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The Nerd Informer

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07 Sep 2024
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If people want to talk about certain things, tune in, text us, call us. So it's a, I mean, we're open to discussion. Yeah, you can reach us while I'm on the show with the phone number 9417774579. We take calls. We take texts. We do all kinds of nonsense that there's going to be annoying. If you need to put Ian down, please do. But I take the good, I take the good to bad, bro. How did you find my cry at night, but I cry when I go off the air. So it's fine. We don't have to worry about it. I'm very true. But yeah, we literally do dive deep into conspiracies and going down the rabbit trail with UFOs and I mean, everything a part of it. Not saying we're obsessive over, but we do a lot of it. We are. No way, but it's a passion. Yeah, we're pretty obsessive about it. We do all the documentaries. We watch all that stuff. We dig, we dig pretty deep. Yeah, months. We have months and months of it. You know this. You're still watching that same documentary? Yeah, but it's good. I mean, there's so many to choose from, but like off the, I mean, Bigfoot, I loved even, I have my own beliefs on it. But I love to watch what people are finding, what people are coming across, adventures that they're taking just alone on what they've had to deal with and what they're doing. Laska Triangle is another huge one, especially like we've talked about it before with the Laska Triangle. How many people actually go missing compared to Bermuda Triangle? It's like triple the amount. That's the. Well, you know, you got to be on a plane to go missing in the boat, or a boat, I guess. No, yeah, but I mean, you can't, you can't walk into the Bermuda Triangle. No, but there are some weird things that happen there that I mean have been, I mean, there's been documented about the guy that was flying a plane. And it took him like, usually it takes them how long to get from Bahamas. Yeah, I heard about this story. It was like, it's supposed to be like a 45 minute flight or something. It took him like 11 minutes. It took him like 11 minutes. And the area behind it was he went through a wormhole that I guess, obviously, people can't see. So they just go right through them and you either disappear and somehow he came out the other side and made the trip in like 11 minutes, or said whatever it was, 17 minutes or 14 minutes. And he noticed it by the gas logs, because he would write it down on how much gas he used. Well, I mean, you're just flying along and like all of a sudden you see land, you're like, wait a minute. And the weird part is like, I could understand because like in the ocean, you have to see there's a underwater, you would say like a jet stream or it's like a highway almost that kind of will carry you. It's like a draft underwater that will just carry you so much further. And I'm wondering if it's just something like that. It's like a jet stream that you get sucked into it, but you don't understand how fast those winds can carry you. And yeah, well, that's another thing. Yeah, if you don't really, well, they have a lot of instrumentation issues. So when you have instrumentation issues, you don't know wind speed necessarily, you know, and if you're not a super experienced pilot, you know, I'm not a pilot. So maybe there's ways to judge that without the equipment that, you know, you may need, but I wouldn't be able to do it. I wouldn't know how fast the wind's blowing. I just know my pain's in the air or not. But with boats too. I mean, Bermuda, like, and the cool, like the weird thing is, but like as we're growing with modern society, all this, you don't see anything with Bermuda triangle anymore. Adam, it's weird. You don't, man. You really don't hear much about the Bermuda triangle anymore. And my theory is on what happened to the boats, the ones that go missing, a lot of them, not just some of them. I would only see like, it's like a maybe like a methane gas where it will sink your boat. If you come across, met like a methane gas, it'll just sink anything that's floating. It doesn't matter how much it weighs. It could be very light. It'll sink anything. Yeah. But I don't know how you would, like the Alaska triangle, I understand people can wait, they say, what is it like, 16,000 people a year, something go missing in Alaska? It's a huge crazy number. And it's so astronomical that how doesn't anyone else talk about this besides the documentary? With how many people go missing? Yeah, it's pretty crazy. The number of the people that move missing over here is a fascinating number of people. But I understand it. Like you go out, you go camping, you go out in the woods, you get lost. It's a harsh environment. It's not like, you know, you're not in downtown Chicago, you're, which is a harsh environment by this home, but I think it's harsher, but it might be harsher actually. I don't know. Yeah. But you're not near a city necessarily. Like you're not in a populated area. You're in a very wild environment. There's all kinds of animals and everything else that, you know, who knows what so we're planning a trip there to go there. And I want to experience it myself for the wilderness, the adventure, the things that we're looking for in the sky and all around us. And we're going die. But I'm okay. I get it. I'm okay. My point is like, are these people nothing against the families, nothing against the people that want missing, is like, would you not bring like a, would you not want to bring a satellite phone or a flare anything? And you might be hundreds of miles, but there is an aircraft up there somewhere. I don't think you think I don't think you think about it like that. You know what I mean? Like you and I go out there. We're going to, I don't know, you get an Airbnb in the woods. Why did you bring a Nokia? It's just we have that dumb thought of like, Hey, this might be handy. Well, I mean, we have to, if you have to beat somebody that death was something or beat an animal to death, we'll have a tool to have. I mean, who needs guns and knives? But like as in, this virtue, but like, is it abductions? Like I, I look at it as you hear so many UFO stories in Alaska. Yes. That I would like not to think that they're getting abducted, but at least I'm thinking they're going somewhere. And I think it's an abduction in a way across with wildlife. It's a, yeah, you know, it's, you know, you and I go camping out there, right? And I know, I, well, I don't know what to expect. I've never been there. I have an idea what I should probably expect. Yeah. You know, you're going to run into crazy wildlife, bears, you know, whatever, elk and whatever else is up there, hopefully Bigfoot, but you know, we'll get there. And I hope we can find that. Well, I mean, Bigfoot from a distance. I don't know if I want to. Oh, no, it'd be a drone. I don't know. I'm not going to face the face of that fucker. I kind of want to see it. I mean, if I had to trip you, I had to trip you, I got to go, like, you know, remember, we're acquaintances. Just look at the sun, buddy. Just look at me. It's one of those moments. I don't know how to run faster in Bigfoot. I just got to run faster near you. It's very true. But, but honestly, I can't run anyway. So you're going to run me probably eventually. Yeah, I do. I do about four miles a day. So we'll be good. I walked in my truck. I don't know that counts, but I'm prepping for what's coming. You know, I've been, I do a mile at the gym now in a treadmill, and that's pretty good for me because I'm pretty lazy. So that's pretty good for me. I gotta say, it's a huge step up. So from doing nothing, I've gotten into the gist where it's like, I'll do two and a half miles in the morning, maybe three, and then at night, I'll use my personal one. You know what I find? I find that it's depending on what's on the TV at the gym is how far as how far that I walk. No, I'm telling you if it's a good show. What was I was watching something yesterday? Man, I forget what it was. It was one of the documentary about boat. No, it was a they these guys go and they pick up stranded boats and like boats that sink. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's a it's a whole it's a whole thing. But they I was so fascinated by it. I'm like, I think a whole hour of it. And I'm like, I've been walking. And the worst part is you can't hear any of the noise on the TV. You're watching it like just subtitled. And you got to read the subtitles that I hate subtitles. I don't know. I just can't do it. I can't do subtitles. But I read that whole show, man. I haven't come across that one, but there's a couple that I've come across at the gym. We go to the same gym. If anyone's wondering how we talking about this. But there's one where people like go and they pick up planes that they like not hijack, but people don't pay their notes and they'll come and just take your whole plane airplane repos. Oh, that's yeah. Yeah. And I got smoked into that show. And it looks fake, but like there's no way that can be real because people are just it's too set up, man. It's that toe. It's like the toe yard repo one that we that yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But these people were going out and they were getting boats that sunk. And then like one guy went from Miami to Bahamas to get like a 74 foot yacht that was broken down or whatever. And it was like a $10,000 gift. Like just go hook it up, bring it back. Like the boat it floated. It just didn't run. There was something there was something mechanically wrong with it. So that's that. And this is so happened. These people be like right outside their boat going, no, don't take my boat. You know, I mean, it's like, you're not going to be there if your boat's broken down. And the captain's freaking out about it. But like they're sent there because of the owner of the boat, like the owner of the boat sent in there. So the captain just like can't say nothing. You know what I mean? Like I got all the paperwork, like this is who sent me. But we are practicing for Alaska because we have made it where we are going to be going there. We're going to be camping. And I mean, let's just make a documentary out of it. Yeah, that would be that would be ideal to do it like a documentary of Bigfoot finding us and mutilating our bodies. It's that or Blair Witch Project. I have that in my head and it's always been there with the woods. I don't know why. You know, I've only seen that movie one time and yeah, it was. Yeah, it was so weird to me that. I mean, if you rewatch it now, you're like, Okay, now I don't want to go in the woods. I'm not like a witch guy. Like, it's funny because I love Bigfoot. Like I'm in the Bigfoot. I'm in all that stuff. And yeah, mothman and all that stuff. But I don't know. I can't get behind the witch thing. I can only because they've actively done this for years. They used to burn people, even though they weren't. But they weren't witches. But some people do practice it still to this day. And it's just like, it's a it's not as popular. So not a lot of people know about it. But you practice that. I think it was. Oh, man, I forget what it was. I don't know if the Vikings or what, but they would kill you, throw you in the water. And if you floated face up, you were good. And if you floated face down, you were bad. Either way, you're dead. I'm like, but you got to kill me first. So how is that? That's not a good way to do it. So the witch thing is hard for me to get behind. It's a safe way to do it. Well, I mean, if he's back, he's already dead. You don't have to worry about it. But I mean, we get in these topics of, I mean, it can go from any throw it from witches voodoo, which we've also we we do if anyone's listening and you know anything about voodoo or know people that do it. It's another topic that like we know nothing about. We know about it. Just we want to learn what people do and how they why they do it. I went to New Orleans a few, I guess, what two years ago it was. And every corner of New Orleans is a voodoo shop. I mean, it's a really I've never gone there. So I've I can see it. And you know, I don't know. I don't know enough about voodoo to really like make a judgment or whatever. But these people are serious, bro. Like they they believe they don't just believe it's real to them. Like it is it is a 100% you can't question it. Yeah, 100% real. It's just like, yeah, you're right. It's kind of the same thing when you talk about like Native Americans, when they talk about skin walkers and they talk about, you know, Yetis or Bigfoot or or whatever's in their area. Like these people believe, man, like there isn't a question. There isn't a maybe there isn't like these things are real. You don't talk about them. You don't that's why I would never be too skeptic to uncertain things like with those kind of beliefs because of, you know, there's people that you can't talk them out of believing in God. You can't talk them out of not believing in it. It's the same thing with them. They're the same way. So maybe there's something we just never practice or studied or learn the religion to it, whatever it might be. So it would be creepy to go there for me to see all that and be like, what's really going on here? Well, you go to the cemeteries and some of the they're very famous cemeteries there. Yeah. And I went during COVID like just as COVID was and it was kind of starting to slow down, but everything was a lot of things. They weren't closed, but you had to wear a mask and you had, you know what I mean? So I went during COVID and some of the cemeteries, they weren't opening. You couldn't really get in unless you go on a tour, like you had to pay to like go on a tour. So they're not really open to the public. But some of the it's the coolest thing in the world to go there because I don't know if you ever watched like I watched like NCIS New Orleans when it was on and I've almost anything with New Orleans. I've always loved like it's always fascinated me. I'm a big Saints fan. So like anything with New Orleans interests me. So you go to these cemeteries and they're all, you know, these these graves are hundreds of years old, you know, from the 17, 1800s and some probably even older. Oh yeah. And the history of it is insane. And do they explain it a lot or is it just visual? Is it like a round town where you can? They do certain they explain things about certain people. Like, I forget their name. It's uh, LaVoe, LaVoe. I think it's LaVoe. She's like a super like, I don't know, she was, I don't know, 16, 1700s. She was like a voodoo priestess, but she's like the one of the most famous voodoo priests this has ever been. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW Group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms of condition supply. As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles. 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And I'd be the person stealing those shoes off of you like, no, no, you'd be the person shooting me, dickhead. Nice hat. Knock it on that anymore. Oh, yeah. Remember that hat you used to have? You got blood on it. But it's that's why I would never put it past someone that says like if they did voodoo or they practice certain things like that. It's like you don't want to mess with any people like that because you don't know. Well, people very actively practice it there. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's like do you go you go into those stores and they have every root, every kind of plant, you know what I mean? Yeah. For spells and all kinds of stuff. But when you talk to people there, and even just the people that work in some of the stores, it's you it's a it's very different talking to these people because it would be like serious. It would be like me and you talking about, you know, politics or something like it would be a serious, you know, more serious going on with us. I wouldn't want to spend them in their own store. Yeah, because I don't put the voodoo on you and you ain't making it. I have had the voodoo put on me one time at the store because it's hilarious. I didn't. I was working on it. I was working at a shop in this and it was I think it was Haitian. I don't know. I'm pretty sure it was Haitian little old Haitian man. And he just wouldn't take he just would he just wouldn't get it. Right. And I was trying to be nice to him. And finally it got to the point where like I just had to say, all right, you got to go. Like, that's it. We're done. You know, you're out of here. And on his way out, he turned around and started screaming at me. I put the voodoo on you poppy. I put the voodoo on you poppy. I'm like, wait, I'm like, hang on a second. I got questions, bro. Like, how how concerned should I be about this? And the thing is like, you don't know what to expect with someone that doesn't practice it or he might not either. Like, was he like, did he seem like he was a person like, you know, I'm a mess as guy's whole life. He was even older guy. And the shop that I worked at was in a very, it was like a lot of the people that lived around are like Haitian dudes, like a Haitian. And so it was, you know, it was big around there. Like there wasn't voodoo shops or anything, but yeah, I'm sure the people there, a lot of the people there like truly believe just like, you know, everybody else that is really into it. But it wasn't, you know, it was an older guy. He was probably, I don't know, mid 70s, maybe close to 80 little frail guy would have some knowledge on him. You would think you would. That's the way you would interpret it. Like if you talk to him, you're like, okay, like he wasn't an idiot, you know what I mean? But he was just a jerk and I had to throw him out. And that's when he put the voodoo on me. I don't know if anything, I don't know. I could just see you grabbing the shirt and the neck and just I'm like, yeah, I'd put food on him too. But I don't know what voodoo he put on me. I mean, listen, there's a lot of things that have happened in my life that I could say. Oh, that was voodoo for sure. Oh, yeah, there's no way that just happens. But I don't know. I don't know. But the only time I've ever had voodoo put on me, I think. So is voodoo just connected to witches? Or is it a separate thing? No, it's, it's a whole, if it's, I think it's considered a religion. Okay, yeah. And it is, I mean, it's been practiced for hundreds of years and they came out, you know, most of the people that came over from New Orleans came from Arcutu to Orleans, came from, you know, Haiti and a lot of French is a lot of French people. Oh, yeah. You know, the French quarters named after like a lot of the French and you get a lot of lavos and, you know, French names and stuff like that. It was founded basically as a French port. Okay, yeah. So I don't know how big voodoo is in France, but probably 0%. Right. But it's big from everywhere else I came from. But ahead of, yeah, I had like a, I would like to know the origins of it as in where it originated from. The other interesting thing I learned about my trip was that this blew me away, like big time. We went to the slave houses and you can go to slave houses. You visit the plantations. Okay. And you, they give you the history, you walked, you know, you walk around. Yeah, you walk around and you know, they talk about the history of each individual plantation and stuff. And what I learned was, and this is going to, and this blew me away, and that slavery was ended, you know, in 18, whatever 60, whatever. But they were people that lived on those plantations and worked that they ended slavery. However, did they never know if you, well, a lot of people didn't know for a long time. Okay. And it took them because, you know, we didn't have internet, you know what I mean, like it was, it was all handwritten or, you know, yeah, flown by a pigeon. I'm going to make sure that note didn't get there. Yeah, yeah, no, exactly. And a lot of that happened. But what they did was they changed the law to where they had to compensate you somehow. Okay. And so a lot of the people would get compensated by like plantation money. Like you have to, I'm going to pay you $50 a month, but you have to spend it on the plantation. That's the only place you're playing your money is good. Okay. And if you didn't have money, they would loan you money. And you couldn't go free until you were zero debt, until you didn't have any debt to the landowner. Okay. Or to your owner or however you want to put it. But so there were people that were still working on plantations in like 1985. Oh my God. They were still, there were still active plantations in New Orleans, in the area. I don't know how that wasn't figured out sooner. Well, because part of the deal was like, if you own, if you had debt, you had to pay it off and your family had to pay it off. So if you didn't have money, and where the fuck are you going to get money? You know what I mean? Like, if you're a slave and your family's a slave, the fuck are you going to get money? Like you're going to get money from being a slave. And then I'm going to pay enough to get out of it. That's, that's insane to think about. I told you, dude, I heard that and it fucking blew me away. I'm like, that's, I don't even know how that I imagine most people just don't know that because they don't teach it anymore. Like, no, no, no, no, no. It was the first time I remember it. And it was only one plantation that actually said that. And they had people living there. I was 1985 or 1986. They actually had the last person left the plantation. And you couldn't, you know, you couldn't, it's hard to, it's hard to think about because if you've never been there and seen it, these places are out in the middle of nowhere. I mean, they're 30 miles away from anything. The only thing within 30 miles of use another plantation. So for you to say, fuck this, I'm out, I'm going to bail and run. I mean, you might get out of the plantation, but where are you going to go? You know what I mean? You don't know how far is one way. Right. You're not going anywhere. And you probably don't know what's out there anyway. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, they didn't give you Google Maps. Like you, it was, you just figured it out. So back then, I wonder if like they used like just in general, like voodoo back then, or I was like, I'm sure, I mean, it probably wasn't practiced on a plantation very much just because they probably squashed it. And you know, they wouldn't let you do it. But New Orleans is such a historical place, man, you can't go anywhere without learning something. I would have to go there. Like my biggest thing, I would probably have to like go on a some kind of ghost tour or know someone that knows someone that can read. So we did a ghost tour. I went with my daughter, we did a ghost tour there. And they were using, I forget, they call it the camera that shows like stick figures. You've probably seen it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I forget. I forget the exact name of it, but it shows like stick figures in the thing. And I sat in a room on a chair where there was a older gentleman supposed to be a tall older gentleman that was in that room all the time. And he hated dudes. And he liked women. He would, you know, let women come in and he would be like nice to him or whatever. But if you're a dude, like, you would feel the energy of that of like, someday, right? Or, well, so I sat down on the chair and I didn't really feel anything, but I sat down on the chair. I go into everything as a skeptic, bro. You know what I mean? Like, I want, but I want to believe, right? Like, in the part of me that really wants to believe, but I go into it as a as a skeptic and go, I need you to show me what you're telling me. You know what I mean? Yeah. So I sat in this chair. The guy had a camera on me and he was like, oh, man. And my daughter was standing beside him watching the video. And even she said like it was really weird. One of the stick figures formed beside me, right? No, stick figure. And he was hitting me like on the head. I even had to have video. But he was hitting me on the head, right? And like, I don't know. I saw the video when it was done. I'm like, okay. Oh, did they record that video? So you can say it? Yeah. Yeah. No, they sent it to my daughter actually has it, but it was like, you look at it and it looks exactly like what he's saying. It looks like there's a giant guy on top of me hitting me on the knife or yeah, and I'm sitting in the chair and, you know, I'm feeling anything or notice anything. So I get out and I'm reading it and I'm looking at them like, oh, shit, man. That's kind of cool. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know if it's legit, but it's cool. Like it's evidence. You know what I mean? Some sort of evidence. So my daughter goes in and of course, she's young. She's 20 at the time. And she goes in the room. And the guy was like standing behind her, but had like, like, put an arm around her comforting. Yeah, kind of like a comforting, comforting style, a comforting, you know, thing. But he didn't like me at all. And I didn't even do nothing to do. But whatever I did to him, he did not want me there. So weird. And that was in Louisiana. Yeah, yeah, that was in New Orleans. We have to take a trip there. Like, I want to, I mean, it's so close. I mean, the problem with New Orleans, everything smells like pee when you get there. You're going to piss a lot of people off it. I didn't want to say this before. Listen to me. It's not, I'm, I like it. I love it there. Like, it's one of my favorite places in the world, but it smells like pee when you go there. If you go into the French Quarter, it smells like pee. And maybe I was there on a bad day and then we had the wrong wind. But I'm telling you, I'm sensitive to you. You're not going to hear a lot of Louisiana's too into this now, but I love you. I love you. I do. I'm a Saints fan. Come on. But he is easy. Easy. Yeah. True. When you, when you go and you sit at a restaurant, now, mind you, most of the restaurants are kind of open there, not open there, but they have the doors open and maybe some sliding windows open and stuff. It's tough to eat in certain spots because it smells like pee. And I don't know if it's actually pee or if it's something, or if it's something, this is why, you know what? This is why we moved to this radio station because I mean, we're not, sorry. Well, let's make this clear. Ian is not trying to be rude here. I'm very accepting of culture and what other people have to deal with. You're exactly, if I have to accept it, I mean, I've seen. I don't think you are. I think you're full of shit. You're not. No, no, no. I've gone to other countries and that would not face me. Listen, I don't, have you ever been to someone like Pete? Well, then you don't know. Worse. Just saying I've been to, I've been to worse places. But the, the weird, the weird thing is, is that there's such, I was there in the wintertime. So I don't know how, I mean, it shouldn't have smelled like Pete. I mean, that's what I'm saying. But I don't know what the difference is between going in the winter and summer as far as crowd, you know, crowd size. But it was busy. I mean, it wasn't crazy, crazy, busy. I don't know. I don't have anything referenced to it. I won't have been there once, but it was busy enough to where like, okay, like, you know, it's obviously the French quarter. You know, I stayed right in the French quarter. So, you know, I smell Pete all time. I was just going to be figured, you know what? Screw it. Everybody else is not like Pete. Like, they won't even notice it. So if you get drunk in your New Orleans and you have to be, just let her fly, bro. Like, I'm just saying. I mean, that is, I'm sorry, but that I don't want to say disrespectful. I'm just saying, but I know it's right. Or we can go back to your childhood room where the sky put voodoo on you and you never know. You visited somewhere that you really enjoyed. Maybe. Listen, I had this, I had this theory that I died a long time ago. And this is just like my purgatory. And it could be. I don't know if the theory makes sense, but it kind of does to me. Because some of the shit that I've seen and done, I'm like, I mean, if we're going to go the normal, if we're going to go the median route and, you know, just haven't seen the light yet. But maybe, you're here again. Maybe it's a simulation. Well, yeah, I'm just not done doing what I need to do. You're not. You haven't learned the lessons that you learned. My problem is I'm not task oriented. So I'm never going to learn these things, bro. Like, if God's waiting for me to learn something, we're going to be here a minute, like buckle up, because I don't know what to tell you. Yeah, I would say you have some lessons to learn. The meeting, the whole median thing is me. This is my first trip, my first trip out. So I'm just letting you know. I'm a alert made, and I'm going to put like a sticky thing in your bag. You're back around to bench. I'm going to, I'm going to get a shirt that says, why does this smell like pee? No, I'm going to wear it. I'm not traveling with you on that one. You're traveling with me. No, I'm going to say I love the team. Whatever, whatever we do, we're doing together. No, I'm going to say I love the people. Hey, listen, I have no problem with people. I met great people. Yeah, people are great. They just might be. Not even people. It's the area. Is it just because it was like a ball? You know what I mean? Like, it's in a ball. You know, that's even worse. A toilet bowl? I've never been there. This is recorded right? Goddamn. This is recorded. So I've never been there. So I'm just visioning, you know, a nice white crystal bowl. You just said last time, or maybe some lemonade or some ice. I just said it had a foul odor. I didn't say it was a toilet bowl. I mean, breath and sit. I mean, I might have referenced it. I mean, I have a toilet bowl. I mean, it's it's sticky too. Well, I'm thinking it's sticky. I don't know why what makes it sticky. Well, now you're I'm envisioning the will musty. No, I wasn't maybe. But everything's sticky. I don't know why I think sticky. Why is everything sticky? It's almost Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. Chumbak has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Play for free anytime anywhere for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW group void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles. Plus look forward to extraordinary travel rewards, including a free checked bag, two times the miles on United purchases, and two times the miles on dining and at hotels. Become an explorer and seek out unforgettable places while enjoying rewards everywhere you travel. Cards issued by JP Morgan Chase Bank and a member FDIC subject to credit approval offer subject to change terms apply. It's kind of like New York City where everything's sticky. We're not gonna have any fucking listeners after this show, but it's kind of like New York City. I appreciate everyone sticking around. It's kind of hanging out. We get in these conversations that just go listen to it. It's worth it trust me. Tough it out. Yes, stick with me here. I'm going somewhere with it. I don't know where, but it's like going to New York City and I was sitting and you're going to like it's subway and it feels and everything. Oh, I've done that. It looks sticky. Yeah, right. It's like we went to DC. You go into like the train station and stuff in certain areas. Yeah. And city was one of the worst smells. That's New Orleans, bro. No, I can't. No, it's not. I'm telling you, I almost bought this guy at tent city outside of Grand Central Station. He came up to me and he didn't want anything. He was like throwing fist at air, but right next to me. And I'm like, I'm gonna have to fight a homeless person. And I didn't want to. It was a very awkward situation. That would have been fantastic if you got beat up by a homeless person. No, man. He was, he was sweet and a little bit. And it wasn't like a, you feel bad for these people, but at the same time, it's like a, I mean, I just thought I'd help on it signed on the street. But I'm not saying anything bad, but yeah, I almost got in a fight at Grand Central Station right in the front. And I was like, Oh, fuck, dude. I'm like, this guy's coming at me. I'm like, I just ran right inside. I'm like, nope, not happening. I'm like, I'm gonna get on the next book. I went to Unos, Unos in DC. And I just stayed there for a little bit and so I'm like, I'm on a text message that says that I'm wrong about subtitles and movies and shows. I'm going to agree. I use subtitles all the time. I can't do it. I can't do it. It's really nice. Like, I like it because it's distracting to me. If I'm trying to listen and read, I'm one of those that if everyone's like, Oh, do you hear that little beep every 13 seconds? I'm like, yeah, I go with the flow. I'm like, that thing is now just, I don't even hear it. It's just like when you get used to a smell, you don't notice it. If you're near it, just like if you live there Ian, you're right. You know what? You're right. If I lived there, if I lived in New Orleans, I wouldn't notice a smell and about it. You wouldn't. And the thing is it's probably like a normal. It might just be the pollen. It might be, but you want to say it's not a dog. You said it was. No, I said it was the city. I just showed you. But I'm saying, some I don't know. I said, I'm right. No, I don't think he's right. He's right. It's the thing is, it becomes so numb to me that like, if I'm not paying attention, I like to read. So it's like a, if I'm not paying attention to the noise, I'll just read it. And it's like, I can have it this no sound on it. And I'll just watch it. You know what I mean? Oh, I can't do it. Whoa, you obviously said you could at the gym. I did it at the gym. Well, I'm, I'm a captive audience at that point. Where am I going to go? I can be a fat ass and I work out or I can work out, but I'm trying to share your ass, but it's the subtitles are driving me away. Not me. I'm one of those that I like. I like the subtitles. I have to have them. Just on every Netflix on Voodoo, I do. I just subtitles right on. I don't know. I can't. Wow. How can you watch it while you're reading it and listen to it? It depends on what's going around around you. If it's a little noisier, you could hear things. Like my thing is, like, when I watch a movie, it has to be deadline. And I don't, I don't get up and go pee. I don't get up and snack. I just want to watch to do what I'm watching. I don't want to, I don't want people talking to me during it. And I don't know. So I don't need to subtitles on. I can hear everything. I pay attention. You know, I watch movies with like girls. The next movie we go to, I'm going to go to the owner, like, can we put subtitles on? I'll leave. I'll leave. I'll leave. I'll be like, you know what to say? Oh, man, bro. I enjoyed reading it though. So, because if you might not catch a word that was said, you couldn't be like, what did you just say really quick? Like, there's been moments in movies where like, I didn't catch it. Like, if I could read it really quick, it could be better. I don't know, man. I can't do it in no way. I don't even know how we got on this subject. We were talking about Alaska Triangle. We got on to how people smell bad in Louisiana. Thanks. No, you got on to that. I'm very accepting. You would not be if you were there. I bet you I listened, but but you know what? What's better than the smell and it doesn't matter is the bignets, bro. A bignet, a fresh bignet from New Orleans would change your life. And your life. I mean, you'd be a different person if you haven't. I do have to try one from there. I will. I would I would wear that dumb that we would just travel there to have a weekend to have and a hundred percent come back. Yes. I would totally do it. And anyone that's listening for Louisiana, you can probably just say, yeah, yep, so true. Like, it's just and I get it. There's a place that opened up around us that had them. Louisiana style. They were open for like a month a month. Dude, and they closed. I'm like, I'm like, I was on the main strip of like where we live. I'm like, there's no way. I'm like, I'm totally going to try this. And I'm like, I'm going, I'm getting ready to go there. And I see they put a post out saying that they closed on like, it is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. All their games are free to play like spin slots, bingo and solitaire. You can claim free daily login bonuses too. And they release new games every week. So spice things up with Chumba now for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles plus look forward to extraordinary travel rewards, including a free checked bag, two times the miles on United purchases, and two times the miles on dining and at hotels. Become an explorer and seek out unforgettable places while enjoying rewards everywhere you travel. Cards issued by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA member FDIC. Subject to credit approval. Offer subject to change. Terms apply. You know what? You're right. Because I saw that. What was it? It was like peanut, PB&J or something? Coffee. Yeah. It was like a coffee shop. It was like a PB&J coffee shop. I don't even understand it really. But they had bignets and that's all I cared about. And I'm like, me too, whenever I go to Universal Studios, they do for like Mardi Girl. I have to go to bignets. I'll go all the way. I'll drive four hours just to get bignets at Universal. And we've done it. And it's a sad part about us. We will take a minute to mile. Yeah, it's true. And we'll go just to walk. We won't even we won't even have to go on anything to enjoy the food and I people watch man. That's why I like when I go to when I go to DC or I go to New Orleans or whatever, you could just peep. It's the best people watching in the world, man. Gary, DC is the best to do it. Yeah, because the lot of eclectic group of people that go to DC. Yeah. And even even like to New Orleans to maybe a smaller degree. But probably probably close to the same if you think about it because people come from all over the world and go to New Orleans also. Hi, man. But people come from all over the place to go to DC because it's, you know, it's a very historical place also. So it's there's people from everywhere. I mean, you the accents you don't recognize. There's people that look different from anybody you've ever seen before. The fun part is trying to pick out the people that are watching you that are part of the FBI. You're right, bro. It's like, yeah, like, yeah, you're totally at it because they're a hundred percent everywhere there. I've never felt safer in a shitty city than I do in Washington, DC. Depends on if you're in the if you're in the national mall area, you don't want to go outside the national mall area. No, that thing should happen. The funny that you go two blocks out and you're like, I'm going to turn around. This is Chicago. It gets tough, but you just don't feel anything. You know, you couldn't feel safer anywhere in the world, man. There's just there's cops everywhere. And you know, there's that knows how many we've brought this up when we've been walking the streets there. The coolest part is when you see like four blacked out SUVs and there's guys hanging off with AR 15s. They are on the sides of these things. And you're like, you know what? This is like a show where like they're going to detonate a bomb right now. You know what I mean? It's just like they're going to save the world, US, and you just you don't know what's happening on their side. Like they could be anything. You know what I mean? Well, that's what I thought about that the last time I went. I've been there three or four times by the way, I think. And you always hear sirens. Oh, whether it's police sirens, whether it's ambulances, fire trucks, whatever. Any given time a day, all night, all day, you hear sirens. Oh, yeah. And it's just like background noise. It's so it's so prevalent. You almost don't even notice it. Yeah, exactly. But if you watch the news, you never hear about like a crazy car crash or a fire breaking out. Ever. Why you just saw 48 police cars fly by you at 90 miles an hour by the National Mall. You never hear there's a like what's going on? You never hear about you never hear an explanation as to what happened at the you know during that day to cause that kind of havoc. Oh, yeah. And so it makes you wonder like you think you watch like I watch all those movies like, you know, Jason Bourne and I love that movie. Same here. But like that showed 24. Yep, with Giffer Sutherland. I love anything like that. And it always makes me wonder like it's something like that really going down. Like, you know what I mean? I always say about that. Or they stopping a terror attack right now that you don't know about and you never will. And we'll never know. And you'll never know. The thing is because they're so they're so like when they're there, their presence is so known. They're on a mission to go somewhere. Yes. Something's happening. That's what got me in the conspiracy theories, man, is oh, yeah, dude, those type of shows because you never get an answer unless you're in the know, you know what I mean? Like unless you're part of what's happening, you'll never know what's happening. But something's happening. Like you just don't have 19 police cars fly by you with, you know, SWAT team and everything else. Oh, yeah, one or two. It's like 30 of them. You're like, you know, whatever they come from. If we saw that going down, you know, US 41, it'd be every, the city would come to a stop. You know what I mean? Everyone. It'd be all over the news. The people that don't even don't even blink an eye. Like, you know, just like, yeah, whatever, you know, let's go. I'm gonna go have lunch. And like, they'll just go off and have lunch. Like, that guy just saved the world. You never ever put it out there pretty far. But like, we don't know that. Yeah, you don't know. You know what I mean? They say in Washington, D.C., there's more spies at any one time than any other city in the world with so many feet per person. Right. And so that means there's no other city in the world that has more spies than it right now than Washington, D.C. Yeah, we've given time. And when we went to the Comic-Con, there was a sign up to be the spy. They had a boy out there. It was the FBI, right? Oh, yeah. Comic-Con. I'm listening. I love Comic-Cons and I love nerds. This is what we do. Yeah. You look at my background. I got a bunch of nerd shit. This is what I do. Right. But I don't know to find the next secret agent. You know what I mean? Like, oh, yeah. I don't know how to say that without saying it. But I don't know that on the waiver sheet, what's your favorite superhero? Definitely the Hulk. You know what I mean? It'd be something like it's just weird that they were there for the like, they want you to be an informant. Like, yeah, I mean, yeah, I don't know what they want. But you're kind of. And I thought about that. I'm like, these aren't really the people. They're my people. I love these people. They're my people. Oh, yeah. I don't want to be that guy either. You know what I mean? Like, I know that I'm not going to be that guy. And I know the guy in the superhero shirt next to me is not going to be that guy either. You trust me. Unless he already was. And you just said, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. But I don't know. I'm generalizing, of course. This is why they want the people that would never be suspected. I mean, there's probably you're probably not wrong. No, probably. Yeah, no, you're probably right. But I don't know. That's it was a weird thing for me to think about when I was there. I'm like, I mean, they looked at me they're like this. You're the next person born. I'm like, yep. I'm trying to think of a funny name about like a fat. What the hell was? Oh, God, I had a guy lost it. God damn it. That was great. It's all right. They looked at me that way. I saw him. That's that's that's not what they were looking at. You're going to save our country. Like, that's not what that's not what they were looking at. You're going to save our country. I'm trying to find a bathroom. You know what the session stand is? Like, I'm trying to get shot, bro. I just got a pee. I'm going to smell like New Orleans in a minute. We can go down these. Casper sneeze. One of the best ones is like, what's going on there at all times? Because of like, we always try to figure it out. And like, even though like when I see like some of these past when I've been in the past couple times, like, I'll try to like, keep an eye on to see where they're going. I'm like, where are they really going? And then like, you'll just see them go down under a tunnel. You're like, gone, never see them again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You'll never see them again. And when you get close to the Capitol and you get close to the White House, the measure of security. Oh, it has as triples, like noticeably, you know, the homeless guy sleeping in the middle of the sidewalk. He is definitely as a gun under him. And he 100% has like an AR 15 on a side wave. Besides the people at the donut place. No, those people are not secret agents. No, those people are not secret. Those are people from Comic Con. What was that donut place called? That was Astro donuts. Yep. That was anyone in the DC area. Check out Astro donuts. I'm sure anybody in DC area probably has, but if you haven't for God's sakes, this is it'll be the greatest donut you ever had in your life. It's a every morning. That's where we'd go every morning. Have a we would stop there. And they have, I mean, the best of the best. I mean, I haven't had better. So good. They have a crème brulee donut. They'll just change your life. You'll be a different person if you eat it. You'll never have another donut like that. No, it's I've never. Yeah, I've tried. And they have breakfast sandwiches and stuff. They have all kinds of different. It's so good. But yeah, I mean, there was a there was a homeless breakfast outside. And I mean, we're like, you know what? I could really do this. And then you're like, there's a beautiful church right across the street. It's like a very old, but it's very, you know, like ornate church like right across the street. That's been there for it seems like a hundred. Yeah. I mean, it's old. It's old. And there's this old lady in his old, I don't know, old black guy or I think it's an old black guy and this old lady. They were just going at it with each other, bro. She's like, they weren't. I don't think they were yelling at each other. I think they were just yelling together. I think they were yelling at the same imaginary person. That's the best way to put it, man. I'm assuming they were talking to God and like, they were God's personal messenger and everybody looked at him like, yeah, I'm not going to buy into that. Everyone say it about 20 feet away from it all times. Yeah, even we walk by and I'm like, I'm going to get beat up by an old lady because I don't know if I can hit her or not. But I'm going to have to probably at some point if she gets around it because it sucks seeing that. But it's like the same time. It's like, like, you can't help but to stare. But like, you get worried at some point because you don't know what's going on. Yeah. Well, someone's. She was so unpredictable. And the things that she was doing. She was like kissing the ground and like, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Just doing really weird things. And you're right about you don't know what's going to someone if anything is going through their head. You know what I mean? Like, you have no idea. You feel bad to a certain point where it's like a, yeah, we had to get out of there. But I got my donut left. But I mean, noted, I was getting my donut. We can go endless hours on our adventures that we have with these kinds of people. But I don't know. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane. So shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. As a United Explorer card member, you can earn 50,000 bonus miles. Plus, look forward to extraordinary travel rewards, including a free checked bag, two times the miles on United purchases, and two times the miles on dining and at hotels. Become an explorer and seek out unforgettable places while enjoying rewards everywhere you travel. Cards issued by JP Morgan Chase Bank NA member FDIC, subject to credit approval, offer subject to change, terms apply. But the mystery behind a lot of things like we, anyone who exploit listening, we want to go back and we just want to debunk some conspiracy theories, or if not, just go for the adventure to see what we can come across. I think that would be one of the cool things to do, like kind of like a treasure hunt in a way where we can keep everyone up to date on this. I think it would be a fun thing to do. We have to make it happen. Well, what is that? I don't know. I'm doing things weird. But I think that that in the last triangle, like, top two, man, a last going to Alaska is going to be what was going to be dope. We're working on we've been working on a putting together a documentary. Scoomish. Another radio host. Actually, he's coming up right after us on the beyond the radar. So if you ever saw that show, definitely check that out. Tom Coway, he's a super, super smart guy. He knows a lot about all these things that we talk about. We talk about a lot of the same stuff. He read real heavy into UFOs and paranormal. Not so much conspiracy. It's very addicting to listen to because of the knowledge this guy has. Yeah, he's a super smart guy. We've been putting together a documentary to go to Skinwalker Ranch to investigate the weird things that happen out there. And talk to the people around there to see and to see how they feel about what's happening. They live there. They see these things every day. Like, we want to get into their heads on that. We want to see like, they have personal experiences. There's a lot of people there. You know, I mentioned earlier about how like Native Americans don't really talk about things that they see and because they believe it might bring it upon them. Kind of like a bad juju. That's very, very, it's no more true anywhere in the world than there. Like there are people that will not talk to you at all. If you're talking about Skinwalker, they won't bring up Skinwalker. They want to acknowledge Skinwalkers. They don't acknowledge they exist. They don't acknowledge anything about them. But it's because they know that they exist. You can't even say that these people believe. These people know in their heart and in their mind that these hands exist. I think this is like where I would draw the skeptic line where I more believe than I don't because of you got to think the Native American Indians way before like, you know, anything was established, they have these stories going back so far with no internet, no communication between other people tribes. They have these stories that they've seen these exact things all the way back then before we've ever even been there. And it goes back generations. So you have to kind of ask yourself, okay, well, is this lore that I've heard been beaten to my head so much that I believe because of that? You know what I mean? Or is it real? It's hard to make that distinction because if your father and grandfather and great grandfather has told you stories about whatever it is for your entire life and that's all you've heard about, you're going to believe, you know what I mean? There's something in you that's going to, that you're going to believe. I want to so badly. And that's why I think we have to make it a mission. We have to make it an adventure to go there to witness things in ourselves. And it's just not that I don't believe anyone. It's just like a... Well, that's why that's, you know, when I go in and stuff like that, I go in as a skeptic and I do it on purpose because there is a part of me that, I guess there's a part of me that believes, or otherwise I wouldn't put that much effort into it. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's fun. I get it, you know what I mean? Like talking about Bigfoot's fun and reading Bigfoot stories and stuff like that. And we'll do a show on Bigfoot soon. But that believing in that Bigfoot goes so many different ways. It can be interdimensional. You're talking about interdimensional, you're talking about portals and wormholes and what, you know, however they travel. I'm not against any of that either. Right. And the evidence, if you want to call it that, would lean towards, yeah, you're right. You know, that's how they do it, you know. I guess it's too deep in the weeds in that right now. But that would be for another show that we can talk a whole hour on, to be honest. Yeah, but those type of, you know, these lore, this lore has, it's like the Loch Ness monster man, you know, that an art generation has been spread down from generation to generation to generation. Yeah. And it's, it's wild, you know, it's wild to think about. And these people really believe, and they, you insult them, you know what I mean? Like say, you know, what am I gonna say? I don't believe you? Like, yeah, you know, to a point, I guess if you look at like a broader angle, I would only worry that like some things like that weren't true, not that they didn't see it visually, but they might have saw it spiritually. As in, they, like they're known, not saying, but like everyone knows like it's like a, they, they take a lot of peyote, they take a lot of things that like, well, open you up in a different direction spiritually, and you could see things in your mind where you believe you're seeing it. So I wonder, I guess that's where the skeptic comes from me. Like, I don't want to have to go there to take peyote to say I saw it, because of then I would probably see it. You know what I mean? It's like a visual, it's, it's not there, but it's there. It's like an inner demon that you're just working out that you see. So it might be someone's spirit, inner demon that you're seeing. And that's why it's like, this is why I would love to go. I would want to, and the thing is, that might be different from what everyone's seen in the sky, which I'm a huge UFO buff, just fan. But you raise a good point when you talk about, you know, is it a spiritual thing? Yeah. Something that they see within themselves, and maybe it's, you take peyote and that's how you access that part. You know, there's a, there's a range of light that a human can see. I don't know. There's a wavelength that you can see, and the wavelengths that you obviously can't see. I actually had the numbers. I don't know what it is exactly. I have to look at that, but beside the point, you know, it's like UFOs. Maybe UFOs are traveling in a different wavelength than we can see, you know, and things look weird or things act weird, but we don't know how they're spoke to act, right? Because we have no, it's, it's new to us. We don't know. Exactly. And it's the same thing with like skin walkers and Bigfoot and stuff like that. If you saw a Bigfoot, you wouldn't even know, like, maybe you don't even know, you know. And the thing is, like, the thing, it sucks because of like, everything caught in camera. It's like, oh, that looks fake. But how do you know that's actually fake? Because that's the problem. If you haven't seen it, everything looks fake, right? That's exactly it. You can't like some of these ones that people film UFOs. It's like, that's totally fake. It's like, is it really? Or is that just how it's projected on the camera? You don't know what that looks like in person. Right. So it might look completely fake. And you know, you talk about UFOs coming in and out of, of being able to see it, you know, or in our site. Well, maybe it just goes in and out of wavelengths that we can't see, you know, much like a Bigfoot or anything else, you know, you can, you can apply that to anything, any mythical creature, you know, yeah. But that's you, you know, that, when you look at it that way, you know, the point you made, like peyote and stuff like that, if you need that to access that, and that might be the reason why we, how do you know that you can even access that? Maybe you actually determine if that's real life or fictional from. Yeah. And so unless it's just something we can't get to that next step on what everyone else is seeing. And there's a lot, and there's a lot of, you know, Joe Rogan talks about it a lot, like D&D and these type of drugs and stuff that people take to have these experiences. And the people that had these experience goes, man, I'm telling you it's legit, it's real, I feel it, you know, everything about it is real to me, but it happened in your mind. Yeah, you know, so you can't argue that, you know, you can't really argue that because how do you argue that? And the thing is you're not going to talk someone out of it once they saw that, or once they experienced that, it's like you can't. It's like a, but the thing is, maybe we're just not seeing it in the same frequency that they are. What I want to know is, is it repeatable? If I do, if you take D&P and you have an experience, and then you do it again in a year from now, can you have that same experience, at least on the same level, you know what I mean? Maybe it's not the exact same experience, but can you access what you saw, what you, you know, experienced again? And that, and that is the big thing. Like, how do you act, can you access it? I think that repeatability, when you're talking about like, that's the best way to put it. It's, as in, it's, you're going in this, I mean, you're looking at so many different angles, but if you're doing the same thing and the same outcome happens, then it has to be a, like a, if you're good, you're seeing the same things. Right. And then, you know, maybe it's different to an extent, but overall, your overall experience is basically the same. You went somewhere, you saw something, you talked to someone, whatever the case may be, you know, and can you repeat that? And could I get there where you're at? Could I take the same spot in the same era? I mean, like, yeah, or at least have the same rough experience, you know, you talk to that being, well, I talk to that being, like, I know that, guys, you know, a lot of people that take it, I have a good friend of mine that's actually done like mushroom and stuff like that. And he talks about some trips that he's had to where he wouldn't speak like ancient Sumerian Sumerian. Okay. And like a lot of the things, a lot of people were talking to him, and he doesn't know ancient Sumerian. He's an idiot. Well, he's not an idiot, but, you know, I think I know who we're talking about. Yeah. But he doesn't know ancient Sumerian, but he knows that it was ancient Sumerian. Now, maybe he's wrong. Maybe it wasn't ancient Sumerian. Maybe was just an idiot. But, you know, somehow he knows and he caught, you know, put that together. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. And that's why we're only using so much of our brain. And maybe we're just using an extra, you know, 25% of it. Well, that's just it. Like, you know, how much more can you access? And, you know, at all, how much, you know, can you access more? Can you, maybe it's something that you're, maybe it's a repressed memory. Maybe you have a, you know what I mean? Like, you never know. You never know. It's very interesting. I want to do, I want to do a show on like DMP and mushroom and stuff like that because I would talk about it forever because I could do I know enough people that have taken it that have their own experiences. I could probably even get them someone who want to talk about it. But I think we're going to have to wrap this up. Definitely will. Anyone that was listening, appreciate you guys, you know, come around next week for the same time. Check us out on pretty much everything. We're going to be, we're going to be on an Oracle talk radio You can check us out there. YouTube, check out all their stuff. It's going to be great. There's a lot of shows on there. The one coming up right after us is the Beyond the Radar radio show that's with Tom Cowley. One of our favorites. He's a super smart guy. So thanks for joining us. Take us out again next week. We'll be here 7 to 8 o'clock on every Wednesday and this is our new home and this is where we will be. Yeah and if you guys have any questions or you guys feel free to comment just go ahead and text that number or you know give a call in and we'll always be we're willing to talk about any kind of story you guys have. If it's crazy, if you guys saw anything anything that would you know peak our interest. That's it. We're going to wrap it up here guys. 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