They put the mind on his head. Okay. What would they use to wrap him? It would have been a half of destruction. First up, they would have happened. They would have stayed with him. They liked every call. I just walked by and said, somebody is that funny. I pray for you. Anytime we start, anyone who does not have what he takes to change your situation, they love with him. They are from your life in the name of Jesus. Listen to me. There are people in your life because the idea that people would say that are people with him and they are just numbers. Oh, you don't have to be your school. Hallelujah. You are surrounded with people that they are just numbers. I pray for you. They are right. They are not able to help him. But, listen, most times have come from people who least expect it. A priest should be somebody who is full of mercy. But the priest didn't do anything. Who had the right? They are the ones who are supposed to be, to be more messibu than Hebrew the priest. Because priests come from the family of Levite. None of them did have. But let's go to touch it today. Let's go to touch it today. It's about to start to maintain a monitor. I see Johnny came where he was and when he saw him, he had compassion on him. Give me 34. Look at him. I went to him and I'm back up his wound. What we priests used to bend up his wound. And Paul Halle, the priest has no hallelujah. And what and why? And set him on his beast. The other two have no beast or gary. They have no money. And brought him to an end to kill him. Listen to me until you get the light head. Oh, that's our time with that. And that's why we are going to flee. Ed, that can truly deliver me from my father's house. Let it come upon me today. The light head. So the priest and the Levite are meaningless. They were walking on their legs. What were they used to carry him? We didn't be able to have the equivalent provided for him. The Bible said that there's somebody that burned this wound, put him on the beast, took him to an hospital. And then he had to live. If it is the priest who took him to the hospital and said, I'll come and pray the rest. They said, you are not. But the guy asked me, he asked her the ability that they said, oh, it will come back. But listen, let me talk about doing things that somebody can ask and those things will help you to pray. Number one, the Bible said it came with speed. It came with speed. Your head power will not be deleted. The name of Jesus. Number two, he knows what to do with the right equipment. He burned this wound. He put on. He gave him wine to strengthen him. Number three, he knew we have to go. He didn't just attend to him by the wrong side. He knew we have to take him to. We have to give him credibility. Let's say God want to heal you. Go on to deliver you. God want to settle you. Go on to do everything to make you happy. Now, whatever the case you are going to, can I say this by the side way? I think God may not come this time. But that doesn't mean God does abandon you. I went talking to somebody. I tried God may not put out the fire. That doesn't mean God has abandoned you. I tried God may allow them to put you into the lion's day. That doesn't mean God has abandoned you. In the lion's day, the lion became gatekeeper for Daniel. In the fire, the Bible said the fire didn't burn. The three evil boys. Hallelujah. Peter was sinking on the stormy water. You know they said, I would not at me. And it doesn't come. Who is ready for a head of God this morning? Who is ready for that head? Whatever fire that is body, forget the fire. Face this God who can solve this problem. Face this God who has solution for that case. Hallelujah. I want you today. For please forgive those that have not helped you. And I said, forgive those that have not helped you. It's because God has no idea to help you. I was talking to my niece when my niece was with me and I said, why I was going through education, going back and forth. I taught his dad that money. I didn't know the man was even broke. He said, because he lived in Lagos, and the drive won't come. I thought he had money. And I was talking to him. He won't pay my scoops. He won't do anything. But when we all get that, God was sorting me out. I was paying my scoops. I said, no. I will have been two times. You have to tell him. I didn't want it. But I mean, if you breathe, I'll be on it. But I said, but God intentionally made this provision for me. I went through hell. Then God said, he's not going to want it. So I am begging you before we start to pray. We will have 10, 15 minutes of prayer before we take our prayer, we do. Forgive those who ask the way. If they are there, you personally will not be where you are now. If they are there for you then, they personally will not have the right equipment to have now. In the earlier part of my ministry, I've shared it in this church before, and I was invited to come and pass a church in the US. It looks nice. It looks so good. As I was spread, God said, don't go. I was hearing another testimony that looked like that. My ministry guy is a big young man. And I said, it's so bad to speak. Imagine if I went to the US. I don't know. I don't know. I was talking in my second or third year in UP. Then I would have been there, been running out of paper. They would give me work for me. I would be in the heat or whatever happened. Because nobody finds a problem with me. It is not the calling of God for my life. So I bet you we can make you go. Forgive me 40. That's not heavy. If you put them stronger, when I was struggling, it would look me back, it would do this. Forgive them. You don't know why you didn't want to forgive them. So that your father will forgive you. You're supposed to have that. You have no head. Is everybody supposed to have your head? No. There are some people who are supposed to have your head. So that God will forgive you for it. If you can forgive, I want you to rise in your victory today. I want you to pray. Somebody here with the right hand. And I want that somebody to cry to go. I want that somebody to cry to go. Hear me again. I said this. And it got up against you at work. This was somebody you. God, we can't do it today. The name of Jesus. God, we are supposed to have one by one. God, that I against you. Ever we are supposed to have them. Ever we are supposed to have them. They will stop fighting each other in the name of Jesus. Oh, Lord. Oh, Lord. Watch me one more time. Oh, Lord. Watch me one more time. Oh, Lord. Let's sing it at me one more time. Oh, Lord. Let's sing it at me one more time. Oh, Lord. Let's sing it if you know you need it. Let me one more time. Oh, Lord, let me one more time. Let me one more. Oh, Lord, let me one more time. Let me one more time. Oh, Lord. Let me one more time. Let me one more time. Oh, Lord. Let me one more time. Oh, Lord. Let me one more time. Let me one more time. Oh, Lord, let me one more time. Oh, Lord. Say with me, my father, my father. My father, my father. I know you have had me before. Have me one more time. Oh, Lord. Oh, put your mouth pray for yourself. Have me one more time. Oh, Lord. Have me one more time. Oh, Lord. I cannot handle this life anymore. I cannot handle this situation anymore. Have me one more time. Oh, Lord. Priff for yourself. Have me one more time. Oh, Lord. Have me one more time, Lord. Priff for yourself this money. Priff for yourself. Lord, I need your help. I need the right help. Have me one more time, Lord. Have me one more time, Lord. (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) Please look at me everybody. Let's think about what prejudice in Las Vegas and we're close. A true hippa. We know how to write information from you. A true hippa. It would know that I did write information from you. Look at this live game. The Bible says it's an interesting life. It's a city. City is the enemy of history. But this girl, it's a monster. It's somebody that's a prophet in Israel that can meet you. Even when the man got there and they said, "I didn't come out." They said, "I didn't come out." They said, "I didn't give you a 73% of the time." The enemy was angry, "I thought you would tell me to do something big." The lady said, "It's my monster." If he asked you to do something tough, you would have done it. Why not just do this? That is the writer. May God send you the writer to find the name of Jesus. I'm saying this before we pray the second word. A writer, we're not talking. A writer, we're not talking to you. And then when I say, "I'll come again." If I write that part, we'll be looking for, "What can I do to appear again?" If I don't finish what happens, is there anything more you need? Number three, I write that part with no gossip about you. They would do what they are doing, and they go. They would do what they do, and they go. They would know, "Bundo, you want to get the work done." I write that part with you. If I do what they have, it's your only. Then we stay with you onto your conditional change. Then we know there's a band on you by the other side. If an abandoned church happens to the right-hepar, no matter the storm the church is going through, they stay there. There would not use your case as a platform for them to rise. Some people will use your case. When God does something in your life, you say, "You're the only testimony." If we let we pray for this person, when we pray for this person, this will happen. Then you shall see a platform. They don't care about your dignity or whatever happens. Those are not the kinds of attributes that they like to have. We do it, nobody will know. We ask some people to share testimony. When it's only when they share the testimony, we know we are near comfort. Somebody said, "It's one day." Two people came to give me private debt. They didn't even mention that. People at the clock in the eye, too, those people came to give me private debt. I believe we are. We are a person. We say, "Son, we're a person." If we give, if we give parts of five pounds today, it's on the Facebook. If we didn't have pictures of when he was giving it five pounds, it would go and do a picture of how the hand was giving. Just for anybody to know he has done something. Just to know that he's... You are going to try to go. I have several minutes for this study today. I pray for you today. God of Apple is stepping to die your case. The other we step into die your case. The other we step into die your case. You will not cry anymore. You will not mourn anymore. You will not sorrow anymore. The late is over in your life. The night is over in your life. The hope that we have you in the name of Jesus. Say with me, "My father, my father." My father, my father. I need the right help. I need the right help. Oh, God of Apple. Let my Apple show up today. Oh, put your button. Pray for yourself. Pray for yourself. Let my Apple show up. The right Apple for me. Let it show up. The right Apple for me. Let it show up. Now, let's go together. Let my right Apple show up. Let me right Apple show up for me. Let me right Apple show up for me. Let me right Apple show up for me. Let me right Apple show up for me. Let me right Apple show up for me. In my room. Let me right Apple show up for me. Let me right Apple show up for me. Let me right Apple show up for me. In Jesus' name with me. I am led to pray for everybody. I'm not going to ask you to pray for me. Whatever Apple show up for me, let me right Apple show up for me. Between now and November. Yeah, this world. I don't know what will happen. But if there's economy deep in the world between now and November, everyone might have the sound of my voice. Every now I've met your job in the name of Jesus. Every now I've met your source of livelihood in the name of Jesus. Instead of going down, you'll be rising up in the name of Jesus. Because if Apple show up when people are talking about passing down, you'll be talking about lifting up. Now be your testimony in the name of Jesus. God we sustain your economy. God we sustain your life. And we sustain everything about you. Anytime you help your children into good news. Anytime you see your sibling into good news. Thank you all this really. In Jesus' name with me. Lord my Father I pray for the right hand for your children. Right hand booker. Right hand booker. Lord that between now and Monday. Between now and the last day of this month, which is Monday the following week. Lord my Father you will visit everyone here in the name of Jesus. From the top left of the adult. You will visit everyone of us in the name of Jesus. And the right hand will come to you. Your Father's house will not stop this. Your Father's house will not stop this. Your attitude will not stop this. God will say to you. Thank you my dear Father. In Jesus my destiny we pray.