Parallel Mike Podcast

#79- The March Towards Tyranny with Rick Munn

We are joined in episode 79 by the host of Locked & Loaded on TNT Radio Live and returning guest, Rick Munn. Rick is an evangelic Christian with a background in finance who now spends his days interviewing a range of smart dissident voices live on air to try and bring his audience both hope and wisdom so that they might better manage what comes next. Rick has discussed his personal take with us in prior episodes in terms of where he thinks we are heading moreover, so in our latest chat we get an updated take from Rick. Where are we going, and how might we best ready ourselves for it. As such we focus a lot in this one on taking action and recognizing that change is something we must enact for ourselves, rather then trusting it to the politicians and ‘gurus’ promising us they know how to fix things.So in part one Rick shares with us some of his own experiences of taking direct action to solve a problem such as homeschooling his daughter when the schools began to treat kids more like prisoners than students. We also get Rick’s take on the upcoming elections and in part we talk about finance and how best to not get ripped off by the many scamsters out there looking to take your money, just when you might need it most. Part 2 for Members - Mike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – Consult with Mike 1-2-1 -   Guest Links: Twitter: TNT Radio Show: Youtube Channel:

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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We are joined in episode 79 by the host of Locked & Loaded on TNT Radio Live and returning guest, Rick Munn. Rick is an evangelic Christian with a background in finance who now spends his days interviewing a range of smart dissident voices live on air to try and bring his audience both hope and wisdom so that they might better manage what comes next.

Rick has discussed his personal take with us in prior episodes in terms of where he thinks we are heading moreover, so in our latest chat we get an updated take from Rick. Where are we going, and how might we best ready ourselves for it. As such we focus a lot in this one on taking action and recognizing that change is something we must enact for ourselves, rather then trusting it to the politicians and ‘gurus’ promising us they know how to fix things.

So in part one Rick shares with us some of his own experiences of taking direct action to solve a problem such as homeschooling his daughter when the schools began to treat kids more like prisoners than students. We also get Rick’s take on the upcoming elections and in part we talk about finance and how best to not get ripped off by the many scamsters out there looking to take your money, just when you might need it most.


Guest Links:



[Music] What you are basic. [Music] Deep, deep down, far, far in. [Music] Is simply. [Music] The fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] Peace for all men and women. [Music] Not merely peace in our time. [Music] It's an all time. The fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] Peace for all men and women. [Music] Not merely peace in our time. [Music] It's an all time. The fabric and structure of existence itself. Hi everybody. Welcome to the parallel night podcast. I'm your host Mike and thank you so much for joining me for our latest episode tonight. We've got a returning guest on the show. It's Rick Moon from TNT Radio Live. Now I've known Rick about two years now. In fact, I got into podcasting not long after Rick started his TNT radio show. I did know him from Twitter because he had some very interesting videos that captured people's attention during COVID. Very outspoken against everything that was happening back then and it landed him a gig on the radio and he's since become a fantastic host. Now I've been on Rick's show at least 15 times. It could even be 20 plus times now. So that gives you an idea of the kind of people he has on his show. So it's not traditional radio. It's something a little bit more disruptive. And, you know, I've had Rick on this show three times now and we always always have a fantastic conversation. And that's why I like to have the same guest back on routinely because you build a rapport with that person. And I think those conversations always go to the most interesting places. So hopefully you'll feel that in tonight's episode. Now, when I invited Rick back on the show, I didn't have any agenda at all because of everything that I've just discussed. I knew it would be a great conversation anyways. So I basically got Rick on and said, Rick, we're going to catch up. We're going to find out how you're seeing the world right now and why you think it's all actually going because so much has happened the past few years. It's moving so quickly now and I think 2025 is going to be one huge year. It's going to be a very challenging year and I think Rick agrees. So we discussed that and plenty more in tonight's episode. So members, thank you going to love this one. Please head over to to listen to the full episode. If you're not a member yet, please consider joining us. We are going to be revamping the members section over the coming months and there's going to be a lot more happening over on the website. So something to look forward to for existing and new members in closing. Hope you're all well, healthy and reasonably happy. Take care of yourselves. God bless and I'll see you all in the next one. [Music] Hi everybody. Welcome to the paralomite podcast. Today we are joined by returning guest host of Locked and Loaded with Rick Moon. It is Rick Moon on TNT Radio. We're going to get into a lot today, Rick. And when we was planning this one, I kept it really free and loose because I thought, well, we've got a great rapport. We've known each other now for two years. But I think in that time we've probably spoken on, I would say at least 20 separate occasions on air. For sure. On my show, multiple episodes on your show, I'd say 15 to 20. So we know each other pretty well, Rick. We have a good rapport. And I thought today we'd get basically your update as to how you think things are going. And then also to transfer that in part two. Or should I say move in part two towards talking about your solutions, what you're doing. Because I think there's very few people out there that are in that position. We're in where we get to speak to such a wide array of people. We get this 10,000 foot view from everyone. And then what do you do with that? Where do you go with that? Well, we're going to find out today, Rick. So before we get into anything, how's things going, Rick? How's life for Rick Moon? I have no complaints. I've got a roof over my head, food in my belly, clothes in my back. My wife and my daughter are healthy. I'm blessed in many ways. My health's pretty good. So in that respect, I'm a lot better off than most people in the world. So I have no complaints. You know, that's an interesting way of looking at it. That's how I like to analyze my life. Are my healthy? Is my wife okay? I'm a family doing well. And I think that's about as good as you can hope for. You're not desperate for money to pay the bills. Okay. Well, that's another one ticked off. But what was really interesting about what you just said, Rick, was in comparison to most people. And I don't know what that means to you, but I think most people are unwell in many ways, not just physically. I'm talking mentally. There's a lot of that still happening. There's a big fallout from COVID. And, you know, since 2020, Rick, no, 2022, sorry, February, 2022 was when we first ever chatted. We were just coming off the back of COVID, which was the greatest assault on human health and psychology and history. I don't know anything that compares to that. The Ukraine war hadn't even begun at that point, but was just on the precipice of it. That was only two years ago, Rick. And if you think about everything that's happened between them, we had the Nord Stream pipeline attack. We've had hundreds of thousands of people killed. Then we've had Israel and their assault on Gaza and the absolute travesty over there. We've had multiple financial scares and terrorism in the last two years. That's just in two years since we first started speaking. So I guess I want to get your 10,000 foot view on all of that, Rick. Where are we? What's going on in the world? Why are we here? And what do you think this is leading up to? Well, let's start off with the mental health. Just shove it down there, mental health. So since, well, people have always been under pressure. People have always dealt with the mental health to varying degrees in the course of history. But since 2020, since March, 2020, when these worldwide lockdowns came, I'm off the belief. This is just my personal belief that there isn't anyone in the world that hasn't been negatively affected to some degree with their mental health. I don't care how successful you are, how to gather you are, how to bless you are with your family, et cetera. I don't think anyone could say, well, actually, the last four years have been good for my mental health. I'm in a better place than I was in March of 2020. What I mean is nobody's escaped what has happened to a greater or lesser degree over the last, let's call it four years. It's just been, it's just over four and a half, four and a half years, five years, okay? So the fallout from that as well, what I'm seeing in my everyday life to you is it's not that life is reverted somehow back to the way it used to be. So therefore, a switch has went off and people have just snapped back into the old ways again, the way they were pre 2020. It doesn't work like that. I think there's a legacy of destruction in people's mindsets, people's outlooks, people's mental health, especially among children, especially among the young, that unfortunately hasn't gone away. In fact, if anything, it's a slow burning thing that's getting worse and worse. So when kids were isolated from their peers, when they were told that there were disease carriers, you'll kill granny, you got to stand your bubble, you can't go out and play sports and everything's, you know, a contagion. That affects the kid, you factor that in with more time spent online for adults and children, exposing themselves to the level of influences online, whether by design or whether by accident. You know, the ideologies that kids are exposed to, I didn't even know there was such things when I was a teenager, you know, the trans ideologies or the critical race theories that are going on around now and the pressure that's on kids to conform to certain ways of being. I never had the deal with any of that. And I was a pretty messed up team. I can't imagine how much more messed up I would have been had I had to be dealing with all that stuff as well. So just on the mental health side of things, I think there's been tremendous damage done to adults on predominantly to children. But I did a podcast with a lady yesterday actually on, you know, one of the things we were talking about was that if you have kids by default, you'll also be going through to a degree with they are. So if your kids getting bullied at school, you can't just compartmentalize from that, you have, you're going through that too. If your kids wrestling with their identity as an involved parent, you will be to on top of the stresses of life as an adult. So a lot of people are have the pressure put on them. My view from the outside, which wastes things going as well. I'm just speaking freely here. You know, take the last time we spoke as a yardstick has the world gotten better since then you went back to February 2022 when we first started speaking as the world got better since then I would say no, it has not certain people's lives may have improved certain people may have awakened but on the whole, politically, economically, socially, wars, ideology that's being forced into people degeneracy. I can only see it getting worse since we started speaking. I hope it's not because we have started speaking, but since we have started speaking, these things have got worse and I'd be hard pressed to be convinced otherwise, because I'm seeing it every day. What I do cover it every day. Yeah, it's quite a position to be and why that is what you have to look at every day, day and day out. In my old life, I was somebody that actually worked in a career where I had to look at sad things every day, disappointing things, upsetting things, abuse, trauma. So I was pretty resilient going into this, Rick, but even I at some point during that period you spoke about was like, wow, I just cannot believe the state of this. And it was almost like being awestruck. It was like seeing something tremendous and completely new. You know, even in my wildest streams, I never expected us to have this kind of mass psychosis on the scale. I thought more people would be more of a let than that. And I'm pretty pessimistic. I'm sure I've seen the worst of people, but I was just shocked by it too. And it did take some time to recalibrate our views on the future, what it's going to look like. And when you talk about young people, that for me is the most tragic because they're the most innocent in all of this. And I've mentioned recently on this show that eight to 12 year olds average five hours a day on the screen, screen media, five hours. And once you go past 12, Rick, it's around eight hours a day on average. So that's pretty much half of their waking time on a screen. And like you said, we know what the being fed on that screen. And I would say even the official media that they're saying it's just all there to traumatize them to terrify this is going to have consequences, right? It's going to have big consequences for adults and for young people because the adults are still doing the same thing as well. They're on the screen all the time. They're being propagandized daily. They're being terrified to the kids are actually being going through that while their minds are developing. So that's way worse, in my opinion, because at least of adults, we've got some coping mechanisms. But as you know, as a father, young people are developing coping mechanisms. And this system they've created is set up to destroy the mental health of people, not to help it. I don't think there's anything you want to add on that, Rick. It seems like a downer to start on, but it's worth discussing. It's reality, you know, I've wrote down a word there's skill because you talked about the amount of people that were taken in from 2020 forwards. And when you think about it, there were online communities that sprang up. And I hit the term freedom, youth community or truth community. You know, those are just terms that are labeled little bunches of people, little like which members that were existing on social media and they were small pockets, because when you went into the real world. When you got away from your online community and you went into the real world, the vast majority of people were locking themselves down. The vast majority of people were social distancing. They were wearing masks. They were using the hand sanitizer. They were following the one way system around the supermarkets. They were not visiting their friends and relatives. They were doing what the government told them. And in schools, they were allowing their children to be taught virtually. And then when they did go back to school, they were allowing their children to be subjected to bubbles and ostracization measures that were enforced by the schools at the request of the government. Not everybody did that, obviously. But the reality is the vast majority of people did. And hence, I believe they were able to get away with what they did. There was so many people that were complying with that. So it's important to differentiate as well. The real world out there versus the world that a lot of people inhabit online where people gravitate the like-minded individuals and exist within little aqua chambers. When you step outside of that and into the real world, you might be seeing something completely different. And inversely, during the COVID years between, say, 2020 to 2022, most people out there in the real world lived in that COVID fantasy land that escaped from it was online. Now that that particular thing has passed and the world as such has reverted back to normal, most normies or most most everyday people that you'll encounter in the real world aren't aware of what you and I are aware of. They're not concerned about the things that you and I are concerned about. They're not concerned about global conflicts or de-dollarization or moving away from the petro dollar or what's happening in Kursk at this point in time or what's Hungary's political strategies or Germany's is not concerning migration. They're just eating out of living day to day in blissful ignorance, I suppose you could say, but the things that we are aware of will come to their doors that's getting closer and closer to their doors. And when it does come and knock on the door or kick it down, they're in for the shock of their lives. So, you know, that's the point at which I think we're out and I were prepared. You don't need to do so much about it, but it will come as a shock if the House of Cards comes down around her years tomorrow. Yeah, well, I'd say business is good, Rick, in the sense that what we do is discuss these topics, at least to some degree, and we certainly haven't had a lack of topics to discuss the past few years. However, I think actually mean you don't discuss these topics quite so much as people think because I know at least from my perspective and also from having been on your show that what we actually discussed is trying to cut through all of the spam and nonsense narratives or even just amplifying crap for no reason. Like, I don't need to sit here and talk about who I think is going to win the Ukraine-Russia war and which strategy is going to succeed and what this guy's doing like that. I just think all of that is not actually useful for me on my listeners, so we're always trying to figure out what's the best way to navigate our lives through this. And I think most of us, and I'd love to get your take on this, believe that there is a grand design at work here, that none of this is all just half-hearted, it's not just one crisis to another, and it's by chance that actually they're all feeding in something else. So I want to get your take on that, Rick. Do you believe the same that actually everything that we're seeing, whether it's in Russia or in Ukraine, whether it's in the US, Great Britain, Ireland, wherever you are, that all of it is actually feeding in to a much bigger narrative? If you can sum up whatever narrative as a player at the minute, and obviously it's a very complex subject, it's a very complex. When you dig into it, you can go very deep on it, but there's a saying all roads lead to room, well, from what I can say or what I have seen in the last four years, particularly, all roads lead to control. So there's been a big push on to control the general population of pretty much every country in the world. We've seen it initially with the implementation of lockdowns, for example, where they literally, I don't think there had been another point in history, where every school, every place of worship, every business had closed down, even during the last two great wars, World War I and World War II. Schools never closed, churches, mosques, synagogues, whatever, clear chapels, never closed, certain business went on as usual. This was completely unprecedented, no one was ever stopped from going in the morning, they're dead or visiting, they're dying in the hospitals. This never or paid to stay at home and not work using the furlough scheme. So, you know, this was an exercise in control, I believe, to see what could be gotten away with. And now other measures, for example, in Australia, at this point in time, I was looking at the news just before I came on here. They are pushing through a digital identity build, little kick in in December of this year, and the current government under Anthony Albanese wants to ban social media for teenagers, including the banning of VPNs, to allow them to bypass that and get at it from another angle. So, it'll soon be a case of they want to push to a digital ID that's voluntary and see if, okay, a little bit like the way they push the vaccines. But in reality, without having adopted it, you won't be able to function just as well in society, so there'll be a heavier element of coercion there. And of course, when that thing gets implemented, they won't ever un-implemented, they will then be the forerunner for other countries during the beginning of the so-called pandemic, this pandemic, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Israel, where the real forerunners in lockdowns on control of the population. I think Australia are now moving this to the next step, they've seen what they can get away with from 2020 onwards, they have the worst lockdowns in the world, they have the longest lockdowns in the world in the state of Victoria, and in Western Australia under Mark McGahn. There were people couldn't leave or enter that state that were citizens there for over two years without having injections crazy, they effectively closed their own population. And so, control is very important, control of what children are being taught at schools, control of what they're being exposed to or not being exposed to, control of our travel, control of our consumption. We will be penalized if we're not as green going forward with certain even bins, where I live at the minute, we have four bins, it's at our house, you have to segregate your rubbish and they check those bins. If you put compostable food in the wrong bin, you'll get a big public shaming sticker on it, then they will then report you to the council who will write you a letter to remind you to comply with their rules, or they will cease collection of your rubbish altogether for being a dirty rulebreaker. So it's permeating down to every aspect of society in Britain at the minute, under the new labor government, who could have thought within 10 weeks, Keir Starmer would show himself with that question to be a friend of the criminal on an enemy of the pensioner. Okay, today, 1700 out of a potential five and a half thousand prisoners are going to be released early, including violent domestic violence abusers, one young lad who killed another teenager on the streets with a machete serving six months to make way for keyboard warriors or the centers. People that speak out against the government and allegedly incite racial violence, of which who can prove that that's actually happened, how can you prove cited anything, it's just the intent is there so in the prison, you must go so in so many ways, Mike. And in so many forms and in so many places, the push is really going for control of the minute, aside from anything else, they're definitely clamping down what we can and can't say what we kind of can't do and we can't do it. Yeah, it's crazy because all of the things that you just said it's almost like every one of them I visualize it's a wall like you're in a room you've got the ceiling, the floor and then all four walls and all of it's moving it on you, whether it's the part I mean people say the private sector, you know you don't have to have a mobile phone, you don't have to adopt some of these technologies and it's like, well actually that's not how it works you know there was a time break when people didn't have cars. And in the moment that we had the mass adoption of vehicles all of a sudden cities that had to change shape to accommodate the vehicles, you got new technologies added like traffic lights in highways, then you had so bad to develop and people would move further out so now it was harder to get to your job. And over time over the space of about 50 years if you didn't have a car, your life became very difficult and it became very limited in what you could do where you could go, what jobs you could have. And it's just the same with the mobile phone for example yeah you don't have to have a mobile phone and online banking, you don't have to have it Rick but you try living without it you try having a YouTube account this morning. I was sat there for 45 minutes trying to get into my own YouTube account because they've forced me to link it up to a mobile phone and if I don't do that, I can't monetize it and get my measly 25 bucks a month or whatever the hell they give me for all the shadow band views that I get. So unfortunately, whether it's the private sector or the state, all of them are working together and it's all working together to build a control system. And I'm not so sure they're going to come to your door Rick and say you have to, you have to have this but I can guarantee your life will be extremely difficult if not impossible if you don't have it. That's difficult, that's difficult for us because it kind of puts you in the situation where you need to imagine a future that's going to be extremely decentralized or you're going to at some point fold and comply and we'll talk about that a little bit later but I don't want to leave the subject up the wrong because I think it's important. And for you Rick as somebody who actually speaks to a lot of people on these subjects you get such a broad set of takes you get academics, people in the financial realm you get politicians even authors all kinds of people. I'm going to put you on the spot here Rick and don't worry you don't have to say my name but I want to hear the other names. Who would you say out of your guests have had the best takes over the past few years that have been consistently on the ball were pretty good at predicting things who would you say you've had those conversations with? Well what I try and do is I do try and maintain a wide variety of yes from a wide variety of places. What I'll try and do is at the same time you mentioned that you know I've been talking to you for the last two years, two and a half years. So I've spoken to you maybe 20 times so periodically every four or five weeks I would speak to yourself I have a core of people that would speak to periodically. You're one why I do that because I like your take on things, I like the way you deliver your points, I like your depth of knowledge, I like the way you're not a sensationalist. So the people that I would not gravitate towards but the people that I try and get on my show frequently would be people that fit that criteria. So as long as those boxes are ticked, you're good for me to be coming on on a regular basis. There's one guy in particular I would have on from South Africa, his name is Rob Hutchinson, I have to give him an honorary shirt because he covers that part of the world very, very well and it comes from a political background. He's an entrepreneur, he has a fantastic website called Dear South Africa where they try and instead of having a petition with 250,000 people present to the government he encourages 250,000 people to write to the government that they have to answer each one in every email individually and put a spanner in the works, you know, and I'd say the box thinker, I like talking to everyday people as well, I like to try and grind myself with a little bit of humor, there's one guy comes on called Trevor John, Trevor's just a singer, he plays acoustic guitar, say just a singer, I don't mean that in a derogatory way, he was a teacher for a long time, but he would come on periodically and talk about the state seeing how to cope in this crazy time, he does a lot of humor in his music, so I would speak to him, I've got great politicians on Malcolm Roberts, from the One Nation Party in Australia, he's a trailblazer, I've very outspoken against the Australian government in regime. He was husband, really fighting the corner from the people, I would try and speak to people like him as well in the political arena and even in Britain, and Ireland, I try and get people in the half hour. How would you say skin in the game, they're out there, they're activists, they're on the streets, they're talking to everyday people, then they're feeding that back to me because I'm not an expert on finances, I'm not an expert on geopolitics, I'm not an expert on basic politics, I have a working knowledge of it, but then I'll try and get somebody in that does spend a lot of time, for example yourself, you're very well first in financial systems, monetary policy, that sort of thing, so I won't propose to be an expert on that, but I'll have a good knowledge of it that it can have a good conversation with you about it, and then I can enhance the listening experience or the viewing experience for the people that I would talk to so, you know, there's so many people, literally, I think somebody on the tally there, T&T, the station, we've done 50,000 interviews in the last two and a half years, 50,000 interviews with different people, some multiple times, you can imagine the breadth of discussion and the breadth of knowledge that's being talked about, but for me personally, you know, I mean, I have to, I couldn't name any more individuals, everybody I have on my show, I have some respect for a book, most of my guests, myself, or a vet than myself, so if they're coming back regularly, it means they're good in my book. I like that answer, that's kind of how I do it over here as well on the podcast, sometimes I get suggestions and people will send me the name of somebody and I'll check out this stuff, but you've got your own kind of set of principles, you've got your own view of the world, your own answers to what's going on, and if somebody's delineating from that too much, it's just not going to work, so I generally have repeat retain guests as well, because I trust their take, that's why you've been on multiple times, Johnny Hoddles being on multiple times are very more rich, these are people that I've got to know over the past few years, and like you, they're not sensationalists and they're certainly not trying to give people solutions that personally I don't resonate with, like the political solution for me, I figured that out was about 15-rick that it doesn't seem to work, so I started to focus more towards self-development, self-help, what can I do for me, my family, my community, and guess what, the results from that have been far more tangible, you know, I'd love to talk about that with you a little bit later on, because I know you've made some big decisions in your life, I know you moved house recently, but also you took your daughter out of school, joined the COVID stuff, and that's a huge thing to do, and that's a really good example of not waiting for the political solution, not lobbying for the next decade, but trying to get them to take LGBTQI propaganda out of school and the assault on the psychology of kids and to fix that, you say no, I'll do what I can do, I can take my daughter out, and what was that decision like for you, Rick, how did you go about it, and is that a good example for you as to how you approach these challenges yourself? Well, yeah, there's a lot of people on pride, not the pride movement, but personal pride, like they don't want to be seem to be backing down, I don't want to back out of a fight, I have to fight everything here, and that could be a very foolish thing to do, because sometimes you'll engage your time and effort and resources and battles that you can't win, okay, you just can't win, so here's some point being my daughter at school, this all really started in 2000 whenever the lockdowns came and they closed her particular school down, and then hers didn't reopen again for, it was well over a year, well over a year, and there were basically kids were neglected, something terrible, the teachers were saying that they were under pressure too, and they were sent home and then when the school was reopened again and they were expected to come back, the kids were told you have to mask up, follow one way system, don't sit with people, eat your lunch outside and freeze and co-keep the windows open, sit in your bubble. Well, that's not a school, that's a cross between a zoo and a prison camp, you could do a prison and they'll tell you where to sit, where to stand, what the where, etc, etc, who you can move with, who you can sit with, it's not a prison, make, okay, and they'll let you out for an hour of recreation time, that's a prison, or a zoo, sit in a bubble, literally, and people can look at you through the classroom door while you're where you're masking, you can sit and you spray your sanitizer on, so you have that coupled with all the other stuff that was going on in the terror tactics that were happening, plus the indoctrinations that are happening in school, so I was seeing that having a hugely detrimental effect on my daughter's mental health under well-being. So what do you do? You say, well, we're going to fight this, we're going to petition this, we're going to petition the school, we're going to get parents together, there's not enough numbers to do that. We were the only people in that school that took our child from the mainstream education out of the school of what, a thousand? So what were we a thousand to one? So that automatically puts pressure on you, am I crazy? Am I a bad parent, because 1999 other parents were keeping their kids in that school, and I'm not saying that they were bad people, but what I'm saying is sometimes you have to sit and forget about what other people think, and forget about how you will be perceived, and you have to look at what's important to you in your life. In my case, this was my daughter and said, "Nothing, I will not, as a parent, allow anything to harm her or her to be exposed to malevolent influences or harm." And I looked at the institution, she was in and I said, she is being exposed to harm, she is being exposed to malevolent influences, and it is creating a very bad effect on her mental health, so for me, the decision wasn't difficult at that point, it's like there is only one solution here, she has to get out. She keep her in there while I fought the system, but I wasn't going to beat the system, and every day that she was in there, she was getting worse and worse, so we took her out. I remember whenever the school contacted us, we wrote them a letter and explained to them exactly what I've said to you, including the words it's across between a zoo and a prison camp, it's no longer a school. They're not being educated, they're being indoctrinated, they put it all down and write it, then they said, "You'll get a call from the wealth for people which we did." And they asked me to go over again, which I did, and then they said, "Well, that's okay, you can do that, but I'll need to put down absence reason, COVID." I said, "No, she's not absent because of COVID, you make sure you put down on her records, absence due to governmental policy, because the only reason why she's not in the school at the minute is due to governmental policy to do with the curriculum and to do with the so-called "scandemic measures," and you make sure you have that down there because if I put in a freedom request to see her school records and you put anything else over them that time, then I'll take you to court for it. So they had to note down on her school record, she was absent due to governmental policy, not because the parents weren't taught by, not because of a so-called "pandemic," because of governmental policy, that went down on her records and she wasn't bothered again by the school after that. We got the curriculum, we spent time educating herself, there's a fantastic guest, I met three who locked them loaded, called Sarah Plumley, she has an online education platform called Corella Education. It's incredible, she helped out with my daughter's maths, and guess what? She managed to get the exam results that she needed, despite not actually being in school, and in fact her performance improved and her mental health improved by removing her from school, that's just my own story from it. But it's not a difficult decision, when you put it in the balance and you say, "This is harming my child, this is indoctrinating my child, and my child is woefully unhappy." All of a sudden the decision becomes from peer pressure worrying about daughter's societal response, to hell with it, you need to get her out of there as quickly as possible, which is what we did. You literally would have thought it, and then they said, "Oh, well, the back at school now," and that would have been two years later, by which point your daughter's mental health and education would have severely suffered, but how did your daughter take it at the time rate? Can you imagine there's a few lessons that we'll be saying, "Well, what about the kid's approach, Ollie, they don't want to be taken out, what about this, what about that, how did you navigate that situation?" Well, it was an art decision alone, if my daughter had said to me, "I want to stay in school, dad, and I want to stay with my friends," I wouldn't have actually, it's a funny balance to take, because I wouldn't have forced her to do that. And in the same way, if I wasn't fully believing in what I thought, if she came to me and said, "I don't want to go back to school anymore, I wouldn't have just capitulated with that either," not actually one of the things that I wrote in the letter to the school and said to the welfare people, I said, "This is not me taking my daughter from school. "This is not her asking to be taken from school. This is a family decision that we have come to after much grir and deliberation amongst ourselves that we all feel that this is the best thing for my daughter. She feels it. I feel it. My wife feels it." So it reinforced the fact that it was a family decision involving our family as well, rather than parent dictating what would happen, or a child complaining about the way they hated schools so much and they didn't want to go back. No, it had to be a joint decision taken after much prayer and deliberation in my case. So it worked out for the best. And in terms of, yes, it doesn't take every problem away. The same way, as I said to you, that just because the school is reopened and society reopened, the mental health don't bind lockdowns doesn't just go away. She was still dealing with that fallout for this for a very, very long time. However, when you put it in the balance, sometimes life is about putting things in the balance just because you could down a certain rate doesn't mean to say there will be negative connotations for that. Of course, isolation was part of it, but she did still maintain contact with her friends, and she's quite an introverted kid, or she was anywhere at the time. Anyway, that wasn't a problem for being away from the whole of a million, the hustle and the bustle was actually a positive thing, not a negative thing. And like I said, she's just come out of a dark place now and she's making great strides forward in her life. Thank God. But I don't think that would have been the case had she been polite to stay in that environment. That's fantastic to hear, Rick. I'm glad to hear that. I was working with some young people still during the first lockdowns and the toll it took was just tremendous, especially with the kids that had the highest needs. You know, the most vulnerable kids, the ones that didn't have family that were wards of the state, you know, these are kids that were in foster care or kids that were being looked after. Not always kids were so damaged by that. And I remember there were some placements of kids that had no parents, they'd been abused, they'd been traumatized already, and they were living with say foster carers, and these kids had such a high level of need. So you had all different kinds of professionals in and out of their life. And these foster carers needed a lot of support, but with that support, they held it together. And when I say high needs, I need to kind of make it clear to listeners, these were children that most people would absolutely not be able to handle, give it a day, and they'd be sending those kids back. But those kids had found a place where there were being looked after, cared for, loved perhaps even by the foster carers, and many of those placements, Rick, that were so delicately in the balance, but were being held together for years might add, fall apart. They just fall apart because now all of a sudden these kids had lost all of the routine, all of the friends were being kept off school. They, in some cases, were still being sent to school, Rick, but you imagine that being sent to a school where there's nobody. They're in empty rooms, empty classrooms, there's you, and maybe two kids and a teacher, you know, for an entire day every single day. And of course it led to massive behavioral disruptions, many of these kids, the mental health issues just up ticked massively. And then of course, because all the professionals were now acting all weird, not going to appointments and meetings, it just was a mess, and those are the untold consequences. Nobody talks about those things, it's all been swept under the rub, childhood suicides and adult suicides, I was hearing about them constantly during that time, nobody's talking about it. And I just think what you did was extremely commendable, like it was the right thing to do in my opinion, of course it's different for every family and maybe for the people, it couldn't be done. But whilst we're on that point, Rick, did you and your wife have to make some kind of shifts for that? Because I don't want listeners to assume that you're some super rich, super wealthy guy who can just do that without consequences. No, quite the opposite. My wife and I were both working full time. At the time, I was working for a government organization in the usual nine to five, although it was more like the sixth Monday through Friday, my wife was working away. She traveled in and out of Belfast every day. The thing is, Mike, two points, number one, and you brought it up rightly, so everybody's different. Every kid's different, every family's different, so I'm just talking from a very personal level about my own personal experience from this. Other kids went through those years and it was like water off the ducks back, it didn't seem to be in fact them at all. Different people have different capacities to cope with different things. And with kids, if you bring up a child, my daughter's now 18, she'll be 19 in January. You know, I've had to deal with stuff like this with her growing up, but thankfully, I haven't had to deal with, for example, she's not out running the streets and wanting to get drunk with her friends. So there's not a queue of hoodlums pulling up outside my house at the weekends and a car waiting to whisk her off into the night while I piece the room, you know, until two to three. I'm worried about whether or not she's going to come back on one piece or not. So every family and every child, everything goes through the room, sets of trials and tribulations growing up. And what I mean is everybody has a different capacity to deal with things and others, like the mental health thing for adults, you've said, some people, it was difficult, but they did it. Other people turned to self harm. Some people turned to addiction issues. Some people committed suicide. Everyone is different. So that's very important. The point that what was the second thing you asked me there, sorry, I lost my train of thought there. So. That's okay, Ricky. I was just then discussing how, you know, that for you, it's not like you could just do this without concept. You're like, yeah, because a lot of people always say that, they say, Oh, well, I'd love to do it. But, you know, I've got a job this that I'm the other. But I think for a lot of these things, you know, you have to sacrifice yourself to achieve some of these things. So I, yes, that's, that's, that's what I was going to answer next. So, yeah, we were, we were both working full time now. My daughter was in her, what, midday, so she wasn't, you know, he had nine needed an awful lot more attention. She could be relied upon to work on her own initiative. We checked her work. We spent time with her at night and at the weekends. And one thing I learned from dealing with Sarah Plum, like he runs Gorilla Ed. And if anyone's listening in, by the way, a plug for her. is her website for real education. She has a stable of kids from all around the world that have been taken out of education by their parents. She focuses on a maths and English and developing your own curriculum for your child. And the first thing I realized from talking with her was the vast majority of what kids do. And so there's nothing, nothing burgers. They're doing nothing stuff. They're learning nothing subject. They're spending time and moving between classes and they keep moving them every 40 minutes. They're different classroom. And then there's a bit of messing around at the start of the lesson and a bit of messing around at the end. When you condense it all down, probably two hours a day of intense focused study for a certain curriculum is really all it takes for a kid to be able to get through you and get the exam grades that they need to do. The eight hours a day at school. It's just, I believe, a part of the indoctrination process for working a nine to five. When you become an adult, you must clock in at eight. You take your break at 20 past 10. You take another one at 12 o'clock for 30 minutes. You get another one in the afternoon, then you get on the bus and you come back home, then you do your homework and you get your weekends off. If that's not a blueprint for what most people end up in and they're working life. I don't know what is. So, yeah, it can be done. You don't need to quit your job to be able to do this. You need a kid who is at least willing to make the effort work reasonably well unsupervised. But you can condense the amount of time and effort that you put into maybe a couple hours a day. And it's worth that. Not to have them in that other toxic environment. So, it is doable and you don't need to be very rich and you don't need to hire an ally and you don't need to quit your job. It can be done. Not by everyone. I get that. We have one check. If there was another 3D running around, it might be a completely different story. So, again, I can only reiterate. This is my personal experience on this. It may not work for everybody or it may not be applicable or attractive to anybody else. But this is just my experience. This is one of those many ethical and moral questions or challenges. Challenges is a better word that we all face time and time again throughout that time. And we still face routinely now because many of the things that they're doing require you, if you participate, to push your boundary of ethics and morality back. And then, of course, we have that inner voice with the excuses as to why we should just go along with it, whether it's wearing a mask, whether it's your child in school, when you know they're being harmed. Whether it's following an arbitrary rule. That doesn't make sense. Any of it. It always requires you to move that line of what you will accept further and further back. And I think that's actually what it's about, Rick. It's about changing who you are. So, you become that obedient slave in this system, whatever it is they're building. They want you to be obedient. And actually, that's what school is about too. Like you said, 9 to 5, you get there the bell rings and now you're in that process. That's why they designed it that way. If you go back to how schools were designed, our schools, Rick, for working class, people were designed to make work is for the master class, the master race. Well, not the master race. It sounds a little bit Nazi, but... I know what you're getting for. I know what you're getting at. The so-called elites in society, we were the grunts. We were the grunts. We were the grunts and the cannon fodder. And that's how we were conditioned and molded from what? Four years of age? Until what? 18? That's a long time. They say if you do something for 30 days, every day becomes a habit. It becomes habitual. So, you can imagine that practice, not for 30 days or 30 months, but for what? 14 years? Assuming you don't go on the tertiary level education, 14 years of that in your head from 4 to 18. That's a lot of impact on a young man. Yeah, it is. I remember I really, really struggled in school because of that formality. And I think a lot of young boys and young men do because they're not designed for that. They're designed to be active and forward in the world. And nowadays, there's all kinds of different variations of forest schools and where they actually take you outside and you're a bit more free to roam and use your hands and be physical. And that's what I was like growing up. So, I got kicked out of school. They didn't like me. They got rid of me. And I had a terrible time up until I got to college. And then I was lucky. I got an attitude to treat us more like young adults. He treat us like young adults. He gave us options. If I didn't turn up, it's like, well, that's your choice, Mike. You don't have to be. I'm not going to force you to be here. And he gave me the flexibility. So, I actually, you know, developed a relationship with trust with him. And it was good. And it was good for me. But yeah, I think the schooling system is completely broken. And I can only imagine how bad it's going to get. But let's shift gears a little bit, Rick. I've actually mentioned Nazis and Hitler there, but I'm kind of glad I did because it brings me to a point that I wanted to raise with you. You was actually one of these people who was in that first wave. I would say all prominent accounts on Twitter in Great Britain, at least, of people who were speaking out during COVID. That's when you really came to prominence. And there was a lot of others at that time as well. Some of them still exist. And I'm not trying to compare you with the ones that I'm going to mention now. So I'll make that clear to begin with. But I've noticed, Rick, there's been this shifting of narrative with these accounts, some of them, not all of them. And it went from COVID truther to conspiracy expert and amateur geopolitical analyst. And now, finally, many of them are setting on. It's the Jews. And maybe Hitler was actually a good guy all along. And I can't help but think that is the wildest archive scene. And it seems to me completely artificial that that's where the vendor did up. And of course, this was spared on with Israel and Gaza. However, Rick, that to me is really just bringing absolute disrepute to many of the things that we've been discussing for a long time. And the mainstream crowd will always see that as absolutely insane if you are touting that. But that's what a lot of accounts are doing now. And I want to get your take on what the hell is going on. Is this engineering some kind of black mark against people who were originally speaking sensibly and trying to make it seem like actually, you know, to give people information about what's happening with tyranny. And yet now we're in a really strange place. And like you said, this truther community invented commas. I've never ascribed to for this exact reason because when I look around, I see a lot of these other people and I really have no idea who they are as human beings. Just because we agreed on the COVID thing, it doesn't mean I'm going to agree with them on other things. And what I'm seeing right now is pretty wild out there. So I just wanted to get your take on it because you was actually a part of that original wave of people. Yeah, I was reflecting on this myself the other day from from outside because I'll tell you what one thing I've never done. And I never will do is getting drawn into petty squabbles and feuds with other people online. I think that's the biggest waste of time and effort anyone can ever protect and is to get drawn into squabbles and feuds. One thing I've noticed, and I'm not going to name any names either, but some accounts that I would have followed from the start. Big, big clarity account started off and shouting out against lockdowns and about loss of liberty, loss of freedom, covering protests, all that sort of thing. Everybody seemed to be in one big happy camp. And then when that passed, there was a void created, really. Well, what am I existing for now? I need to find the next thing to talk about. So the next thing actually that came along was the Ukraine-Russia conflict. And most people would have certainly questioned the fact that it was a proxy war that the United States and what not made it was waging with Russia through Ukraine. Again, very few people would have disagreed with that. So most people would have said, yeah, stuff here and stuff here. I stand with your Korean stance. You know, Putin's not the bad guy. Everybody's pending him out to be. So that was the next step. As I said, we had the events of October 7 last year when, you know, it was this attack that supposedly happened. The Hamas breach that is really defenses that the Israeli Defense Force themselves said of a cockroach stance on one of those sensors will know about it, but yet they were overwhelmed and then there's been the constant assaults and murders and genocide that's happening in Gaza and Rafa ever since then. And now it's all of a sudden, it's now we're at the point where I'm seeing pictures of Hitler all over social media and people are saying he wasn't such a bad guy after all. Maybe, maybe he was the good guy. But listen, I didn't see that. I didn't see us going from lockdown to that. I just didn't see it. I didn't see it, Mike. I'm not getting drawn into this because I'll tell you why. There is a saying, and I agree with this, that history is always written by the victors. History is always written by the victors. And there's no people that spend their entire time going all the way back to the dawn of time to try and dispel. This is a lie. He was a good guy. He was a bad guy. She was a good girl. She was a bad girl, whatever, right the way through history. So we're going through the wars. No doubt, we'll go back to Napoleon and then we'll be talking about, you know, Hannibal or Alexander the Great. Here's the bottom line. So many people are now turning upon each other over certain topics. For example, what's happening in the Middle East or what's happening in Russia, Ukraine or whether or not Hitler was the good guy or whether or not he was simply misunderstood. And he was actually doing the world of favorite. Those are the camps that people are in. And now you're finding people starting to get really vicious towards people that disagree with them. If you come on here today, you and I, and you bring this subject up and you say, actually, Rick, I think Hitler was a good guy. I think he was very misunderstood. I think everything that's been written about him is a complete lie. You say that to me. I may disagree with you completely. I'll say, well, actually, Mike, I don't agree with you. I think he was a bad guy. And I think what was written about him was true. I'm not going to fall out with you about that. Because quite frankly, I don't really care what anybody else thinks to the extent that I'll fall out with them about it. That's your personal thought and opinion and take. I've got my personal thought and opinion and take what happened to everybody together. United, we stand divided before. What happened to the preaching that went on for the last three years that they want to divide us, divide and conquer. They want us all at each other's throats. Now I can see that manifesting itself in so many areas. This is just one of them. I'm sitting back and going, you know what, the people that have been preaching unity taking a stand and up bickering amongst each other and in fighting and present for self and united front, the same people are now at each other's throats, creating the very division that they spoke against. So, yeah, it's a bizarre time, bizarre time to feel like. I was thinking about something else. I was thinking about it the other day. Every time I flick up and I have a curated that it's not just Spanish for me on my Twitter feed, for example, for you. Every other picture is bloody. People asking, you know, maybe maybe we've got them all wrong. Maybe you did. Maybe you didn't. But, you know, what about the hearing now? Yeah, I never predicted that one for sure. And it's wild. And I think the problem that we've got is, like you said, there's a lot of people when I say that might say, but Mike, but Mike, do you know this? Do you know that? Yeah, of course I know it all. I've seen it all. I've been watching this stuff for 20 years. But there is a reason. There is a reason why there is no mainstream crowd pushing that. And that's because the rest of society will completely ostracize you and say you are a nutcase. So even if you believe that you've got to think about the consequences of holding that belief in a public forum, like on X, and we know that Elon, as much as people think he likes free speech, I would say he likes to create huge databases of your west and probably not always accurate takes. And they're all going to be there for eternity now. And I just think that people are falling for the same things I've seen them fall for decades. You know, these narratives around Hitler are not new, Rick. We've all seen them before. David Irving was writing books about it 20, 30 years ago, and his life was ruined because of it. So just because you think that we're now in this place of free speech where anything goes, it certainly doesn't. People are going to be suffering the consequences of everything they say. And I think you have to think about everything you say. So yeah, I don't get into the narrative of whether they're correct or not. I just think the arc of this, that is where we are, that people are actually putting that stuff out there and thinking, this is a great idea. I'm like, I think there's published some engineering there and there's going to be some huge consequences to those. It's the new thing, you know, it's the new thing that seems to be doing the rounds of the minute. And I don't know if it will be replaced. Maybe this is the last thing. Or maybe it'll get it'll be used as a lever to shut down free speech altogether because there's a saying where I come from, especially growing up in Northern Ireland during the troubles. The IRA were branded terrorists, for example, and yeah, they did. They went out and they killed people, but other people said, well, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. They could just as he said, the British army were an occupying force in Ireland depending on your point of view. And that they were fully justified in attacking them. They were an attacking force and they were committed to atrocities against innocent people. Look at what happened in bloody Sunday after the civil rights marches that sparked off all the troubles. And then on back and forth it goes back. It's all depends on who you talk to. So your freedom fighter is another man's terrorist and that man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. And then of course, if you disagree, well, you're wrong. No, you're wrong. No, you're wrong. And then it develops into more fighting and more friction and more division. It's, it's, it's a sorry state of the verse. I was telling my wife about this head of events recently because she doesn't have Twitter. She has zero social media. And I'm really the only person who will feed stuff to her. And I was saying to her, listen, there's this thing happening right now. And a lot of these accounts that were around a few years ago and were like the COVID truth or superstar accounts are now talking a lot about Hitler. And she said, oh, okay. And she's actually got personal experience of that because her grandmother at seven years old was slave labor for the Nazis. She was taken kidnapped and she was slave labor working on roads. So they just had a digging bitches all day long as a seven year old. So, you know, to try an angle to someone like her that he was a good guy. And I've met plenty of people here since I moved here. For example, there was some shoe shiners that I met through my wife's family and they were, they was old school cobblers. They had this tiny little lock up where they were masters in doing shoes because over in Poland, you've still got a lot of those old professions. It's really sweet to see actually because in the West, everything's chain stores and the artistry of some of these professions have been lost. But these guys have been doing the entire life. It was two brothers can be invited me to their house one time with my wife. So we went across and they told me the story of the house that essentially when the Nazis came into the country, they took the house. It was a German family. They stole the house off of their family, just kicked them out on the street and then kept it and they kept all of the family belongs and everything. And he also told me that after the war, they went to get the house back and the German family was still living there and rather than boot them out. Well, they did kick them out. They said, right, we're taking our house back and it was apparently all of their family belongings have been trashed. But all of the neighbors were so sympathetic. They actually continue to maintain this family for the next year. So they all looked after them and gave them food and forgave them. And I thought it was a beautiful story. But again, to say that, you know, if you, if I said to them, well, you know, Hitler wants such a bag. I think they'd probably be a little bit upset by that. Yeah, I think they were. Here's the thing too. Like, just as we're talking here, I'm poking up the phone, but it's only to bring up something in relation to what we're talking about now. So this is a top 10 of dictators world dictators ranked by death toll alleged death toll Hitler only comes in at number three on the death toll scale. The number one is a mouth seat on approximately 50 to 78 million deaths are attributed to him. Number two is actually a Joseph Stalin. There's approximately 23 million deaths subscribe to him. Hitler was in at number three with 17 million deaths. Leopold the second of Belgium. Don't hear his name mentioned much in the, you know, the world dictator stakes. He's responsible for between two and 15 million deaths. People at number five, he did he told you probably never heard about him wage don't provoke wars against China, USA Netherlands and France, five million deaths. He was a general in the imperial Japanese army wins. The last time you heard anyone saying I think, I think he did she, he Jackie, who is a very misunderstood individual who is he, well, he was an imperial general in the imperial Japanese army responsible for five million deaths, never heard of him, never heard of him. So, you know, who is a hero to so many people in Britain, including the Patriots over there, you know, the Bengali famine, there was two million that died in the Bengali famine. He was also responsible for a lot of deaths during World War one when he literally just sacrificed the lives of soldiers to try and meet an objective which was impossible to meet. So, you know, trying to trying to rewrite history is extremely challenging, and you're always going to be playing with faulty evidence. You know, I love to look at history, Rick, and I love to try and get a better view, but I certainly don't revise history in the sense that I'm trying to ascribe who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. I think at that level, you're probably not going to find many good guys at all. I would say, you know, just Joe Wallen, I don't know if you know Joe Wallen or not, but he done, he's a transhumanist editor for Steve Bannon's War Room, he wrote a great book called Dark Eon to do with AI and Transhumanism. He'd be a good person if you're interested in that stuff to talk to, but he put up a post the other day said, you know, what was it always about good guys and bad guys was it not about lesser evil guys and lesser, lesser good people, because there is no one is perfect. He's all good and there's nobody to say is all bad, despite what other people think. And when you look at, if you look at some interviews, for example, with Madeline Albright before she died, she was, you know, like a Victorian, you look, who's alive today, arguably her policies are responsible for the deaths of untold amounts of people, but Madeline Albright, who was, I think, the US Secretary of State, the US, a foreign minister for somewhere or other, whatever official title, well, she was asked directly or later about the invasion of Iraq. And the interview said, but it was 500,000. They think there was 500,000 children killed, little innocent Iraqi children killed as a result of getting rid of Saddam Hussein. Do you think that was worth it? And she just sat there as cool as you like and looked straight at the camera and he said, yes, I think it was a price worth paying. Tony Blair lied through his teeth. Weapons of mass destruction along with the American administration too. How many innocent people were killed, far-born, they're chemical, you know, the horror list goes on and on. Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? The Bible says there's none good except for God. There is none good but God. And if you want evidence for that, just cast your eye on this world stage on which we live at the minute and show me the good guys. Where are they? Where are the good guys? Rick, I can show you the good guys and I can even bring Jesus Christ and God into this one because quite recently we have been told a narrative on the conservative right. Jesus stepped down and he saved Donald Trump's life because he's the chosen one. He's the Messiah and he's going to save us. So there is a good guy out there, Rick. He's a hero and he's courageous and he didn't drain the swamp the first time. But the second time he's coming back and that swamp is going to get drained. So let's shift gears a little bit just before we go into part two. Do you buy this narrative that the system's going to get drained in America? The swamp's going to get drained and we're going to have some resurgence of values and that black rock are going to help out. Larry thinks in there we've got Elon Musk on Twitter. Alex Jones even, they even reformed him for this one. So it's the dream team, I think. Well, again, let me go back to this thing. Nobody's all good. Nobody's all bad. When you are going from an atrociously low bar, which is where America is at at this point in time under the Biden administration and heaven forget forbid if Kamala Harris actually manages to get elected as the next American president. Pretty much. There's nothing that Donald Trump could do to make things worse. They're just about as bad as they could be with supporting foreign wars with the border being open to Mexico with the way things are just. It's atrocious. So when he comes in, assuming he wins the next American election, he's elected or selected, depending on which way you look at it, will things get better? I think they will because I don't think they've got much worse unless he completely flips on himself and becomes like an old white meal version of Kamala Harris in the direction that she's going. It will have to improve, but you don't forget, this guy branded himself to great pleasure and delight in branding himself, the godfather of operation warps paid the unleashed the vaccines that saved millions of lives and kept America going, you know, has had a lot of very questionable relationships in the past, including with none other than Epstein himself, which he says, you know, he's hopping that he never went to the island, but he might have appeared in the little black book from time to time. You don't get to be a man in his position for the length of time he's been in that position, but that kind of money. Well, seeing, let's just say, the darker side of what's going on in the world, I just want to interject to tell you what he actually said about Epstein in 2001, he said, "Oh, Jeffrey's a great guy, we've been friends 15 years. I've had, he really likes the women, especially the younger ones." You know, he's kind of telling you back then, but of course this was before Epstein was caught. Well, you know, the thing is, much like what we're doing now, you said it earlier on about Elon Musk, whenever we say something, when it goes out there and they're being broadcast because I don't know the internet, you type it down and you upload it on your website, it's there forever. On the internet, they say it does not forget. So all these statements that were made by the lack of Trump, for example, concerning Epstein, the country is that stuff, although of course they'll try, you know, they'll try to redefine words. During the lockdowns, he tried to redefine what a vaccine was, what a pandemic was, what immunity meant, they're trying to rewrite what a woman is, they're trying to remove family from the Irish constitution. So despite the fact that we know the truth and the truth out there, it doesn't stop them from having a fill on assault and trying to have it erased, or at least manipulate it to suit whatever narrative that they're trying to push. Yeah, I think so, I think it's been an interesting arc over the last few years and with RFK Jr now getting on board, I was listening to him today, there was a recent interview and he said, well, you know, Donald Trump really wanted to drain the swamp on the first time he told me that. But he just didn't understand what politics was like and when he got in and he just accidentally hired Alex Azar, who was the next Pfizer executive as his human services and health secretary. And he just accidentally hired the heir to the Johnson and Johnson Empire as his ambassador to the UK, and it was just all a mistake, but this time with RFK Jr's help is going to reform the system. And I'm just like, you know, I don't personally buy it because I remember what Trump said about the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Do you remember when I think it was Norway, or it might have been Sweden, they were the first to actually take that one out of use because they said, listen, the date is looking pretty bad for young people, particularly young men in their hearts. And then it started to spread and this was really the first time that we'd seen something like that with the vaccines and we all thought back then finally, at least there's some skepticism in the mainstream appearing around vaccines. And then it went to America, and sure enough, the FDA said, okay, well, we're going to follow suit. And guess who came out against that? It was Donald Trump. He was one of the only politicians who came out and said, actually, the FDA has made the wrong decision. Now, bearing in mind, he wasn't president at the time. This was his own personal statement. I issued, he said, they're wrong and they're going to bring under suspicion, the other vaccines. This is a terrible decision. And I completely disagree with it. So for the people who were trying to reform that and say, no, actually didn't know what he was doing and big pharma got to him. And he didn't actually want to give those vaccines out. It was Fauci. I'm just like, I don't buy it. So I think you got to, you got to really think about this one. If you are going to try and think that he's going to reform the system. But like you said, Rick, and it's a fantastic point, the bar is set so low in America. What could he do? That's worse than what we've seen with Biden. I agree with that. One last thing as well was being compromised is the most powerful thing that can be held against someone. So if Trump's wealth is to be believed, and that's face of moral, who looks like a pretty impressive place, I believe he's the keys to that place. I'm sure he's a few quid in the bank. I don't think he's going to digest the shit. He's what 70, late 70s and 80s, he'll be probably in the 80s. If he gets elected, sees out the next presidential term, he does give yourself why. Why is he doing this? Why is Nancy Pelosi still in place? Why is Joe Biden still bothering around with, you know, advanced dementia before he was removed in a policy coup not so long ago? Why is George Soros still on the stage? Why is Bill Gates still doing what he's doing, pushing up towards 70? These are all old men. They're all old men. See, I have to ask yourself, well, surely they've got enough put to the side and any aspirations of world dominance. They're worth the room mortality. They must be. They're getting old. They know their time is coming sooner rather than later. Why not just write off into the sunset and indulge in whatever it is that they indulge in? I believe a lot of these figureheads are all highly compromised and there's nothing that's powerful. I believe us. Maybe they can get a knock on the door and maybe they've been going to the room when all of a sudden they need to be reindained so they get a knock on the door. Someone comes out to people come out, say, we'd like to talk, please, about the contents of this envelope. They sit down. They open the envelope. They pre-produce the contents of video tape, hard drive, whatever. Some still photographs and say, this is you and this is a be safe. You do what we're going to say or else this will be made public to the world tomorrow morning. You'll be jailed. You'll be shamed. You'll spend the rest of your life in a federal prison or you'll be disappeared. Now, you're going to tow the line or not. And all of a sudden your principles, your morals, what you may or may not have stood for in the past, all go out the window in a desperate attempt for self-preservation and to preserve whatever reputation you have in the eyes of the world. So my own take on it is I would say the vast majority and that's what they reckon Epstein Island was all about. It was a huge trap to get people in positions of power and influence there, monitor them, video them, doing God knows what the God knows who in there. And when it came time to get them to play ball, if they resisted or played hard ball, they got the knock on the door. They got the brown envelope. They got the contents of the envelope and they were told you can play or else the school's public tomorrow morning. What are you going to do? I would say the compliance rates 100%. Yeah, I completely agree with that. That's how I see it. I think all of these people, including Elon Musk, including Alex Jones, anyone that's up that high edge along Donald Trump, any politician, they are chess pieces in somebody else's game and somebody is moving those chess pieces around their ball. It's their board. And I think the system has been designed so that it cannot be destroyed from within. That's clear because you've got to go through so many layers. And you're not going to navigate that. You're never going to get to the point of a vote, in my opinion, if you are truly a threat to these many powers. And there's many of them. I mean, Donald Trump is a rich guy, but he's not that rich compared to the other guys in the game. And then even above them, there's levels of this that we'll never see. We'll never know about. I mean, you both say, well, people say all the time, who's at the top and you just got to devolve to Satan. Satan's at the top. It's evil. But, you know, I have had a lot of pushback recently from people saying, well, Mike, you're just a black pillar. You're just teaching people. Sorry, Mike. I missed that. You froze only just for about 15 seconds, or can you just repeat what you just said? You just froze on screen for about 15 seconds. Yeah. So one of the things that I've actually had recently, and I'm seeing it a lot on Twitter and online, and I say, I stay out of the arguments too. I don't even get involved in them because I find it a waste of time. But I've seen it on big accounts, like Whitney Webb, for example, she's a big account where she's saying, listen, Donald Trump is all this debt on him. That shows you that he's not this heroic figure. And the pushback from people who want to believe it is, listen, you're a black pillar. You're teaching people land helplessness. You should get behind this because it's either that or communism. That's the two options. And it's this binary, the Hegelian dialectic. And it goes back to what we said earlier that I actually don't believe it is that I think you are the agent of changing your life. And to think that the only way out, the only way out, the only way to improve your life is to vote for a politician and ignore purposely any red flag because you've got to suspend your disbelief and believe a politician is not corrupted. And that's the only hope. Well, to me, Rick, that is land helplessness. That's in cultural level indoctrination to believe that our only hope, Rick, is voting. That's all we've got. We can't change our life and our family's life and our community. And, you know, my philosophy on this, it's bottom up, not top down change. And as far as I've seen in my life from doing that, things get better and better. Of course, you've got to deal with the stuff above you. But ultimately, if everyone had have gone with that joint COVID and not gone for the top down control and said, actually, no, we're not doing that, then the top down control changes overnight. But it doesn't start by voting in people at the top. It starts by taking action in your own life. And yeah, I guess that's my philosophy, Rick, on all of this. And I think going into part two, I'd love to take that conversation forward with you. We will. We will do. Awesome, Rick. Well, I'll direct listening to your TNT radio show. It's easy to find, and I'll put your links in the description. Is there anything else you wanted to add, Rick, in part one before we finish? No, I think we've covered everything or think we've covered everything you wanted us to. So let's march on into part two and see what awaits us there. Okay, everyone. That's it for part number one of my conversation with Rick Moon. I hope you enjoyed it. I certainly did, but we've got so much more to get into in part two. We begin the conversation by discussing finance and how that's changing and what Rick's doing to protect himself and his family. So it's more of the practical, what you can do, what you can learn from Rick and myself in terms of getting ready for harder times. Then we discuss what those harder times might look like because I think 2025 is going to be one hell of a year. It might be a hellish year for some if they're not ready for it. So that's why I'm trying to get people on the show who can help us discuss in a positive and hopeful way what we might do to get better prepared for everything and anything that might happen in 2025. But of course, we also have the rest of 2024 to go on with the US election just around the corner and so much site. Opery going on. I actually believe that we are entering the period right now this very moment why that first domino is going to be pushed that takes us to some crazy times later on in the year and also going into next year. So members, please head over to to listen to part number two, if you're not signed in already. If you're not member yet, please consider coming to join us. These are useful, important and relevant conversations. Also, of course, you'll be able to access my research episodes like Saturn's Bankers. In fact, we've got the next episode of Saturn's Bankers coming up later this month. So that's one to look out for. Similarly, if you are a member, you will now be getting invited to things like the private Q&A for myself. Roy Morich and Monica Perez for the other show that I do cognitive dissonance. So members of will be getting an invite where you can join us on Zoom to have a chat and ask us any questions you've got. So lots going on, lots to look forward to, but let's get to part number two in closing. Thank you so much for listening. Take care of yourselves and I'll see you in the next one. What you are basic. Deep, deep down, far far in. Is simply, the fabric and structure of existence itself. Peace for all men and women, peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time, peace in all time, honesty and distress in yourself. Peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time, peace in all time. The fabric and structure of existence itself. Peace for all men and women and women and women and women and women and women and women and women and women and women and women. Peace for all men and women. Peace for all men and women and women and women. [Music] In the 17th chaperones and look at the script, the kingdom of God is within man, not one man nor a group of men, peace in all men and you, you the people have the power. Peace for all men and women and women and women. The fabric and structure of existence itself, honesty and distress in yourself. [Music] Peace for all men and women, not merely peace in our time, peace in all time. [Music] (bell dings)