Divinely Driven: Quantum Leap Through Manifestation For Feminine Leaders

The Millionaire Mindset: The Ultimate Investment for Manifesting Abundance

Broadcast on:
24 Sep 2024
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Are you struggling to manifest your dreams despite your best efforts? Discover why investing in your consciousness is the key to transforming your reality and achieving lasting abundance. In this episode, I reveal how expanding your consciousness can unlock your full potential as a visionary and female entrepreneur. Many of us focus solely on external actions, neglecting the power of our inner world. But by aligning your mindset, energetics, and spiritual practices, you can overcome limiting beliefs and tap into the quantum field of infinite possibilities.

Expect to learn:

  • Why consciousness work is crucial for sustainable success and fulfillment
  • How to balance business growth with spiritual development for effortless manifestation
  • Techniques to expand your nervous system's capacity to handle bigger blessings and challenges

Ready to make the most impactful investment in yourself and your business? Listen now and start your journey to elevated consciousness and sustainable abundance.

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Discover the ultimate podcast where a female entrepreneur delves into the realms of meditation, hypnosis, sound healing, and breathwork, guiding you through visualization techniques, spirituality, and shadow work to achieve enlightenment and awaken consciousness, while exploring the law of attraction, manifestation, and the quantum physics behind the divine feminine and abundance mindset.

(upbeat music) Your manifestations, the money you make, the clients you get, the relationship you have, it's not only a result of what you do, it's more so a result of who you become. (upbeat music) Welcome to Divinely Driven, the podcast for Awaken Female Visionaries. We'll chat our limiting beliefs, program your mind for success, and manifest your dream life from within. I'm your host, Ceci Erickson. And today we have another episode of Monday Microdose, which consists of short clips from previous podcast that I found to be extra impactful and want to offer some further reflections on. Enjoy. (upbeat music) Hello, gorgeous human being. Today we're gonna talk about how changing your consciousness transforms your reality. Expect to learn why investing in your consciousness is the greatest investments you'll ever make, why you should be investing equally as much in your consciousness as your business if you're looking to the right to the next level. How to make sure that you hold the new level of your manifestations, and they don't just become a one-time thing, but actually a new level that you get to level up to and hold with ease, grace, and contentment. So there will be times when you feel that you are too busy to prioritize your consciousness and maybe really expanding in your business. And there's so many things going on and you feel like you don't have time to prioritize your level up right now. You already have more than enough dealing with what is currently going on. You are likely rationalizing this in your mind in different ways. Like, my life doesn't change by just thinking it will. I need to prioritize action. I don't get paid to listen to this podcast and I need to make cash right now. Those are valid arguments, however, even though you don't get paid to listen into this and the changes you create in your internal reality might not get reflected in the external reality overnight. That does not mean you will not generate well from spending time listening. And I can assure you, it is one of the best ways you invest in changing your life. I want you to remember that if you want to create an abundant life, the most important thing is not that you swap out the time you would have invested in this with hard work. That is not what will make you abundant. It's about that one concept you will learn in this podcast or the activation that would all market limiting belief would in you that's been rubbing off in your entire life for years. Making you play small, making you feel like the completely wrong people to work with are your business so mates. Or you're not taking action on a brilliant idea because you're too afraid to fail because in your body, failing feels like dying. ROI and ROI unlocking those limiting beliefs could be worth 10, 20, 30 times. What you would be paid for the time you just spent listening into an hour of something that could expand your consciousness. So I always wanted to remember there is an incredible return and investing in your consciousness and capacity to hold light. Everything that happens in your business, your family and in your relationships are all a reflection of your consciousness and your capacity to hold the light that is always available to you. Comes back to the Hermetic principle. Ask within so without. And this is incredibly true. If you are currently feeling like you're not in luck or you have the reality in life that you truly desire and want, I want you to, yes, keep taking aligned action but don't just go out there and hustle because the real change happens from within. When you change your level of worth, what you desire and the way you treat yourself, everything in your reality will start to change because your manifestations, the money you make, the clients you get, the relationship you have, it's not only a result of what you do. It's more so a result of who you become. So imagine that you have some new clients that want to work with you. And yes, marketing is important to sell a program but it doesn't really matter how good the marketing for your program is because you'll never be able to sell programs if your audience doesn't resonate with you because the main thing that they see is not what you're saying, they see you as the unique vehicle to get them to where they want to be which means that your consciousness is reflected in how well you do. And if you believe that doubly revenue means to double your stress, you are not gonna double your business because even though you might send up marketing emails and just strategy calls with your team, there is a part of you that is secretly hoping that the business doesn't grow. And your belief system, a doubling of growth equals a doubling of stress. So imagine someone has been hosting retreats for years, offers to partner with you to host a retreat or invites you to speak at a conference but you'll sing that. Not really feeling it. There is something wrong about this. It just doesn't seem quite right. When the perfect collaboration comes, you will actually reject it. Maybe there's a certain level of worthiness that are not there, you are afraid that you will not be able to deliver and perform because you don't have the confidence within you, your expression, what you can serve and who you can be. But when the people who come along and have never done this before and are unreliable, come and ask you to host a retreat together, you're like, yes, this is a perfect collaboration. My intuition is telling me this is it. I'm so happy you're here. If you're finding this helpful, I would love for you to subscribe wherever you prefer to listen into the show. You'll be the first to know when new episodes drop and it really does support the podcast and helps me get even more amazing guests to help you in your evolution. So what actually happened is that your limited belief system just found its perfect match. And because deep down you don't want this to succeed because you don't want to double the stress in your life, it will feel safer to go with the alternative that is less likely to take up. So as you keep listening to this podcast, you will see that when you change the lens you view your life through, your entire life will change. Please know that the time you invest in elevating your consciousness will rub off on every single part of your life. During the past few months, I've been very busy. This will happen to all of us. You will likely have times where you feel like, I am so busy right now, there's just enough time in my day to prioritize my consciousness. I have responsibilities. I have things that I need to take care of. And this happens to me too. We all get sucked into what happens in our life. During the past few months, I've been very busy. I've been spending a lot of time on my podcast, creating a course, working on structuring new things in my business, onboarding new people, producing music, traveling a lot for my own expansion and to hold space for others. So I've been spending a lot of time and money on my business with little to no immediate return. Building out offerings that will create more retention down the line. I would stay up late and spend most of my days working because this is my mission. I'm working for my mission and it felt so incredibly aligned. But as I kept leveling up, my delivery in my business, I kept meeting new challenges. Technology kept crashing on me. I was tired. People that I had trusted to do a good job was not delivering in the way that I expected them to. The fact is that I was spending a lot of time expanding in my business, but not an equal amount of time expanding my consciousness. Yes, I was still meditating every day and listening into audiobooks or podcasts. But when I am really, really leveling up in my business, it means I might need to spend even more time than usual elevating my consciousness. Because as I'm rising to new level of responsibility, of leadership, I also really need to make sure that I can lead with what I believe to be the most magnetic force of all, which is my authenticity. I need to make sure that I feel comfortable, not only delivering at this level, but also receiving at this level. Because it means when you level up, you're gonna have bigger blessings, but you're also likely gonna have bigger challenges. And when things fall apart, you need a nervous system that is able to hold up. So in order to do that, there needs to be work on the consciousness, which means meditations. If noses, contemplating, being present in nature, and just really making sure that there's time and space for your nervous system to recalibrate to this new level up, instead of just going gung ho on what you actually truly want. Because it might mean that things are gonna come in and manifest in the physical reality really fast. You are likely not gonna have the structure in order to hold that new up level. It might feel so expansive for your nervous system that you just feel a lot of anxiety and stress and something that should be a blessing, just feels like overwhelm at that time. And that is not where we wanna be. We want you to come to a place where you can be really blessed and have a lot of impact and responsibilities and amazing things happen in your life and be able to hold that with grace, with ease and with contentment. So this is actually one of the strongest pillars in my course that I'm launching this fall, which is all about the biological light. When you have already released your limiting beliefs and you are starting to really level up, it's very important that the nervous system has the capacity in order to keep expanding and holding your expansions. I see that a lot of people are really great at manifesting, but when those blessings come, they have no idea how to hold it. Instead of rising to that new level that they had one or two manifestations come in at, they default back to where they used to be, because in their nervous system, this feels so stressful and so much anxiety instead of feeling like the blessing it's supposed to be. I really wanna invite you into that container. You will find more information about this in the show notes and I really invite you to come. This is gonna be your next level into greater self leadership, greater magnetism, the energy to really take action of what you want in your life and have the capacity to not only make these manifestations clock in once or twice, but to really hold them and to have that be your new level. I'm gonna teach you how to connect to the quantum fields and the divine energy and light that is always available to you that will help you manifest bigger blessings, greater reality and expand fast. So if that resonates with you and you're ready to level up and hold bigger, greater blessings then please check out the link in the show notes and I cannot wait to see you in there. In this episode, you've learned that investing in your consciousness is one of the greatest investments you'll ever make. Why you need to go equally as hard and investing in your consciousness as investing in your business. The key to not have great manifestations, slip through your fingers, but to actually have them become your new level and anchor into that up level with ease and joy. I hope this landed for you. Until next time, ciao. Thank you for listening in and taking the time to invest in your revolution. If you want to dive deeper with me, I would love to invite you into my mentorship. This is for you if you're ready to take radical ownership over your own experience, break through energetic ceilings and quantum leap in your reality. From I am fine to feeling it all, from hustling to alignment, from seeking validation to self-sourcing radical trust, from overthinking to complete presence. You'll find the link in description if you feel cold. Until next time. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]