Oracle Talk Radio Network

Beyond the Radar- Nina Terribile

Join us as we have a wonderful guest. Nina Terribile's stories have been featured on the hit tv show My Paranormal Nightmare. We delve into these stories as well as continue our summer of species!

Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
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Runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Qualified tenants, check. Rent collection, check. Maintenance coordination, you got it. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runnerswarehouse. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Four in 10 people believe in ghosts. Over a third of people believe intelligent life exists outside of Earth. 43% of people believe demons exist. There are unexplained phenomena happening daily around the globe. And we are here to talk about it. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Your portal into UFOs, paranormal, cryptids, the supernatural, the mysterious, the unknown. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] This is beyond the radar. And this is your host, humanoid Tom Koway. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Hello, welcome, everybody. Welcome back to Beyond the Radar, your paranormal news program. We are broadcasting live on the United Public Radio Network and the UFO Paranormal Radio Network 10530 on the Gulf Coast and 107.7 FM in Mississippi. Not to mention, all over streaming, Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, you name it, we're on it. And we're here to talk about some cool and crazy stuff today. And today, we have a wonderful, wonderful guest. Has anyone out there heard of my paranormal nightmare? Hey, Nicky, what's going on? Has anyone ever heard of my paranormal nightmare? It was on the Discovery Network, so ID or travel or one of those channels. Excuse me. This lately, and it's in season one, episode nine, there's a woman on there, Nina, who has a horrible encounter when she was growing up and messing around with a spirit board. It's not a Ouija board, but it's sort of similar and reciting incantations and what answered those incantations with something very horrible. So we, of course, are going to get into that here in a little bit, but I want to hear from everybody. Please continue to chime in. Our tech sport is 484-283-5328. And feel free to send text messages or anything like that. We'd love to talk about it. Now Nina's schedule had changed last minute, so I taped this interview a little bit before. It's not going to take the whole episode, but I'm going to play it. And any questions I can follow up with her. And of course, we are continuing our summer of species here on the United Public Radio Network and beyond the radar. And we're going to be talking about atmospheric beasts today. So rods, jellyfish, really cool, interesting things in the sky that I hadn't known about, but we'd love to talk about all the things that we know and we don't know, loyal Americans. We love that, don't we? So I'm going to play this interview clip for everyone. And you can really hear the terror that she still has in this. And unfortunately, for Nina, this hasn't gone away completely. There isn't a fairytale happy ending story so far. So please keep her and your thoughts, too, because she's still out there battling in wherever she is. I think she said Georgia, but I'm not sure. But I'm going to go ahead and play this. And let me know what you think. And I'll catch you guys here in a little bit after this is done playing. So here's about a good 20, 30 minute interview that we have. All right, so Nina, thank you for joining Beyond the Radar. It's a pleasure to have you. Thank you for having me. No problem. So not very often do we have a celebrity on Beyond the Radar. So you were on the first season of my paranormal nightmare with your incredible story of when you were younger and the paranormal hauntings that happened. So I just want to say, before we get into the actual story, how did your appearance on that show come to be? Oh, I always followed people on Facebook, like in paranormal groups. And there was a casting call for, if you were a child experience, and experience, why? So I did, didn't go into being sick. And I got a phone call. I was on the phone. Awesome. Awesome. That's great. So you just reached out and somebody reached back out to you. That's wonderful. No rounds of interviews or anything like that. But that's good. So I have-- I guess I have a little advanced knowledge before the audience. I had watched your episode. And it is very creepy and very spooky. And they did a good job of the re-enactment. It sounded a lot-- they showed a lot of what you were saying. You know what I mean, to be true on that. So-- Owning a rental property sounds like a dream. Collect a rent and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price. Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs, and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites. And schedule kel-a-showings. Oh, don't forget the screen tensor information. [INAUDIBLE] Whew. Sound complicated? Runner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, all for one flat monthly fee. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent-estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse. Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. With family, canolis, and spins mean everything. Now, you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather slots. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather. Now at Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary. V-D-W group, boy rep prohibited by law. 18 plus, terms and conditions apply. Let's dive into it. So this story starts when you are about 14 years old, correct? 15, 14, 15. That was. OK. And so you're about 14, 15. And you had-- I'm sure you probably couldn't say the name of it. But it was a spirit box or a Ouija board that you had, right? Can I say it? I'm sorry. Mike's cutting in and out again. Sorry. Can I say what it was? Yeah, absolutely. Oh, it was called psychic circle. Oh, OK. It was like a spirit board. It was the actual board. OK. All right. So it's similar, though, Kurt. Yeah. OK. Excellent. So now did you purchase this? I know your cousin was in episode two. How did that come about? Oh, my dad, we were at the store in the mall. And my dad, I found it, and I did it if I could buy it, which was like a big no-no in the house. I had to hide it, because my grandma was really religious, and she would have burned the board outside if she-- so my dad actually bought the board for me. OK. Gotcha. And so I can totally relate to that. My grandmother Italian Catholic. So I have nine aunts and uncles, and very religious, and everything. So I can relate to that. So did you almost have to keep it hidden and sort? Yes, like a lot of the-- the psychic circle I had to hide. And then I had books that I purchased that. I also-- because it had spells and like hindrance spells-- I had to hide from my grandmother. Yeah, OK, so that makes a lot of sense. So all right, so it's cool. Teenage girl, you got your cousin. You got this thing that you're hiding. You know, not many people know about it in the house. What-- let me start this way. What made you take that step into-- oh, let's actually try some of that, something. When I was growing up, my grandparents how it was well known as like it was wanted. OK. These and some of these saw an apparition. When I was there, my parents got divorced. We went with my grandparents. And I couldn't sleep in my room because it always felt like something was watching me, but like something was there. And then I would hear my blinds like opening clothes in. So there was stuff going on in the house already. OK. They did what I started playing on your board and doing conjuring spells. And that's something I do remember from the show you talking about, that until the introduction of the incantations and spells and things. It wasn't really doing much beforehand, correct? No. OK. And so once you started these incantations and spells, activity started to pick up, correct? Yes, picked up a lot. Like very terrifying. OK. So let's start-- or let's get to that point now. So you have the incantation book. And from-- now, correct me if I'm wrong, but you and your cousin weren't on the same page when you started reading these spells, correct? No, she was playing with the board with me. But the spell was like, I told you when I was OK. Like I got a spell book, but I didn't think I was a teenager. I wasn't really thinking that I just died right in. Gotcha. Gotcha. So what's it called? The adventure of it all, or the mysteriousness of all, was just too much to put away, right? So you wanted to go into that. And that's when it separated, I guess, between you and your cousin doing this to just you, correct? OK. And so how quickly, after you started doing some spells, did stuff pick up? A couple of days a night, a couple of days a week ago, I woke up, couldn't move with something grabbed by ear. Your ear? Yeah, something was growling in my ear. And this happened in the morning, and it happened every night. OK. Yeah, I woke up with something my ear. And I got like great eyes to see what a shadow figure I'm at. [INAUDIBLE] OK, but you couldn't move. So you're almost like, well, it's almost OK. Now, I can attest to that. I've had a few of those, and that's not a pleasant experience whatsoever. I've even heard the growls, like how you mentioned, too. And even more a little bit, a couple of times, I felt the indentation, so like the bed, you know what I mean? Like pushed down, and like something's putting their arm or forearm. You know, like if somebody sits on the side of the bed, you feel that. And then that's what I was feeling, too. So I can attest, that's terrifying stuff right there. But the growls, you were saying, that was audible. So it wasn't something in your head you felt and you heard right here, right? OK. I think your mic stopped working out again. Yes, I growled and I would share. It wasn't in my mind. It's like-- Yeah, so you felt the, you know, because the vibration, that's what it is, you felt that going into your ear and everything like that. OK, so it started off with the shadow and the sounds. And then please continue into what it had progressed into. Well, it happened every day. And I thought it was that. So across the street is where my cousin-- so I would say that I wouldn't-- because I wasn't getting as late as you can. Like, I was being woken up. And then if I fell back, it would happen again. So I stayed over at my aunt's house across the street where my cousin lived. And it followed me there. Wow. Yeah, it followed me there. I thought it was the house that I was going to stay in the house because it's already known to be haunted. No, it followed me across the street. The same thing happened. Growled in my ear. So I slept on my aunt's floor in her bedroom. I still didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to get in trouble. And I was kind of ashamed, too, that I brought this upon myself. Remind you, like I'm 14, 15, I wasn't thinking. And when I was sleeping in my aunt's room on the floor, across the hall is the bedroom that I would stay in. But it was waking me up. But I felt like something was watching me. Like, it was angry that I was in my aunt's room getting sleep. This was in the summertime. OK. Eventually, I got a job, like Monday through Friday, I went to the other town next to me to babysit my cousin. It followed me over there. So Monday through Friday, I stayed with my other aunt to watch my cousin. It followed me there, woke me up with the lights turning on and off. Like, really, like, it wouldn't stop until I left the room. And when I left the room, I didn't take total because my cousin was sleeping since that, like, if the girl was born in it, I heard whispers like walking in my cousin's room. I thought he was up. But the next day, I thought that my cousin was up. And she told me my bed, but I don't know if that was the spirit into that room to do something. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, that's very interesting that you say that because typically, you're right. If it's something in a house, it's not going to follow you. You know what I mean? So whatever this attachment-- I mean, it's safe to say it was at least an attachment-- followed you from house to house and not just across the street but into other towns. So it was residing within your energy field, within your life force. You know what I mean? And drawing on you. And it seemed like it would give you clues that it didn't like a certain thing or, as evidence then, like, it would be mad at you for being in a certain room. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream. Collect a rent, and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, do you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price? Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs, and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites. It's going to kill the showings. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, sound complicated? Renner's Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to do list. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own, from rent collection to maintenance coordination, all for one flat monthly fee. Go to Renner's for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. 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It's following you around, it's doing the growls, and still at the same time, you know, so at night, which, if I were to theorize, it must be that, you know, it's gaining energy, and then every at the same time, you know what I mean? It kind of comes out, like toothpaste out of the tube, basically, you know, and makes itself known to you, and growls, and to get your attention to essentially say, I'm, you know, Nina, I'm here. I'm here, you know, and, you know, hello, but not so much in a friendly hello in a demonic hello. Okay, so we have this evidence now that it has to you. It's following you from place to place. It's not staying stationary, you know, where you can find some relief, which is sad because, you know, it's all around you 24/7. It's not, oh, I can have some peace when I'm out of the home. So let's get to the point now of the physical manifestations of what this was. - Eventually, like, after I knew that it was just gonna follow me, I moved back to my grandparents' house in my bedroom. There was one night that I fell asleep down in the basement 'cause that was the coolest place we only had the AC in the living room. I fell asleep in the basement. I woke up hearing something coming down the stairs. I thought it was my dad 'cause he worked second shift. So he would come like, 'cause I didn't know what time it was. He would come and watch TV down in the basement. And when I looked, there was this creature that was like half go and a half human just standing in the doorway. - Oh, wow, that's terrifying. - Yeah, the face was censored. So I couldn't see the facial features, but I noticed the large horns and the goat feet. And he disappeared and reappeared until he got to the end of the sofa and he told me to go upstairs. - Oh, it talked to you. - It talked to me and told me to go home. My grandmother wanted me. So I went upstairs, like I had to like run, pass it to get up. - Yes. - And my grandmother was in the living room sleeping on the couch and I didn't know at the time. She was having dreams that I was signing a book with the devil, a couple of days after this experience, she told me, she's like, there's something going on. I keep on having dreams, you're signing a book, sign your name in a book with the devil. - Wow. - And I told her, oh, nothing's happening 'cause I was just gonna deal with it myself. And that was one of the manifestations of this creature. And then I would have dreams about him all the time. - So my first, and for the audience listening, I wanna help get a good physical description of this. So you're saying it was upright, huge, hybrid. So it walked on two legs, but goat legs. - Yes. - The face was like blurred, like, you know, smeared or censored, you said? - Yeah. - Okay, and if we were to go, if you could just estimate height, you know, normal human height, you know, six foot, five foot, six foot, or do you think it was bigger or smaller? - Like maybe a little over six foot. - Okay. - With the horns. - Oh, with the horns, okay. So that's what I mentioned, that's what I, you know, being a radio show, I want people to try to, you know, visualize what this, you know, this is. - Yeah, it spoke, how was the voice, deep, like demonic or? - It was deep and demonic, tell me to go upstairs, my grandmother wanted me. - Okay, so forceful. - Yeah. - Okay, so it wanted you to go upstairs. You got up there, you found out she had this dream, but this wasn't until a couple of days later. What did it want for you to go up there for? - Until this day, I don't know, like, my grandmother, and so I don't know at the same time if she was having that dream at that moment, 'cause she was having it multiple times, she told me. So she knows, like, 'cause she, with my grandmother, she knows, like, when she dreams, sometimes she would dreams like numbers, and she would tell people to play the lotto, or like, and it would come up, like, those numbers. - Wow. - But she would, sometimes, like, her dreams would come true. - Yeah, so premonitions. - Yeah. - Okay, so, okay, so she's having this dream. You go out there, what it wanted, but I guess when you went back to sleep, it was gone? - Yes. - Okay, so go ahead, I'm sorry. - Sorry, at the time, too, I forgot that my dad and my brother were in Rhode Island, camping. - Okay, so they weren't in the house? - No. - Okay. So they weren't in the house, was it just you two then? - And my grandfather. - And your grandfather, and yeah, so that's, you know, I would be thinking of that, too, and that's just, you know, me probably overthinking, but like, what did it want at that point? Did I, did I do, by doing what it wanted? You know what I mean? Did I prolong, you know what I mean? I would be thinking all kinds of questions, you know, what if I, but then if you disobeyed it, you're in a basement with this horned human hybrid demonic. I don't know if there is a right choice at that point. (laughs) - I listened to it because I didn't know, like, if it was going to start attacking me, like-- - True. - It started disobeying, and I wanted to go upstairs anyways. I didn't want to be downstairs with this thing. - No, no, no, it's, you know, it's a terrifying thing. I give you a lot of credit for being a 14, 15 year old girl and having, 'cause you said you had to go past it. You know what I mean? Like having the, you know, guts, really, to go past it and, you know, go through what was blocking you to go up to upstairs. So I definitely give you a lot of credit, you know, and I don't know if I would've done that. You know, I probably need to be too scared. But, okay, so we had this, and then you said it appeared to you other times in dreams. Was there any more messages? Like, how did the dreams happen? - There was one dream that he came and, I remember getting physically sick afterwards, like growing up and, - And, okay, go ahead. - It was like just really, like, disgusting. Like, I don't want to talk about it. Like, it was just dreams. - So, disgusting dreams that you had with it. And it made you physically ill, not in the dream, just in real life when you woke up. - Yeah. - So you're getting this physical reaction from something. Well, two, really. The first one, in real life, you, you know, if it's a dream, you're not getting up, going upstairs. You know what I mean, and interacting. So that's the first physical reaction. The second one is you're having the illness, the sickness, the really terrible feeling that many people who have encountered demons or, you know, entities they haven't particularly liked to do report. You know what I mean? Where they report that I get, you know, you have a physical real world sensation to something, which lends more credence to the fact that it actually happened because if this, if there was no, you know, when people have scratches, when people get sick, if you have none of that, it's a lot easier to chalk it up to an imagination. But this, you know, you have a physical reaction to something, how can you deny that it wasn't real? So I definitely, you know, understand how that is. Has it, you know, how many times would you say did you have these dreams? - During that summer time being like woven up with something grow in my ear, probably like five or six times, I would have dreams about him. - Okay. Did you get sick after everyone? - No, just this, just one. So the other ones, was it just seeing? Was it in your room? Like, how, how were they? - Like I would be in different like locations and he would just appear. Sometimes I would be in the house, sometimes I would be like outside and he would just appear. Like there was one dream that he was chasing after me. - Yeah. You know what, it seems like this, you know, collaborates with your grandmother's dream that she's where, now her interpretation is, you are voluntarily signing with the devil, but in your dreams, you're not wanting to, you're trying to get away. You know what I mean? So it's almost torturing two different people at this point, you know, in that house in two completely different ways, where it's chasing you, it wants to get you, it wants you to give your life to evil. I mean, ultimately, you know, you can't have good without evil and vice versa. It wanted you to give your soul to evil, you know, most likely. And when, you know, it was conjured, you know, going back to the toothpaste, you know, the toothpaste out of the tube. Did you have that feeling like I'm stuck with this forever now? - I thought I was going to like be stuck with it just because it was happening every day. And there was always paranormal activity every single day, while like when I was younger, it was just periodically. We would have stuff happen, but now it's like got more physical too. - Yeah, yeah. So before this, that paranormal activity, if you could, if you had to guess, was it like monthly, weekly, like once a year, what was it? - It was probably like monthly, like a couple of months. - And it would be things moved or what would that activity be? - Footsteps, my brother actually, I had my door closed. He would see a shadow. I wouldn't be in my room. He would see shadows like walking by the door, like the bottom door being our names being called, feeling watched like someone was in the room with you when you were by yourself. There was another time that my brother and I were home alone and my grandparents told us to stay inside 'cause they were visiting my grandfather's sister. And I don't know how it happened, but we were starting to get into a fight and downstairs in the living room. And all of a sudden we heard this cackling sound and something being thrown. So we both ran out of the house. It made us stop fighting. - It was pretty loud then. - Yeah, this laugh was really scary. Like we both heard it 'cause we both sat and stared at each other and ran. - Cackling like a witch kind of? - Yeah. - Okay. Yeah, so, but that stuff, yeah, that seems pretty benign compared to a demonic figure that you had afterward. I can definitely understand what you said there. But, okay, so at what point did you get? - Sick and you were sick of it. And you were like, okay, I have to try to do something. - When I was sleeping and I was walking up with something actually talk instead of growling, it was talking to me, telling me going to kill my family and then kill me. - Oh my God. - That's when I said like enoughs enough. Like I was in my family now, like it's getting too, it's already getting physical, like it scratched my foot. And it appeared to me down in the basement when I was by myself. That was like the last straw, like for me, was when it was threatened in my family and myself. - Excellent. So how did you go about that? Did you research how to do it? How did you find a way to fight this? - I threw out the Ouija board and I threw out my spell ball. And then that night, I was walking out with something's telling me that I was going to come back. - Okay. Okay. And was that it, did it come back or was it just trying to threaten you? - After I wasn't getting in any, I was awoken up with anything growling at me until a couple of years when I got older and I got married and moved out is when some activity started up again. But this was at another location. It was the condo that we bought to start off with. I would hear like walking around. When I got pregnant, I would sleep on this couch 'cause my back would hurt. - Okay. - I would come up from the basement. Like I couldn't move still. Like I was woken up and I couldn't move. Something came was coming up the stairs like from our basement and it jumped on the banister and I don't know if it hit my stomach. Like, but I felt like something hit my stomach. But it was like a black shadow figure. - But you felt the mass. - Owning a rental property sounds like a dream. Collect a rent and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, do you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price? Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites and schedule countless showings. Oh, don't forget to re-tend for the information. (mumbles) Whew, sound complicated? Runner's warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best in class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, all for one flat monthly fee. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call runners warehouse. - Hey everyone. - It is Ryan Seacrest here. Ready to heat up your summer vacation? Get ready, things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino with yours truly. Join me at and dive into a summer of social casino fun. - Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW group, forward we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - Yeah, like I thought it hurt the baby. - Oh God. And I'm sure, you know, that was your first child? - Yeah. - So, you know, instincts and all of that are gonna kick in. You know, you're gonna fear for your child. Everything was okay, correct? - Yes, everything was okay. - All right. - He was born. - And how, I'm sorry, go ahead. - He was born, this is when I saw the shadow figure and I knew it was coming back where he was just showing me like, hey, I'm still here. - Uh-huh. - My son was born and he had a bassinet next to my bed and the TV was on and I was like on my phone but like watching TV too. - Yeah. - And when I was on my phone, I noticed, you know how you could still see like the TV? I noticed it was blacking out. So I looked to see like, I thought my TV was on. - Like going bad? - Yeah, it was going bad. No, it was a shadow figure walking past and then went through the wall. - Ooh. - So I felt like it was telling me like, just because you don't have like paranormal experiences every day, but I'm still here. That's how I felt like. - It's reminding you. - Yeah, like I'm around still. - Man. - Maybe it wants to open that communication line back up. You see, you know, what you did was got rid of its way of communicating with you in a certain aspect and it wants to open that up because that's what it feeds on. It was probably feeding on your fear. You know, your worry, you know, sadness, all of that kind of stuff and it can't really feed enough to manifest itself without that. So have you tried anything after that to get rid of this shadow figure? - Well, I would say, and then we also we moved and I had my second child. We moved to, and I'm 42 now. This happened when I was in my 30s, but I'm 42 now. And a couple of months ago, we had, I was going downstairs with the laundry to the laundry room and I saw a black hooded shadow figure walk in past the banister and into the wall. It went into the wall. - Okay. - And then also my son saw it, not knowing my personal experiences with it. He was downstairs playing in the family room and he walked to me and ran up the stairs and came to me and was like really terrified, said he saw some black and hooded like in the bathroom walking around. - Oh my gosh, have you, how old is the child now? - He's 12. - 12, you had a discussion with him about your stuff before? - Not at the time when he saw the black hooded shadow. But when he saw the show that I was on my paranormal nightmare. - Honestly. - Yeah, play with. He's not allowed to play with Ouija boards or do anything. - Like I don't even-- - I get it, yeah. - 'Cause he said it's like, it's a game but it opens doors, like it opens. - Yeah, it's a manifestation portal really of what you, and you don't know what you're gonna get on the other side. So let's bring ourselves to current day. Where you're at now, is there still activity? Do you still have things going on or has things quieted down? - Periodically, we'd have like little things go, like happen, like seeing the shadow figures. We had a pony toy that you would ride on and it would nay. - Okay. - Yeah. - Or that would go off like all the time with no one around. And you have to like move the horse to make it nay. - Yeah, one just do it on its own. - Yeah, I was doing it by itself. - Wow. - My son said, there is something hanging on his door and it started moving by itself. So he ran out of his room. But it's just periodically, 'cause I think-- - Nowhere near like what it was before. - No, and I think it's trying to come back, but like no one's playing with the sphere board. No one's like doing any occult activities that it can't be. - It wants to get more powerful. And you guys aren't giving the tools to allow it to get more powerful basically. Wow, that's a fantastic, you know, paranormal story. I can definitely see why they wanted you on the show. You know, have you thought of saging again or blessing your house or anything like that? - I was gonna actually have someone come and like-- - Oh. - Try to like clear it? 'Cause I don't know the house. I think it's like an attachment. - Okay. - 'Cause it followed me like from house to house and even like from town to town. - Yeah, so you figure it's on your aura. - Yeah. I'm gonna send you after this a person I know who I think you should talk to, her name is June Edwards, and she's a wonderful person that would love to be able to help you out. And, you know, I've read a lot of books by her. She's a real deal. I'll send you her information and, you know, you can just let her know, hey, you talked to me, you were on my show and, you know, I gave you her her contact and all of that. Where she can do a lot of this stuff virtually with remote viewing and things like that. And see, you know, you can start there, you know, but we'll try to get you help for whatever you, you know, whatever you want because there is a big difference. And that's what I want people to know is, you know, we can't call everything demonic because it belittles what demonic activity like this actually is. And, you know, if you hear footsteps outside or you have the residual haunts and things like that, that doesn't necessarily make it demonic. You know what I mean? And it takes away from people who have true experiences such as yourself. And, you know, basically I was told, you'll know it's demonic, you know what I mean? If something just scares you because you don't know what it is, that's one thing. But a demonic entity would make itself new to you that, hey, I'm the real deal. And, you know, when we have stories like this, we need to reach out and help because, you know, we can't have us on this side, in this dimension, three dimension, you know what I mean? We can't have us being attacked by things because look, life's already hard enough. We don't need any more of this stuff going on to hurt and, you know, people on this side. So, so yeah, no, I, you know, your story's incredible. I can definitely see why they picked you. If, you know, any other stories come up that I, you know, from other guests on the show, you know, I'll invite you back on to see if, you know, we can match stories, you know what I mean? And see if the feelings were the same and all of that. But, you know, thank you so much for being on our show. Your story is incredible. Watch my paranormal nightmare. I believe it's episode nine, season one, episode nine. And Nina, do you have anything? Where can people find you and all of that? - I'm on Facebook and Instagram. I did write two e-books, paranormal activity in the Silver City, which is based what was happening in my life when I was 14, 15. And then our real ghost stories, it's a collection of people's real experience with the paranormal. - Excellent, excellent. Yeah, okay, so send me those links. And when I put this as the podcast version, I'll include them in the show notes. - Okay, thank you. - No, thank you. All right, that was a little bit of the interview that we did with Nina. She's a wonderful person. Please reach out to her. She'll talk to anybody about it, which is really cool. And that's how I got to know her was she had commented on some of the cool pages, the Facebook pages that I had. And we kind of got matched that way through that. And it was definitely unique to have somebody because look, I'll be honest, I've never met anybody from those shows and you know what their shows are. You see them on TV, ID discovery, all that kind of stuff. And maybe you have your own questions that you wanna ask these people. And it's really cool that, you know, they reach out or she at least reached out and was like, Hey, I'll tell everybody, I'll tell anybody what happened to me. So I thought that was really very interesting, really cool. And, you know, Nikki, yeah, I told you you should probably reach out to her too. I'll get in contact with you about her, but she would be a wonderful guest for yours as well. And you guys can compare, you know, especially I know you're doing demonology and things like that. I know she might be a good guest for you and that realm too. So let's, we're gonna take a break right now for a commercial and then we're gonna get into our summer species and we'll talk about these atmospheric beefs, well, yeah, long day. Atmospheric beasts. And you might know them as like jellyfish or rods or things like that, but. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream. Collect a rent and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price. Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs, and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites and schedule countless showings. Oh, don't forget screen time for the information. (mumbles) Whew, sound complicated? Runners warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Our job is complicated because it should be. 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Live the Chumba Life at BTW Group, no purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law. See terms and conditions, 18 plus. We'll get into them after the break and see what we can get into. So stick around 105-3 on the golf coast, 107.7 FM, and New Orleans, we'll be back in just a couple of minutes. Four inting people believe in ghosts. Over a third of people believe intelligent life exists outside of Earth. 43% of you believe demons exist. We invite you to beyond the radar, your paranormal news show. If it's unexplained phenomena happening daily around the globe, we're talking about it. Exploring the unexplained, challenging the conventional and diving deep into the shadows that lurk just beyond our perception. Come join the transmission on the United Public Radio Network. Once you come, you'll never be the same. Meet Daniel Knight, a psychologist with an extraordinary gift to absorb and heal the deepest wounds of the mind. 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So now after that wonderful break, an interview of my paranormal nightmare and you can get the whole reenactment thing that those shows do, it's wonderful. And I checked it out, it's very entertaining. But now we're gonna shift gears here to atmospheric beasts and continue our summer of species 2024. So atmospheric beasts, I didn't understand if they were a species of ufology or not, but they kind of barely count, but they count. That's what matters. And so atmospheric beasts are beasts. I keep seeing beasts, God. Atmospheric beasts are the strangest flying objects of ufology, even cryptozoology and astrobiology. Ooh, big word. According to eyewitness reports, these beings are apparently living creatures that break all the unusual rules or all the usual rules that biologists apply to living organisms. They appear to be able to levitate without any needs, need for wings. Owning a rental property sounds like a dream. Collect a rent and relax. That is until you realize how much work goes into getting it ready. First, you need to conduct market research to understand local rental trends and determine a competitive rent price. Then there's cleaning, staging, repairs, and hiring a professional photographer. Next, develop a marketing strategy. List the property on rental sites and schedule countless tellings. Oh, don't be a sweet answer. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Whew. Sound complicated? Renner's Warehouse is here to take the hard work off your rental to-do list. Our job is complicated because it should be. We handle everything from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease. Our best-in-class property management professionals take care of your property as if it were our own, from rent collection to maintenance coordination, all for one flat monthly fee. Go to for a free rental analysis to find out how much your home can rent for. Or call 303-974-9444 to speak with a rent estate advisor today. Because from now on, the only thing you need on your to-do list is to call Renner's Warehouse. I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over 100 social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to That's And get lucky today at Lucky Land. No purchase necessary. VTW Group, boy prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply. They, as well as their bodies, were even depicted in semi-solid but partially in invisible state. Some of these things characterized our atmospheric jellyfish and sky serpents. Many of you have heard of that. I'm going to go ahead and play this video right now. So you can take a look here and see what these guys actually-- some of what they look like. There we go. And let me see if I can make this anywhere better. Maybe I should move out of the way. It was my fault. So sky serpents-- many people know our snakes are elongated serpentine dragon-like entities that appear to fly or float in the air. They typically move in an undulating fashion. As if they were serpents in the air, they are not the same as ordinary flying dragons. Certain sky-- certain sky serpents-- stung twister resemble brine shrimp because of their thin nature, thin arms, and making them move or collide through the air because they manage to fly without wings. Like most Asian dragons have the ability to fly in lore. So let's get into some sightings. Many atmospheric beast sightings were originally classified as unusual UFO reports in the same sense that UFOs are described as supposed alien spacecraft or machines of some sort, not in the technical sense of being unidentified objects. Noted Bigfoot author and previously mentioned on the show, Ivan T. Sanderson, devoted an entire book to the theory that many UFOs are actually extremely low-density animals native to the clouds. One of the most famous atmospheric beasts is the Crawfordville Monster cited in Indiana in 1891, which some researchers classify as the only dragon sighting ever to be reported. So let's get into this Crawfordville Monster. So the Crawfordville Monster is an atmospheric beast that was cited over Crawfordville, Indiana in 1891. The cryptid was told by witnesses that it was suggested to be an otherworldly creature. The citizens of Crawford described a violently flapping thing-- and they use things in quotations-- with a flaming red eye 20 feet long and eight feet wide. So this is pretty big. Despicions and descriptions of the creature vary with some accounts suggesting that they had no head, while others describing it as having glowing red eyes and hot breath. Accounts generally agree that this large rectangular creature, possibly an eel-like in appearance, had several undulating fins down the size of the body. During a reported second appearance, witnesses described a creature as writhing, squirming, and producing a wheezing-like sound of it as if it was in pain. One of the strangest accounts was when a Methodist pastor named Reverend GW Switzer and his wife also saw the animal. This creature writhed as though eating great pain, squirmed in agony, and sounded like a wheezing, plaintive noise that hovered about at 300 feet. What's strange about the creature is that it had its eye and his mouth, three jaws, and it appeared to be a cyclops. It also seemed to be eel in nature with feathery protrusions coming out the sides and its back. Very, very interesting that one. 1891-- what were they doing? So that's just one instance. There's other instances of what's called atmospheric jellyfish, which you see on the right here on the screen now. Let's get into what some of those could be. So an atmospheric jellyfish or flying jellyfish that have been showed and sighted floating in the atmosphere. Atmospheric jellyfish are a type of UFO as well. This unexplained phenomena has been sighted by thousands of people across the globe from China to Norway, including top meteorologist scientists, military bases and cities. These sightings prompted speculation on what these creatures really are. According to NASA, these creatures may be the result of space debris reflecting often northern lights. They love blaming the northern lights for everything, and they even love blaming space debris even more, guys. So since the mid-20th century, these mysterious creatures have been sighted numerous times and have gained substantial recognition from the media and scientific communities alike. It is one of the few UFO phenomena that to be recognized by the research scientific community while additionally still filing headlines of newspapers around the world. There are many, or there are a few top notable examples. So one of them is the jellyfish anomaly at petrosova disk. The jellyfish anomaly petrosova disk is the first documented sighting of an atmospheric jellyfish at the type of atmospheric beast by Yuri Gromov and Nikolai Milov above the skies of petrosova disk. Russia in the September 20th, 1977. Another one was the Norwegian atmospheric jellyfish sighting in Norway by Pern Arne Milkisson, leading the scientists theorize that it could have been caused by light from Aurora bounced off a space satellite. Man, they love that, huh? They love doing that one. One of the other ones that I wanna get to too is probably the most common, which you see on the video as well here. These guys, where are they? Air rods. Air rods. Let me get to them right here. Okay. Air rods are also called flying rods, sometimes referred to a skyfish and are something like crop circles that even skeptics acknowledge their existence. The only question is what they really are. Air rods have never been seen live with the naked eye, but are picked up by cameras and cell phones all over the world. Are they living creatures, alien probes, or some sort of 3D electromagnetic smudge? The believers, two believers in cryptozoology, they base their theory of air rods that they're probably living creatures, probably related to older stories of atmospheric beasts. Did it again. However, these cryptids are a well-known phenomena in the photography world. Air rods are video artifacts created by motion blur, especially in the interlace video recording and the after image trails of typical flying creatures, especially insects. As such, belief in these cryptids is practically nonexistent in those first in photography. While this species is almost guaranteed to just be this camera glitch, other possibilities include a centipede species with membranes between its legs, allowing it to glide around on windy conditions. This species may be translucent in coloration, making it more difficult to spot without the motion blur effect. Significantly more outlandish theories claim that air rods might be not made of matter, that they're actually electromagnetic fluxes in some other form of energy. Air rods are made of some undiscovered fifth phase of matter. That's interesting. Other than solid, liquid, gas, or plasma. If air rods could evolve from organisms that are native to clouds, air rods may be tears in reality or condensed strings. And that is a theoretical physical entity posted of the string theory of physics. So atmospheric beeps, people. Beeps, I'm just gonna change it to beeps 'cause I keep saying beeps. So that is it for the atmospheric beast species. We've seen the air rods, you've seen from plenty of them. Many people in Appalachia, actually, if you watch stories and things like that on TV, they claim that they've seen the real life version, no camera of these things floating in the hills of Appalachia while they're out camping, hunting, you name it. I have to throw that in there because for people who say it's only when you call it on camera, there's many people in Appalachia that have seen some weird things up there. So finally, before we go, I'm gonna talk about a little passion project that I have in the evolution of this show, I guess a little branch of the show or the evolution of my interests being an investigator, being honest. We are looking and we have just started and we is inharing Tyler Johnson and myself from Nerdfomer, have kicked around the idea of getting a crowdfunded documentary group together. So everything is made, we are open officially, our crowdfunding site is live, and we would like to make a documentary on investigating Skinwalker Ranch. The hardest part of this is already done. We have the permission of the neighbor of Skinwalker Ranch to let us set up on their site and document the activity. Whether we can get on that property or not, it doesn't matter, we are already next to it. So here's a little video we made in a promo that we wanna share with everyone. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) So why do you want to investigate Skinwalker Ranch? - Are you kidding? It's Skinwalker Ranch. - You into Basin is one of the most fascinating places on Earth, and it's also one of the most highly investigated places on Earth. - Like every time I've watched the documentary, it always draws me to want to go there even more. So you're looking for paranormal UFO cryptids, Skinwalkers, and probably a whole lot more. - This is what interests me the most. Never has an investigation been so technologically advanced. - Personally spent years reading and watching anything that I had to do with the UNTA Basin. The UNTA Basin has everything, highly advanced cameras or highly advanced recording devices, night vision drones. I believe we can use all of those things. - Night vision goggles that we can see at night 'cause we're gonna be up all night. - I'm putting it in a documentary so the world can see how technology can assist us in the hunt of paranormal research. - Camera's just on every site. So we can always have that angle if we need it. - Out of all of the paranormal activity on Skinwalker Ranch, portals, UFO's, cryptid, what interests me the most has to be the cryptids. I'm a monster guy. I want to go see, I want to go check out. I want to find evidence of a monster, of cryptids, of an entity. - In conjunction with the right experiments to really find out a little bit more about what the UNTA Basin is hiding. - Really cool stuff, everyone. Really cool stuff. Check out, please donate. I'll put the link. Yeah, I could put the link right here. Oh, if you all just give me a minute. Cool, so we will, here's the link. Please donate. No, I guess we can't do links in the comments, but watch the show, keep watching the show. Please just donate to our investigation and you all will just leave a copy. There's plenty of perks on there. You can even get your name in the credits. I think it's a wonderful experience and we love to do this for everyone. And having the technology of satellite internet, night vision goggles, night vision cameras, flare cameras, we're going to definitely catch something. And you want to be on the inside of this project when we do. That's it for me, everyone. Keep following tonight. We have the round coming up. We have a wonderful slate tonight. So please stay weird and stay safe. And I hope everybody has a good weekend. Beyond the rare, we were broadcasting a 105.3 FM in New Orleans, a 107.7 FM in New Orleans. I'm sorry, 105.3 on the Gulf Coast. Stay tuned, everyone have a good night and we'll talk to you and catch you later. 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