Oracle Talk Radio Network


Title: Unveiling the Unknown with UFO Researcher Richard Smith Join us on Chasing Prophecy Radio as we welcome Richard Smith, a leading UFO researcher and visionary. In this episode, Richard shares his personal UFO experiences, explores humanity’s connection to the galactic community, and delves into ancient and modern extraterrestrial narratives. As the mind behind UFO Teacher, Richard’s thought-provoking insights will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the unknown. Don’t miss this captivating discussion!

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06 Sep 2024
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Mindful Therapy Group also accepts insurance. Join us to start your journey to a healthier and happier you. Visit Mindful Therapy to get started today. Feeling overwhelmed? Struggling with mental health shouldn't be the norm. At Mindful Therapy Group, we specialize in connecting you with compassionate therapists that can support you through stress, anxiety, ADHD, and so much more. With in-person and telehealth appointments available, we can get you seen in as little as 48 hours. To make things easier, Mindful Therapy Group accepts most health insurances, including Medicare, allowing you to focus on you and not your wallet. Visit Mindful Therapy to start your mental health journey today. You're listening to the Oracle Talk Radio Network. Hello, I'm Simone Govet here. I'm Dasha. Hey, I'm Barry Eilish. What's up sides? I'm going to be like the radio. Hey, there's a table cray. I love this station. I love this station. You're listening to Chasing Prophecy Radio, where we discuss anything and everything beyond the scope of normal. On the Oracle Talk Radio Network, broadcasting live in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. If it's unexplainable, we're talking about it. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, we cover everything where the unknown becomes the norm. And now, here are your host Jenny, Yekasi Yekasi and Tom Conway. I'm to Chasing Prophecy, my Oracle Talk Radio Network, where we discuss anything and everywhere and everything and everything beyond the scope of normal. I'm Jenny Nekasi, along with my fabulous co-host, Tom Conway, broadcasting from Pittsburgh and Philadelphia and all around the world. Hey, Tom. Hello, how are you? Very exciting to be doing this. Yeah, and I forgot our intern to Rebecca. So, she's in the shadows hanging out right now. Yeah, she's lurking and very fittingly on a paranormal show. Yep, and I just want to put a shout out to smart labels for sponsoring this episode and all of our episodes going forward. What do you think about that? I think that's wonderful. I've actually gotten to know David pretty closely and he's a go-getter entrepreneur type. Really came up with a very simple idea and it's genius. You know what I mean? So, I have a lot of respect for that, but he's a good man and it's coming up to the smart label season. The difference of seasons, right? Whenever people take stuff out, put stuff back, summer to winter to summer, it's always his area. So, please check out smart labels and he's excited to say that he has grown. Before it was just on Amazon now, he actually got it on Walmart. Oh, wow, that's great. That's great. That's awesome. I'm happy to hear that. I'll be probably doing that for my, putting all my pool stuff away. I'm kind of sad about it, but I went out there today and I came in. I don't know if it's the shift in the weather. It got this horrible migraine, so I'm hoping it goes away. But before we get started, we have, I just want to do a little short mona with our, before we get started, something on all the other crazy UFO paranormal stuff. We're going to be venturing into the unknown, the world of UFOs, as always, and as to Terrestrials, hidden forces shaping our reality. And you know what? There's a lot going on out there and we don't really know what lies being on the stars. And this episode's for you, if you're into the UFOs, because we have a fabulous guest tonight, Richard Smith. He's every known UFO researcher and experiencer with decades of research behind his about and personal experiences. But before we bring on Richard, let's talk about some of the, we're going to talk a little bit about some of the clips that our fabulous intern got us tonight. Do you want to do that rundown for me? Sure, sure. I just want to do a few and then we'll bring Richard on and then we'll come back to it. Okay, so what do you, you know, what do you got for me here? I hopped on. I see some good old lips down at the bottom. Let's take a look. Yeah. Are we going in order or not? Oh, did you see how fast that flew away? Yeah, is that the first one that she posted? Because we had, okay, because she had a couple of different ones on here. I just want to make sure we're tailing it right. Was that the, let's see. Okay, so that one appeared and what's that, what's that call it? Is it B's? B's. B's. So this is Spain. Watch how quick it goes. Yeah, that one's a cool one. I like that one. We are not alone in this universe and it is a simple fact and the US government has been aware of that fact now for decades. The United States has been involved in the recovery of objects, vehicles of unknown origin that are neither from our country or any other foreign country that we're aware of. We as a nation have been interested in not only the vehicles themselves, but the occupants of these vehicles to include biological specimens. Okay, we'll leave it there. That's really good. That's really well as Nondo, who's been all around the circuit. You name it, documentary, show, foreign government official and has a lot to say. Some don't really jive with what he's saying, but I've always found what he's brought to the table. Interesting. And I can only speak from my experience. You know what I mean? So he's always been interesting to me and has worked for the US government. So it's one of those people who was on the inside now is talking about it. Similarly to David Grush from the testimony, the whistleblower testimony last summer. And Ryan Graves, and I always do this. I can't remember the third guy that was on there. But no, he's, you know, he has a little bit of trust inside the Capitol Hill there. Absolutely. You know, there was one that we're talking about just recently, a real big one. Is that the one in Brazil? Is that the same one or not? No, no, no, no, that would be in Spain. Um, Ibiza, but Brazil had one and Brazil, Miami's were very similarly linked because it looked like the same shape. It was that diamond type aircraft. I saw one of those when I first moved up here, and this was all underdeveloped. There was nothing out here. Yeah. And I had it. I filmed it on my camcorder and I cannot find it for the life of me because it was, there was not just one. There was great. It was, it was, there's so much stuff up here in the Chestnut Ridge. You're in the Chestnut Ridge. We got to ask Richard about Jeff. He has heard about Chestnut Ridge because, you know, Kexburg back in the day, Appalachia, you guys have mysterious sky sightings, whether it's UFO, thunderbirds, if you wanted to even venture into that realm. Um, a lot of crazy stuff happens over there. Yeah. But let me go ahead and bring him on. And like I said, he's a renowned researcher, educator, and experiencer. And he's an author too. So we're going to talk all about that. Oh, great. Great. Welcome to Chasing Prophecy, Richard. Hello. How you doing? Great to have you on the show here. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you for being a part of this. So glad I saw your live on TikTok. I watched it. That's all I found him on TikTok. I took on a great place to find researchers and UFO ologists. It's really a good place. It really is. You never know what's going on in there. I'll be doing more of those lives too with the books. Well, that's great. That's great. So Richard, your wife is she's a researcher too? Uh, yes. And we've been experiences who, along the way, found out we actually grew up together with this in the backdrop of the whole phenomena, and didn't realize it until we were adults and started comparing notes and memories that were coming to the surface. When she was 11 years old, she was actually taking care of me when I was four or five on board the ship. And one day, a few years back, it was a big shock because the way she described herself, she says, Hey, let me show you this picture. She pulled out a photo album of what she looked like 11 years old. I was like, holy cow, that's the girl with the long brown hair. And then I showed her a picture of me at that young age is yep, that's the little boy with the red hair. So there's a lot to be said for following family bloodlines in the phenomena. Absolutely. That's wonderful. That's an amazing story. And you know, Jenny, we've had other experiences on here who said similar things about following bloodline. And you know, being having an experience at a younger age throughout their life, then as their adults, having children and being witness to them, having experiences or hearing their stories from them about their own abductions. So, you know, if you could put out a hypothesis or guess for our audience, why do you believe they stick to bloodlines? Over time, my experiences with it have caused my views to change on that just a little bit. Years ago, years ago, I just would have had that lack in my viewpoint of, well, this is a laboratory and in every laboratory seven, you have a control group and an experimental group to compare to. Nowadays, with the onset of this being the century of official first contact and all the things that have erupted over the past 15 years with ancient aliens, you begin to realize it from my own experiences. I know we're dealing with entities that can live quite a long lifespan, something we might interpret as immortality, even though eventually everything does die. But, you know, immortality being relative, if I live for 80 years and someone else lives for 500 years and then dies, well, in my perspective, they're immortal because they live for a few more centuries than me. But eventually, they're going to die. But you're dealing with beings who were there at the inception of humanity, and it's the same ones who are staring us in the face today. So, the shocker to all that going back to your question is that they're not just following family bloodlines. It's not a case of, well, let's experiment with this control group and this experiment group and keep them separate and let them have at it and see what happens. It's also a case of you're dealing with what could very well be your own family members from primordial times who are now coming back to watch that family bloodline grow and see what they've turned into today. So, you're actually staring into the face of the same godly entity that started your whole family bloodline in the first place. And that's the thing right there that would be the real kicker for people to realize. Yeah, I have a question. So, I'm a little confused. So, you met your wife. Oh, yeah. Be fair. You met her when you were young and experiencing this, and then you met her again, or did you always have a connection to her from this experience? So, there was always that connection there when we were kids. We didn't know each other. We couldn't we explain it to keep it plain and simple as meeting up there and meeting down here for real. Okay. So, when I was about when I was 25, and this was in December 11th of 1995, I was putting on my own solo exhibition at an art gallery, and I already knew her mom from a UFO group called Star People in New York. And I had invited all of them. So, the opening reception. So, come on down. It's going to be a cool thing. This will be stuff you've never seen before. And so, they all came, but her mom brought her to. She says, "Hey, you want to go say, I know this UFO art guy. He's putting on a show. You want to come?" And my wife Linda said, "Sure." And at that point, you know, I'm 25. She was 31. She comes. We meet each other for the first time, quote-unquote, first time. And immediately, there was a shock there. We shook each other's hand, and then there was that instantaneous spark as soon as we touched each other like, "I know you. I know you too. How do we know each other when we've never met?" And here, I'll take it one step further. She was very, very pregnant when I first met her at the opening reception. And here I am, 25. I'm a single guy, not a dad, no kids. I took one look at her, very pregnant stomach. And the first thing that came to mind was, "That's mine." And I don't know where that triggered, but that was the first thought. That's my child. And never met her before that. And she was already married with two other kids. So that's what set that off. And as time went on, she would come more and more to the start people meetings. And so we get to talk more and more, and cross over with things we were starting to remember, I believe the trigger was the handshake and meeting each other for the first time and seeing her pregnant and knowing who that child is. That's what set the whole thing off. And then, after that, everything evolved from there from realizing that we have both been in touch with basically an ancient primordial extraterrestrial being. Some people call them the praying mantis types. I refer to her as a grown in my books. I do give a detailed explanation in the book. One of the books is to what she looks like. And for many years, I hadn't done that. And then I sat down one day, I said, "Okay, I'm going to put myself to the test, use my extensive vocabulary, and nail this down to last details to what she looks like." So that was a huge thing in itself being able to put that into words. It's the same being that had always been in touch with Linda. We realized we are multi-generational, which gets back into the family bloodlines, and her and I are third generation. Her kids and my nieces are fourth generation, because they're having the experiences too. I know my mom and my grandmother were a part of this. She knows her mom was a part of it, and more than likely her grandmother as well. So it didn't just stop with us waking up to it, into the realization that we could backtrack in the family tree and realize, "Okay, it didn't start with us." They confirmed that they all had the same experiences. My mom did. In fact, when she was still alive, she had told me, she says, "I've always been made to feel like the freak, like the black sheep of the family." And the twist is that her oldest son comes along with this awakening at the age of 21 and starts justifying all of her experiences. And so my mom one day said, "Thank you." She says, "I didn't realize it was going to happen this way." But she says, "Because of the way..." Well, it really has to do with the way mom raised my brother and I to be more outspoken about things and braver about things, and instead of cowering in the corner and being afraid of ridicule, seriously, my mom raised us on Star Trek, Star Wars, and UFOs in the Bible. So that's how we were raised. I often joke about it, but it's true she would sit there with me as a kid and here I am going to Catholic school, but at home I got a different education. She would go through the Bible and say, "See, there's a UFO reference. There's a alien reference." But she also told me, "This is between you and me. If you tell anyone what I'm telling you, I will disown you." This is forbidden outside of the house. So yeah, so I knew what the game was, but by the time I got to the age of 21, and especially when I reached 25 doing that art exhibition, I had hit the ground running. And because of that upbringing, because of the way my mom was raised, she swore I'm not doing that to my kids. And so I mean, I'll admit sometimes we're a little too outspoken, but still, it serves a purpose to be able to write those books and get out in front of a crowd and talk about this controversial stuff, whereas most people would probably feel like, "Where's the sniper?" Okay, so "Where's the red laser pointing at my head right now?" I had one person who found out that I had taken one of my talks to Memphis, Tennessee one day, and they said, "Shokingly," he says, "You actually got out of there with your head attached to your shoulder." I said, "Oh yeah." And they were all loving it. So that was a wake-up call that said, "You'll find these people if you're brave enough to step up to the plate. They're just waiting for you to show up." That's all. They're just too afraid to do it themselves because they're surrounded by all that, you know, closed mentality of if you speak up, I'll shake you down and crucify you. But then if someone like anyone like me and others out there who come along and just get out there in front of a mic, they see that. And then all of a sudden they're like, "Okay, this is okay to talk about, and I'm, you know, this guy woke me up. It's not so much what I'm talking about. It's just more so the act of doing it." Yeah. Yeah. Richard, that's great because I can really relate to that one. That's something I'm sure Jenny Kento is giving people a platform to say some things that maybe in the past were looked down upon. You know what I mean? And they would be looked at as crazy. And one of the things that I have too is UFOs over PA like a meetup group. And I never thought that would get half a third of many members is what it did. But people generally on an online meetup, they want to get on there. They want to talk about their stories. And guess what? It's not the younger generation. It's people 40, 50, 60 that I've never been able to talk about this. And one instance, you know, I won't say his name, but it was a gentleman who was in the military back in 19, the late 1960s, early 70s. And he saw a lot of stuff being stationed in Guam out in the Caribbean, big hot spot, big area. And he was in tears sitting next to his daughter telling his stories because he said, "I've never told anybody that, not even her," and pointed to his daughter who was next to him. And I just thought that was amazing. It's beautiful. So I really commend you on doing that because you are sticking your net account or putting your foot in that door that other people can walk in through and do that. So I really appreciate that. But one thing, you mentioned H&A aliens and you mentioned your mother telling you the real history, but not telling you not to tell anybody about it. How do you believe? You know, because that's a very common thing is a lot of people believe that, you know, extraterrestrials helped shape us and helped back in the days, whether it's Egyptian, Sumerian, you name it. How do you believe ancient civilizations were influenced by extraterrestrial beings? And do you have any evidence that supports this? So the evidence is in all of these ancient sites. Other explorers that I've looked up to, Dr. Robert Schocken, even the host of "Fade to Black," I'm trying to think of his name, but they've gone out there and seen the stuff that I knew they would find there, ancient references to things that do not in terms of academia belong there, but they're being depicted as extraterrestrial dialogues and interactions from the sky and on the ground and even below the ground, something coming out of the ground too. So me personally, it's not like I'm sitting here with an artifact and to say here it is, but what I will say is that if people want to see that proof that I've already seen there myself, you got to get out of your comfort zone, shed that snake skin, leave the borders of the town you were born in, travel the country, and also go out into the world because there, I hear people talking about, "Oh, we're heading to 5D," I said, "Well, hold on a minute. You haven't even finished exploring 3D. What the hell are you talking about?" There's a whole 3D world out there that you are ignoring because you want to grow wings before you learn how to walk with legs. So there's a beautiful world out there below the sea, on top of the mountains, on land, in the sand, in the pastures, everywhere you go, from ancient mountains to actually writing inscriptions that said, "Yes, we talked to these ancient beings. Yes, we talked to these giants who came from elsewhere. Yes, we had a relationship with the ancestors to the Sasquatch. Across the board, when you start getting out there and exposing yourself to it, it blows up in your face. So if you're... I don't say go out there and with preconceived notions of, "Oh, this is all true," go out there as a skeptic and prove yourself wrong because that's the best way to do it, okay? I say it that way because people who go out there, and this is no slight to anyone, but if you're going out there looking for a specific thing, your brain is going to make you find it. But if you go out there as a skeptic, then you know it's genuine, okay? Richard, what do you think they were... Why did you have this experience? What do you think was the reason why they picked you? But I've noticed a lot of the experiences that we've talked to in the past several... For me, over the last four years, some of them are saying they're so enlightening. I always tell Tom, "I can't understand." To me, that would be horrifying, especially as a child to see this stuff. What are your views on that? When I don't make light of it, when I was a kid, there were things that as a kid, I interpreted as these horrific nightmares, "What the hell is this?" Because you're... And then as a kid, you get those mental screen memories like the stuffed animals are standing on two legs talking to you, having a full conversation. It wasn't the stuffed animals, it wasn't the teddy bear, it wasn't Bugs Bunny or Raggedy Ann, it was just something else masking themselves. And there are... It is a case of where, for me, it wasn't that... Like, as some might have maybe an abusive experience, something very much on the dark side of things or the underbelly of society, mine was more a more strident, educational, whipping-stick kind of experience like, "Get it right or I'm going to hit you again." But it was also done with love. So it was kind of like a tough love experience for me and a very good education on the history of where things were going and where they were leading up to. I didn't actually... I suppose in the next series of books, I'll get into this, but I didn't actually target the full-fledged experiences leading up to, let's say, 2001, when things came to a head for Linda and I. But I give vignettes in the book, like these little glimpses of what was going on in between, just basically setting the tone for what would come next because the first series of books laid the foundation. I had to do that first. And then any books I do thereafter can build upon that. And that's why I was putting in those vignettes of experiences I was having. So people could get an idea of where the history was coming from versus the experiences we were having in real time at that point and that they were tied at the hip. So to get into the original question you were asking, for me, and I can't speak for anybody else. But for me it was a case of finishing something that was started 10 to 12,000 years ago. In fact, at one point, and I used this symbol on the front of one of my books, at one point the crown gave me a symbol and she says, "This is yours. This is part of your family bloodline. You may not know what it is right now, but you will understand in time that it belongs to you." And she says, "Now I'm giving it back to you." She says, "I've just been waiting for you to return." So now we're getting into the realm of how reincarnation plays a role in this too, so which has been an interesting tool throughout time to come back and finish what was started, because if you take a 10 to 12,000 years ago, things abruptly came to a screeching halt with a lot of mystery as to why everything just up and disappeared from the planet. And there's this, when you look at the evidence with these ancient sites, you see and you get the sense that there was this panic, stricken move by the ancients to bury everything in sand and dirt before whatever came came. It could have been cosmo climatology with the sun just lashing out and destroying the planets like it does every 10,000 years or so, or it could have been something else entirely, but whatever it was, they realized the only thing that was going to last would be stone as a form of a historical record, and they didn't want it melting under extreme issues, so buried in the sand, buried in the dirt, so it can remain protected and be dug up later on. Of course, later on as a loose term, we're talking now 10 to 15,000 years later. When we finally got out of that de-evolution we went through mentally and psychologically and started getting back to where we were 12,000 years ago. So I think a lot of people like myself who are touched by this and have these experiences, we're actually getting back in touch with where the story left off millennia ago, unfinished business, unfinished issues over what direction is humanity going to go in and can it be self-asserting without having someone from the outside make the decisions for them. And ultimately that's a lot of the theme that came to the head came to a head in 2001 because some of us without it sounding too fantastic like it doesn't already, but some of us are, we're put in that position of can we be the champions of earth, can we defend the notion that humanity can stand on its own two feet, because a lot of people, and I often have this argument with people, a lot of them like, why don't they just come down here and give us the cure for cancer and take care of all the poor people in the poverty. I was like, well, okay, if they did that, then your existence is null and void. What's the point of you being here? You're supposed to do it yourself, you have the means of doing it, you have the technology, it's even though it's not being released to you, you have the means of solving all these problems, but because we choose to stick our head in the sand maybe, and look the other way, we're not getting what we need. And that now ties in with the whole congressional UFO disclosure issue where now we're seeing those two aspects of government locking horns with each other. Sorry. And so you see the legitimate government in Congress, and then you see that illegitimate underbelly in the form of the intelligence community, who are like, no, it's mine, I'm not giving it up, because those who have power are not going to give it up so easily. And there's something that they, something has the intelligence community under its thumb to say, hey, you give this up, and you're going to suffer for it, there's going to be a punishment dealt out to you if you don't obey the decrees of, well, I get into it in the book that two-party system that I refer to as Repto-Syrian Fascism in the Orion Empire. That's where things are under the gun because their back is against the wall, they realize humanity's waking up, and you can get away with murder if 80% of the plant is asleep and only 20% is aware. But all you need is that kind of a movement to serve as a ripple effect that becomes unstoppable to go after the other 80%. And if humanity wakes up to the fact that it's been under someone else's thumb, well, then the gig is up, bad guys can't stay here anymore, the rule is if the slave wakes up, you can no longer be the master because you got away with being the master behind the scenes. But if they see who you are and you still try to oppress them, then we, we as in the benevolent factions, will step in and stop you because that's also the test of us being able to make our own decision. You can't just have the benevolent factions come down and say, "Tada, we're here, here's all the answers," because the other 80% will deny it, and they won't buy into it. And that's a problem too because then you create more damage than good. I mean, it'd be great. I'd love to cure for cancer and AIDS and diabetes and all that, but you know, we already have those answers. We just have to force the hand of the other side to release it and give it up. And that's where the problem is. And you see this playing out in relation to who's obeying what and who's attached to what puppet strings on that side of it, as opposed to my side of it, people like me who are more like out there educating people on what's happening and what their value is. And no, you're not a piece of garbage, like most people have been led to think, and that you have a great amount of value if you were only to wake up and realize where your family bloodline came from, and that the UFO that landed in your backyard is also your ancient ancestor at the same time, you would realize the value you have within your own community, both in the immediate sense and in the largest sense of the galactic community. Well, so that was wonderful. A lot of what you said is what I had studied, and it's funny that you mentioned the sort of mantids and that race, because from what I researched, they kind of believed in the university cosmic law of one, and with living light frequencies and having, you know, being on the benevolent side of that, whereas on the other, you might have reptilians is the common word that people, you know, talk about with that. We actually had someone on here who said reptilians are actually good and not evil. So, you know, we've heard all different types of things. But one thing, you know, with that is, you know, without light, if you, you know, to have light, you have to have dark, right? You know what I mean? So, there has to be that balance and that, you know, rule and dark rules in the shadows, obviously, like you say, you know what I mean behind the scenes, because if it's drawn out to the light, it dies. When you talk about a significant, like, first contact moment with extraterrestrial life, it does seem, you mentioned 5D, you mentioned, you know, exploring 3D, it does seem that we're turning that dimmer switch a little bit higher on our frequency. You know what I mean? It does seem like as a species, we are doing that. Did we have a first contact moment yet or do we still need to go a little bit with that dimmer a little higher? We've had all sorts of grassroots contact moments for the last 80 years. But they're happening at, they're not walking up, maybe they should, but they're not walking up to the president of the UN or the president of the United States or the premier of China and saying, here we are, you know, they're trying to work with that in a trickle-down effect, but they realize the ground effect upward is equally effective, if not more effective. So naturally, over the last 80 years, you've had all these contact experiences which represent micro-first contacts, whether we castrated those people, ostracized them, or we actually listened to them as another story. And, you know, decades ago, you feel bad for them because they were crucified. Nowadays, they're vindicated, but most of them are dead, so it's too late. And so those first contact, if we broaden the scope of first contact, and yeah, it's already happened, it happened thousands of years ago, too. We have had so many civilizations go by. There was something else like a United States back then. There was something else, you know, there were skyscrapers and smoke glass buildings and iPads and smartphones. We are not the first time, even though we like to put ourselves in the pedal and think we're so above it, and that has caused the major disconnect with our past, which means we have a major disconnect with our contact experiences today. If you don't know your past, then how do you deal with the present? You have nothing to learn from, nothing to compare it to, okay? And that's why we're looking at alien contact in a vacuum, instead of realizing, oh, and I'll borrow a term from Zachary Sichen, we're just simply revisiting Genesis, okay? We're repeating history, and hopefully this time we get it right, because the other thing that's coming around the bend is the reason they have such an interest in us and our ecological balance with the planet is we are coming to that point where Earth is coming face to face with its own imminent mortality as far as what goes on in the solar system and our relationship to the Sun. So they're trying to prepare us for that and hopefully help us get through that. So then we're not set back in other 12,000 years and having the same thing happen all over again, where everybody goes into a panic, everybody loses their mind, and then they go civilization, and then we're stuck, you know, being sheep herders all over again. So, you know, and having to work our way up from there, and when you think of all the ramifications of that, it's like, I wouldn't want to see women go through another 10,000 years of trying to build themselves up again, seeing what happened over the last 10,000 years, okay? That's not something that's inviting. So even that alone. But so that's another reason why they're here is to teach us to value the planet we have. Meanwhile, once again, going back to the theme of wanting to fly before we learn to walk, here we are thinking, let's go colonize Mars, let's go colonize the moon, let's go colonize the moons of Jupiter. Okay, great. That's so fantastic. I'm right there with you until you figure out how to live in harmony with the planet you're on. First, then go out there, because if we go out there with the mentality, the colonial mentality that we are still stuck with, we're going to drag the same garbage out there that we have here only this time around, we're messing around in someone else's territory. And all we need to do is piss off someone who is superior to us. And they're going to be like, all right, that's it. I don't give a damn what the rest of the galactic community says, I'm exterminating this whole species. And that's something we're not prepared for, because we don't even have the right kind of international space treaties to handle it. We have them, but they were written back in the 60s and 70s, just as a precaution with no real foresight to where we've been now. Now we have to go back to those space treaties and rewrite them for commercial use, for colonization, and to handle things the right way. Because what happens when you decide to go after a tradable commodity in the asteroid belt, but someone else in the UFO has already claimed it, then what? Yeah. Okay, that's a big problem right there that gets into the economics of space travel and interrelations with alien contact. How do you handle that without having it come back like a raging tidal wave that wipes the floor up with our planet? You don't want to do that. I mean, we've seen those themes over and over again in shows like Star Trek Enterprise or Babylon 5, the way that started off. Totally handled the wrong way. Human race almost gets wiped out, but what comes into play? Reincarnation. What do they find out? All of their ancient aliens are reincarnating here as humans. And that's a theme that's very real. So that brought the whole extermination of humanity to a dead halt. And I can see that turning into a reality here and now with official first contact. Some of them see because of that frequency, that universal energy, they're realizing some of their own ancestors from elsewhere have come here. We don't know it. It's inside of us. It's in our genetic code in our cellular memory and in our racial memory from eons ago. But that also feeds right into why are they studying certain family bloodlines? Because they can pick up based on frequency who their ancestors are here. Richard, we have a couple of questions in the chat. Mystic whispers podcast wants to know. She's type or he's type zero. Oh, negative thinking that's the type that UFOs go after. What do you say about that? There is the, yeah, there are blood types like that. Oh, negative that has been seen as not exactly something on this planet. Okay, it's almost like it was sideloaded into us from elsewhere. So that is another, I'm not a scientist or medical doctor. I'm not going to nail it down and say that's that, but the evidence does show that that is a tracer. Okay. Okay, and she, we already, you already answered that she was wondering, or he was wondering about your wife. Do you think that UFOs, the nightmares are related to UFO encounters? Do you feel that or is that just a nightmare? What do you think? If you're having a nightmare about something that is way outside your scope of reality, something that does not fit in with your daily life, then I'd say your either, your mind is trying to compensate with a screened memory for a real experience or it's the actual experience itself being reworked in your mind over and over. If it's a nightmare, it could be something misinterpreted or it truly was traumatic. I can't, that's, that's dependent on that person and what was going on with them. So I'm, I'm not going to say it's one or the other because that would be unfair. But most of your dreams and nightmares, are you working out problems in everyday life, work, family, okay, marriage? All of a sudden you're having a nightmare about something that doesn't belong. Okay, that would be like walking through the Garden of Eden and crossing paths with an alien. So, you know, that's what that's like. So yeah, I would say that's a very real thing to take a look at. The nightmare is either you, you trying to work it out or the nightmare is the actual experience. Getting back to the first contact with extraterrestrial life. Now, everybody's talking. You see, you see Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, they're all, oh, the UFOs are coming, you know, aliens are coming. And I know you, you just mentioned it, the first contact, but do you see anything like that happening or do you find it's just going to be like Project Blue being where it's going to be fake? And they can see how they happen in the movies. You know, oh, everybody's looking up at the sky. Do you think that's going to happen? We've had there's two answers to that. Both the reality of it and the masquerade are both valid views. Okay, so here's to read. I'll talk about the masquerade first. On that side of it, you have this consistent evolution of leading people around by the nose. It was first, let's say, the war on drugs. And when that wore out its course, then it transformed into the war on terror. When that was worn out and people started seeing what was going on behind the scenes with the wheeling and dealing to create terrorists, then the next thing would be, well, what's better than that? Well, let's create an alien invasion from the sky that is perpetrated or fraudulent. Okay, so here's that because then that would rain people in. Are there entities out there who would love to just take over the planet by force of shore? That could be a real thing. But they've been able in factions of keeping them at bay at gunpoint. Okay, so like, yeah, go ahead, cross this line, watch what we do to you. Okay, so that's a sign of hope there that the legions of light are a little better at this than the armies of darkness. But the masquerade would be perpetrated by using puppets to orchestrate the masquerade. So whoever orchestrating it, they're not really pulling the strings and pushing the buttons. There's another entity off world that's like, well, what have we got to lose before we lose our profit margins in this solar system? Let's go for broken create an alien invasion. Okay, so because you can manipulate people back into a state of fear and that sense of throwing in the talus security in favor of negating democracy or freedom, then you basically got them. And it's going to take a long time to get them out of that mentality again, which gives the opposing team that much more time to wheel and deal. Okay, on the flip side of it, if you're looking at it as a reality, that's something that's several generations off at least about 50 years. I know some people on the inside, oh, it's going to happen. No, it's not. And if it does, you better run for the hills because of the wrong kind coming down. Okay, so we have a long way to go about 50 years or so to clear out a whole generation that would get in the way. And I'll point out a book that is a must read for anyone who is into official first contact. It is the pinnacle of any books. And it's one of my favorite authors. He was a prophet when he wrote this book and didn't even realize it. And it was the it was his first book. And it was the only one of its kind he ever wrote, because then everything else after that had a general theme about underwater cities and traveling through space. And that's Arthur C. Clark, his first book, which stands apart from the rest, is called Childhood Zenze. It is one hell of a story. And you're going to need a good stiff drink by the time you're done reading it. Okay, it's that kind of story. They actually did a adaptation of it on Amazon recently, which was pretty good. Because I had read the book, the way they depicted things was pretty close to the book. They updated it because of course he wrote the book in the 50s. So it's not like you could just take the book and translate it from a 50s perspective. But it's worth reading, because there's other things that Arthur C. Clark talks about in there that they couldn't put into the movie. But I read that years ago, I think around 2006, it was good. I was like, wow, and I needed like three days to recover after reading it. But as time went on, I started realizing when the official first contact or first contact discussions started coming to the surface more actively in the last 10 years, that book came to mind. I was like, oh, wait a minute, Arthur C. Clark was on to something there. And that to me is the book that represents the blueprint in that even in the book, he says, they waited 50 years to make sure one whole generation went by that closed-minded generation that would get in the way and cause problems. And then they would appeal to that younger generation, two generations later, who were open to receiving them, because what ends up coming off the spaceship at that grand moment of first contact is something that would completely annihilate the psychology of our generation right now based on our brainwashed mythology. What we are brainwashed with depicting as absolute good and absolute evil, because let's face it, we still think in those ridiculous childish black and white terms, we don't see the great tones of humanity like the younger generation does. So it's like a yardstick. You got 36 inches, right? Well, this six inches is what's absolutely evil. This six inches is what's actually good. That's a minority. It doesn't exist. And you got 24 inches in between of the great tones. That's where we all exist. Nobody is looking at that. And that's what the book is about. That's what first contact we'll be playing out as is waiting for, said to say, our generation to go away and get out of the way. And then you can appeal to that more open-minded younger generation of grandchildren and great grandchildren, who will be more open to it and won't have the fear factor of, let's say, mythological stories that have been ingrained into us for 12,000 years. And you see that happening now, that younger generation is completely severed in a good way from all the BS that came before. And they're looking at, let's say, my generation and the generation before me, my dad's generation as this alien thing that they can't even relate to anymore. It's like, who the hell are you? Why do you think like that? This is not what it is. They're actually born with this information. And they're so much more advanced. There's a boy on, I posted it on Facebook, he's all of like 12 years old. He's published four books already. What was I doing at 12? Playing with sticks. I didn't do anything like that at 12, neither did my brother. But this, even my nieces, they are so much further ahead than anywhere my brother and I were. My wife's kids, the same thing. Now we have grandkids and they're much more ahead of their age if I base it on my generation than where we were, okay? You have children who are figuring out how to write their name on the front of the refrigerator at the age of three and spell it out. I had a hard time with the alphabet at the age of three. I didn't even know it existed. So the big difference here with what's going on with the brain chemistry and a lot of that also ties in, well, why are they here? Because they know these younger generations are now fulfilling that genetic legacy of ancient aliens in the bloodline and they're being born in a more advanced state. That can be a little scary for some parents who are still stuck in that older mythological mentality looking at their children. I'm like, "Oh, this is children of the damned." No. You were chosen to be an open-minded parent to handle this, so you better grow up fast and get with it. So that's what's going on there. Now, Rachel, before we let you go, where can people find that your information, your books, the trilogy? It's amazing how fast the time goes by, right? I didn't even realize we were at that point, but they're having so much fun. Anyway, they can get my books. They're on Amazon. However, the easiest way to have those links, go to my website at, all one word, You'll see the books are on there. You'll even see the books link at the top you can click on because each one of the books has a direct link to Amazon. And I will tell you this. If you go looking for them yourself on Amazon, if it doesn't say trilogy of light, you didn't get the right one, okay? So it's part of the trilogy of light series, part one, two, and three, the more the Mason and the Alien. And there's also a prelude to that called "Legions of Light, Armies of Darkness." And if you're sorry, I had them down here. In case you're wondering what that symbol was, I spoke about earlier, that's the symbol, okay? And it stands for progeny, peace, and prosperity. That's the one that the chrome gave me all those years ago. And I still have the original marker rendering from way back then. So I saved it all these years. But yeah, that's where they can go. There's a contact link on there too. They can contact me for any number of reasons, okay? So that would be the best thing. And if you're looking for me, all you have to do is type in the word UFO teacher and a bazillion different social media things will come up, okay? Well, it was a pleasure having you, I have a little view on you. Definitely. Thank you. Okay, Richard, it was great to have you on the show. You tell you how to have it. We'll have you back. Yes, and have a great rest of your night. Bye-bye there. Bye-bye. That was very interesting. Yeah, no, very, very smart guy, very good guy. Knew a lot about a lot. And yeah, you know, I'm glad we had somebody on to correct the reptilian bed. Yeah, that's what I wanted to hear because Mantis, palladians, those types, those are the light energy aliens and they believe in that cosmic law of one, which for everybody real quick is your vibrational balance. We talk about good and evil because those are terms we can understand. They higher frequency, good, lower vibrational frequency bed. So it's the same thing. It's just calling it two different things. You have some on the higher side and the reptilians are on the lower side and they want to keep the low with the low because then they have buddies. The high are trying to get us to be enlightened, but that cosmic law of one from God essentially is they can't interfere with us because our existence he's right would be null and void because we have to figure it out. We have to overthrow our dark oppressors. You understand? You know what I mean? Yeah, one thing I wanted, I was going to ask him and then I totally forgot. Okay, how the spirituality like what is his views is God? Did God create the extraterrestrials? Yes. Yes. My view. I don't know if I ever told you. Well, this is my view on it. And God created the heavens and the earth. He created all these other beings, but he wasn't really happy with them. They outcome of them. So he put them someplace else in the universe. And that's my idea of X E T's. And then when he finally, finally said, okay, well, I'm just going to make them in my image. And that's human beings. Now, what do you think about that? So that's not too far off of what the general from a lot of people that I've talked to in the UFO realm from the general consensus of the overlap of spirituality and UFOs. That is essentially where that is. If you believe in God as a creator, you cannot disbelieve that aliens and UFOs exist because if he created them, he's still their God. He's still there, whatever, you know, we call it God, but whatever they call it, you know what I mean? Source, higher power, highest vibrational energy, creator. They all are here to that. And yes, I've heard that as well, Jenny, that, you know, we're in his image. And others were being made, you know what I mean? As he was, I don't want to say testing out, but he was making these different entities to fill up. And each has has their own test. Each has their own way of getting into the eternal kingdom. So it'd be impossible for us to grade ourselves on, let's say a reptilian or let's say a different type of life, you know, creature. Yeah. Okay. Well, let's play these videos for the backup put up. I think we played the first two. And then we played the first two. The people. A guard told me that he was asked to burn some photographs. I had a secret clearance. I was able to go into restricted areas, which this was. And I walked into a photo lab, which was the NASA lab across the hallway. At the time, I was talking to one of the texts in there. And he drew my attention to a photograph that announced a photograph. And this was an aerial photograph of the earth. I'm assuming the earth because it had pine trees on it. And the shadows of the craft or whatever it was were in the same angle as the trees. And by its very nature, UFO, and I wanted to clarify that to a gentleman that was talking to me, means unidentified. So I did not know what this was. But I realized at this point that it's very secret that it was kept secret because I asked him, what are you going to do with this piece of information? And he said, we always airbrush these out before we sell them to the public. After that, I decided I would ask questions to other people. A guard told me that he was asked to burn some photographs and not to look at them. And there was a guard, another guard guarding him who was in green fatigues watching him burn the photographs. And he said he was too tempted. He looked at one and it was a picture of a UFO. And he was very descriptive. I can go into that later with anyone. He immediately was hit in the head and he had a big gash in his forehead. He was knocked out and he was terrified. So he would have to be protected. So I do want to let you know that I worked out there for a number of years. And this, I ran into this. So it's not something everyone knows that works out there for a long time. My boss didn't know about it. Some people that sat right next to me didn't know about it. It's very strange because I don't know how they can do it, but they can let some people know about it and then others not. I'm willing to testify before Congress that what I'm saying is true. And thank you very much. Wow. That was NASA, right? Yeah, that's what I was thinking about when we had that one guest on the show. I thought that's what she was going to talk about. But of course, that was crazy. Yeah. The key piece of that that stuck out to me was, oh, yeah, we always airbrush. Like it was nothing. Like it was just comment and procedure of what they do before they get them out to the public. You can't tell me that they don't have anomalous photographs in NASA. You know, James Webb telescope is searching areas that were never seen before. And before that, the Hubble was searching areas that we have never seen before. So if those, let me put it this way. If they didn't alter these photographs, why isn't there a live stream? Why isn't there a live stream of what these telescopes can do? You have live streams in outer space. You see them talking to people back on Earth video, but that's all their data. They won't put it out for everybody because there has to be something there. You have live streams of zoos with baby birds and baby, you know, whatever, you know, you have live stream. If you go take your dog to the kennel, I understand it's here all there. But there's means to send that data back down here. Yeah, let's do this one more before we can get on. Sure. Following the alien disclosure stuff this year, you've got to see this documentary. In 1996, a small town in Brazil experienced multiple UFO events. In the documentary, when you go to this town, it's just common knowledge that aliens exist and that this thing happened. A UFO crashed in a farmer's field. And one of the guys who witnessed the crash takes some of the documentarians back to the site where it happened. And I got to say he's very believable. After the crash, multiple citizens reported seeing strange creatures in the city. Three girls who saw one of these creatures are interviewed in the documentary and their story is unbelievable. Apparently one guy touched one of these creatures and it killed him. One of the biggest arguments against all this alien stuff is that all this information only comes out of the US. After watching this documentary, you might think twice about that moment of contact. I've actually watched that. And if you haven't, I don't think I have moment of contact. Yeah, you have to watch it because this person was right. They're extremely believable. The reason why it, you know, you don't hear about these things is because in South America, it's common knowledge. It's common sense. They know UFOs exist. They know they have these things. It's not as taboo, you know what I mean as countries. But they're, that's the, I mean, I'm sure there's other ones, but off the top of my head, I can't remember any other alien contact that killed a human being other than this one. And you hear about that? You hear from his mother. So you're hearing from his mother and his sister, I believe that how he died and the infection, which was his tart. I can't remember exactly, but I believe it was an autoimmune infection, which doesn't make sense, but it was his own body attacking the area that, that the alien touched so much that it killed him. You know what I mean? It flooded his body with whether it's antibodies or not, but it killed him because so it was an infection. It wasn't like on that art battle episode where the guy did the animal dissolved. So this is totally, this is like an infection. This guy, this alien crashed, right? This craft crashed. I believe there was one or two that were dead at the site of the craft. And there was one that scampered away. And that's what, when she mentioned the lady seeing it in the town, that's what the lady saw in the town before it got picked up by the, before it got picked up by the military. But he picked up this dead alien right here. I believe and carried it to a truck. Something totally benign, something like he wasn't, you know what I mean? He just picked it up and moved it, was fine. And then over, now I think he was in the hospital for like a long, long long, that it just infected his butt, but it wasn't an outside agent. His body thought something was trying to kill him, but nothing was. You watch it. It's crazy. It's totally crazy. I watch it. Yeah, it's a fantastic story. But in the end, they talk about what happened to the craft and all of that. And they said that the United States military came in and took the craft away. Even though it's not our country, not our government, they, you know, Brazil back then, it still is, but back then was very, very poor. So they, you know, you give them some American money. They're they're gonna be happy to get that. But if anybody wants to read more about aliens, you can read from the sky trilogy on Amazon and Barnes and Hiller on Amazon too, by Tom Colway. Absolutely. If you want to get into everybody remember we're on Thursday nights at 8 p.m. So we have to get some of our people that we lost from Tuesday night. Bring them on over here. Okay. What do you say, Tom? Thank you, everybody. It's been wonderful. We can't wait. We're so happy with this network. And so happy that all of you can be listening on the radio as well. You can go to and play our song right there or play our song, play our radio player right from the website. And coming soon, we'll be on Odyssey. Listen to us on iHeartRadio. We'll have a mobile app, both Android and Apple. And you can hear us on TuneIn, which will cover all of your smart devices. So pretty soon within the next couple of days, you can say Alexa, play the Oracle talk radio network, and we will come up. We are going in front of you in every place we want you to listen to us in your car. When you come in the door, turn us on your smart speaker. When you go to the bathroom, put us on your phone. When you go to bed, put us on the TV because everybody sleeps with the TV on, don't they? So please share the Oracle talk radio network. We are, and Jenny, are we? We're very proud of the guests and the hosts that we have on here. We have wonderful people. And a lot of them, we didn't know before this, but we just got to know everybody. And it seems like a wonderful crowd. Yeah, we want to thank you guys. And we want you to participate too. So make sure if you're watching this later, come on in eight. So we, you guys can interact with us in the chat because we really want that. And if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here too. So all right, then have a great night. Enjoy your weekend coming up and don't forget to listen to Gemma After Dark ASMR on Friday Live at 11 o'clock. I'm not sure which one I think is 11. Okay, you have a good one. (upbeat music)