Oracle Talk Radio Network

Labeled Paranormal- Starseeds!

We dive deep into the world of Starseeds and people who claim to be born on Earth from another planet

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16 Sep 2024
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Mindful Therapy Group also accepts insurance so you can focus on you and not your wallet. Visit to get started today. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome, everybody, back to the Labeled Paranormal podcast, the podcast where we touch on anything and everything labeled paranormal. Today, we have a wonderful show for you. We have an amazing guest, the first of its kind, the first ever Starseed on our program. And I'm very excited to get into the world of Starseeds and activation, and what does it all mean? So yes, we have a wonderful guest for you, Maria Catilikova. She is a Starseed activator and quantum healer. She is a founder of AuthenticU. Maria is known for her work in assisting individuals, particularly Starseeds, on their awakening journey. She offers various services, including soul realignment and quantum healing, and provides resources for Starseeds to lead, serve humanity, and live their life on Earth to the fullest. Maria, so good that it's so happy for you to join us. Thank you so much. Thank you very much for inviting me, so exciting. No problem. And also, Maria, I believe you are our first international guest. So congratulations. You always live on as our international guest. Can you let our audience know which country are you in right now? So right now, I am in Luxembourg, which is a middle of Europe. I know that for a lot of people, they might not necessarily know, so it's between Germany, France, and Belgium. A little tiny bit. Absolutely. So I don't want to pat myself on the back, but I won a geography contest when I was in school, when I was about 10 years old. So I know exactly where that is. You might know it from the map. All the audience, you might know it from the map by being like this big on the-- Yeah, the map. Well, again, thank you. For the country in one hour. It's so-- let me put that in American terms, everybody. It's the size of Rhode Island and everything around. It's the size of New York. So let's just put it in perspective that way. But Maria, thank you so much. I really appreciate it again. Why don't you, for our audience? I told a little snippet of your story. But why don't you share about your background and what you're currently doing? Of course. Yes, no problem. So obviously, as you can imagine, I did not start knowing that I'm a starship. So my journey didn't start like I was born and I knew who I was from the very, very beginning. So I took my time, actually, to fully awaken to who I am. First, going through the normal spiritual awakening journey, as many people go through, especially in the last-- in the recent years. And only three years ago, more or less, I became aware and awakened deeper to the knowing that I am a starship and that I do not-- well, my soul just doesn't originate on Earth. And that I come from different places. I mean, of course, I remembered the very first origin that I have and then more came through with time. So that's how-- very briefly, if I can describe my journey, that's how it was for me. And even though I began, obviously, also my entrepreneurial journey and the journey of helping others seven years ago, it evolved a lot and brought me now to what I'm doing currently to help Starsitz to the same-- the same, actually, the same thing I did for myself. First of all, to awaken to who they are, reclaim all of the power, all of the knowledge, all of the gifts, so that they can begin, first of all, thriving into this world, because for many, many Starsitz, the journey here is not easy. It can be very, very chaotic and very miserable. So my role is to help them with that in the first place. And as a second step, obviously, once we step into our power and our life is more or less in order, it never is. But we can finally begin serving humanity and stepping into our mission that we all have. Every single Starsitz who comes here comes with the mission. It's not just to have fun here. And just explore what it means to live on Earth. No, we all have a bigger mission than that. And my job is to help them get there. Wonderful. Thank you for that definition that's very, very thorough. I want to add, you know, I've heard-- so I've heard of Starsitz. I haven't really been an expert on them. And I know many, many people, especially the younger generation, coming into their own now. You know, it's more talked about in that era. But one thing that I've had many guests on here with near-death experiences, right? And one thing that they say across the board doesn't matter-- not one. I hear it from all of them-- is that when we come back to this realm, right, we come back to this dimension, whatever you want to talk about. We come back to Earth as our soul. We might not go to Earth. We might go to a different planet. We might go to a different reality than what it is here. So I just wanted to point out that that sounds very common with some other people that I've heard, where if your previous life was on a different planet and you're a star seed here, it kind of coincides with that theory, right? Well, I would say that everybody who had any sort of lives, anywhere else, but they would be a star seed now. You know, my personal definition of stars is simply a being who have lived somewhere else, prior coming here. This being said, there are also souls who never incarnated anywhere else apart from Earth. That's what makes them Earth's souls, you know? In contrast to star seeds, that would be the main difference. Even though, of course, we all come from source. If we were to think about that, we all come from-- We all do, yeah. Yeah, it's just the journey that we take from that place will be different, right? Not everybody comes to Earth. Not everybody lives here all of their lives. OK, yeah, no, that seems definitely in line with the way I was thinking. If you could, very briefly, what would a star seed feed being here, being a fish out of water, being somebody who's not from here? What would be the beginning feelings they would have that, hey, maybe I wasn't from here? Yeah, well, the first one that everyone experiences is this-- first of all, the feeling of not belonging. The feeling of-- it was in use from the early age, even though when I didn't know who I was, I still felt like I don't belong. And I often looked up at the stars thinking that somehow that's where my hope is. You know, it's an explainable feeling that even if you don't know who you are, you're still long for some place somewhere else that is not here. So that would be the very, very first, I would say, indicator for any-- Try a young age. Yeah, I mean, that was with me since I think about it. Got it, got it. OK, so that's the first thing is this isn't home. There's somewhere else that's home. Yeah, of course, you might joke around it, you know, eventually, initially. But it doesn't go away. This is something that stays with you for life. Oh, star seeds. If you could give a good definition of it, and maybe provide some examples for our audience. Well, for me, I will give my definition as well. Sure, sure. Yeah, yeah. There are so many different-- Right. --there. So I'll just keep mine. For me, it's already said before. So the stars, it is a soul who have incarnations on other planets, on other stars, in other galaxies, even in other universes, apart from incarnating on Earth. And they came here right now, at this time, to serve human beings, to help to assist humanity. So I would say in the ascension process, that is currently happening. You're probably aware of that, right? So that we can weaken in happening the ascension. So that's my personal definition. There is not more to that. Like, I mean, it doesn't mean that our body is alien. It doesn't mean that we will have certain physical traits that would indicate that we are not from here. That has nothing to do with that, because the body we have now is human. So we are taking the human body right now, which will be completely 100% the same as any other human body of Earth being, you know, like, of an Earth. So the only difference that we have is that we have that awareness that awakens with time of lives on other planets, on other stars elsewhere. They are just Earth. Wonderful. Thank you for that. Yeah, and thank you, because I wanted your definition and not maybe what, you know, an internet set or somebody else's, because your definition is going to be different than another star seed's definition, you know, and that's the beauty of the whole thing. But I'm glad you touched on that part and to clear any confusion out for anybody in our audience that, no, I am a human. I have a human body, you know, I have a heart. I have organs. I have a brain. I have all of that. It's just your consciousness knows and has been awakened to your past self, past consciousness, past soul, whatever you want to call it. So when you talk about coming here and helping people on this planet, do you have any examples of what messages you want to impart on the human race or Earth souls? Well, I would say it will be different for everyone. I mean, it doesn't even matter if the stars are coming from the same place, like if they belong to the same race. Yes, they will have common messages around love, how to love yourself, how to better yourself or about being more aware of what we really are, you know, that we are not just a meat suit, but we have an energetic body that, you know, we don't actually have just an energetic body, we have many different bodies and not just a physical one. So, and it's understanding that fullness of our nature, that a lot of stars that bring here, you know, for many people, they open doors to that awareness that, okay, you're not just this physical body that leaves and breathes here. You also have others which all kind of intermingle and cooperate together, making you this basically multi-dimensional being, even if you are at birth soul. So I would say the messages like the concrete messages will be very different from one Starship to another, depending on what they want to talk about, you know, my messages will be different already because my audience is actually Starship. Even though I do have, like when I turned into my mission fully, it was clearly said to me that 80% of my time, I need to work with Starships and 20% of my time, I can't dedicate to working with birth souls, helping them with their healing and essential. So, the messages I will post or transmit they are mostly for Starships to understand how to live here, you know, how to stop that struggle that most of the time experience and how to tune in to you. So for example, one of the biggest messages I will tell to Starships like you need to literally integrate that human body that you have with that Starship soul that you have, right? And stop rejecting that, like, I'm not a human or I am not a Starship, you know, it can happen in both ways, that there is this belief, of course, that can kick in and say, oh well, that's just my mind inventing things, I'm not a Starship, or the opposite, like when Starships awaken to war, to being who they are, it's happened with me. We start saying, well, I'm not a human. We just find it now because I went through that, you know, I'm through that phase when I was rejecting the humanity of myself. But eventually, of course, as I grew and I understood the whole, and remember, it's not just about understanding core of remembering, I understood that it's about integration, it's about owning both of these aspects because they both carry a lot, a lot of wisdom, like other messages that I personally teach is that you hold a lot of wisdom inside your body that you can use to heal yourself because your body is naturally, possesses this natural healing ability that when you're connected to your body, you can activate and use all the time, which means, like, if people were more connected to themselves, they wouldn't be as sick as they actually are. Most of the time, people are just very disconnected. So I talk a lot about, like, for Starships rounding themselves to stop escaping, you know, stop trying to escape, or at least wishing to escape because that creates the disconnect, right? So that will be very different compared to if I just talked to people about their healing, right? I would be focused on completely different things that healing starts with, you know, connecting to yourself and knowing yourself and loving yourself and dedicating time to yourself and knowing that you create your own reality. I mean, I talk about that, of course, because it doesn't separate, but depending on who we are here to serve, I would say the message will be different for every Star City. So, that will know. Great answer. So, um, appreciate that. When, let's say, okay, say you have somebody new who comes to you. Do you have a test to determine whether they are an Earth soul or a star seed? Well, I can see them. Okay. Of course it's not, but I cannot tell. I'm not allowed to tell. So because otherwise, it undermines the whole journey. But of course, it helps me to know who I'm talking with. But I don't let it transpire to them because it's, it's really that's this important, the important aspect of everything of our journey here is the self-discovery. It has to come from within. At least that's how I have been instructed by myself that I know that there are plenty of people who do star seed readings, you know, like they can tell you your origins and stuff like that. I was instructed, no, you don't tell anyone who they are, you let them discover. And like, I do have a process through which I will help them discover because anyway, everything that we, that we are and that we know is within. It's really, again, it's about establishing that connection with your soul. And once it's there, you're going to ask anything. So my role is this. I'm a kind of a guide on their journey of self-discovery, even though so many people, I said I'm good, but I'm not allowed. Okay. So it's like one of your rules, right? It's one of your unwritten rules that was given to you. Yeah. My high self rule, I would say, yeah, that's how I was told that I need to do that. Okay. So just to clarify, you say me, I say, please tell me, am I an earth soul or am I a star seed? You already know, but you're just guiding me to which way, you know what I mean, for my discovery. That's what you mean? Well, yes. I mean, usually, of course, because I'm a star seed myself, most of the people who are drawn to me and to work with me, they have stars in them. That's also the spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. I like the most of the time, you know, but even if I told them that you're a star seed, that doesn't mean squat, you know, it doesn't mean anything. Because as long as you don't remember it from within, from like, from something that voice within yourself that tells you things, it will not change anything in your life. You know, that's exactly why I'm not supposed to say. But of course, when people come into my world, I choose how to work with them. You know, depending on what I see, I have this intuitive choosing happens, you know, that I know how I need to guide them and in what direction. Okay, but also I learn to be selective and see the big that I'm supposed to work mostly with stars in because I experienced when I worked mostly with people, what happens for me personally is that I get work. Well, yeah, I guess. And then it's not fun anymore, you know, and then work becomes work. And that's not the whole point. I mean, what I teach people, what I teach stars is that we're not supposed to be working here. We're supposed to be fulfilling our purpose that eventually is something that feels right and expensive and fun. And of course, brings money and, you know, financial abundance and everything and fulfillment. The second you feel it's heavy and it's like it's not fun. Well, you're doing something that is not fine. You know, so for me, that's why I'm very active, very selective, who I choose as my private client. So, of course, I mean, people reach out to me and then I will see whether I'm going to proceed or not before when I was just at the very beginning. I was just selective, I would just work with anyone. And yes, I burnt out, you know, there was comment that I burnt out and I didn't want to do it anymore. But that was a lesson for you, though, too. Of course, yes, I needed to understand that. There is a way to do that. The right way for me, you know, and I need to listen to that and not ignore the science where something is not feeling right. Well, it's broken, not right. And I don't even need to understand why sometimes at the beginning, I was always trying to understand why something doesn't feel right. But eventually, it's just about trusting yourself, you know, if something doesn't feel right, drop it and just go. Wonderful. You're called to go without trying to understand. Because understanding is just literally the equal play most of the time. And not the soul. The soul tells you not, you think, go, go on. Yes, absolutely. And you know, I've heard that, or I read that in research for this episode here, is that they are drawn to each other. And for whatever reason, everything works out for that reason. And when you get in front of somebody, it's who is another star seed, there's a level of comfortability that might not be with other others, I should just say. So, you know, I, you know, this is the first time learning about all this, and I would love to know more, you know, in my personal life. But we'll get to that point when it when it comes. But let's, for the purpose of this, do you feel that when it comes to relationships, when it comes to, you know, friends and things like that, or lovers, do you feel that they're attracted, you know, star seeds attract one another? I wouldn't say it's a general rule. Okay. It depends on the path that you chose for yourself. I would just think, well, because my partner is also a star seed, but unaware. He doesn't remember. I told him, I spit it out when I shouldn't have, but he doesn't remember it. And I would say there is a different level of understanding that happens between us, compared to if I was in a relationship with a person who is not a star seed. Sometimes I say certain things that are easy for him to understand rather than for another person. But I know that there are plenty of star seeds who, for whom, and connecting here, is, for example, about experiencing human relationships. So there will be a relationship with a human being. So there is no rule there, I would say, even though initially I believe that star seeds will be attracted to star seeds in terms of relationships, but with more experience and more investigation, I understood that's not not the case. It depends on the choice you made. Okay. Let's talk about, let's go back a little bit when you were talking about how you denied your human, you know, being aspect of yourself. Could that cause, if you were in denial one way or the other, doesn't matter which way, could that cause some sort of ailment or disease or, you know, just a general unwell feeling, whether it's physical or emotional? Absolutely, yes. Because the second you deny any part of yourself, like you break the whole, you know, you break the feeling of wholeness, which keeps you healthy. As long as you feel whole within yourself, your body works properly, any sort of physical ailment will be taken care of, even if it happens, you know, sometimes it still can happen. You will feel more emotionally balanced as long as you're whole. And the second you split something from yourself, from your personality, from from that whole, yes, there will be some distress that will be happening that can lead to disease, physical disease, because it's kind of the last level because, I mean, I can explain how that works because I guess we will be moving to the topic of healing anyway, but basically disease, the physical disease doesn't start in the physical body. As I said, we have different bodies, you know, we have human awareness, we have at least five, maybe there is more but that's what I'm aware of, and the disease actually starts in your energy body, and it just kind of pierces through all the other bodies before we have the spiritual body, which is more like a consciousness that we possess. But then there is like an energy body, there's emotional body, there's physical, sorry, mental body and then the physical. So basically the first impact happens in your energy body. So something hits you there, whether it's, you know, some shocking event in your life or anything. So it hits your energy body and you might feel like not okay, you know, but you might feel something is wrong, something is like off in your life, right? But if you don't pay attention to what and you don't ask yourself what's going on, why do I feel weird, why do I feel responsible for them, right? It will go further, it will penetrate further into the next level, right? It will be the emotional one, where you might feel more distrust emotionally. You will feel much less at ease with whatever you're experiencing. And again, that's where people start most of the time because the emotional is already starting to be quite uncomfortable. That's where a lot of people show it down and say, I ignore what I feel. I'm not going to take care of that. It will pass. It will go away. The thing is, it does go away because you can numb yourself to the pain or to whatever you're experiencing. It's something that you can do, just deny that that's what we're feeling. And it will go away temporarily. But what we'll go further into is the next level, the mental one, where to start creating stories that you tell yourself, somewhere on a deeper level than consciousness, which is the most interesting, when we're telling ourselves things on someone's level, right? And because they will create what you experience further, they will impact what is going on in your reality further, right? And you might feel, you know, I would say some mental diseases might start there as well. I'm not really, I would say, an expert in that. I'm really working with mental health, but it's more about, you know, other other aspects. But the beliefs that you create for yourself will always impact what is going on for you. Like, if you start thinking to yourself, "I'm crazy," well, you can drag yourself crazy. You know, that's as easy as that. It's been there. Yeah, so that's the thing. And, you know, and eventually, if you don't address that level, it will go into physical one, where the body will show you, you know what, you ignore every other level. So here you go. Here's the big surprise for you. And it goes to something. Depending on the level of distress you went through, it will be small or big, you know, but the body is kind of the last level where all that intelligent system that you are will show you. And usually when something is not okay in the body, people panic. And they go on to take care of it, right? But this is like the last thing. You know, the next one is theirs. Yeah. There is nothing more. So people basically pay attention to what they are experiencing already to wait, you know, and they also start healing themselves in the wrong place because something physical happens and they start hitting it on a physical level while healing needs to happen on other levels where again, because that's where the roots are. And when you might feel you have some heart palpitations, you know, and you start popping some pills for that. The reason might be that you have been fucking anxious for a year. Yeah. You have some sort of anxiety for a year because something happened and you haven't processed that, you know, and then it accumulated like in an energy ball out inside your heart. And then here you go. The body finally told you, okay, you didn't listen to anything else. So here you go, the physical one, you know, that's wonderful. Yes, that makes a lot of sense to me because, um, yeah, as it is right here on earth, we treat symptoms. We don't treat the problem, right? So if you get a cold, right, you have a running nose, your sore throat, whatever, you take medicine for the nose and the throat, not the whole virus, the disease that that happens to you. So that makes a ton of sense to me, plus the reason why people don't might not believe in this stuff is all of our metrics, all of our data that's here on earth, we need to measure and we don't have any tool to measure the metaphysical world. We only have our, you know, how many beats per second is your heart, you know, data. So that makes a ton of sense to me about how, you know, your, your body is the last line of awareness before death, like you said. So I can, you know, as long, if you're in tune with your soul and your spirit, you can stop that well before it reaches your body or understand that if something hit my body, because we all get busy, right? And we might not remember all, you know, self-care every single day, you know, when something heals our body, we know, okay, it didn't, you know, I have this now, but I need to fix other levels as well. So that, thank you for that. That was a wonderful explanation. Um, let's talk a little bit here about meditation. Um, do you personally meditate and how has that affected you? Yes, I meditate every day and I made it my own practice. I have been meditating without interruption for the last four years. So every day for four years, but I started before that. Just before that, I was quite inconsistent. I couldn't, imagining that, you know, I started before my awakening happened, my first awakening. I mean, and I was very mental. Like I was really living in my heart a lot and I was a very mind-oriented person. For me, everything had to make sense. Everything had to be explained and I was very much in my head, which means thoughts were like rushing all the time to my head. So my first experience with meditation was really quite challenging, where I couldn't at first come on my thoughts. So it took practice, dedication and a lot of patients with myself to actually begin feeling how they slowed down, you know, how they flowed around in my hand, but not like rush anymore. And then it progressed further and further and further. So I reached the point after my start at the awakening, where my meditation became one of my biggest main, I would say, healing tools, through which I heal myself if I give something is going on. And also, of course, manifestation tool, because if I can sit with myself and stillness and go into some desired result that I want to create in my life, it helps a lot do it in that meditative state, because we are an expanded state of consciousness. I don't mean to say that the second somebody starts meditating, that's where they will be. I was 100% wasn't, because I couldn't even sit five minutes in meditation without teaching somewhere and like, oh my god, like whatever, it was that at the beginning. But now it's more, I can relax, I can come down pretty fast, I don't take much time for that. And then I decided I'm going to do something, or I just let my soul show me what is important today. I guide me somewhere what needs to be done. So sometimes it's healing, sometimes it's more exploration. I mean, one of my gifts as I started is traveling to all dimensions. So I spent a lot of time at some point doing that, like going to different places. And I'm not always aware where it is. I can at always pinpoint where I am. Sometimes I do know. I would say that the key things that where I traveled, they were made known to me so that I can teach them to others, you know, some, because we do have a lot of resources that we can access and starts it in other dimensions, where our race lives or other star races, you know, believe because they all share between each other. It's not like you belong to this race, so you cannot use the tools of other races. It's not like that. The first, everyone is sharing. So these places I remember, because I believe that they carry importance for others, that I can teach to others. Other places I just needed and it's like beautiful, or like, depends. Sometimes I'm brought to some parent desert and I'm like, okay, what is this? I can think. Yes, it depends. You know, I went to a different place. Sometimes I see some, well, otherworldly, obviously, creatures that I cannot really describe what they are, you know. Sometimes I see these beautiful sceneries and because I guess my soul creates some beauty that I cannot see here, so I go somewhere else, you know. So it's very, it's, it's very varied that way, but that's the meditation. It's the meditation that allowed me to do that with time. As I remembered myself, you know, and that gift came kind of online to me, so it became very, very fun and very much. And as I also said at the very beginning, whatever knowledge we have, whatever wisdom we carry, it's all with them. You know, so meditation can be a space of receiving multiple downloads if you ask the right questions, obviously. But it can also be just downloads that need to happen for you, or I often ask a question, what does my audience, what does people I serve here need to hear? And it might not necessarily come in that moment, but then one hour later, I find myself frantically writing five, ten posts. I will afterwards share on social media because they kind of cover different things. That's where I know my question was answered, and now the information that needs to be shared is coming through in form of writing, obviously. I'm writing very fast in that. So yeah, meditation is an amazing tool that I would recommend to every single person. Starships or not. It doesn't even matter, you know. If you are a person who is on the path of awakening, because not everyone is, I would say meditation is the straight way to that. Like straightest that you can get. Yes, absolutely. I meditate as well. And you know, I often tell people because it is, it's a practice. It's a technique. It's not you do it, and the first time you're going to be successful, you know, you have to stick with it. And oftentimes people, they want a result right away, and they'll give up before they reach that point of true calmness, whatever you're meditating for, you know what I mean? The answers you might receive connecting to your higher self, they won't get there. And it's almost like a form of selection for meditation. Like, if it was easy, then everybody could do it, and it's not special. You know what I mean? It's it's you need to work at it. You need to get better for that. So again, thank you for that. And let's talk about the healing and quantum healing. So how do you heal only star seeds? Do you heal earth soles as well? And what is quantum healing for our audience who might not know? Yes, I will explain. Well, actually I have two methods of healing. I probably want to be healing because that was the first modality that was downloaded for me, like the remembers. Then the second one came one year later. And first I was using them interchangeably, and then I understood when one is more appropriate and the other one is more appropriate. So but basically quantum healing, it for me personally, because there are other methods out there which are called similarly, but probably don't do the same thing, I don't know. But for me, it means you are healing inside the quantum field. So you are accessing the quantum field. So it's basically it's a space of creation where everything is already created, that everything already is it's past, present, future, whatever you want is all there. And you are going in that space to... Yeah, with questions basically. You ask questions that can allow you to download any sort of information that you need in order to heal. And usually in the quantum field, you can look into any situation that caused your current ongoing issue. Like usually I work in the quantum field with patterns, meaning something that repeats in your life over and over and over. You just cannot break that. You know, for example, maybe you constantly have relationships with people who cannot commit. You know, or you... I don't know, you have some addiction that you broke it and then it starts it again. You broke it and it starts it again. You know, that is a pattern that keeps repeating that you cannot break. So I usually go there for that with people. And how it usually happens there, what it means, is that you can download any information that is relevant to when this was created. Because of course it could be created in this life, but it can also have it created somewhere else, some other incarnations that you've had. And the quantum field will show you where it all started and everything that you need to see about that specific event. And the advantage of it is that you don't need to be in the situation itself you can observe. Because I know that for a lot of people, whatever they have, like whatever they carry, it comes from quite traumatic things. I mean, there's trauma and trauma. I mean, I wouldn't say that. There's smaller trauma or bigger trauma, but there are things that are very painful to watch and there are others which are painful, but you can bear the pain, right? But what is important is when something truly traumatic happened and you were experiencing incredible amount of pain in that moment, it's much better to watch it from outside rather than either. Oh yeah for sure. That traumatizes people. So the quantum field allows you to watch whatever is happening so that you not only see it through the eyes of that you, that was there, you know, because when you see something for your own eyes is a completely different thing compared to when you observe something. Because you see so much more when you are in this observer position rather than you be there. So quantum field, he feels allows you to also understand other people who are involved in whatever is happening and like their perspective and see why they're doing what they're doing. And that gives you like kind of a whole picture of everything and that allows you to do lessons to understand why did it have to happen to you? Well, not actually to you, but for you because everything happens for you in any single moment. And for your growth, you know, but once you see the lessons that you can take from that, that's kind of you, you've been hearing already because you are integrating the lessons. And then of course, the enlightenment of forgiveness, depending on the situation, but usually there's an element of forgiveness that you need to forgive the people who were involved in whatever happened to sometimes forgive yourself. But basically the gist is that once you are in the quantum field, you see everything, you can feel it for yourself, like inside your body, like when they feel it a lot inside their body in different areas, how it shows up for some people, it's like restriction on the throat, it can be heard in your chest, it can be. Well, there are different things. Some people have like, they tell me, I have pain in my knee right now, you know, I'm feeling something in my knee, whatever, you know, the body will kind of show you where it has been carrying that pain, that trauma. And as you keep healing, you know, for that method that they will be lifted, those areas of pain, they start lifting properly. And so that's the first method. And as I said, first of all, I use it for people to release some protective patterns that they keep experiencing. And second of all, this is the method that is really, really more useful or let's say more appropriate for the people who don't have a good connection with their body first, yet. Because the other one that I was given is about working with the body and yourself. So because they both carry different information, so the body will tell, the body is intelligent in itself, and it will always tell you what it stores where and you know, what kind of stuff you're carrying, well, hire yourself and bring in wisdom, your own wisdom. When you're working in a quantum field, well, quantum field will show you things, but it will not tell you what you need to make out of that, you know, I say come up with your own realization, so put it on in and what you have to learn. So that's kind of an important thing to know. But it will still show you a lot. Well, in this other method, which I call personally optimized healing, it's really about accessing, understanding what's going on inside your body, what kind of lies you're telling yourself due to the trauma that you have experienced, obviously, you started telling yourself something that's not the truth of who you are, of, you know, what what you represent and whatever. So that's what creates the pain. That's what, like, you know, it again, it just sits as an energy within your body, which is not the truth and the untruth because it's pain. So and then you invite basically your hire yourself to the party. So what's the truth? What is the truth that I need to see here? Like your address, whatever, is there and you clear out the untruth, basically. So and this is much more appropriate with people who already have a good connection with their body and hire yourself. So obviously, because if you've never connected to your hire yourself, I wouldn't be able to connect you right away or I could, but it might not necessarily be that strong. So it depends on the person. In the quantum healing, you don't need to be connected to your hire yourself and to your body because when you're there, it will just come out. You don't need to read your body to know where it is, it will just freaking come out for you. Even though I always ask at the very beginning, for example, if they experience something, some situation, I will always ask people, how does it feel inside your body? Like once you're in that situation, imagine you're there. Imagine if you could place yourself in that thing again, even though it's not now, that we can always imagine and go there. You know, they can tell me some of the things that come up inside their body, some obvious things, you know, but not everything sometimes. But once you're there, once you're in that space in the quantum field, I always also warn them that a lot of physical symptoms will come out. It's normal. It's part of the process. It's part of the deal that you have to feel that pain. Eventually, let's go. But they don't have to know how that awareness from the very beginning. Well, in the second method, they will go and talk to their body. For example, I use it very often to heal physical things. For example, something physical going on inside your body. And how I would go into that is that people connect to the body first to be sure that you're there, you know, that you're not talking with your mind, but rather with your body. And then people ask, so why was this created? Why did it appear in the first place? And something starts coming up. Your body will start telling you things, you know, and then we work with those things inviting the higher self to them. So the equation to the to the part. Yeah, that's a wonderful explanation. I was completely enthralled for the whole thing. What do people have to be prepared for this to see, you know, do is it could it be too overwhelming at first or or it's not like that? Well, you know, we have like a pre-talk with okay, I don't just dive into the healing right away. I explained a little bit how it works and how you might feel, but I would say prior to the session, no, they don't need any preparation, but I can I always tell them that if something is too overwhelming and you feel in the healing that it's too long, you come out of it. You know, you just open your eyes and you're out. There is not it's not like your your health prisoner inside there. No, you can break the bond right away like this connection and come out. So which I always tell them that, you know, you are in control, not me. So it feels uncomfortable really, really too much. You come out. It happened only a couple of times, I would say, since like I've been doing that already two years or even more. No, I don't remember, I was struck, I think. But yeah, it happened a couple of times, but most of the time people bear it because of course I coach them that, you know, pain is part of the deal. You have to let yourself feel it. Because if you're afraid to feel pain, you will not be able to heal. It's it's just like that. But what is what is kind of a good point at that moment is that I tell them, this is the last time you will feel that pain. You know, it will not come out later. Well, if you keep it there, every time that something reminds you of that specific situation, it will come out anyway. You know, it will it will be painful in that moment and it will be over and over and over every time something reminds you of that. But once you've healed, it will not be the case anymore. So you have to allow yourself to feel that pain one one last time, but fully to the full extent, not diminish it, not try to push it, whatever. But just be ready that it's part of the healing process. And then, you know, it happens and then you're free. That's wonderful. I would definitely sign up for feel pain, feel this pain for one time and then you don't have to do it again. I think a lot of us would, you know, to do so any time. Okay. Is that an invite? I don't play anyway. My website at the very end, where everything I have is. So if it speaks to you, if there is something that you want to know, of course, you're free to. I think we both know it speaks to me. Well, you know, but you will be surprised how many people are not ready to feel the pace. Well, no, no. A fear dominates a lot of our decisions on this planet. And it's new things are often scary and you have fear for them. And sometimes when you've lived with the pain for so long, it becomes something familiar and you're great how it will feel when it's not there. Without it. Because it will change your entire life and you might not be ready for that. Like we always say this, you know, the devil that you know is better than the one that you don't. Right. So very often people choose, okay, at least I know what I'm dealing with. I would run the stick with that, then remove it and then I don't know what's going to happen. Well, only beautiful things can happen because whatever pain you carry creates misery in your life. And once you're free of the pain, you are free, like your vibration changes. Every time you remove something from yourself, that is not the line. So you are your vibration rises, which means you become open and magnetic or beautiful things to come. Right. And that's usually how I say to people, you know, when they do come and there's some fear arises there, I will tell that. But I would say that most of the people who choose to heal with me, they already have that mindset, you know, that I know that healing raises my vibration. And every time I remove the untruth, something that's not aligned with me. Pain from the past, traumas, whatever, I rise, the payoff, I would say, even though you don't know how exactly it will change, you can already be sure that the pattern will be gone once you've completed the whole healing process. So you're free to create a new pattern. Of course, you can recreate the old one. That's always a choice. You know, that's amazing. That's so wonderful. I am so happy you chose to do this podcast. And I'm so happy to met you. And I want to continue this dialogue. So I will be reaching out to you. But I want to thank you so much for being on our show, being on label pair normal or wonderful guests. There's so many things to take away from this interview. It's wonderful. It's a new avenue that I've just started to come around on and research. And you know, it's something that I didn't hear about a few years ago. So thank you for opening my eyes. I really do appreciate that. But now it's your time. I want you to promote everything about you on when all of our listeners to support you, to reach out to you. If they have any question about something we interviewed and they want you to reply directly. So the time is yours. Please go ahead. Thank you. So as I told you, my main focus is on starships. So I actually have a podcast as well, which is geared to how things start to thrive. So it is called a thriving story. And you can find it basically at any main platforms out there, because I put it everywhere. But I guess we will share in the links with the audience anyway. So just to let people know that this is something that where I come live every 10 days, not live, but I record and put it out there every 10 days. And I share basically everything that I have learned and I have remembered from all my lives here, all this information to help people break their own patterns of struggle, you know, not people, but really specifically stars. It's because what I'm talking is really frustrating. So that's the first thing that I would want to share. And if people want to continue further with me as a starship, stars a journey, there's a program that is also called a thriving starship. But it basically goes deeper into what I discuss on the podcast. And it simply guides you through the things that I just tell you in the podcast. But there we do the practical side, like we do the guided journeys. We dive into your body, into other incarnations, into other lives, into your, you know, galactic origins, your like other planets and lives to heal whatever needs to heal, wherever it needs to heal. And it's not just about healing, obviously, there's a lot of work about expansion, because healing is one part of it, but we also need to allow ourselves to grow and expand from a space of knowing that we are whole. But that's the main things that I have right now for starships, I would say. And I would also like to share my website where all the services are there, not just for starships, but also of course for people, for healing and things like that. I have a lot of different online programs. I have a lot of also several, one of sessions that you can start with with me. And also programs that I offer more like longer period programs in different areas. So right now I am in this expansion phase. You caught me like in the moment where a lot of ideas are passing in my hands. So I'm offering a lot of different programs, but unfortunately they're not on my website. They are on my social media, on my Facebook, where I'm posting different things that I'm working on. But it still remains the same, you know, people can reach out to me with whatever area is relevant for them. But right now I'm working more in the area of like how to sit up your business and like improve the whole healing obviously. It's always one of the themes that I offer to people, whether it's in the body, like body healing, some physical illnesses that you have, or anything emotional and mental that you carry. So that's it all there. I offer now what I call the spring intensive where you can work with me for one month, where it tends simply to change one area of your, you know, one month. So that's, that isn't my social media things. But yeah, again, as I said, it's not on my website, but I will share anyway, that's just on my website and the podcast so that people can redefine you because anyway from there they can find me also on Facebook, if they, if they desire to go further and follow me. And you are a wonderful follow. I'm, I follow your Facebook, you're a wonderful follow, plenty of uplifting and wonderful messages that can help anybody get through their day. So again, thank you so much for all of this. And thank you again, listeners, for listening and tuning into the labeled paranormal podcast, podcasts where we touch on everything that's labeled paranormal. You can find us on all of the major platforms, just like Maria's podcast. And you can subscribe, leave us five stars, a comment, a review. Please, we love everything. And until next time, take care of each other. And we will talk soon. Bye everybody. Bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]