Paranormal Karen

ep. 321: Ryan Marquardt

Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
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Produced by Mike Flinn

Paranormal Karen here putting a little trigger warning on the beginning of this episode. It is astrology and politics and it gets pretty political. It's Ryan who is amazing and we taped this three days before Biden stepped down. But I didn't want to change anything because I still stand behind the prediction I made. There's a lot of time coming. You'll be like, what? But that's okay. Ryan did a fantastic job. He picked Kamala. I did not see that coming. But I still do not want to edit this episode. I think it was too good. And if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I'm still standing by my prediction. I will say this. As you know, I am not about politics at all. I think it's all two sides of the same coin. So don't be offended if I'm not on your team. I'm not on anybody's team. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. I actually am on the burn it all down team. But I will say this, I do love the way all the people that hate women are having such a hard time with Kamala. That is it enjoy paranormal Karen. She's so spooky paranormal Karen. Funny too. Paranormal Karen. She's so spooky. Oh, and then I mentioned she's funny too. Yeah. Hello everyone. Welcome to paranormal Karen sort of a special episode that we put aside and if any of you listened to THC, the higher side chats, he always does this phenomenal intro. I only have little flecks of that in that we are in a time where metaphorically we get up every day and say, why don't my clothes fit? That's what I feel like. What happened? Why don't my shoes fit anymore? Nothing fits correctly. And we are taping this in July. It is the 20th. And we specifically wanted to wait. It's coming out in September. So we're like two months. I wanted this one close and we just passed the assassination or the I'm sorry attempted assassination. Maybe there was a different timeline there. And Ryan, I will never pass up a chance to talk with Ryan. Ryan, how are you today? I am doing as good as can be. I can't, I can't, you know, it's it's nothing is terrible. I have no complaints. Even Utica is getting better. We're getting rid of the heat. We've had six by this time of the year, we're supposed to have 16 tornado warnings. We've had 60 and it wiped up us a wiped out a city above me. Like it's all crazy. There's no there's no in between. So I'm going to throw this out here and then I'm just going to let you go because I still am standing. This could be wrong by the time I get there. I still think it's going to come down to right now it's still Trump and Biden. I think it's going to be Trump and newson and I think Trump's going to win. And lastly, when it comes to was it a real or fake assassination attempt? My answer is it does not matter because everyone has chosen their side and no one is going to budge. I don't know if that's a cop out answer but that's what I believe. So Ryan, how do you feel about all this stuff? I mean, it's so hard. Like we struggled to even come up with our day to record this, which thank you for having me back on. But really because it's changing clearly day to day to day. And we still at this point, I mean, for all we know today, July what 20th, Biden might just announce his dropping. We have no idea. So unfortunately, we have to like keep I do have ideas like I've got like where I think like my projection quote unquote if I'm like gun to a head, I feel no fun intended there. I have that and I'll say it. But I also I think, you know, you got to keep an open mind with astrology and like where things can go. Yeah, the timelines are changing daily. Oh my god, it's nice. I do want to say one thing that I didn't like re listen to our last episode, but people want to go back. We did talk some politics in there. And one thing that was really cool that I was accurate was just kind of personality shift in both Trump and Biden that was predictive that I at least was talking about where Trump became more grounded. Obviously, he's still like wacky and if you're really like listening to what he's saying, he's like just as unhinged as ever. But he's been more calm and like even at the RNC, like he kind of as he went on got a little more off the rails. But he like was following the teleprompter, he's like kind of looking more quote unquote presidential. And I remember talking about that. Yeah. And that like, and we weren't used to that, you know, the first time around, he was like, flying by the seat of his pants. And it's like, they was so so jarring. And now I think he knows what he's doing. He's more in a flow. And he, I talked about the family and unity messaging that he's really talking about that. And he, I mean, that's all of you're talking about now. And that they are, the Republicans are on a much more like united front. And that is so clear. And that the surrogates that he has are more important this time around, or before it was just the Trump show this time around. I mean, he's got everybody talking for him. I mean, he is too. But they're all on the same talking points. And even the celebrities that he's getting, like he's hired someone to literally hire rappers, like cool rappers to come to his events. So it's really interesting to watch that unfolding. And he's even come out now and said that he's pushing for a new platform for a told Republican leaders that he's going for a less socially conservative platform and a more nationalistic platform. So he's planning on being pretty hard on immigration for the nationalistic side of things. But they've removed the federal abortion ban from the Republican platform. And they've also dropped their support for marriage being just a man and a woman, which is like a really interesting and tempting thing for people on the social end of it, you know? Well, you know, I have a lot of, and as everybody knows, I don't like either party. I'm a revolutionary. And my new saying is I'm not even participating in the Civil War. I will step forward for the revolution, which I saw the most brilliant person. I wish I could remember this was on TikTok said, you know what a revolution looks like in this country? No one goes to work. No one protests. Nobody. We shut down the country like they always talk about. And I thought, Oh, we got to keep putting that message out. So I feel like, like I said, no love for either. In fact, I will just say, I think I'm not dating right now anymore because it does scare me that though, that a lot of the country women included were okay with him saying I grab women like I can I can't get over whatever there's a woman part of me now that can't the, you know, trafficking, you know, essay, whatever. It's for some reason now I'm really like, I can't, I have no tolerance at all. So but there was a tape that leaked that was Trump talking to RFK. And this is a really strange. Oh, yeah. But you know what? We forget like no one in show business. If you lived in Hollywood, everyone knew Donald Trump, but like I have friends that like wrote for Conan and they were like, we used to stay and watch the show. When he was on, we all went home. Like he was just kind of gross. But when he was talking to RFK, I was like, I knew he was exaggerating and kind of making stuff up. But he sounded like a fun, nice guy, like the Donald Trump that they used to interview that still set outrageous, horrible things, but wasn't as rageful. And I kind of, it took me back for a minute that I was like, that guy's better. That, you know what I mean? But I still this project 2025, which somebody just said on their podcast, how come that didn't come out until they were worried about Trump or something? He made it sound like it just popped out. It's been out for a while. And I've seen it for a while. And I don't worry about Trump with that because I also think abortion was the dog cat caught the car. They when they would put that federal ban on it was like, Oh, no, you shouldn't have done that. You should have done like the Democrats and just play like we always need money for this. We can't make it happen. But JD Vance is makes me very nervous. And I wonder if if they get rid of Trump somehow, he gets elected and then they take him out. Project 2020 is JD Vance 100%. He's not going to back off that guy's young and mean. And anyways, that's my political, we got very political and we're like, not I'm always trying not to be political and they're boom, I ruined everything. Oh, please actually on that note, I should have approved this first, but I'm just going to do it. Go ahead, cut this out if you hate. No, no, I'm saying whatever they want. Okay, good. Then let me just I just have to say this like because a part of me is a little salty. I just a couple days ago was looking at my own podcast and saw that all the sudden we went from a beautiful five stars to like a four point something and I was like, Oh, somebody rated it it's not five stars. And then I'm I'm guessing this was somebody who listened to the last time I was on your podcast. And no, seriously, just because of the date when the review came out versus when that podcast came out was like a few days later or something. So and but I am on a few different podcasts, but I think that was the last time I talked to politics. Anyway, they rated me two stars on my podcast came came from I think it was to mine all the way to just break me two stars. And literally wrote Ryan lost all credibility when he went on a podcast saying that voting for either candidate is the same. And then he proceeded to talk about 2025. They're like only one party is pushing for fast fascism in this country, both parties have issues. The only one wants to take people's rights away. You don't need to put the foot around it with the both sides rhetoric. Okay, so let me just say, let me not mince words, whoever you are, which is ironic on its own that you're telling me I'm like being ambiguous with my messaging here and you're not even coming out and saying who you are. Literally, but like either both sides are calling the other side fascist. Okay, so I don't even know what side this person's on. Like they both sides think the other side is trying to take their rights away. I have no idea. Like you this person might be for Trump or Biden. I have no idea of what they just said truthfully. So I'll just say that number one, it's like ironic that they said that. But number two, they all they clearly don't know me because if they do or have listened to my podcast, but they rated two stars, I don't really care about this, but I just wanted to say it in case they're listening to your podcast. Right. Number one, scurio. Yes, yes. No, really, like number one, scurio. Number two, if you know anything about me, you know, I'm going to vote for a rock over Trump. Like that's my personal opinion. But I'm also a Gemini, hard Gemini. I love to look at all sides of things. I very much understand why people would vote for Trump. Like I'm fascinated by that psychological perspective. And I'm going to try and look at things astrologically from all sorts of points of view. So I try to talk about it in that way. And I do also think that both sides fricking suck right now. Like I do think they are both terrible, but I'm not I'm not voting for Trump. So just so you know, in case you want to go update your review, I'm not putting around anything, whoever you are. No, I don't think it takes too much to figure out where I am. But you know, you get in trouble for not taking a side. And if you take a side, you use half of your people. And 100%. Yeah. And I just think there's no good answers. I think the answer was a third party. I thought it was RFK. There he's made a few things I don't agree with. But until there is a third party, there's no don't bother. You're gonna. Yeah. Don't bother it. Whatever. I don't feel like, you know, and I live in upstate New York and it turns out upstate New York's votes do not matter. The electoral college somehow, whatever we do doesn't matter. I was like, how does that work? But yeah, and you know, that's funny. You should go look at the bad reviews on mine because they're his step like one of them was like, like something is wrong with Karen. She's deteriorating. Oh, God. It's so funny. Yeah, I don't know. It's like, you know, my favorite fake Christian, his fake video baptism hired Twitter followers to they hired bots to I'm like, nothing is real anymore. Nothing is real. I can't, you know, I can't. It's just insane. Anyways, so everyone, if you hate us for who we are, that's too bad, but or whatever, you know, send an email. People know I answer my emails. So you can vent or leave me a bad review. I can't take it. Yeah, I don't care. I don't care. But don't tell me that I lost all credibility because of what you perceive as my personal political views that that has no, no bearing in my ability to interpret astrology. Right. And also, if you're criticizing me, what they'll always start with is I used to think she was funny. That's what they do. The committee is that you'll say, I used to think she used to be funny. I don't, I don't know. Side note, you are hilarious. Like the videos you've been uploading lately, the shows you've been doing, I'm dying over these clips. Like people are really digging psychic stand up. I'm so happy. Thank you. It's found its home. Yeah, I'm on the road. People go sign up at my website. The psychic stand up is all over the place now. Thank you, Ryan. Yeah, I love it. Okay. So I'm not going, you know, the Trump thing was right. But then also the Biden thing, I guess it took a little bit of a different turn. Last time we talked, I said he was going for the more scrappy vibe. I think it's a scrappy. It's just scattered, you know, definitely disorganized, doesn't have the unity quite clearly. Like there's 30 plus democratic leaders who have now called for him to step down. Like clearly, there's no unity in Biden's messaging and that we definitely talked about before. So I mean, that is a lot. He might like, I do, I do remember saying he's, he might get like amped up on energy, like they're pumping him a battle or something. That might come out. If he doesn't drop, he might be like going pendulum swing a whole different direction. And all of a sudden we're like, what did they do to him? And I don't know, that's going to work very well either. Anyway, do we interrupt you? But the Republicans are now organized, like the Democrats were when Obama was there, that memberhood together that was. And now that's how the Republicans are right now. Yeah, it's wild. It's really, really crazy. And I think like, you know, I'm just going with the playable side saying, I'm like, I am four pieces. I really want peace in this world, man. You got to understand people's points of view. Like, I'm so glad that I consciously try to focus on why do conservatives think the way they do. Why would somebody vote for Trump? I really understand why they do. Do I agree? No. But I think that's so important if we're trying to work towards some sort of like, better life in the country. I agree. And also, you know, this is the only thing that, first of all, the Daily Show is knocking it out of the park funny. Okay, right? Not there are still, you know, there are still Democrats, but yeah, but and they're ripping on Democrats a little, but it is in its stride again. It is so, and they were showing or maybe it wasn't them. I can't remember who it was, but it was showing how much they were saying at the Republican convention that lefties are godless. And that really scares me because that's dehumanizing. Like, yeah, you know, I know what's in their heart because of blah, blah, blah. And that kind of, that gives me the creeps. But no, I agree. So I know we want to talk ahead, but do we want to say anything about the assassination attempt in the astrology surrounding that? Because it is kind of wild. I don't want to spend too much time on it. But if you can do, yeah, go ahead. Yeah. And then we'll take a break and go. But I don't know what I think of that. I mean, obviously someone's dead. So it's not good. Yeah. People are dead. So it's horrifying, whether whatever. But I don't even know how I feel about it. It I do. I've got like my thoughts on it. Okay. So I don't want to spend too much time on the actual astrologics. A lot of people maybe have heard a lot of this by now, but it Mars and Uranus were together, which is very volatile, but they were together on a fixed star called Algol, which Algol is like the Medusa star that like Medusa had her head chopped off. So it's literally a fixed star that's directly related to decapitation. Mars is guns, right? Uranus is sudden events. So a sudden shooting to Trump's head. And Mars also is the planet that rolls ahead. So literal sudden shooting to Trump's head, and it was on Trump's midheaven, which is the most public part of you. So this is a public event aired on television when this happens. Like, it's pretty textbook. I mean, that is it's really one of the most textbook things possible. And then what's also interesting is the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, when you look at his chart, he was born with Mars and Uranus conjunct. So go figure this happened again when Mars and Uranus were conjunct on Trump's midheaven. And his Thomas's natal Mars Uranus conjunction fell on Trump's descendant, which is opposite of his rising sign or his ascendant. And the descendant is definitely allies, but it's also related to your open enemies. This guy definitely had a thing for Donald Trump, which also, you know, I don't like I have not seen the news reporting on this much, but they've now just come out and said, you know, his Google searches. And he was searching for Biden too. I think he just I don't know that there was a rhyme or reason for this guy. But then he just wanted to cause some chaos. I don't think it's about him being Republican or donating $15 to act blue. I think he just wanted to have that little bit of legacy or something. But if it if Biden was closer to him and had a, you know, a date that that was closer to then when he decided he wanted to do this, it probably would have invited. You know, I don't think this was politically motivated for one side or the other. I think he hated it all. Now that we've sort of I think in this first half, we've done a very good job of making everyone angry. So I'm going to consider. I'm sure. When I say it doesn't matter, like it's true. People have either decided to conspiracy or they have decided it's not. But I'm not the part that like what you were saying about this guy. Maybe I am getting too conspiracy. But this feels as MK ultra as it could be. Like, I just ever since I taught to that Alyssa, it was such a good episode, by the way. I I just this it makes no sense. I don't think people I think it's against human nature to shoot at another human being. And something extreme has to take place. And this guy is really like, it's so blank. Like even what you're saying, it's it's so blank. Who do I hate? Who do I shoot? I'm not, you know, I just I'm starting to think that I'm seeing MK ultra a lot more than I thought. Anyways, I've seen numerous people say that. I don't know a whole lot about MK ultra, to be honest outside of that episode you did, which is really interesting. But it is it's kind of hard to grapple with the fact that this guy had no social media presence. He didn't leave any manifesto behind his parents. Like there was no sign. You know what I mean? So it's like, if this was motivated or triggered by something, it was either just like something deep within him, or it was like a secretive sort of very covert operation. And that sounds right. Yeah, and I move for what reason? Or, you know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. And I yeah, and I don't know. We'll ever really know, I guess, I will say one thing. And again, like by the time that this airs, we may have a lot more information. We don't at the moment, though, but a lot of people are like, was it staged? You know, and I seen that on both sides, both sides are saying this. I don't, I feel like stage feels like the wrong word of looked at the astrology of that day of this guy's chart, Trump's chart, etc. I don't feel like staged is accurate on like a party end, but it does feel like like it's more accurate to say like this was permitted to happen based off of the astrology, but also based off of what we know thus far where it's like people were tipped off. Deeds are well enough in advance. Why was he on this roof where there were literally police in the building that he was on the roof of like he, how was this allowed? You know, that is the weird thing. It was it feels permitted until staged, feel permitted. Yeah, that would be a good way to say it because even the Secret Service, there was somebody that was the old Secret Service agent that was even saying the the women that were there to protect him were smaller. You have to have the Secret Service agent is supposed to be the same height as whoever they're defending. And I even that like little things like that permitted is a good word. Okay, we'll be right back, folks. Hey, everybody, I'm so excited. The psychic standing show has dates all over. We've moved into small theaters. And as my friend said, for 20 years, you've been shaking that jiffy pop on the burner and it's popping. And I am so excited. So I will be at Bull Run in Shirley, Massachusetts on October 4th and 5th. That is actually sold out. I just wanted to brag about that. It sold out before we even got the posters out. But I will be back in Shirley, Massachusetts next year. October 10th is a big show in Pittman, New Jersey. That is a thousand seat theater and tickets are going fast. We're going to sell that out on a Thursday. So be sure you get your tickets if you're anywhere near Pittman, New Jersey. That along with October 11th in Emus, Pennsylvania, and then on the 12th in Artemore, Pennsylvania, all of those shows you can get tickets at comic at I'm so excited to sell out that theater on the 10th. So if you're near Pittman, go to that show. October 17th through the 19th, I will be in Waterfield. Is it Waterfield or Waterford? Michigan at a club called One Night Stands. That is going to be excellent. One Night Stands, Waterford, Michigan, right outside of Detroit. Then you can see me November 2nd at the AKE Gallery in Cortland, New York. Also December 13th, I just added Springdale, Arkansas at the Jones Center. So you can get tickets there and more dates to come. But hope to see you at these shows. And if you do come to the show, be sure and wait after and say hello and give me a big hug or maybe a small eight ball of cocaine or herpes or something. Just come say hello. All right. Thanks everybody back to the show. You know, Ryan, I just adore you so much. We're talking about how I just had to check the sound and we were talking about what I record with. And I was like, I forgot my discord or where it is or how to use it. And just there's this strange apathy everywhere. But anyways, yes, you were going to save something for us. What was that? Yeah. So I think a big question that I've like felt was like, and you know, the discord that you're hearing, even what you said about Republican saying like Democrats don't have God in their party or whatever. It is kind of crazy, you know, like the how exact the miss of that bullet was to Trump's head, like how close it could have been to total catastrophe there seriously. And so it feels like, and the discourse on the Republican side literally is like God saved him, you know, like he was divinely protected and all of that. So when you knowing that Al Gore was involved, which is that Medusa kind of decapitation, fixed star, when you look at the other placements that aren't major planets, and for anybody that cares like fixed stars and asteroids and all that, they lend a lot of specificity to events. Typically, I'm not looking at them. Like there's always enough to tell based on major planets like what's going on, but especially in retrospect, oh my God, it's wild how much these things color in what has happened. And I would recommend Vivian Robson's book, fixed stars and constellations that anybody wants to know more. But so it does feel like there was like a protective element and it's like, why did Trump survive this, you know, what's going on there? Yeah, I, I, my, I think things would have been worse had it hit him. Like people are making that jump mess. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, we don't that would start a civil war. Like, oh yeah. And even I would be like, well, you know, that's not how we saw any of these problems. Yeah. Oh my God, I completely agree. And I don't think we're out of the woods as far as this whole situation goes, to be honest. Yeah, I will say he has like a handful of things that were basically protecting him. So number one is Regulus, which is on his ascendant in his natal chart. Regulus is one of the best placements. It's like one of the royal stars and it kind of gives somebody success and high ideals, ambition, somebody who's very powerful and independent. But on a bad side, it can give violence, destructiveness, and lead to failure, imprisonment, and violent death. And it's connected to the Greek idea of hubris, especially if you're kind of flying too close to the sun, which I say that in intentionally because Icarus was also involved here at the asteroid Icarus, which is about flying too close to the sun and then they're being evolved in grace. So that is there. But also, he literally, the day that this happened, had the asteroid called Angel crossing over his ascendant in real time, they're transits. So Angel is protecting him and your ascendant is you. It's like the point where the soul enters the body. So it has to do with your physicality and just how you are literally showing up in any given moment and very much physically. So there was a literal angel, literal spirit guide, guardian angel, protecting him and his like regular fixed star on his ascendant, which is giving him that power to mean like, let me protect him and his power ability there, which just that blows me away. There's other good things like Venus was in his first house, which is nice. Jupiter is in Gemini. He's a Gemini is kind of like a support element there. I always call Jupiter the planet that would be like your guardian angel. So he definitely had like a level of like divine protection around him at that point. But there's even beyond that, it's like kind of crazy how a lot of this does feel spiritual. And I think a reason why and this is where I'm like, I can now I can go into like conspiracy theory thinking or whatever, but it just it does feel like there's a lot of synchronicities that work right now. And this is why I don't feel like this was staged, like humans plans this like in a large effort, it feels much more divine in the saving of him and the ways that this has played out because of those fixed stars and asteroids involved. But also like the synchronicity of it is kind of nuts where, you know, I've seen this phrase so much lately too. It's like history doesn't repeat itself. It rhymes. And the the last two times Mars and Uranus were together, which is Trump's most public part of his chart, right? The two times ago, well, the last time was the day the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago. So big public event for him. And the time before that, January 6, like the public event for him, right? So these big kind of catastrophic moments for him related to this is the third time now. And it's always very public. So I do feel like there's some sort of, you know, and there's been really no repercussions with any of this, right? He gets kind of saved. He kind of wins from almost all of those. But you know what? I just want to say this. I don't want to see anyone shot and I don't want to see anyone shot on live TV. And I think, you know, and I'm not comparing him to Satan, but Satan's job is to sort of in the Bible. If there's a theory that like Satan works with God to tempt people so that they act right, I think Trump definitely has a purpose. And also for everybody that wants to talk about manifesting, he is the best manifestor in the world, in the planet, in the universe. He says it and he does it. And we all know that he doesn't always tell the truth. But there's, if you want to learn to manifest, that's who you watch. Watch what he says become reality. It's almost crazy. It really, really is. Yeah. And it's funny. Like the regular thing on his ascendant, this is just apparent so much in who he is in everyday life. And he's obviously gotten a lot of the good from that throughout his life. But the time where Regulus is going to like bite you in the ass is going to be with the hubris angle of he's being too prideful. There's like a quote from C.S. Lewis that literally says it was through pride that the double became the double pride leads to every other vice and it is the complete anti-God state of mind. So when he gets too prideful and too boastful, I feel like that's when these scandals kind of pop up. And he's like thinking that he's like, oh,lier than now. So it's really interesting to me that he does feel like he's taking a little bit more of a humility kind of approach at the moment. And I feel like it's working for him. It's really weird. Yes, it is. And you know what else? I almost feel like again, no matter what happens now, I don't think we have a truth. I think we have two timelines and people jump on one or the other. So I like no matter what, I can see if he died during office, they would say it was the left or they would say it was JD Vance or whatever. But yeah, I'm with you. This this is something is supposed to play out here. You know, Lauren Bobert is this is the insane. She said, if Jesus had a AK-47, Pontius Pilate would have never got him and everyone applauded. And I thought, you've missed the point of the story. Right? That wasn't a gun story. That was a I don't know. So that's where I kind of feel like if he was to not make it to the election, then the story can't play out. Yeah, I mean, he's serving some sort of a purpose. I'm not going to say what that purpose is, but you know, these powerful people do a lot to catalyze where society goes for better or for worse, you know, even honestly, even if it's for worse, then there's this mass realization of, oh my God, the cow horrific this thing was that we've allowed to happen and then we move ourselves into better space. So, you know, whatever. I feel like that's what we're going. Whatever the decision that humanity has to make, and it is humanity. It's not now. I don't know when it is. Like, I knew when January 6th happened, I was like, well, it's something. It's not everything. There is a moment where we will have to decide whether it's about Mother Earth or whether it's about humanity or whether it's about aliens or whatever. But everybody's a part of it. So, wow. And it's unfolding. I think we're actually really on the cusp of it more than ever, like the astrology is just fundamentally altering. Starting in November, especially November, all the way to really, I mean, that's just started as well, say all of the outer planets will kind of cascade into new signs. So in November, Pluto will enter Aquarius. It's already kind of done the Aquarius thing a couple of times, but it'll be an Aquarius of good. But then after that, and throughout 2025, we got Uranus moving into Gemini. Neptune and Saturn are going to leave Pisces and go into Aries, which is a complete reset. Pisces is the final sign of the Zodiac. Aries is the start of the Zodiac. They're going to have a conjunction at 0 degrees of Aries. Technically, that'll be exact, I think, top of 2026, but they're both going to be there in 2025. There's a whole gray side. I think the war isn't Aries like an aggressive fighting planet? Yeah, yeah, it's a sign. No, it is. It's the sign of war, but it's also just a sign in the beginning of some pioneering and leadership and independence. With outer planets being the ones that are making these switches, it's more generational. And a new epoch is how all of this feels. Jupiter is going to change signs, too. All of the planets, Jupiter onward, are changing signs. And this is a fundamental shift of energy where it goes. Who knows? I'm really hoping it goes into a progressive space. Okay, so in other words, no matter what happens with the election, something huge is shifting, and we don't know if it's good or bad yet. Yeah, yeah. And I like to look at both opportunities and everything in between there, because we don't know. So, okay, so should we move into some of the predictions and the big players involved here? Or do you need a break? No, no, no, this is great. And also, I had a question there. I see a lot of people saying they keep saying if there's an election. I feel like they're are you on the if page? Because I am at that point, reality would be recreated. Because people are going to make it happen, or they're going to make it happen online. I can't see us missing and I don't know what that would be an asteroid or what, you know? I know. Okay, so I agree. I was like confused if my people were saying this, but when I was first hearing this, I wasn't looking too much at the politics of things at that point in time. Now that I've been going into it, my first prediction, especially pre-Biden, totally tanking at the debates, where this real serious shift has occurred. My prediction just was assuming Trump and Biden were moving forward and that that's who it's going to be in November. I was seeing it as a contingent election, which for anybody who's not aware, contingent elections occur when need or candidate get the majority of the electoral votes needed to win, which has not happened since like 1837, I think, or 1836. Long time, nobody alive has dealt with a contingent election. And the main reason why I think this would happen is because there is like RFK, like a third party and independent steals enough electoral votes to prevent either one from winning or does it tie it to 69. They need 270 electoral votes out of 538. So if this happens, which I think if it is Trump and Biden, that's my guess. It'll either be an independent ceiling in us or that nobody can win, even if Trump wins, like electoral votes and like popular vote count way above Biden, if he doesn't reach 270 electoral votes, they immediately move to contingent election, which actually doesn't happen until the following year. So it'd be like 2025, like spring or something when they actually vote. So in the process is if it's a presidential situation, which I think that would be House of Representatives, the new, the newly elected House of Representatives chooses the president. They each each state casts one vote. So you need 26 of 50 to win. And the top three vote gatherers are all in the pool there. So say Trump has the most electoral votes way above Biden, if if the House is run by Democrats majority, they could push Biden up, you know, in a contingent election situation or whatever Democrat might be in the running at that point. Does RFK have a shot? I didn't think he had a shot. I was literally the 20th person on his website to buy a t-shirt and I've given him. I don't I don't think he has a shot at actually winning anything, but I mean, he's picked his holding numbers have gone up and he is I just think his profile has gone up enough. And there's so many people who are uncommitted or now independent and they might just they don't want to vote for Biden or Trump and they much further vote to him or somebody else. That would shock me, but I would be thrilled. Yeah, yeah, because they're saying Jill Stein. I don't even know if Jill Stein is running or going, but even the daily show has just written RFK off. And I always have said, if people get to listen to RFK, they will vote for him. And so they're blacking him out of everything. Yeah, yeah, but like I mean, in that call with Trump, right, like raise the profile, like, I don't know. And there's still a decent amount of time between now and November and the news cycle change is like crazy, like it's nuts. So he could pick up some steam randomly, the lock can happen. And I definitely think that he could steal a couple electoral votes and call to make this a contingent election for sure. I also think that Trump loves him. You know, Trump called him in on the first, I think it's something about the Kennedy thing. And also, I think Garf K is a nice man. But Trump is a little obsessed with him. And somebody said to RFK, would you be Trump's vice president? And he said, my wife would kill me. I think he was number one on the list. Yeah, no, I was my thought to, I think that some news came out to that like, Trump would plan on putting him into an office, like secretary of state or something. I can't remember, but he'll probably get some position. Yeah, okay, I'm going to stop and let you predict. And I'm not going to ask anymore. So call us. Oh my god, you're fine. Okay. So all that said, I don't, I mean, I think Biden needs to step down. There are so many conflicting news reports at this point, we don't know what's going to happen. But it's like unprecedented, how many democratic leaders have come out and basically said you need to step down. My, like if I was a Democratic strategist, my personal, this is a personal now at the point. But like my personal strategy would be step down and calm money is takeover, because they've raised a ton of money. And because calm was on the ticket, she's the only person that can actually take over the money that Biden has raised. Any other person, if there's a, you know, contested, shoot, now I'm like losing my words. But if they get to the Democratic National Convention and they got to vote and choose in person, if it's not calm, then they lose all the money, basically. So they're going to have to start over from scratch. And I just don't even know that that strategically makes sense. But that is like what Nancy Pelosi and other people are reportedly calling for at this point, that that it shouldn't just be handed to calm, like, she's going to need to prove herself at the convention and win it. But it's like, why would we, why would they want to lose 90 plus million dollars that is on hand right now? Like that just kind of doesn't make sense to me. And there's no way to get it. What if Kamala was the vice president? And because I don't think it's going to be her. I think she's the bigger loser. I know. Well, she's pulling like slightly ahead of Biden, but still not enough to beat Trump at this point, which something I've learned lately, by the way, for anybody who cares is, yeah, polls aren't accurate, particularly when it's like, who would you vote for this person or this person tends to very much like not be accurate. But it tends to be accurate when it's more on a sentiment end. Like, so a poll saying should Biden drop out, like recently, it said 65% of Democrats want him to drop out. I've had so many people fighting with me over that, like polls don't matter. And I'm like, no, this is a sentiment question. It actually does matter. It's way more accurate than who are you voting for? So just for what that's worth, if you're trying to pay attention to any polls sentiment. I don't like by yeah, Kamala's pulling like slightly better than Biden, but like worse than Trump for sure. So I don't know. But I mean, again, looks like people might get reinvigorated. I think there's a lot of optics as well. If they just choose to pass up Kamala, like what did that mean? Like now you're passing up the potential first woman president, a black woman, like the potential votes you could lose from that, you know, like black women are really main supporters of Biden purely right now. They pass her up to go for some white dude. Like, what does that say about the democratic party's values, you know, especially because she's going to hang in them there for a minute. But don't you think she looks bad? She hasn't, she looks drunk a lot. Yeah, they could have trotted her out and and had her do some stuff and say some stuff, but it all was very comical. Yeah, and I know, and she's basically turned into a meme, which I think for younger generations, it's working. Like, I don't think there's been enough support for her until very recently. She's got the whole coconut meme that's really blown up lately, where it's like, I actually think she would get Gen Z and millennial votes if it was her. I think that that tide has now shifted in her favor. I don't think that because I think I don't really think these are the people running it. But I feel like this is the only thing that worries me is I feel like you have to have a certain amount of charisma to stand up there and do it like a and it's a learned thing. Like Pete Buttigieg didn't have it. He could learn it, but he was too, you know, you can see right now J.D. Vance didn't have it to step up. He will, but it's a different, it's like in comedy. When you see someone that's an open mic or and you see someone is professional, even if they're doing the same material, the professional puts the room at ease right away. So that's not that I'm going to stop. We're going to come back and I'm going to shut up. Okay, hold on. Okay, so I think you did bring up a really interesting point. I don't know if somebody else like Gavin, say Gavin is the next presidential person if Biden drops. If he picks Kamala because she then still would technically be on the ticket, will the money get transferred? I don't know, but that would make sense. At that point, won't she feel shafted like that? She's like, you know, like what does that mean? It's just a weird look, no matter what, like I knew such a shaky territory for Democrats. I think Biden should have dropped a long, I don't even think he should have run again. He should have stuck to his promise that he was a transition president. And I think he really screwed a lot of things over here. So all that said, and now, as I said, I didn't interrupt. Also, I think that has something to do with Hunter Biden going into jail. My God, I know. I know. And now he's trying to make the case that if Trump had his case thrown out, like where they found all the files, you know, he's like, well, I'm the same way. You should throw out my case now, too. I don't know, like, I don't know. Biden's got a problem. Like, a lot, a lot of problems. Okay, so I think he should drop. And here's what I'm going to say too. Like, I'll give a very serious prediction on that. I'm getting, go into my notes really quick. Okay, so this is long past now as of recording, but we're recording in July 20th on July 23rd, 24th, 25th. There are some very serious things happening in Biden's chart that indicate a potential very serious announcement coming forward, which could be, I'm saying in the race, right, we're hearing it from people in the upper echelon there, I guess, like that he's not going to step down. But we're not hearing anything from Biden's mouth directly at all. And so we need to hear it from him in leaving or not. I think in the next few days, next week, 23rd, 24th, 25th, we will, in each one of those days, there's a different thing happening, but they all kind of indicate the pretty big public serious announcement. He's either going to claim, I'm not leaving, you got to pry this out of my hands with the convention, if you guys really want to contest this, or he's going to make a big announcement that he's stepping down. And then I feel like strategically, they should just push it to Kamala just so she can get on the campaign trail and start using that money. But I feel like they're not going to do that, we'll probably move it to the convention and let people pick in a few weeks. But that's my prediction. So we'll see if in a few days, he makes this announcement. I really think that it'll happen. Mercury is going to be conjunct his chiron first, which is kind of like sad news. So I feel like you've got sucking up a kind of painful thing that he has to announce. The next day, Mars is going to conjunct his needle, Uranus, which is really poetic, given what's happened to Trump. That was the Mars Uranus conjunction. Now Joe Biden's getting kind of his own, which again is kind of like a sudden painful announcement, I would say, in Gemini. And then on July 25th, Mercury is going to conjunct Biden's north node at the tip top of his chart in the 10th House public, which is like a faded announcement of some sort. So I can't imagine we'll get past July 25th and we don't hear something very substantial coming from his mouth. That said, if he were to still be in, let's just say, on election day, and inauguration day, I've looked at his chart, it's now looking good. It's now looking great. I would put him in Trump, though, kind of head to head, where election day, like, I don't love either of their targets. I'm not going to lie. I really don't like either of them. I don't think that either of them overwhelmingly show one's winning and the other isn't. He does seem like a little more energetic on election day, like a little more lucid as well. Inauguration day, though, South node is going to be in his 10th House, that's a release of public perception and potential release of public office like he's not getting it on inauguration day. You're saying Trump or Biden is the this is Biden. So if he's in and it's him in Trump, it's just election day. It's hard to tell between the two but come inauguration day. Biden has kind of a regretful chart is how it feels. Like he knows he should have stepped down and he's not getting this position of power. That's what it looks like to me. I'm going to skip that one for a hot second. Okay, and then going to Trump's chart, election day, I don't again love it. I'm kind of neutral on him. There's good there's good things and bad things, to be honest. Inauguration day, though, he he has it's also kind of a toss up to be honest. Where here's the thing with Trump's chart is I'm election day and inauguration day kind of don't matter to me at the moment. I've I messaged you before and if you look online, if you're like on astrology, TikTok or psychic TikTok, everybody's been talking about a potential assassination or death of Donald Trump in September. I understand why they're saying this and it is compelling. Basically, they're talking about September 17th. There's an eclipse. It's a total lunar eclipse, which is a full moon eclipse in Pisces. And this is falling in Trump's eighth house, which is the house of death. Trump was born under a full moon eclipse. So there's this like repeating pattern there and this is common. The eclipses are big when you're a luminary, like to go down the rabbit hold of the royal families, eclipses, and you'll see like you're born under them, you die under them, big you get like put into power under them. It just continually happens. The most compelling one is Matthew Perry, who was born on an eclipse, a full moon Taurus eclipse and died on a full moon Taurus eclipse. And it was very, very textbook in Matthew Perry's chart. And the weird thing with Matthew Perry's chart is that his chart follows the same flow as Trump's like they both have the same rising signs. Their charts have the same kind of ordering to it, different placements. But it's interesting to see that happen for him. So maybe, I don't know, there could be something to it. What I also think is really interesting is that Trump's sentencing date was supposed to be basically right when the shooting happened. And now it's been, yeah, and now it's been rescheduled to September 18th the day after this eclipse. So that's interesting to me. There's a lot going on in his chart that honestly kind of indicates that a freedom, like that nothing will happen to him though. So that's what's interesting. I don't, I'm not going to make the prediction. I'm not seeing it the same way as other people. I understand the eclipse storyline there and that that could potentially mean something. I actually, I think because of his personal history of getting away from this stuff, I just think it's going to be another one of those moments and it's going to be a big moment of I can't believe he wasn't actually sentenced to anything. Like he's not going to prison. He literally has an element of freedom. The moon is going to be conjunct his north note in areas. The north note of fate. The moon is like how he feels that day basically in the 9th house areas is freedom. The 9th house is a place where you're like the phoenix rising emerging from the ashes. I don't think he's going anywhere. So that's my prediction for him. He's a three man. I think he's a, I think it has to play out. Yeah. Yeah. I do think though one that's really interesting. And again, this could go either way really good or really bad. But in April of 2025, he's got some crazy stuff going on. It's something that is like in astrology, if you know zodiacal releasing, I'm not going to get technical. But he has something that's basically a major, major, major peak period happening that impacts his career reputation and legacy. And it directly relates to June of 1973 for him. In 1973, the Justice Department filed a civil rights case against him because he was accused of anti black bias in New York City for a bunch of housing. It was like 38 housing buildings that he had where he basically was anti black people moving into his buildings. And so he was sued. And it didn't really unfold until two years later where he they finally reached an agreement. But that agreement did not constitute him needing to admit guilt. So I feel like April 20, for some reason, maybe the September 18th gets pushed back again. It might pop up in April. And I feel like that would be free a moment for him. There might be some other case brought against him between now and April and April. He gets freed again. Everybody. The day of the assassination attempt was also the day that a lot of Epstein papers were released. I think he has some big Epstein problems. And I don't know if people leave them. I don't know what people have to see now for that to be. But I think it could be Epstein. Oh, yeah, that I think would totally make sense. I haven't looked into much of the astology of that. But I mean, like, you don't need to search far into the Epstein files to see he is all over it. They're calling him like John Doe 147 or something. I can't remember exactly. But it's him. It's basically been identified as him. He's all over it. So yeah, that could totally be up. On a negative end, there might be some other scandal that pops up that is really salacious in April for him. And I kind of was just going, yeah, I know, right? But it might be the Epstein thing, right? Like, it really might come out at that point, like, oh, man, like, this is completely unavoidable now. I say this because then I was just, this is for him personally. It goes back to 1973. But then I was looking at like luminaries, presidents and whatever, what was going on June of 1973, there were major developments in the Watergate scandal at that point. So it feels like Watergate level kind of crisis if there's a negative event for him. I can't imagine. I can't imagine what would turn his people against him. I cannot. I know. I know. Okay. I know. I don't know if that would happen, but I feel like, I don't know, it's either a total freedom where he's just like, and you know, with the Supreme Court ruling, the overturning of Chevron, it might be him, like, the evidence might be glaring at that point, that he has done some really bad things. But if he's in power, he might be clearing himself of all charges. Like, it could be like this completely unprecedented thing, or it could go the opposite end. I don't know. But April is kind of the month I'm really looking out for him. Does anybody else come up in April? Because here's the thing, if the real Epstein papers come out, this is everybody. This is Clinton. Do we know if anybody else is having problems at that time in April? You know, not that I've tracked. No, not any of these people, at least, that I looked at. He just has this really, yeah, he has a crazy April coming up that was like really difficult to avoid. So that's really where I'm looking out for him, whether he's president or not. Now, moving to Kamala, she is in a really interesting space, too. The September 17th eclipse, that everybody predicts is going to be terrible for Trump, is in her 10th house of career. So this could actually be like a big fruition or culmination moment for her, where almost like people are galvanizing around her. She does something that's very visible and noticeable and faded for her. She has, you're honest, currently transiting her needle chuper in her 12th house. So long story short with her, she had been in hiding. They have not done anything with her since Biden has been in office. And it's really interesting in her chart. I always get like ceilings and visions when I'm looking at a chart. It's like the most psychic part of me, I guess, is just like what the chart tells me. And with her, it's like, there's like such a restlessness, like where she is much more progressive than she's been allowed to be under Biden. So and if you look back to, you know, when she was running in 2020, there were just too many candidates. She really was progressive way more than she's shown since being vice president, but she was never going to get it. You know, there were more progressive people with louder voices, but she really was more progressive. I didn't really care for her personally, for that listener who cares and wants to rate my podcast. I didn't really care for her, but she does have a more progressive stance naturally that has not been shown. And it feels like she's just kind of not been like mouse change shut, but there's been no ability for her to do anything. This is coming out now. So she is going to have Jupiter, Uranus is electrifying Jupiter and her natal chart, which is impacting her seventh house, which is giving her allies and strategic support, but also her 10th house, which is career and public image legacy. So she might actually be having a pretty serious coming out moment and like some really big sudden like events or news breaks that I think would progress her forward in the eyes of the people. She does have a killer time during the DNC, like very beautiful stuff going on in her chart. So I don't know, it looks like there could be a pretty seamless transition of power that's made official at the DNC for her election day. Also good, there's some negatives going on there, but for the most part, it's pretty solid for her. She's got a lot of like returns taking place indicating new cycles that are getting underway on election day. And then inauguration day, she again has a lot of very, I would say positive and long term sustainable energy happening in her 10th house of career and reputation. So I do think she looks good for candidacy against Trump. Interesting. See it now, I, well, you're kind of opening my eyes though, because I now that I think back when she was like up against Biden, like whatever, when they were first in it, remember they were kind of going out of each other. She really was a different person. So I don't know. Totally different. You know, if something happened to Biden, she's the president and she steps up and does something. I mean, that's literally how windy we are. Yeah, we could be blown up. Oh my God, she did a very presidential thing. That was great. And then it's on. That would very much surprise me. Yeah, I like it. And I mean, I mean, there's just a hunger in the Democratic Party, especially with the younger people is like, we need to be more progressive. We're essentially like center right at this point. So as a Democratic Party base, it's like really not liberal at all at this point. And I think she has the pulse to know that. And I think if she's at the home, I think she, I don't think she's going to be shy at all about pushing things. More left. I don't think she's going to lose center vote. I think she'll just move it to center, which is going to be left at this point. So I think that's really interesting. Also, total side note, but I'm going with like the thing we talked about in our last podcast with Biden kind of being scrappy or whatever. And I found it freaking fascinating that he is, I mean, he's not very liberal, but like that the messaging he's put out recently is talking about the elites within his own party. What do you mean? Like he's trying to pimp himself against the establishment within his own party. You are the establishment, sir. Nobody gets more elite than the president. What are you talking about? So it's weird to me that he did that. And because he's a lot of his messaging where he's trying to be more progressive is stuff like Bernie was talking about. It's like you were the establishment that came in and essentially pushed Bernie out, you know, which Bernie was more liberal. That's why I think Kamala didn't have a chance. And also Elizabeth Warren, last time, like Kamala, I think was trying to play central liberal. And I just don't think it worked for her. There were too many candidates, but then they just ushered in Biden out of nowhere as this establishment Democrat who then was the elite. And now he's trying to say the elites are screwing him over. It's like, well, it's not funny because you did that. Yeah, he did that in South Carolina. He did that in South Carolina. It was a total of like, what happened? What? Yes, it we didn't need him. Like there was, we literally didn't need him. Other people were polling higher than Trump at that point. Like we didn't need Trump. I don't know what the hell they brought in Biden for us. So left field. That was such a word not listening to you at all. And this is why I think it could be Gavin Newsom, because I agree with every point you're saying, but they are not listening to us. They didn't listen to us when they put Joe Biden in. The only people I hear standing up for him are the old white guys his age. And yeah, they're not, you know, okay. Anyways, no, and it's really telling that Pelosi, like his main squeeze is on all sorts of reports and insiders or whatever, basically Pelosi's like, he needs to get out. Like, and I think he feels incredibly hurt by that. Okay, so moving to Gavin, this has been the interesting curveball for me because I know you have been in like really stealing Gavin will be the replacement. And I've been like, only thinking not because of his public statements. Like, he's like, I don't want it. I think he's like, wants a clean slate because like to become or to run in 2028. I don't think he wants to take anything right now with I kind of think, whoever if Biden leaves, somebody else comes in, I think it's like potentially very disastrous for their political career. If they lose, there's no chance for them again. You know what I mean? Like, I just, I think it's going to be really hard. So I don't think Gavin wants it because I think he's playing a longer game. That said, when I looked at Gavin's chart, which I only looked at very in the recent days leading up to us recording this, it is probably the strongest chart I've seen of any of these people. I do think calm was better than a lot of people maybe think, but I think that Gavin's is like so sweet. Like, I think, and this is really weirding me out because some of my most progressive friends can't stand him. A lot of people in the Democratic Party hate Gavin. But at the same time, like, I know some conservative people who are like, no, he's like, pretty good. Like, I'd be interested. He's still so polarizing to me that I'm like, how would he unite the party? But I don't know. Like, if stuff looks weirdly good on election day, he's got a lot of lucky energy taking place. He looks, it's weird. Like, his chart to me is like a conundrum because it's very victorious. But at the same time, internally, I think he's a mess. Like, I think he looks like he's surrounding himself on election day with people he loves. He's in a place where he feels comfortable, but I think attention is on him and a big way. I think success is on his side on inauguration day. It's the same thing. It almost looks like just lots of good news, good announcements. People kind of lifting him up. He's got a lot of support for him. But inside himself, I think he's, I don't know that he really wants this, but I think he might just be like giving it, especially at the convention, if they get to the convention and it's like a battle let out, I almost feel like people are just gonna almost anoint him. And I don't know that he's gonna seriously want it. But I think if there's such a rallying cry for him, I think he'll just take it. You know, I think he's gonna feel obligated to. And I think he'll put on a good fate. But internally, he has a lot of moon stuff going on that's very uncomfortable. And it's like, inner and outer self is so misaligned. I think he's like really, really terrified, to be honest, to take this position. But he looks the most victorious. I feel like he, so I feel like a huge majority of the United States doesn't know him and couldn't pick him out of a picture, but they have heard her name and they know California. And I was shocked when he went up against Zasantis on Sean Hannity once, which was very interesting. And he was way sharper than I was giving him credit for. So I don't know, he's kind of this new face. And I have this, you know, I'm, you know, I'm with you on female president. But I feel like or even female or African American, all I'm with you, all minority, I'm, I want to look at it. But I feel like the gut of the country, you look at all those white women, middle-aged white women that vote for Trump, that is comfort with the white man in power. It's internal misogyny. And I just feel like it's, I feel like I have underestimated the, I wasn't really aware. I was like, why does everybody hate women my age? And then I was like, oh, they, they swung the vote for Trump. So there's an internal misogyny that Gavin Newson could ride that wave. Um, I totally agree. I totally agree. There are other people too, like Shapiro. I actually think would be decent. But she, Shapiro and Beshear, if it's Kamala, I think it'll be Shapiro, probably a sort of VP. I don't know. I don't want to get like that, that in-depth with it. Um, but yeah, I think Gavin's got a killer shot, but I do think Kamala's got a better shot than other people. I just think if Biden steps down willingly or is forced out, I do think that there will be a more unifying effect, um, behind whoever the next person is regardless. So I think that the numbers will get better. I just don't know if it'll be enough. And I am concerned that if they wait until the convention, I am concerned that it, I mean, you're just cutting down the time where that person could be on the campaign for like unifying people for a week. I actually think that might be part of the plan because they don't want anybody looking too close at anybody. And it comes in and we're not familiar and he has the new shine, then we're fine. But you know what else? And this is a really, um, this is where I hate both parties. So when Trump was in office the first time, they kept saying, uh, he hasn't done a press thing in the morning. What is that? A press conference hasn't done a press conference. She was counting the date. So he hasn't done a press conference. Well, Biden hasn't done a press conference in years. Like, you know, remember, they just stand at the podium every day and people got mad because Obama did it too much. If Biden stepped out and they put Kamala in the press conference daily or something like that. And she was sharp. Then she's got a chance, but. Oh, she would be. And she would kill Trump. I mean, oh God, not, not literally. Like she would, she would beat him in a debate. Like she's going to speak more fluently than Trump can. I mean, I think anybody would Gavin would like talk circles around Trump. I think, well, even if there's no change when the vice presidential debate comes up, I think Kamala's going to just like completely own JD Vance. Oh, I do too. Well, I don't know. But you know what? Both JD Vance and Trump people, I don't know why we still like a bully. They are still saying the people that follow Trump like that he's a bully. They see that as strength. And if you've seen anything, JD Vance is like, I'm waiting. Trey Crowler is a comedian who came out and said, I know JD Vance and he had a lot to say about him, not good. But I'm wondering, why don't we know any of the guys that served with JD Vance around Iraq? How can there isn't like a, I served with him and he has my vote. We're not seeing anybody from his past at all. And he doesn't look like a likable character. And no. And you've been incredibly outspoken against Trump, like hated Trump with a passion. Now all of a sudden he's the pick. There's a weird thing going on there. And I've got like literally 12 words shark in front of me. I'm cooking that. So I have his, I've got the Heritage Foundation, which is like behind product 25, right? We're gonna go long, just keep going, just keep talking Ryan. Yeah, I'm like wrapping it up. I think they like the rest of these things like pretty fast though, I promise. Vance and Heritage Foundation, I mean, the guy, I forget his name, who runs Heritage Foundation was on camera when somebody whispered in his ear and said that Trump picked JD Vance and he was elated and was just like talking so much about how that's, you know, that they would support a lot of people, but that that was secretly who they wanted basically. So I think he's like really the one pushing the 2025 agenda. I honestly don't think Trump cares. I mean, really, when you even, I don't like a lot of Trump histories and a lot of really bad things in his past, even what was it, 13 years ago or something, when he ran, I forget, he's a Miss USA, I think he was supportive of trans women being in that pageant. Like, so he's not against trained people, but that is the party platform now. Like, and I don't think Trump really cares, but I do think these other people do. Trump was the ultimate liberal. People do not understand. The only reason he became a Republican is because that party accepted him and he got mad at the liberals. He was as left pro choice like that should be pro choice, otherwise he'll have kids everywhere, but he was so left. That's the thing. Yeah. And he even said, I just think he's power hungry. I think he's like the perfect kind of puppet for the party because he wants power and he wants to notoriety. That's like so him and that hubris element, which honestly he doesn't need to watch out for or he's going to have a serious downfall, pre-regulus on his ascendant. But there's even, I forget who it was, way before he ran, he was talking about what party he would run for and he openly was like, I'd run for the Republicans. They're so stupid. They'll just accept anybody. It's crazy to hear him say that and now he's doing it. But I do think that there's an established party behind him where they're like, he is controllable and we can push a lot of things through because of his ability to galvanize a lot of dumb people and that they can push 20, positive 2025 through. I think JD Vance is the ultimate project 2025 supporter. They're chart JD Vance and project 2025 or Heritage Foundation. Their astrology aligns so well. It's really scary. But JD Vance, if something were to happen to Trump, I mean, he is in no position to be the country. But I don't think it's going to matter because I think it's people behind the scenes anyway that are going to be pawn strings regardless. And all that said, that explains why he loves RFK because RFK is actually close to his core beliefs and he'd have somebody I'm going to talk to because when all these people are talking about the left being godless and him being, I can't imagine inside he's not rolling his eyes. Like he's wasn't a bad person, you know? Mm hmm. No, totally. And I think one thing that I would like caution everybody to be my own love is in the project 2025 kind of discourse. Trump has really been trying to publicly separate himself from it, you know? And I think that's really smart. And I think it's per what we were talking about before with his unifying message. I think he's kind of got this more diluted way of being at the moment that seems calmer than usual. But I do think some of it is very strategic because his plan is called agenda 47, Trump's plan, right? When you stack it up and there's so many resources I could show people, you stack up agenda 47, it is just a watered down version of project 2025. He's just making it seem nicer. But then you look at project 2025, it's just very blunt about what they want to do. It's the same thing. Agenda 47 is project 2025. I just think that Trump is being smart and toning it down. And he's a liar. So like when he's saying, I don't care about project 25s and I wish him luck though, but it's not me. He's lying, you know? Like he knows, I think he knows, and I don't think he cares. I think he just wants to win, period. And I will say one good thing about him. I do agree that he didn't get us involved in any wars. And as much as I don't know why the hate for women is different and it's totally okay to essay women. But I think in his heart, if he had to send a lot of young men to die in a war, I don't know that he'd have the stomach for it. And I think that's good. I know. Yeah, for sure. And I think like an interesting thing with project 25 that I've seen recently, because it's like a thousand pages. So much is in there. One of the things that has really kind of gone viral lately is like page 725, I don't remember, but where they say if you have a kid in public school, they're going to automatically need to take basically whatever the military exam entrance exam is. I forgot what it is specifically. But I think that as people learn more about it, I've seen a lot of conservative people be like, wait, what? Like, wait, my kid is going to basically be like pre approved to be put into the military. Like a lot of Republicans are poor and aren't sending their kid to fancy private schools. So that's, I think that's something where there's been like an interesting like, um, I don't know that I support project 25 ceiling, but don't support it. Number one, please know that it's a terrible platform. And the Heritage Foundation, the one kind of thing that I think is really thought there's a number of things there. And I don't think they're going away, even if Democrats go into office, I think there's seriously a movement that's going to rally behind them. But they have the South note and cancer in their natal chart and the North note and capricorn. So cancer is America. If that is the when the America was founded, that is America's son, like cancer is we the people. They don't care about the people. They don't care about the country. They have the North note and capricorn with the energy we are leaving behind. Like that is an old epoch now. And that's what they're trying to hold on to. It's this like concentration of power at the top, the hierarchy structures. And that's all they're pushing for. They don't give a flying F about the people of this country to care about power. And that's it. I don't support project thinking about it. The other final thing I'll kind of say here is I looked at the Democratic Party's chart and the Republican Party's chart. By far and large, the Democratic Party seems to be having much more potent energy going on. Yeah, change, but just like the energy is more on their side. I don't, again, it can go for better or for worse. Astrology is interpretive and who knows. But the Republican Party doesn't have as much going on. And the biggest, there's a lot to say there. But the biggest things is that the Republican Party has their best and worst historical events tend to happen around 11, 12, and 13 degrees at any given sign. When you look at the election day, when you look at the inauguration day, there's nothing happening really at those degrees. It just isn't hot for better or for worse. Democrats definitely have a lot. There's 15-19 degrees. When things are happening there, there's big stuff going on, Obama's victory speech, Clinton being acquitted. But even bad stuff, like JFK's assassination had those degrees really lit up. All the Republican assassinations and also some of their really good stuff, including Trump's previous win, happened around 11, 12, 13 degrees. And it's just not lit up for the Republican Party. The Democrats have that energy. For better or worse, it feels like the Internet is leaning Democrat for me, which all this is weird, because I feel like personally within me, I'm like, how is Trump not winning? How is the Republican Party not taking over? It feels like that is where it's going, right? Maybe that doom, like the doom and gloom. There's so much doom and gloom. And really, if you're a Republican, you're like, that's not doom and gloom. That's my breakfast. I love that. But yeah, I don't know. I think, yeah, anyways, I have to say, I have been on pins and needles for your whole, whatever you've been saying, Ryan, this is great. If you're more, keep going, keep going. No, well, I mean, I have a little detail to think, but that's kind of, those are the big things I'd want to make sure I hit all those things. I don't think let me double checking all my notes. I think we've gone through all the major people. And you can look and see and take a minute and then we'll come back on. All right, hold on. All right. So in, I think you just found one thing in closing, Ryan, have at it. Yeah. So the only other thing we're just saying is like in a big, large epochals, I guess, the planets, when you look at where they're moving, we've entered in age of air. And I mean, not the age of Aquarius, that's like 2000 years, but we've entered what's considered to be a 200 year period of time where all of a sudden we're moving out of earth energy and into air. That's happening. That transition is effectively just happened. But so air is where we're going. Pluto, especially in Aquarius, is really hammering that in. And it's interesting to me because the two, there's not a lot going on with the Republican Party. They're chart. But at this point, I'm like, if Republicans retain power, they're not the Republican Party as known before. They might need a whole new chart. And it might just be the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation has all three air signs very lit up. They are heavy in air in their natal chart. They're literally 50% air. The Democratic Party also has good air energy. And I do feel like there could be and the air around Democrats really is like Venus in Aquarius, which is like kind of indicating to me that people might realize that that is a party of progress, and there can be a rallying cry around Democrats. So it does feel like there is a move toward either Democratic Party or a very hard shift toward this Heritage Foundation project 2025 stuff. But I don't feel like this Republican Party at least. I know it's been just integrating since Trump, really. But I just think regardless of what happens next, I think there's no going back to the grand old party the way that it's ever been. It's going to go way harder to the right. And I think it'll be a completely different party. But for better or worse, like with air, the downside of the air is the hive mind stuff, right? Like psychological control going on, really limiting our access to information, censorship, free speech, being completely degraded on the negative ends. But on the positive ends, if it goes the Democratic route, it's going to be more liberating and equal access to information and nobody being shut down for their voice. OK, that's, yeah, I think that's the battle. I think, yeah. And that's also what makes it kind of hard, honestly, to predict a little bit right now in these big events as far as the US goes, because we've been in this 200 year period of Earth energy, which is very different than now this 200 year period of air energy. It's a completely different element that kind of ruling over the events that society deals with. So we don't know what that's really like yet. So there's a lot of new factors that make it harder to predict. But I don't, I don't know, my prediction, my prediction, I'm still going to stand that I think it'll be Kamala and Trump. I do think Biden will, I'm guessing that Biden will drop hopefully and say like we need Kamala. This is my idealized version of gas, but that's still my prediction. I still think she's got a good chance against Trump. But if it was a contested thing at the convention, yeah, then I think, I don't know, I think it could be really heated between Kamala and Newsom. Either way, I'm OK with whoever gets picked. But I am worried if Biden doesn't step down, I'm very worried. Yeah. And if Trump wins, let's all pray he stays alive and JD Vance does not come into power. Yeah, no, truly got some handmade sales stuff right there. That happens. And everybody, I know how much you guys love Ryan. And like I said, I was on pins and needles. And we are, you know, we hope you're not mad about any political things. But we, you know, I think we're honest and down the middle. But but also go leave a five star review on his podcast. Let's just even this out because I know even if you don't listen to his, you love him on mine. What is your podcast, Ryan? It's called Claire annoying. Thank you very much. And I do monthly, we do like episodes, try to upload them weekly, but it's hard. But I do monthly astrology forecasts on there. And I will say for July, while I wasn't looking at that point at Trump's chart or Biden's chart specifically, a lot of what I said very much did predict the that there would probably be, like some major political turmoil and violent events taking place. So it's been weird, relissing to that. Now that the assassination of time happened. Yes. And if people are interested, go back and listen to the one we did at the beginning of the year or the one that we definitely with everyone like the, I think it was Shanna from Black Bits. And I both had this weird Christianity thing, which is on fire now. Oh, yeah. And also, yeah, and leave me some stars too. I think this every two weeks is kind of working for me right now. So hopefully it'll stick because I know next year, I got to have changed stuff has to change for me. Right now, I don't know what goes away. So stay with me. I don't know. I might do this podcast where it comes out five or six times a year. And it's all predictions. I don't know. Stick with me, give, give Ryan five stars. And where can they book a reading Ryan's astrology? Yeah, that's it. Okay. And it's no s is Ryan's astrology. It'll be the show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ryan's All right, you are awesome, my friend. Thank you so much for making time for us again. Thank you. All right, everybody. Thanks to Mike at uno rising media. Everybody stay safe. Para normal, Karen. She's a spooky kind of queen. Para normal, Karen. She's an angel without wings. Midian ghost hunter conscious exploring. She's a funny gal and a real hoo pal. She's paranormal, Karen. Yeah. [BLANK_AUDIO]